Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 21, 2023


Chapter 13. Another email to Steven; preparations for Twinknight.

About mid-morning Saturday, Steven gets another email, this time with c-`s picture taken when he was at work during the week in his scrub pants and under it another message: "$20,000. Is it really worth that much to you? Indicate your interest by leaving a yellow light on upstairs Saturday night. Final offer."

Needless to say, Steven is uneasy about this. Especially since he got the picture. Whoever this is knows exactly what he (or she?) is after. But why? After all, this is completely illegal. Maybe in the trafficking world it's common, but certainly not above board and involving an executive of a major corporation.

He calls Frank to tell him what's going on, and he forwards the email to him. Frank suggests that he follow through on it just to see if he can find out who the hell is doing this, but Steven immediately turns down the idea. He's not going to do anything to risk c-`s well-being, and, in fact, now he's having second thoughts about sending Conor back to work at the same place next week.

He goes into the kitchen, where Conor is in the process of getting things together for a nice supper for them. He asked for permission to do some cooking and Steven agreed, wondering what the slave would come up with. But there he is, lost in chopping some vegetables he was going to use in this dish he's making. He's completely naked and Steven notices that there is a piece of greenery on his chest slightly above his left nipple. Steven sits at the table just watching the naked slave going about its work. He is so adorable, Steven thinks to himself, worth far more than 20k. Steven suddenly has a funny idea: he wishes he could "chip" the slave with a tracker and maybe some personal information, just in case anything ever happened to it. He looked the whole thing up on his phone and realized that it would not be anything he'd want to consider despite his concerns for the boy's safety. Perhaps the best thing would be to just keep the boy always constricted, naked, collared, leashed, bound, and at home.

He just wishes he could get a handle on what these emails are all about. Frank thought to see if their lawyers might wish to get involved, but Steven really doesn't want this information getting out any further than it already is. The simple solution would be to just make sure all the lights in the house are off tonight before he cages the slave and goes to be himself.

He goes over to where Conor is at work and asks him to stand still for a bit while he inspects the marks from the caning. They seem to be gradually disappearing and when he squeezes the slave's butt, it breathes a little heavily. "How great is the pain on a scale of 1-10?" he asks. He's already spoken to the slave about a rating system and without giving it much thought, Conor answers, "4, Master."

"So if I were to bend you over and paddle you right now, would you be able to endure it?"

"I can take a lot, Master. A whole lot."

"I know that, boy, but my goal here isn't to brutalize you when you don't deserve to be punished, but rather a simple exploration of your tolerances after you were recently caned. I want to make sure you can take a good thrashing tomorrow afternoon if I decide to give a demonstration."

"But, Master, if you paddle your slave now, it will be even less able to withstand anything tomorrow in front of everyone there. It might break down a lot sooner than you would wish."

"True. Well, I guess, you just talked yourself out of a paddling, c-. But not this. . . . " Steven reaches down and quickly shoves two fingers up the slave's ass and the slave grunts and then immediately pushes back against s-`s fingers while letting out a weak whine.

Steven kisses the slave on the back of its neck. "You are so wonderfully compliant, c-."

"Wonderfully horny, Master. That ass is yours, Master, but all you do is tease it," Conor says with a naughty smile on its face."

"My slave is both compliant and horny," quips s-. "Perfect combination."

"Only for you, Master. Anyone you want can fuck your slave, Master, but only you can make love to it. Even if you fuck the shit out of me it would still be making love to me because it would be your cock, Master. Is it okay to feel this way about you?"

"Why do you feel so strongly about me, boy?"

"Because you rescued me, Master, and made me your slave. And you brought me to a nice home. And you tell me nice things and let me know what you like the most and how to please you best. No secrets. Nothing to figure out. Just take what you give me and obey you in all things. So simple, Master."

"But how do you know there might not be a better Master out there for you, boy?"

"There couldn't be because it wouldn't be you, Master, and my heart would break in pieces."

"Do you always give away your heart so quickly, c-?"

"Never done it before, Master. Never realized a boy like me was allowed to have a heart. Never felt anything other than fear and anger before."

"Well then I wish I could lock up your heart the same way I'm able to lock up your dick, slave."

"You already have, Master."

"Even if I beat you every day? Or continue to humiliate you?"

"Even then, Master. I need those things, Sir!"


"I don't know, Master and I don't want to know. Please, Master."

"Please what, slave?"

"Please don't fuck my mind too much, Master? You make me think more than I ever have before. It's hard, Master, to answer your questions some times."

"You'd rather be crawling on the floor and licking up my piss while I stand over you with a belt."

"Yes, Sir! If you really want me to."

"Some time, perhaps, c-, but not now. I'll leave you be so you can finish what you're doing."

"I like it when you're near me, Master. Even if there's a belt or paddle in your hand."

"I don't want to beat you today. I want to save your flesh until tonight when others can see how much power I have over you."

"I hope everyone can see, Master."

"You know what I want right now, Conor? I want you to go upstairs and get dressed in boxer briefs, jeans, an undershirt and a heavy plaid button down with socks and sneakers."

"Yes, Master." And Conor goes upstairs to do what it was told to do, never questioning anything. That's not in its nature.

The reason Steven wanted Conor completely dressed is so that he could have the pleasure of watching the slave be stripped again before being slapped around and then locked into its cage for the night. But all that will come later on.

Conor comes back downstairs and continues his supper preparations without ever asking the Master why he wanted him to be dressed. that's just the way Conor is. the slave does what it's told with little or no reaction, questioningm or resistance. it lives to obey. For some this seems too good to be true, but after all this is fiction, and most bdsm porn fiction is violent and brutal. So here's a change: slaves that are in love with their Masters. Do it ever really happen? Of course it does. Just ask around.

Steven comes to the doorway from time to time and calls the slave over and then gives it a good few minutes of face slapping and spitting, then sending it back to complete its work once there are tears in its eyes. He thinks this slave is particularly beautiful with tear-filled eyes and bright red cheeks. Every single time he finishes up another slapping session the slave says "thank you, Master, for helping me remember that you own me."

Stevende cides that when he brings Conor to TWINKNIGHT tonight it will wear the collar and be gagged with penis gag as well. He won't cover the slave's eyes. He just wants to give it a chance to see what transpires between other Doms, Masters and their faggot slaveboys. Nonetheless, he feels it important to expose this slave to other styles since it has so little experience. He will not be able to easily accept this slave's hero worship and declarations of love and admiration until the slave has had a wider range of experiences. A visit to the Club should prove to be enlightening for the inexperienced sub.

Supper is delicious. Nonetheless, Steven continues to feed his slave from a bowl on the floor, but at least it gets to enjoy the food it has prepared for them both. Of course, however, first the slave is required to chow down on its Master's feet until the Master has finished his own supper before scraping leftovers into the slave's bowl, and tonight, just because he wants the slave to understand that its sweet words to its Master doesn't in any way secure any leniency on the part of its Master, Steven pisses in the slave's food bowl before giving it permission to go and eat its supper.

One final preparation before they leave for the Club. Steven orders Cono rto drop its pants and then its Master rubs an generous amount of Ben Gay into the slave's balls before packing up its pants and ordering it into the car for the trip to the bar. Conor weeps quietly on the way there, despite feeling grateful to its Master for continually addressing its need for pain and humiliation. This is only the beginning for the slave tonight. We'll return to that after taking a peek at what's going on with its brothers on this particular Saturday before they leave for Twinknight.

Gary and Oscar decide to go out to breakfast and leave the slaves at home to take care of laundry and housework. Brando nand Michael have not had much time to be alone together lately, so they take advantage of this time and work side by side at the many tasks that need to be done. It feels good for the two of them to be naked together and out from underneath their Masters' eyes.

"I'm very surprised at the change that's come over Gary this week," Brandon tells his former roommate. "I thought it would take a long time for us to work out the Master/slave dynamic considering our long history of friendship, but Gary continually keeps surprising me with the things he comes up with to make me realize how serious he is about becoming my Master if the fullest sense of the word."

"Do you miss the way things used to be?" asks m-.

"Not really," says b-. "I wasn't sure how I would take to things, especially since he now admits that he's gay and that he wants to control me even more than he already has, but the truth is that we've practically been like Master and slave since we were kids. Gary's always been in charge. And in high school, I was sucking his cock several times a week and getting nothing in return other than him talking to me while I jerked off. In fact, a couple times he had me suck off friends of his, but always had me blindfolded so I didn't know who it was I was servicing. But now he's even kissing me and fucking me and sometimes even making love to me in addition to spanking me and it keeps blowing my mind how much things have changed."

Michael says "You and me both. I guess all we need to do is just ride with all the changes like we're on horses and can't get off."

"Or a roller coaster. There are definitely ups and downs. And what happens if you try to get off a roller coaster?"

Michael laughs. "With Oscar I think we're still climbing that first scary hill."

"Is there something you're scared about, honey?"

"Not about him. About me."

"how so?"

"Damn, b-, I guess I'm more of a sub than I ever realized I was. After all, this was supposed to the vanilla relationship I was going to try in order to get away from all the toxic Doms I had back up north. And so, what do I end up with? Not only a Dom but a Master, and he keeps saying that it's all my fault, that I've been bringing it out of him, that he's only responding to what my needs are. Never ever thought I'd actually need a Master, but here we are, and as crazy as all this is, what is ever crazier is that I'm crazy about him!"

"So here we are, two sub boys in love with our Doms. Michael, we are in big trouble!"

"But b-, you said you were in love with Justin too."

"Big illusion, dude. I think I was in love with bdsm, not with Justin. Thought I loved him because I loved what he was introducing me to. But this is completely different. I've loved Gary for as long as I can remember, and I would have been happy just being his cocksucker the way I was in high school for as long as he wanted it. But now, WOW!"

The laundry is done. They get everything out and sorted and folded and after that, they're pretty much finished with their chores, or as Steven likes to put it, their "slave labor."

Michael says to b-, "I wish we could call or text c-. I'd love to know how he's doing."

"Having served as Steven's slave, I have a good idea that he's probably sore and bound and has piss on his breath. Anyway, we'll get to see him tonight."

"Sure, but that doesn't mean we'll be allowed to talk to the kid."


They hear the car pulling up to the house, so they decide to grovel by the door so that when the Doms come in they'll be pleased with their submission. And so it happens.

"Well, look at this!" Gary says to Oscar. Two slaves who really know their place. It's so hot seeing them like this."

"Makes me think I'm gonna fuck mine before we leave for the Club later," says o-.

"Wanna fuck them side by side?" asks Gary.

"Good idea," answers o-, who orders Michael to go upstairs and get the lube. When he comes back downstairs, Gary positions both boys bent over the opposite ends of the couch, their asses high in the air, legs spread, both waiting to be used for their Masters' pleasure.

Gary starts to take off his belt and Oscar gets the same idea, so next thing we know, both men have their belts in hand and set up a rhythm. Gary belts his boy, then Oscar his, then back and forth for a while, never really getting too harsh, just enough to warm them both up and make them crave their Masters' dicks.

Watching each other, Gary and Oscar put their dicks at the entrance to the boys' holes, and on a count of 3, they both take the plunge and enjoy hearing the moans and grunts coming from their slut slaves.

What's going on in their minds?

Michael is looking into Brandon`s eyes and experiences a new degree of subjugation, having never been fucked before in the presence of anyone else. Oscar takes long slow strokes and each time it feels as if he is opening up new space inside the slave's body. Michael tries to spread his legs farther apart to give its Master yet more room to dive deeply within him. "This is it!" the slave says to itself. "Owned. Just a hole for my Master. Not a thought given to whether or not I was in the mood for this. He just takes what he wants, how he wants it and when he wants it. Oh my God, never thought I'd want to be ruled over like this."

Brandon actually has tears in his eyes. Yes, indeed, he is Garys boy in every way now, just as he begged to be. He's not used to feeling g's well-formed cock up his ass before, never even thought of it much, in fact, but here they are now and the two Masters are like frat brothers enjoying easy fucks with two submissive sluts. He tries to move a bit and tighten inner muscles to give Gary even greater pleasure and Gary's grunts indicate that he's succeeded. Gary smacks his ass as he fucks it, and Brandon is still sore from the way Gary beat him last night so Gary is re-igniting the pain and reminding him of how he'd been totally degraded and owned by his life-long friend last night, and that this is never going to change. Despite the pain he feels and the pleasure of g-s rod stroking itself inside him, b-`s tears are actually more tears of happiness than tears of regret, pain, or humiliation.

The MEN coordinate themselves so they are both ready to explode inside their slaves at the same time, and, with whoops and hollers, they unload themselves inside their slaves' bodies and then just collapse in a heap over the slaves' backs until they naturally withdraw. Oscar rushes into the kitchen to grab a roll of paper towels and tosses some to Gary so they can wipe the boy's asses and make sure that nothing is spilled on the couches.

"Reach back and hold the towel to your ass then get downstairs and into the bathroom without letting anything else spill out of you!" Gary commands Brandon, then Oscar gives the same instructions to m-. Once they are gone, the guys wipe their own dicks and have a good chuckle over how much fun that was.

"Any ideas about how you're gonna keep your boy in the right frame of mind for tonight?" asks o-.

"I'm gonna plug its ass, fill its belly with my piss then hold it in my arms and let it sleep for a while," says g-. "I also have a couple of things I want to discuss with it and that will be a good time. Like I told you in the diner, I think I'm going to have it start calling me Daddy once in a while. Even though we're the same age, I want it to regress a few years. Not sure if it will respond, but I have a hunch it will."

"good luck with that. Obviously I don't need to fabricate an age difference, so I'm all set in that area, but I don't think I'm really into the Daddy thing. At least not right now. I'm just starting to get used to Master, after all. Hey, good luck with what you want to do. I hope it works out for you."

"Gonna try it out for size, but it really doesn't matter. I own that faggot lock stock and barrel and that's just the way it wants things to be. That's all that really matters."

They part company and go off to tend to their charges like good caretakers.

Not very long after that, Brandon, ass plugged, is lying in Gary`s arms. "Do you know what I like best about our new arrangement, Master?"

"What is it, Brandon?"

"That now you sometimes hold me in your arms and it makes me feel like a little boy, safe and being protected by you."

"Just like I've always protected you, sweetheart. You have no idea how many times I ran interference for you with guys who were out to bully you. I'd never let anyone ever lay a hand on you."

"Except for now, but now it's you who lays a hand on me, especially across my ass when you're spanking me for something."

"It's all part of the way I protect you, slave. I protect you from yourself. I protect you from doing stupid things that slaveboys like you should never be doing. And tonight at the Club, when I have you walking around naked in a collar and on a leash, you know damn well that no harm will come to you. I'd destroy anyone who wanted to harm you, baby. You belong to me. No one gets to touch my property without my permission."

"Yes, Daddy. I feel so safe with you."

"what did you just call me?"

"Daddy. Is that okay?"

"Okay? It's fucking hot, baby. Call me Daddy anytime you want. Damn, it's too bad that you couldn't have been calling me Daddy after your real Daddy died. That would have made things so much easier for you."

"I remember back then, Gary. I was staying at my Nana's because Mom was too wrecked to care for me, and most of the time I would just be lying on my bed in my room crying and feeling like the loneliest boy in the whole world. And then one day, my bedroom door opened and you were standing there looking so nice and sweet and you came over to me and sat on the bed with me and put your hand over my heart and I totally lost it. Next thing I remember, I was lying in your arms, just like now, and I didn't feel so alone any longer. There was nothing sexy about it at all. It was just you taking care of me when I was most needy. And after that, you were always there for me, and I learned that it was okay for me to cry in your presence and you would never tease me about it or put me down for being a baby."

"And I'd never tease you or put you down now, baby, when you feel like calling me Daddy. So don't hesitate. When you feel it, say it. When you need me to take special care of you, say it. When you need to feel like my little boy, just say it."

"Okay Daddy."

"So now I have a question for you to answer, if you can. When I'm holding you in my arms and you're calling me Daddy, how young are you?"

Brandon thinks for a while . . . . "um . . . probably 13, just like it was back then, that terrible year when you were the one I could hold on to and feel like I'd not just been abandoned.

"Interesting. And, if I remember correctly, when you were 13 you still didn't have any pubes growing in yet."

"that's right. Just like now. No pubes. I'm just your little boy, Daddy, and you take such good care of me."

"And when you're being a brat, you know what will happen, baby."

"Yes, Daddy. Over your knees and you always spank me until I cry."

"That's how Daddies know their boys have gotten the message. Just my hand on your bare ass, b-. that's all it takes to let you know how much I care about you."

"Thank you for taking care about me, Daddy."

"Sshh! Sleep now, baby. And when I wake you from your nap, just remember that no matter what you call me, I am still your Master. I fucking own you. You belong to me. Now only are you my baby, you're my property too. and that's what you're gonna be tonight in front of everyone at the club. But I'll be there protecting you. I love my slaveboy."

And with that, b-`s eyes close and soon he is slumbering, feeling safe, protected, cherished and owned.


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