Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 19, 2023


Chapter 12. Conor's "day off"; checking up on the others.

Steven contacted the other three members of his team, Kelton, Frank and Ned, and invites them over his place around tea-time to meet his new slave and perhaps get a taste of it. (The story "Brandan's Bosses" tells about these characters and the role they once played in Brandon`s life.)

He deliberately kept the slave locked up until 12 noon, and the slave was almost frantic by the time he let it loose. Not only had it filled the urinal provided, but it had wet itself as well and there was quite a mess for it to clean up after Steven had opened its cage. It immediately asked for permission to use the bathroom for a bowel movement, and once all that was taken care of, it had to clean the cage and then take a shower before it would be given anything to eat.

Shower completed, Conor walks carefully into the kitchen, not sure if he should be crawling or not, but Steven doesn't seem to care. He sets the slave's usual breakfast in its bowl on the floor and it bows to the bowl to eat what it was given. While it is eating Steven tells the slave that he has three colleagues coming over this afternoon to view the slave and perhaps enjoy some of its obedient service. He reminds the slave that it's back hasn't been beaten, caned or whipped yet, so there is always a new area to punish should it do anything to disappoint its Master.

After it ate its breakfast, the slave was ordered back into the bedroom to suck its Master's cock and drink a load of His piss, and then was simply let free to check out things in the house and do any cleaning or fixing that seemed needed.

Conor is a little dazed and figured it must have been because of being locked up for so long, not knowing that Steven had added to its breakfast to put it into a relaxed and mellow mood when his friends came over. This will be the first time the four of them have been together to enjoy a slave since they had owned Brandon before turning that slave over to Gary who had a prior claim on it.

Conor was ordered to open the door wide for each visitor when the doorbell rang, to step aside as he entered, and then to bow down to the ground to show its humble status. These plans had to be set aside when it turned out that they all arrived together and so Conor only had to perform one profound bow before all of them together.

They order it to stand, and the three of them descend upon the slave's body as if they were looking to consume it, each selecting one special part of its body to get acquainted with. Kelton was the most difficult to endure, since his focal point of interest was the slave's balls. Ned, as usual, went for the nipples and Frank concentrated on the boy's face and hair and delivered a great many slaps and several loads of spit both into the slave's mouth and also on its face. Nothing new here for Conor, although the combination of everything happening at once caused it to cry out more than once. The guys certainly noted that the slave was sporting the results of a caning to its ass and a flogging to its chest and upper groin, and they congratulated Steven on making sure this slave was forcibly being shown its place in this household.

"The slave seems so young," remarks Kelton, "younger ever than Steven. Are we going to begin selecting our specimens from middle school now?" he asks, sarcastically.

"Actually, this slave is older than Brandon. It embraces its state in life as a slave and is grateful to finally have a Master. It is docile and obedient more of the time. I've had it working a menial job and it sometimes gets confused by being in the presence of so many ordinary men, but with proper discipline, as you can well see on its body, it is learning to remember that it is always a slave wherever it may be. And so, please be my guest if you would like to test its willingness to serve you. Enjoy both its holes as you wish."

And so they make their move. Kelton is the first to step forward and orders the boy to lie on its back and hold its legs in the air. He lubes himself up and penetrates the slave's hole gently but firmly and enjoys the way the slave moans in response to the deep penetration. "Feels real good," Kelton says to the other others as he fucks the slave. "Tighten those inside muscles, slave," he orders as he slaps the boy's face and spits into it while increasing the speed of his long strokes, all the way out and then rammed all the way back in again. "You are indeed a good boy," he yells as his orgasm fills him with pleasure.

Frank then orders the slave to kneel on the ground again and suck his cock and he, too, is pleased with the quality of the slave's service to him. So eager is Conor to suck this Master that Frank doesn't even have to handle its head but simply stands there and enjoys how eager this slave is for his cock and then happily spills himself down the slave's throat.

Steven offers the slave to Ned, but he says that perhaps he will return some other time to enjoy the invitation. Finally, the three of them leave the room. Steven orders Conor to grovel until he returns, and goes to show his friends out the door.

"I'm happy for you," says, Kelton. "Amazing how quickly you found a replacement for Brandon after turning that slut over to Gary."

"Yes, indeed, says Steven. "It's a lot of work training a novice like Conor, but it's well worth the effort, and he didn't come to me with all sorts of expectations that I needed to live up to. Basically, this slave is a blank slate and I can write what I want on it and make it into what I want it to be. In addition to that, it seems to fit in well with its brothers over at Brandon`s house, and those slaves have been most kind in welcoming it into the family. I have no complaints at all. And, as you can see, I believe that most slaves need to be punished regularly."

They all say good-bye. Steven goes to sit in the living room and calls the slave to crawl to him. When Conor arrives, Steven spreads his legs and has the slave kneel between them and rest its head in his lap. He likes to have the slave resting like this when he has anything important to tell it or discuss with it. Conor loves it when the Master puts him in this position. As usual, Steven has a hand on the slave, either in its hair or stroking its head or anything else he might want.

"You were a very good boy for my friends. I'm really pleased with you. It also gives me a great amount of pleasure to realize that I really do own you and can give you to anyone I want for you to service, and also that you will do a very good job to please them because that is what you are, a slave. Period."

Conor asks permission to speak (nonverbally). "yes, boy. What is it?" Steven says to the slave. "A slave must always try to give the most pleasure to anyone it is told to service. And the fact that it is you who own me, that it is you who has this much power over me, gives me special pleasure. And even more pleasure when I realize that I really am your slave, and that I really really want to please you and make you happy with me."

Steven leans down and gives the slave a warm loving kiss and the slave gratefully begins to drink from the Master's mouth.

Finally, Steven says, "And of course you realize that one of the things that gives me pleasure is knowing that I can punish my slave any time I want, even if there is no reason for doing it."

Conor lowers his head and trembles. "Yes, Master. You have that power over this slave."

"Maybe at the Club Saturday night. Maybe before we go to sleep tonight. Get down and kiss my feet for a while, slave."

Conor backs off, bows down, and begins to kiss the Master's feet all over, holding them in its hands. It was given that permission a while ago. The Master likes the way this feels, having the slave's mouth and tongue and both hands all involved at the same time serving him.

While enjoying the slave's ministrations, Steven decides that he is going to give the slave a very special award. He is going to take it out to supper somewhere anonymous where no one will even suspect that they are Master and slave. And during that time, they will speak to each other as if they are friends. Or, rather, more accurately put: they will speak to each other like the friends they are becoming.

What effect will that have on their respective roles? Will the friendship destroy that? Steven thinks it is worth the risk. He thinks that the added closeness between them is going to drive Conor into the depths of his slave identity, that he is so lucky to be owned by a Master he loves so much? Steven doesn't need words from the slave to know that the slave is crazy about him. The slave constantly demonstrates that, even when bound for a whipping.

This seems to be a pretty constant theme in this story. Three Master/slave couples. And all three slaves are in love with their Masters. Wow.

Let's take a look and see what the others are up to.

Gary and Brandon both have to work on Friday. Brandon makes breakfast for its Master while he showers, and serves him when he comes to the table, usually only in a robe or towel, and this particular morning, Gary told the slave to get under the table and suck the moisture off his feet while he was eating.. Step by step, he was beginning to assert his authority over the faggot sub he's known all of his life. And while that particular sub is doing what Gary told it to do, it is thinking to himself, "Down, down, down! Under g-s boot," and is constantly bombarded with jolt after jolt of humiliation, better than anyone has ever done before. Far better than Justin. After all, this is g-s feet he's sucking.

Finally Gary makes the slave stop and get up from the table. He goes to the counter and quickly mixes up the slave's food and puts the bowl on the floor in the corner. "Clean up in here after you eat. Then come see if there is anything else I want from you before I leave for work." Today is the first time when Gary actually has to go in to attend meetings in person with the people who are interested in hiring him. He's really nervous about this. Otherwise, he wouldn't be spelling out what his slave has to do step by step. They've already worked out this routine. But fine. Brandon knows it is g-`s way of discharging the stress and sending it in his direction. And that's fine. Besides, he's been doing that since they were kids. It's not some kind of Master/slave thing. When Gary gets stressed, he directs it towards Brandon by getting very bossy. Once in a great while, Brandon actually gets slapped around a few times. Okay, he didn't do that until this whole new arrangement got started and now Gary has the right to punish him at any time. Any way.

Sometimes, Brandon has trouble breathing when he thinks about this, about what he is becoming, about who Gary is really being now—a Master. About the fact that Gary can really beat him any way he wants. About the fact that he likes the idea even if he fears it a little. But this is Gary, not some stranger Master. He wants this. He wants it to be this way. He wants Gary to take everything over now, for good.

Brandon is distracted by these things when he goes downstairs to chat with Steven about the interview he wrote about. Steven still chuckles to himself that he still gets to see Brandon naked all the time. They get right down to business and go through the article and then Brandon asks for some time to rewrite. So that's what he'll be doing today. "See you tomorrow night, b-," says Steven as they log off. Brandon still really likes s-, but he's in a much better position now—that is, groveling before Gary. But Brandon is glad that he didn't have to disappear from s-`s life after Gary got him away from Steven and all to himself. The best of both worlds. Yes, indeed, Saturday should be fun. That might be the only time he ever gets to see m-. The boy is staying with Oscar from now until then, as Oscar demanded. But not just for fun.

Osca rgot the auditor's report and Michael had been right. Someone in the company had cooked up a way to embezzle quite a bit of money, although it won't do him any good in jail, which is where he was headed. And o-`s company gave Michael a check for $3,000 as a bit of a reward for being the one to catch that something was funny. What a joy that was! But when Michael wanted to turn it over to Oscar along with the rest of his puny finances, Oscar said they couldn't do that because it could lead to trouble with the company the Oscar works for that gave Michae lthe check which he was turning over to Oscar. . . . . get the picture? So Oscar had the slave open a new account at his bank and put the check in that account.

Too many distracting details. Michael has been at o-`s house since the "ceremonies" had broken up on Thursday night. Oscar ordered it because he wanted to take advantage of the extreme submissiveness that the evening had instilled in the three "brothers," and it was indeed a very special night and Oscar knew that there was no longer any doubt what was happening between them and the night turned into day and still Oscar was experimenting with new bondage possibilities and, of course, blows of a lash figured into all those possibilities, just about covering every inch of the slave's body.

Meanwhile, Michael had completely lost his mind with everything Oscar was doing to him and with him and therefore there was nothing Oscar could want that he would be able to deny. Yes, that sounds kind of extreme, but it is just an exaggeration by a love-sick slaveboy. And Oscar was 25 to m-s barely out of puberty 19, and there are a great many ways that their age difference made m-s subjugation all that sweeter. So far, Oscar hasn't expressed any interest in age play, but there has been more than one occasion when Michael almost called out "Daddy!" in response to something that Oscar tried to do to him.

Finally, they both crashed at just about the same time, Oscar on the bed and Michael on the floor beside him, and there they stayed until almost noon on Friday. Oscar took them to a diner where most of the wait staff knows him and knows he's getting kinky, and one look at Michael in his collar and they all keow what's going on. That makes it kind of fun, but also humiliating at times in ways that really tickle m-. It all started when their waitress—LuAnne---brought them coffee and then turned right to Oscar to get the food orders for both of them, and at one point, Oscar actually said, "and the boy will have . . . . " Later, when she brings them the food, she leans over to Michael and whispers, "You'd better not break this guy's heart after all the changes he making for you, boy," and that makes him feel terrible.

Oscar can immediately sense that something she said is really bothering m-.

"Whatever it is, Mikey, we'll talk about it in the car. Try to set it aside for now. That's just the way she is with everyone, putting things into some kind of negative understanding."

Michael looked right into o-`s eyes and says, "That's exactly what happened, Master. Thank you for telling me that."

Oscar winked at him. "Now eat your food before it gets cold."

"Yes, Sir." Michael says loud enough that LuAnne and a couple of other waitresses caught it immediately.

Oscar chuckles. "You'll get spanked for that when I get you home, boy."

"Please, Master," is m-`s surprising answer to him, and then it is Michael who is doing the winking.

"With a hairbrush."

Michael stops winking and lowers his eyes once again and stays pretty quiet for the rest of the meal. Oscar enjoys this, the way the threat of a spanking on the horizon tends to get this boy to shrink into itself. He supposes it has to do with the awful home environment this slave grew up in. Oscar is determined to make this a pleasant home for both of them.


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Next: Chapter 13

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