Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 18, 2023


Chapter 11. Subjugation Ceremonies; Up North, Austin gets serious.

After they've viewed all the clips, Steven orders the slaves to go downstairs again because there is something he wishes to discuss with his brothers. Once they've left, Steven addresses the other two brothers:

"Over the course of this week, both of you have truly become Masters to your slaves and they have completely surrendered to the reality that they are indeed your slaves and all that means. Now I have a proposal to make: I suggest that we conduct a series of "ceremonies" to further humiliate and degrade these formerly free boys into mere property, to help them realize that now only is each of them owned by a special Master, but that each of them is in some ways subject to all three of us: All three of us have dominion over them and can interact with them any way we choose, including punishment when the Master consents to it."

"Sound interesting," says Oscar. "so you must have something in mind, Steven, and I'm game. What kind of `ceremonies" do you have in mind?"

"Okay. So I know you're interested. Here's what I have in mind . . . . " and he explains exactly what he has in mind, and the other two readily agree to go along with it. Steven calls the slaves to come upstairs. Each of the Master is seated barefoot in a chair and the slaves are ordered to grovel before their Masters, one on one.

Steven leads the way.

"First of all, you are forbidden to speak until we finally give permission. If you break this rule, you will receive one sharp stroke of the cane across your back, and it will cut you. I'm not fooling, so take me very serious about this. Now, each of you, beginning with Conor who is the lowest, will crawl to us and kiss each of our feet and then crawl back to your place. By doing this, you learn that each of us has some authority over you and each of us may do what we can to make sure you always know your place. In addition, each of us had the right to punish you, with your Master's consent. And so, Conor, come here and surrender to us."

First Conor, then Michael and finally Brandon do as they are told and each of them fully understands just how degraded they have just been and how much control is wielded over their lives. And all three of them are really getting high on this.

Steven speaks again. "Second ceremony. Toilet training. Each of us is going to piss in a large bowl here. Each of you is going to be fitted with a piss gag. Then each Master will bring a cup of this combined piss and will feed it to his slave. Each of you drinks each of our piss tonight. Again, this is strike home how low you are and how much we feel each of you is a personal pig to each of us. This will not happen again unless we decide there is a good reason to have to remind you about what you did tonight. Kneel up, slaves."

Each Master takes a different type of piss gag and fits it to the slave's mouth as required. Now each slave has no way to reject what it is fed by its Master. Once the gags are in place, the three Masters stand over the bowl and piss into it so it is all mixed together.

Again, starting with the lowest, Steven brings a cup of piss to Conor and pours it into its mouth. The others follow suit. Brandon, being the crybaby of the group, has tears running down his face.

The gags are removed. Steven speaks again.

"So you were fed our piss by your Master and you had no ability to refuse it. But that isn't enough. We want your active submission to us. And so each of you will crawl over to the bowl, will lower your head to the piss that remains, and when we order, you, you are going to use your lips and your mouth to suck some of it up and swallow it. Hesitation, again, will be punished by the cane. We expect you to do this eagerly because we know how eager you are to be totally humiliated and dominated."

And so, this third "ceremony" takes place and the boys are greatly subdued and pensive after they return to their places. Apparently, Brandon added some of his tears to the mixture of piss in the bowl. Fortunately, however, he was the last to be made to lap up some of the Masters' combined piss.

The slaves continue to grovel while the Masters clear things away and Steven takes a moderately severe flogger out of his case.

"And now for the final ceremony. Each of you is going to have its chest flogged by each of us. Each of us will give you three lashes. Conor, you are first. Come stand here in the middle." Once Conor is in place, the other two slaves are commanded to hold his arms straight out to the side and not to let go for anything.

Steven flogs Conor, then Oscar, then Gary. By the time this is completed, Conor is in tears.

Then it is Michael`s turn, and he howls. And finally, Brandon takes his lashes with screams and sobbing.

At that point, the Masters leave the boys standing there trying to commiserate and calm each other down.

The little party breaks up around 9 pm, which gives each couple a chance to enjoy some private time together. They all agree that they will each take their own cars to the Club on Saturday, which gives them the ability to leave whenever they wish. Good idea.

And so, let's take a brief look at how each couple spends the remaining time until bedtime.

Gary asks Brandon what effect Steven`s liturgy had on its understanding of itself. "Your slave got what it needs, Master, and now it knows it will always be a slave to anyone who wants to use it in any way. Anyone you want, anyway, and this slave no longer is capable of any resistance."

"I have something else I want to discuss with you: "I keep getting these urges to treat you like a little boy," he says to Brandon who is lying on the couch with his head in Gary`s lap, a position often used for more serious conversations. "I don't want you to go along with it just because you naturally surrender to everything I want."

"But it's always been that way, Gary," points out Brandon.

"Yes, but now things are a little different."

"How so? If I may ask?"

"Now all sorts of things might come up, things I want to try or things you wish I would try, and I'm thinking a lot about the word `consensual.' I want your consent, not because you have always consented to everything I've wanted, but rather I want your consent because what is happening is feeding your need to be dominated, humiliated, trained, punished, and so on. Take, for example, the sippy cup. How does it make you feel when I hand you one?"

"Well, after everything that happened tonight, your slave has no sense of dignity left. It isn't worthy to drink from anything except what you choose. The sippy cup brings further humiliation. It makes me feel that I'm not a grown up ordinary man. The sippy cup makes me feel like you're the parent in addition to being the Master. And the sippy cup tells me that you don't want to be bothered deciding when to have me drink anything because you hand me the cup and that's the end of your responsibility."

"Wow. That's a lot."

"yes, Sir. It is."

"And sometimes I'm going to have you drink from a bowl on the floor from now on, slave, just like you did tonight."

"Yes, Master. That's even more humiliating."

"And sometimes, I want you to realize, I might just piss in whatever is in that bowl."

"As your wish, Sir. "Good. And now, speaking of piss, I have more to give you. " The slave quickly gets into position, holding its Master's cock in its mouth and drinks down what flows from Gary to its tummy. Then it begs permission to use the bathroom so it can piss as well. The Master brings it into the bathroom and shows it a pail on the floor. From now on, the slave will frequently stay on all hours and lift its leg like a puppy and piss into the pail. "Be careful not to miss," Gary tells the slave, "because if you get any on the floor you'll have to lick it up."

And so here is yet another "ceremony" to further impress on Brandon just what it is meant to be in order to please its Master. Meanwhile, Gary decides that he's going to buy some boy's "tighty-whiteys" and maybe even some diapers the next time he's off doing any shopping at the local discount store.

Oscar was in a rather sadistic mood. He was sitting in a chair in the room and Michael was kneeling before him with his hands behind his head. Oscar had a riding crop and was using it to smack back and forth across Michael`s uncaged cock and balls, and occasionally across its nipples, but mainly concentrating on what was between its legs. A couple of times, Michael broke position, let his hands go down to protect himself and doubled over a bit. Oscar make it clear that he was counting the number of times this would happen and promised that would be the number of lashes from a new paddle that Oscar had brought when he was downtown the other day. As time went on, Oscar struck harder and harder until at last, the slave had broken its position 10 times. Soon after that it was on all fours while its Master wielded the paddle with a moderate amount of force, enough to get some nice sounds out of the slave. who was reminded that this paddling was punishment for the slave breaking its position, and that further training like this would be planned in the near future, perhaps even at the club.

This was Oscar`s way of following through on what happened tonight through the use of humiliating pain and punishment. He did not permit the slave to speak for the entire evening and made it clear that he really wasn't concerned about what the slave thought of what had happened. It seems that the ceremonies had a powerful effect on Oscar above and beyond any effect they had on the slaves. Oscar is now more firmly settled into his new way of life as a Master who owns a slave and who will continue to impress on it the state of its low status.

Steven didn't see any need to discuss the evening's events with his slave. It was apparent that Conor was moved by what took place, but also just as apparent that it firmly established how low it is in the scheme of things. And so Steven demanded complete oral service from his slave, especially since the pain of the caning and the chest flogging it received tonight was all keeping it tender. And so, Conor spent a couple hours servicing the Master's feet, ass, balls dick and armpits, drank of lot of his spit and piss, and continually thanked the Master for training it to be a better slave. Steven locked the slave in its cage earlier than usual because he had some office work to get out of the way before morning. The slave found it necessary to curl up on its side so it wouldn't have to lie on its welted bottom. It fell asleep quickly. There is something so peaceful to it about becoming totally owned and controlled. It was all just about obedience and pain. It never had to worry again about where the next meal was coming from, or the danger of being brutally assaulted by the supposedly straight drug addicts his mother kept bringing home after she passed out and they hadn't been sexually satisfied. Conor also seriously suspected that one or two of these "boyfriends" of hers only hung out with her because they wanted ready access to her son. All in all, this was a much better life, and far more secure, and the parameters were not all that difficult to live with for a masochist such as him. And in addition to that, his Master, although quite strict, also gave every indication that he cared for the slave's well-being. In fact, before locking Conor into its cage, Steven let it know that it would not be required to go to work on Friday, that he was calling Mike to cancel, and that it should just perform its houseboy duties to the extent it was able to the next day.

The next morning, Steven received a disturbing email from an address he did not recognize. The email was brief and to the point. "I am offering you $20,000 for the slave you currently own. You will be contacted soon with more details."

Ironically, Steven didn't need the money being quite wealthy himself. In addition to that, Steven would never get involved in such an arrangement; he knows that bdsm slaves were sometimes exchanged, traded or sold, but the practice disgusted him and he continually did everything he could to prevent such arrangements from being made. Nonetheless, he was concerned. Concerned that someone or some group of people had his, her or their eye on the boy for whatever nefarious purposes they had in mind. He also couldn't help but wonder whether there was any connection between this and Conor`s old life, although he seriously doubted that anyone associated with his mother would have that kind of cash to work with.

He forwarded the email to his colleagues and they immediately made arrangements for an investigation to take place. The email, unfortunately, proved to be untraceable, so it was a question of waiting for the next communication to arrive.

Steven went back into his room and took a look at the naked slave asleep in its cage, having tossed off the blanket sometime during the night. He took a good look. He began to realize that he was very fond of this boy, and that he would see to it that no harm would ever come to it other than the harm that was an accepted aspect of the lifestyle they had chosen to embrace, the evidence of which was clearly marked on the slave's chest and its ass.

He also noticed something else: in its sleep, the slave had begun to suck its thumb.

Up North (For further background about what's happening up north and the characters up there, it's necessary to read the 2nd and 3rd books of this series).

Austin had been trying his best to keep things on the down low, but as so often happens on college campuses, word of anything out of the ordinary quickly gets around, especially in the gay community which was quite large in this heavily populated University. And surely enough, Friday morning he gets an email from a Professor Keaton, someone he had never met before, inviting him and his submissive to an informal gathering at his home on Sunday afternoon of "gay Doms and their submissives." An additional note said that it was customary for submissives to be either naked or very lightly clad during the gathering, and that there was a changing room for the subs to the right of the back door entrance.

Jonny(renamed dan by Austin) is already in class. Austin texts him, "need to connect: when, where" and dan soon gets back: "library periodical room at 11" Perfect! He meets dan (Jonny) there and they slip into a small study room and lock the door. Austin shows dan the email. the sub isn't surprised at all. "a couple times I had walked by the Prof's office and saw Brandon kneeling there naked against a wall right where everyone and anyone could see him. Obviously, he's into what he's talking about. You could ask for more information, sure, but obviously, Sir, it's up to you whether or not you decide to accept the invitation and bring me as your submissive. Of course, then everyone would know."

Austin has already been giving things some thought. "I'm going and I'm bringing you in a collar and on a leash and you will be naked for the entire gathering. Consider it a learning experience."

"Wow. Might as well dive deeply into the pool all at once, not caring what kind of a splash you will make."

"Yes. And you're going to be punished for making such a remark."

dan lowers his head. "Yes, Master. Sorry I got carried away."

"I don't want to put any marks on your body before Saturday. I'll have to come up with something else, or maybe even just punish you right there at the gathering, or maybe make you serve another Master."

"As long as it isn't Andy, Sir, please?"

Austin chuckles. "Of course not. Maybe I'll send you to the guy who used to be Brandon`s Master before the kid moved away. He was the one who used to suck my dick whenever I wanted, Justin's orders."

"May I ask a question, Sir?"

Austin nods. "Do you know why Brandon so abruptly moved away as soon as the semester ended?"

"No I don't. But I do know that Justin beat the shit out of Brandon shortly before he moved away, and I suspect that had something to do with it. He was covered with welts the last time he gave me a bj. Hmmmm, maybe I shouldn't send you to him. Maybe he's too tough for a faggot like you."

dan wisely says nothing.

"Go to the Rainbow table for lunch today and ask around. Maybe someone there will have any info about the Professor's gathering."

"Yes, Sir," answers dan, and with that they go their separate ways.


dan isn't shy. "Hey, did anyone here get an invitation to a gathering at Professor Keaton's house on Saturday?"

Ozzie the wiseass jumps right in. "Keaton? It must be kinky."

"How do you know that?" asks dan.

"it's no secret," Ozzie answers. "I know a couple guys who have gone to one of his events."


"No. The opposite. Had a good time. In fact, one of them hooked up with some sub and they went out together for a few weeks last year. So you got an invite? Didn't know you were a sub."

"In training, but yes, the guy who's training me got an invite. We thought no one knew about us."

"You must be Austin's faggot, then."

"Yes, Ozzie. And he decided we're going; maybe we'll learn something."

"Just make sure he keeps you on a leash," says Sammy, who just came to the table with his lunch.

Jonny laughs out loud. "He said that's what he's going to do with me."

"and keep you naked, I hope." says Sammy. "I'll be there. I always go with one of my boys."

Jonny blushes. "Do you think Justin will be there?"

"It's hard to tell. He hasn't met anyone yet who can replace Brandon in his mind. Why, you volunteering?"

"Oh no. Someone already has me."

"You mean you have a Dom," says Sammy.

"Yes, Sir, that's right."

"Well then, don't be afraid to use the proper language, boy. Don't make up euphemisms."

"Sorry, Sir."

Sammy punches him lightly in the arm. "Only teasing, pup. But maybe I'll get to punch you harder on Saturday, or get your Master's permission to slap you around a bit. Those gatherings sometimes get a little wild, especially after one is supposed to end. Then anyone who wants to do any impact stuff sticks around with Keaton's permission. I'll put in a good word for you, pup."

Again dan says nothing. A couple other guys come to the table that dan doesn't know. He hadn't been sitting at that table until Andy had finally "turned" him. Again, though, he's not shy. "Does anyone know about the get-together that Professor Keaton is having this weekend?" No one else has anything to say.

Finally, he finishes his lunch and says goodbye before leaving. As he's walking out of the cafeteria, one of the guys from the table catches up with him and says, "I don't know you. My name is Patton. I'm actually going to that event, but I didn't want to say anything in front of the others. I just transferred here. I'm a junior. I have a slave who transferred with me. We'll be at the party Sunday. It should be interesting, if for no other reason, than we get to know all the D/s couples around here."

"Glad to meet you, Patton. I'm dan. My Dom is bringing me as well."

"have you been to any of them before?"

"No, Sir. We're pretty new into the scene. Sir wants to bring me because we might learn something from the others."

"Well, boy, please make it a point to introduce your Master to me at the gathering. I'm sure I could show you guys some things and answer any questions you might have in the future. Don't hesitate."

"We won't, Sir. thank you." Patton swats him playfully on the rump as he leaves.

dan is sure to tell Austin about Patton when they get together after class in the afternoon. "Good to know. I'm really getting into this and I want to know the best ways to train you the way I want you."

"Wow!" reacts dan. "That was pretty hot language "train me the way you want me?"

"Yes, dan," says Austin. "It's time to get more serious about all this. At least that's where my head is at, and I don't think you're that far from it yourself, so just let me give you a little push in the right direction, boy. And if I'm wrong, say the word and we can just go back to being friends again. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that I really want to train a slave, like I said, the way I want it. So if you're not ready to let me take charge of this whole thing and do what I think you need me to do, here's your last chance to back out."


"Strip and get down on the ground or leave the room for a few hours I'll be moved out by the time you return." He looks intently into dan's eyes. dan is terrified, but he starts to strip and once he's naked, he gets down on the floor and grovels, trembling."

"I know you're terrified and this is sudden and sooner than you might have expected, dan, but you need to stop thinking that way and simply allow me to do what I'm going to do with you and with us." Austin kneels next to him and begins to stroke his neck and back and dan begins to cry.

"I know, baby, this is a big thing. Very big for you. A tough guy like you being flipped to become a slave. It's big for me, too, and you're my responsibility in this, so trust me, just like you have been all along. And I'm glad you're groveling the way you are despite your fear. It shows how much you realize deep down inside that you need a lot more than Andy ever offered you. You need a Master. And that is me. I'm your Master, dan." Austin gets up and sits in the chair. "So strip my feet and start worshipping them, slave."

And we'll leave things there for the moment.


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Next: Chapter 12

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