Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 4, 2023


This is the 4th book in the "Alex Series." There are things in it which refer back to things which happened in the first three books. For the best effect, I suggest you read them all in order, but you won't get lost if you begin here. You just won't have a lot of back story. All of the characters who have sex are over 18.

Here are the books in order. All are on Nifty. 1. The Alex Chronicles 2. Sweet Subjugation 3. Brandon's Bosses

  1. Brandon's Brothers Enjoy. And drop me a note sometime:

Chapter 1. "Let's Do This Again"

Oscar looks down at Michael groveling before him with great affection and very naughty plans for him. "How are you feeling about our little gathering tonight?" he asks the slave.

"Mixed emotions, Sir."

"And why is that?"

"Just because it's kind of eeery. We were actually talking in class today about unconventional configurations of self-defined families and I kept thinking about tonight and how that seems to be what we're becoming, Sir."

"Perhaps, boy. But there's still a difficult lesson you have to learn about not always anticipating because you're almost always wrong when you do. I wish I could just beat it into you, but apparently that doesn't do the trick. Meanwhile, you've got all these ideas about what's going to happen and they're all making you nervous and frightened, which is all of your own making."

"I'm sorry, Master. It's just because there's always been so much bad shit happening to me."

"Michael, think for a minute, babe. Since you and I got together, other than that thing a work, what bad shit has been happening to you? Tell me so I can do something about it."

in a weak voice, Michael answers, "Nothing. Oscar, I just got a big charge out of what you said."

Oscar chuckles. "How so?"

"from the idea that You are totally in charge and if something is wrong You are going to fix it for me."

"I'm glad. Focus on that rather than on all the scary things you think are out there. You're a slave. You gave yourself to Me. So don't be surprised that I intend to take good care of what is mine. Now kneel up and suck on my cock for a little before I get dressed."

Michael happily does its Master's wishes. At times like this, it's a gesture of gratitude for Oscar`s constant way of making him feel warm inside, even when he's being punished.

"ah, good, good, boy. Now go brush your teeth before I get you ready to go downstairs," He says. "And you can stand."

Michael gets up and goes inside. Oscar gets dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt. When Michael comes out of the bathroom, Oscar takes a leash and attaches it to Michael`s collar, a nice silver "necklace" worn close to the throat so that if Oscar needs to pull on the leash, the slave will immediately comply or get choked. It's working out well, too. No one at work has said anything about it other than to admire it. And only one classmate said she didn't like it because it looked like a slave collar (!!!!). Michael told her she was crazy. Besides, slave collars are usually black leather.

One of the things Oscar likes about this collar is that he can simply attach whatever he wants with a d-clip and he's all set. No need for rings all around it. It does what He wants it to do.

Michael is excited about seeing Conor again and finding out how he's doing with Steven. He knows how strict Steven is. He saw it when he was Brandon`s Master. But after what Conor had been through, this is probably heaven by comparison. But he remembers what Oscar said to him: "don't forget that Conor was doing everything to himself. Now there's a real flesh and blood Master training him and it's very different. Besides, it's 24/7, more even than what he and Brandon live.

Conor is standing two feet from the wall with his arms extended and he's struggling to keep them raised. Steven is simply sitting and watching him. "I know how sore they're getting, boy. You don't have to make faces. I want them sore. So at any point tonight I can say "arms" to you and you'll get them out there and the pain will still be there. And you know something? If that creep who was making you beat yourself black and blue and drink your own piss had any brain, this would have been a perfect thing to make you do that wouldn't have marked you up so badly."

Tears are coming to Conor`s eyes. "You're a good boy. You can put them down now and move the around."

"thank you, Master."

"Do you want to know why I say you're a good boy, Conor?"

"Please, Master."

"Because that time you didn't once start whining and begging me to let you stop. That pisses me off as much as a slave asking for mercy, unless `mercy' is the safeword. You've never asked for mercy and that lets me know just how deep your need is to live the way I'm training you to live. That's why you're a good boy, Conor."

"I want to be, Master, be Your good boy. You rescued me. I give my life to you, Master."

"Yes you do, slave. You're a tough faggot, let me tell you!"

"Permission to ask a question, Master?" Steven nods.

"Why do You say tough'? How am I tough' in your estimation, Master?"

"I keep forgetting you should have been an English major. You are `tough' in your single-minded drive to be owned, ruled and disciplined in all things, and on a full-time basis."

"Understand, Master. thank You."

"I've gone pretty easy on you the past two days so that you're kind of fresh so I can get heavy with you tonight, Conor. I'm using you to help teach Gary and Oscar some things they don't know."

"please, Master. Use Your slave however You wish."

"I intend to. You look so cute in those medical scrubs. It was a great idea for me to dress you this way. Put on your shoes. We're heading out. Are you sure you've packed everything I told you to?"

"Yes, Master."

"Then pick up the case and let's get going so you can play with your brother pups."

"Put the wine away, Brandon. No alcohol tonight."

"Sorry, Gary. I forgot."

"You're a little scatter-brained tonight, Brandon. What's going on?"

"Nervous about seeing Master Steven, Gary, with a different slave. There are some things about him that I miss. Not things he would do, just his way of being with me."

"that's what's so good about us getting together. So I can observe. And learn."

"You've been learning awfully fast, Sir. Constantly surprising me. Pressing me into sub space, even, just by the way you look at me at times now. It's different than the way we were in the past when we were just best friends."

"Of course it's different. I'm your Master now as well. I'm no longer Gary the brat. And it is affecting everything about me, especially what you look like to me when you're kneeling before me with your golden collar and also the way you're beginning to look at me like I'm some dark angel sent from heaven. And even though it scares you a little, you're starting to worship me. And that's what we are now, almost all the time." And when we go to Mom's we'll have to dial it down a lot, maybe just come across as guys who have recently fallen in love. Just remember not to use the word "Master."

"I almost slipped and called you that last night. Mom would have flipped. It was wild enough when she finally realized that YOU were my boyfriend now. She didn't even catch on when you and I walked in holding hands. She wanted to know why I didn't bring my new boyfriend after all."

"That was rich. And so easy for us since she's seen us in action for, shit 12 years or something. she used to complain about me being too bossy. Now she's given up, mainly because she sees how happy you are, baby."

"Very happy, Daddy Master Sir."

Gary smiles at him.

"Well see how happy you are by the time this evening is over."

"Probably happier, Master. Can't wait to see Conor too and hear how he's doing."

"Brandon, It hasn't even been a week yet. I don't think you'll see much. But, of course, I can be wrong."

"That's right. You were wrong once when we were in fifth grade," Brandon says sarcastically. An old joke between them.

A car is pulling up. Gary holds Brandon back so he can't go peek out the window. "You already know who it is, faggot!" says Gary, smacking him lightly on the back of the head and grabbing a nipple hard, which makes him whimper.

The doorbell rings. "Kneel!" Gary says to Brandon as he goes to open the door. Steven and Conor are standing there. Brandon puts a big smile on his face.

"Strip!" Steven orders his slave, who does so immediately. "Down! Crawl over to Brandon and nuzzle his neck."

Conor obeys instantly. "May I hug him, Masters" asks Brandon. "Nuzzle each other for a while, Get each other's scent in your noses like puppies," orders Steven, nodding at Gary. "No hands."

Gary and Steven stand back and enjoy the sight of these precious naked slaves who are so eager to please their Masters. In that sense, they are like puppies. Or maybe like older dogs! Definitely not cats! If they were cats, they'd both have run off to hide under something by now, hating each other.

"The paperwork is in process and will be ready by early next week," Steven tells Gary. "And what have you decided to name him?" "He's keeping his first name because I like it. Legally, he'll be known as `Conor Day.' No middle name. "I'll breathe easier when everything is official and he'll be on my health insurance.'

"And you're sure no one can track him down."

"Positive. The only really sticky problem will be the high school transcripts. But we'll find a solution. And besides, there's no one back there who would want to go to any trouble to find him. Certainly not that druggie slut his mother is. Or her boyfriends, except the one which used to like to fuck him. He's safe, Gary. Everything will be fine."

"Glad to hear it."

"I was thinking Conor O'Brien as a name, but it's probably too common. Conor Day is best. Simple. Almost naked. Which I like."

At that moment, Oscar comes down the stairs holding Michael`s leash. Michael follows, head bowed and eyes lowered like a good slave.

"Wow!" says Oscar, watching the pups. "Look up, boy," he says to Michael. "Watch what they're doing to get acquainted. once they're done, it will be your turn to get to know your new brother better."

"Brandon, crawl over here and kiss my feet," orders Gary. Oscar unclips Michaels leash and gives the slave a little push. "Go have at it!" he commands the slave. Michael gets right over there and begins by sniffing Conors ass just like a puppy. Conor is really getting into this now. He's never ever had real contact with too many men before, and this is just wonderful for him, especially since the marks and the soreness have pretty much settled down. In fact, Steven told him that he was going to "taste the lash" tonight and he can't wait to find out what that will be like compared to him beating himself. the word "lash" turns him on, so it seems.

The two boys go at it while the men enjoy the sight and comment about what they're doing. Brandon is dying to have a look, but he's been ordered to Gary`s feet and he doesn't dare stop what he's doing to look up. He made that mistake the other night and spent five whole minutes in a cold shower as punishment. Gary likes to find inventive ways to punish his little buddy. He prefers to beat him just for his own enjoyment, especially since Brandon had such a bad experience with that type of punishment up north. He's now thinking of beating the slave's hands, though, when punishment is warranted. His main problem isn't how to punish the boy but rather to find reasons to punish the boy since he is always so obedient because he loves Gary so much. A nice problem to have.

They finally decide to order Michael and Conor to stop what they're doing. They move into the living room and have all three slaves grovel before them while Steven opens up the "bag of goodies" that he's brought for them to play with tonight. "First of all, he says, why don't you guys have your slaves collect whatever toys you do have and bring them here so you can have them handy?" The order is given and Brandon and Michael come back with many things in their hands. "I'm glad to see that we all have penis gags," says Steven. Always the best way to gag a slave as far as I'm concerned. Gives it something to bite on in case of pain, reminds it that one of it's main roles in life is to be a cocksucker, and prevents much speech."

"never thought of it that way," says Gary, but it's true about him being a cocksucker. It's been my cocksucker for over two years now and is getting better at it all the time."

"Gary, I know that you had your boy suck Conor`s cock the other night. Is it your plan to have the slave continue to serve other men's cocks?"

"Depends on who it is," says Gary. "Not completely comfortable with that yet. but in time. After all, I know what it was doing when it was your property, so eventually I'll keep it as active as it was back then. But not right now while we're still working out our dynamic. It might sound selfish, but right now I just want to keep it for myself"

"Nothing selfish about that at all," says Steven. "Just go by whatever is most comfortable for you, not for the slave, even though you are best friends. Don't let the "friend" dynamic determine the Master/slave dynamic because the slave won't be happy if you do that. You've got to make sure the slave continues to realize it is a slave. That hasn't changed one bit."

"Interesting points," says Gary. "What would you think are the most important issues for me to consider?"

"Let me think," says Steven. "Punishment, for sure, and you seem to have a good handle on that. It doesn't always need to be some kind of spanking or whipping. But it's important to make sure the boy is getting enough of that because don't forget, Brandon is a masochist and so has those needs."

"Another thing that's going to be big issue is the fact that this slave has been trained as a urinal. That can be pretty difficult for new Doms. Do you know where you stand on that?"

"I know about that; in fact, I saw it with Justin. And I've kind of surprised myself. I haven't made the slave drink mine yet, but I enjoy pissing on it and pissing in its mouth but not making it swallow any of it."

"Good. Go for the whole thing. It will insist it doesn't want to do it, but that's not debatable. At least it hasn't been with Brandon up until now. Justin broke it and it stays broken as far as this is concerned. So now, it's completely up to you. Do what you want with the slave, even though he's your best friend. You two will never ever be equals, and you've always known that, at least sub-consciously. Secretly, you've always wanted this. Complete control for the boy's own good."

Gary "Wow. You've had this all figured out."

"Yes. Since I first met you. It was just a question of timing. But now that you've had first-hand knowledge of what was really going on here, you began to realize that (a) you had to rescue him, and (b) you had to make sure that he never needed to go to anyone else again. And that's what you're working on, Gary. And you've just about made it, from what I can see. The toys, the things we do, all that is secondary to what's going on in our spirits."

Oscar joins them. "I couldn't help but overhear what you two were saying."

Steven "Oh, how rude! I'm sorry, Oscar. I didn't mean to pull Gary off to myself. So what do you think of what you heard just now?"

Oscar "It makes good sense to me. He hasn't been running around as much since Gary`s been back, and he sure seems a lot happier, especially with getting out from underneath that weird group of –hey, I don't even know what to call them. It's people like them that had made me totally uninterested in what I'm doing now. They really present a bad picture."

Steven "Hey, Oscar, I'm one of that group. I'm glad to know what you're saying; I had no idea. You know, we work really well together as a professional Team, so we thought we'd try something sexy. Obviously, it didn't work out too well. And I'm really happy now that Brandon is in Gary`s hands. And meanwhile, I'll bring it up with the others. All the more reason not for us to try anything like that again. We're already going our own ways, (he nods his head at Conor)."

Oscar "Yes. And I'm interested in what you would like to show us. Every little bit of knowledge helps.

Gary "Yes. Let's look these things over." . . . He picks up a parachute. "What's this for?"

Steven "To bind cock and balls. You can add weights to it to make it pull down farther. Would you like me to observe? I'll use my boy. He calls out: "Conor! Come here." Conor comes and stands before him, his eyes lowered. "You don't have to keep your eyes lowered tonight. I want you to look around and see everything. Part of your education, boy. But right now I want to use your body to show my friend something."

"Yours, Master," Conor says and his completely innocent face is just adorable. It gives a slight grimace and then a smile when Steven wraps the parachute above its balls." And then Steven hands weights on it and Oscar can already see what is happening. "I'm definitely going to get one of those," says Gary. "thanks."

"Sit at my feet," Steven says to Conor, and starts with his hand in the slave's hair and lightly scratches its skull. Conor practically coos, while Steven is thinking to himself about what Oscar had to say and realizes that Oscar thinks like just about any vanilla person thinks of what we do. He needs some experiences before he'll be able to change the way he thinks about all this.

Michael and Brandon are still down on the ground and Gary realizes it's time to get them moving. "You boys," he calls, "get up off the ground and do some stretching." It's easy to tell they were working to stay down that long. Slowly they do whatever their bodies need for them to do.

Gary makes up his mind. "Brandon, come here, please," and then "I need to take a piss. Kneel down and open your mouth," and Brandon does and waits for Gary to make his move. "Put your mouth around the head of my dick and wait for me to begin pissing." Brandon`s eyes actually grow wide as he obeys this command. Everyone has gone silent, watching this happen. And . . . it begins, Brandon swallows twice. Steven says to Gary "Put your hand on the side of his throat and feel him swallowing your piss." Gary does so and grins when he feels it. A few more swallows, and that was the end of it. Gary has crossed the line and taken on more authority over his friend, just as it should be.

Oscar turns to Steven and says, "This is amazing. We have got to do this again." Steven nods his head and smiles.

End of Chapter One

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Next: Chapter 2

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