Brandon Kyle and P90x

By K G

Published on Nov 9, 2011


CHAPTER 1 -- My new neighbor

While most stories on this site are really good works of fiction, this one happens to be a true experience of what happened to me my last semester of college prior to graduating. Typical stuff, if under age or you find offensive DO NOT READ.

I had taken a semester off to deal with some family business issue and had returned to my school, a major university located in west Texas...yes I was a Raider.

I had moved into my one bedroom apartment by myself as my previous roommates had all graduated the semester before and I did not want to hassle with finding another one just for a semester and besides I was looking forward to my own place.

I had been there about a week when I passed a really hot guy coming out of the apartment next door and heading down stairs to the parking lot. I said "hello, you moving in" and he answered back "yes but the movers are not coming until tomorrow". I kind of chuckled at the comment thinking he was kidding and went down to get some stuff out of my car. I saw him get a box and a suitcase out of his car and carry it upstairs. Later that evening I was headed out to grab some food and passed his door. His wood door was open and I could see him sitting on the floor leaning against the wall reading a paperback book. I kept on going and then decided to turn around and go introduce myself to him. I knocked on his glass door and motioned me inside. He just looked up and said "what's up dude"? I said my name is Kyle and I live next door and I just thought I'd say him and tell you to come next door if you need anything. He said great, my name is Brandon, I appreciate that but, he said "what do you think I might need". I said I don't know maybe a chair or a bed or lamp or tv or just you know normal things.

He laughed and said "we just met and already you're telling me you don't like my décor". Right then I knew we were probably going to get along great.

I said well I am heading out to go grab something to eat if you want to come along. Brandon said sure let me grab a shirt and put on some clean shorts. I forgot to mention Brandon is about 5'-10", 155lbs, deep brown eyes and shaggy blond hair and incredible handsome face and the jawline of a model. He was in good shape I could see a faint 4-pack and he was muscular but not big of beefy, just lean with nice definition. Anyway while I was standing there checking out his chest he just drops his shorts and I see him standing there is his Cin-2 skimpy blue briefs and get a glance at his package. He walks over to the suitcase and pulls out a pair of jeans pulls them on and then pulls a white polo shirt on grabs his flip flops and says lets roll. At this point I guess I should tell you what I look like. I'm 5'-8" with blue eyes, blondish brown hair, about 145lbs, bubble butt and nice smile. I am lean as well. I had a little muscle definition but not as much as I would like.

We went to PeiWei had dinner and he told me the movers would be there in the morning with the rest of his stuff. I said what college kid has movers? He said his dad owned a large moving and storage company in Dallas and his mom worked as a regional manager for a national company that sold "pottery" and "furniture" from a "so-called Barn and she always bought clearance stuff the last few years for him to have in college. So basically he was having an apartment full of really nice stuff delivered and carried up the stairs for him...I said nice.

We continued to talk and ended up going to a bar for a about an hour and Brandon said I have had about all this nasty cigarette smoke I can stand for a night are you ready to head back? I was also ready to get the hell out of there. We had both been hit on twice by two different girls. Brandon showed no interest and I just figured a hot guy like him had a girl back home and since we just met, I didn't ask any questions.

On the way back to the apartment, he asked if I had cable or a dvd player and I said yes, both. He said he'd spring for beer if I wanted to watch a movie or something...I really wanted the something but knew that was not going to happen so I said yeah a movie would be great. We rented a couple movies and he grabbed a 12-pack. We headed up to my apartment and both sat on the floor leaning up against my couch to watch the movie and drink some beer. About an hour into the movie Brandon said that Chinese food did last long are you hungry too? I said yes and we ended up ordering a pizza. When the pizza came I opened the door and said crap, the pizza delivery boy was this sophomore kid I met last year when he delivered me a pizza along with smokin hot 69 blow jobs. I not seen Justin in almost a year and although I would have yanked that little hottie in started in on his monster 8.5 inch dick. I don't understand how some twink that is about 5'-5" and 130lbs can have such a monster cock...ANYWAY I was afraid Justin was going to say something to Brandon and ask if we wanted to all three play with him! While I did, I knew it was not the time and I figured Brandon was completely straight. I paid Justin and tried to hurry him away when he turned around and said, "Oh here's a coupon for next time". I looked at the card and it just said Justin and had a cell number on it. Between the beer and the movie, Brandon didn't realize anything was unusual.

We finished the pizza and the movie and start watching tv. Brandon was laying on the floor with his left hand slipped down the front of his shorts, I think just playing with himself a little like we all do, especially when watching tv. The P90X infomercial ad came on and we started talking about those super ripped hard bodies when Brandon said "I want one of those dude". I asked you want the "body, the workout dvds or the dude in the commercial" he replied just pick one and order it. I said "dude I think you're drunk" and he said "no really we could buy the dvds, split the cost and workout everyday together to make sure we finish". He said we are both already in pretty good shape and reached over and pulled my shirt up and see dude we can easily get really cut, you're already almost there too. He brushed my nipple and it instantly got hard.

We ordered the dvds and Brandon ended up sleeping on my floor in his underwear. I came back into the living room after taking a leak and getting him a pillow and a blanket and found him asleep lying on his back in the Navy C-in2 briefs. Oh how I just wanted to pull the front down and feel him in my mouth but I was too afraid he would wake up and either kill me or never speak to me again on the day we first met. I just stood there staring at the outline of his cut cock until I could not resist any longer. I turned off all the lights and gently touch his dick through the fabric of his underwear. It began to twitch and grow a little so I back off and watched touching it again until finally it had grown to push through the top of his waste band. I could now see about 2" of the top of his hot cut cock.

I knelt down and gently licked the bottom of the head and he moaned, I continued now I was licking his pre-cum and savoring it. He moaned and rolled onto his side and I decided I had pushed it far enough.

The DVDs came and we worked out almost everyday and nothing else ever happened with Brandon until workout day 82!

To be continued...

If you have enjoyed the story to date and want to hear more about what happened between us the email me and let me know

Next: Chapter 2

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