
By Christoph Brandstattner

Published on Oct 30, 2003



Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. Please write: Brandon


Moritz came flyin' through the lockerroom doors, all fired up. Gym was the only class he couldn't wait for the whole day....for a couple of reasons.

First, he just plain loved gym.

Second, he got to be ..... naked ...around other..... naked....boys. God, at night, he'd take those images from the lockers and the showers to bed with him, and give himself the best damn pound offs a boy could have.

He came charging down the aisle beside the lockers, and slid to a stop at his row, on his no tread street sneaks. As quick as he got there from class, 3 kids were already changing, well, stripped, near his locker. The kid closest to him was the one he fantasized about just last the kid, who was bit bigger than Moritz, in every way, made him lay full-length on the bench while he fed him his prick till he shot and made Moritz swallow ....then kiss his cock head right in front of the other kids, who were yowlin' and towel snappin' him, yellin' "queer" and "fag" and "boy twat"......and...."I'm next!!" Last night, that vision made a mess of his sheets. Moritz was a hot boy! He got up, turned on the light, and licked 'Brandon's' teen jizz off his sheets, and his hands, and wiped it from his pubes, and licked it off his fingers.....turned off the light, sighed, hunched the mattress, and slept the deep sleep of boy aftersex.

Anyways, as he surged into the row, and whipped his combo lock open with a whirr, and clank, he threw in his backpack.

He sat and yanked his clothes off, and without a thought, eye-balled Brandon's hanging boyhood.....too long.......

Without warning, he was swarmed over by Brandon's naked body heat, as he stepped over Moritz, reached under his armpits, picked him up, and stood him naked on the bench. "My cock make you hard like that, kraut faggot?" he yelled.

Moritz' lips were movin' and quiverin' but nothing was coming out. Practically every kid from as far as 2 rows away, was crowding around them now.

"Wack it, boy! Jerk your weasel dick. Let's just see if German fuckboys know what to do with their wackers. Show us what you do when you think about me in bed you fuckin' schnitzel pussy! DO IT!!!!"

Moritz, in a cold sweat, stood shakin', his toes bent over the edge of the bench trying to keep his balance, started to pull his boy wick. Ohhhh, as he started to heat, his knees bent, and his free hand went under his balls......'Unnngghh," he moaned.

That did it! All the boys, instinctively, flexing their own butt cheeks, started laughing, whooping and hollering....cheering, whistling....some were even clapping to the rhythm of his beatoff. "Go fag go! Beat it! Pump it you queer! You blow kid? Eat us fagboy! Hey, whip this!"

The cheering, locker pounding, and foot stompin' was thunderous, and mind numbing as Moritz wailed, tears coming down his cheeks, and he finally shot off, on his own shirt, that Brandon grabbed and held out in front of him.

Finally, weak from the throes of his violent cum, he sank to a near squat there on the bench, almost losing his balance. The kids nearest, finger flicked his blond hairs and head, and a couple towel snapped him. As things got quiet again, Brandon handed Moritz his cum-shot shirt, and said, "Wipe the jam off your cock with your fingers and lick it, faggot! Then, while you're kneeling there, lick your goo off your shirt here.....and let me see that fag tongue of yours snake that stuff up, too."

The boys around them started to back away....some touching their lips, or shakin' their heads...some biting their tongues and lips unconsciously.....

"After class, cumwad, be here on your knees, naked, and we'll see about your training.."

Later, after class, the kids were stumbling and bumbling masses of flesh and sweat, as they staggered back into the locker room...among them Moritz. Their gym program had been gymnastics, and everybody was wiped out from the strenuous effort.

As Moritz slumped his 6' blond frame to the bench, reaching for the latch on his locker, a hand smashed his wrist away, and Brandon loomed over him.

"Whuhhh!" Moritz exclaimed, pained from the hand slam, a slap at his ego. Proud German exchange student, Moritz, who had, up to now, enjoyed a pleasant, albeit invisible existence at his adopted school.

It looked like things were changing for him...tooooo fast. First, he hadn't seen any real rough stuff till just before class started today, and he couldn't believe he made it that obvious that he had a feeling for boy sex....and with Brandon in particular.

Fast forward from just a flash moment ago, and Moritz' life was definitely gonna change, forever.

He squinted up at Brandon, and started to stand to maybe take him on for smacking at him like he did....when all of a sudden, his head is pounding, his face smarts, and he's looking up at his sneakered feet in the air from the floor on the other side of the bench...his head resting at the base of the lockers behind him where it had banged down after the backhand shot to the side of his face he took from Brandon.

Absently, he noticed the other kids just standing around...watching...there was no intent to stop this onslaught on Moritz...if that's what it was.

Brandon yanked Moritz' sneaks and socks off, and told him to get naked, and give him a horse ride into the shower.

As Moritz scrambled in his hurting and confused state, to get up, there were a few snickers from the bystanders, but some were worried about this going to far....maybe. As Moritz stood sheepish, and naked, with one arm across his bare chest, holding his other arm at the elbow, Brandon grabbed the back of his neck and roughly pushed him down whereupon Moritz got down on all fours.

Stripped and with his towel 'round his neck, Brandon stepped over and sat on the straining Moritz, and he waled his tail twice with his open hand and yelled, "Move out you fuckin' kraut!"

Moritz scurried his knees fast as he could to the shower, where Brandon stepped off and made Moritz kneel straight up and back against the shower wall.

As the water sprayed down on them, the others watched as Moritz was ordered to lick Brand's feet. Sudsin' up, Brand gloated down at his new little tongue lapping fucktoy.

"Up, you fuck!" Brand yelled, and Moritz snapped right back up to be greeted by Brand's big fat cockslab. Back and forth and back and forth, and Moritz was tearing up, but it was hidden by the shower spray.

He made Moritz lean over backward with his face up in the center of the shower floor, and directed the other kids in the shower....20 in line up and wipe their balls and asses over Moritz' face one after the other.

The kids mostly hustled to get in line in front of Moritz' feet, then as they straddle-walked over his badly straining torso, then crouched slightly to work their boy tails right into Moritz lips, tongue and nose. "You keep that tongue working for your buds here, pleasure your buds, hear??" Brandon ordered Moritz, who grunted assent.

Morry couldn't believe his face was gonna be in the boy butts of every kid in his class ....his nose, his mouth...ohhhhhhhh, the shame of it....he was crying now as the first kid's dick rode over his nose while his tongue swiped his nuts and boycrack.

The second kid was a brutish jock, who got himself directly over Morry's nose, and settled down, wiggling until he felt Moritz' nose in his butthole. Moritz was gawking and gagging underneath.

The kids were inventive, each doing their own thing with their dicks and assholes until they had managed the entire 21 boy tailsweep, including Brandon, who was last.

Brandon got a big charge out of three of the kids' working their peters up to being close to cummin' as they straddled Moritz, and shot off in his face, up his nose, and in his mouth. As kids followed them, their butts rubbed the cum all over Morry's face and up his nose.....again and again. As one of the last kids came up to Moritz, he pissed on him from toes to nose, and then slid his boy butt over his entire body, rubbing his ass on every part of the piss drenched Moritz.

Moritz had to be in a daze from all this abuse. How could he even know what was happening any more. He had to have switched his mind off....and then Brandon came over his face, rubbing his butt right into his nose, and then stuffed his massive cock down Moritz' mouth. "You gonna eat, and lick, and chew and suck till I cum you fuckin' heiny!! And THEN......your training starts for real!"

All this time, Moritz has been bent over backward, on his hands and feet, face up...several times he fell and was kicked steadily by one or more of the kids till he got back up to sniff more boytails.

Brandon pound-fucked his meat through Moritz' quivering lips and over that sucking boy tongue till he shot his monstrous wad of cock snot into Moritz' mouthpussy. He kept pulling Moritz' head back and forth on his meat, even after he finished shootin', and his big meat stayed hard, and Moritz thought, and the other kids, too, that Brand was gonna pump him a second load, but he suddenly pulled out and dropped Moritz to the tile floor in the draining cumslime, piss and shower water.

As Brandon moved away to wash and rinse off, he made Moritz stay on the floor to wash and rinse himself. Then he said, "I wanna see you finger out your pussyhole you fuckin' queer! Getcher fingers in your hole...roll up on your back and show the boys here whut a queer pussy looks like when he gives his self a finger fuck.

Gasping at the shame, and sighing, Moritz' fingers worked up his pussy hole smoothly, and Brandon yelled, "Finger fuck, buttwipe! Fuck 'em fingers...get 2 in there! Look at 'im. Fuckin' bastard's done 'is b'fore!" he screamed. As he kicked Moritz in the buttcheek, Moritz was starting to pant and kick his feet from the fingering he was giving himself, and he was breathing so hard, and, and, and his toes and feet curled up tight, as he went convulsively into a wild cum spasm, and all the kids yelled, clapped, whistled and cheered!

"FUCK-IN' QUEER!! Look at him! Fairy assed pussy!"

Brandon continued, "Any o' you guys want fag mouth or ass fum here on, he's yurs. I get firsts, but when I ain't aroun', you cin have his little fagboy butt, ANYTIME!!! You got that FUCKBOY!!" he yelled in Moritz face, and then spit at him down there on the floor, still rubbing his rock hard, cum-sloppy prick.

"Yes, sir! Ughhhh!" Moritz turned away and grunted, as Brandon who stood directly over him, started pissing into his face and mouth. Man! In his ear, his hair...everywhere....

The kids had all but left the showers, and Moritz lay on the floor...dripping piss, schlocking in the water under him, still yanking his sure looked like his powerful 8 inch boyprick was gonna be his only friend from now on....

"Crawl yur fuckin' ass in here on your back now, dickwad!!" Brandon yelled from inside the locker room.

Moritz' training....phase 2?

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