
By chris phoenix

Published on Jul 21, 1999



Standard Disclaimer:

This is a work of FICTION for ADULTS only. Do NOT read this if you are under 18 or if you are not an adult according to the laws of your state or country. Do NOT read this if you are easily offended or if you are not interested in fantasies involving young men. This file contains sexually explicit material. This implies nothing about the orientation or activities of Jonathan Brandis.

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Chapter One:

Even as the plane landed the realization of what I was actually doing still did not hit me. I glanced out the window and saw Los Angles below me. The pilot announced the local time as 8:17 am so I made the 3-hour adjustment to my watch. God, I hoped that I'd be able to find something out here. I caught my reflection off that same window. My jeans and open silk shirt thrown over a tee gave me the appearance of a wanderer. Maybe I should describe myself, and why I came out to the West Coast. I'm 22, stand 5'9" at 155 pounds. Medium length brown hair frames a face with brown eyes. Normally, I would just wear my contacts, but I didn't feel like putting in before I left. I never was one for weight lifting, even when training demanded it, but I kept my body toned and tight by swimming and running.

Now, as to why I'm here. Just like everybody else, I guess I needed a new start. Basically, I ran away from my life back east and hoped to find something different, something better out here.

Within a week I had sold almost all of my belongings, except the carryon and laptop I walked off the plane with. I had enough money to last me at least six months. I was just hoping it wouldn't take that long to find a new job and a place to live, but until I found something I was staying in a hotel in Hollywood. Yeah, I know it's expensive and crazy as hell, but I wanted to check out the area. I mean, this whole idea was insane to begin with. I made no arrangements, no reservations, and definitely no interviews. This was all on a whim, to escape the imprisonment and insanity of my old life.

After several phone calls I found a hotel with an open room. Finally, I was able to catch a cab from the airport to my new, and hopefully temporary, residence. As the cab pulled up to the front of the hotel, I had to ask the driver if this was the right one. A doorman actually came up to the cab and opened my door. I quickly paid the driver and thanked him for the ride. I glanced up at the hotel and realized that I wouldn't be able to stay at this place for very long. My little stipend would only keep me here for about a month. I was snapped back into reality as the doorman ushered me into the hotel.

I walked up to the desk and told the receptionist that I had called from the airport. She took my information and asked how long I planned on staying at the hotel. I told her at least a week, but possibly as long as two or three. Taking the silence as an opportunity, I glanced at her nametag. It read Marcie. Nice name I thought. I asked if I could pay for the first week up front, in cash. Marcie gave me a weird look and said that it would be nineteen hundred for the week. I'll admit, I was a little taken back, but I place the nineteen hundred dollars in cash on the desk in front of her. I could tell she was a little surprised to see that I had that much cash on me. I guess I would be kind of surprised too. She gave me the key for room 1824, a corner suite, and had a bellboy show me the way. As I was following the bellboy I turned around to wave to Marcie and told her to have a good day. She smiled brightly and wished me the same.

The bellboy escorted me to my room. As he led me into the room I took a peek at his nametag too. I figured I might be here a while, so I should get to know some people. His name was Justin. He looked kind of young, about 17 or 18 I would say. He was also quite attractive with his red hair and sparkling green eyes. Yet there was something about him, as if he didn't quite belong there. His attitude and posture reflected something along the lines of farm work. Even though I had no baggage for him to carry, he did show me to my room and I would've felt bad if I didn't tip him.

Justin was just about to leave when I called to him. He turned and asked if there was anything else I needed and he had addressed me as 'sir'. That sort of hurt, but I knew it was nothing personal, he was just trying to be professional. I took a few steps towards him while reaching into my pocket. I pulled out a twenty and handed it to him.

"That's really not necessary sir, I didn't do anything," he announced awkwardly.

"One, please stop calling me 'sir'. I'm only 22. I don't think I'm that old, yet. And two, you showed me to my room. That's doing something," I replied.

Immediately, he burst out into a shy smile. He hesitantly extended his hand to accept my offering and thanked me. That's when I noticed my initial feeling was correct. Justin's hands were slightly callused and a little rough. I didn't think there would be any harm in asking, so I did.

"You're not from around here, are you?" I inquired.

"Uh no. I just moved out here 'bout a month ago from the country. A friend's father runs this hotel. That's how I got a job," he said sheepishly. I guess he was a little nervous or just surprised that the conversation came up.

He asked how I knew he wasn't local, so I told him about his hands confirming my earlier observation. Justin was impressed that I'm so observant, but I just like to know who and what is around me. Being cautious, almost to the point of paranoia, was one of my idiosyncrasies, an occupational hazard was more I like it. He thanked me again for the tip and said to give him a holler if I needed anything.

As soon as Justin left I unpacked my laptop on the desk and hooked it up to the phone line. I didn't even bother unpacking my bag because of the few clothes I actually had in there. My computer beeped as it finished booting up and logging on the net. It was still early so I did a quick search for any nearby companies that had job openings for web designers. The results seemed unending. I printed out the first couple of pages then went out the door to start a new life.

I grabbed a map of the city from the front desk and said good bye to Marcie. Six hours and fifteen unsuccessful interviews later, I walked back into the hotel. This was quite depressing I thought to myself. All the companies I went to see said that I didn't have enough experience or I wasn't what they were looking for. Hunger seemed to conquer over depression and soon, I found myself in the hotel restaurant. I ordered the prime rib, with a rum and Coke to tide me over until the main course arrived. After dinner and a few more drinks I went up to my room a crashed for the night, hoping that tomorrow would be better. When I got back to my room I decided to shower before going to bed. Walking into the bathroom I started to strip out of my clothes as I turned the water on to warm up. Before I stepped into the shower, I stopped to look at myself in the mirror. I looked over my naked form. My body was well toned, with my chest and stomach being well defined. Then my eyes wandered down a little further. About six and a half inches hung between my legs. I didn't think I was bad looking, but I also didn't think I was that much above average either. Enough of this, I thought. I jumped into the shower and washed the day's stress, and sweat, off.

Two more days had gone by. All day was spent interviewing and talking with potential employers, but in the end I had no luck. A few said they would get back to me, but I wasn't very hopefully. I showered and decided to go down to the restaurant again. It was becoming a very familiar place by now, as the staff knew me by name. Walking by the front desk I noticed Marcie was on duty. She smiled and waved at me. I gave a slight wave and a half-hearted smile in return. I guess it was obvious that my mood hadn't improved. Justin also came through the lobby and asked how everything was with his usual cheery smile. I muttered things weren't looking that good right now and continued to the restaurant.

Dinner was finished and I was on my third drink when I noticed some one was standing by my table. I looked up and saw Justin fidgeting nervously. He asked if he could sit down for a minute, possibly suggest something. I nodded then motioned with my hand for him to have a seat. Justin said he noticed that I wasn't looking very happy and that from our daily run-ins, knew that I was having trouble finding a job. He suggested I do something to get my mind off it and relax a little bit. He handed me a slip of paper with the name of a club/bar on it. Justin said it was right around the corner and he thought I'd have a good time. I downed the last half of my drink, got up, thanked Justin, then dejectedly walked in the lobby towards the elevator.

While waiting for the elevator, a strange idea hit me. Why not, I thought. Maybe Justin was right and I just needed to get out and do something different, relax. I looked at the piece of paper Justin gave me, turned around and walked out of the hotel. In a couple of minutes I found myself at the front of the club. I showed the bouncer my ID, then went inside to find the bar. The layout was pretty well divided, with the bar being sectioned off from the dance floor. Surprisingly, the music wasn't that bad and the bar wasn't very crowded.

I took a seat at a barstool near the far end and ordered a scotch, straight up. The bartender saw that I was in a piss poor mood and asked why someone like me was so bummed out. I simply stated that my employment status was not very encouraging. Apparently, I wasn't paying attention because I didn't even hear the person talking to me from my right even sit down next to me. The newcomer asked what it was I did. I started to explain that I was trying to find a position designing and maintain websites as I turned to face the inquiring voice.

I almost did a double take, but I recovered instantly. It was like looking back into one of my fantasies. Long blonde hair on the top and shaved close on the sides, those amazing blue-gray eyes and that young, smooth looking face drove right into me. I immediately knew who it was, and I knew that this was no fantasy.

He smiled a set of perfect white teeth and extended his hand.

"Hi, I'm..." he began.

"I know who are, Mr. Brandis," I cut in shaking his hand. He seemed to be caught a little off guard at being recognized, but still flashed that fantastic smile of his. He radiated a feeling of cheerfulness that not even I could completely dismiss. Knocking myself back to the real world, I introduced myself.

"The name's Alex, Alex Chase. Sorry to interrupt you like that, but I just didn't want you to think I didn't recognize you. Let me get you a drink," I offered in apology.

"Cool, but you have to call me Jon. Deal?" he countered. I said sure. We sat at a table near the back for the next hour or so talking over more drinks. Jon asked where I was from and what I was planning on doing out here. I didn't get too detailed about the last five years of my life, but enough not to completely blow him off. I vaguely touched upon a few of the reasons I just up and left to come here. He must have sensed there was something more because had that look in his eyes, but he didn't pry any deeper.

After what must have been my eleventh or twelfth drink of the night I glanced at my watch and realized it was almost two in the morning. Jon looked at me and asked if I had to go. I explained that I intended to resume my job search in the morning, but since my luck wasn't doing that great I just as well should sleep in. He smiled at the fact that I would stay longer. Personally, I didn't think my company was that good.

Since I was staying I decided to change the conversation and find out a little bit more about Jon. He told me about growing up in Connecticut and meeting Tatyana. His toned changed when he said her name, and his eyes seemed to dart off into the corners of the bar. I didn't need to be a psychologist to know that something was bothering him.

"What happened?" I asked, hoping he would feel comfortable talking to me. I saw his lip quiver with the slightest movement, and then he turned to look at me. A single, faint tear fell from his left eye. Now, I felt bad. The least I could do was get him out of this place. I ran up to the bar and gave the bartender $150 to cover our tab and tip. The total tab wasn't even ninety bucks. I guess that explains why the bartender winked and thanked me. Quickly, I moved back to our table where I found Jon just staring into space.

"Listen, I feel like an ass for bringing that up, I'm really sorry. Why don't we get out of here and go get something to eat. Maybe it'll make you feel better," I said as compassionately as possible.

"Yeah, sure," he acquiesced. Now, his voice was shaky and I thought I saw him tremble a little as he got up. This wasn't looking good. The alcohol was probably adding a lot to his sudden depression. We stepped outside the bar and headed towards the street my hotel was. As quickly as I was becoming acquainted with the city, I still wasn't quite sure how to get around without a map or directions, especially at night. But now, that seemed to be the least of my problems. About two blocks from my hotel Jon collapsed. I managed to catch him before he hit the sidewalk. It definitely wouldn't be a good thing to have killed Jonathan Brandis during my first week in Hollywood.

His breath and pulse were stable and normal. You pick up a thing or two about medicine when your aunt's a nurse and have had a crash course in emergency medicine. I picked him up in my arms and half jogged to my hotel. The doorman was clearly confused as he opened the door for me while I still had Jon cradled in my arms. I raced through the lobby towards the elevator. As I waited, rather impatiently, for the elevator Justin came over and asked if that was who he thought it was. Just then the elevator doors opened. I stepped in and turned to face Justin.

"Get some food, coffee and aspirin up to my room now! Please!" I pleaded. Justin simply nodded and ran off as the doors closed. After what felt like an eternity the doors finally opened on the eighteenth floor. I ran to the door of my room and balanced Jon on my knee, against the doorway, while I fumbled for the key. Finally unlocking the door with the keycard, I stepped into the room. Gently, I placed Jon down on the couch and switched the lamp on the nearby table on. He appeared to be sleeping normally, which was quite a relief on my part.

This was the first time I actually took a few moments to get a good look at my new friend. Damn, he's beautiful. He looked so peaceful and his amazing complexion added to the angelic aura about him. I was so lost in admiration of this gorgeous guy that I failed to notice Justin enter the room.

"Wow! I can't believe you have Jonathan Brandis in your hotel room!" Justin practically yelled. I quickly closed the distance between Justin and myself. I wanted to quiet him and make sure this situation didn't get out of control. To be honest, I had no idea what to do; instinct took over the situation.

"Justin, you didn't see him and he's not here. This could seriously damaged his reputation and career," I said trying to convince him.

"Oh, uh, yeah, you're right. He sure is cute though..." Justin trailed off as he stared at Jon.

"Yeah, he is beautiful," I agreed. It must have registered in our minds at the same time what the other had just said. Justin and I turned towards each with a surprised look on our faces.

"You're, uh..." he tried to ask.

"Yeah, I'm gay," I replied.

"Umm, me too," he said looking towards the ground. He started whimpering and fell to the floor. Justin's body seemed to be wracked by his sobbing. Apparently, he has been keeping this secret a long time. I've accepted my sexuality for a few years now, but I still remembered what it was like to feel different and alone. I gave Justin the comfort and support I never got when I was in his place. Slowly, I kneeled down and placed my arm around Justin's shoulder. He threw his arms around me and cried into my chest. I gently rocked him back and forth, and told him that it was all right and that everything would be okay.

It was about two hours later that Justin fell asleep in my arms after telling me his life story between sobs. He was emotionally, and physically, drained. He was slightly taller and heavier than Jon was, but I managed to carry Justin into the bedroom and set him down on the bed. I just took his shoes off and wrapped the comforter over him. I paused a moment to watch as Justin slept. He seemed so at ease and peaceful. Walking back towards the main area and I thought to myself that he and I should have a long talk. I grabbed the phone off the desk and headed out to the balcony as not to disturb either of the sleeping beauties in my room. I also stopped by the mini-bar to grab a few of those little bottles of vodka.

The sunrise was just about a half-hour away. After I opened the first bottle and take a swig, I dialed down to the front desk.

"Front Desk, how may I help you?" Marcie answered.

"Good morning, Marcie, this Alex in 1824," I announced.

"Oh, good morning Mr. Chase, what can I do for you?" she inquired brightly.

"Please, it's Alex, and I need a favor..." I said. I went to explain that Justin wasn't doing too well and he should get a day or two off. Working her natural charm, at my request, she got the hotel management to give Justin today and tomorrow off. Before hanging up the phone I told Marcie that I owed her my eternal thanks, and dinner. That got a laugh from her and she said not to worry about it. The horizon was quickly brightening from its earlier deep blues to a vibrant orange. I took shot after shot of vodka as the morning continued to break. The bottles were empty as the sun finally rose above the horizon.

"Uh hem"

I spun around as soon as I heard the sound of someone clearing their voice.

"Listen, I don't know how much of last night you remember, but nothing happened, no one knows you're here, and I'm not a psycho," I blurted out to Jon without thinking.

He stood in the balcony's doorway, flashed that infectious smile, and glanced down at the floor before speaking.

"Relax, I do remember most of last night, just not getting here. At first I was pretty nervous, especially when I heard unfamiliar voices. I've been awake for quite awhile, I just wanted some time to figure out what was going on," he explained.

"By the way, thanks for keeping everything low profile, and for getting me to a safe place. How's the kid doing?" he asked. I responded without thinking, again.

"Justin will be okay. I'll talk to him when he wakes up and try to help him understand what he's feeling. It's extremely hard growing up gay and feel like you're the only one. The least I could is offer him the support I never got..." and I trailed off realizing what I had just said. I look at Jon with blank eyes expecting the worst reaction. It didn't occur to me that him mentioning Justin was a pretty indication that he knew. He must have felt the uneasiness that was going through my mind.

"It's okay, I know. Like I said, I was up for awhile. I over heard the last bit of his story, then your call down to the front desk and the pieces just fell into place. Sorry 'bout eavesdropping and all," he apologized.

Just as I was about to speak, there was a knock at the door. I told Jon that he had better stay out of sight while I went to get the door. I crossed through the sitting area and opened the door. There was a waitress and a food cart standing at the door. I had completely forgot that in the whole mess of the morning, I had ordered breakfast for us.

"Your breakfast, Mr. Chase," she said as I allowed her to wheel the dining tray into the room. I thanked her and slipped her a twenty as she walked out, closing the door behind her.

"Impressive. You think of everything," Jon said making his way over to the food.

"Everyone seems to think that, if they only knew that I don't have a fucking clue as to what I'm doing anymore," I said half to myself, half to the empty part of the room. A look of not understanding came across Jon's face as he picked through some eggs and toast.

"Sorry, I'm usually pretty mellow in the mornings, it's just been a bad week. A bad month, a bad year, a bad life. No one deserves to get the brunt of my 'angry at the world - angry with myself' frustration, least of all you or Justin," I said, tasting my first sip of coffee this morning. I brought the rest of the food over to the table out on the balcony and motioned for Jon to join me.

"It's okay, I understand," he said sympathetically as he took a seat beside me.

"No, it's not okay. I do appreciate your trying to understand, but it's not an excuse for my behavior," I apologized. I noticed that Jon was looking at the empty vodka bottles on the railing. His face seemed to drop, but it was difficult to determine just what he was thinking. I simply slouched in my chair, closed my eyes and cursed.

"There's no way I can apologize enough for everything that has happened. You probably want to get out of here. It would be best if you took the service elevator down to kitchen. Don't worry, last night just didn't happen," I trailed off as I fought back to growing emotions. There was no stopping them, believe me I tried. Jon was about to say something when we heard the bedroom door creek open. Shit, I had almost forgotten about Justin. I quickly grabbed a napkin off the service card to wipe away the tears that were about to form. I chugged the rest of the coffee that was in my cup and got up to meet Justin in the main room. Jon just stood by the balcony doors.

"Morning Justin. How did ya sleep?" I asked as sincerely as I could.

"Pretty well actually. I guess I was just so exhausted after everything that I fell fast asleep. I wish I could stay talk some more, but I'm already late for work. I really gotta go," he said as he headed for the door.

"Not so fast, my friend. I placed a call downstairs, you've got the next two days off. But why do you go home, get cleaned up, take a little time for yourself and then come back here for dinner. Sound like a plan?" I asked. Justin looked at me as if he was slightly confused then smiled at me.

"Um, I'm not sure why you're doin' all this for me, but thanks." With that he turned around and left the room. I stared at the door, mesmerized by the last image of Justin in my head. He was an attractive young guy with a good personality. He won't have any trouble finding a boyfriend. Hopefully, the talks I intend to have with him with help him choose the right guys to be with. The last thing I want is for him to be taken advantage of, like I was. That thought sparked a million memories and once again the tears threatened to stream down my face.

I was wiping my face with my shirt when I thought I should jump into the shower before Jon saw my red eyes. In as steady a voice as I could manage I told Jon I was going to grab a shower and that he was free to go at any time. With that said I just took off for the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and turned the water on. I went to the sink and splashed cold water on my face, hoping it would clear my head. My clothes were quickly discarded on the floor and I jumped into the shower. The hot, steaming water seemed to relax my body, but my mind was still reeling at a hundred miles a minute. I started to sing part of the new Savage Garden song.

"I've been having difficulties keeping to myself, feelings and emotions better left upon the shelf.

"Animals and children tell the truth they never lie, which one is more human there's a thought now you decide."

"Compassion in the jungle, compassion in your head, yeah."

I was about to sing the next line when I felt a hand on my shoulder. `Oh shit,' I thought as I spun around. Oh my god! This is impossible, it can not be happening. I closed my eyes and focused my thoughts, it's just a fantasy I'm dreaming. I opened my eyes and he was still there.

"I thought you might need a hand, or two," he said with that beautifully seductive smile.

"Uh, I'm, umm, uh, I." As can be seen, my speaking skills took a turn for the worst. His eyes just seemed to pull me in and I was lost. They delved into my soul and held it. The embrace was so warm, so gentle. They were getting closer. No, he was getting closer. Jonathan's long, wet hair clung to his neck. I could feel his breath against my face as he drew closer. Then there was contact.

Never have I felt lips so soft, and yet so firm, kiss me. His touch was amazingly gentle and soon his tongue slipped between my lips seeking entrance to my mouth. I gladly accepted it. Jon's tongue sensually worked its way around every bit of my mouth before finally battling my tongue. My arms found themselves wrapped behind his neck while he held me in his passionate lip lock. His hands held firm around my waist as I continued to fall deeper and deeper into him.

My excitement was coming to a definite peak when I heard a knock on the bathroom door.


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