Bradys Tale

By Sec Ad

Published on Jan 25, 2005


Our long hot kiss was interrupted by our other friends knocking on the door. Me and Jason quickly recovered. As I went to open the door Jason quickly ran his hand over my crotch and whispered "We'll pick up from here later Brady." My loins stirred and my dick started to rise. Thank god for jeans that confine and conceal.

We spent the next few hours eating dinner and hanging out with our buddies drinking beers and watching TV at the sports bar. I couldn't help but smile whenever I looked at Jason. Whenever he caught me looking at him, he would smile back and give me a quick wink. Man, I wish this night would hurry up. I couldn't wait to share a bed with him. We left the sports bar for a martini bar where the gang took in a nightcap martini and a cigar. I wanted to be able to fully taste Jason so I declined the cigar. Thankfully, he followed my lead, reminding everyone that he was trying to quit smoking.

It was pretty late when we finally made our way back to the hotel. Our buddies were staggering a little bit, so Jason and I made sure that they got into their room. We then hurried down the hall to ours. Before we got to our door, my cell rang. It was Mitch. I told Jason that I needed to take the call and to go on in.

Mitch sounded pretty upset when I answered. He had a fight with his girlfriend and was having a tough time with it. He was busy with school and didn't have the time to spend with her that she expected. She knew this going in to the relationship. I told him that I was sorry they were fighting and that things would be better when she had time to cool off and think about it. He said that I was probably right and thanked me for being a good friend. We then said our goodbyes and I hung up.

I let myself into the room, and I could see that Jason was already in bed. I stripped down to my underwear (boxer-briefs) and slid into bed next to him. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled my body to his. I could feel that he still had his boxers on and slid a hand just inside the waist band near his hip. I then kissed him on the neck and then on the cheek.

He asked me who was on the phone. I told him Mitch and what was up. Jason knew Mitch from our conversations and had met him once when they were both over to my house. I told Jason that he didn't have to worry about Mitch and that brought a smile to his face. Jason then turned his head towards mine and we kissed. As we kissed, Jason turned on his side and put his hand on my chest. My hand slid further into his boxers and I was now cupping his ass.

We continued kissing as Jason slid his hand down my chest and into my underwear. He ran his fingers through my pubes before wrapping his hand around my now throbbing cock. I then rolled him so he was on top of me and then began pulling at the waist band on his boxers. Within seconds they were at his knees and both of my hands were rubbing his firm ass. I could feel his cock stiffen against my groin. We finally broke from our kiss and Jason kicked his boxers the rest of the way off and then started tugging at my shorts. I lifted up off the bed enough for him to slide my underwear down and off of me. When he freed my cock, it slapped against my stomach with a audible "WHAP."

Jason then climbed back on top of me and we resumed kissing. My hands were rubbing his backside from his shoulders to the bottom of his ass. His arms were wrapped around me holding me tight.

Jason then lifted up, again pulling off of our lips and then began sliding down my body. As he went, he kissed the various parts of my body, repeating the moves I made on him earlier in the shower. First he kissed my neck, then my shoulders and chest. He licked each of my nipples. Man, his tongue was hot!!! Then he kissed my stomach in a path the went right to my cock. When he got to "little Brady", he didn't kiss the purple helmet, he engulfed it. Jason went to town on my cock and balls. He had one hand on my ass pulling my body up to him and the other hand was rubbing my chest. I was running my hands through his hair as he quickly bobbed up and down. I wanted to tell him to slow down, but at the same time, I was ready to blow. It did not take long... I had been waiting for this for five days! My cock stiffened and my testicles drew up tight. I groaned to Jason that I was going to cum, but he kept pumping. Seconds later, I was pumping his mouth full. I could feel some of it running out of Jason's mouth back onto my pelvis. I never did hear him gag. Jason had just swallowed his first load (or so I think)... and it was a big one.

He wiped off his mouth and me and then crawled back up my body. We were making out again, kissing and holding each other. He broke from the kiss to whisper I love you in my ear. He whispered "I love you. You have been there for me when I needed a friend. You helped to put me back together again. I love you... I love you so much." I then noticed a tear in his eye. I then pulled him back into another kiss. I broke free and said "I guess we're homos, eh?" Jason laughed. He then told me that he had wanted me for some time now. He took a chance the night of his birthday when he kissed me. He was worried that I would slug him, so he was ecstatic when I kissed him back. I told Jason that I always thought he was cute, but never had a romantic interest in him until the night of the kiss. I told him how bad I have been wanting him since that night and how glad I was that things were working out, so far. We then fell back into another kiss.

Now it was my turn to break from the kiss. With Jason still on top of me, I slowly slid down his body kissing up at a straight line from his neck to his groin. When I got down to his rod, I slowly took it in and started working it. Jason got excited again and started pumping in my mouth. He was firm but not too rough as he fucked my mouth. I had wrapped my hands around his ass as he worked my mouth. It didn't take long before he was groaning. This time he didn't give me warning. When I felt his cock shiver, I pulled him in tight and held him as he came deep in my throat. I didn't lose a drop, man this felt good. I sucked his softening pole dry and then he rolled off of me sinking into the bed. I got up and retrieved a towel to clean us both up. I then tossed the towel on the floor beside the bed and crawled under the covers next to my lover. We then fell asleep, naked together and holding one another.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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