Brady's Men

By Mike Austin

Published on Mar 19, 2021


BRADY'S MEN by Mike Austin

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This story is a retrospective over the last five years......

I'm Brady Jackson, a gym rat. I used to go daily to varied workout routines, but one never changes; cruising different men who come to the gym. I'm 35, 5'10", brown/green, 170#s, scant chest hair and treasure trail to a decent set of pubes, dick and balls. I do have a good sized head that produces above average pre-cum, especially when I see a set of big dick and balls hanging low. I'm an independent construction project manager, and pretty much make my own schedule. I get ample eye candy at work, but also more than a few tricks from the gym.

Five years ago I bought a condo in the suburbs. It's got 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, an open plan living, dining, kitchen and breakfast areas and a den that serves as my office and in-home gym. Soon after moving in, I decided to save the cost of my gym membership and bought a Sporzon! Adjustable Olympic Workout Bench, with adjustable squat rack, curl pad and arm handles as a gift to myself and a focus bench for sex. I enjoyed saving the gym fees from my Sporzon purchase and the convenience and adaptability it delivered. I'd met some guys around the condo complex and showed them my workout bench and the "alternate" function it provided. They worked out at a local gym, but I showed them a cost savings plan at my place with benefits.

The first neighbor I met was the upstairs guy, Steven. He was a CPA at a nearby firm, divorced and I'd seen him heading out with a gym tote and hangup bag, every morning. I surmised he too was a gym rat and that after his workout, he must head right into work. My gym membership was near my old house and not nearby, so I was interested in learning about his gym costs etc and used that to open a discussion with him and get a closer look at this blonde. We were of similar build; he 35, 5'9", 160#s, with that studious quiet demeanor. I was to learn he had some real assets on that torso of his. On the Saturday of my Sporzon delivery, Steven was coming downstairs as the delivery guys were bringing my new bench system inside and we struck up a conversation. He only held his gym tote, it being a Saturday, and offered to help me set it up if I needed any help. I jumped at the idea of his help and getting him inside for a closer look at that lean torso. I suggested some lunch after he got back from the gym and get to the set-up. About 11, he was at the door, 2 bottles of white wine and small tool kit in hand, ready to help, have some wine and grab lunch. As he entered, he saw my much larger tool box out and at the ready to begin the assembly. He sort of set his tool kit aside and smiled a bit. We both wore Ts, gym shorts and sneakers. The Nike shorts hugged his crotch really well. The guest bedroom, den and dining areas face the courtyard out front and I met the condo window conditions with white sheers on the windows but facing inside the room, white Levolor mini-blinds. That kept the condo assn. happy and still gave me privacy. We talked at length and about the time we neared the finish line, Steven caught me cruising his crotch, but ignored my interest. I stood, suggested I get on lunch and he asked about running upstairs for more wine; which I accepted. He returned shortly and I was in the kitchen getting some turkey burgers ready while he got the packing boxes knocked down and staged for the trash. He joined me at the kitchen island as I loaded the burgers on the grill and got some sweet potato fries in the oven. We continued downing the wine and as we worked on bottle 3, he asked to hit the head. When he returned, it was obvious he'd shed his underwear or jock when he went after the extra wine bottles upstairs. "Really appreciate the help on this set-up, it went much faster with 2 than as a solo" I shared. "Yeah, that usually is the case" came his reply as he cut his eyes to his crotch and then back up at me. I paused then agreed with a nod to his eyes and down toward his crotch. Steven leaned back a bit on the bar stool as I walked around the island for a closer look. He followed me with his eyes and dropped his right hand to his crotch and gave a squeeze. His legs spread wide, "there's one hand" he said. I added mine to his crotch, and went on "here's the second". His dick throbbed against the pressure from both hands and thin Nike shorts fabric. I love the feel of a dick as it hardens and his was sure on the move. He shifted aside a bit toward me. I stroked the shaft a bit and kneeled at the edge of the barstool. At that moment he stood, "better get those burgers off the grill and fries out of the oven" he urged. I mouthed "fuck em" as I swallowed his shaft. He sucked in air as I let the dick continue its growth, but this time in my mouth. He stepped aside and I tried following his crotch keeping his dick lodged in my mouth, but he tugged away faster and I stood, sped to the grill and oven, tended the food and came back to be fed. Steven was definitely a "Grower". His modest crotch package concealed that huge gift beneath and he swelled to an easy 9"x5" tube. His balls were tight but sagged well the harder he got, quite the opposite of many guys. I managed to score dick at a bookstore not far away, but lacked the regular feeders that I used to have at my other house and hoped against hope that Steven would become a regular. I bobbed my face on his dick faster and faster, greedy for his dick and cum. He stood, feet wide apart and began to moan and arch his crotch into my face with increased vigor. "Gonna cum" he hissed from clenched teeth as I stayed impaled on his dick pending the rockets of cum I hoped for. Steven delivered mega bursts of heavy cum and I swallowed every last drop. His chest heaved and he panted as he got off down my throat. My knees ached a bit from being squat and giving the intense head I was enjoying, but as I stood to thank him, he sat back hard on the bar stool, eyes closed in seeming bliss. I remained quiet, resumed cooking the burgers and fries, until he spoke. "Damn welcome neighbor" was all he could manage as he repeatedly made "whew" sounds. We ate, finished off the wine; he asked if I needed help getting the boxes to the trash and I shook my head no, then added "anytime you need help or relief again, you know where I am, don't be shy". Over the ensuing years, Steven has been a regular, almost every weekend, but I need dick more than once a week. Still he was convenient, I loved that dick and he was so damned convenient!!! He's still a go to guy.

Before meeting Steven and getting his dick that first time, there were two other guys that I'd seen, but not met. Interestingly enough, their parking spots were on either sides of mine. One was Jack, drove an Alfa Romeo Giulia, a few years old, but in good condition. He looked like a professional and would learn in fact he was a professor. The other Willis, drove a black F150 Raptor pick-up, a local high school coach.

I met Jack, one Friday near the end of Spring and learned he was a professor. We were leaving about the same time and I remarked, how uncharacteristically dirty his car had gotten with all the recent rains. We talked in the garage a bit and he suggested meeting for a drink sometime as his semester was ending. We agreed to meet the next afternoon at Wiley's, a nearby neighborhood bar that served decent burgers and fries, and not crowded. I learned he'd been a computer science professor for 10 years and before that worked in aerospace after college, while married. He'd been divorced for 12 years, was 40, about 6'2", maybe 180 #s, but hold the presses, my weakness was his black hair and blue eyes. He showed a patch of chest hair below his clavicle in the open neck, golf shirt, as well as on his arms and being in shorts, his legs. I could only imagine the other parts. We got to my particulars, before finishing our meal, a 3rd bottle of wine and followed that with an offer for coffee back at my place; which he accepted. His unit was across the courtyard from mine, also on the ground floor, but only a 2/2 and no den. His comments about my added space from the den and bigger dining and living areas led me to give him the grand tour of the rest of the place and he was complimentary of my furnishings. Also being a md-century modern collector, I was delighted to learn we shared that period's draw. Jack took the glass of wine, settled back in my Eames chair and ottoman, legs outstretched, then leaned back just enough in the chair to give me a view of his crotch. We finished the bottle as the coffee brewed and we chatted more about work, people in the complex and I offered some berries and whipped cream with the coffee. He joined me at the island and we ate passing the time slowly but steadily. Jack's demeanor grew more and more relaxed, but when I mentioned he looked like he was coming down out of a stressful period, he replied his massage therapist had been away for 3 weeks and he'd not had any luck getting an appointment with another. He remarked that the common misconception is that professors weren't supposed to have high stress jobs, but in today's environment it is. I suggested giving him a neck massage, but not to expect a pro's equivalent. He chuckled and pointed to an area just out of reach of his hands below his neck and spine that could use a real workout. I was eager to feel his body and jumped at the chance, but suggested we move to the workout bench where he could lay face down and be more relaxed than sitting up on a barstool. We moved to the den and my bench. I shut the Levolors to dim the area and defend against any prying eyes, then added some low level classic rock to add calm to the room and began a slow back massage. The download "Slow Rock Love Songs" was just what the doctor ordered and got a definite thumbs up from Jack as the initial guitar strings began. His shirt was bunching up and when I noted the obstacle, he was fast to raise a bit, tug off his shirt and resume the prone position. His torso was furry, though his back not as much. His pecs were firm and both his bi's and tri's were well formed and showed evidence of his workout routine. No doubt his female students and perhaps a few guys, envied and were enamored by that torso. I worked lower down his spine then back up and out each arm. His breathing grew more and more relaxed and slower, before a soft snore began, then he roused a bit and raising his head, looked around and apologized for nodding off. I suggested he forget it and before I could say more, he shifted, spun around and sat upright. "Too much vino I'm guessing" he proclaimed and asked to hit the head. I replied in kind "you know the layout" and Jack padded off to take a leak. When he returned I stood, asked if he wanted to continue and he waved off not, then made his way to the kitchen, with me following. He filled his glass with water and took a long slow swallow. The outline of that torso, black hair against the while tiled walls and stainless of my kitchen, was stunning. I joined him. Stood face to face admiring. He lowered the glass to the countertop and stared back, nodded silently and I kneeled in front of him, looked up slowly and his eyes were closed. I reached for the zipper and slowly tugged it down. He leaned against the cabinet and I slipped his cargo shorts and black boxer briefs down. His cock and balls swung free and I lapped the glorious leaking head, glancing slowly up to see his eyes remaining closed and him enjoying my mouth and tongue. I swallowed slowly taking his dick farther to the back of my mouth and felt his cock stir and begin to thicken. His ample scrotum hung low and his ovular balls sagged at different heights in the furry bag. Coming off his cock, I lapped each ball before sucking the entire sack in my warm mouth. He sucked in air and dropped his right hand to the back of my head. I slowly sucked the furry warm scrotum, before resuming the blow job on this professor cock. In no time my BJ rhythm was engaged and his left hand joined his right guiding my head and pace on his dick. He gained focus and began his hip fuck of my face. He stood erect again and clamped his hands more and more tightly, moaning and groaning to the point of "you swallow" he hissed and I moaned and nodded agreement. Shortly after, he filled my mouth and throat with volumes of cum. His hip pumps seemed to further the cum surge from his balls. I drained his nuts and he regained a clear focus and exclaimed "oh fucking hell that was awesome, the best ever". I stood, stepped back as he tugged up his boxer briefs and cargo shorts, rebelted them and looked for his shirt. I made my way to the den, returned with the golf shirt and he mumbled softly about getting together again soon. I reminded him he knew the address, smiled and he grinned back. He finished his glass of water then made his way across the courtyard and I watched him disappear in his unit. I sat on the bench and recalled the scent and feel of his torso in my hands, leaned back on the black vinyl and beat off an amazing load of cum myself. Jack took full advantage of having a cocksucker so available and ready.

My other nearby garage-mate was Willis. I'd learn this handsome black guy was a coach at the nearby high school, and as with Jack, was 40, divorced, about 6'2" maybe 200#s, dark blue black, very fit with a set of pumped furry pecs that showed off every follicle it seemed in a tight Tshirt. We met one day as he was unloading his F-150 Ford Raptor and cussing the parking spot being so far from his unit. I chuckled and offered to help which he thankfully accepted. He made his intro and then added, "you're Brady right" which stunned me and I looked quizzically, before he said "Jack"; filling in the blank in my expression. "Yep, guess the word is out" then I let the topic drop. Willis had a box of fresh fruit which I gathered in both arms and followed the handsome hunk to his unit which was a good hike from his parking space. Willis had both hands full of grocery bags and as we made our way to his unit, he mentioned the extra groceries was for a thank you camping event for some of his seniors for their efforts this year. I nodded agreement and offered, "nice" then stood as he fumbled for his key fob to open his door. I followed him in and to the kitchen. His unit was a dupe of mine, though didn't have some of the upgrades as mine had, like an open kitchen island. We set all the bags and box of fruit down and I suggested letting him get on with putting stuff away, when he urged, that I needn't run unless I had something better to do than hang out awhile? His message telegraphed more than just kicking back and visiting as, while putting some things away, he led to the workout bench Jack had described and the great massage he'd gotten at my place. He offered a beer, which I accepted and stood at the end of the kitchen counter out of his way. His shoulders looked like sculpted boulders and his arms were thickly coiled muscles. His ass told of real power in those glutes and was hoping against hope to get a close up of that crotch, and maybe more. While stowing some cold stuff, I noticed him standing beside another fine bull of a guy in a USAF uniform. He caught me staring and added, "my dad, retired now" answering my obvious question. "Hold that thought, need to piss" and he disappeared to the head, had clearly left the door open, and poured into the toilet a mainstream piss that echoed in the unit. Returning, he chuckled and admitted to needing that for a while. I raised the beer in honor of the need and we resumed talking then he asked more about the workout bench as he led me to his Bowflex unit. "Real nice but more gear than I needed and less bench size" I admitted. He gave that a thought, then nodded and began a slow grin. "Well we all need what we need and need to take advantage of things as they happen" he declared and I added "and where they happen". Willis answered that thought with "like here" and I moved closer adding "and now"? He stripped off his Tshirt, I kneeled down, untied his running shoes and tugged off his socks about the same time his shorts dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them. I had no delay looking up at that heavy hung black dick and swinging set of balls right in front of me. He reached down, slowly stroked and hiked up the shaft in his fist to my mouth. His dick was extra veiny and had a golf-balled size head, already covered in pre-cum. I lapped the slit, tasted his salty pre and then tongued the entire head; before looking up at him for approval. He nodded, held his hands behind his head and I swallowed the full shaft and let it grow in my throat. His response was quick as his hands clamped tightly behind my neck, pulling me in close and down on his heavy cock. I was in rapture. "OMG that is fine throat" he whispered and added, "gimme it all" I dove down to the base and felt his fine curlies tight against my nose, eyes, cheeks and mouth. My throat muscle worshipped that heavy cock and slowly he began to throat fuck me. I was such a lucky cocksucker was all I could imagine at that very moment. He tugged me off his dick, stroked in front of me, teasingly as he motioned for me to sit on his Bowflex bench. His crotch was the perfect height and he fed me more slowly this time, telling me how much to take at a time. His direction was so fucking hot and he played my needs at 100% the craving I was in need of getting. Again he began a face fuck and added, "think dad might like some of this too". The image of that picture, no matter how old, was too much and my throat clamped hard on his stiff dick. "Ah you like that idea of being shared eh", he suggested. I moaned agreement and made sure he knew I was open for just that scene at any time. Willis was really into the blow job when his cell rang and then went to VM. "Prolly him now checking in as usual, maybe should answer and suggest he come by for some fun" he teased and continued throat fucking me. Holding both ears, he asked but was also more of a directive "you swallow"???... And with that query still hanging in the air, flooded my throat with his rich power cum. I gulped and Gulped and GULPED until he went dry. His dickhead still throbbed though as he withdrew and I licked the head and shaft clean and dry before he stepped back and I stood. Once he redressed, I thanked him and we both agreed to repeat sessions, sooner vs later. I left and made my way back to my place, forgetting about the few loaves of bread I had from the store back in my car. I took a nap and had an aggressive JO session on my own bench and shot cum everywhere.

Next: Chapter 2

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