Boys Will Be Boys

By Michael Prymula

Published on Jun 12, 2024



Disclaimer-I do not own any of the characters from "One Tree Hill" and I do not make any money from this story.

(Author's Note: the events of this story take place after Andre's last appearance in season 7)

Jamie Scott and Andre Fields were both the best of friends, however it was unfortunate that their friendship was brought on by tragedy via the senseless murder of Andre's older brother Quentin AKA Q(whom Jamie had been very close to) at the hands of psycho murderer Xavier Daniels. Jamie had also lost a family member via senseless murder-his uncle Keith at the hands of grandpa Dan(something he was still struggling to come to terms with what with how close him and Dan had become), though in his case it was before he was even born, he wished he'd got to know his uncle more, all he had to go on were some old photos and home videos. Nevertheless that hadn't stopped the two boys from being close friends for years, they enjoyed doing things together whether it was basketball, reminiscing or just hanging out. Jamie was telling Andre about his uncle and his old mostly abandoned auto shop, Andre asked if Jamie could take him there as he thought it would be an interesting new place to hang out where they could do what they wanted without risking getting in trouble. Jamie agreed, he'd enjoyed hanging out with his dad and Uncle Lucas there and it would be cool to bring his best friend there. It was a nice sunny summer day in Tree Hill, school had just ended for the summer yesterday and the boys were eager to get a start on their summer fun. Their parents had told them they could go around Tree Hill so long as they stayed away from dangerous areas(like the swamp and the bad part of town where Xavier was hanging around)and Keith's garage seemed pretty safe and Jamie's parents certainly hadn't told him he couldn't go into the old auto shop(which Nathan had purchased after his successful NBA deal not liking the idea of someone else owning a piece of his late Uncle's history and potentially demolishing it for a convenience store or something like that)by himself(though granted Nathan probably hadn't thought he would need to specifically tell him that). Jamie knew there was a hidden spare key underneath a fake rock in the back of the store, he'd spotted his dad stowing it there before they left the last time he took him there, so getting in wouldn't be a problem.

Before the boys visited the shop they decided to have some fun around town, so after a big breakfast(where both boys had large bowls of cereal and tall glasses of orange juice courtesy of their parents wanting them to keep healthy)the boys headed down to the rivercourt to play a little one on one, it was a hot day and both boys were dressed in their favorite basketball shorts(with Andre wearing red polyester ones with white and black stripes and Jamie wearing blue nylon ones with white stripes)that felt extra super good against their legs giving them goosebumps along with light t-shirts. Their parents had both insisted on the boys wearing their school backpacks with plenty of stuff in them just in case including water, Gatorade, Sunny D, snacks, walkie talkies, cell phones and other things(like some cans of soda and pouches of Capri-sun that the boys snuck in when their parents weren't looking). As Jamie and Andre met on the rivercourt and started their one-on-one game both became aware of their bladders, they'd both been so excited for the start of summer break that they'd both forgotten to pee before they left the house, neither one of them was willing to call a time-out and pause the game to go relieve themselves though(Besides the nearby toilets were pretty disgusting, Nathan and Lucas had both mentioned that most of the time they'd played on the rivercourt and had to pee they'd opted to hold it in and go somewhere else rather than dealing with the filthy bathrooms)due to their competitive nature so they held it in and downed several bottles of water and Gatorade as the game went on, finally they called it a tie after both reached 20 points both because they were tired and because their need to pee was steadily increasing.

The boys then decided to head down by the docks to check out some of the games and food stands, they tried out some of those carnie games that they swore were rigged(I.E. trying to throw a baseball to knock down several glass bottles)and indulged in plenty of food and drinks including some frozen watermelon slices, Sno Cones, smoothies and slushies. By the time they were done their bladders were quite full and the two boys felt their stomachs beginning to bulge out. Jamie and Dre both silently debated using the nearby porta-potties but one look at the long lines and one whiff of the awful smell quickly dissuaded both of them from even considering it and there was no place for them to hide behind an object and take a quick whiz without somebody spotting them due to the summer crowds of tourists and kids out of school. Both boys waddled back to town feeling their bladders sloshing with everything they'd drank all day, they debated going into a business and asking if they could use their bathroom but decided against it, businesses in Tree Hill were strict about not letting you use the bathroom unless you were paying customer regardless if you were a kid or not(and those that weren't as discerning like the seedier dive bars were not places that the boys parents wanted them anywhere near, besides the boys were too concerned about what kinds of creepy strangers they might run into inside those establishments) both boys had experienced that firsthand themselves in the past and back then had to resort to relieving themselves behind the dumpster out back. After that their parents had discouraged them from doing that sort of thing again, fortunately there was one place where they knew they could use the bathroom without having to buy anything-Karen's Cafe now owned by Jamie's mom Haley(ever since she'd gotten unfairly fired from her teaching position by that absolute bitch of a principal, she'd had to talk Jamie and Chuck out of egging her car and house in retaliation)who fortunately was off from work that day and Quinn was taking over. Jamie and Dre both staggered in through the door, their hands over their crotches, both boys having long since given up on hiding their need to pee from one another. Unfortunately there was a fairly long line for both restrooms today, Quinn noticed the boys and offered them a complimentary pitcher of root beer and some burgers and fries, they didn't want to be rude so they accepted her offer. They downed glass after glass of ice cold tasty root beer filling their poor little bladders up more and more til the pitcher and their plates were empty, they glanced over at the restrooms hoping the lunch rush had died down and they'd get a chance to pee, there were still a few people in line but it looked more manageable, unfortunately fate was not on their side that boy as suddenly what sounded like a explosion came from the bathroom, water was coming out under the doors of the bathrooms much to the annoyance of the customers, Quinn was cursing under her breath suspecting her rival Tara at Tree Hill Cafe(who had refused to let the boys use her restroom as she didn't allow unaccompanied minors of a certain age inside)was behind this latest misfortune(no doubt with the bathroom out of order the guests would rush across the street to Tree Hill Cafe to relieve their bladders and no doubt order something while they were there). She reluctantly pulled out the wet floor sign and called a plumber apologizing to her guests saying she had to close for a couple of hours until the bathroom situation was sorted out much to the annoyance of the patrons and to the horror of Jamie and Andre who now only had one option to relieve their poor aching and bloated bladders...

Jamie and Dre rushed over to the auto shop as fast as their small legs could carry them all the while holding onto their crotches for dear life, as Jamie started looking for the fake rock Dre urged him to hurry while dancing in desperation, "What's the matter gonna wet yourself?" Jamie asked, joshing his friend. "You will too if you don't hurry up!" Dre replied with a sense of urgency. "Yeah but i'll bet I can hold it longer than you can!" Jamie said teasingly. "Can not!" Dre said back defiantly. "Can too!" Jamie said with confidence as he finally found the fake rock and the key. Normally both boys would be jumping for joy as they could relieve themselves inside the building(they would've gone outside against the building but they'd been startled by a snake earlier that had caused them to lose a few spurts of pee into their boxer shorts and didn't want to risk getting bit)but after the challenge to one another's manhood neither boy felt like relieving themselves just yet, now they had something to prove to one another. "What do you say we settle this with a bet?" Dre asked eagerly, determined to prove himself to the son of a Tree Hill basketball legend. Jamie was intrigued by his friends proposition. "what did you have in mind?" he asked curiously. "Whoever can hold their pee the longest wins and the loser has to do whatever dare they want". Normally Jamie would've balked at the idea of doing dares(something his parents had warned him against)but he knew his best friend wouldn't make him do anything dangerous and he didn't want to back down from a challenge so he agreed. Dre laid out the terms-both boys would consume the remaining liquids in their backpacks and whoever wet themselves first lost.

The boys entered the garage, flipping the lights on and shutting the doors and the contest began with both young boys downed several bottles of Sunny D and Sunkist, groaning as they felt their bladders pushed far further beyond their limits then ever before, they felt like they were carrying around a hot air balloon in their bladders with how much they were bulging out, it was truly a sight to behold, they were both sweating from the effort of holding in their pee. Finally they'd exhausted their supply of fluids and felt their control slipping by the minute, knowing one of them was going to break sooner or later both boys began taunting each other's bladders by doing things like hissing and going on and on about water and whatnot, both boys felt themselves slowly dribbling into their boxers, it was neck and neck but ultimately it was Jamie who fell first as the dam burst and his blue shorts were absolutely drenched in piss in seconds, he fall backwards into the concrete floor sighing in bliss as relief washed over him as his boxers and shorts were soaked with piss, Jamie's pee seemed to go on for ages until it finally stopped. Dre felt his own control slipping after having watched that epic display of wetting in complete and utter are and started to take down his shorts but Jamie had no intention of letting his friend get out of this dry and started tickling him in the chest and under his armpits, Dre struggled to get him off in time but it was too late and soon Dre's own epic flood was unleashed like Noah's Ark, his red shorts getting absolutely drenched almost instantaneously, like Jamie he fall back onto the floor and relaxed in pure bliss as the amazing feelings of relief coursed through his veins giving him chills, his pee went on for ages, almost as long as Jamie's, both boys relaxed on the floor for several minutes lying in huge puddles of piss basking in bliss. Dre thought for a bit looking around the garage and got a flash of brilliance for his dare for Jamie. Dre dared Jamie to masturbate right here in the garbage, only for the young Scott boy to look at his friend quizzically. "Looks like I know a few things he doesn't" Dre thought smugly to himself, Jamie was a nice kid but a bit naive at times. Dre told Jamie about masturbation(having an older sexually active teenage brother made you learn about that sort of thing quick, Dre remembered sneaking a peak at Dre's "magazines" and after his death he'd hid them in his room not wanting his mom to find out about Dre's "habits", she deserved to have her image of son to remain pure, if his mom ever found those mags Dre would just say he got them from some other kid)and Jamie got an intrigued look.

This was going to be even better than Dre thought, he was going to introduce his best friend to masturbation, Dre wasn't ready to get nude in front of him or anything like that but he did have a banana in his backpack to demonstrate masturbation techniques with and that was enough for Jamie to get the hint, only problem was they didn't have any lube with them in their packs so some improvising would be required. Dre got a wicked grin when he spotted an old Grease gun lying around on a workbench, yeah this would do nicely, Dre went over and picked up the Grease gun and worked the handle pumping out a generous amount of grease on his hands, he then walked over to a corner of the garage and yanked down his shorts and went to town on his weenie while thinking of how hot Jamie's mom Haley(whom Q had jerked off to more then once)was, it didn't take long for Dre to shoot an impressive amount amount of cum on the floor, he sighed in bliss, this was by far his longest and most intense orgasm yet, teaching his best friend how to do it must've given him that extra excitement. "Your turn" Dre said grabbing the Grease gun again, Jamie hesitantly put on his hands and rubbed together before going over to the same corner of the garage where Dre had jerked off, pulling his shorts and boxers down, he took a deep breath and started stroking his cock which grew bigger than he expected. The grease felt all weird and messy but good against his penis nonetheless, he used the techniques Dre had shown him while thinking about Madison and Nanny Carrie(bitch may have been crazy but she sure was hot)that did the trick as his dick soon started to feel really super good all of a sudden and it felt like a pressure was ready to burst out the tip any second, he stroked the back of his glans and it felt like he'd stepped on a landmine as cum burst out of the tip of his penis and he practically painted the floor next to Dre's cum with his own jizz, his volume was impressive, bigger than Dre's even, the fact that it was his first time and that he was doing this in the presence of his best friend definitely helped. Jamie then got an idea saying that he'd cum more then Dre it was only hair that Dre did a dare as well, Dre was hesitant but he was no chicken so he agreed, Jamie thought for a minute and then remembered something he'd once seen on his dad's laptop. Jamie dared Dre to lube up his asshole and finger himself to orgasm, Dre was surprised that Jamie hadn't known about masturbation before today yet he somehow knew about anal, but nevertheless he wasn't about to back down from a challenge, so he squirted out some more grease and got his asshole nice and lubed up and started fingering his butt frantically, it felt weird but good, though he wasn't quite able to reach his prostate, fortunately he had something else that would do the trick, he pulled out a Squiggle pen out of his pack and got the tip lubed up and turned it on and the tony motor whirred to life as he slowly inserted the vibrating pen in and out of his anus, Dre was hit with indescribable pleasure as the tip hit his prostate, his cock was harder then ever before and his balls were starting to swell, it felt like this was going to be it, frantically stroking his cock while shoving the pen as deep as he could he felt like a bomb went off in his guts as he cried out loudly with pleasure as the most explosive orgasm of his life tore through him like a torch through metal as he shot bucketloads of cum all over the wall of the shop, his orgasm seemed to go on for an eternity before it finally abated. Dre was definitely grateful to his best friend for introducing him to his awesome new masturbation method. Jamie was in awe of Dre's orgasm as he'd watched from behind, so much so that he had to try it for himself quickly he squirted himself a generous helping of grease and started fingering his ass hole frantically, it felt strange but oh so nice, fortunately like Dre he'd also brought along a Squiggle pen, guess strange minds did think alike, unlike Dre Jamie was fast and furious with his anal play desperately wanting to cum loads on the wall like Dre did, he frantically jerked his weiner with one hand while finger blasting his ass with the other, it didn't take long for Jamie to explode with his own release wailing with pleasure as he shot splooge out like a firehouse onto the wall, there was so much he couldn't believe it, he practically painted the walls, it looked like him and Dre were about equal in terms of cum that time, so both boys decided to compromise and dare one another at the same time. Both boys collapsed in pure bliss for several minutes while thinking about what their dares for the other would be. Ultimately Jamie's dare was to lick his own pissy shorts and Dre's dare was to eat his own cum, both boys agreed, finding the taste strange but not at all unpleasant, Dre had soon licked up all of his cum from the floor and wall and Jamie had licked his shorts and boxers dry, both were intrigued at how much the other seemed to enjoy it so they switched, with Dre licking inhaling the scent of his own piss and licking his shorts and boxers clean while Jamie ate up his own cum(both had thought about eating the others cum or licking the others piss but the boys weren't ready to cross that line just yet). After the place was clean Dre had found some stuff in the garage to help them clean up the grease, the boys wiped themselves clean with some old rags until it was all gone, they then closed up the garage and put the key back in its place and went down to the beach to go jump in the surf and hopefully cover up any smell of cum, urine and grease. After the boys felt they were sufficiently in the clear they dried off with their towels and saw that it was almost time for them to go home for dinner, not wanting to worry their parents the two boys said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, both incredibly excited by the awesome day they'd had and determined to repeat that experience again and again, this was going to be one awesome summer for sure....

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