Boys Will Be Boys

By Alan Jones

Published on Sep 9, 2005



This story contains material of an adult nature involving the sex between 2 male teenagers. If you are not of legal age to read such content, are offended by such content or if there is any other legal reason why you cannot view this please leave now. This story is a work of fiction and is in no way meant to portray any real life people either living or dead. By reading the following story you hereby agree to all the above terms and conditions. I cannot be held acountable for any laws you may break or any negative effect the following story may have on you. Read on if you wish, and above all enjoy. ; )

Boys Will Be Boys

Andrew had just turned 17, he had medium blonde hair, his fringe hanged down, masking his beautiful deep blue eyes. He had the type of eyes that you could stare into for hours and never get bored. He had a nice build, quite small in height, he had a 6-pack but other than that he wasn't very muscular. He was at college, but was doing no work. He was far too busy concentrating on using those big blue eyes of his to stare at Donnie at the other side of the room. Donnie was 18 with short black hair spiked up on top and big brown eyes. He was very tall and had a large build but not fat, nor was he thin. He has fancied Andrew for quite a while now, which is why he was so shocked when he found Andrew staring at him across the room. He wasn't quite sure what to do; should he stare back, pretend like he hasn't noticed, wait until after class and go up and talk to him if so what the hell would he say?

Donnie spotted Andrew outside and slowly walked up to him while thinking what to say. "Hi I no--" he was sharply cut off as Andrew passionately kissed him. Donnie was in shock, eventually he came to his senses and moved his hand up and ran it through Andrew's soft blonde hair. To him it seems like a moment in heaven that seemed to last forever. When it came to an end Donnie tried to speak but the words wouldn't come until luckily Andrew spoke first "I've been waiting to do that" he said with a big grin on his face and a little wink. Donnie, still in shock, quietly said "Me too." Andrew got closer to Donnie and whispered in his ear "You know where i live right?" Donnie still speechless just nodded in agreement "In which case, come to my house later tonight about 8pm" at which point Andrew gave Donnie a quick kiss on the lips and walked off on his way home leaving a still shocked Donnie standing outside on a warm summers day.

Donnie was sat at home just quietly thinking to himself. He wasn't quite sure whether he had been dreaming or not. The one guy he has fancied for so long suddenly kisses him for no apparent reason and invites him to his house. He went and got a shower and got dressed, he was still thinking. It seems like something that would usually only happen in dreams, but this was real and was happening tonight, and he couldn't wait.

He aproached Andrew's door. He was almost shaking he was so nervous. After roughly 5 minutes he plucked up the courage and knocked on the door. It was opened almost instantly and there stood Andrew, wearing nothingbut a towel wrapped around his waist. He was dripping wet from head to toe, his soft blonde hair was soaked through and glued to his head. He had a big grin on his face "Come in, i'll just be a second." Donnie's jaw almost hit the floor, he followed Andrew in "Go wait in my room i'll be there in a sec" He watched as Andrew headed to the bathroom and as the door was closing he got a little look at Andrew dropping his towel. Donnie headed to Andrews bedroom as he had been told. He had been there as a child when they used to play together but he didn't know what it would look like now. He sat on Andrews double bed, admiring the rest of the room. Andrew walked in, still with the towel around his waist, but he was dry even his beautiful blonde hair wasdry although a little messed up but he didn't mind. Andrew sat beside him, leaned in, and kissed him passionatly for the second time. Donnie was in heaven once again.

Donnie wasted no time this time, he ran his hand down Andrews chest and around his back. Both fell backwards onto the bed and were now laid there kissing. They rolled about on the bed, Andrews towel was now on the floor. Still kissing, Donnie moved his hands down to pull his shirt off over his head. Andrew ran his hands through Donnie's soft black hair and down his, now bare, back. This sent shivers of pleasure down Donnie's spine. Both were now kneeling, Donnie's hands rested on the small of Andrews back just above his bare ass. Andrew's hands reached down to undo the buttons on Donnie's jeans. He broke off the kiss to look down and saw that Donnie was wearing no underwear. Donnie took off his jeans and threw them onto the rest of the pile of clothes. Both boys were now naked, Andrew looked up, grinned and continued kissing.

Andrew was now sat on top of Donnie, kissing his way down Donnie's neck, onto his chest and stomach, using his tongue to play with the small patch of hair Donnie had leading from his belly button to his groin. By now both were extremely hard. Andrews hands were slowly moving down Donnie's chest to his cock. Donnie let out a moan as Andrew ran his tongue across his cock and proceeded to take it in his mouth inch by inch. Donnie rested his hands on the back on Andrews head, playing with his soft hair and encouraging him to keep going. Donnie was loving every second of it, as was Andrew. "Stop" said Donnie "Turn over." Donnie found some lube in the bedside cabbinet and proceeded to use it on Andrews ass. Andrew was laid on his back, Donnie lifted his legs over his shoulders and leaned in and kissed Andrew. "Are you ready Andrew?" "Yeah Donnie" With that Donnie started slowly and gently inserting his cock into Andrews ass as he let out a loud moan of pleasure.

Donnie was thrusting in and out of Andrew, both boys moaning in ecstasy. "Harder Donnie" the moaning got louder and louder until both boys came simultaniously. Donnie collapsed on top of Andrew, removed his cock from his ass. He laid beside Andrew with his arms wrapped around him and said "I Love You." They both fell asleep in the same possition still covered in each others cum.Donnie woke up first the next morning. He stared at the beautiful boy beside him, he looked so cute when he was sleeping. He got up and quietly got dressed, kissed Andrew on the forehead, said "I Love You." and then left Andrew sleeping on the bed.

What do you expect? After all, Boys will be Boys.

Copyrighted 2005 Alan Jones. All Rights Reserved.

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