Boys' State

By peter johnson

Published on Jun 30, 2009



This story contains acts of a sexual nature between two consenting males. If it is illegal or offensive for you to read such material, please navigate away from this page.

Sorry, I know it's long, but I like a lot of buildup.

I'm still pretty new to this; any comments and suggestions would be much appreciated!

Boys' State

The summer between my junior and senior year of high school, my school counselor suggested that I go to a camp called "Boys' State." This camp is intended for high school guys that are interested in politics; it's a week long centers around running an imaginary 51st state, "Boys' State." Since I soccer conditioning didn't start until the week after the camp, and I had nothing else to do, I decided to give it a try.

And so, on the first day of summer, I found myself at a tiny college up north. The campus barely looked like a real college; it was small, very woodsy, and the dorms looked like rooms you would find at a kid's camp--small, lots of bright colors, etc. In addition to the dorms, the campus had a few instructional buildings, a small rec building that had a Foosball table and a pool table, and an athletics building that contained gyms and a pool.

After saying goodbye to my parents outside, I got a dorm key, lugged my bags down a few halls, and found my room. There were two cards taped to the door: one had my name--Peter--written on it, and the other had the name "Travis" on it. I unlocked the door and walked into the room.

Against the left wall, there were bunk beds. Great. I'm a little too tall--6'2"--to fit comfortably into bunk beds. I decided that if I had to choose between the bunks, the lesser of two evils would be the lower bunk; I wouldn't have to climb up a ladder every time I wanted to get some sleep. On the other wall were two desks. Across the room, a large window that looked out into the forest took up the far wall, and right next to the door there was a mirror on the left and a closet on the right. My roommate and I would be sharing a bathroom with our suitemates, it looked like--the bathroom sat between my room and my neighbors' room and had doors into each room.

After dumping my luggage on the bottom bunk and my backpack on the near desk, I glanced in the mirror. I always like to make a good first impression when meeting new people, and this of course means that I have to look my best. My short blonde hair, normally spiked in the front with product, was drooping a little, so I pushed it up a little with my hand. I regretted that I hadn't been outside more toward the end of the school year; although I wasn't sickly pale, my tan could have definitely used some work. I was in pretty good shape, and I liked my face--I've always thought it looked friendly. Satisfied that I wouldn't scare my fellow campers away, I left my room and joined the growing crowd around our hall bulletin board.

All of the guys in my "city"--each hallway in which campers were to live was designated a specific Boys' State city--were milling around, waiting for our first camp meeting. They were an interesting mix of guys, ranging from small, geeky, and way too into politics, to tall, built football players. We waited around for about an hour, talking about sports, ourselves, and what our week at Boys' State might be like. After a long hour of introductions, however, I still had not met my roommate, Travis, and soon the group was moving as one to an instructional building for our camp orientation.

That first day was a blur of meetings concerning what we would be doing for the rest of the week. By bedtime, I was exhausted; I was ready to crash in my dorm room, which as far as I knew was going to end up housing me and me alone. I opened the door to my room and met with a huge surprise: my roommate.

"Hey, you must be Peter," he said, smiling and extending a hand for me to shake. "I'm Travis."

"Yeah, nice to meet you," I said, gladly shaking his hand.

Travis was definitely not one of the small, geeky, enthusiastic kids I mentioned earlier. He was a big, fine specimen of a man. Travis was as tall as me but built like a football player, not a soccer player. He wore a tight shirt that showed off his thick biceps, and his light brown hair was perfectly styled. He had a square, manly jaw and a dazzling smile. His hands were big and strong, and he had a firm handshake.

Travis released my hand and turned back to his bunk, where he was obviously trying to make his bed. "I'm wiped out, man. I've been driving all day. Do you mind if I turn the lights off so I can get some sleep? Sorry if you were planning on staying up..."

"No problem," I said. "I was gonna do the same thing."

"Sweet," he replied. When he finished making his bed, he headed into the bathroom to brush his teeth. I followed him, because I had to brush mine, too.

I found myself staring at Travis in the mirror as we shared the sink--he had such a nice face. I'd never really been attracted to men before, but I wasn't disgusted by the thought of being with a guy. And Travis was definitely making the idea more and more appealing.

As we went back into our room and began to get ready for bed, I found out that not only was Travis impossibly attractive, he was a genuinely nice guy. He was very laidback and friendly. We talked about our schools, our hometowns, what sports we played. Then Travis took off his shirt, and I stopped listening. He had a broad, tan, muscular chest that sat above his six-pack abs. His body was smooth, and his arm muscles flexed as he undid his shorts and slid them to the floor. Travis now stood in front of me in just plaid boxers, displaying almost all of his perfect body. I had already stripped to my boxers, and I was afraid that I would throw a painfully obvious boner, so I quickly went and turned the lights off. "Night, Peter," said Travis.

"Night," I replied as I watched Travis's firm, boxer-clad ass make its way up to the top bunk. I slipped into bed with a throbbing hard-on and drifted off to sleep, imagining what was hiding under Travis's underwear.

The next morning, I woke early so that I could go running before breakfast. Travis was still asleep. I dug through my suitcase and pulled out a pair of running shorts, which I slipped on. As I was about to leave, I remembered that my room key was on my bed, so I turned back to get it. I grabbed my key and straightened up, so that my face was about level with the top bunk.

In front of me lay Travis, situated on top of his sheets because of the heat. His body looked just as delicious in the early half-light as it did the night before, but the was something different: his boxers were tenting with some serious morning wood. His cock was standing up perpendicular to his stomach, stretching the cute plaid boxers to their limits. Needless to say, I was almost immediately as hard as he was. But I didn't have time to take care of my cock right then; I had to squeeze in a run. So I tucked my dick behind the waistband of my shorts and left.

I had a nice, brisk run around the campus and tried to get Travis's body out of my mind. I eventually succeeded, and by the time I re-entered my room my cock was soft.

That changed pretty quickly. As I was locking the door behind me, I heard the bathroom door open. Out walked Travis with a towel wrapped around his waist, dripping wet. I was instantly hard again.

"Hey, perfect timing," Travis said. "I just got done in the shower. It's all yours."

"Thanks," I said, trying hard to make my boner vanish. Travis didn't seem to notice my bulging shorts, though, and I quickly grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom. I stripped off my sweaty shorts, turned on the shower, and got in. I let the water run over me for a while, then I began to wash myself. As I was rinsing shampoo out of my hair, I looked down at the floor of the shower. Stuck in the drain by my foot was a big glob of semen. My right hand immediately went from my hair to me cock--Travis had just busted his nut in the shower, moments before I got back to the room! The thought of Travis, naked, wet, and stroking his cock, gave me a giddy feeling. I imagined him moaning and touching himself, shooting big strings of cum from his cock as waves of pleasure washed through him. Soon, I felt the orgasm building, and I shot my load on the floor of the shower, where it joined Travis's, stuck to the drain.

I finished washing myself, turned off the water, and got out of the shower. Travis's cum still lay near the drain, now mixed with mine. I dried myself off, wrapped my towel around my waist, and went back into my room. Unfortunately, Travis was already fully clothed and fixing his hair in the mirror by the door. I grabbed some boxers, shorts, and a t-shirt out of my suitcase and tossed them on the bed. I glanced at Travis, figured that my recent masturbation session would keep me from getting hard, and then took off my towel. As I was using it to dry my hair a little more, I heard Travis say, "Damn, you're packin', bro!"

I glanced up to see Travis smirking at my soft dick. "Haha, thanks, man," I replied. His eyes lingered on my package for a second more, then he went back to fixing his hair.

I pulled on my boxers and shorts, and just as I was about to put on my shirt, Travis said, "Well, I'm gonna go get some breakfast. See ya later, man."

"Peace," I said as Travis pulled the door shut behind him. I let out a sigh of relief; now I could get dressed without being so damned nervous.

After breakfast, we held elections. I ended up on city council, along with--you guessed it--Travis. Because ours was a small city, we had only two council members rather than three. This meant that Travis and I would be spending the rest of the camp together, tackling imaginary problems in our "office," which was really just another dorm room. Alone. This was going to be tricky. We didn't actually get into the mock government that day--called All Governments Functioning, or AGF. There were more instructional meetings after we got the election results.

After a long day of sitting and listening, all of the guys were ready to get out and do something active. The pool was opened after dinner, and I was one of the first guys over there. In the locker room, I stripped down and put on my swimsuit. The room was almost empty, so it was safe for me to take my time getting undressed and dressed without worrying about sprouting wood.

After changing, I went into the pool room, jumped in the water and just floated for a while. Soon, the pool began to fill with boisterous guys, and I eventually found myself involved in a game of water-volleyball. There were few rules; it eventually degenerated into throwing beach balls at each other's heads. It was fun to just act dumb after a long day of formal instruction. Someone suggested that we have a cannonball contest, and I was soon standing in line at the deep end with a crowd of teenage boys.

Just as my turn came up and I was about to leap into the pool, I saw Travis climbing out of the pool. He was dripping wet, and his muscles rippled as he hauled his strong frame from the water. He wore a white swimsuit that clung tightly to his thighs. I could clearly see the outline of his package--every bulging contour, every delicious curve. In fact, I could almost see the color of his cock because of the near-translucency of his swimsuit. I felt my own penis begin to grow and quickly jumped into the water, drawing great applause from the crowd of guys.

Eventually, it was time for us to get out of the pool, and I followed the flow of dripping boys into the locker room. I rinsed off in the shower room, then went to my locker in the main locker room. After toweling off my chest and hair, I dropped my trunks and began to dry my lower body. As I moved my way toward my crotch, Travis walked up, completely naked--he'd apparently showered nude after leaving the pool.

"Hey man, what's up?" he asked as he toweled off his hair. He opened a locker a short way down the row and pulled out some shorts and a t-shirt.

"Hey," I replied. I couldn't help but steal a glance at his cock. But my glance turned into a stare, as I drank in his beautiful member. It was long and thick, and it looked velvety smooth, even dripping with water. The exposed head was dark pink, and it looked extremely inviting. The shaft rested on top of a smooth sac that held two heavy, low-hanging balls. His bush was light brown and well-trimmed.

Travis caught me staring and gave me an odd grin. "Like what you see?" he asked jokingly.

I immediately snapped my eyes away from his package and up to his face. I laughed nervously. "Sorry," I said, trying to match Travis's joking tone. "You said I was packin' this morning, but you've definitely got me beat."

"Well, maybe I'm a shower and you're a grower," he said with a grin and a wink. "Nobody really cares how big it is soft."

I chuckled nervously again, and we went on changing in silence. I definitely was beginning to grow, so I pulled on my clothes as quickly as possible, said goodbye to Travis, and went back to my room. I was in bed and had already turned off the lights by the time Travis got back. I pretended to be asleep as he stripped to his boxers and climbed up to the top bunk. The image of his crotch on its way to the top bunk gave me very sweet dreams that night.

I missed seeing Travis wet and naked after his shower the next morning, but I did get to see him wet again, which was almost as good in my book. After breakfast, AGF began, and I met Travis in our office on the other side of the residence hall. The room adjoining ours wasn't being used as an office for any other elected officials, so we really were alone.

We spent most of the morning actually working--balancing the imaginary budget, writing ordinances to save historical sites, etc. But near lunch time, we began to get restless. We spent the last half hour or so before lunch just laying on the beds--side by side in this room--and talking, getting to know each other better. The conversation eventually turned to girls and sex, as is inevitable with high school boys.

"Man, there are so many hot chicks back home," bragged Travis. "I've already boned most of them, though, or at least gotten blowjobs from them. I'm gettin' kinda sick of them."

"You're so lucky, bro," I replied. "Most of the girls at my school are pretty damn ugly. I mean, I had a steady girl last year and we fooled around, but we broke up. I haven't been getting any lately because she's the only hot chick around back home."

Travis chuckled. "Yeah, I haven't been gettin' much lately either, because like I said, I'm bored with everyone. But you're never really alone when you've got your right hand, right?" Travis said with a wink and a grin, then grabbed his package. I noticed that when he squeezed his crotch, he had his hands pretty full. I laughed and watched as his hand stopped squeezing but remained on his crotch.

"Sorry if this is a weird question, but I'm curious; are you really a shower, not a grower? I mean, how big are you hard?" I asked, eyes still fixed on his shorts.

Travis laughed. "I don't mean to brag, but I'm both. I'm about eight-and-a-half inches hard. What about you, man? You look like you've got a good-sized package," he said. "Bet that your ex loved that."

"I'm about seven," I answered. We fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments.

Travis lay back and looked at the ceiling. "Well, since we're talking about it, I've always sort of wondered how often other guys jerked off," Travis said, suddenly slightly nervous and serious. I glanced at his face; his eyes stayed fixed on the ceiling.

"I dunno," I said in a semi-joking voice. "Probably way too much." Travis stayed silent, as if waiting for further explanation. "Maybe once or twice a day during the summer. I get bored, you know," I said, once again attempting a joking tone.

"Wow," Travis said. I was convinced that he thought I was a freak for jerking off so often. Then he said, "I do it about the same."

We sat in silence again for a few moments as everything sunk in. I was starting to get really aroused by this conversation; Travis had already told me how big his cock was and how often he stroked it, what would happen next? I knew that if we kept talking about sex I would get a painfully obvious hard-on, but I didn't care; my curiosity and lust outweighed the possible embarrassment. As I lay debating whether or not I should push the conversation further, Travis made the decision for me.

"This might be even weirder, and don't get freaked out by this question, but have you ever, you know, jerked off with another guy?" he asked. "I mean, when there aren't any girls around to do it for you and you're just helpin' out a bud."

"No, but I hear about it sometimes," I replied, excited at the direction in which this conversation was heading. "I've heard that it's a good bonding experience. I think my school's football team does it before games, actually. Have you?

"No, but I've heard that too," said Travis. We turned our heads, and our eyes met. We both glanced at each other's shorts and noticed growing bulges.

Just then, a camp counselor opened the door. "Lunch," he called, the moved on.Travis and I hid our erections as best we could, then went to the cafeteria for lunch.

The rest of the day was filled with actual work. Our little sexual-bonding conversation had changed almost nothing between Travis and I, and worked hard through the afternoon and evening. I didn't see Travis during our evening rec time, so I just enjoyed my free time, reveling in the physical activity of a a pickup soccer game.

When I got back to my room shortly after dark, I decided to take a quick shower; I'd worked up quite a sweat playing soccer. I stripped off my sweaty clothes and got in the shower. I was so exhausted from the game that I didn't even get hard when I though about what Travis might have done in the shower that morning; I just enjoyed the water and the solitude. As I was washing my hair, I heard the door to my room open. Travis was back. I finished showering, dried myself off a bit, then wrapped my towel around my waist and entered my room.

Travis was sitting at his desk, shirtless. He was fiddling with his phone--probably texting someone back home--and his hair was wet; he had apparently spent his rec time swimming. I regretted playing soccer, as I had passed up another chance to see Travis in a wet swimsuit or naked.

"Hey man," I said as I crossed the room to my suitcase in search of some shorts or boxers to sleep in. "How was the pool?"

Travis snapped his phone shut and turned to face me. "It was pretty fun. DeLuca almost drowned, though; Reau dunked him when he wasn't looking," he said. "You win at soccer?"

"Yeah, we kicked some pretty serious ass," I said, still rummaging through my bag. "Oh, shit," I exclaimed. "I only brought enough clothes for the week; I have nothing to sleep in."

"Sorry, bro, can't help you there," said Travis. "I did the same thing. Otherwise I'd let you borrow something of mine."

I sat down on my bunk, slightly exasperated. We both sat silently for a moment, I pondering what do do about my clothes predicament, Travis pondering who-knows-what.

"Hey, why don't you just sleep naked," Travis suddenly suggested. "I mean, I've already seen you naked, what's the big deal about wearing clothes to bed?

I chuckled nervously. My exhaustion and exasperation were suddenly gone; blood began to rush to my soft member. The mere fact that Travis suggested I get naked had me ready to lose my load. "I guess so," I said tentatively.

"Here, I'll even sleep naked too, if it makes you any more comfortable," said Travis, and before I knew it he had slid off his shorts. I glanced at Travis's naked body, debated whether or not I cared if he saw me hard or not, decided I didn't at all, and unwrapped my towel, tossing it onto my desk. My semi-hard cock was completely visible to Travis, now.

"There we go, now we're all comfortable," Travis said with a grin. "Ready to turn in?"

I desperately wished that we didn't have to turn in and that we could explore each other's bodies with more than just our eyes, but I didn't think that it was a good idea to suggest that out loud. "Sure, I guess," I said.

Travis walked over to the light switch--me ogling his swinging cock and balls the whole time--and turned of the light, then climbed up into his bunk. We lay there in silence; I could barely stand the fact that Travis was completely naked and just a few feet above me. I kept replaying his climb to the top bunk in my mind; it had given me a complete, exciting view of his bare package. I was soon rock hard, and every once in a while my hand would find its way to my cock, giving it a quick, silent stroke.

I had been lying in bed for a while, when out of the darkness came Travis's voice: "Hey, Peter, are you still awake?"

My hand froze on my cock, and I replied, "Yeah, what's up?"

"You know how we were talking about guys, you know, jerking off together earlier?" Travis began.

"Yeah," I said, both hopeful and nervous.

"Well, have you ever seriously considered doing it? Like, have you ever had a specific friend in mind to do it with?"

"Not really. Well, one."

I heard Travis shifting positions on the bunk above me, so I quickly rolled onto my stomach to hide my throbbing erection. He poked his head over the side of the bunk and looked me in the eyes. It was mostly dark in the room, but a shaft of moonlight shone on the bunk beds and illuminated my roommate's face. "Who?" he asked.

I hesitated, then decided to go for it. If I freaked him out, I would only have to deal with the awkwardness for a week, then I would never see Travis again. If I didn't freak him out, this would be a pretty amazing stay at Boys' State. "Just you," I said, then waited for his reaction.

He stared at me for a moment with an unreadable expression on his face. Finally, he said, "Yeah, I think it would be fun to try jerking with you, too." He grinned and said, "What better time to try new things than when you're away at camp? Isn't that what Boys' State's all about?"

I sighed with relief and rolled onto my side, exposing my rock-hard boner. "Do you really wanna try it? Like, now?" I asked.

Travis's head disappeared. Then Travis's body came climbing down the ladder and onto my bunk. "Move over a little, so we can both fit on here," he said. I pressed myself as close to the wall as I could leaving enough room for Travis to lie down next to me in the bunk. We both gazed at our bodies for a moment, pressed together, warm flesh against warm flesh. Travis hadn't lied about his size--it was at least eight-and-a-half-inches. My cock was usually considered pretty big, but it was nothing compared to Travis's long, smooth rod. After taking in the beautiful sight that was our teenage bodies squished together, I looked at Travis's face. He met my gaze and held it for a moment.

Finally, he said with a grin, "So what are we waiting for? Let's get to it!"

With that, he grabbed my cock with his big, strong hand and began to slide his fingers up and down the shaft. I luxuriated in the waves of pleasure that his manly hands were sending through my body for a moment, then reached my hand over and finally grasped the thing I had been yearning to hold ever since I had met Travis. His rod felt warm and soft in my palm. I slid my fist up and down his stiff dick, pleasing both Travis and myself.

After we had thoroughly explored each other's cocks, I decided that I wanted to explore the rest of Travis's body. I ran my free hand up his firm abs, then glanced at his face to see if this was okay. He grinned and pinched my nipple with his free hand. I took this as permission and ran my hand over the rest of his body: his beefy pecs, his sensitive nipples, his thick biceps, his muscular thighs. I took his balls into my hand as I continued to stroke his cock, and he let out a moan. Once I was satisfied that I'd explored every inch of his body, I lay back and let Travis take his turn. He ran his hand all over me, tweaking my nipples and rolling my balls between his fingers.

Travis was sitting up, fondling my balls with one hand and teasing my cock-head with the other, when he asked, "Hey, do you wanna try something else?"

"Like what?" I responded.

"Well, neither of us have been getting much action lately," he said. "So why don't we, you know, give each other some action?"

"You mean, like, butt-sex?" I asked nervously. However much I adored Travis's body, I wasn't comfortable with having his mammoth rod inside me, nor my rod in him.

"No, no," Travis said, catching the trepidation in my voice. "I mean, like, you know, why don't we suck each other off? It's ten times better than getting off by hand"

I tried to hide the excitement in my voice: "Yeah, sure, let's do it. You wanna 69 or take turns?"

"I think 69 would be better," replied Travis, relieved that I accepted his offer. He let go of my cock, which slapped my stomach left a blob of precum on my abs, and turned his body around so that his face was hovering above my cock and his juicy member was nearly touching my lips. I glanced down at Travis's face and we both grinned. Then I stuck out my tongue and licked his cock from root to tip.

I had never sucked a cock before, but Travis tasted delicious. I felt his mouth engulf my rod as I slowly lowered my lips around his head. I ran my tongue over the tip and he shivered with pleasure. His precum tasted salty and sweet. I pumped my head up and down, taking as much of his enormous cock as I could. One of my hands held onto his warm, muscular thigh for support while the other alternated between gripping his shaft and fondling his perfect balls. Meanwhile, Travis was giving me unbearable pleasure by sucking on the first few inches of my shaft--that's as far as he could go without gagging--and stroking my thighs.

Too soon, I felt my pleasure begin to intensify. I pulled my mouth off of Travis's delicious meat and said, "Bro, I'm gonna cum soon."

Travis pulled his lips off of me as well and said, "Me too man, get ready."

We both went back to stroking each other's dicks, but at a faster pace now. I felt the semen coursing its way through my cock, the intense pleasure spreading from my dick to the rest of my body. Suddenly, I was blasting rope after rope of thick cream onto Travis's chest and arm. My orgasm seemed to last forever, and as it was dying down, Travis began to pump his cum all over my chest. One string even landed on my chin. Once we were totally spent, we locked gazes. Travis grinned, then I grinned; we were both still holding each other's slowly deflating cocks and were covered in each other's cum.

"Well, now, aren't you glad we tried this?" Travis asked.

I chuckled and wiped the stray glob of semen off of my chin. "Yeah, very glad," I said. "This will make for an interesting week of city council meetings."

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