Boys Only for Ben

By Calico Horn

Published on Jun 5, 2010


Boys Only for Ben - Chapter 5: Painting in Class

Written by Calico Horn.

This story is purely fiction. It contains no references to real people anywhere and should not be treated as real life. This story also contains references to individuals who can be considered minors (All individuals are 16+) in some countries and states. Please do not read this story if it is illegal in your state or country, or if you find this type of writing to be offensive in any way.

Chapter 5 is all about Ben's growing desire to experiment and take risks. A boring class leaves his mind wandering, and his body also has its own ideas. This chapter went through several re-writes before I was happy with it. If you spot any inconsistancies, chalk it up to me being a little careless in my re-writing. I hope you enjoy the way it turned out anyway.

Chapter 5 contains references to Public Masturbation. Both of these activities are considered illegal in some countries and states. So I have to stress that it is an offence to perform a sex act in public. Don't try this in public, try it at home where it belongs! And as always, Safe Sex is a MUST in todays society, so always use protection!

----- Chapter 5: Painting in Class -----

Chalk flew off the chalk-board as the teacher scribbled illegible cursive handwriting, symbolising what the class was supposed to copy into their notebooks. Ben blankly stared down at the sheet of paper in his notebook, which reflected his blankness. This was Year 12, he knew it was going to be tough, but why did the teachers have to make it so much harder by writing so messily on the boards?

Ben instead let his mind wander, his eyes drifted across the classroom as he checked out his classmates for the year. Being at an all-boys school had its perks, especially for someone like Ben. He wasn't "out" to anyone other than his brother, so he had to be careful not to be caught drooling at some of the boys in his year. But he had decided this would be the year that he stopped hiding in the shadows and took some risks. He didn't want to leave Year 12 a virgin, and he would like it if he could score with some of these boys before he left for University. Already regretting how long he had stayed so subdued, he wanted to experiment and be daring.

As his eyes scoped out the smooth, good looks of some of his classmates, his body started to react and he began to think this would be a perfect opportunity to try something daring. Something he wouldn't have done in Year 11.

Normally when he started checking out boys in class, his cock would go rigid with desire and start spewing out conspicuous amounts of precum, eventually soaking through his briefs and into the material of his school-shorts. To combat this, he would excuse himself to go to the toilet and have a quick wank into the bowl before it got out of hand.

But not today! This time, Ben stayed where he was at the back corner of the class. Slinking slightly down into the chair, he scribbled random nothing-ness onto his notebook as he started to trace a finger from his left hand down the bulge in his school shorts. Staring into the nothingness of the desk in front of him, he pressed the palm of his hand firmly against his bulge, sending a tinge of pleasure and excitement up his body. He knew his cock would start leaking precum in vast amounts in a short amount of time, and he wasn't going to let it become exposed like it normally would.

Glancing around casually, he checked his current location status. The seat next to him was empty, and the boy sitting across from that seat was busy somehow decoding and writing down the teacher's heiroglyphics on the chalkboard. Noone else was in view of Ben's activities and he felt safe to continue with his plan.

In the silence of the classroom, Ben reached up to the top of his shorts and undid the button. He pinched the zipper and sloooowly, ever so quietly edged it downwards, notch by notch. Once he got it all the way down, he pulled the flap apart, exposing his fire-red briefs, one of his favourites. His cock was pressing up against his belly underneath the material and a wet patch was already soaking through, making a patch of dark red near the elastic.

Ben decided to stay at this level for a bit to see if he could get away with it. He doodled on his notebook while his left hand traced his bulge up and down, making his cock twitch every time he reached the head and slid his finger back down the underside.

After a few minutes of this though his hormones were raging through his mind and body, and he just had to blow a load. He casually glanced left at his neighbour two desks over, who was still busily scribbling into his notebook.

Feeling confident, he lifted himself up slightly off the chair and pulled his school shorts down just enough to expose his briefs fully. Then, with another quick glance to make sure all way clear, he lifted the elastic to his underwear and his cock sprang out, flicking a small drop of precum into the air and onto his notebook.

Ben was breathing heavily, and his heart was racing at this point. He was terrified the teacher was going to catch him, but he was too far gone now to back out now. His cock needed release, and it knew it was going to get it.

With the elastic of his underwear pressing against his balls, Ben reached down with his right hand and gently pulled his foreskin back. It was all he could do not to moan out loud in the silent room, so he made do with a very light gasp as the soft, moist skin slid down and snapped into place under the rim of his cockhead.

He masssaged the copious amounts of precum leaking from the tip of his cock into the head of his cock, and then wrapped his right hand around it. Leaning back and closing his eyes, he slid tohe foreskin back up over his now wet cockhead and began to masturbate openly in the classroom.

Ben's right hand was moving gently up and down his cock, so as not to make any noise. Still, there was the faintest wet slapping sound as his foreskin would wrap around the head of his cock and then snap back down around it, over and over again. He was really getting into the daring feeling of the experience when a small noise to his left made his eyes snap open.

He quickly covered himself up with his hands as he looked to his left to see the boy two seats over reach down to the floor to grab a pen he dropped. Ben's heart was thumping rapidly in his chest with fear of being caught. He knew the boy only as D.J. Supposedly he was a hotshot disk jockey for nightclubs, but everyone just assumed he was making it up. As a result he had a status as a bit of a loser, his nickname being more out of cruelty than legitimacy. Still, even though he wasn't Ben's type, he definitely had his defining features. Most notably his gorgeous blonde hair, which he kept spiked up with gel in the most interesting styles.

Ben's cock had shrivelled up at the fear of being caught. But as D.J. lifted back up after grabbing his pen, Ben figured the boy hadn't seen him and he relaxed. Ben started massaging his cock again with his right hand and let his gaze lower to D.J.'s lap, where he froze.

D.J. had his cock out too, and it was rock hard.

Ben looked up and noticed D.J. looking at him, with a huge grin on his face. Frozen in his tracks, Ben was unsure what to do, his cock exposed and still leaking precum like a faucet. D.J., still staring into Ben's eyes, reached down with his left hand and began to stroke his cock, which was poking through the gap in his zipper.

Feeling more daring, Ben just stared at D.J.'s cock as he started masturbating again. The boy put his eyes back to the front of the class and resumed taking notes off the chalkboard, while wanking his cock with the other hand.

Ben couldn't help but stare as his right hand flew up and down his own cock. Precum was oozing out the tip of his cock now and pooling in his pubes, but he didn't care. He was lost in the arousal of the other boy's hand flying up and down his cock.

Suddenly, D.J. slammed his pen down on his notebook loudly, making a few people snap their heads around to look at him. He looked like he was having trouble breathing. Ben was watching too, with a better view, as the boy's cock pulsed in his hand and shot after shot of cum blasted out, painting the bottom of his desk.

The site of D.J.'s cum shooting out of his throbbing cock was too much. Ben's own orgasm suddenly erupted at how hot the scene playing before him was. He pulled his shirt up as he felt the cum rise through his shaft and squirt onto his smooth belly. Spurt after spurt kept coming as Ben tried to control his breathing, massaging his foreskin into the head of his cock to increase the pleasure. The cum began to pool in his belly button and around his pubes as his cock pulsed more and more of the boyseed out of his cock. As his orgasm subsided, Ben played with the foreskin, squeezing it over his head to get the last few watery drops of cum out.

He looked up just in time to see the teacher walking towards D.J.. Ben quickly pulled his shirt down to cover his cum-soaked belly and yoinked his shorts up, closing and covering the flap with his hands, without zipping back up, just in time as the teacher came within view of him.

The teacher asked D.J. if he was ok. Blushing the brightest red Ben had ever seen, the boy nodded sharply without looking up. The teacher walked a little closer and saw D.J.'s cock still out, now flaccid. with a small drop of cum still oozing from the top. Ben watched as the teacher's face turned red, a different shade to D.J.'s. The teacher told the other students to turn back around and keep taking notes as he motioned for D.J. to cover himself back up.

Ben had just gotten himself zipped and buttoned back up when the teacher stood D.J up and briskly walked him out the front door to the classroom. Ben's heart was still racing at how close he had come to being caught like that. He was feeling pretty proud of himself for being so daring when he looked down and noticed that his school shirt was becoming soaked with the cum he had left on his belly. His face turned white as he realised it would be instantly noticeable what he'd done when he stood up at the end of class.

Holding his hands in front of his shirt, he jumped up and ran out of the classroom before any of his classmates could so much as look up. The teacher was still outside scolding D.J. when Ben ran past and mumbled something about having to visit the toilet.

Once he reached the toilet, he ran into a stall and sat down. Lifting his shirt, he grabbed a wad of toilet paper and started to wipe up as much cum as he could, both from his stomach and out of his shirt. Once he'd cleaned up the best he could, he stood up and threw the wad of cum-soaked toilet paper over his shoulder and into the bowl without looking.

He went out to examine himself in the mirror without flushing. His shirt was still a bit clumpy, so he dabbed at it with water from the sink until it looked even enough. It would dry before he got back to class.

Ben looked up at his reflection in the mirror. He smiled and said to himself out loud "I'm proud of you, you did it!" With that, he walked out of the toilets and headed back to class.

As Ben walked out of the toilets, The door to the stall next to the one Ben had used opened up and Danny walked out. He'd overheard Ben talking to himself and wondered what he'd done exactly to be proud of. After washing his hands, Danny turned around and went into the stall Ben had used. On the floor next to the toilet was a wadded up ball of tissue paper. Danny picked it up, assuming it was Ben's. He sat down on the toilet Ben had used and brought the wad of paper up to his nose, inhaling deeply. Sure enough, it smelled like cum.

The smell alone was enough for Danny's cock to spring right up to attention. Smiling to himself, Danny closed the door to the stall and pulled off his school shorts and boxers. He put the wad of paper to his nose again and inhaled the sweet scent of Ben's boyseed as let his mind start to think about Ben masturbating. Ben hadn't been in the stall for that long, so he must've done it somewhere else, maybe in public? As Danny sniffed the cum-soaked paper, he jerked himself harder and faster, thinking of Ben naked and masturbating in public where Danny could watch him.

As he got close to cumming, he took one last deep inhalation of Ben's cum and held the wad of toilet paper under his own cock. The fact that it was Ben's cum made it so hot in Danny's mind that his cock erupted immediately. His cock went as hard as it'd ever been as it shot stream after stream of watery cum into the wad of toilet-paper, adding his own mixture to Ben's as he groaned out loud with the pleasure of it.

Once his orgasm had died down, he looked at the cum-soaked paper and brought it up to his mouth, he licked sucked as much of the cum-mixture as he could out of the paper before balling it up and throwing it into the toilet. He zipped up his shorts and walked out of the stall.

As Danny walked out of the toilets and back to his class, he decided that he was going to have to gather up his nerves and approach the boy of his latest fantasies. He'd shot too many lonesome loads thinking about him at night, and spent too many times lurking around the toilets hoping just to see him. His fantasy, his crush, the boy of his dreams. It is going to happen, Danny thought, and nobody is going to get in my way.

----- End of Chapter 5 -----

Ben is becoming more daring, and he might now have the courage to approach James with his feelings towards him. But with Danny now infatuated with Ben, how will this love triangle play out? Adding Adam into the mix, and things could start to get messy. I'm looking forward to writing the next few chapters and I hope you're looking forward to reading them. They may take longer to come out now, as the plot is getting more detailed and I'm having to spend a lot more time back-referencing.

I'm always looking for feedback, criticisms and ideas. I've incorporated some of your ideas into my work already, to which I'm hugely grateful. I read and try to answer all emails I get, so send me some! I may use your ideas in my future stories.


Copyright 2010 Calico Horn

All rights reserved by the author. This work may not be modified and/or reproduced, except for personal use, without the permission of the author.

Next: Chapter 6

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