Boys Only for Ben

By Calico Horn

Published on May 31, 2010


Boys Only for Ben - Chapter 4: Ultimatum

Written by Calico Horn.

This story is purely fiction. It contains no references to real people anywhere and should not be treated as real life. This story also contains references to individuals who can be considered minors (All individuals are 16+) in some countries and states. Please do not read this story if it is illegal in your state or country, or if you find this type of writing to be offensive in any way.

Chapter 4 follows up on James' encounter with Danny and how he is handling it. Adam makes his first major appearance in helping James cope with his feelings.

Chapter 4 contains unprotected sex between teenage males in a universe where STDs don't exist. ALWAYS use protection in real life!

----- Chapter 4: Ultimatum -----

James kicked the ball as hard as could, sending it sailing well over the goal posts on the football field. Without going to pick it up, he grabbed another ball out of the equipment container and slammed it angrily onto his boot. Again, the ball sailed past the goal posts, smacking into a tree before bouncing back to the ground.

James had been emotional all day for his first day of school. He was angry at himself for what he had done in the toilet stall with Danny that morning. Mostly he was angry because he had enjoyed it so much, and he was really confused why he had lost control of himself.

He picked the last ball out of the container and took a running drop punt at it, sending it well over the goal posts this time and even over the trees behind them. Angstily, he sighed and started to storm towards the goals to collect the balls.

"Geez, if you could kick like that during the season, we'd never lose another game for sure!" Someone exclaimed from the side of the field. James glanced up to see Adam jogging towards him. He groaned internally, Adam was one of the last people he wanted to see at that moment. He didn't want anyone reminding him of his urges and desires, let alone someone as good looking as Adam.

"What's the deal, mate? I watched you kick those last few and you looked like you were trying to tear the stitching off those balls. Someone get to you in class today?" Adam inquired.

"Fuck you," James replied, not usually the type to swear. "I just felt like practising my goal kicking, is that ok with you? We can't all slack off again like we did last season. Some of us actually want to win a game or two."

Adam looked hurt, not used to being yelled at so abruptly. As a very laid-back kind of guy, Adam was usually the peace-keeper amongst the team, never one to yell, and people usually found it hard to yell at him. He was especially upset that it was James yelling at him. Earlier in the day, James had been almost flirty with him, brushing his hand up against Adam's arm. Standing really close, close enough for Adam to smell James' bodyspray. It had turned him on a little, even though Adam didn't normally respond to subtle advances from guys. He was sure he was getting some hints from James.

James was picking up the footballs and kicking them back towards the equipment container. Adam started picking some up and kicking them back too. He couldn't help watching James as he kicked each ball though. His skin had become more tanned over the summer break, and his muscles gleamed in the afternoon sun. He had sweat stains around the neck of his shirt from the effort of kicking the balls. Adam felt himself getting a little turned on, and even desiring James a little right there. But nothing could happen between them if James was angry at him for some reason.

Adam finally clamped down on his inhibitions and spoke up "Listen man, have I done something to upset you? After this morning I thought you might be interested or something. What gives?"

James picked up the final ball and kicked it back to the container. He started walking back, but then stopped and turned to Adam.

"Look, it's not you. I just had a shitty day is all. I'm sorry, it's not your fault."

"Ok then," Adam said. "What happened then? Anything you want to get off your chest?"

James considered for a moment just blurting out the whole thing. After all, Adam was gay and he'd understand right? Instead he just asked "Have you ever done something you regretted afterwards, but didn't really regret at the time? I know that doesn't make sense."

Adam looked at him for a second, then laughed and said "What, did you get a blowjob in the toilets or something?"

James stopped and just glared at Adam. Confused, Adam stopped mid-laugh. Then suddenly it dawned on him.

"DUDE!" he exclaimed, "Did you really? I was just kidding! You had some chick blow you in the john?"

Blushing profusely, James quickly shook his head. "No, it's not like that."

"Then what? Did you get a handjob or what?" Adam asked.

James looked at the ground for a few seconds. Adam was astounded and leaned close to whisper into James' ear: "Was it from a guy?"

James' head snapped up and he shoved Adam backwards angrily, so hard he sprawled onto his back on the hard dirt ground. Adam had the air knocked out of his lungs and before he knew what was happening, James was kneeling over his torso and punching him in the head. Adam fought back, blocking the blows and trying to push James off. He managed to tip James onto his back and sat on his chest, pinning his arms down. James struggled for a moment and then he started to cry.

Adam was completely confused now. Why had James attacked him and why was he now crying? Suddenly Adam was overwhelmed with lust for this cute guy, crying underneath him. Without really knowing what he was doing or why, Adam leaned forward and softly kissed James on the lips. James whipped his head to the side and sobbed a bit, and Adam realised the mistake he had made.

He started to get up, but James quickly reached up and wrapped his arms around Adam's back. With tears still running down his cheeks, he lifted his face quickly up to Adam's and kissed him. Adam kissed him back and they started to make out, hard.

Adam was still sore from the few blows James had managed to get on his head, but he wrapped himself around James' body, still sitting on him and hungrily kissed him. Their tongues slid in and out of each others mouths as their hands groped all over each others backs, feeling each other. Adam slipped his hands up the back of James' school shirt and rubbed his hand over his sweaty bare skin.

Finally, the two boys broke apart, both of them suddenly aware of how exposed they were. Breathing hard, Adam stood up, a noticeable bulge in his shorts. He reached an arm down to James and helped him up. As he pulled James up, they once again locked lips, kissing each other lightly this time as they pressed their bodies together.

Pulling apart, Adam looked into James' eyes, and James couldn't help but give out a small half-sob, half-laugh. He sniffled his nose.

"Sorry." he muttered to Adam, who just smiled at him. "I don't know what I'm doing anymore."

"It's ok," Adam said, pulling James into his body and putting his head on his shoulder. He whispered into James' ear "Come back to my place with me. I'll help you get this gear back into the school and we can have a talk at my house."

The two boys quickly packed the footballs away and walked them back to the school lock-up. Adam's heart was fluttering at the though of James coming back to his house. He didn't want to take advantage of his teammate in a time of crisis, but he was very turned on by their make-out session and couldn't wait to see where things lead.

After the two boys had walked back to Adam's house, Adam closed the front door and took James by the hand, leading him to his room. He shut and locked the door behind him and went to sit on the bed, patting it to encourage James to sit down next to him.

James sat down on the bed and Adam put his arm around him. James looked up into Adam's eyes and immediately felt captured by his beautiful gaze. He leaned up and put his lips back on Adam's and kissed him gently. Adam kissed back, letting his tongue lightly tease James' lips. They felt back onto the bed and continued kissing gently for a few minutes. James finally pulled back and looked into Adam's eyes.

Adam smiled as he looked at this gorgeous boy's body laid out next to him. His soft brown hair was matted around his ears and forehead with the sweat he worked up from his football practise. His shirt was a mess from their making out, and his shorts were tented where his hard cock poked up into his boxers. His legs were spread slightly as they hung over the edge of the bed and he was breathing sharply in anticipation and arousal.

James wanted Adam to take things further, even though he was confused about what he was feeling. Once again he was caught up in the moment and his horniness was sweeping control out from him. After a moment of staring at each other, Adam broke the silence.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I need a shower." Adam said, before standing up and grabbing a towel off his hamper. He took his shirt off, revealing his toned chest with a light sheen of sweat. He had a nice treasure trail of pubic hair leading down into his tented shorts. Looking at James and flicking his head towards the en suite, he walked in, leaving the door open as James watched from the bed. After a short moment he heard the water start to run.

James hesitated, but then followed Adam into the en suite. He could see Adam's shorts and boxers crumpled on the floor and saw the silhouette of Adam against the shower curtain. He picked up Adam's blue boxers and sniffed the crotch, where there was a small damn patch of precum. He shuddered as Adam's boyish smell invaded his nose and he gave a small lick at the patch of precum.

"You gonna join me?" Adam said, his voice echoing slightly in the tiled bathroom. James' horniness took over his mind and body, he threw Adam's boxers down and before he knew it he had stripped his shirts off, taken his shoes and socks off, and shucked off his boxers and school shorts. He stepped into the shower with Adam.

As the water hit his skin, he sighed and Adam turned to face him. Both their cocks were rock hard as both boys were really aroused. James' 7" cock was sticking straight out, his foreskin pulled right back revealing his arousal. Adam had a nice 6" circumcised cock, which stuck straight up, pointing at James.

Adam pulled James into his body under the water and pressed their cocks together. They once again locked their lips together and began to make out, really hard. James was starting to feel confident as his hormones raged and took control. He pushed Adam up against the shower wall and kissed him hungrily. Adam was just as horny and kissed back even harder. As their tongues collided in their mouths, Adam pulled away for a quick breath and sighed out "Fuck me, James."

James was surprised, but his body was out of control with his raging horniness. He turned Adam around and pressed him up against the wall, rubbing his cock against Adam's smooth butt. James' cock was so hard that it was hurting as he grinded his hips into adam, letting his cock slide up and down his crack. Adam moaned into the wall and leaned his head back to kiss James.

As their wet bodies ground against each other, James' cock slipped lower and pressed against Adam's hole. Adam groaned into James' mouth as they kissed and he pressed back into his cock, pleading silently for it to penetrate him. James' body naturally took the hint and he pressed his cock harder into Adam. There was a lot of resistance at first, but then finally Adam's hole gave way and James head slipped in with a pop. Both of them groaned out loud; Adam, in pain; James, in pleasure.

Adam pushed himself back as James held onto him by the hips. He watched as bit by bit his cock disappeared into Adam's hole, jamming his hips slightly forward each time Adam pressed back to get more of his cock inside. Finally James bottomed out as Adam groaned, his hole filled with 7" of his teammates hot cock. He leaned back into James who wrapped his arms around Adam and pressed him back into the shower wall.

As the water poured down on them, James started to work his cock back out of Adam. The feeling was unlike anything he'd ever felt before, and once his cock was nearly all the way out, he drove it back in again. Adam nearly passed out from the combined pain and pleasure of James' huge cock ripping apart his insides like that. James started slowly pulling out and pushing back in, over and over as he pressed his body up against Adam's. They got into a rhythm: as James started pounding Adam's tight butt harder, Adam would push back each time.

James started to pick up the pace and Adam could tell he was getting close. He grabbed James' hand, which was clenching his chest tightly and moved it down to his own rock hard cock. James got the hint and started jerking Adam's cock, hard. It hurt a bit as Adam's cock was cut, but the pleasure of being pounded and the arousal in the air around him made it feel good enough, and before long, James' hand brought Adam's cock to a mind-blowing orgasm. Glob after glob of cum shot up Adam's cock and erupted against the shower wall as he groaned out loud. James could feel Adam's cock pulsating in his hand as he cummed, and Adam's hole clamped down on his own cock, building up the pleasure he was feeling.

His body dripping with the water in the shower, James thrust harder and faster into Adam's clenching hole as he felt his orgasm build up. His breathing got hard and fast as he milked Adam's cock. He let go and wrapped his arms tight around Adam's chest as his orgasm neared. He pulled his cock almost all the way out of Adam's hole, fucking the head of his cock in and out quickly around Adam's tight ring as the terrific feeling built up at the tip until the pleasure was almost unbearable. Then he thrust his cock as deep as he could inside Adam as the cum raced up his shaft and shot, load after load inside Adam's tight, clenching ass. James' gave a weak cry of pleasure as his cock deposited his teenage seed inside his teammate's body, his muscles shuddering and his arms holding Adam tightly.

Finally, James' orgasm died down, and he suddenly felt really tired. His cock slipped out of Adam's hole and he started to fall backwards. Adam turned around just in time to catch him before he fell.

Adam turned the shower off and walked James out and sit him down on the tiles. He grabbed his towel and wrapped it around James, drying him off as he sat down next to him. With the towel around James and Adam still dripping wet, he put his arm around James and kissed him on the cheek.

Still breathing hard, James turned to Adam and smiled.

"Thankyou," James said. "I don't feel confused anymore."

Adam just kissed him gently on the lips and put James' head to his shoulder. For the first time since earlier in the evening, James seemed truly happy and content, and that's all it took to make Adam feel happy too.

----- End of Chapter 4 -----

I hope you're enjoying this series of stories. Currently I'm alternating between James and Ben as the focus of each story, which goes against the title that I came up with in Chapter 1. I promise Ben will be the focus of Chapter 5. Now that James has come to accept who he is, maybe Ben's adventurism and James' new-found confidence will result in some fun between the old friends. Ideas are still welcome. And I'm always open to feedback and criticism.


Copyright 2010 Calico Horn

All rights reserved by the author. This work may not be modified and/or reproduced, except for personal use, without the permission of the author.

Next: Chapter 5

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