Boys Only for Ben

By Calico Horn

Published on May 30, 2010


Boys Only for Ben - Chapter 3: Little B and Big J

Written by Calico Horn.

This story is purely fiction. It contains no references to real people anywhere and should not be treated as real life. This story also contains references to individuals who can be considered minors (All individuals are 16+) in some countries and states. Please do not read this story if it is illegal in your state or country, or if you find this type of writing to be offensive in any way.

Chapter 3 focuses on Ben and his older brother Josh. There is NO incest in these stories. I just wanted to elaborate on the story of Josh's relationship with Ben as the older sibling and mentor.

Chapter 3 contains masturbation. Future chapters will contain unprotected sex in a universe where STDs don't exist. ALWAYS use protection in real life! Even for oral sex!

----- Chapter 3: Little B and Big J -----

The school bell rang signalling the end of class. In spite of Ben's desires, the first day of school had been normal, apart from the boy grabbing his crotch in the toilet. Ben grabbed his schoolbag and packed away his files. First day back and already he had more homework to do that he ever had in year 11.

He walked home alone today. Normally James would keep him company on a Monday, but for some reason Ben couldn't find him. As Ben walked home, he started to think about what James had told him that morning about masturbating in the ocean. Ben thought it sounded weird, and he couldn't picture himself ever doing anything like that. Not just because it was in public, but he didn't like the idea of taking his cock out in the water. What if a fish came by and thought it looked like a tasty worm? Ben shuddered at the thought.

As he walked up the driveway to his house, he saw his older brother Joshua cleaning his car. Josh was obsessed with cars, and ever since he turned 23 he's dreamed of buying a powerful V8 Monaro. For now though he was stuck driving a run-down 1990's Toyota Something-or-other. Ben didn't really get the obsession with cars, but Josh always said they made him feel more 'manly', so to each his own.

Ben stopped and said hi to Josh, who was in the process of scrubbing something hard off the roof of the car. Josh was lucky enough to get all the good genes from the family, resulting in a sturdy 6'6" frame, a handsome face and a body that seemed to stay perfectly in shape no matter how much bad food he ate. Ben was all-right to look at himself, but he always envied his brother's good looks and hoped that he would be that hot when he was 23.

"Hey little B, how's it hangin'?" Josh asked as he put down the sponge and started hosing down the car.

Ben just stood there for a moment watching before replying with a generic shrug of his shoulders.

"That good, huh? How was the first day of year 12? You get loaded with tonnes of homework and crap?" Said Josh.

"Yeah, it's typical. I was hoping I could ease in to year 12, but they just throw all that stuff right at you straight away. It's unfair. This year is going to be no fun at all." Ben replied.

Josh laughed "It's not all bad, little B. You'll see. There might be a lot of work, but there's always plenty of hotties around for fun. You just gotta know where to look."

Josh had known that his brother was gay for a few years now. He had caught Ben with his pants around his ankles and his hand on his cock, looking at a video of a twink getting a facial on the internet one day when he was 15. Josh had quickly walked out of his brother's room and gone for a drive in his car. It had shocked him to see his little B jerking it, let alone to gay porn. But Josh is a pretty laid-back kind of guy, and after doing a few laps up and down the freeway listening to some Tool, he came to a conclusion that he would be fine if Ben was gay. But he wanted to talk to him about it first.

When he got home, he went up to Ben's room and gave a knock this time. He heard Ben grunt out his angsty-teen version of "come in" and walked in. Ben was sitting on the floor, leaning against his bed reading a novel. Josh walked over to the bed and sat down near his brother.

"Hey little B, I'm sorry about walking in on you before. It wasn't right of me to just barge in like that. I wanted you to know that I'm ok with what you were doing." Josh said.

Ben felt the redness of a blush flowing up his neck to his cheeks, but he stayed silent and kept pretending to read his book.

"It's cool with me if you're gay, you know? I just wanted you to know that. You can talk to me about anything you want as well, you know? I won't get grossed out or anything." Josh explained, "I went through a bit of an experimental stage myself when I was around your age too, you know?"

Ben placed a bookmark on his current page and put the novel on the floor before looking up at his brother. "Experimental stage? What do you mean?"

"You know, I wasn't totally sure of what I liked and didn't like. I've looked at some of those sites you were looking at on the computer before too. I've even wanked to some gay porn in the past."

Ben was fully blushing now, and he looked away. Why was his brother talking to him about this stuff? It was creepy and weird. But Ben also found himself getting a little aroused at the thought. His brother jerked off to gay porn?

"I mean, I don't do it anymore," said Josh. "It was just a phase I was going through. Some of that porn can be pretty hot, you know? And I liked seeing other guys cocks and comparing them to my own. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone, you know? I mean, if you're gay that's cool, but if it's just a phase that's normal too, you know?"

Ben wished Josh would stop asking him 'you know?', plus he was pretty sure by that stage that it wasn't just a phase. He had seen porn with girls in it and it just didn't interest him at all. The first time he had found his favourite porn site and seen the Twinks section, he was hooked and had blown several loads to all the videos just on that first day of discovery.

Josh was silent and Ben realised he was waiting for a reply of some kind, so Ben nodded. "Thanks Big J. It's.. uh... I'm a little embarassed talking about it is all."

Josh laughed and roughed up Ben's hair a little. "I understand little B. I won't go into it anymore. I just wanted you to know that I'm ok with it, and I've got your back if you ever need someone to talk to." With that, Josh got up and left Ben to read his novel.

Ben thought back to that night as he watched Josh finish hosing down the car. He thought of what Josh had just said about there being plenty of hotties. If only he knew! Thinking about hotties reminded him of James, and he again wondered why they hadn't walked home together. Was James weirded out by their conversation on the way to school that morning?

Ben waved to Josh and headed inside and upstairs to his bedroom. He chucked his school bag in the corner of the room and stripped out of his school clothes. Before taking his briefs off, he took a look at himself in his body-length mirror. He really was a good-looking boy, with slender arms and broad shoulders. He was thin, but not so thin as to look malnourished or anything. It was the kind of thin that made the small amount of muscle he had on his body stand out, giving him defined tones on his chest and abs.

He turned around and looked at his butt in the mirror. He had a small, firm butt that was held snugly by the blue and green briefs he had on. As he turned back around to face himself in the mirror, he put a hand down to the front of his briefs and lightly stroked the bulge formed by his cock in the material. As he did, his cock started to grow until it pushed up past the elastic and poked out the top of his underwear. He continued to lightly stroke through the material as he admired his bulge in the mirror.

Smiling at himself, he pulled his briefs down, lightly stepping out of them before kicking them into the corner with his other clothes. He stood completely naked in front of the mirror looking at his hard cock, which was rock hard by now and sticking up pressing against his belly. He pulled the foreskin back and sighed as it rubbed over that tender spot just under the head of his penis. A drop of precum formed at the tip and he gently wiped his finger over it, bringing it to his lips to taste.

With that, he started stroking his foreskin over the head of his cock slowly, masturbating gently as he watched himself in the mirror. He shuddered gently every time his foreskin slid over the head of his cock and back down. As he started to speed up, his breathing got heavier and his cock started leaking a larger amount of precum, which he rubbed into the head of his cock.

He started masturbating faster now, rubbing his foreskin furiously over the head of his cock, still watching himself in the mirror. His breathing got sharper as he felt a good feeling forming in the head of his cock. His knees bent slightly and he moaned as he felt his orgasm building up. He started thrusting his hips up into his hand as the feeling built up to a climax. As he started to cum, he reached his free hand out to lean against the mirror as he pumped his load out of his cock. Spurt after spurt shot out the tip of his penis and splattered against the mirror. His body shuddered at the strong and wonderful feeling of it. His hairless skin formed a light sheen of sweat as each glob of cum flew out of his cock and onto the mirror.

At last his orgasm eased down, and he squeezed the last few drops of cum from his shaft, letting them drip to the carpet. Exhausted now, he took a few steps back and fell down onto his bed. Hand still on his softening cock and cum still dripping from his fingers, his eyes closed as he drifted gently off to sleep.

A few hours later, Josh walked upstairs to let Ben know that dinner was nearly ready. He knocked on the door a couple of times. When there was no reply, he peeked his head inside and saw Ben lying naked on his bed, snoring gently. Josh was about to turn around and leave when he saw the mirror, cum covering a part of it, with lines dripping down to the floor. He smiled at the scene and looked over at Ben again. His little brother had a nice body now that he was 18, and Josh knew he would have no trouble getting the guy of his dreams. He quietly closed the door to Ben's room and walked back downstairs to finish cooking dinner for the two of them.

----- End Chapter 3 -----

Hope you enjoyed hearing about Ben and his brother Josh. Sorry there wasn't much action beyond Ben enjoying his body. Chapter 4 is just a fleeting bunch of ideas at the moment, but I hope to include more action soon.

I would LOVE to hear feedback from people who liked this story, or have any criticisms. If you have any requests on where you would like this to go, please let me know! Ideas are welcome.


Copyright 2010 Calico Horn

All rights reserved by the author. This work may not be modified and/or reproduced, except for personal use, without the permission of the author.

Next: Chapter 4

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