Boys Only for Ben

By Calico Horn

Published on May 29, 2010


Boys Only for Ben - Chapter 2: James' Unexpected Experience

Written by Calico Horn.

This story is purely fiction. It contains no references to real people anywhere and should not be treated as real life. This story also contains references to individuals who can be considered minors (All individuals are 16+) in some countries and states. Please do not read this story if it is illegal in your state or country, or if you find this type of writing to be offensive in any way.

Chapter 2 contains masturbation and oral sex. Future chapters will contain unprotected sex in a universe where STDs don't exist. ALWAYS use protection in real life! Even for oral sex!

----- Excerpt from End of Chapter 1 -----

After the other boys had finished changing and left for their sports class. The dark-haired boy went into the stall he saw Ben come out of. Sure enough, there on the wall was a watery wad of cum, dripping down towards the floor. The dark-haired boy scooped some up and rubbed it between his fingers as he thought "This is going to be a fun year."

----- Chapter 2: James' Unexpected Experience -----

James jogged over to his footy mates, calling over his shoulder to Ben that he would chat to him later. In truth, James was embarassed about how open he had been to his best friend about his exploits on the Gold Coast. When James had said it was a hot chick that initially turned him on so much on the beach, he was lying. It had actually been a hot tanned blonde surfer lying on his stomach reading a magazine that got James horny. The firmness of the young blonde's buttocks and the sleak, trim muscular back had made his cock rise much to his confusion.

James had never had feelings towards guys before. In all honesty, he had never really had feelings at all. James had started masturbating only a couple of years prior, at the age of 16. It wasn't that he wasn't horny before then, he just never had any idea what to do about it. Instead he would wait for the sexy dreams to come and give him release in his sleep.

His first wank in the ocean had been from a lack of control on his behalf, but after he had cummed he found he felt more comfortable about the idea of wanking to a boy rather than a girl. He really enjoyed the thrill of wanking in such a public area, and the feel of the water on his cock and balls as he shot his load made the experience even better. After scoping for hot boys the following days, he found his thoughts drifting to boys closer to home. Some of his football teammates entered his fantasies initially. He wondered what their cocks were like under their boxers, and he'd already admired some of their toned bodies while getting changed after a game.

As he jogged toward a couple of his teammates, he couldn't help but look at their bodies and start to get a little turned-on. Adam was a good friend of his, and he was openly gay amongst his team-mates. He had the best body of them all to James. But what really turned James on were his blue eyes. When he looks at you, you felt like he was your entire world and you were his. It was the kind of look that allowed Adam to get any guy he set his sights on. Fortunately, Adam was a fairly relaxed guy and never really went after any boys, but rather waited for them to come to him.

James chatted to his team-mates for a while, waiting for class to start. They talked about the meeting they had later with their coach to discuss the upcoming season. As they chatted, James noticed himself moving closer to Adam, almost subconsciously, until he was brushing his arm up against him.

With classes about to start, James had to pee before heading in, so with a wave, he said bye to his teammates, brushing his hand past Adam's as he did and walked off to the toilets.

On his way in, he bumped into Ben who didn't seem to notice and kept walking past him, seemingly in a hurry. Confused, James just went inside and up to the urinal to piss. There were a few boys around him getting changed into their sports uniform for their first class. He couldn't help but peak out of the corner of his eye at some of them. One guy in particular caught his eye. He had dark hair and brown eyes. He wasn't very tall, kind of scrawny, but with a really cute boy-face. James thought hard and remembered him as Daniel, or Danny as he liked to be called. He was a year younger than James, but was the younger brother of one of his team-mates, so he recalled seeing him at some of the games. As Danny got changed, his cock flopped out of his boxers and James couldn't help but notice it was half-hard, which made James start to stiffen up.

As he finished peeing, most of the other guys finished changing and left the toilets, but Danny loitered around, taking his time putting his shirt and pants on. By the time James had finished washing his hands Danny was the only other boy left in the bathroom. James made to leave, but something made him turn around and watch.

As he did, Danny walked into one of the toilet stalls and wiped something off the wall, rubbing it between his fingers. James didn't understand what he was doing, he certainly wouldn't touch anything on a toilet stall wall! Then suddenly, Danny lifted his fingers up to his nose and took a sniff, before popping them into his mouth.

Suddenly it dawned on James what was happening. Someone had jerked off in the stall and shot their cum on the wall, and Danny had just tasted it! Without realising it, James stepped forward towards Danny, cleared his throat and said "How's it taste?"

Danny jumped in the air and turned around, startled. He had a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face and started to stammer.

"uh, n-n-no.. I uh.... It wasn't... How's what taste?" He managed to get out. James just smiled and was taken in by this cute boy in front of him who had just eaten cum off a toilet wall, and was obviously embarassed about being caught!

Without thinking, James was overwhelmed with lust for the boy. He leaned forward and planted his lips on Danny's. Startled, Danny fell backwards into the toilet stall, landing on the toilet seat.

James, still caught up in his lust, walked forward into the stall and closed the door behind him, locking it. Danny looked up at him with fear in his eyes as James leaned down to kiss him again. Once their lips met, Danny suddenly relaxed into it and started to kiss James back, hungrily. He wrapped his arms around James' back and pulled him down to awkwardly sit on his lap as they made out in the stall.

James was quickly growing hornier and harder in his pants, and he was out of control with lust for the boy. He could taste the slight hint of cum on the boys lips from what he had licked off his fingers before. His cock pulsated against his boxers as he slammed his tongue down the throat of the cute boy he was holding.

Suddenly James stopped and stood up. Danny looked confused until James started to unzip his school shorts. With understanding in his eyes, Danny helped him get his shorts down to reveal James' tented boxers.

Danny was a little bit nervous as he'd never actually been with a guy properly before. His older brother was on the football team, and he had been lucky enough to have one of his brother's teammates sleep in his room during an overnight stay. He had been too shy to try anything, but had jerked off twice in his bed with the boy sleeping a few metres away.

Danny was also well aware that James was on his brother's team. He had watched him before, running around on the field in his tight football shorts and sleeveless footy guernsey and liked what he saw. It just dawned on him how lucky he was to be in this situation.

With the tented boxers in front of his face, Danny reached up and took hold of James' cock through the material. His cock was a decent size, and he could feel it throbbing even through the satin of the boxers. James moaned as Danny put his mouth over the tent and sucked through the material. He wanted more though, so he fished his cock out through the fly and let Danny see it in all its glory.

James' cock was about 7" long and pretty thick. He was uncircumcised, but his foreskin was pulled right back as he was fully aroused. As Danny admired the cock with his hands, a bead of precum formed at the tip and ran down the underside. Danny licked the trail of precum from the base of the cock up to the tip, savouring the sweet flavour before wrapping his tender lips around the head and sliding his mouth down a couple of inches.

James moaned out loud at the feeling of the boy's hot mouth around his cock, not caring if anyone heard. He was so horny, he wanted to ram his cock down the boy's throat and just blow his load right there. Danny sucked lightly on the head for a minute before he took more of the cock into his mouth and started working his tongue around the underside of the head. The feeling was out of this world and James grabbed Danny by the back of his head and force the boy right down on his cock.

Danny gagged a little as he took the full seven inches into his throat, but got used to it quickly and started working his tongue all around the hot throbbing cock. He pulled back a little and grabbed the base of James' cock with one hand and started jerking it as he swirled his tongue around the head of the boy's cock. James started moaning and thrusting his hips slightly into the boy's face as he could feel the cum building up and the orgasm rushing through his body.

Just as James was about to cum, Danny pulled his mouth off his cock and started jerking it with his hand fast and hard. He looked up into James' eyes as he stuck his tongue out under the tip of his cock and wanked it furiously. James moaned even louder as he felt the cum rush up the shaft of his cock and exploded onto Danny's face. He looked into the boy's eyes and ran his hand through his hair as his cock pulsed spurt after spurt of cum onto Danny's tongue, lips and face. After the first few shots, danny put the cock back into his mouth as far as he could and let James finish shooting his load in the back of his throat.

With his orgasm dying down, James suddenly became very self conscious. He realised he was already really late for his first class and he had just had his first homosexual encounter with another boy. He shoved Danny backwards, looking with disgust at the cum covering the boy's face. He quickly tucked his cock back into his boxers and pulled his shorts up, walking out of the toilet stall and leaving Danny alone and covered in cum.

Danny sat there for a moment, the toilet stall door still open. Anyone could have walked in and seen him there, cum on his face and tent in his shorts. He finally got it together and closed the stall door again. As he fished his cock out of his shorts and boxers, he lifted his other hand up to his face and wiped up the remainder of James' cum. He stroked his cock as he licked the cum off his fingers and quickly brought himself to orgasm, oozing his watery cum over his hand and onto his shirt and shorts. He sighed with pleasure and a little with confusion. He tucked his cock into his pants and went out of the toilet stall to clean himself up. He was already late for his sports class, and he had cum soaked into his shorts and shirt.

As he wiped the cum off his clothes with some water, he looked at himself in the mirror on the wall and noticed a small glob of cum on his cheek that he had missed. Smiling to himself, he wiped it off with his finger, licked it off, then headed out of the toilets to his sports class.

----- End of Chapter 2 -----

Less of Ben in this chapter, but don't worry, he'll be back for Chapter 3. I would LOVE to hear feedback from people who liked this story, or have any criticisms. If you have any requests on where you would like this to go, please let me know! Ben is a boy with a lot of regrets and a desire to put himself out there in the world, so who knows what he might do! James and Danny are two characters I'd like to work with, and I have plans for Adam in the future. Ideas are welcome.


Copyright 2010 Calico Horn

All rights reserved by the author. This work may not be modified and/or reproduced, except for personal use, without the permission of the author.

Next: Chapter 3

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