Boys Only for Ben

By Calico Horn

Published on May 28, 2010


Boys Only for Ben

Written by Calico Horn (Pen-name), 20-something male from Australia.

This story is purely fiction. It contains no references to real people anywhere and should not be treated as real life. This story also contains references to individuals who can be considered minors (All individuals are 16+) in some countries and states. Please do not read this story if it is illegal in your state or country, or if you find this type of writing to be offensive in any way.

Chapter 1 contains references to masturbation only. Future chapters will contain unprotected sex in a universe where STDs don't exist. ALWAYS use protection in real life!

----- Chapter 1: Ben's first day -----

Ben was a gorgeous, thin teenage boy. Every morning when he woke up, naked under his sheets, he'd stretch himself out, rubbing his hand down his slender hairless body, brushing past his morning wood giving it a quick tug. He'd give a light sigh from the small jolt of pleasure that touching his rock hard penis would give, then shake it off and get out of bed.

This morning was special for Ben. He was starting his final year of high school. Living in a small surburb in southern Perth, Australia, Ben attended a boys-only school within walking distance. Part of him hated that it was time for the school year to start again, but another part couldn't wait.

You see, Ben had spent the 8 week summer holiday regretting year 11. Ever since he had turned 13 and his older brother had given him his first porno magazine, he had found himself mesmerised not by the naked women in the pictures, but by the beautiful naked bodies of the men currently engaged in sexual acts with them. Most of his thirteenth year had been spent lying face down on his bed, rubbing himself up against the sheets while staring at the pictures of the men's cocks going into the ladies parts. Often he would lean his mouth down and lick the penis on the paper as he shot his teenage load into his underwear.

Ben had initially told himself he was just enjoying the pictures of the sex, but more and more he found himself ignoring the women altogether. Often in school he would find himself daydreaming about the penises of the other boys around him in class. He would inevitable end up sporting a sizeable boner in his underwear, leaving a small patch of precum soaking through his school shorts. After the first few times of that happening, he started excusing himself to go to the toilets. There he would pull down his shorts, take his underwear off and lick the patch of precum from them as he jerked his cock into a quick orgasm. He'd always stand just as he began to cum so he could shoot into the toilet bowl.

By Year 11, Ben had grown to be a fairly tall, handsome young man. He was naturally hairless, except for small patches of pubes around his cock and under his arms. As the hormones started raging in his body, he began to want more than just the pictures on the paper in his magazines and in his imagination. Many times he caught himself staring at other boys cocks while changing for sports class. Nobody ever noticed, or if they did nobody said anything. He never got a good look, but oh how he wanted to drag some of those boys into a toilet stall and get a good look, feel and even taste of their cocks!

So it was that on the first day of year 12, Ben showered, ignoring his morning wood. He sprayed his favourite bodyspray on his delicate skin. Pulled on his favourite blue and green briefs and put on his school uniform, having to tuck his rock-hard cock into the elastic to hide it.

As he headed out the door to walk to school, his neighbour and best friend James was standing at the front of the driveway, waiting.

"Hey man, how was your summer? You ready for another shit year of school?" James said.

Ben swallowed hard. James was an absolutely gorgeous specimen of a boy. He was already over 6 feet tall, with brown hair, a tight body as a result of plenty of evenings spent at the gym. Ben thought he'd cum in his underwear right there. James had been on the other side of the country for most of the summer, leaving Ben alone and bored. Ben didn't think it was possible, but James had gotten far hotter in the weeks since he'd last seen him, his skin was more tanned and he seemed to glisten in the morning sun. Ben was speechless.

After looking at the ground for a good ten seconds, Ben finally responded "Yeah, thank god it's the last year, I can't wait until we don't have to do this again."

James grabbed him briefly by the hand and pulled him along into a walk beside him, which Ben found slightly surprising. When had James ever touched his hand before?

"Man, while I was over at the Gold Coast, there were chicks everywhere! I spent all my time down at the beach surfing and perving on some of those hotties. You have no idea how awesome it was!" James exclaimed.

Ben was always disappointed when James started talking about girls. He found it hard to go along with it, so he usually just nodded and hoped nobody would notice his lack of interest.

"So did you get a lot of sex while you over there?" Ben asked, more out of politeness than interest. Though the idea of James naked and in the act of sex made his boner spring up again in his briefs.

"Nah, man. You know me, I'm too shy to go up and talk to any of those girls. But man I kept having to go out into the water to rub one off after seeing some of them lying out there on the beach, practically naked."

Ben's ears perked up at this. "You wanked in the water at the beach? How is that even possible? What if someone saw?"

"Man, I couldn't help myself. There was this one totally hot blonde chick lying on her front reading a magazine a couple days after we got there. I nearly creamed my pants just looking at her there on the beach. I tried to forget about it, but you know how it is? The little fella just doesn't forget. I kept glancing back at her and I just needed to wank one out, you know? But I couldn't go up onto the beach like that. So I just..."

Ben could hardly contain his erection in his pants by this point, he could feel pre-cum leaking out of his cock into his briefs. "You just..?" He asked.

"You know..." James said, looking away as he did. "I just whipped it out through the little gap in the front of my bathers. while I was in the water. I pretended I was just relaxing in the surf, but I started jerking my cock for all it was worth and just blew a load in the ocean."

Ben's erection was throbbing at this point and he wanted nothing more than to just jerk his shorts down and rub his cock right there. But that would be indecent! especially in front of James.

"So you just cummed in the ocean?" Ben asked, putting on a bewhildered tone.

"Yeah, and, you know, it actually felt pretty good. Cumming in the water like that. So I started doing it every day. I'd spy out a good looking chick on the beach, and then go into the water and... you know."

The boys were walking onto school grounds by this point so James had to stop being so open about it. They walked in silence from there to the notice board to find out their classes for the year. Ben had been put in 12A, James was in 12B, right next door.

As they tossed their bags down James spotted some of his footy mates and said "catch ya later" to Ben. As he ran off he turned around and yelled "You'll have to tell me about your summer later! Especially if it was anything like mine!" and jogged off with a laugh.

Ben still had a straining erection in his briefs, and it was beginning to become visible with the precum soaking into the top of them. So he quickly walked to the boys toilets, shuffling past the Year 11 class who were changing into their sports uniforms. Seeing those boys in a state of undress didn't help his condition at all, and it was only a matter of seconds after locking the toilet stall that he whipped his cock out, leant against the wall for support and gave his leaking cock 4 quick tugs.

His cum spurt out so hard and fast that it hit the wall above the toilet and he groaned out loud. Quickly catching himself he aimed a little lower and shot four more squirts of cum into the bowl, silently this time. Once his cock settled down, he squeezed the last few drops of cum out and flicked them into the bowl before flushing it down.

He pulled his pants up and opened the door of the toilet stall to a few odd looks from the boys who were changing just outside. With his head down, Ben walked out of the stall, but not before catching the bemused smile of a smaller dark-haired boy at the door, who subtley grabbed at his crotch on the way out, feeling the small wet-patch of precum at the top of his shorts. Ben quickly walked out of the toilets and onto his first class.

After the other boys had finished changing and left for their sports class. The dark-haired boy went into the stall he saw Ben come out of. Sure enough, there on the wall was a watery wad of cum, dripping down towards the floor. The dark-haired boy scooped some up and rubbed it between his fingers as he thought "This is going to be a fun year."

----- End Chapter 1 -----

I would LOVE to hear feedback from people who liked this story, or have any criticisms. If you have any requests on where you would like this to go, please let me know! Ben is a boy with a lot of regrets and a desire to put himself out there in the world, so who knows what he might do! Ideas are welcome.

Copyright 2010 Calico Horn

All rights reserved by the author. This work may not be modified and/or reproduced, except for personal use, without the permission of the author.

Next: Chapter 2

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