Boys Next Door


Published on May 17, 2023

Gay ICQ: 45862060

If you're not an adult, not gay or not interested: don't read this.

This story is based upon the Australian TV series "Neighbours". For more information about the series and the characters mentioned in this story, try a web search at Yahoo or one of the other search engines.

Please note, this story is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the characters or actors who play them. It is based on pure fantasy.

Call me lazy if you like, but at last I've got around to writing the final instalment of the BND series. This is it. The end. No more. Nada. Seven chapters of one story - as cute as the characters are - is more than enough for me. So, dear reader, sit back, slouch down, unzip as I present to you the finale.

The programme and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Grundy International Operations BV.

Boys Next Door (Pt. 7): Australian Heat

The sun continued to beat down in the middle of one very hot Australian summer. Lance and Billy lay naked, entangled around each other. A mixture of sweat and other juices lubricated their firm young bodies. The scent of sex, only recently completed lingered in the air. Whilst just over the road, in a similar scene two sixteen year olds had finally got their first sexual release. Paul lay on top of Tad smiling down at the guy he'd just shared the first most intermit moment of his life with. Everything was calm.

"Come on, time to get moving" Bill was the first one to break the silence talking to his new lover. His girlfriend's brother. He kissed Lance lightly on the forehead. "I think they'll be expecting us over at number 30 and this might just raise a few eyebrows." He said with a mischievous glint in his eye as he fingered his mate's balls.

"Yeah, you could be right." Lance replied, moving himself up on his elbows to plant a huge wet kiss right in the centre of Bill's mouth. He wrapped his arms around the guy. "Although I'd prefer to stay here, like this, and do everything all over again!" Lance smirked at the thought of everything they'd just done. His cock started to swell a little too and he wasn't being helped by Billy laying between his legs still playing with his balls.

"Later mate, later" Billy smiled, letting go of Lance.

They both got up and prepared themselves for a day at the pool side. Another round of look but don't touch. But both of them knew that it was going to be harder today than ever before.

Meanwhile it was Tad who made the first move between he and Paul. He roughly shoved the bulky teenager off him and onto the bed at his side before leaping on top of him. "Leave off with the mushy smiling stuff!" he joked at his friend as he ground his crotch into Paul's "I'm not a chick you know." He added.

"Yeah, I do know that." Paul replied by thrusting his growing prick against Tad's. "Come on, let's get going big boy" he added playfully, digging his friend in the arm as he jumped up off the bed towards his own room with the still totally naked Tad in hot pursuit to return the dig.

It was mid afternoon by the time Tad and Paul arrived in the back yard of number 30 ready to dive into the refreshingly icy cold water of the pool. Already the sun was aimed directly on the entire street making it impossible to stay in doors and only just bearable out of the water. When they got their, Lance and Bill had already arrived. Bill was in the water just swimming up and down whilst Lance was on one of the sun lounges taking in the rays. All of the guy's wear wearing just their swimmers. It would have been too hot for anything else.

"Looks like trouble now!" Lance shouted over to Bill as he peered over his sunglasses at Paul and Tad approaching with their towels under their arms. The two just smirked at Lance's comment.

Tad threw his towel down onto the spare sun lounge next to Lance and dived straight into the pool sending a great plume of water up into the air before crashing down all over Billy. It wasn't long before Paul followed his friend and did the same.

"I'll get you two later!" Bill said, a smile on his face, as he wagged his finger at the two teens. With that Bill went to the edge of the pool nearest to where Lance was sitting and hauled himself out.

Both Paul and Tad looked on and watched Billy clamber out of the pool. Secretly both of them had enjoyed the past few days in the summer sun by the pool watching Bill take in the sun and swimming up and down. The best part was always watching him get out of the pool though. The way the thin material of his swimmers clung to his ass and occasionally his front, causing him to quickly, but always casually pull it away from his skin so as not to show too much off. They'd both spent time in the last couple of nights replaying the scene over and over again.

"Put your tongue back in McClain!" Tad exclaimed to his friend when he noticed him looking at the same sight as he was. A wide grin grew across his face when he saw the expression on Paul's face at being caught eyeing up their neighbour.

"Like you've never watched him before." Paul said, folding his arms and going a little defensive for a moment.

"Sure I've watched him" Tad replied to his mate, that trademark naughty school boy smile of his replaced the mischievous grin. "But I've never been this obvious about it." He added reaching down and grasping Paul's half hardening cock through his swimming shorts.

"Shit!" Paul exclaimed in a loud whisper. "Not here Tad." He added. It was like being punched in the stomach only far more pleasant. All the air was taken out of his lungs when he felt his best friend's hand around his cock with two of their neighbours just yards away.

"Relax Paul." Tad said, "Just pull 'em down a little way and let me do this properly. They won't notice - as long as you're quiet!" he said with a glint in his eye. His hand never took a tighter grip around Paul's ever hardening member.

Paul could just nod as he moved his thumbs into the waistband of his swimming shorts and pulled them down a little way, just under his hairy balls. He felt Tad's hand coming into contact with bare flesh again. He stroked a couple of fingers up and inside each of Paul's thighs. Gently cupping his balls a little before taking hold of his prick and rubbing it up and down. The sensation was heightening by the water flowing over his sensitive organ. Paul could feel the tip of his dick pulsing as the cool water combined with Tad's firm strokes on his hard cock waved over his entire body.

Bill quietly walked over to where Lance was laying on the sun lounge topping up the tan on his firm but slim frame. He crept to the side of his mate and then shook the water off his swimming shorts on to Lance's torso quickly waking him up from his morning nap.

"Bastard!" Lance said, with a smile plastered right across his face when he looked up to see Bill standing stirring down on him. Eyes sparking and smile beaming a wide, white mischievous grin.

With that Billy sat down on the edge of the lounge and began talking to his mate. Whispering quietly about everything he wanted to do. Lance was getting a little flustered at Bill's dirty talk as he listened to how Bill wanted to take his entire length up him, both ends. How he wanted to run his mouth over and over his chest making his nipples stand firm as he worked his lips all the way over every inch of his body.

"Not getting you all hot and bothered, am I Lance?" Bill asked, knowing full well what he was doing to his friend. Billy had already noticed a slight stirring inside Lance's shorts and he was determined to make the guy as uncomfortable as possible in the hope that he would decide that they had to go inside and take care of themselves.

"Bill," Lance began, "after this morning just looking at you makes me hot and bothered." He continued, "But what is really turning me on right at the moment is our two young friends over in the pool their putting on a show for us" he replied. A big wide smile crossed his face for the second time in a few minutes whilst he casually, almost subconsciously, brushed his hand across the front of his tightening shorts, attempting to rearrange himself.

Quickly Billy glanced across and into the pool. Sure enough Lance had been right. There he saw his best friend's cousin and his best friend standing very close together. Tad had his arm running backwards and forwards in the water, whilst Paul had is eyes firmly closed and his head sort of thrown back.

"Jesus H. Christ!" Billy exclaimed, his tone turning into that of an excitable teenager. "What the fuck do we do now?" he asked Lance. Bill nodded his head as if to prompt Lance into what he knew was coming.

Lance just took one look at Bill's face, anxious with excitement at what might follow. The knowing glint in his eye that seemed to signal that he knew exactly what Lance was thinking and totally agreed. "Well, what the fuck are you waiting for?" Lance asked. "Pull your pants down and let me get my lips around you!".

Billy needed no more prompting. And with that he pulled his soaking wet swim shorts down, just below his balls as in a flash he straddled Lance and began to pump his dick in his fist to get it as hard as possible.

Lance looked on at his new lover as Bill pulled down his shorts and got into position. He could feel his mouth starting to water as he saw Billy's dick once again growing to it's full stiffness. He was also very aware of his own cock growing ever harder inside his restricted swimming shorts that must have been starting to tent like never before under the pressure of his growing erection. With that, he reached forward and took hold of Bill's cock and stroked it a few more times before pulling the throbbing member towards him and wrapping his lips all around the head.

He worked his tongue right around the tip of Bill's stiff cock. Darting in and out of his piss slit as some of Billy's sweet precum leaked out and into his mouth. Bill moaned and started to thrust his hips forwards as Lance continued to swirl his tongue around and around his ultra sensitive head. He alternated between focusing on getting as much precum out of Bill as possible whilst rubbing up and down the length of his slightly hairy member. More and more of him slid into Lance, starting to move further towards the back of his mouth and down his throat. Billy couldn't resist any longer and started to fuck Lance's face for all it was worth. Lance's lips stretched wide to encompass his mate's prick. He savoured the smell as Bill's pubic bush pressed up against his nose. The scent of his crotch was a mixture of odours. Their first adventure earlier that morning still hung in the air now mixed in with the chemical smell of the chlorine from the pool. Lance closed his eyes as his hands gripped hold of Bill's ass helping him to feed more and more of his brilliant tasting dick deep down his throat.

Out of the corner of his eye Tad noticed something moving at the side of the pool. His jaw dropped when he turned his head to be greeted by the sight of Bill's white ass pumping backwards and forwards. A fucking motion. No mistaking. Shorts half way down his legs. Another pair of legs sticking out between his, stretched out on the sun lounge.

Not stopping his fisting of Paul's cock, Tad leant in towards his best mate. "McClain." He said in a loud whisper. Paul still had his eyes firmly closed as the sensation of Tad working his very hard dick combined with the cool water flowing over his most sensitive parts raced around his entire body. He let out a slight groan, letting his mate know that he could hear him.

"Paul." Tad tried again, not entirely sure if his friend was hearing him. Still he didn't let go of his cock though. "I think you might want to see this." He said, pulling on Paul's prick as if to emphasis the point.

Slowly Paul started to get hold of himself once more. Tad's rhythm on his prick was definitely slowing leading him to think that they might be in danger of being caught. He opened his eyes to see Tad looking over to the side of the pool, his mouth wide open. Paul glanced over towards the row of sun lounges on the edge of the pool and actually blinked to make sure he was seeing exactly what he thought he was seeing.

Tad squeezed Paul's dick a little harder as they both stood in the water for a moment. Their eyes as wide open as their mouths, taking in every moment of this sight. Their neighbour, Bill Kennedy straddled across their other neighbour, Lance, his shorts half way down his legs. His white ass pumping backwards and forwards and a definite erection strong and hard inside Lance's swimming shorts. Enough to blow the mind of any sixteen year old boy whose just discovered the pleasures of what two guys can do together with his best friend only hours before.

Almost as if he could sense the two pairs of eyes stirring into his back, Bill looked around over his shoulder. Still keeping the rhythm of his hips pushing his cock in and out of Lance's mouth. He grinned widely, seeing that his plan was definitely coming together as he saw the two boys had stopped what they were doing and focussed their attentions completely on the show that was being performed just for them.

"Instead of just standing there, get over here and help!" Bill shouted over to the two teenagers in the pool. With that Bill withdrew his stiff cock from Lance's mouth. He released his legs for a moment as he pulled his still wet shorts right off and threw them over at Tad and Paul. The pair of them remained standing, open mouthed, in the pool. He then sat back down on Lance's chest and winked at his mate. Lance just smiled back, still dazed from having had Bill's prick in his mouth for so long.

Paul and Tad looked at each other and grinned as they made their way over to the edge of the pool. Side by side they hauled themselves out of the water. Paul's shorts were already almost all of the way off him, he stepped out of them leaving them by the edge of the pool.

Bill got from off Lance's chest as the two teenage friends approached the sun lounge where all the action was taking place. He sat himself on the edge of the white plastic and started to rub his mate's stiff prick, still trapped, but more than obvious, beneath the loose fabric of his swimming shorts. He parted his legs wide open as Paul and Tad got nearer. He saw both of them stirring intently at what he had between his legs. Bill's cock had gone down a little from the pulsing erection he had been thrusting into Lance's mouth. It was still half hard though and now, his foreskin just about covered the top of his prick. The mixture of precum and Lance's saliva as he worked up and down on his prick had left it's mark, leaving his whole shaft moist and glistening in the morning sunlight.

The two boys approached and stood at the edge of the lounge. Bill looked straight into Paul's eyes. He always thought that Paul was a good looking guy from the very first time he saw him in the street. Seeing him this close up with nothing on him at all, Bill's suspicions were confirmed. He brushed a hand down towards his cock, lifting it slightly feeling the weight of his prick. Never once breaking eye contact with Paul.

"So, do you want to taste this?" Bill asked. He tone hadn't changed from the friendly all round good guy despite clearly being in the driving seat of what was about to become a very memorable morning.

Paul's throat had gone a little dry. Having been caught being wanked by Tad in the neighbour's swimming pool would have been bad enough. But now, being at the start of an orgy with the two hottest looking guys from the street was making his mind spin. He knew he wanted it though. "Uh, yeah, sure." Was all that he could stammer in reply to Bill's question.

"So kiss him then." Bill said, pointing over at Lance.

"Huh?" Paul muttered. He couldn't work out why if Billy wanted his prick sucking, that he should be kissing Lance.

"Aww, Bill, will you lighten up on them!" Lance said, laughing out loud. He could sense that whilst his friend was more than serious about the two of them 'playing' with their neighbours, he might have been scaring off the younger guys. "Paul, come here!" Lance said. Beaming a wide white smile at the kid.

That seemed to break a lot of the tension as Paul left the side of his friend for the first time in a while and walked over to Lance. Lance reached an arm out as Paul came towards him and took hold of Paul's prick. He stroked the shaft a couple of times bringing Paul back to the full hardness that he had lost when Bill caught them in the pool. Lance then continued to work his hands up and down, around and around the inside of Paul's thighs. Cupping his balls, and tracing a finger back towards his ass crack.

Paul move his face down closer to Lance's. He could feel the breath of the older guy hitting him in the face as he felt his fingers play around with him between his legs. His lips looked moist and pouted as he got closer and closer. With that, he felt Lance bring his free arm around and take hold of the back of his head before forcing their lips together. The mouths instinctively opened to let the other in. Two tongues swirled around and around going backwards and forwards. Sure enough, Paul could clearly taste Bill's cock and his salty precum as his tongue went wildly from one corner of Lance's mouth to another.

Swiftly and without breaking the kiss, Paul got onto the lounge and lay down on top of Lance. Their crotches ground together into each other. Paul's soft shaft rubbed along that of Lance's cotton covered one. Their precum leaked through the thin material and they continued their passionate kiss. Their arms flayed all over one another exploring up and down their bodies. Frantically trying to take in every small sensation with just their finger tips.

Tad looked on at the sight of Paul getting it on with Lance as the strong sunlight accentuated every move they made over the other's body. He was perhaps a little jealous that the first guy he'd ever been with, just a few hours ago, was now in full swing with another boy. These were only little thoughts though. What was going on inside his swimming shorts was proof to himself and the rest of the world that he was enjoying the show.

"Looks like your enjoying it mate!" Bill said as he gazed at the young teen in front of him.

Tad quickly came back down to earth. He heard Bill talking to him and realised that the older guy was sitting on the edge of the sun lounge stirring intently at the erection that was now forcing the front of his swimming shorts outwards and upwards at the same time.

"Not having a bad time yourself!" Tad smiled as he looked at Bill's legs, still widely parted and his cock, hard again and sticking straight up towards his stomach.

Billy got up from the edge of the lounge and walked over to Tad. Tad's attention was now fully focused on Bill moving towards him. He knew that he was about to experience the same things as Paul was going through with Lance. And he couldn't wait! A broad grin crossed his face as Bill reached his hands out and took hold of him by his sides. The older guy pulled them both in together. He swept his fingers through Tad's soft, straight hair as he moved his face in towards the younger teens and kissed him, hard and squarely on the lips.

It was like one explosion after the other going off inside Tad's head. Just as he had seen his best mate and Lance do a few moments ago, now it was Bill Kennedy that had hold of him and was pulling them together closely. He could feel Bill's crotch grind in with his own. He could also feel the top of Billy's cock, still sticking straight up, passing the waistband of Tad's shorts and resting gently on the soft paler skin of his stomach.

Bill broke the kiss and sunk down to his knees. Tad could only look on as he saw Billy taking hold of the waistband of his swimming shorts. He looked up at Tad briefly as he began to slide the flimsy material down the younger guy's legs. Soon, they lay in a crumpled heap around Tad's ankles. His cock stuck painfully out. His foreskin was rolled right the way back. And precum oozed from the tip of his cock, spreading out all around the bright red, sensitive head and dripping a little way down his smooth shaft.

Tad reached forwards and ran his fingers through Billy's much shorter hair. He was feeling a little unsteady on his feet as he felt Bill running his hands up and down the inside of his thighs. Coming aching close to touching his balls before running back down again. Teasing him. Slowly. Then he went for it. Tad let out a huge groan as Bill placed his lips firmly on Tad's low hanging balls. He grasped the base of Tad's shaft, stroking it firmly a couple of times before wrapping his lips right around the throbbing red head of his member.

The air was full of moans and groans from both sides as Paul and Lance continued their frantic explorations of each other's bodies. Whilst Bill embarked on giving young Tad his very first blow job. The sound of skin on skin encapsulated the whole of the garden. Nothing else but the sounds of sex and bird song coming from the trees as the sun continued to beat down on these, the very best of Australian males.

Billy fed inch after inch of Tad's cock into his mouth. The nostrils filled with the scent of this young kid as his mouth filled with the salty sweet taste of his precum. He reached a hand down between his legs and started working on his own dick once again. Tad just stood, still and straight. His fingers working through Bill's hair, hanging on to his head as if to steady himself as more and more of his fat prick went inside the older boy's mouth. Stretching his lips wide open his mind raced with erotic thoughts as he felt a gently nip on the underside of his dick followed by a swirling tongue around the head and another inch slipped deep inside the moist dark space that was as if it was made especially for this job.

Almost as an instinctive reaction, Bill took the rest of Tad's cock down his throat in one gulp and held it there. He could feel the teenage dick pulsing a little inside his mouth and he wondered for a moment whether Tad had actually cum inside him. When he realised that he hadn't cum, Bill continued giving young Tad the thrill of his life! He began to back the hard prick out of his mouth, whilst at the same time reaching around and cupping hold of Tad's firm ass cheeks. He spread them a little and ran a couple of fingers up and down the moist, hairy crack of the young lad. Inch by inch his cock came out of his mouth. All the way until only the tip was left inside, spraying precum all around Bill's mouth, he savoured the taste of it. And then, in an instant, he plunged the whole of Tad's dick back down his throat and at the same time found the teenager's hole and roughly shoved two fingers deep inside him.

Tad screamed out unsure of which feeling was coming from where. His cock has disappeared back down Bill's throat whilst his ass had been unexpectedly stretched wide open. Both sensations were equally as pleasurable. The penetration into his ass was nothing like the feeling he had from having Paul's cock buried up there. But the soft, wet, swirling sensations coming up from Bill's work out on his cock were like nothing else. Billy began to rock Tad backwards and forwards inside his mouth, trying to get Tad to start doing what came naturally. And sure enough, without taking the fingers out of Tad's hole, the teen got the idea and began to withdraw his cock from Bill's mouth. All the time Bill trailed his tongue along the underside of it, quickly lapping up all the drips of precum as the head came out before Tad plunged himself back inside.

With his hands firmly holding Bill's head still, Tad began to face fuck the older boy. Backwards and forwards in long deliberate strokes. With each thrust in, his pushed his crotch right into Bill's nose as if trying to stuff more and more of his prick that didn't exist down the guy's throat. Just when he thought he was about to cum, Bill backed away from Tad's cock and got back up to his feet. Tad's mind was in a whirl. He was about to let loose into his mouth and Bill had stopped it all. He looked up though and saw Bill smiling back down at him. His lips were bright red and all around his mouth were traces of the precum that had oozed out of the side of his mouth or had smeared off Tad's cock. Once again, Bill came down towards the face of the younger boy and kissed him. Again, quickly, but hard. For the first time, Tad got a taste of his own cock, his own precum. And best of all, it was a taste being delivered from another guy's mouth.

"Easy tiger!" Bill laughed in a hushed whisper into Tad's ear. He reached down to Tad's balls and grabbed hold of them. He started to play with him as he whispered the next part of his plan to his young friend.

Tad listened as Billy explained what he thought they should do to round off their first orgy in perfect style. He took hold of Billy's balls and gently fondled them in the same way that Bill was doing to him. Round and round in his hand he played with the two soft orbs. Feeling the way they almost floated inside his scrotum. He was amazed at the stark contrast between the feeling of Billy's hairy, rough, big balls compared to the rest of his body. So silky and smooth, not a stray hair anywhere. The things he was whispering into Tad's ear were like erotic thoughts from a mind repressed throughout his teenage years all coming together, being passed down.

The pair walked over to the sun lounge and knelt down beside it. They watched for a few moments as Paul and Lance continued thrusting their bodies against one another whilst their tongues flew from one mouth to the other. Bill leant forward and stuck out his tongue into the space where Paul's lips met Lance's. He licked around them for a moment getting a taste for the juices that these two were passing between themselves. Wanting more than just a kiss.

Both Paul and Lance broke off for a moment when they felt Bill's tongue joining in their kiss. They looked up at Bill. Both of them with the brown eyes wide open and full of lust. Billy just looked back down at them and bit his bottom lip feeling a little bit guilty about breaking up the intense passion of the two guys beneath him.

"Sorry to interrupt." Bill began. "Me and my young friend here were wondering if you two might like to get your lips around something other than each other's mouths so that we can try something out!" he said, beaming. Tad looked on. His cock hadn't gone down from it's work out inside Billy's mouth and the thought of what he was about to do for the first time just made it throb even harder if that was possible.

"Oh yeah. What exactly did you have in mind?" Lance asked. He reached a hand out and took hold of Bill's cock, giving it a couple of tugs whilst he awaited the reply.

"Well, it seems to me like you two both have the same problem that you might want to take care of." Bill said, rather mater-of-factly as he reached in between the two hard writhing bodies on the sun lounge. He took hold of both Lance's and Paul's cocks together in one hand. Both hard shaft's were covered in the slimy slop of precum that they had been pouring out of each of them as they forced their dicks together in their wild embrace. "While you're sorting that out, me and Tad thought that we might help you both at the other end." Bill said again. He had that spark in his eye once more. The look of his plot coming together.

Paul and Lance looked at each other and smiled. Lance put a hand on Paul's ass and felt up his crack. Paul shivered a little as Lance's finger tips brushed across his puckered hole. "What do you reckon to that then mate?" Lance asked Paul, a slight mocking tone in his voice.

"Yeah, I think that sounds good to me." Paul replied, "As long as Tad knows what he's doing!" he added jokingly as he looked straight into the eyes of his best friend.

Tad stirred back. "No worries in that department mate!" he quipped back, giving his engorged member a couple of tugs back. The bright red head shone in the sunlight. Paul realised that Tad really wouldn't have any problems. "Only, it's not you that will be getting it at the moment." Tad tacked on to the end revealing the roles in Bill's plot.

Paul felt a run of electricity race down his spine and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he looked over to Billy. Or rather, Billy's cock. He realised in an instant after what Tad had said, that he was going to get the eighteen year old's fat dick up his ass. It looked huge. He was definitely bigger than Tad. An energy of nervous excitement over took him as he spun himself round, still on top of Lance, their bodies lubricated by a mixture of sweat and precum. He felt Lance take hold of his very sensitive shaft and tug it a couple of times. Next, Paul came fact to face with Lance's cock. And what a sight that was. He didn't have too much time to either admire the view or think about what he was doing as he felt Lance's lips suddenly wrap around the ultra sensitive tip of his head followed by the amazing sensation of his tongue just poking slightly into his piss slit, taking his flowing precum directly from his shaft. Involuntarily, Paul let out a strained groan. Definitely loud enough for any of the other neighbours who were in their garden's to hear. But by now he really didn't care who caught them! He already knew that Lance was a good kisser and now he was finding out that he was also extremely good at blowjobs. Determined to do what he could to return the feelings he was getting, Paul opened his mouth slightly and moved down on Lance's prick.

Lance looked up and saw Bill's balls hanging down just inches away from his face. He looked past the scrotum and up into the face of his mate. Bill smiled back down at him. "I think you're going to get the best view from there!" he laughed. All at once, Bill's plan had been revealed. Lance was in the perfect position to watch Billy plough the ass of his new young lover. And if Bill was at this end, Lance knew exactly where Tad was going to be. He couldn't help but inhale sharply despite having Paul's dick lodged firmly inside his mouth. He felt the young kid tense up a bit. Lance guessed that Tad must have arrived down at the other end of the lounge.

Parting Paul's ass cheeks wide, Bill leant forward and planted a huge kiss on his puckered hole. Taking hold of his hips he could feel everything that was happening to the young teen's body. He could feel the sucking motions from Lance just below taking more and more of the kid's prick into his mouth all the time. He could feel the tenseness that Paul was feeling as for the first time another guy had his mouth firmly wrapped around his asshole. Billy stuck his tongue out and gently probed around the wrinkled circle before forcing his way inside. With only his tongue he started stretching and widening Paul's hole. Tad had already done a good job of loosening the guy up a little, but it would have to go wider still to accommodate Billy's prick.

Tad lifted Lance's ass from the sun lounge just slightly as he watched his best mate dealing with the older guy's cock. Paul's face was one of total concentration as he battled against the feelings of Lance's dick in his mouth, having Bill sucking on his asshole whilst getting his own cock sucked by Lance. Tad tried to imagine what mixture of senses and emotions Paul must have been going through. Not for the first time, he felt a little jealous that he wasn't able to share that with him directly. But he was determined that he would put on a good show for his friend at this end.

With Lance's ass raised just slightly, Tad winked at his best friend when he looked up for a second to see what was going on. Paul seemed to smile back at him, despite concentrating on the swirling motions of his tongue around the area of Lance's cock where the shaft met the head. Paul knew from his explorations of his own body, exactly which buttons to press. Tad took hold of the base of his own cock and started to rub the mixture of his own precum and Bill's saliva from his blowjob before into the crack of Lance's ass and especially around his hole. He could feel Lance wriggling a little at the feeling of his cock rubbing up and down, tracing the hairy crack inch by inch. Paul let out a muffled moan causing Tad to look up from his working over of Lance's ass crack. Just in time to see Bill's face twisted slightly and reddened as his hips thrust forward.

Bill had never felt anything so tight before. Up until this point he'd only been with one woman and that was nothing compared to the feeing of Paul's ass grabbing hold of his cock almost pulling him in further and further. He had a firm grip on Paul's hip as he watched his cock moving further and further, stretching the teenager's hole wider and wider with each movement forward. It seemed as if he could actually feel Lance's tongue as it worked around Paul's cock just beneath him. Momentarily he looked down past the sight of his dick disappearing into another guy's asshole for the first time at Lance beneath him. The guy who had been the first one to fuck him just a couple of hours ago. He saw the big brown eyes wide open and focussed solely on the cock entering the hole just inches away from his face. It was almost as if Lance was encouraging him to go further, deeper, to give Paul the ride of his young life. That was exactly what Billy intended to do.

Tad took his lead from his older friend as he saw him plough into his best mate's ass. Paul's face was a mixture of expressions. But never once did he leave Lance's cock. In fact with each thrust that Bill made it seemed that more and more of Lance's thick hairy member disappeared inside Paul's mouth. Tad thought for a moment about how horny the sight was. He had often had dreams like this. Dreams of Paul with his lips wrapped around a cock - usually his cock though - he never for a moment believed he would ever see it happen in reality, and certainly that he would be a part of it. And yet he was.

Without anymore thought for anything else that was going on around him, Tad knew that it was time to keep his side of the bargain for Bill. He aimed the tip of his dick up with Lance's hole and then pushed forward. He definitely heard Lance's muffled cry. This time it was Paul's cock that was preventing the fullness of the sound from being heard. Tad's mind races with everything and nothing all at once as he felt the feeling that he had received only once before just a couple of hours ago. Lance was tight, very tight. More than once Tad felt that he was loosing his balance as he pushed forward making more and more progress into Lance's chute. The hot, dark, damp tunnel encased his cock as he ploughed further and further.

Lance was in a daze. He had Paul's cock just about all the way down his throat and Tad's cock just about all the way up his ass. He didn't know which feeling was coming from where anymore. Paul's pubes scratched against his chin whilst the hard bar, silky smooth, throbbed and pulsed in his mouth. He watched Bill forcing every inch of his hairy dick into young Paul's asshole. He could see the hard stick opening the kid up wide as he balls swung gently. Bill seemed to be doing everything in time with what Tad was doing to him. He could feel the blunt sharpness of Tad's cock as he pushed it further and further inside. This was the first time that Lance had taken it up the ass. And just as much as it stung as he thought it would, it was like nothing else he had ever experienced.

At the same time as he felt Bill's balls up against his ass crack, Paul's nose rested on top of Lance's balls. So this was what it was like to be filled up at both ends Paul thought to himself. Loving every moment of the attention he was receiving from the two older boys. Bill's dick had stretched his hole wider than he had ever thought possible, whilst he was the one doing to the deep throating for Lance. Paul was determined to do everything right. And as he felt Bill start to withdraw his huge, fat prick from his chute, so he started to ease up on Lance's prick. His hole began to feel more and more empty as Bill's dick came out. Lance continued spraying his own special brand of precum down Paul's throat as he moved his head back off it. He could feel the end of Bill's dick lingering just inside his hole. It seemed to be there for an eternity, waiting for what was coming next. And then it happened. All in slow motion. He felt Bill charged himself back inside his chute, the feeling of being rammed long and hard, his whole body opened up to this special kind of invasion before coming to a resounding end with the sound of Billy's balls slapping his ass crack. Paul grunted as he took Bill's dick up him for the second time and Lance's dick right down his throat.

The noises from Paul were turning Tad on as much as anything. He had just seen Billy ram himself back up inside his mate for the second time and Tad knew he couldn't hold off any longer. With a deep breath he ploughed the remaining few inches of his cock deep inside Lance's hole. He grunted loudly, like a wild animal going at it as though it's life depended on it as his pubes tangled with hairs on Lance's ball sac. A huge grin came across his face when he realised that Bill had watched him perform his first thrust into Lance's hole. The two exchanged a brief smile and got themselves ready to fuck their boys in time with each other. They copied exactly the move of the other. Pulling out and then coming in. Matching the other one thrust for thrust.

None of the four spoke. The garden was filled with the sound of animal grunts as Paul took it up both ends of the first time and Lance did the same. Bill fucked his first guy and Paul have his first blowjob. The sound of lips wrapped around throbbing dicks. Precum leaking into mouths before being swallowed down. The noise of precum lubricating ass holes as two rampant dick ploughed their way backwards and forward. Balls hitting the skin of another. Sweat dripping from each of them over the other.

It was Tad who came first. Setting off an amazing chain reaction between all four of them, the like of which is usually only ever seen in lame porno moves. With one last huge deliberate thrust, timed exactly like all the other's with Bill's, Tad stuck his cock deep inside Lance and held it there for a moment. Unable to move even if he had wanted to, Tad felt the familiar stirring in his balls, only this time perhaps more intense than ever before as he unleashed wave after wave of cum coating the walls of Lance's chute liberally with his spunk.

Paul took and eyeful of his best friend's dick being rammed inside Lance for the final thrust. He couldn't ignore the load groans and moans of Tad as he saw his whole body shake whilst he deposited one almighty load straight into the ass of the older boy. It was more than Paul's young mind could take. He felt his own balls grow heavy and suddenly he was aware more than ever before of Lance's tongue stroking his shaft firmly up and down. His whole body weight forced his prick down into Lance's mouth as far as it would go as he sent one shot after the other of his thick, sticky cream, down Lance's mouth. There was no way the older boy could cope with the whole of Lance's load and he had to allow a little of it to dribble out of the corner of his mouth and down his chin.

Seeing the amazing sight of his friend taking a huge load of cum from the teenager's dick and the feeling of Paul's ass clamping around his dick as he reached his orgasm, Bill couldn't hold off any longer. His dick may have only been half way up Paul's shoot, but the swelling in his tight, hairy, balls, combined with the fact that Paul's ass had clamped around him so tightly meant that he could have moved any further anyway. Billy just held on to Paul's smooth waist as he felt more cum than ever before shoot from his dick right up Paul's back passage. Some of it dripped out and down Bill's hard shaft.

From his position underneath both Paul and Billy, Lance could see everything. With Tad having just cum a huge amount inside his ass and Paul's cum leaking out of his mouth, Lance savoured the moment as Paul's young lips frantically races up and down his shaft. If this moment could have lasted forever Lance would be the happiest guy alive. The sight of Bill's hard dick pulsing violently at the entrance to Paul's chute as his balls clenched tight up against him enclosed in the hairy sac. Then all in an instant, Paul ran his tongue around the edge of Lance's dick head. He swallowed hard taking the last remaining drops of Paul's cum down before he felt his ass squeeze around Tad's already softening cock and sprayed jet after jet of his hot liquid into Paul's mouth. Lance was still cumming more and more as he could feel some of his load drip out of Paul's mouth and down his own shaft just has had happened to Bill just above him.

And almost in an instant everything was silent again. Silence with the exception of a couple of birds in the trees who had been the only witnesses to this all Australian orgy and the heaving of chests as all four boys tried to get their breath back from their marathon session. Their bodies glistened with the sweat they had all built up. And the Australian heat continued to beat down. ICQ: 45862060

Well, I hope you'll agree that was a big bang to end the 'Boys Next Door' series! If you did or even if you didn't, I want to hear from you. You can write to me at or, I'm available on ICQ. My number is 45862060. Thanks for reading the story, sorry it's taken so long to arrive. And if you have any suggestions for new stories, then I want to hear about them!

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