Boys Next Door


Published on Aug 23, 1999


All the usual warnings apply. If you're not old enough, not legal or not interested in reading stories with a gay theme - don't read it.

This is based on the Australian soap "Neighbours" and a selected few of the rather gorgeous male characters who star in it. If you've never heard of the programme, there's plenty of web sites out there with pictures so that you get the proper image of the guy's I'm talking about! You're on the look out for the following characters Billy (Jesse Spencer), Lance (Andrew Bibby), Paul (Jansen Spencer) and Tad (Jonathan Dutton).

Feedback is always appreciated - flames are also appreciated, but please expect a reply full of expletives etc. if you decide to send one of the latter. is the e-mail address. Or, if you prefer, my ICQ number is: 45862060. Everyone who gets in contact receives the URL of the new UKSW web site.

P.S. Don't make any assumptions about the actors' sexual preference from this - it's all just made up!

The programme and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Grundy International Operations BV.

Boys Next Door: Just The Boys

A loud knock on the front door brought Lance back down to earth. His eyes shot open as he lay there on top of his bed. Naked, covered in a mixture of drying cum from his massive jack off session just a few moments earlier. He would have ignored it and waited for whoever it was to get the message, but this person wasn't going to give up - two more loud knocks at the door.

Lance pulled himself up off the bed. Taking hold of the old T-shirt that he'd thrown on the floor the night before, he wiped himself down. Removing as much as he could, the evidence of what he'd just been up do. He picked up the old boxers that he'd been wearing yesterday. Nothing unusual, just a plain black pair of boxer briefs and slipped them on. Another knock at the door as he arranged his package in the front of them. He walked out of his bedroom and into the lounge. Looking through the eyehole in the front door he saw it was Billy. Lance opened the door.

"Awww, sorry mate." Billy started, seeing the semi-naked Lance opening the front door, his hair messed up, obviously having just got out of bed. "I didn't mean to get you up...." His voice trailed off as Lance opened the door wide.

"Don't worry about it. Come on in." Lance told him. Slightly annoyed at having been interrupted by his sister's boyfriend, but he could think of worse people to be interrupted by! "Anne's not in." Lance told Billy as he closed the door behind him. "She's gone out with Mum, Phil and Hannah for the day."

"So they've finally managed to let you stay in on your own now!" Bill replied, flashing a big white grin at his friend.

"Yeah, I could hardly believe it myself!" Lance said, being just as sarcastic as Billy. "Anyway, you're welcome to spend the day here with me if you like. We could go down to the coffee shop, or just hang out and watch a couple of video's if you like". Lance told him. He realised as he stood in only his underwear whilst looking at Billy in his dark green shorts and black T-shirt what his sister saw in his mate, he was definitely worth looking at.

"Well, if you're sister's not in. Then I suppose you'll have to do!" Billy said. To Lance, he sounded a little serious, although mixed in with a light hearted smile. "But shouldn't you get a shower first?" Billy asked, noticing for the first time the tell tale signs of the drying mixture covering the front of his friend.

"I think you're right!" Lance said, playfully raising an arm and pretending to sniff underneath. "You can grab something for yourself in the kitchen if you want, I won't be too long." He told him. All the time Lance checked Billy out, looking over his neatly placed dark blond hair, and those sparkling blue eyes. Causing something deep inside him to be awoken for the first time. A dangerous forbidden attraction, a lust, towards his twin sister's girlfriend. Lance grinned inwardly to himself.

"Nah." Billy replied, shaking his head. "I've already had breakfast before I came out. I'll just hang out in your room and wait for you." He said, not giving Lance the chance to object. Billy has worked out exactly what Lance had been doing when he interrupted, he'd noticed the way he was checking him out. And he wanted to know if Lance had been imagining the same pictures, the same feelings, the same boys has him just a couple of moments ago.

Lanced walked off back into his bedroom, Billy following pretty closely behind. Immediately as he walked through the door, Lance grabbed hold of the T-shirt that he'd just used to wipe the sticky mixture off his body with along with the rest of his dirty clothes that he'd kicked off last night. "Right then." Lance said, "make yourself at home, and I'll just be a couple of minutes." He told Billy.

Billy just nodded at his friend as he saw him hastily gather together his dirty laundry, wondering what he was trying to hide. And then, after seeing the sunlight glint off the drying liquid on his chest, realising exactly what he was trying to hide. He smirked again at Lance. Almost willing him to read his mind. To realise what he was after. If Lance's sister wasn't available to have some fun with, he was willing to try her brother. He'd probably better than Anne was anyway. He sat down on the end of the bed as Lance disappeared out of the door. Billy took in a big look at Lance's cotton covered ass. He wondered what was underneath. The stirring inside his shorts said that he was determined to find out before the end of the day.

In the bathroom Lance had thrown his dirty clothes - boxer shorts and all - into the laundry basket. He switched on the shower and took underneath the jets of warm water. His back rested against the cold tiled wall as the water ran down his naked body. Rushing over his chest, washing away the drying cum and sweat, in a river cascading over the soft hair that separated his pecs before running down in streams over his flat stomacher, and down on his crotch, dripping slowly down the length of his shaft and off of the circumcised head.

A million and one thoughts ran through his mind as the water continued to drench his body. The way he'd been looking at Billy earlier on. The way that Billy had been looking back at his almost naked body in the lounge. That fact that his friend was now sitting in his bedroom, on the bed where he'd not even half an hour ago enjoyed one of the biggest orgasm's ever. He knew that right now, Billy would be sitting there, inhaling the smell of his sex lingering in the air. And it turned him on. Big time.

But there was surely no way that Billy would be into helping make Lance's fantasies reality, surely? He was going out with his sister. His twin sister. He couldn't do it to Anne.............. his dick twitched, his balls grew tight once again. A crushing reality hit him. In his rush to get his cum soaked T- shirt out of the bedroom, and himself under the shower, he'd not brought a towel, or any fresh clothes in with him.

In Lance's bedroom, Billy was still on the end of the bed. But his head was buried in the sheets that covered the bed, taking in deep breaths through his nose, he could faintly smell his friend on them. They were still slightly damp from where his sweat had poured off his body a short time ago. His hand reached in front of him to his shorts, and he squeezed his crotch through them. Feeling his meaty dick as the scent of Lance's morning workout filled his head.

Suddenly the sound of the water from the shower stopped. Billy knew that he had to get up from off the bed. He had to think of something else. There was no way that Lance was going to be into helping him sort out the problem that was starting to grow inside his shorts. He'd spent long enough chasing after Amy. Billy tried to convince himself that it was pointless. That he was really with Lance's sister. That he really wanted to be with Anne. He pulled himself up off the bed and looked down at his shorts. His cock already starting to tent them out, his second erection of the morning, and it was a strong one. He didn't want Anne at all. The person he wanted was about to come into the room.

"Bill." Came Lance's voice, shouting from inside the bathroom. Billy's pulse started to quicken, the mere sound of Lance's voice echoing off the hard walls of the bathroom was enough to send shivers down the young lad's spine.

Billy coughed gently to clear his throat. To make his voice sound as normal as possible in his state of heightened arousal. "Yeah, mate, what's up?" he asked, shouting back towards the door of Lance's bedroom.

Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Lance knew that he was going to find out very soon whether Bill had the same idea as himself. "I've forgotten to bring a clean towel with me - can you get me one out of box?" he called out. Lance could feel his heart beating hard inside his chest as he walked to the door and silently unbolted the lock that would allow Bill to come right inside.

"No problem mate." Bill called back. He'd been round at Anne and Lance's house plenty of times before so he knew where everything was kept. His head started spinning with everything that was going on. A second ago he had his head buried in Lance's bed, trying to take in all the smell's of his friend's earlier wanking session and now he was about to walk into a room where the guy was stark naked. He tried to take his mind off things, attempting to get rid of his erection, growing ever stronger inside his shorts as he walked out of the room and over to the laundry box.

Lance wondered what he should do. Where he should stand, whether he should just act like he was fully clothed when Bill brought the clean towel into him. Bill had never seen him totally naked. He'd never seen Bill naked either for that matter. Whenever they've been at the local pool or something both of them had always dropped their shorts with a towel wrapped around them to hide what was underneath. Taking a position sitting on the edge of the bath, Lance knew that there was no way that he could avoid giving Billy an eyeful of what he'd been hiding underneath his shorts and behind towels quickly wrapped around his body this time. And even if nothing happened with him - that would at least give Lance the material for another almighty session later that night.

Standing outside, taking a third deep breath, Bill knocked on the door of the bathroom. Lance called for him to come in - Bill thought he detected that Lance's voice was slightly more croaky and strained than usual. Sharply breathing in once again, he grabbed hold of the handle and turned it. The warm, wet air of the bathroom hit Billy as he opened the door and walked in. He looked over to the bath and saw Lance, completely nude, sitting on the edge of the bath.

At first, Bill only noticed the parts of his friend that he'd seen plenty of times before at the pool. Hard firm chest, soft hair separating his pecs, now wet and looking a lot blacker clinging against his skin. His flat stomach with that treasure trail of hair running down from his navel, very similar to his own. Only this time instead of being cut off by the waistband of a pair of shorts, jeans or Speedo's, Bill could see that line of hair exploding into a mass of light, almost golden brown, coloured curls. His eyes where drawn almost at once to the object sticking out from underneath those curls. Lance's prick. Thinner than his own, but definitely starting to fill out, about four inches long hanging down over his meaty balls. The end of his prick was circumcised. Bill could have stood like this forever, just looking at Lance's cut prick. He'd never seen a circumcised guy in the flesh before, he was fascinated by it. Bill held out the fresh towel to his friend who took hold of it and draped his across his knees. Abruptly cutting off the sight Billy had just been enjoying for a split second. Bill turned walking out of the door. He needed to get out of there. Lance wasn't going to be into doing any sexual stuff with him. He needed to get out quickly before his embarrassed himself. Already he could feel his dick starting to swell inside his pants, he needed to escape, to unzip his shorts, take hold of his thick dick and beat it whilst replaying the scene of Lance sitting there, letting everything hang down between his legs, over and over again.

Lance had seen the way that Bill had stood, lingering for a little longer than he would have expected. He knew that there was a possibility that Bill, might, after all, be up for having some fun with him. He also knew that he had only one more realistic chance of sending out a signal to his friend that he wanted to go a couple of rounds with him. He quickly dried himself off, wrapped the towel around his body and walked over to his bedroom.

Inside, Bill was sitting at the window with his back to the door looking out over the garden at the back of the house. Lance stood in the door way for a moment and just looked at the back of his friend. His short blond hair was still damp and clung tightly to his head. In that light, even the back of Billy's neck, lightly tanned from hours spent out in the sun was turning Lance on. He walked inside his bedroom. Bill sensed this and turned around to look at him. "Do you want me to wait outside while you get dress?" Bill asked him. He didn't want to leave the room while Lance removed his towel, but he thought that's what he should ask anyway.

"No." Lance started, he thought for a moment he sounded a little too eager to let Billy stay with him. "It's not like you haven't seen it all before now!" Lance added, referring back to their encounter in the bathroom.

Lance went over to his wardrobe and looked through his clothes, trying to decide what to wear, but all the time thinking about what was going through Billy's head as he watched him from his position on the other side of the room.

"So." Bill spoke. A shiver went down Lance's spine. Bill sounded a lot closer to him now. Casually pulling out a plain white T-shirt from the bottom of his wardrobe, he turned around to see that Billy was now sitting on the end of his bed, within touching distance of him as he was bent over riffling through his clothes, nothing but a thin towel covering his warm naked flesh. "What do you want to do today, with everyone else out of the way for a change." Bill continued, knowing what he wanted the answer to be, but convincing himself that it wasn't going to happen. Settling for being as close as he was to Lance when his friend slipped out of his towel to get dressed.

Lance closed his eyes as he let the sound of his friend's voice was over him. A deep yet soft Australian adolescent voice, sounding so rounded, so sensual. If he concentrated hard enough he could feel Billy's breath hitting his naked back as he spoke. There was plenty that he could think of to do with Bill all day, the two of them alone in the empty house. And for once, Lance decided as Bill's voice continued to wash over him with ideas of what they could both get up to, he was going to try and make his dreams into reality.

Reaching down to the towel stretched around his waist, still out of Bill's site, Lance loosened the cotton material. He went back to his wardrobe, continuing the pretence of trying to find something to wear. He moved his weight firmly to one side, as if going to look through another pile of clothes. It was this movement that started off Lance's plan, hastily thought up on the spot to either make it look accidental, or, what he hoped for, get Billy interested in some proper entertainment for the day. The towel dropped to the floor, leaving Lance naked and totally exposed in the middle of his bedroom, with one of his best friends just inches away from his ass, still bent over, cheeks parted slightly not yet enough to reveal his hidden hole, but just enough to get Bill's interest going. Billy fell silent almost the second the towel hit the floor. He just looked on. Lance's pale ass bent out in front of him. He expected Lance to quickly get up and covering himself up once again. But he didn't. Instead he stopped moving altogether. He just stood their, his back arching forwards with his ass just inches away. Bill just sat and looked straight ahead at Lance's backside. Willing him to move closer, to reach just one hand out, to take just one small touch.

Lance was standing perfectly still. His eyes clenched tightly closed. He knew in his own mind as he stood there, totally naked, Billy's face just inches away from his ass, that he'd either made the biggest mistake of his life, or was about to begin one of the wildest sexual adventures he ever thought possible. Yet it was seemingly taking forever.

To both of the boys it felt like an eternity. Neither of them willing to make the first contact. Both of them desperately wanting to take hold of each other, but neither knowing how the other would react. In reality it was just a couple of seconds. That's all it took for Bill to realise what was happening. The towel slipping wasn't an accident. Lance was showing himself off, giving Billy a closer look. He reached out a hand and slowly, softly and in complete silence apart from the gentle summer breeze rustling the trees outside, his finger tips lightly brushed against Lance's ass cheeks.

The instant Billy touched him, it was like an electric surge throughout Lance's entire young eighteen year old body. It was the touch he'd been waiting for so long. The touch, the briefest touch that he'd dreamt about at night. All the time's he'd seen his sister with the hunk of a boy next-door and Lance wished it was him and not Anne. Now it was. His dick started to harden almost straight away, both with the fear and the thrill of the situation. He could hear from behind him Bill getting up off the bed. His fingers never once stopping their gentle, very soft stroking motion backwards and forwards over his pale skin. Lance could feel Bill getting closer to him, his hands wandered up from off his ass and took hold of him around the waist before he felt the harsh cotton of his shorts begin to press up against him. He could feel Billy's stiff prick inside his shorts begin to press, softly at first, then getting firmer and firmer against his ass. His cotton clad chest began to bend over Lance's arched back, a gentle warm breath touched his ear as Billy whispered to him "So you want it too".

Billy moved his hands up to Lance's chest, gently rubbing each of his nipples before covering each of his pecs with his palms and bringing his body back up straight against his own. They stood for a moment. Taking in the sensation of being this close to each other. Lance's dick now stuck straight out, seven long inches a head of him, his balls already moving tightly against his body. A whole series of shivers running across him with each new sensation of Billy's body tight close against him. He could feel Bill's hard dick still covered by the rough cotton of his shorts pressed up against his ass, coming close to slipping in between his crack.

Gently, Bill turned Lance around. The two of them still closer to each other than ever before, took their first look at each other face to face since the first intimate contact between them. Two sets of sparkling blue eyes, filled with a mixture of tension, fear but above all, the arousal of two eighteen year old boys looking deep into each other.

This time Lance made the first move. Being fractionally taller than Billy, he bent his head downwards a little and move his face closer to Bill's. His friend responded, moving in closer and closer, each other's warm breath hitting their lips with each shallow, deep, but quick breath. Closer and closer, hotter and hotter, until finally they touched their mouths together, pressing their lips up tight against each other, they stayed like that for the moment, enjoying their first taste of another guy and loving every second of it. Bill's tongue lightly grazed the edge of Lance's lower lip, edging his way forward inside. Lance responded by resting his tongue out on top of Billy's. That sent electric pulses through both of them, sending their tongues flying inside each other's mouths. Tasting their way around every part of it, wrestling their tongues in the middle. Billy moved his hands down Lance's waist, between the pair of them, still pressed as tight together as their lips. On the back of his hand he could feel his own cock straining against the tight material of his shorts, aching for a release. He moved his hand closer to Lance, for the first time, his palm coming into contact with a penis other than his own. Lance's circumcised seven inches of hard steel like shaft pressed up against his hand, responding instantly to this new touch, Bill rolled a finger over the top, rubbing Lance's precum all around the purple head.

Lance pulled his hands through to take hold of Billy's T-shirt, pulling it up from it's position, neatly tucked inside the eighteen year olds shorts. Roughly, he began to pull it up over his body, lightly brushing the naked flesh of Bill's flat stomach and his chest on his way up. Their kiss was broken for a second as Lance pulled the T-shirt right up and over Bill's head, messing up his neatly placed blond hair in the process, revealing two armpits full of almost charcoal coloured pubes. Lance ran his fingers through those pubes as he threw the T- shirt on the floor. Amazed at how soft the hair was and how it thickly covered both of his pits. Billy smiled, holding his arms above his head, watching Lance taking in every inch of his body. Lance looked back up at Billy and smiled back, their kiss resumed once again.

Bill's hands moved around to Lance's soft ass, gripping both of his cheeks he roughly pulled Lance even further forward into him, mashing their dicks together. Lance continued to spew precum, starting to wet through Billy's shorts.

Lance had now had enough of being the only one of the two of them naked and revealed. He'd wanted for so long to see Billy as he was meant to be, standing in front of him, naked, with his dick long and hard in front of him, precum oozing from his piss slit. He wasn't prepared to wait any longer. He put his hands around in between the pair of them, still passionately kissing one another, he moved himself back a little way to give hands easy access to Bill's shorts. He opened up the top button of Billy's shorts, and eagerly pulled down the zipper, parting the two pieces of material, before letting them drop to the floor. Lance ran his hand all over Bill's boxer shorts, he could feel his rock hard prick pushing up and out of them. Aching to be released. It felt to Lance as if it was throbbing, trying to break out of the tight cotton confines. The material was hot, really hot, with the heat coming up from off Billy's crotch in his state of the most intense sexual arousal that he'd ever experienced in the whole of his young life. The cotton was damp, almost sticky as what seemed liked gallons of precum oozed from out of Bill's shaft. Lance put his hands down inside the waistband, the heat was incredibly. His fingers ran through the thick curls of his pubes, damp with a mixture of sweat generated by the heat of his body and the precum that continued to drip down his shaft, covering his balls, running and mixing in with his pubes. He took a firm hold once again of the waistband, breaking their intimate kiss as he pulled Billy's shorts down, letting them hit the floor.

Lance stood back and took in the most amazing sight he'd ever seen. There, standing just a couple of inches away from him, in the centre of his bedroom, the open window looking out into the garden behind him, one of his best friends, his sisters boyfriend. Naked Hands by his sides. His thick chest heaving up and down. His stomach, tanned, hard and flat. The thick line of dark hair running from his navel growing out into an impressive bush of black pubes. His dick, standing up and out, seven inches of thick hard meat in front of him, completely free of any of the hairs that covered the rest of his crotch, his foreskin pulled right the way back exposing the bright red head of his cock, pulsing under the intensity of his erection, shining brightly in the light, covered by a thin layer of precum that continually oozed slowly from his piss slit, so much of it, it dripped down the length of his shaft, starting to coat his balls. Big thick hairy balls, pulled tightly up against his body. His thick legs were matted in a layer of golden brown hairs.

Bill stood fascinated by the way that Lance was standing opposite him checking him out in the way he was. But he couldn't help but look at Lance in the same way. He watched how much he was turned the boy on. His fingers running through the curls of pubic hairs that surrounded the base of his prick, running a little way up the shaft, and covered his big balls hanging down underneath. He'd always looked at Lance's face and realised that he was cute. That was becoming even more apparent by the moments. His eyes sparkled, wide open, taking in the whole of his body. His lips were thick and cherry red. Lance had the perfect swimmers build, his body lean yet hard. His nipples capping off the hard mounds of muscle that made up his pecs were hard and erect. The line of hair that separated each of his pecs was something that Billy had always envied - like any teenage boy. His stomach, like his own, was hard and flat with the makings of a six-pack just coming through. Bill looked down once again at Lance's circumcised dick and couldn't hold off any longer.

Sinking to his knees in front of his friend, Billy took hold of Lance's cock once again. He stroked the underneath of it, feeling the shaft up and down, stroking the hairs that just ran up about an inch from the base of his prick backwards and forwards. Lance brushed his fingers through Billy's thick blond hair as he looked down at his friend playing with his dick. Billy moved his lips closer to the tip of Lance's cock. Carefully, he placed his lips right on the tip of it, smearing the precum that was oozing from his piss slit all over his lips. He rubbed the end of it continuously over and over his lips, tasting small amounts of the clear liquid all the time before he plunged it, inch by inch inside his mouth. Lance gasped as he felt his shaft passing between Billy's lips, into the dark wet hole that was his mouth. He looked down, watching Billy's bright blue eyes, wide open, and looking back up at him as he swallowed more and more of his meat into his mouth. Lance clasped his hands on the back of Billy's head, feeding more and more of his prick into his mouth, all the time new sensations starting at the top of his cock and then spreading throughout his entire body.

Billy's hands roamed up the inside of Lance's legs. Softly stroking the smooth skin beneath his finger tips, moving his hands slowly upwards towards his crotch. The back of his hand came into contact with Lance's balls, the rough pubes scratching at his skin. He continued his way up past Lance's balls which were now resting on his chin as he sucked long and hard on his cock, running his tongue along the underside, lapping around the part of his circumcised cock where the head fused with the shaft, before running it all the way up to the head of Lance's cock, dipping his tongue lightly inside his piss slit, licking out more and more of the clear juice that was flowing into his mouth. Billy was enjoying more and more his first taste of another man's juices, lapping more and more of it up on his tongue before swallowing it down. Bill's hands reached between Lance's legs and up to his ass crack. Totally smooth in comparison with his crotch, Bill ran his fingers up and down the crack, feeling around for his puckered hole. He soon found it. Just in time as Lance couldn't hold back anymore, he started face fucking Bill. In and out long and hard strokes. Lance pulled his cock out almost to the tip, leaving a trail of his precum inside Billy's mouth before his slammed it back in and down the young boys throat. Forcing his rock hard prick to slip downwards. Billy kept his head still, letting his tongue slide over Lances meat with every stroke of it down his throat. His fingers abruptly pushing back on Lance's ass hole as he continued to pound his face. His balls slapping him hard on the chin, the rough pubes mashing up against his face. Bill knew what he wanted, where he wanted his first experience with Lance to go. He could feel it. It was in his mouth being slipped up and down his throat. It was stirring in his own crotch, and most importantly, in his ass. His cheeks spread wide open low down close to the floor as he continued to suck on Lance's cock.

Bill pulled his head back and allowed Lance cock to slip out of his mouth. Lance gasped at the hole he'd just been fucking was taken away so quickly. Billy stood up and took hold of Lance around the waist once again. Pulling him tighter and closer to him than ever. Lance's cock, slick with Bill's saliva slipped against his own stiff pole as they came against each other on both of their hard stomachs. He looked into Lance's eyes once again, and kissed him, hard and strong on the lips. His tongue rubbed against Lance's lips, transferring the mixture of saliva and precum that he'd collected in his mouth over to Lance. Lance just stood, enjoying the taste of being fed his own precum mixed with Billy's mouth juices.

Bill took hold of Lance in a deep embrace, putting his head against his friends he whispered into his ear. "I need you to fuck me" he told him. Deep Australian tones in a perfectly strained adolescent voice. The only words that passed between them. Lances heart started to beat even faster in his chest. He knew what Bill had just said to him, but it felt too much like a dream to be real. But it was real. And very soon, Lance was going to know that it was real, as his cock slide inside Bill, inside another guy for the first time. He could see it entering Bill's hold, stretching him wide open. More and more precum oozing from his cock as the pictures flew through his mind. As he felt Bill's body close up against his own. As their cocks touched. As the sweat poured off the pair of them.

Bill broke off from the embrace and looked up into Lance's face once again. He gave him his tell-tale schoolboy grin. His eyes alive and sparkling brightly. Lance replayed the words that had just been spoken to him over again in his head as he looked into Bill's face. "I need you to fuck me" again and again. He let Bill take him by the hand and led him to the other side of the bedroom. By the open window. Bill kissed Lance again and dropped to the floor. Turning his back on his friend and getting up on all fours. His ass pushed out behind him. His cheeks parted, revealing in amongst the charcoal coloured hairs that ran the length of his crack, that puckered pink hole.

Dropping to his knees behind Billy, Lance took hold of his friend by the hips and looked over the boy who was on the floor in front of him. His back arched, his short blond hair covering the back of his head looking down straight on at the floor. His ass pushed up and out, like a naughty schoolboy waiting patiently, getting himself ready for the pain coming from the teacher's cane. But Lance was determined to give something far more pleasurable than a swift smack across those cheeks. He ran his fingers through the hair that went up Billy's ass crack. Bill shivered at Lance's touch. The first time anyone, including Anne had ever touched him there. Then he could feel Lance's breath, getting closer and closer to his skin. And them something wet and slippery running across the hairs, moving closer and closer to his hole. Pulses of electricity races through his body as Lance's tongue got closer and closer to his hole, his balls twitched beneath him and his cock, starting to hurt with his strong erection let more and more precum drip down his shaft, over his balls and onto the carpet below.

It was like a bolt of lightening to Billy as Lance's tongue found it's target. He could feel the warm wet pressure against his hole, slipping slowly inside him. He could feel it moving deeper and deeper inside him. He needed to grab hold of his dick, to wank himself furiously as Lance moved his mouth over his crack. But Lance got their first. Taking hold of Billy's thick meaty shaft his started to wank him backwards and forwards in time with his tongue probing in and out of his freshly cleaned hole. Billy was going crazy with the sensations, his dick leaking more precum than he thought possible. His balls felt like they were churning beneath him, his blue eyes watering with the immense sensations that were taking over his entire body.

Finally, just as Billy's head was starting to spin around and around, Lance pulled his tongue out of his hole. He kept his hand firmly wrapped around Bill's shaft though, his foreskin pulled right the way back, exposing the ultra sensitive head to the heat that was pouring off both boys. With his free hand, Lance took hold of his own cock. He looked down at it. He couldn't ever remember seeing so much precum coming from his piss slit, slicking up his entire shaft, his head brighter than ever as the blood surged through the veins that were making him so hard. He grasped hold of his cock just below the head and moved himself closer once more to Billy's ass. He could see the hairs lining Bill's ass were slicked up with a mixture of sweat and the saliva he'd just been pouring in to loosen the virgin hole up.

Bill let out a short gasp as Lance lined his dick up with Billy's hole for the first time. The tip of his dick, slippery with the precum that continued to pour out of his shaft, pressed against Bill's hole. Lance couldn't stop now even if he wanted to. It was like a whole new force taking over his entire body. He had to push forward, he had to enter inside his friend. And he did it. Firmly, but gently, he pushed his prick inside his friend. The head of it just passing the ring of muscle that protected the virgin hole. Billy clenched his fists together on the floor, his eyes screwed up tight and his teeth clenched together, letting out only slight growls as he felt Lance's prick begin to enter him. Lance continued to push himself forward, all the time keeping a hard grasp on Bill's cock beneath them. Gently wanking him as if to help take his mind off the pain that was going on up his backside. Further and further he went, picking up speed all the time, stretching Bill's hole wide open. Lance looked down, his eyes immediately opened wider than ever before as he saw his prick disappearing up Billy's chute. The growls that continued from between Bill's gritted teeth just forced him on even more. He continued, three, four, five inches past and his pubes started to mix in with the hairs up Bill's crack. Six inches in and his balls just started to touch his crack. Bill's eyes still screwed up as he felt the hot iron bar invading him from behind. The pain just starting to give way to the most unimaginable pleasurable sensation he'd ever experienced. Seven inches. All seven inches deep inside. Lance collapsed onto Bill's back. Seven hard inches, stuck up inside his best friend as he lay on top of his back, his hand firmly wrapped around Bill's stiff prick. He moved his free hand around onto Bill's flat stomach, stroking it up and down, rubbing a finger up and down the line of hair from his navel. Whispering to him over and over again everything was alright.

Eventually Billy became used to having Lance's cock stuck up him. He could feel the slightest move that Lance made through his cock. Each movement even more pleasurable than the last. He felt Lance let go of his cock and stop rubbing his stomach, Bill knew what was coming now and he was ready for it like nothing else. Lance's hands reached up and gripped hold of Bill under each of his arms, steadying himself as be began his assault. Bill could feel Lance's cock slipping out him, inch by inch, much faster though than when it went in. He could feel his hole being stretched wider and wider still as it all came out, pulling back right until only the tip was left just inside his hole. Lance then, gripping even harder under Bill's arms slammed himself back inside with great force. Bill moaned as he felt his ass chute being filled out once again by Lance's cock, the sound of his balls slapping against his crack was spinning around and around in his head as Lance proceeded to pull out for the second time. His thrusting built up faster and fast, as he held on under his arms, he could feel Bill's sweat pouring over his hands, dripping down his entire body.

Harder and harder the two of them went. Both of their moans becoming louder and louder in time with the force of Lance's thrusting in and out, in and out. Like a dog fucking his bitch, Lance clawed at Bill's back, feeling him writhe with the pleasure of it all underneath him. His nipples slid against his slick back, sensitive to each movement, it was like his whole body was being consumed by Bill's ass hole. Further and further, deeper and deeper probing every inch of Bill's ass. Lance couldn't hold it any longer. He rammed his dick hard up Bill's ass - his balls slapping loudly against his best friend's ass crack. He held himself inside there. The full circumcised seven inches started to hose down Bill's ass. Lance imagined the tip of his dick inside, pumping out load after load after load, coating the walls of Billy's ass with his thick white cum. Bill could feel Lance's dick pulsing inside him. He could hear the gasps escaping from Lance's mouth as he reached down. Taking hold of Lance's hand on the way he placed it on his still hard shaft. He wrapped Lance's fingers around his prick and took Lance's hand in his own and started to jack himself off to an amazing finish. Lance slipped his dick out of Bill's hole and let it slip down the length of his ass crack and trail onto the back of his balls. Billy could feel Lance's spent organ pressing against his sac and looked down underneath him. His prick, only the head visible as he spread his precum over his belly, and then he saw it. Lance's organ. That which had just been hard up his ass, covered in a mixture of precum, sweat and now the same cum that was dripping out of hole and running down his crack onto his balls. It was all the Billy's mind could take. Lance pulled firmly back on Billy's cock, pushing his foreskin all the way down letting Billy's load shot, time and time again, with amazing force from the end of his prick. Hitting him on the chest, just reaching his face before dripping down onto the floor below.

Both boys fell down onto the floor. Lance still on top of Billy. His now limp dick resting in the mess that filled out Bill's ass crack. All the awkwardness of just a few moments ago totally gone. Plenty more ideas of things to do during the day running around their heads.

So Billy and Lance have finally got it together after all of these years! Funny thing is that two other boys in the same street are up to something else in part six! That's coming soon. In the meantime if you liked what you read here then write to be either that or you and use ICQ, my number is 45862060. Either way, I look forward to hearing from you.

Next: Chapter 6

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