Boys Next Door


Published on Aug 18, 1999


All the usual warnings apply. If you're not old enough, not legal or not interested in reading stories with a gay theme - don't read it.

This is based on the Australian soap "Neighbours" and a selected few of the rather gorgeous male characters who star in it. If you've never heard of the programme, there's plenty of web sites out there with pictures so that you get the proper image of the guy's I'm talking about! You're on the look out for the following characters Billy (Jesse Spencer), Lance (Andrew Bibby), Paul (Jansen Spencer) and Tad (Jonathan Dutton).

Feedback is always appreciated. Comments good or bad can be sent to me at and I'll do my best to get back to your as quickly as possible! You could always grab my attention immediately the next time I'm online with ICQ! My number is 45862060. However you do it, I promise to send the URL of the new UKSW website.

P.S. Don't make any assumptions about the actors' sexual preference from this - it's all just made up!

The programme and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Grundy International Operations BV.

Boys Next Door: Paul

When your fifteen, six whole weeks without having to get up and go to school seems like a blissful eternity. That was exactly what Paul was facing ahead of him as he began, slowly, to wake up to the first day of his summer holidays away from school.

He looked over at the alarm clock on the bedside table, yawning as he did so. Nearly ten o'clock on a sunny Thursday morning. He'd already have been in school for nearly two hours any other Thursday. Paul smiled to himself, thinking about that maths lesson that he wasn't having to do and all the other boring lessons that he'd normally have to face on a Thursday, followed by the mountains of homework to be done ready for Friday's classes. Eventually, he summoned up the energy to pull the soft blanket from off his body and got up out of his warm bed.

Paul was wearing that same thing he always wore to bed. A old white T-shirt and an old pair of plain black boxer shorts that were really getting a little too small for him, but were ok for sleeping in and walking around the house in first thing in the morning. He walked out of his room and into the kitchen. Both Madge and Harold had already left for work, leaving Paul with the whole house to himself for however long he wanted to be alone. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice and took it into the lounge area. He flicked on the TV and began watching some daytime talk show.

The morning paper was beside the armchair, so Paul began to read it as he ate his cereal, all but ignoring what was on the TV. Page after page was full of rubbish to Paul. Politics and the latest employment figures aren't the most exciting stuff a fifteen year old boy just starting his summer holiday can read about.

He finished his breakfast and wandered back into his bedroom. Looking around the room for something to do to pass the time before he'd go out and meet a couple of his friends down at the Coffee Shop. He glanced at himself in the full length mirror on the wall opposite his bed. Paul smirked to himself, realising that he'd found the perfect way to kill time.

Paul just stood in front of the mirror for a moment, looking at himself. His dark hair still messed up from the night before, his big brown eyes and the white grin as he raised a hand up to his chest. He started rubbing his right nipple through the thin cotton of his T-shirt as he continued looking himself over. His legs, long enough to get him up to a tallish height of 5ft 7" were covered in a sprinkling of light feathery hairs that would stick against his skin in the shower of after he'd got out of the swimming pool. He could feel his nipple becoming hard, so he moved on to the next one. Standing up straight and using one finger, he swirled around the outside of it, and then lightly pressed into the centre. Getting a response as the blood began to flow in. Enhancing the feeling he was giving himself each time the tip of his finger brushed over. His nipples were now hard as rocks beneath the T-shirt and Paul could clearly see the outline of them sticking up from his chest through the cotton. He could also sense a stirring inside his shorts as his dick cried out for the same treatment. Paul managed to hold off for a little while longer though. He moved his hands to the top of his T-shirt and pulled it off over his head, throwing it onto the floor beside him. He casually brushed his hand over his chest as he looked hard at himself in the mirror. He liked what had been revealed after taking off his T-shirt. A chest, just beginning to get nicely bulked up. His pecs forming into hard tanned mounds of muscle. All in proportion for a fifteen year old who took pride in how his body looked. Once more that white smile flashed as he remembered how the girls looked at him during their mixed end-of- term swimming class last week.

With all this light and gentle touching, stroking and probing around his chest, Paul could feel his dick starting to swell inside his small boxer shorts. He pushed two hands beneath the waistband and felt around inside. Not much room at all he noticed, watching his hand groping around inside the cotton from the reflection in the mirror. His fingers ran through the thin patch of pubic hair that surrounded the base of his cock, just beginning to grow around the inside of his thighs. Save for a small patch of black hair under each of his arms, this was the only pubic hair that Paul had at fifteen. Still his shaft was untouched by any of the roughness, his balls, in-between his legs and up the crack of his ass was the same - totally smooth. Paul liked this look for the moment, but longed for the day when he'd be able to get naked in the change room at school and look the same as the year 12 boys, full of hair and very masculine. He liked that look. But he equally liked what he had for the moment.

Hooking his two thumbs over the waistband of his shorts, he pulled them down to the floor, letting them bunch up around his ankles. Paul put his hands by his sides as he looked at himself. More importantly as he looked at what he had between his legs. The thin patch of black hair barely covered the beginnings of his erection and his smooth balls hung pretty low underneath. He moved his hands under his balls and felt the warm skin underneath. His whole body shivered as he moved his balls up and down on the back side of his hand as he delved deeper and deeper between his legs. His fingers touched the start of his ass crack - that's when Paul got the best idea he'd had in a long time.

Deciding that what he was doing this morning was to get to know more and more of his body - he was going to finger his ass right in front of that mirror. Paul figured that he'd touched and played with just about all the other interesting parts of himself that he'd thought about, but never his ass. Sure, he'd rubbed his fingers up and down his crack a few times whilst jacking off, but now he wanted to go further. He wanted to do more. He wanted to know just how good it would feel.

Ever since he'd read that letter in 'Ambrosia' about the guy who'd set up a birthday surprise for his girlfriend - a video of himself and his younger brother getting it on together - and all the detail that it went into, Paul had wanted to find out what it was really like to have something stuck up your ass, but he'd never built up the courage to do it. This morning, in his highly aroused state, he was going to give it is all.

He turned around and looked over his shoulder back into the mirror. His ass cheeks were round, and white. His tan line stopped just on the lower part of his back and didn't pick up again until safely past the top of his legs. He put both hands on his cheeks and have them a squeeze. Slowly then he started to bend over, putting his legs apart so that he would have a good view of his ass in the mirror. Soon, his hands grabbed hold of his ankles and his back was arched upwards. He looked between his legs. His dick swelling all the time as it tried to make it's way to it's full 6 inches. His balls started pulling back up into his body. And there in the mirror, his ass cheeks opened wide, and the pink of his ass crack on full view.

Paul reached behind him and gently placed a finger at the bottom of his crack and started to move it up. His skin felt soft and moist to his touch and his finger carried on upwards. The tip of it brushed across his ass hole causing him to both breath out quickly and his whole body shiver with the sensations that he got from that one simple touch.

He moved his hand away and brought it back around to his face. He inhaled deeply for a moment. Surprised just how sex the scent that covered his fingers was, he plunged one, then two and then three deep inside his mouth. Sucking on them hard. Sucking and licking, running his tongue up and down them, just like three hard pricks lined up in his mouth. Paul closed his eyes as he carried on getting his fingers as wet as possible. Imagining the dicks that he wanted them to be. One was Billy from over the road, the other Lance and one belonged to his best friend, Tad. Paul's dick twitched, and for a second he thought that he was going to shoot without even touching himself. He didn't though. He moved his free hand down to his now fully hard prick and began to stroke it, very, very slowly. Pulling his foreskin backwards and forwards. Pushing it over his knob, collecting precum on the way, before pulling it down again and smearing the clear liquid all over his dick head.

Deciding his fingers were wet enough to begin an assault on his virgin ass, Paul pulled them out of his mouth, and, almost as if to stop himself from backing out, reached around to his ass crack immediately. He resumed his position looking between his legs, although he straightened his back a little to allow him to continue tugging on his throbbing meat. He watched as he brushed his index finger backwards and forwards up and down his crack, searching for that hole. He found it soon enough. Without giving it another thought, Paul pressed the tip of his finger against his hole. He felt it open slightly, and then sliding effortlessly further and further up.

Paul was surprised at how easy his finger was invading his chute, although he was very much caught up in the sensation that he was giving himself. Without realising it, Paul had started to speed up on his wanking. All the while, feeding his finger in, further and further. He began to push another one inside, opening himself up even wider. The feeling of stretching his hole wide open was just amazing to the young boy. He watched in the mirror, fascinated as his fingers disappeared inside and stretched him wide open, his balls being bounced back between his legs with the force of his wanking.

Furiously he pumped his prick as he watched a second finger go in all the way. Paul was finding it difficult to stay on his feet, bending over, looking in the mirror, feeding fingers up his ass and pumping his dick at the same time. But he was determined, because of the amazing sensations this sexual workout was giving him, to carry on.

A third finger went up, stretching his whole wider than ever before. He probed around the inside of his ass for a moment. Wet and wide, and very, very sensitive. His index finger probed something in his ass, firm and rounded. That sent a course of electricity pouring through him and made him start to sweat really hard now. His pumping went wild, his dick harder than ever before. One more touch of that object deep inside his ass and Paul just couldn't hold it anymore.

Paul could feel his orgasm starting in his balls through his fingers in his ass. And sure enough it came. Long and hard. Spray after spray of his cum jetted out of his cock, sending his seed flying out of his exhausted cock and onto the floor underneath him. Some of his juice hit him on the chest and dripped off his hard nipples. All the time he kept his fingers deep inside him until his cock pumped the last remaining drops of cum out of his balls.

Totally drained, Paul finally slipped his fingers out of his ass and sat down on the floor, on top of pools of his own cum. He stretched his legs out in front of him, opening them wide, as his balls started to loosen up again, and his dick, covered in slowly drying cum, shrunk down once more. Another glance in the mirror, and that white smirk once again.

A naughty boy? Paul always had been. But if being this naughty always felt so good, Paul decided they could lock him up forever.

Three boys have spent Saturday morning enjoying themselves, and we've still got one more too meet. The fun really starts when they get together though! If you've liked what you've seen so far, write to me: or you can always ICQ me, my number is 45862060. Either way, write to me and you get the URL of my web site.

Next: Chapter 5

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