Boys Next Door


Published on Aug 18, 1999


All the usual warnings apply. If you're not old enough, not legal or not interested in reading stories with a gay theme - don't read it.

This is based on the Australian soap "Neighbours" and a selected few of the rather gorgeous male characters who star in it. If you've never heard of the programme, there's plenty of web sites out there with pictures so that you get the proper image of the guy's I'm talking about! You're on the look out for the following characters Billy (Jesse Spencer), Lance (Andrew Bibby), Paul (Jansen Spencer) and Tad (Jonathan Dutton).

Feedback is always appreciated. Comments good or bad can be sent to me at and I'll do my best to get back to your as quickly as possible! You could always grab my attention immediately the next time I'm online with ICQ! My number is 45862060. However you do it, I promise to send the URL of the new UKSW website.

P.S. Don't make any assumptions about the actors' sexual preference from this - it's all just made up!

The programme and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Grundy International Operations BV.

Boys Next Door: Lance

It felt like years since Lance had been in the house alone. Ever sine his problem with the gambling, faking in the break in and everything that had gone with it, it had taken a lot to convince his mum and Phil, his step-dad, that the minute they left him alone he wouldn't be raiding the house to raise money to feed his addiction. But this morning they had both gone out to a craft fair in a small town up in the country. They'd taken both his twin sister, Anne and his step-sister, Hannah, with them. Leaving Lance with the house to himself for the entire day.

By nine in the morning he was still laying in his bed. The temperature was rising in his bedroom since the air conditioning hadn't been turned on, and the place smelt like a boys changing room after a hot and sweaty game of football. The clothes he'd worn to the university end of year party last night were still thrown across the floor. Lance just lay there, enjoying the quiet house for a change, thinking about what he was going to find to do with himself for the rest of the day. It wasn't long before he found the ideal way to start out though.

He raised a hand up from his side and pinched at one of his nipples. Almost immediately it started to get hard. He lay his other hand across his chest as he played with his nipple, stroking his fingers down the centre of his pecs. Brushing the soft dark coloured hair that separated those two mounds of firm muscle. Soon he switched hands, giving his left nipple the same treatment, pinching, stroking and massaging, making it really hard and stiff. Lance soon realised that it was no longer only his nipples that were becoming really hard and stiff. He kicked the covers off himself and onto the floor beside his bed. As he did so, he caught his own reflection in the mirror on the wall by the door. Looking back at him was this boy, just turned eighteen. Light brown wavy hair, all messed up, but very cute looking. A white naughty school boy smile and sunlight reflecting a glint in his milky blue eyes. Hands running all over his naked chest, hard nipples being pinched, pulled and tugged at. And a tent growing inside his blue and white stripped boxer shorts. Two long legs sticking out in front of him, covered in a thick layer of black course hair.

Lance pushed both of his hands down his body. Rubbing his chest a little more before running his sweating palms over his belly, and over the fait line of black hair that ran from his navel. His hands continued underneath the waistband of his shorts. He pulled up the waistband as he pushed his hands down on either side of his straining shaft. His circumcised dick was already at it's full seven and a half inches. Long and fairly thin, just like the rest of Lance! He smiled to himself as he brought his knees up, giving himself greater access to what was in between his legs. With one hand he took hold of his rigid shaft, propping up the waistband of his shorts with his arm as the head of his dick came out over the top of them. With his other hand, he pushed in between his legs. Rubbing over his massive balls, covered with a layer of blond/brown pubes, like on his chest, under his arms and around the base of his prick. The hair started to fade out as he ran his hand behind his balls and between his legs, coming to a complete stop and a totally smooth ass crack.

He held still for a moment and looked down at the scene going on in his boxer shorts. His hard, long shaft in his hand, precum starting to well up from the slit and cover the bright red tip of his cut prick. A bush of thick darkly coloured curls covering the base of his dick, and all over his balls. His other hand disappearing between his legs and touching the warm, moist flesh of his ass. Just looking at this sight was almost enough to tip Lance over the edge. He held off though, determined to make this last longer than a couple of minutes. Lance pulled both his hands up from inside his shorts, gripped the waistband and pulled them right down and off, before throwing them onto the floor beside his bed. He stretched his legs out ahead of him, and once again took a long look. He liked what he saw. He grabbed a bottle of moisturising cream that he kept on the table just beside his bed and squeezed the bottle over his throbbing shaft. With both hands he rubbed the cream into his skin. Slicking up his shaft, making it slip backwards and forwards in his hand. He rubbed some more of the cream over the throbbing head of his cock, straining red with the excitement of one of the most intense erections Lance had ever experienced. Gripping his steel shaft in his right hand, he let his other hand roam around his crotch. Feeling the rough hairs that began just under his belly, and covered the base of his cock. He rubbed all over his balls. The black pubes sticking in between his fingers as he felt the orbs inside their soft sac of skin. He rolled each one around, cupped the two of them together, before rubbing his palm over the both of them. He took tight hold of his nuts as they began to clench up to his body. It was like he could feel the sperm inside them start to well up, getting ready to explode in huge jets across his naked body. Without thinking about it, his hand started to move faster and faster on his long prick. Short sharp movements on his shaft just below his prick head, concentrating on getting the most out of it. What seemed like gallons and gallons of precum started to ooze from his piss slit. He let go of his balls and drew his free hand up to the head of his cock, all the time keeping the furious pace going on his rock hard prick.

He scooped up the precum that was now pouring out of the top of his manhood and brought it up to his face. He smelt the intoxicating scent of it. Just the smell of it alone was nearly enough to push him over the edge. He smeared a little of the clear fluid against his lips, causing a surge of excitement throughout his entire body. As a reaction to this, he brought his legs up almost to his chest and started thrusting his ass backwards and forwards, keeping his hand still as his prick surged in and out of the gap he was making. He tightened his grip a little, making out like he was fucking the tightest hole imaginable. The sweat was cascading down from his forehead, down his neck, making his tan coloured skin shine in the little light that was being let into the room. Small rivers of sweat started running down him as he smeared more and more of his precum over his mouth, around his lips, tasting his own salty flavour and forcing his big cock in and out of his hand. His ass thrusting backwards and forwards.

The bed started to creek as his thrusting became more and more intense. The rivers of sweat that were forming on Lance's body drained into the gap between his pecs, soaking the light covering of hair that separated them both. The end of the bed started banging against the wall, hard and in time with the thrusting of his ass, as his dick appeared to strain harder and harder, it felt as if it was still growing into a longer and longer erection with each thrust forward. He forced his fingers, covered with the clear salty liquid of his precum into his mouth, his tongue wiping around every part of them, taking up as much of his juice as he could manage. All the time, his thrusts banging the bed hard against the wall, his ass spreading wide open with each thrust, exposing his ass crack, damp with the sweat of his heavy workout, to the cool air in the room. His pink puckered hole, opening slightly with each thrust. He could feel the air against his hole, this only forced his thrusts to go harder and harder, wanking his dick in his hand, stretching the skin on his shaft tighter and tighter with each movement. His dick continued to ooze precum that was being distributed all over the head of his dick, dripping down onto the shaft where it mixed with the cream to make his cock even more slippery in his hand.

Lance could feel his orgasm building as he sucked furiously on his fingers, still tasting a trace of the salty liquid. His thrust's slowed. Almost like he was running out of energy. Instead it was his balls starting to ache under the strain of one of the most intense orgasms of his young life building up inside them. He forced his ass forward again. Separating his cheeks wider than ever. The cooling air hit his opening hole as he pushed forward all the way. He looked straight ahead at the top of his cock, shining with the mixture of moisturising cream and precum that was dribbling down his bright red head and the smooth shaft. He watched intently as his dick started to gush cum. Jets of his thick white boy-juice started to shoot out. The first load hitting him square on the chin, just below his lips, the others trailing down his body, hitting his chest with some force, before slowing down and dribbling onto his belly and into his pubes.

His legs collapsed forward, leaving Lance spread out across the bed. The smell of sweat, precum and cum lingered in the air making him feel light headed. He could just barley lift his head to look over his body. Hot and sweaty. His dick, still pretty firm lay in his bush of thick curly pubes, surrounded by a mixture of his sweat and cum, his balls just started to loosen slightly, falling down between his legs, trying to cool down from their marathon effort. He could feel his back sticking to the bed with the moisture he'd generated. And then there was the cum. Lance had never shot so much before. It was so intense, so hot. The perfect start to a Saturday morning.

So Billy and Lance have both started off their weekends with a bang - literally in Lance's case! Two down and two to go in the introductions then! If you've liked what you've seen so far, write to me: or you can always ICQ me, my number is 45862060. Either way, write to me and you get the URL of my web site.

Next: Chapter 4

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