Boys Next Door


Published on Aug 18, 1999


All the usual warnings apply. If you're not old enough, not legal or not interested in reading stories with a gay theme - don't read it.

This is based on the Australian soap "Neighbours" and a selected few of the rather gorgeous male characters who star in it. If you've never heard of the programme, there's plenty of web sites out there with pictures so that you get the proper image of the guy's I'm talking about! You're on the look out for the following characters Billy (Jesse Spencer), Lance (Andrew Bibby), Paul (Jansen Spencer) and Tad (Jonathan Dutton).

Feedback is always appreciated. Comments good or bad can be sent to me at and I'll do my best to get back to your as quickly as possible! You could always grab my attention immediately the next time I'm online with ICQ! My number is 45862060. However you do it, I promise to send the URL of the new UKSW website.

P.S. Don't make any assumptions about the actors' sexual preference from this - it's all just made up!

The programme and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Grundy International Operations BV.

Boys Next Door: Billy

Ramsay Street was always a quiet place no matter what time of year it is, but things seemed to be quieter and slower than ever in the middle of the summer. Billy Kennedy lay in his bed, the sunlight filtering in through the thin pale blue curtains that crossed his window. He stretched his arms upwards and felt a cooling breeze blowing over his hair filled armpits. He threw back the cover and got up out of his bed. He walked over to the other side of the room and looked at himself in the mirror.

Billy never thought that he looked his best first thing in the morning. No one else would have thought that about him of course. He was wearing his usual bedtime gear; black running vest and a pair of plain green cotton boxer shorts. His short dark blond hair was tousled on the top of his head from the hours spent sleeping. Arms full and muscled with his chest flat but very firm underneath his vest as a result of the hours spent swimming fast times in the local pool. His crotch appeared rounded and full in his shorts, though he wasn't aroused - yet. And his thick legs were covered in a layer of the same dusty blond hairs that filled out his armpits.

He raised his hands up to his head, again feeling that cooling breeze over his arms, tickling the hairs under each one, and brushed his hair back with his fingers, trying to make it look as neat as he could. With that he walked out of his bedroom and into the open plan lounge, dining room and kitchen.

The hard floor felt cold against his bear feet as he walked into the dining room area. He was surprised to find that there was no one else in there. Billy was always usually the last member of the household to get out of bed on a Saturday morning. There was a note left in the centre of the table. He read it. His Dad had gone to take morning surgery, his mum was at the school clearing up after the end of term party from the day before and his sister had gone out for the day with Drew from across the street. He went into the kitchen, poured himself a cup of coffee and put some cereal in a bowl. Then he sat down in the lounge, flicked on the TV while he ate his breakfast and thought about what he might be able to do with Anne, his girlfriend from next door, now that he had the house to himself for pretty much the whole of the day.

After he'd finished breakfast, Billy decided to go and get washed and dressed before heading over to Anne's house to try and get her to come over and 'play' with him - literally!

The air in the bathroom was cool and moist, perfect place to be as the heat outside started to get the rest of the house hotter and hotter. An ideal excuse for himself and Anne to get out of their clothes later on, Billy thought, smirking a white grin to himself as he turned on the taps for the shower to get the water up to temperature. He pulled off his vest, exposing his torso to the fresh air for the first time today. He ran a hand over his chest, feeling the firmness of his pecs and the sensitivity of the two broad darkly coloured nipples that capped each one. His stomach was hard and flat, like a washboard, with the startings of a six pack that he'd been working on for a little time now. Billy trailed a finger down the line of rough black hair that ran from his navel beneath the waistband of his shorts. He hooked both hands under the waistband of his green shorts and pulled them straight down to his ankles and stepped out of them. Just as a reaction to the air hitting his dick and balls, he ran a hand over his meaty dick and shook his balls lightly. Billy looked over at himself in the mirror. Concentrating on his favourite body parts. The line of dark hair that he'd just traced from his navel exploded in a mass of dark curly pubes that covered the base of his shaft, his balls and ran down between his legs and turned into softer, lighter coloured pubes that ran the length of his ass crack.

Taking his eyes off himself in the mirror, Billy stepped into the shower. He stood directly under the jet of the warm water, soaking his short blond hair and letting him slick it back into the way he liked to wear it. Next he grabbed the bar of soap and started to rub it all over his body. Soaping up his hard chest, his fingers massaged his smooth pecs and rubbed his nipples until they were both hard, jutting out ahead of his pecs. He loved the way his hands felt against his chest. He moved them down to his stomach, running his wet soapy hands all the way around his waist, making the treasure trail of hair running from his navel slick and stick right against his lightly tanned skin. He missed out his dick and balls just for a moment, - Billy always left the most enjoyable part of his morning shower till last - and ran his hands down his legs, making the light coloured hairs stick to him. He gently squeezed the muscles in his legs, impressing himself with how much his swimming sessions were paying off.

It wasn't too long before Billy concentrated on enjoying himself. And this morning, with no one banging on the door wanting to get into the bathroom, he was going to have enough time to do everything he wanted. Soapy water had already started dripping down onto his pubes, Billy brushed his fingers through the mass of dark curls, massaging the soap into the base of his shaft, as with his other hand he lifted his balls up and started washing all the way around them. Taking each one in his hand, then cupping both together, feeling the rough hairs against his hand as he did so. He moved his other hand onto his dick. Silky smooth in contrast to the rough pubes that surrounded the base, he felt it begin to fill out with blood in his hand. He started to go a little light headed, he knew that this was going to be one of his better morning showers. Billy gently pulled back on his foreskin, revealing the red head of his cock, just starting to firm up as his dick continued to rise. He directed the head of his cock under the spray of the water, cleaning it thoroughly - just in case he got lucky a little later on. Once he'd made sure that it was clean, Billy went to work on pleasuring himself. He took a firm grip of his cock as it carried on it's way to growing to the full seven inches. He pumped back and forth, pushing his foreskin all the way over the top of his prick, before pulling it almost all the way down revealing the part of him were the head of his dick met the shaft. He let his other hand drop his balls down, they were now beginning to pull back inside him. Once more, with the palm of his hand, he rubbed them, feeling those black hairs once again. Then he pushed his hand in between his legs. Rubbing just behind his ball sac, heightening his erotic experience with the gentle touch of his fingers. He had to bend over slightly, letting the warm water from the shower hit him on the back as he continued the pumping of his cock with one hand as well as moving his other hand up towards his ass crack.

Billy looked down and saw his dick had reached it's full length. He smiled to himself as he saw the precum beginning to ooze from his piss slit. On an upward thrust with his hand, he made sure to smear the cum all over the top of his ultra sensitive dick, causing his whole body to twitch as he did so. With his other hand down sitting in his ass crack he went to work. He rubbed his fingers up and down the length of his crack, working the water and soap into his body before removing his hand and straightening himself up. He slowed a little on his thrusting, feeling like he was about to blow his wad anytime soon. He moved the free hand around to his back, resting on his smooth ass cheeks for a moment before parting them open, and feeling up and down the warm, wet soapy space, running his fingers up and down on the hairs that lined the route. His index finger brushed lightly over his puckered hole causing him to breath sharply. He rested his finger there and gave a couple of long slow strokes on his dick. He looked down once again. It was the most erotic sight that Billy could ever remember. Those black pubes covered in a mixture of water from the shower, soap, a little precum that had dripped from his piss slit and down the length of his shaft and the sweat that he was managing to build up. Billy moved back a little way and began the assault from behind. Slowly he pushed his index finger past the opening to his hole, forcing it up inside his body. He probed his finger around inside his chute for a moment, sending what felt like a surge of electricity coursing throughout his entire body. Sending his hand that was giving his big fat, prick a work out into overdrive. It flew backwards and forwards on his greased up pole. Forcing his foreskin down over the head of his prick, allowing the jets of water to strike his sensitive tip before covering it up again almost as quickly. He needed more up his bum. He pushed a second finger up their to join the first and started thrusting up his ass in time with the way his other hand was pounding against his dick. He carried on, he could feel himself sweating hard, even under the powerful flow of the shower. With what little energy was left over, he was able to push a third finger deep inside his ass. Right up to the knuckles he managed to get all three fingers. He could feel the ring of skin around the opening to his hole being stretched wide open as he went. His dick throbbed in his hand, as his balls clenched tightly together. For a final time he rammed all three fingers deep inside him as far as he could manage, while violently pulling down the foreskin on his dick. Billy held like that for a moment as he felt those unmistakable feelings welling up from deep inside him. His balls ready to shoot. He tensed up a little more, and that threw him over the edge. His fingers jammed inside his ass, he could feel his balls throwing out wad upon wad of his teen juice. He looked down and opened his eyes slowly, just in time to see a huge load gush out of his piss slit with great force. Creamy and white he heard it splatter against the floor of the shower cubicle. Followed by a second, a third and a forth.

Billy loosened his grip from around his cock as the hard seven inches started to go limp, spent from one of the most intense wanking sessions he'd experienced in the whole of his eighteen years. Slowly he slipped the three fingers from out of his asshole and brought them around to the front of his body. He wiped them onto his chest. Hot, wet, just a hint of brown from where he hadn't wiped properly. His ass felt empty. His hole like it was gapping wide from the severe stretching he'd given it.

His back came into contact with the back of the shower cubicle. Billy slid along the wall downwards until he was sitting underneath the jets of warm water. He brought his knees up to his chest and parted them wide, allowing the water to flow down onto his hot body. He just sat there for a while. Basking in the afterglow of one intense session.

That's the first part of the story over with then. There's still three more characters to meet, their stories will be told in parts 2, 3 and 4, before we get on to some really hot action! If you've liked what you've seen so far, write to me: or you can always ICQ me, my number is 45862060. Either way, write to me and you get the URL of my web site.

Next: Chapter 3

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