Boys Next Door


Published on Aug 18, 1999


All the usual warnings apply. If you're not old enough, not legal or not interested in reading stories with a gay theme - don't read it.

This is based on the Australian soap "Neighbours" and a selected few of the rather gorgeous male characters who star in it. If you've never heard of the programme, there's plenty of web sites out there with pictures so that you get the proper image of the guy's I'm talking about! You're on the look out for the following characters Billy (Jesse Spencer), Lance (Andrew Bibby), Paul (Jansen Spencer) and Tad (Johnathan Dutton).

Feedback is always appreciated. Comments good or bad can be sent to me at and I'll do my best to get back to your as quickly as possible! You could always grab my attention immediately the next time I'm online with ICQ! My number is 45862060. However you do it, I promise to send the URL of the new UKSW website.

P.S. Don't make any assumptions about the actors' sexual preference from this - it's all just made up!

The programme and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Grundy International Operations BV.

Boys Next Door: Tad

This was going to be Tad's first summer in the city, and he was looking forward to it! The sun was streaming through the window of the kitchen as he stood at the sink getting a glass of water. He watched the light reflecting on the cold, but inviting swimming pool, and thought about how to arrange the biggest pool party number 30 had ever seen.

It was absolutely perfect. He would have the house and the pool all to himself - and however he invited to hang around with him - just about everyday this summer until he had to go back to school. His cousin and guardian, Toadie, would be working either at the radio station or the pub, Joel was getting some extra cash working in a new sports store and Sarah had just started her new job at the hospital. Tad smiled to himself as he thought about all the fun he could get up to with those three out of the way.

He was brought back down to earth again just as the tap surged a great gush of water all over the front of him. Tad stood their in the middle of the kitchen dripping wet. His bright orange sleeveless T-shirt and blue and white stripped boxers soaking. He silently cursed Lou Carpenter, the landlord who lived across the street for not having the damn thing checked after it had done the same thing to Joel two weeks ago.

Tad went into the laundry to get a towel and get out of his wet clothes. He peeled off his cut off T-shirt, revealing his developing body. A little muscle tone just starting on his chest, his skin smooth, a little paler than his face and arms. His nipples were medium sized, just in proportion with his chest, light, almost pinky coloured. He threw the wet cotton into the laundry basket and moved his hands down to his sides, hooking his thumbs inside the waistband of his soaking wet boxer shorts. Tad slipped his boxers down his legs, just starting to develop a layer of dark hair all over them. His thighs were still smooth though. In between his legs, his balls, still not a hair on them, hung low down, straining the skin of his sac. Over the top his limp dick, quite fat, with hair, creeping up from the explosion of black pubes around the base of his shaft. He flicked the wet shorts up from the ground with his foot, grabbed them and threw them into the basket along with the rest of the dirty clothes that everyone had peeled off that morning.

Grabbing hold of the nearest towel he could find that had been thrown into the laundry by one of his housemates before they left for work, Tad brought the soft material up to his face and started to dry himself off. He inhaled deeply through the towel, sensing a familiar smell. He did it a second time. His whole body twitched slightly. The musky, yet refreshing smell was Joel. His athletic 20 year old housemate who had been like a big brother to him since he'd move in. A third breath and he could feel that familiar stirring in his dick. Tad kept moving the towel around, taking in each scent he could manage.

His balls tingled as they began to rise upside his body as his fat dick starting working it's way up to a full erection. Tad moved the towel around one more time and got the one scent he was hoping for. Musky, very musky, almost sweaty, it was, he guessed, what Joel's crotch must smell like first thing in the morning. He recognised it from his own scent that he had going on beneath his blanket when he woke up in the morning or after a long hard session on top of his bed with a copy of 'Ambrosia'. Tad's head started to spin. A million and one thoughts rushing through his mind. Imagining what Joel had been rubbing against that towel only a couple of hours before.

Despite having lived in the house for more than three months now, Tad had never managed to get a glimpse of Joel naked. Although never admitting it to himself, deep down, that was one thing he really wanted to do. He'd seen Joel's firm and very well toned body in just a pair of Speedo's plenty of times before. Tad knew that the package that he had seen supported by the thin material was impressive, but he'd never been allowed even a fleeting look. This scent of Joel on the towel that he was rubbing against his face just made Tad want it even more. He closed his eyes and right before him he could see Joel standing in the bathroom. The same towel in his hands, running it down his firm tanned body, swirling around each of his dark brown nipples, moving it further down to his belly, picking up his scent on the way. He rubbed the towel deep into his crotch. Running it all over his black pubes, soaking up as much of the water from the fine hairs as possible. Lifting his balls up, moving it beneath them. Wiping away the moisture underneath them, before taking his sac and patting it dry, carefully rolling each one of his balls around on the towel. He lets them slip back down between his legs as he moves the towel up to his limp shaft. He takes hold of it, wrapped in the towel and jacks it back and forth slightly. He feels the tube of flesh go slightly firm in his hand with the movement.

Tad opens his eyes once again. Looking down at his prick, sticking straight up from the mound of black hairs that surround it, big and meaty. Probably bigger than most fifteen year olds. Runs in the family though. His foreskin was stretched right back over the head of his cock, precum leaking out of the tip, slicking up the head of his shaft, making it bright red and shiny. He fell back slightly against the wall. It was cold against his back. His soft ass cheeks pushing firmly against it just heightened the feeling of the heat being generated by his big dick.

Taking a firm hold of the towel once again, Tad pushed it down his body, just as he had imagined Joel doing, down and around his crotch. He grabbed hold of his balls, now tight up against him, in the towel and just held it there. Imagining that it was Joel, gripping him tightly, rolling his balls around, stretching the skin down and releasing it.

He threw the towel across the floor of the laundry rooms and sunk to his knees. Looking down at his dick once again, he moved a hand around to the front of him, and gripped it firmly in his right hand, pulling his foreskin down as far as it would go. Stretching it hard over his head, feeling the tightness of his skin. His mouth dropped a little, those bright thick red lips hot and moist, just begging for someone, anyone, to plant a series of hard, wet kisses on them. His bright blue eyes glazed over, his imagination lost in the erotic feelings that were taking over his entire body. His light brown hair, with just slight streaks of dark blond clung against him as his face, perfectly rounded, a few light freckles and a small button nose became covered in a fine mist of the sweat that he was building up all over his body.

Tad moved down onto the towel, spreading his whole body over it. Laying down on top of it with his dick pressed hard against the same spot that he guessed Joel had used to dry his dick and balls just a couple of hours earlier. He placed both of his hands on the hard cold floor on either side of the towel and heaved his highly aroused body up. Taking another look down the length of his body, his dick, still churning out more precum than Tad had thought possible was jutting up towards his belly. He pushed himself back down on the towel again, forcing his foreskin to move up his shaft before pulling down again. He began to thrust his cock against the towel. Moving it slowly at first. Deliberately, thrusting gently, pulling his foreskin up before letting it fold back down again. With each thrust he could feel more and more of his precum leak all over his body, and he imagined onto that special part of the towel.

It wasn't long before the fifteen year old lost all hold on what he was doing. He wasn't able to force himself to go slowly anymore. He could feel a positively wild orgasm welling inside his balls. He felt them tingle as they occasionally touched the towel draped on the cold hard floor beneath on a downward thrust. The feeling of the head of his shaft, exposed and coming into contact with the clammy skin of his belly as it was thrust forward was sending him crazy.

Tad started breathing heavily as the speed of his thrusts increased. Harder and harder, faster and faster. Feeling his prick, like velvet covered iron bar being forced to squeeze in and out of the tight space between his body and the towel below. This he imagined, was the closest he could have come to fucking another guy's ass, and he was loving every moment of it. Like a tight hole gripping his prick with each movement. He imagined for a second that it was his best friend Paul underneath him. That it was his tight asshole that he was thrusting in to. Slamming himself forward inside him. Wanting to do deeper and deeper. Making a good try of it with each and every thrust that violently pulled his foreskin down almost the length of his shaft before bringing it right out of that hole, holding it just inside and then ramming it all the way back in. He could hear in his head the sound of his pubes mashing against the soft skin of Paul's pale ass, his balls slapping against him just a few seconds after.

He pushed himself forward again and held it. Knowing what that feeling meant. Imagining he was holding his cock deep inside Paul. Wanting this load that he was about to shoot to be going right inside him. Instead his orgasm started and he shot wad after wad after wad onto his belly and the towel beneath him. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Tad's orgasm subsided. He stayed for a moment on his belly. His hands pushed him up a little way, allowing the last small dribbles of his seed to drip down into the pool that had formed on the towel. Tad rolled himself back so that he was once again on his knees at the end of the towel. He took hold of his wet cock, covered in the sticky mixture of precum and cum. It was starting to go limp as he put a couple of fingers on the sensitive head and massaged the last remaining drops of the mixture into his shaft. Getting the last few tingles of pleasure out of it. With one hand still on his shaft, he moved the other down to his belly and began to rub in the shots that had landed on his pale skin, rubbing it down to his crotch, covering his black pubes with the mixture.

Then Tad did something that he'd always done after an orgasm really since the third time he'd managed to shoot a load when he was twelve. He moved his head down to the pool of cum on the towel, put his tongue out and started to lap up his own cum. It tasted good and this was something that Tad looked forward to at the end of every long session that he had with his right hand. He had realised that if he 'cleared' the pools of cum that he sprayed onto his sheets, it wouldn't stain. Besides, Tad really liked the taste. Warm and salty. Better than anything else he'd ever tasted.

As he wiped away the last remaining bits of cum from his lips and threw the towel, now covered not just with Joel's scent, but also a special mixture of his own, and walked towards his bedroom to get dressed, he wondered maybe if Paul wanted to spend the day with him beside the pool.

So that's the end of the introductions. Find out what happens when they get together in the installments to follow. Young guys always have more fun when they're not on their own if you ask me! If you've liked what you've seen so far, write to me: or you can always ICQ me, my number is 45862060. Either way, write to me and you get the URL of my web site.

Next: Chapter 2

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