Boys Love Torture

By Scott Westwood

Published on Oct 25, 2008



This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is fictional.

Boys Love Torture - Chapter 4 (BB, b/B, bb, b/M discipline, spanking, oral, anal, cbt, bd, sm)

An Abbrevieted Review of the 'Fact's of Boy Life' (See the full ones in Chapter 1):

Boy Fact #1- Boys are 'pack animals' by nature.

Boy Fact #2- Boys are natural conspirators.

Boy Fact #3- Boys have an almost insatiable need to face challenges.

Boy Fact #4- Boys accept the fact that some sort of 'initiation' is part of the 'group joining' process.

Boy Fact #5- Boys can be very cruel and sadistic.

Boy Fact #6- Initiations, punishments, or penalties almost always involve nudity at some point!

Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.

Boy Fact #8- Teenage boys are pretty much horny 24 hours a day!

Boy Fact #9- Most teenage boys go through a period of time when they are very self-conscious about their bodies.

Boy Fact #10- Many boys are fascinated by the concept of torture.

Boy Fact #11- Most boys have a weird fascination with bondage. As such, they love playing 'tie up' games of all sorts. (ADDED recently!)

Other Items of Interest:

Sadism 1. Psychiatry. Sexual gratification gained through causing pain or degradation to others. Compare Masochism. 2. any enjoyment in being cruel. 3. extreme cruelty.

Masochism 1. Psychiatry. The condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering, physical pain, and humiliation. 2. gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself, either as a result of one's own actions or the actions of others, esp. the tendency to seek this form of gratification. 3. the tendency to find pleasure in self-denial, submissiveness, etc.

Ejaculation A boy usually starts ejaculating at around age 14, but everyone's timetable is different some can start at age 12 while other boys don't start to ejaculate until they're 18!

And Now, Back to the Story...

The Tunnel of Terror

Aaron looked at Mark, bent over and quivering. Though he really was a little too young for his tastes, he had to admit he had a really nice, tight muscular little body and he would enjoy seeing just how much abuse he could handle. Especially in view of the fact he was already into puberty!

He picked up the paddle and lay into Mark's cute little bubble butt with a vengeance.



He delivered the ten blows with the paddle in quick succession. Then repeated the process with the leather belt. By the time he was finished, Mark was sobbing and his little white butt was bright red.

Aaron was impressed by the fact that, he kept his hands locked on the window sill the entire time, and never broke his stance. Aaron patted Mark on the back and said softly, 'You did good boy. You took it like a real man, maybe even better.'

Mark seemed to perk up as he answered proudly, 'Yes Sir, thank you!'

'Okay, stand back up, put your hands behind your head and turn around,' Aaron commanded.

Aaron and Chip both suppressed gasps, with their new view of Mark's body. For Chip it was seeing how red Mark's ass was. For Aaron it was seeing how incredibly hard Mark was.

Aaron peaked out the window and smiled at Chip. He pointed towards the back of the house and 'mouthed' the words... 'BACK DOOR!' Chip smiled, jumped up and ran towards the back of the house.

Meanwhile Aaron guided Mark to the center of the room and forced him to kneel.

'Okay Mark, I have to get a few things ready, you will wait right here until I come back for you. And, um, I take it you were serious when you suggested that torture should be part of your punishment? I might be pretty tough on you.'

Mark took a deep breath and said, 'Yes Sir! You can torture me hard for as long as you want... er... well at least until dinner time, cause I have to be home by then.'

Aaron saw Mark's impressive hard cock twitch. 'Dang!' he thought, 'This little dude is just as crazy and gutsy as Chip was when he was that age!' He patted Mark on the head, and then rushed out of the room.

He reached the back door just as Chip was about to open it. A quick wave of the hand silenced Chip as he stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

'So, how am I doing dude?' Aaron chuckled.

'Dude this is really cool. Better than I expected, so are you really gonna torture him or what?' Chip asked wide-eyed.

'Do you want me too? I mean he's your little friend and all. Funny thing is he is starting to remind me of another crazy ass little dude I once tortured!' Aaron laughed.

Chip blushed and chuckled back, 'Don't you mean humiliated and tortured? Um... Sir Aaron?'

They both laughed for a bit, then Aaron said, 'Well, anyway dude, whatever else I am gonna do, I have to do it soon, cause I still have to pick up my jerk-off cousin at the airport.'

Chip thought for a moment and then said, 'Yea, go ahead and torture him for as long as you can, and then let him go.'

Aaron was about to respond when Chip uttered the 'immortal words,' 'Um, wait a sec, I have an idea dude!'

Aaron saw the look on Chip's face, rolled his eyes and waited.

'I was just thinking, maybe you could see if you can torture some information out of him. I mean really torture him to get it! I am pretty sure he's done this kind of stuff before... he has an older brother named Matt... and I would like to know if he is doing it with him, or what... so like um, could you try that?' Chip asked hopefully.

Little did Chip know (or did he?), this was exactly the type of little twisted scene that was a major part of one of Aaron's deepest fantasies... torturing a naked prisoner for information.

And, of course, neither one knew, that being tortured for information was young Mark's absolute, number one fantasy! Right after that was being punished and humiliated.

For Mark, it pretty much began when he was around 10 years old. He saw a movie called 'The Lord of the Flies' and one of the scenes really got to him. It was where some naked boys were being whipped by some other boys who were dressed in loin cloths.

That night Mark started having these dreams, in which, he was one of the naked boys being whipped. He got extremely excited by the whole thing. Eventually he started to experiment with whipping himself whenever he was alone. It was fun, but he realized it would be even more exciting if some other boy was doing it to him.

As luck would have it, he saw another movie that added even more fuel to the fire. This one was set in the days of sailing ships. One of the scenes that got him worked up was where this young sailor was stripped to the waist, tied up and then was flogged. The other involved a young cabin boy, who had been bad and for his punishment, he was bent over a cannon and whipped hard on his ass with a stick.

After that, Mark's nightly fantasies became more and more intense. He saw himself as the cabin boy, but in this case, he was stripped totally naked, dragged up on deck, tied up and flogged, while the whole crew watched.

His experimentation with self whipping and tying himself up also became more intense. And then Matt entered the picture. As much as he wanted to do things to Matt, he really liked it when Matt tortured him and made him do nasty stuff. ...

Aaron thought for a moment and then said, 'Okay Chip, here's the deal, go ahead and get up into the garage loft, you should be able to see everything that is going on. Just be real quiet, so he doesn't know you are there. He won't be blindfolded all the time, so watch out... and... um... pay attention... this should be VERY EDUCATIONAL for you dude!'

Chip followed Aaron into the house and quietly made his way to the garage. He was excited as he climbed into the garage loft. Aaron was right, he had a perfect view of the entire garage floor. He moved a few boxes around to ensure he had cover, and then waited.

Meanwhile Aaron was lost in thought as he walked back to the rec room. Once again, he found himself tortured by his own thoughts and desires... 'Mark was like 12 years old... or so... but he had hair growing in all the right places... his balls had dropped... his cock seemed abnormally large, which was somewhat understandable... he was clearly into puberty in some key areas and would turn 13 in about a week... and his little body was SO damn tight!!!' What's more, he appeared to enjoy being punished and tortured.

Aaron was very good at judging guys' desires and he was already sure that young Mark was the type who also liked to be humiliated. He figured that it wouldn't take Mark long to figure out that Aaron was gay, and really into this type of stuff, so he might as well not even try to hide it.

When he entered the rec room, one look at Mark, pretty much confirmed his thoughts. Mark was still kneeling in the center of the room, with his hands behind his head. His body was covered with a light coating of sweat and his cock was painfully erect.

He walked over, grabbed Mark by neck and pulled him to his feet as he snarled, 'Okay Little Dude, your time has come.'

He pulled Mark's hands behind his back and marched him forcefully out to the garage. He looked up at the loft, saw Chip peeking from behind a large box and winked. Then he looked at Mark's groin again. 'Yes,' he concluded, 'His cock is large enough for the 'tunnel'. And it's time to test the waters a little more.'

He took Mark's blindfold off and walked him over to the corner of the garage where his large footlocker was.

'Okay Mark, before we really get started I'm going to show you some stuff and explain a few things to you. First of all, I am actually happy I caught you doing what you were doing. Because I like looking at naked guys, so you seem like a smart kid, so do you know that makes me?' Aaron said softly.

Mark swallowed and stuttered, 'I guess it means you are um... you know... um gay.'

Aaron laughed as he ran his hand down Mark's back, 'That's right, I am, but there's more. You see, I also like making naked guys do all kinds of things, nasty things. I like humiliating them, I like punishing them, and I especially like torturing them. Because I am also what is called a sadist. Do you know what that means?'

Mark trembled as he searched for the right words. Though Aaron could tell Mark was getting more and more excited, he had no idea just how excited he was. For Mark, this was like a crazy dream come true.

'Umm... it means you like to hurt and umm humiliate people.' He stammered.

'Well, not people in general, just guys,' Aaron chuckled. 'And even though you may be a little young, I am definitely going to enjoy making you suffer.'

He looked Mark straight in the eyes as he grabbed his balls and squeezed hard, 'And that is what you really want isn't it little dude? Come on, let's just skip the bull shit and admit it! This is what you want isn't it?' Aaron snarled.

Mark started breathing faster and faster, his mind was running wild, and his cock was getting even harder. Just a little while ago, he was scared shitless about being caught. Now he was so turned on, he could hardly stand it.

Mark could only manage a nod.

Aaron gave Mark's cock a really hard slap and forced him to his knees in front of the chest as he laughed, 'Oh yea, you are one brave horny little dude... ready to be punished and tortured... sounds exciting to a lot of horned little dudes just like you... but I'll tell you what... you have been spanked, and I'll consider that enough punishment for what you did... and let you go... case closed...'

Chip was ready to pass out! Aaron was gonna let Mark go!

'Unless you really do want to stay and see what's in this chest,' Aaron chuckled as he gently stroked Mark's hair.

'Ummm, uh... what's in the chest?' Mark stuttered.

Aaron laughed, 'Well it is full of all the toys and devices I use to torture guys... and besides myself, the only guys who have seen them, are guys I have or will torture... especially ones that become a slave for me.'

Aaron waited as Mark thought. This was really getting very intense. He definitely wanted to see inside the chest. Matt had been joking about going out and buying some real torture devices, but so far all he had used on Mark were things found around the house. And the thought of being tortured by this really hot college jock, was very exciting.

Aaron ran his finger down Mark's chest, across his stomach and patted his little patch of pubic hair. 'So little dude, what do you think? Do you want to see what's inside the chest?'

Mark nodded and stammered, 'Yea... I mean, yes sir.'

Aaron smiled and continued, 'You know what that means if I let you see this stuff, don't you, little dude?'

Mark thought for a moment, swallowed hard and said, 'Um, well, I guess you'd get to torture me... and, I don't know, ummm... maybe I'd have to be your slave.'

'Do you think you'd like to be my slave boy, little dude?' Aaron chuckled.

Mark thought some more and said, 'Uh, I'm not sure... um... about how it... I mean like what would I have to do?'

Aaron smiled knowingly. Mark's cock was pretty much saying it all. It seemed even harder now, and the head glistened with a nice amount of precum.

'Well, it's just what the name implies. As my slave boy, you would have to do whatever I say, no matter what... well, within reason, of course, seeing as how you have your parents to deal with... your body would become mine to use whenever I wanted... and however I wanted. You would be tortured on a regular basis and you would be used sexually, in many ways. That is a major part of being a slave boy. So what do you think?'

Chip listened with increasing excitement. This was moving well beyond his own little scheme. Aaron was just supposed to punish Mark and then let him go. And now there was this whole slave thing, and the trunk with all the stuff in it that Chip also wanted to see. He leaned closer and listened for Mark's answer.

'I think I would like to be your slave boy... um... Sir,' Mark squeaked.

Aaron patted Mark on the back of the head and said softly, 'Just think? Or would you really like to be my slave boy for real?'

He grabbed Mark's hard cock and squeezed, 'Because if you do become my slave boy, then THIS is mine to use and abuse, along with the rest of your tight little body!'

Mark 'drifted' off into deep space as he imagined what lay ahead. He saw himself being whipped in public... being stretched out on a rack... being forced to masturbate in front of Aaron's friends... having hot wax dropped all over his body... being forced to do every conceivable 'nasty' sex act... and so on... It was too much... Way too much... BUT... it is what he craved.'

'OH GOD... please sir, let me be your slave boy! I promise I will be the best slave boy you ever had!'

Aaron stroked the back of Mark's head and said softly, 'Very well boy, you have convinced me. From this moment on, you are my slave boy. And as a reward, I will show you what's inside the trunk.'

Boys, being boys, Chip and Mark could have shouted 'YES!' Their eyes were glued on the trunk as Aaron unlocked it and slowly raised the lid.

Aaron took a quick glance up at the loft. Chip was doing a good job remaining silent and hidden from Mark's view.

There was a loud 'CLICK' as the trunk lid snapped totally open. Both boys stared in awe at the collection of items, arranged neatly in the trunk's top tray. Chip recognized most of them almost immediately. He had seen pictures of most on the Internet. Mark, on the other hand, was fairly clueless.

Aaron smiled, and said, 'Okay Slave Boy! Take a good look, I'll be using most of this stuff on you in the weeks ahead... if there are any items you are unsure about just ask... and I'll explain them to you!'

Mark was like a kid in a perverse candy store. While he could pretty much surmise what a lot of the items were for, he still had to ask, to be sure...

'Ahhh, okay... um what are those for?' he said sheepishly as he pointed.

'Those are cock rings. Basically I put them on the bottom of a dude's cock to help keep him hard for a long period of time... it also makes it really hard for him to cum...'

Mark's eyes widened as the 'show and tell' continued through ball gags, tit clamps, ball stretchers, ball separators, parachutes, ball presses, penis whips, ball paddles and so on.

'And... what are those things?' Mark asked softly.

Aaron smiled and said, 'Well, those are chastity devices. You lock them on a guy's cock and it will keep him from being able to masturbate and cum. Most can be kept locked on for long periods of time, because the guy can still wash himself and pee, it's just that he won't be able to get hard.'

Mark gulped and stammered, 'So, I mean like how long a period of time?'

Aaron laughed some more, 'Well, little dude, the longest I've ever had one locked on a guy was for 45 days. Was trying to make it longer, but he was getting really crazy, and he made a great deal with me to be released... a really great deal!'

Mark wanted to ask what the deal was, but he was a little scared. He kept staring at the chastity devices and wondering if Aaron would make him wear one, and if he did, how could he explain it to Matt.

Aaron let Mark think for a moment, then continued, 'Well let's see, there's a few items left I haven't explained yet, and I'm sure you're anxious to see what's in the bottom of the chest. Checkout these cock rings over here. Notice they each have what looks like a tiny barrel attached. These are actually vibrating cock rings. They all have remote controls. One of them has quite a long range too.'

Mark and Chip were both totally caught up now.

'Oh, and see those two small boxes? They are catheter kits. I'm not going to open them, cause they are sterile. Don't want to be shoving anything into a boy's piss slit and down inside his cock that isn't sterile.'

Mark gasped, 'You mean you push stuff inside a guy's cock?'

Aaron laughed, 'Oh yea, and not just the catheter's either, but enough on that for now, let me show you what else is in the trunk. He lifted the tray out of the trunk. Mark peered inside, as did Chip from his position in the loft. Both of their mouths dropped open at what they saw.

Arranged neatly, in another compartmentalized tray was a wide assortment of dildo's, butt plugs, anal beads, egg and bullet vibrators, along with handcuffs, leather restraints, ankle shackles, whips, and a fairly sizable curious wooden chest, with the letters, 'O.P.M.A.' engraved on the top.

Aaron quickly explained everything to Mark... the difference between dildo's and butt plugs... the uses for the egg and bullet vibrators (especially the remote control aspects)... and so on. Mark was totally fascinated, as was Chip, who had no doubt he could get Aaron to let him use some of this stuff at some point, even if he had to 'wheel and deal.'

Aaron was just about ready to move on when Mark blurted out, 'Um... but what's in that chest? The one with the letters on top?'

Aaron thought for a moment, then lifted the chest out of the trunk and placed it, almost reverently on the garage floor. Mark and Chip could tell it was pretty heavy.

'Well, this is actually my pride and joy. Something that is very rare. There are only a select number of them in existence, and I am lucky to have one. This chest contains what is called the 'Tunnel of Terror Disciplinary System.' It was used for punishment at the military boarding school I went to. The guy who designed it, liked me, and gave me one, as a graduation present. We'll get to that in just a moment, cause I think I'm going to train you on how to use it, the same way he trained me.'

Mark stared at the chest, which now seemed a little ominous.

'Time for a dose of humiliation,' Aaron thought. He glanced at his watch and figured there was enough time to do what he had in mind. He would 'train' Mark on how to use the Tunnel of Terror, but what he would actually be doing was training Chip who would be listening and watching. But first things first.

'Okay Mark, I have a little challenge for you,' Aaron laughed.

Mark snapped out of his daze and chirped, 'I'll do whatever you say sir.'

Aaron chuckled as he shackled Mark's hands behind his back, 'I know you will Sport! So here's the deal, see that laundry basket over in the corner?'

Mark looked and nodded, 'Yes sir.'

'Good boy. Now in just a minute, I'm going to blind fold you and have you find your way to the laundry basket. When you get there, you will kneel down and search through the basket. You will not be able to use your hands though... just your nose and mouth. There at least three of my used jocks in the basket. I want you to find the one I wore this morning when I lifted weights. It is pretty sweaty, and is also soaked with cum. I like jacking off in my jock right after I am done working out. So go ahead and get it for me.'

He blindfolded Mark and then smacked him on the butt, and then Mark was off.

Chip watched as Mark made his way across the room, found the laundry basket, kneeled and stuck his face inside. This was really exciting to watch... Mark naked with a nasty hard-on... with his hands shackled behind him... sniffing through the laundry basket.

It was actually even more exciting for Mark. Aaron's sweaty smell permeated the basket. It took awhile for him to find the first jock... he sniffed it... moved it around with his teeth... and licked the pouch all over... it tasted of sweat, and maybe a little dried cum, 'Dang, no fresh cum!' he thought, so he moved on. As he searched, he smelled and tasted a number of Aaron's socks and t-shirts. Finally his cheek brushed against something really damp. He sniffed it. It smelled of sweat, and that heavy musk odor that Matt emitted every time he was hard. Even better, it smelled of fresh cum. He lifted it with his teeth and dropped it on top of the pile... he found the pouch and started licking... and there it was... fresh wet cum... he knew the taste from Matt... he picked it up with his teeth, turned around and headed back across the garage.

Aaron smiled as Mark approached with his cum soaked jock hanging from his mouth, 'You did good Sport, real good.'

Mark bristled with pride as Aaron took the jock out of his mouth and removed the blindfold, but kept his arms shackled. He set the jock aside and forced Mark to his knees as he snarled, 'Okay, Slave Boy it's time for you to smell and taste the real thing. I haven't showered yet, so this should be a real thrill for you!'

Aaron tugged at the waistband of his shorts and let them drop to his ankles. He wasn't wearing any underwear. Mark's eyes widened as he saw Aaron's huge hard cock snap up against his thick bush of pubic hair. The smell of sweat and total manliness was overpowering.

Aaron paused a moment, then grabbed the back of Mark's head and forced his face into his groin, 'Okay Boy, show me how much you love your new master, lick my balls clean!'

Chip watched totally mesmerized as Aaron made young Mark lick his balls... then his cock... and finally his asshole. He was stroking his own cock through his shorts and almost lost it when he saw Mark stick his tongue in the center of Aaron's hole.

Mark was getting desperate himself. He hated it when Matt made him lick his ass, but this was different somehow. The more he smelled and tasted Aaron, the more excited he got. Each time Aaron moaned, he tried to stick his tongue deeper into his ass, all that he could think about was making Aaron moan again.

Aaron was becoming overwhelmed with lust. He thought about turning around, grabbing Mark, forcing him to bend over, and then fucking his little bubble butt really hard. Didn't matter if Chip was watching or not. Right now all he could think about was Mark screaming as he rammed his cock all the way into his tight little ass. He loved it when guys screamed... he loved to make them suffer for long periods of time... and that was what did it... 'long periods of time'... this was happening way to fast... he had taken a big chance with Mark... and didn't want to waste it with a quickie. Yea, if Mark wanted to be his little slave boy... to be tortured... so be it! Besides, it had been awhile since he had used the 'Tunnel', and it was about time it saw some real use!

Finally he got hold of himself and regained control.

Aaron stepped away from Mark, pulled up his shorts, took a deep breath and turned to Mark, 'Okay Slave Boy, it's time for the main event!'

He grabbed Mark, unhooked the shackle from his wrist restraints and snapped, 'Now get your hot little ass over to the work bench, climb on it, and lay on your back... NOW!'

Mark did as he had been told. He was scared as all hell, but totally turned on... and was hoping that Aaron would make him cum soon.

As soon as he was on the bench, Aaron pulled his hands up over his head and attached his wrist restraints to some sort of winch that was attached to the wall. Aaron laughed, 'Yea, that's right little dude, you are now on my home made rack... and I'll be using that winch in just a little while to stretch your body really tight. And yea, it is gonna hurt like hell... but first we need to deal with the Tunnel of Terror.'

Mark watched as Aaron placed the chest on a stool beside the work bench. He unlocked the chest, lifted a large electronic control box out of the chest and placed it on the back of the work bench beside Mark's stomach. He played around for a bit, tilting it up, and supporting it, so Mark could see the face of the box. He bundled up a bunch of laundry and stuck it under Mark's head so it would be less of a struggle for him to see the box. When he was done Mark had an unobstructed view of the control box face.

It had a bunch of dials, switches and slider bars (like DJ's use). Mark (and Chip) watched as Aaron plugged the box into a wall outlet and smiled.

'Okay, Little Dude, you are looking at the very heart of the 'Tunnel of Terror Disciplinary System' or TTDS for short. It has been used for years to punish cadets at the military school I attended. I learned how to use it, and so will you.' His words were not really meant for Mark, but rather Chip, who was about to receive his first TTDS training through observation.

Aaron chanced a quick glance at the loft. Chip was peaking around a box, wide eyed. He, of course, knew how much of a sadist Chip was. Yes, Chip had spilled the beans when he was pressing Aaron for torture ideas. So Aaron knew about most of the stuff Chip was into... including the whole Torture House thing with Bill... and figured Chip could make use of the Tunnel, if he really knew how to use it.

'Now, first and foremost, you have to ensure the subject is totally erect, which is not a problem in your case!' he chuckled as he gave Mark's hard cock a gentle slap.

Mark started breathing harder.

Aaron pulled a small mesh pouch out of the chest and showed it to Mark. It looked like it was made of nylon and had a couple of wires hanging out of it with small plugs on the ends.

'This is the testicle stimulator or ball sack as most of us call it!'

Aaron pulled the wire out of the sack and showed it to Mark. There were two small round metal plates at the end of the wires.

'And these are the actual testicular exciters, you start the whole set up by smearing some of this special gel on the plates and then pressing them up against the subject's balls... the gel is both an adhesive and an electrical conductor. Though it is pretty effective at keeping the plates in place, the pouch assures that they won't be shaken loose, no matter how hard the subject thrashes about.'

Chip watched as Aaron smeared the two small plates with the gel, carefully positioned them so that one was on each of Mark's balls, maneuvered the mesh pouch over Mark's ball sack, pulled the drawstring tight and finally plugged the other end of the wires into the control box.

Mark watched as Aaron started turning one of the dials on the control box.

'Okay, this dial controls the amount of electrical current being sent to the testicular exciters, you should be feeling something right about now,' Aaron chuckled.

Mark felt it... a tingling, itching sensation on both of his balls. It was, actually pretty exciting, and felt like someone was gently massaging his balls.

'Do you feel it?' Aaron asked.

Mark nodded, and said, 'Uh, yes sir... it feels a little weird, but is okay. Almost like someone was rubbing me down there.'

Aaron smiled and said, 'Don't worry, it will get a lot worse. And just so you know, if I turn this dial up really high, it will feel like your balls are being hit with hundreds of tiny electrical hammers. So remember that.'

He looked up at Chip and winked.

Aaron continued, 'Anyway, at this level of testicular stimulation, if the subject isn't erect, I can guarantee he will be in about a minute.'

Aaron looked at Mark's cock, which was painfully erect and leaking pre-cum, 'Damn, this really is going to be fun!' he thought.

'Okay, and now to the heart of the TTDS!' Aaron snickered as he reached into the chest, grabbed an item, raised it up, and held it in front of Mark's face.

'Dude, I present to you, the actual 'Tunnel of Terror.'

Mark and Chip stared in total fascination at the thing in Aaron's hand.

It was essentially a cylindrical, tube like metal cage, about seven inches long. On the outside, there were six, thick, raised metal rings spaced evenly from one end to the other. Two leather straps with snaps dangled from one end, and a wire, with a plug dangled from the other.

Aaron smiled and said, 'Okay Dude, to start with check out the six metal rings... I should say housings... because that is what they are. Each one houses twelve small metal electrodes... six have flat points... six have sharp points... they are arranged alternately around the inside of each ring.'

Mark stared at the 'Tunnel' which was starting to look a little bit scary. He already had a suspicion about how the thing would work.

Aaron went on to explain the workings of the Tunnel and its controls in detail. He told Mark, that it was actually fairly easy to understand.

He started by squeezing some ointment out of a different tube and smearing it all over Mark's cock. He explained that this served multiple purposes. Like the gel on his balls, it was a great electrical conductor. But it also helped to keep the subject totally erect.

When he was done he carefully slipped the Tunnel over Mark's cock and secured it to his balls with the two small leather straps. He also explained that there actually were several other Tunnel's in the chest. The one being used would depend on the length of the subject's penis. The most important aspect being that the ring on the end be positioned so that it was centered around the subject's cock head.

Mark was getting a little more scared, but also, hornier.

'Okay, now once the tunnel is in place, and you are sure ring number six is centered around his cockhead... umm... by the way, the rings are numbered one through six... number one is at the base of the cock and number six is the one at the head. You'll understand why you need to know that shortly,' Aaron continued.

Chip was totally caught up in the process. He hung on Aaron's every word, and it didn't take him long to recognize the torture potential of this devious piece of equipment.

Aaron tilted the control box up a little more so that Mark could see the top clearly, then continued his explanation. At first glance, the control box appeared a little intimidating with all its dials, switches and buttons. But as both boys soon discovered it was really fairly simple.

The top of the box was divided up into clearly marked sections. The three main ones each had two turn dials, a small toggle switch, and a slider bar like the ones used to fade music between two different sources.

The first section was labeled 'Penis Flats'... the second 'Penis Spikes'... and the third 'Rectal.'

Aaron started by explaining the controls for the 'Penis Flats'... the flat headed electrodes.

'Turn the first dial, and the electrodes slowly inch their way into the tunnel until all 36 (Six on each ring) are pressed firmly up against the subject's hard cock. They are spring-loaded, so there is no concern about them going in too far.

The second dial controls the amount of electrical current being sent to the electrodes.'

Aaron did a quick demonstration.

He turned dial one slowly until he saw Mark flinch as he felt the 36 electrodes pressing up against his cock. Then he turned dial two up slowly and smiled as he watched Mark tremble.

The tingling Mark felt, up and down his cock was very similar to what he was feeling on his balls. It was a little weird, but very stimulating.

Aaron next went on to explain the slider bar. He started by sliding it all the way to the bottom, so that it was lined up with the #1.

'Okay, now this is where it gets really interesting. You see how I moved the slider bar down to the Number One position?'

Mark managed a quick nod. Chip nodded too, but no one saw it.

'Good, now note there is a small toggle switch right under the Slider bar.'

They nodded again.

'Okay, now pay attention, cause the system works pretty much the same for all three of the main components. Right now the electrical current is being sent to all six rings and you are feeling a tingling all over your cock... right?'

Mark nodded and stammered, 'Oh yea!'

Aaron smiled and continued, 'Okay, when I flip this switch, the slider bar will be activated and the electrical current will go to whichever ring the bar is currently at... which in this case will be ring number one at the base of your cock... got it?'

Mark said, 'I think so.'

'Okay here we go!' Aaron chuckled as he flipped the toggle switch.

Mark jerked as he felt the change. The tingling sensation that had covered his cock was now focused totally at its base. 'Oh wow,' he muttered.

Aaron smiled and said, 'Okay, check this out. I am gonna slide the bar up to Position two, which will move the electrical charge up to the next ring.'

Another 'Wow' followed as Mark felt the tingling move up his cock a little and stop. Aaron chuckled and then said, 'Okay, I think you are smart enough to figure out how this is gonna go from here, but I'll demonstrate anyway.'

And with that he began to move the slider bar slowly up and down... from one to six... then back down to one... then back up to six... and so on... it didn't take long for Mark to start panting and moaning... 'OH MY GOD!'

Aaron chuckled, 'So... um... Mark... how would you describe what you are feeling?'

He chanced a quick glance at Chip, up in the loft and winked.

Mark thought for a moment, then started to blush as he said, 'Umm... well... it's sort of like... you know... um... I am... um being... ahhh... okay... ahhh... being masturbated with electricity or something.'

Aaron laughed some more, 'A perfect analogy little dude, that is exactly how I would describe it myself.'

To Mark's dismay, he stopped moving the slider bar, deactivated it and then turned the electrical control all the way down.

'Oops, almost forgot to do this! It is really important. You may not have noticed that there is actually a seventh ring on the tunnel. It looks different than the rest and is all the way at the bottom. This is a constriction ring. It has a small turn screw on it, which I am adjusting now. As soon as you put the tunnel on your subject, and he is totally erect, you turn this little screw until he starts to gasp.'

He turned it until Mark, did indeed, start to gasp.

'This ring functions just like a cock ring. You want it fairly tight. Do it right and it will keep him totally hard, no matter what you do to him and it will be almost impossible for him to cum.'

Aaron pointed at the section of the control panel labeled 'Penis Spikes,' 'Okay, now in this section, when you turn the first dial, the spikes slowly inch their way into the tunnel until all 36 (Six on each ring) are pressed firmly up against the subject's hard cock. They are not spring loaded like the electrodes, so if you keep turning the dial up, they will eventually puncture the skin.

The second dial controls the amount of electrical current being sent to the spikes.'

Aaron smiled as he watched Mark's eyes widen.

'Now you'll notice there is a slider bar setup here too, labeled the same way with numbers one thru six. It works slightly differently than the one for the flat headed electrodes. In this case, with the slider bar in position one and activated, when you turn the first dial, the spikes on ring one will inch their way into the tunnel and press up against the base of the subject's cock. Keep turning the dial, and they will press harder.'

Aaron moved the slider bar for the spikes to position number one, activated it, and slowly began to turn the control dial. Mark started breathing harder in anticipation. He didn't have to wait very long for the six sharp points to make contact with the base of his cock.

'HOLY SHIT! DAMN!' he shouted as he felt the pricks.

Aaron smiled and continued, 'Okay, we'll leave them set at that level for the moment, now feel what happens as I slide the bar up to position two.'

Mark felt the sharp points retract from the base of his cock, then moments later felt six more begin to press up against his cock skin, a little further up.

''SHIT!' he yelped

Aaron laughed as he retracted the spikes and switched it off, 'Okay, you get the... um point... hahaha! Anyway, it is fairly simple, and of course, by using the second dial, you can electrify the spikes for even more... um fun.'

'Okay, now we'll deal with the final component.'

He sorted through the chest and pulled out an object that looked like a slender dildo. It was slightly curved and appeared to be made of black rubber. The tip was slightly larger than the rest of the thing, and had a metallic gold covering. Six wide gold bands were arranged evenly along the shaft. Two wires were attached to the opposite end along with a sharply curved metal bar.

Aaron held it up in front of Mark's face and chuckled, 'Pretty impressive isn't it little dude? And of course you know where this thing goes!'

Mark managed a slightly smart ass replay, 'Well DUH!'

He watched as Aaron applied another special lubricant to it and explained, 'Okay, it has its own lube as well. There are also several sizes. I think this one should work for you. Just so you know, the key thing about it is to ensure that the tip is pressed firmly against the subject's prostrate. It is actually fairly easy to tell, which you'll see in a moment.'

He directed Mark to lift his knees to his chest, then slowly worked the rectal probe into his tight little ass. Mark moaned during the whole process, then let out a sudden 'YELP' as the tip made contact with his prostrate.

Aaron said, 'Okay dude, you see how you reacted?'

Mark could only manage a nod. The feeling was that intense!

'Yea, and see, that tells me that the probe is seated properly and I've also checked to make sure all six of the gold bands are inside your ass. That is also important, because if one is sticking out, then you need to use a shorter one,' Aaron said, before continuing.

'I think you are probably smart enough to figure out how the controls in this section work. Dial one controls the electrical current that is sent to the gold bands on the probe. Dial two controls how fast each of the gold bands vibrate. And, like the other slider bars, this slider bar can be used to shift the electrical charges and vibrations from one gold band to the other. Can you guess what that would feel like?'

Mark nodded and managed another smart ass reply, 'YEA, probably like I am being fucked electrically!'

Aaron laughed loudly, 'Another great analogy, you do catch on quick!'

'Okay, now the final thing, besides plugging it into the control box, is to secure it to the base of the Tunnel. You remember that curved metal bar at one end of the probe?'

Mark said, 'Yes sir.'

'Good, because at your angle you can't see where it is, so I'll tell you. It is curved around your balls right now. In a moment you will feel a little pressure as I attach the probe. There is a little catch at the end of the bar, that will snap into place on the tunnel.'

Mark felt a little pressure on his balls, as Aaron took hold of the bar, pulled it up and quickly snapped it into place.

'And there we have it. The system is ready to go. By the way, the purpose of attaching it like that is to ensure that it doesn't slip out. Go ahead and see if you can force it out!'

Mark grunted and groaned as he tried to 'Shit it out', but he couldn't. The infernal thing remained in place.

Aaron laughed, 'See what I mean? Okay, go ahead and lower your legs, so I can complete your preparations.'

Chip watched as Aaron quickly fastened Mark's ankles to the bottom corners of the work bench and then started pumping the winch handle of his makeshift rack. Each turn of the winch spindle stretched Mark out a little more, and it wasn't long before his muscular little body was stretched really tight. Mark moaned loudly as pain shot through his arms and legs.

When he was done, Aaron rechecked all the electrical connections for the tunnel and the rectal probe, along with Mark's wrist and ankle cuffs, to make sure they weren't too tight.

He pulled up a stool sat down and then began running his hand up and down Mark's taut stomach.

'Okay little dude, looks like we are ready to begin. OOPS, I did forget something. Take another look at the rectal part of the control panel. You're gonna love this. Notice there are two other controls that are not in the other sections. One is a small yellow dial and the other a red button. The yellow dial controls a separate vibrator that is at the very tip of the probe. And when the red button is pressed and locked down, the box immediately starts sending strong electrical pulses to the gold band at the tip. You know, the one that is pressed up against the prostrate. It has a wild effect when used at the right moment, as you will see.'

As excited as he was, Mark was getting a little more scared as the capabilities of the Tunnel started to sink in. Meanwhile, Chip was ecstatic, 'This fucking thing is awesome!' he thought. He couldn't wait to watch Aaron start using it on Mark.

'Oh, and the final thing, which I won't explain fully right now are these three rows of buttons at the bottom of the control panel. There are five buttons in each row. The top row is labeled 'Stimulate'. The middle row is labeled 'Pain'. And the bottom row is labeled 'Combo.' They are used to put the box into various Automatic modes of operation and are explained fully on the instruction card inside the chest. But just so you have a hint, if I were to press Button one on the first row right now, the box would immediately start running the mildest form of a stimulation program using all three elements of the system. Yea I'll explain that more fully another time.'

Aaron smiled, leaned closer to Mark and said, 'Okay little dude, I have a feeling we need to make this whole experience a little more 'challenging' for you, so here's what I'm gonna do.'

Mark wasn't sure he liked the sound of this.

'I remember when I was your age. It wasn't that long ago! And I'll bet you are pretty much really getting into all sorts of 'nasty' little games... like strip poker... truth or dare... and probably tie up and torture games... am I right?' Aaron snapped.

Mark was taken totally by surprise. He trembled and nodded.

Aaron smiled and continued, "Yea I figured as much. Now I think you have a pretty good idea of the nasty things I can do to you with the Tunnel and stuff. It could get really painful, and you need to understand, I really do enjoy hearing guys scream.

Mark began to sweat more.

"But, on the other hand I could use it to make you feel really good too. Now, because we just met, I'm going to give you a chance to spare yourself a lot of suffering. All you need to do is provide me with some information, and I'll make it easier on you."

Mark thought for a moment then asked, "Umm... like what kind of information?"

Aaron said, "Oh nothing too tough, all you need to do is to tell me about all the nasty games you have been playing, how often you play them, who you've played them with, and especially who you are playing them with now. That's it."

Mark's eyes opened wide in shock. He had, of course, promised that he would never tell any one outside his circle of friends who were involved, about that stuff. And he could never tell anyone about what he and Matt were doing. No Way!

"Umm... sorry, but I don't think I can really do that Sir. Ask me about anything else, and I'll tell you. I just can't tell you about that stuff, at least not the names."

Aaron patted Mark's balls and chuckled, "Oh don't worry, you will little dude... you will. Now just remember, when you want me to stop, all you have to do is say, `I'll talk!' and your suffering will be over. Understood?"

Mark trembled as he said as defiantly as he could, "Yea, I understand! But I won't tell you no matter what you do to me!"

"Okay, suit yourself!" Aaron smirked. "So let's see if we can get you even more in the mood."

He picked up his sweaty, cum soaked jock strap and stretched it over Mark's face, with the pouch covering his mouth and nose.

Chip watched in awe as Aaron's hands began moving over the control panel. Mark's eyes were locked on the panel as well.

He trembled as he felt all 36 of the electrodes press against his cock. The tingling on his balls grew just a little stronger as Aaron turned a dial. Then the same tingling feeling covered his cock from top to bottom as Aaron began sending electrical charges to the electrodes. Mark started breathing faster as Aaron increased the voltage.

If Aaron had one skill, it was being able to judge when a guy was getting really close to cumming. He had achieved high marks in "The Administration of Punishment" class at his military school for his effective use of the TTDS. Unlike his fellow senior cadets, he seemed to have a gift for disciplining the younger cadets. The ones in their early teens. They had "hair triggers" and could cum way too soon, if you weren't careful. But if you watched for the signs, you could keep a boy "at the edge" for a pretty long period of time. And that, in itself, could be an extremely effective punishment.

Mark began to become concerned that he was "losing it". Aaron had barely begun and already he was feeling hornier than he could remember. He wanted to cum so bad... he wanted Aaron to make him cum!

Aaron leaned closer to Mark and whispered, "So are you ready to talk yet?"

Mark shook his head violently from side to side, "NO SIR!" he shouted.

Aaron smiled again as he reached for the rectal probe controls.

Mark shuddered as he felt the same tingling sensation fill his ass from one end to the other. His cock, his balls and his ass were all feeling the same tingling sensation which continued to grow stronger. And that sensation was making him increasingly desperate to cum.

He tried contracting the muscles in his rectum and pumping his groin to try to force himself to cum. But that just seemed to make it worse. More blood seemed to work its way into his cock and make it even harder!

Aaron smiled as he saw the signs. He knew exactly what Mark was doing. He reached down, and tightened the constriction ring a little more.

"You know I can pretty much keep you like this for a long period of time, little dude... a very long period of time! Unless, of course you are ready to talk?"

Mark took a deep breath, clenched his teeth and snapped, "I'll never talk! No matter what you do to me."

Aaron and Chip both smiled. The little dude was really getting into this. They were right! For the moment, this was Mark's major fantasy come true! It was like he was living one of those movies! His cock had never been this hard before... and his wasn't the only one! In fact there wasn't a soft cock, anywhere in the building!

Aaron looked at the tip of Mark's hard cock that was peeking out of the top of the tunnel. It was throbbing, and glistened with precum. "Oh yeah, little dude!" he thought, "You really are one fucking horny shit!" He tightened the constriction ring some more and then reached for the slider controls.

Suddenly, in the midst of all the "excitement", Chip had a revelation. Up until that moment, he had been focusing on Mark's sweating body... and specifically on his pubic area. But now he started to focus on the bigger picture!

He watched as Aaron's hands moved over the controls, took hold of the slider bars and proceeded to "masturbate and fuck" Mark electrically.

Aaron moved the bars up and down... up and down... up and down... as he kept asking the same question, over and over... "Are you ready to talk?"

Mark panted... over and over... "No Sir... No Sir... No Sir!" For Mark, it was getting really tough! He squeezed his butt cheeks, he pumped his groin as much as he could, stretched out as taut as he was it was not an easy task, and tried to cum... but he couldn't... the constriction ring at the base of his cock was just too damn tight!

Aaron saw the signs... Mark was definitely "primed and ready!" He tilted Mark's head up with his right hand, poised his left hand over the `Spike' control and snarled, "Are you ready to talk?"

Chip's eyes widened, as it suddenly sank in! While Mark and Aaron "played" their little torture game... Aaron had methodically worked Mark up to a point where he was horned to the max... his cock was clearly painfully hard... its head glistened with precum... Chip cringed at the thought of what was about to happen. One side of him wanted Mark to "talk"... but the other side wanted to hear Mark scream.

Mark took a deep breath and shouted, "FUCK YOU!" as he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth in anticipation of the pain that would probably follow.

And it would!

Chip was definitely a "quick study!" He had pretty much committed the box's control features to memory, but watched in awe as Aaron "did his thing!"

And his thing was...

STEP ONE- Prepare To Deliver Pain Chip focused on the control panel as Aaron fiddled with the settings for the spikes. To Chip's surprise, he turned the electrical settings for the spikes all the way up to the halfway point while they were still fully retracted.

STEP TWO- Give the "subject" another chance! "Come on little dude, just say the words and save your self from a lot of suffering... so just tell me now! ... You see where my hand is above the controls... the spikes are already charged and ready to go!" Aaron snarled.

Mark was scared as hell... but also horned out of his mind... and totally caught up in his little twisted fantasy!

[Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.] [Close enough for Mark... 13 in a couple of weeks]

Mark closed his eyes again and snapped back, "FUCK YOU... um SIR... I'll never talk!"

STEP THREE- Show No Mercy! Thank goodness the neighbors were not close enough to hear!

Aaron turned the dial that sent the spikes plunging into the tunnel. All 36 stabbed into Mark's painfully engorged cock at the same instant... all were charged with electricity...


Mark screamed as he pulled against his bonds.

Aaron turned another dial.

Mark screamed again. Suddenly it felt like hundreds of tiny hammers were hitting his balls!


And... on and on it went! Chip could not believe it. Mark was one crazy ass scrappy dude!

Aaron kept asking the question... "Will you talk?"

And Mark kept saying "NO!"... or words to that effect.

And after each exchange, Aaron turned the dials higher.

Mark's screams became louder as the charged spikes pressed further into his hard cock and began to draw blood!

"Will you talk?"


Chip kept waiting for that one, agonizing scream from Mark... the one that said he had, had enough... the one that would indicate he was beaten and had surrendered...

Mark's screams became louder and louder as Aaron did his best! Aaron was like a perverse maestro at the controls... stimulate just enough to keep poor Mark totally hard... then increase the pain... OVER and OVER, while asking the question...

"Will you talk?"


"Will you talk?"


Finally, Aaron backed off. He turned off the spike controls and slumped on his stool.

Chip was sure Aaron had been beaten, and was giving up. Little Mark was clearly one tough little cookie!

Tears filled his eyes as he looked at Mark's naked sweating body painfully stretched out on the workbench. He wondered what Mark was feeling. He wondered if he could have taken as much punishment without giving up. And also, he actually felt kind of proud of his new young friend... the "little scrappy dude" and was feeling more and more guilty about deceiving him with the "club" thing. The good news was that Mark's ordeal was gonna be over pretty soon, and he vowed that he would make it all up to him. He was right on both counts!

Meanwhile Mark was dealing with his own feelings. He was hurting a lot... a lot more than Matt had ever hurt him... but he apparently had made it through it all and Aaron would give up and release him now, and maybe even forget about the whole slave thing. As it turned out he was wrong on both counts!

Aaron gave Mark plenty of time to catch his breath... then to both Mark's and Chip's surprise, he began running his hands all over Mark's body.

Mark stammered, "But... um... I thought that was it... I mean... all that stuff... and all... haven't you had enough from me?"

What happened next sent shivers up and down Chip's spine... Aaron glared at Mark and whispered, "That? You mean that? There is a lot more ahead for you little dude... a lot more!"

And with that Aaron took hold of the slider bars and for the next hour he manipulated the controls masterfully to bring poor Mark to the edge of cumming over and over again.

When the hour was up, Aaron asked the question, "Okay last chance dude... "Will you talk? This is your last chance! After this, talking won't be enough... so I ask finally... "Will you talk?"

Mark was out his mind now and desperate to cum. But, still, a promise was a promise...

"Sorry Sir, NO!" he uttered as bravely as he could.

Aaron glanced up at Chip in the loft. Chip was smiling and pointing towards the back door.

Aaron nodded, covered Mark's eyes with a rag and then said, "Don't go away" as he ran out of the garage and into the back yard.

Mark muttered, "Is okay... I'll just stretch my legs while I wait!"

Aaron got into the back yard just as Chip dropped from the loft window.

Aaron opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Chip.

"Dude... what the fuck are you going to do now? He is NOT talking!"

"I have something in mind!" Aaron chuckled.

Chip snapped back, "Oh yeah? So like how long will this take... I got stuff I need to do OLD dude! So how long will it take you to make him give in? I'll bet, you won't be able to do it!"

And so they "negotiated"...

Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense. (So does a horny 21 year old)!

Chip concluded the "negotiations" with these final words before he snuck back into the garage loft.

"Okay... it's a deal... thirty minutes... if he says `I'll Talk' by then... then I am totally yours for a day... BUT if he makes it through and doesn't talk within those thirty minutes... then your ass is mine for a day! And anything goes! And that means ANYTHING!"

They shook hands and rushed back inside.

Chip was very excited! He had never... repeat never... lost a bet before, and based upon what he had seen already... and short of Aaron threatening to cut poor Mark's balls off, he was sure Mark could endure 30 more minutes! And he promised himself that he would make it up to Mark in some way.

As it turned out, the next 30 minutes were more intense than either side could have anticipated.

Aaron shifted gears totally as he used the TTDS on Mark. There was no pain, just maximum stimulation.

Chip watched and chuckled to himself, "The dude has lost it! He should be torturing him hard if he's gonna have any chance to win!"

The clock kept ticking! With six minutes left Chip relaxed. Mark was showing no signs of giving in. Well, almost no sign.

Aaron kept asking the question... "Will you talk?"

And Mark kept saying "NO!"... or words to that effect.

Mark was panting hard as Aaron continued to manipulate the controls on the box... at five minutes Aaron loosened the constriction ring at the base of Mark's cock...

"Will you talk?" Aaron demanded.

Mark proudly shouted "NEVER"!

It was at this point that Chip figured he had totally won. There were less than five minutes left! Mark had already proven he could handle a lot of pain... and Aaron had wasted the last 25 minutes just getting him all worked up... and in confirmation he looked down into the garage just in time to see Mark starting to cum.

"That was it" he thought as he watched Mark shoot a rope of young teen cum. "Turn out the lights Aaron, your boney ass is mine now for a day," he thought as he watched Mark shoot his little wad. "No way Mark will give in now" he thought.

Meanwhile, in spite of the all the pain he had just experienced, Mark was absolutely ecstatic! The electrical pulses had him totally turned on and there was something really exciting about being made to cum in front of another guy. And so he "came." And it felt really good. Really, really good.

Chip was about ready to pull his own shorts down and jack off in celebration when he saw Aaron reach for the control panel and push the red button.

Mark screamed as he felt wave after wave of electrical pulses slam into his prostrate. At first it was incredible. It made him continue to cum... and cum harder than he had ever cum before. It was totally awesome! At least for the first minute!

And then the realization hit... he could not stop cumming! The electrical pulses that were slamming into his prostrate seemed to keep his cock and balls trying to shoot over and over again. And each shot became increasingly painful since his small teen balls were totally drained.

He looked up at Aaron who was smiling like a Cheshire cat as he said, "That's right dude, and I can keep it going all night! Just think how you will feel around the time you `dry shoot' twenty times from now... or hell forty or sixty times... Yea it will happen!... Unless you say the words!

It took just a few more minutes as wave after wave of electrical pulses slammed into Mark's prostrate... forcing one dry cum after another...

Finally Mark stammered... "I'll talk... I'll Talk... just shut it off... okay?"


It didn't take long for Aaron to release Mark from the TTDS and the rack. True to his word, Mark did "talk!" as he helped Aaron clean up.

He told him all about the "games" he had played... told him the names of a bunch of guys that had played back where they used to live (that was safe)... and finally he told him about his older brother Matt and ALL the things they had been doing.

The Matt thing concerned Aaron a lot, because it seemed to be so entirely one- sided. Matt did just about anything he wanted to Mark, but Mark never got to do anything to Matt. And it seemed like Mark really wanted to do "stuff" to an older boy.

Chip heard it all from his hiding place in the loft. The more he heard, the more he liked Mark.

Aaron had, of course, probed him with questions about the initial front lawn incident, but Mark fended him off effectively with no mention of Chip or the "club initiation."

Mark was just about ready to leave, and figure out how he could get back to the woods and pick up his clothes when Aaron said...

"Oh `Slave Boy', come here... I have something for you to wear!"

Mark turned and waited eagerly. He was hoping that Aaron would give him at least a pair of shorts to wear for the run back to the woods... his hopes faded quickly as Aaron approached with just a small item in his hand.

"Know what this is?" Aaron asked?

Mark stared at it for a moment and stammered, "Yes sir, it's a chastity device!"

Aaron smiled as he looked at Mark's shriveled cock. It had been totally drained of all manly life... he was about to start messing with him verbally when he saw the signs... blood was returning to Mark's manhood.

And so he acted quickly!

It took less than a minute to lock Mark's "manhood" into the chastity device.

When he was done, Aaron held the key up in front of Mark and chuckled, "There we go Dude. Anyone wants your jewels will have to see me! From now on!"

Mark thought for a moment, then stammered... "Oh My God... what about Matt... he'll be back tomorrow... and will want to do... Um... stuff... what should I do?"

Aaron laughed, "Doesn't matter... there is no way to get that off of you... without causing real damage to the family jewels... so I guess if he wants access to them, he'll have to come to me for the key... I'm sure we can make some sort of deal!

Aaron let it sink in for a moment, and then sent Mark off running.

He checked his watch... just enough time to get to the airport to pick up his asshole cousin Justyn he mused as Chip climbed down from the loft.

"So, how did I do Chipster?" Aaron chuckled as he locked his footlocker.

Chip smiled and said, "Dude, you did great! I mean you are the man!"

Aaron chuckled, "Thanks Bro! It was fun!"

Then Chip smirked, "But, there is that little manner of the bet we made!"

Aaron laughed, "Ohh yea... that's right, well hey, don't worry about it cause he talked and that's cool... I won't hold you to it!

Now it was Chip's turn to laugh...

"Dude, the deal was if he says `I'll Talk' within 30 minutes then... then I was gonna be totally yours for a day... BUT if he made it through and didn't talk within those thirty minutes... then your ass was gonna be mine for a day! And anything goes! And that means ANYTHING!"

Aaron seemed a little confused as he stammered, "Ah, yes... okay... yea... so?

Chip laughed and said, "Dude, it took you more than 35 minutes... which means you lost! And that means your ass is mine for a day! And anything goes! And that means ANYTHING! That was the bet!

Aaron thought for a moment and then said... "Yea! Shit, was it that long? Well, okay... You got me... so when?"

Chip laughed, "Well, we will have to work it out, but my little brother Stevie and my new friend Mark both have birthdays coming up REAL soon, and I just thought of a GREAT present for them! ...

To Be Continued...

*************************** Quick Story Notes: Once Again, thanks to everyone for the many emails. They are most appreciated! I am still trying to respond to all as fast as I can. Sorry if I missed you! Still have a couple of longer ones to respond to... yea that mean you GhostW!

At this point, the key story elements and characters are pretty much in place. The Torture House has been explained... the "Tunnel of Terror" has been explained! So no more lengthy explanations! OOPS except for the Tit and Penis Probe add on for the TTDS... It will be brief!

FINAL CHARACTER: 17 year old Justyn... "the dude with the tude" will arrive from the airport next chapter! And he is the last key character!

COMING UP: Let's Make A Deal Chip is gonna make a "Deal" With Andy and Pete! And will go into training! Matt is gonna make a "Deal" With Aaron to unlock Mark's Chastity Device Chip is gonna make a "Deal" With Stevie and Jimmy to make things right with Mark Aaron is gonna make a "Deal" With Chip

Chip is gonna start having strange dreams Justyn's "Tude" is gonna cause him major problems!


Stevie and Mark Will HAVE their WAY, with one of the other dudes- Who should that be?

Bill Is trying to change his schedule to get to the torture house with the boys. If he can do it, who should be there, and what should they do to him? LOL... looking for some really cool tortures for the rich dude!

So far, who is you favorite character?

What "tortures" would you like to see the boys use?

Next: Chapter 5

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