Boys Love Torture

By Scott Westwood

Published on May 29, 2009


This story contains sexual acts between boys and occasionally between men and boys. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Also be advised some of the scenarios will, at times, be fairly cruel and barbaric. Again if this is not to your tastes, read with caution. Don't even bother flaming me about it! Just stop reading! It is as simple as that! If you continue to read and feel compelled to flame me... talk to your own therapist before you do... because you can't talk to mine!

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is fictional.

Boys Love Torture - Chapter 14 (BB, b/B, bb, b/B discipline, spanking, oral, anal, cbt, bd, sm)

****************************************** STORY NOTES: Just a brief note to start things off. The "Slavery" thing is a major part of this series. I have been enamored with it since I was a boy when we did it as penalties for our little strip games. There was just something extremely exciting about having another guy in your control... "forced" to do whatever you wanted! And I was very excited when I discovered there were guys who really loved being in the role of the slave!

We did tend to get carried away at times though and get unrealistic. "Slave time owed" multiplied rapidly. Though a lot of it was never "paid" up, enough of it was, to make our lives "interesting."

This series, though fictional, reflects back on those wild days. ******************************************

The Slave Days Keep On Coming

Dustin and Scooter went back over to the computer. They loved chatting on the net when they did stuff like this. Dustin was seriously thinking about getting a webcam soon, so they could "share" more of this stuff.

They glanced over at Logan every couple of minutes. The pill and the vibrating toys were having an effect on him, big time! He was sweating and moaning and had already started pumping his groin up and down in a frantic effort to cum.

Both boys loved doing this stuff. And seeing their hot lacrosse team captain spread out on the bed like this was a major turn on. Dustin decided he had to have some video of this too, so he set the camera up on a tripod and switched it on.

Logan saw him doing it of course, but was too far gone to care. All he could think about was cuming. He didn't think he could cum four times in an hour, but had to try. He was getting pretty close. He thought about the fact that Dustin and Scooter were both watching him and that it was all being caught on camera, and that seemed to do it.

He started shooting again. Not as much as earlier, but still a lot.

Scooter and Dustin both smiled. Dustin whispered, `This is so damn hot! I just love it when a guys does that, while tied up."

Scooter laughed, "Yea me too. It's gonna be fun watching for the rest of the hour. You know how much tougher it's gonna get, and look at how much he's sweating already."

Logan's bight blond hair was glistening with sweat, and some of it was plastered on his forehead. He moaned louder and began to pant. His cock remained totally hard and was throbbing. Having just cum, the head was super sensitive, and the vibrations from the cock ring just below it, were driving him crazy.

Scooter walked over, looked down at his suffering captain and said, "Dude, I'm gonna give you a piece of advice. As much of a stud as you are, it's gonna be tough to cum three more times before the hour is up. If you want to do it, and avoid all that cock and ball torture, you're probably gonna need some extra help. So, if you do, all you need to do is ask. It might cost you a little something extra, but might be worth it."

He smiled and went back to the computer.

Logan did not like the sound of it. And he definitely did not like the idea of Dustin torturing his cock and balls. He had seen the look on Dustin's face, and it scared the hell out of him. He started pumping his groin again. He started thinking of the blow jobs his last girlfriend had given him and he started getting close again.

Dustin and Scooter were both pretty impressed. Logan was thrashing, moaning, and breathing really hard. Dustin was really hoping that he couldn't cum the four times, cause he really wanted a crack at Logan's cock and balls.

Logan was really close to cumming again, but was having trouble going over the edge. He was pumping his groin like crazy, but could not quite do it. He considered asking for help, but decided to push a little further.

He heard the sounds of footsteps and trembled a little. As promised his audience was about to get a little bigger. He wanted to close his eyes, but couldn't he just had to see who it was. His eyes widened as he saw Colin and Landon enter the room.

It was bad enough doing this stuff in front of Scooter and Dustin who were just a little younger than him. But now here were two kids who had to be like 5 years younger than he was. And what made it worse, he remembered what boys were like at that age.

Colin and Landon were totally mesmerized and turned on by what they saw. The sight of the 16 year, hot jock, tied up naked, on his back, spread eagled, with a monster hard-on was almost too much.

Landon's mouth dropped open, "Holy Shit! Who the hell is that?"

Scooter laughed, "Dude, I'm surprised you didn't recognize him. Well, maybe not cause you've never seen him like this before. But I know you've been to a couple games... Colin and Landon, meet Logan, the captain of our lacrosse team... Logan meet Colin and Landon, two of the youngest pervs in the neighborhood."

Logan moaned and started to shoot again. Only a little came out this time but it was very animated!

Colin and Landon stared in total awe as the teen jock came.

Scooter was totally right about these two. Both had recently discovered the joy of perverted sex, and could not get enough of it! They loved trying things and had recently gotten into torture and bondage games. Neither one of them had had a chance to do anything with a 16 year old boy before. The closest they had come was with Scooter.

Scooter had done stuff to them, but what they liked most was when they had a chance to do stuff to Scooter. Both of them could still remember the day Dustin had tied Scooter up just like this and showed them how to use a bunch of torture toys on him.

Landon looked at Dustin and asked tenuously, "Umm, so are we gonna get a chance... to um you know... do stuff to him?"

Dustin laughed, "Ask Scooter, he's in charge."

They looked at Scooter hopefully. Scooter smiled and said, "Well I guess we can arrange that. Just remember though, you two little pervs will owe me a favor."

They knew what that meant, of course. But neither one minded.

Scooter continued, "Okay just so you guys know. Logan here is my slave for the whole weekend. Right now we got this thing going, he's got to cum four times in an hour or Dustin gets to practice his cbt on him for two. He's already cum twice, but only has 25 minutes left. I told him he could ask for help, but it might cost him. So we'll see."

They looked down at Logan, covered in sweat and panting.

Logan tried to focus his thoughts on his girl friends and the most twisted things they had done. He was still rock hard but was no where close to cumming. Try as he might no matter how hard he fantasized he could not seem to get any closer.

He looked at Colin and Landon staring at him with wide eyes and remembered how they had just witnessed him cum. And got confused. His cock started to throb. He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he had cum in front of these other guys and that it was all on camera. His cock throbbed some more.

He started pumping his groin again.

Scooter announced, "Twenty minutes left! Two more cums to go."

Logan looked at the smile on Dustin's face.

He was getting close again, but still not close enough. He looked at Colin and Landon, took a deep breath and stammered, "Dudes, do me a favor and help me out here, okay?"

Colin and Landon stepped closer, Landon smiled and asked, "So what do you want us to do?"

Logan could not believe he was saying this, "UM... Oh God, could you please help me cum! I promise I'll make it up to you! Just help me cum quick!"

Landon smiled, "Okay, we'll help, but you gotta promise to let us do stuff to you on another day, like for the whole day... okay?"

Logan was beyond caring, "Okay, yea whatever, just do it okay?"

Landon winked at Colin. They climbed onto the bed on either side of Logan. Landon bent over and started running his tongue up and down Logan's throbbing cock, while Colin licked his balls.

It didn't take long!

For the third time in the hour, Logan went into total orgasm. He pulled at his bonds and screamed as his balls tried to pump out more seed. This one was just as animated as the last, but also painful, since he was pretty much shooting dry.

Scooter announced, "Ten minutes left!"

Logan went crazy. He looked at Landon and panted, "Dudes, please one more time!"

Scooter loved Landon a lot. Even more when he heard what Landon said next. This kid was a total horn dog and perv.

"Okay, we'll make you cum again, but it's gonna cost you another day!"

Logan nodded desperately and panted, "Shit okay, whatever, just do it!"

They smiled and started in on him again. Scooter was watching the clock. For a little while, it looked like Logan would succeed. The two boys were doing their best. They licked his cock and balls. Landon ran his tongue around the throbbing head.

Scooter watched as the clock ticked over. Logan was getting really close. He felt a little sorry for Logan, and considered cutting him a break, but what the heck! Logan came again. And from the sound of things it was a painful cum.

The boys climbed off the bed.

Scooter approached, looked down at his exhausted team mate and said, "Well Dude, I got good news and bad news. The good news is that you came again. The bad news is you were five minutes too late. That means Dustin here is going to get some quality time with your cock and balls. Oh and even worse news, you still are gonna owe these two boys two days. They tried hard!"

Logan looked like he was about ready to cry. He couldn't think of a thing to say.

Now Scooter could be tough, but he was also understanding and caring.

He decided that Logan needed a little bit of a break.

He and Dustin removed all the toys, untied him and then helped him to the bathroom. He gave Logan a towel, and said, "Okay Dude, sorry you're gonna have to go through all this, but you made the bet, and I'm holding you to it. I think you need a little break though. So go ahead do what you got to do, take a shower, and relax a little while we get some things set up. I'll get you something to drink. We'll have a snack, and then we'll continue."

Logan trembled slightly, he looked at Scooter and said, "Thanks Dude, I appreciate this. I do need a little break."

Scooter patted him on the shoulder and left him alone.

Since they had all weekend, he figured there was no sense rushing things. There was plenty of time, and he intended to put Logan through a lot.

Logan took a long time in the shower. His arms and legs hurt and his cock was still incredibly hard. When he finally did emerge, he found the boys had all gone to the family room. They were watching a movie, eating chips and dip and drinking sodas.

Scooter told him to join them.

Logan relaxed a little as he took a seat on the couch. He felt a little awkward, being the only one in the room who was naked, and there was also the matter of the fact he was still boned.

The movie had about an hour to go. At the end, Scooter suggested they order pizza and watch another one. Logan was totally relaxed now. He took some kidding every now and then about being naked and boned, but it seemed to be all in good fun, and he was pleased that the boys did not seem to be in a hurry to get back to the torture stuff.

Scooter grabbed his cell phone and went upstairs to order the pizzas. He got this crazy idea while he was on the phone making the order, "... yea, that's right one large supreme and one large sausage... yep... um, I was just curious, is Jason doing deliveries tonight?.... cool... I was just wondering if he could make this delivery?... that's okay if it takes longer... that's great... thanks a lot!"

Scooter smiled as he walked back downstairs. He thought to himself, this is gonna be a lot of fun. He stopped halfway down the stairs, pulled out his cell phone and dialed... "Hey Jason... yea, it's me Scooter... you on a delivery?... yea okay... cool... listen I just wanted you to know I just ordered pizza for delivery to Dustin's place... I asked for you to deliver, cause I need you to do me a favor... you'll like it."

He told Jason what he wanted, then hung up the phone.

Jason was also on the lacrosse team and did not get along with Logan at all. In fact, the two pretty much hated each other. Scooter smiled as he went back to the family room. He thought, "This is really gonna be crazy!"

He could tell the guys were not getting into the movie very much and suggested they watch something else. Scooter had an idea for the perfect thing to watch. It was a porno, that had some bisexual scenes in it. There was one right near the beginning that had this mistress ordering two male slave boys around. He figured it would be perfect for Logan.

Just before he turned it on, he announced that they needed to get Logan ready for the next round of fun. Dustin ran out of the room, and returned carrying a small box. Everyone was getting excited. Everyone except Logan, who was more worried than excited.

No one paid much attention to the start of the video. They were too interested in what Dustin was doing.

They watched as Dustin had Logan stand in the center of the room. He started by attaching leather restraints to his ankles and wrists. He put a leather collar around Logan's neck. Logan flinched as Dustin slipped a cock ring down to the base of his hard shaft and then tied off his balls.

Finally, Dustin told Logan to bend over and place his hands on his knees. Logan complied reluctantly. His eyes were now glued on the TV screen. Some really hot chick was standing there naked in what looked like a dungeon and was dressing herself in a leather outfit!

He didn't really pay attention to what Dustin said to Colin and Landon.

"Okay Dudes, you guys get to have a little bit of fun now. Look in the box over there and pick out one of the butt plugs and stick it in his ass! There's some lube there too."

Logan's eyes remained on the screen as the Mistress finished dressing and walked over to a large jail cell. There were two naked guys in the cell. They looked to be around 18 or 19 years old with athletic builds very similar to Logan's. Their hands were cuffed behind their backs and both looked scared.

She opened the cell door, grabbed one of them by his cock and pulled him to the center of the room. Logan watched wide eyed as she greased up a large butt plug, set on the floor and told the guy to lower himself all the way onto it.

It wasn't easy.

He positioned himself over the plug and crouched down. His leg muscles strained as he lowered himself to the point where the tip of the plug pressed against his hole. The Mistress gave his back a lash with a whip.

He grunted and groaned as he pressed down harder. It took awhile, but finally he cried out as the plug snapped inside his ass. He was sweating, breathing hard and had a huge boner.

She poked his balls with the toe of her boot for awhile, then dragged the second guy out of the cell. She had him stand in front of the first guy, who was ordered to start sucking his friend.

Logan was really getting worked up.

All of a sudden Landon stepped in front of him. He switched off the TV and laughed, "You know that looks like a great idea!"

Logan looked at what Landon was holding. It was a large butt plug, similar to the one he had just seen in the video, and it was a greased up.

Landon continued, "Okay Slave Boy, you're gonna do the same thing that Dude just did! The same way he did it!"

Landon sat the butt plug down on the floor, while Colin pulled Logan's hands behind his back and shackled his wrists together. They helped position him over the plug and then ordered him to lower himself onto it.

Logan crouched down. He moved around a little and eventually was able to feel the tip of the plug press against his hole. It was an awkward position to be in, and was hard to keep his balance.

He lowered himself slowly. The plug started working its way inside his ass. It was really tough. Pain shot through his body as the nasty plug forced his hole to open wider and wider.


Landon and Colin were really loving watching Logan sweat and strain. They started taunting him. The pain was terrible, but for Logan, the taunts coming from the two twisted little Dudes, actually seemed to help. And like it or not, having to perform such a degrading act in front of these other guys seemed to be turning him on even more.

He pressed down really hard and let his full weight go. The plug snapped all the way into his butt with a loud "plop." He screamed as his ass cheeks made contact with the floor. It felt like his ass had just been torn apart.

Landon and Colin let Logan settle down before their next order, which was predictable. Just like in the video, Logan was told to start sucking. Landon stood in front of Logan, pulled down his shorts and undies, and shoved his cock in Logan's mouth.

The two twisted little dudes were not the only ones enjoying themselves. Scooter and Dustin were having a great time watching them abuse the hot high school jock. Scooter smiled as he thought about the "special" humiliation he had in store for Logan. He hadn't told Dustin about it yet, cause he wanted to surprise him.

He didn't have long to wait.

Logan had just finished sucking Landon, when the doorbell rang.

Colin and Landon looked like they were gonna panic. Scooter laughed, "Relax, it's just the pizza guy."

Scooter pulled some money out of his pocket and held it out to Logan, "Here you go Slave Boy, go ahead and get our pizzas and tell him to keep the change."

Logan stared at Scooter in shock and gasped, "Shit Dude, you mean like this?"

Scooter snapped, "Yea! Just like that Slave Boy! And don't even think about trying to hide the fact that you are boned! NOW, get moving!"

Logan rose to his feet and walked towards the door like a condemned man. He was totally embarrassed and scared. The pizza delivery guy was gonna see him like this, totally naked, wearing leather restraints, collar and the cock ring. And, there was no way he could hide the fact he had a major hard on.

He figured there was no sense arguing with Scooter and decided to just get it over with as fast as he could.

He opened the door and almost went into shock. Standing there holding the pizzas was Jason, one of his team mates. What was worse it was one of the ones he did not get along with at all.

Even though Jason knew what was happening, he was still a little shocked to see Logan like this. They stared at each other for several moments, then Jason chuckled, "Well, well, well, looks like someone is into some pretty kinky stuff."

Logan stammered, "Uh... Dude... it's like sort of a dare... "

Jason gestured towards his hard cock and laughed, "Looks like you're really enjoying it though, or is that part of the dare too?"

Logan couldn't think of what to say. Scooter appeared, took the pizzas from Jason and said, "Go ahead and pay the man Dude. And feel free to chat for a bit. We'll save you some pizza."

He looked at Logan just before he turned to go and said, "Oh and Slave Boy, if he wants you to do anything, you do it, got it? I mean it!"

Logan had turned white as a sheet. As soon as Scooter was gone, Jason chuckled, "Slave Boy huh? Man you really are into some kinky stuff. I never would have guessed."

Logan tried to speak, but Jason cut him off. "Save it Slave Boy! You know I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, or in this case a gift slave boy. So you're gonna do what he said. Which means you're gonna do what I say. Do it, and I just might forget about what I saw here today!"

Logan was totally petrified. He would be completely humiliated if Jason told the rest of the team about this, so he just nodded.

Jason smiled as he closed the door behind him and started unbuckling his pants. "Well if you are a good Slave Boy, I suspect you know what is expected of you, so down on your knees boy and open up."

Logan dropped to his knees as he watched Jason pull out his cock. It was pretty big, and rising fast. He leaned forward and reluctantly took it inside his mouth. Jason leaned back against the wall and moaned as he looked down at Logan.

This was like a dream come true. He had wanted to find a way to get back at Logan for all the shit he had been giving him and this was perfect.

The boys peaked around the corner and suppressed giggles. They all started getting really boned. There was something really hot seeing Logan on his knees like that, sucking away.

It was really hot for Jason too and it didn't take him long to shoot a nice load of his hot jock cum in Logan's mouth. He made sure Logan swallowed it all. Then he told Logan to stand up, bend over and put his hands on his knees.

Logan was even more humiliated when Jason noticed the butt plug.

"Holy shit Dude! What a fucking perv you are! I'm gonna love flaming your perv ass."

Jason took off his belt, folded it over and proceeded to whip Logan's nice ass. He told Logan this was for all the shit he had given him. By the time he was done delivering 25 hard lashes, Logan's butt was bright red and his eyes were filled with tears.

He hoped that Jason was done with him, but Jason had one other thing in mind.

To Logan's horror, Jason opened the front door and directed him to stand in the doorway facing the street. He squeezed around Logan and said smartly, "Okay, listen up shithead. You do exactly what I say, and I'll forget this ever happened. If not, well, let's just say you'll be sorry. Understood?"

Logan was nervous, he nodded his head as he glanced up and down the street.

Jason smiled, "Okay start stroking your cock."

Logan trembled as he grabbed his cock and started stroking.

Jason laughed, "Okay, now you're gonna stay right here stroking, until I'm totally out of sight! I mean it! Once I am totally gone, you can go back inside and enjoy your pizza."

Logan felt utterly humiliated. He was standing in the doorway jacking off. Anyone passing by would be sure to see him.

Jason went back to his car and took his time backing down the driveway. He stopped at the end of the drive and watched Logan for several minutes. Logan continued stroking as he glanced nervously up and down the street.

To his great relief, Jason finally pulled the rest of the way out and drove off. As soon as his car was totally out of sight, Logan stopped stroking, stepped back and closed the door.

He was really pissed at Jason but had another problem. Everything that had happened, especially the stroking had made him super horny.

The boys let him eat his pizza in peace, but the fact that they had turned the porn video back on didn't help his situation.

By the time they had finished their pizza and the video, all were pretty worked up.

They started things off by having Logan stand in the middle of the room with his hands behind his head. Dustin gave them all feathers and told them to use them on Logan. It was lucky for Logan that he really wasn't very ticklish. He was sensitive though, and it didn't take long for the special attention his naked body was getting to cause him to become even more aroused.

Dustin let the boys work on him for awhile. He left the room to work on a surprise for Logan. It was something he had been thinking about doing to Scooter, but decided this would be even better. Besides, he wasn't sure even as perved as Scooter was, he could have made Scooter do it.

It took him almost a half hour to complete his little construction project. By the time he returned, the boys had moved onto other things.

Logan was down on his knees, with his hands cuffed behind his back. He was in the process of licking Colin's hole. Landon was "coaching and taunting" him. "Come on Slave Boy, you can do better than that! Stick that tongue way in to Colin's sweet little hole. Make him moan!"

Scooter motioned Dustin to come over to him.

Dustin walked over and leaned close to Scooter. Scooter whispered, "These two little dudes are bigger perv's than you are. Holy shit. You should have heard some of the things they told Logan they were gonna do with him! I think I'll let them do most of them. It'll be fun. So, you done with you're top secret project?"

Dustin gave Scooter a wicked smile, "Yea, wait till you see. It's pretty nasty. I think I outdid myself!"

Scooter laughed, "I can't wait. Don't tell me, I want to be surprised."

As it turned out, he wasn't the only one who would be surprised.

Dustin and Scooter watched as Landon and Colin continued messing with Logan. They changed places and now Logan was licking Landon's hole. Colin kept smacking his ass, telling him to stick his tongue in deeper.

Dustin told Scooter that he wanted to save the cbt stuff for the next day. That would give Landon and Colin plenty of time with Logan, and also would leave enough time to do his surprise thing, which could only be done late at night.

Scooter's first surprise came next. Dustin told him he had to leave for about an hour to finish the surprise.

Scooter said it was cool, and Dustin was off.

He was curious about what Dustin was up to, but figured whatever it was, had to be good.

It actually took Dustin a little over an hour to complete his preparations. By the time he returned Logan was a mess. He had a bunch of whip marks all over his body and his cock had turned a dark reddish color.

At the moment, he was once again, down on his knees, sucking Landon's toes.

Scooter laughed when he told Dustin the things that had happened.

"Sorry, you missed the fun Dude, but don't worry, we taped most of it. These two little dudes are nuts! You can see they whipped the shit out of him. They made him run in place with his hands behind his head while they whipped him. Then they tied him up and used the vibrator on his cock, to keep bringing him to the edge. He is dying to cum! He's been begging to cum. I got some really good video of that."

Dustin smiled and said, "That's perfect! This is going to be really fun! And should scare the shit out of him! You gotta come outside with me now. I got something to show you. It's almost midnight, and I figured this would be the best time to do this."

They left Logan alone with Landon and Colin.

Dustin led Scooter out into the back yard. When they got there, he pointed towards the fence where Logan's bicycle was parked. "There it is!"

Scooter looked and said, "Yea, that's Logan's bike. So what?"

Dustin laughed, "Go take a closer look!"

Scooter walked towards the bike. He was about halfway there when he saw it, "HOLY SHIT! I can't believe you did that! Oh my God!"

Scooter stared at Logan's bike. The seat had been removed. In its place was a small round piece of wood. A dildo was mounted on top of it.

Dustin smiled as he explained his plan. He was calling it "Logan's Wild Ride." It worked like this:

Dustin had placed four envelopes at different locations outside. Each one contained a clue to where the next envelope was located. The first one was taped to one of the soccer goal posts on the school's athletic field. The second one was under a white rock beside the footbridge in the park. The third under the bleachers near the 50 yard line at the junior varsity football field. And the last one taped to the back door of the old abandoned Texaco Gas Station.

The plan was that Logan would have to ride his bike naked from one location to the next, while impaled on the dildo! The boys would be positioned at each location (or nearby) to ensure that Logan was still riding the dildo.

Logan would have one hour to complete his ride, and if he did, he would be allowed to cum. If he failed, he would not be allowed to cum, and would earn a nasty penalty.

Scooter thought Dustin's plan was a little risky, and was concerned Logan might get caught. But he was also excited about it! And the more he thought about it, the more excited he got!

"Man, you really are the king of perv's! This is so twisted! But I gotta tell you it is turning me on! Shit! Making Logan ride his bike naked, all over the place with a dildo up his ass is wild!"

Dustin laughed, "I thought you'd like it! I gotta be honest though, I was sort of planning on doing this with someone else."

Scooter laughed some more, "Let me guess, a guy with big feet?"

Dustin blushed and looked down.

Scooter put his arm around Dustin and gave him a hug. "That's okay Dude! You know how much I love doing this stuff! So who knows, maybe you'll still get your chance... especially if you get me super horned! You're really good at that!"

Dustin returned the hug. They remained locked together for a little while. At last Scooter gave Dustin a squeeze and broke their embrace, "Well, I guess we better get moving!"

Both of them laughed when they re-entered the room. The boys had Logan bent over the coffee table. Landon was fucking him and he was sucking Colin.

Scooter chuckled, "Like I said, both of them are total pervs and hd's!"

They let the boys have fun with Logan for a few more minutes. Then Dustin cut things off when it looked like Colin and Landon were getting close to cumming. He wanted them to be as horned as possible.

"Okay sorry Dudes... time to move on to the main event of the night! Bring Slave Boy out to the back yard!"

They dragged Logan outside. Logan was getting scared again. He figured being taken outside was not gonna be good, but at least it was a warm night.

They gathered around Dustin and waited in anticipation. Dustin smiled as he explained what was about to happen, "Okay, we got a special event now. Logan you did such a nice job getting here on your bike, we figured you should go for another ride."

Logan did not like the sound of it at all. The ride over here had been scary. This one would be a little scarier, since he was wearing the leather collar, the restraints and of course the cock ring. The good thing was that it was really dark out.

Dustin continued, "Here's how this is gonna work. Logan, we have placed four envelopes around the area. Each one has a clue to where the next envelope is. You have to ride your bike to each location. When you are done, you will return here with the four envelopes. We will give you an hour to do it."

"Oh, and one other thing. You will be expected to ride your bike sitting down. We will be hiding along the way, and if one of us sees you riding standing up, you will earn a penalty! Got it?"

Logan nodded. He thought it sounded strange and he was nervous about doing it, but oddly enough was sort of excited. It was a challenge and he loved challenges, and like it or not, there was something strangely exciting about riding his bike while naked.

His excitement dimmed somewhat when Scooter wheeled his bike over.

Logan groaned when he saw the dildo modification that Dustin had made. Colin and Landon started busting up. "Holy shit! He's gonna have to ride his bike with that dildo up his ass! How funny is that?" Colin chirped.

Dustin looked at Logan and said, "Go ahead and climb on! Your time starts as soon as you leave the driveway. By the way, the first envelope is taped to one of the goal posts on the soccer field at school."

Logan took the bike from Scooter. He had to lean it over to position the dildo against his hole. It was a little bit of a struggle to climb onto the bike and lower himself onto the dildo. He winced as his ass cheeks settled onto the little wooden mounting board. The dildo was all the way inside of him and it hurt, but not as much as he thought it would.

He took a deep breath, then pedaled down the driveway.

Dustin told each of the boys where they should go along Logan's route. They would pretty much be positioned close to each of the clue envelopes so they could verify he was still impaled on the dildo.

He explained one other thing about his plan, "Logan is really super horned now, which is perfect. The dildo was a pretty tight fit, and is resting against his prostrate. And unless I am wrong, the pedaling motion should provide enough vibration to stimulate his prostrate even more, and make him even hornier. I just hope the cock ring will keep him from cumming.

Dustin was right on all counts.

By the time Logan reached the first envelope, he was really worked up. The dildo was driving him crazy. His cock was leaking tons of pre-cum and he was getting totally desperate to cum. He wanted to stop, pull off the cock ring and jack off, but figured there would be dire consequences if he did.

It had been a fairly long ride getting to the soccer field since he had to avoid the major streets. There was just enough ambient light to read the first clue. He groaned when he realized he had another long ride ahead. He tucked the envelope in the pouch on his handle bars and rode of.

Scooter smiled from the shadows as he watched Logan ride off. Logan was still sitting on the dildo. He wondered how Logan was feeling. Even in the darkness he could tell he was totally worked up. Scooter reached inside his pants and started squeezing his cock trying to imagine how he would feel if he had to do the same thing.

He had a feeling, Dustin would find a way to make him do it, maybe as a penalty for one of their games. He would protest it, of course, but the more he thought about it, the more excited he got. There was also the possibility that he would make Dustin do the very same thing. The thought of watching Dustin wince as he lowered himself onto the dildo bike seat, made Scooter even harder!

Logan was well on his way before Scooter finally pulled his hand back out of his shorts and headed back to the house. He had almost cum, but had decided to save it!

Not surprisingly, the other boys had similar experiences when they observed Logan picking up the other clues. Colin also imagined what it would like to have to do the twisted bike ride. The dildo looked pretty big and he figured it would hurt, but it did seem pretty exciting. He loved looking at Logan the tough jock boy sitting on that dildo with a monster hard-on and almost shot his load when he heard Logan moan as he road off.

Landon was at the next stop. He got excited when he saw Logan riding up. Logan's body was glistening with sweat and he was panting. Landon was close enough to be able to see that the tip of Logan's cock was glistening.

He let his shorts drop to his ankles, pulled out his cock and started stroking as he watched Logan retrieve the clue envelope. There were so many things he wanted to make Logan do. One of them was to make him scream and beg. Like Dustin, Landon was really getting into the cock and ball torture thing. He couldn't stop reading the stories on the internet. The thought of tying a guy like Logan down, and then torturing his cock and balls was a major turn on for him!

He decided that when he and Colin had their two days with Logan, he would make Logan scream a lot! And that pushed him over the edge! His whole body shook and he shot a nice sized load of his pre-teen cum onto the grass.

Logan thought he heard a moan from the shadows as he road off, so he made doubly sure it was clear that he was still planted on the dildo.

Dustin had decided to just wait at the house. He listened intently and smiled as each of the boys returned and gave him their accounts of what they had seen. He was pleased when all reported that Logan was still seated on the dildo and was looking really worked up. Landon mentioned that he was sure Logan's cock head was totally coated with pre-cum but he was pretty sure he hadn't cum yet, cause he was still super boned.

Dustin chuckled, "So did any of you guys cum out there?" They all looked a little embarrassed. Scooter said, "Well, I was close!" Colin chirped, "Yea, me too. This is so hot!"

Landon blushed, looked down and didn't say anything.

Dustin laughed, "So was it good Landon, did you shoot a lot?"

Landon thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "Yea, okay, you got me. Yea I did. Like Colin said, this is so hot, I couldn't help it!"

Dustin laughed, "Hey, that's okay. I think we're all gonna be cumming a lot before the weekend is over. I think it's about time we had some cum fun with the Slave Boy. He's desperate to cum again, real desperate. So I'm thinking maybe we should see just how badly he wants to cum. My guess is with just a little more stimulation, Mr. Big Straight Jock will be ready to promise anything... and I do mean anything. And once he does then we'll make him cum. And that's when it will really get to be fun."

Dustin was right again. In spite of the fact he had already cum so many times, Logan was totally worked up again. Such is the nature of teenage boys. And in Logan's case, saying he was over-sexed would be an understatement. He lived in an almost constant state of horniness and masturbated all the time.

As he turned his bike back into Dustin's driveway, he started thinking about what they would do to him next. His cock started to throb. He hoped they would finally let him cum and the fact that it was just guys there did not matter to him at all now. He was totally beyond that.

Logan carefully lifted himself off the dildo and headed back into the house.

He found the boys gathered inside the unfinished part of the basement. He looked around and started getting nervous again. The room was dark, except for a couple of small spotlights that were aimed at a long wooden table which was positioned in the center of the room.

There was a video camera mounted on a tripod aiming at the table, a small TV set was sitting on a little stand, and there was also a small table with a bunch of things on it that were covered with a sheet.

Logan trembled once more as he was ordered to lie on the table on his back. As soon as he did, they pulled his wrists and ankles to the four corners and tied them off. His body was stretched painfully tight, and his hard cock was sticking up obscenely.

Scooter leaned over and said softly, "Okay tough guy, we figured you'd really like to cum soon. Is that right?"

Logan nodded and said, "Oh God yes. Please! My balls are really starting to ache."

Scooter laughed as Landon started running a feather up and down Logan's engorged cock, "I'm sure they are, but you're gonna have to give us something in return. Otherwise, we'll just add another tight cock ring and keep you this way all night!"

Logan panted, "Shit man, I'll do whatever you want, okay? Hell, you want me for another day, that's okay, I'll do it!"

Scooter laughed, "Well, that's sort of what we had in mind. You see we have decided we want to alter our little deal. Make it more exciting. But I'll let Dustin explain it to you. He's good at that."

Dustin stood beside the table. He ran his hand down Logan's defined chest and said, "Okay, we got a new deal for you, which you are definitely not gonna like. But we don't care. You make the deal, we will let you cum, for sure. But before I tell you what it is, I wanna show you something."

Dustin picked up a remote control, pointed it towards the TV and pressed play.

Logan started shaking as he watched the screen. It was the video shot earlier... with him fucking himself on the dildo and jacking off... And it got worse as Dustin fast forwarded... it was all there... including close-ups of him sucking cock.

Logan wanted to cry.

"Dudes, you guys promised... No one would see this," he pleaded.

Dustin laughed viciously, "Yea and no one will, if you make the deal. It's as simple as that. You agree to the deal and we let you cum... AND we keep this to ourselves. If you don't make the deal, then, no telling who gets to see this."

Dustin was bluffing! There was no way he would ever use the video as blackmail. He wasn't like that. And even if he was, Scooter would probably beat the shit out of him if he did it, cause Scooter was TOTALLY not like that! Dustin knew it! Scooter knew it... but Logan didn't!

Logan figured he was totally screwed. He couldn't believe how stupid he had been getting into this in the first place. He had no idea that Scooter and Dustin were this twisted.

Finally he asked sarcastically, "Okay, so what's the deal? You guys get to perv me whenever you want or something?"

Dustin laughed, "Shit man, we hadn't thought of that, but hell, that sounds like a great idea."

Scooter never ceased to be amazed at how fast Dustin thought... or how stupid Logan could be! His smart mouth had gotten him into trouble so many times, and he never seemed to learn... yea, look up "Dumb Jocks" on the internet, and you're almost be certain to find Logan's name there.

Dustin continued, "Okay, so here's the deal... from now on, you will do whatever Scooter and I say... no matter what! Is that easy enough to understand?"

Scooter rolled his eyes as Logan spat back, "Yea, right you fucking little perv! In your dumb ass gay dreams!"

Dustin winked at Scooter and then said, "Okay, if that's the way you want it! You guys keep him company, I got some quick video editing and copying to do. Lucky for me I got the team roster in my email contact list! I suspect they gonna love seeing this video! Especially the part where their Captain is sucking cock!"

It was another Dustin bluff!

Logan thought for a moment... panic set in and then he stammered, "Dude... sorry... I was just messing with you! I'll do whatever you want... as long as no one else sees that video okay."

Dustin laughed, "Okay Dude we got a deal. As long as you do what we say... WHENEVER we say... no one will ever see it! Oh and since you were such a smart ass I am gonna add something else. I am gonna print up some special cards. I'll let you see what they look like, and if ever anyone gives you one, you will do whatever he says! Period! Maybe this will help keep you from being such an asshole!"

Dustin was actually amazed at how easy it all seemed. Logan was so freaking cocky. So sure of himself, and so constantly horny. The bet had opened the door and Dustin had taken advantage of it. The question was could he do it again, with another "straight" jock boy! The only thing he was worried about now was Scooter. He didn't want Scooter to get mad at him for sort of taking over.

Actually, he really didn't have to worry. Scooter was totally loving what was going on. He loved what was happening to Logan!

Logan was totally beaten. Stretched out, naked on the table, with a hard-on that would not go down, the realization was sinking in fast. His life had changed. The good news was that at least he would be allowed to cum.

Dustin carefully removed the cock ring and released Logan's balls. All four of them gathered round the table and began running their hands all over Logan's glistening tight body. All four avoided touching his cock and balls. They got teasingly close, but didn't make contact.

Logan started breathing even harder. He could not believe how much this was turning him on. He could not remember being this worked up before.

Dustin had one final little twist for the night. He slid his hand down Logan's chest and stomach, ran his fingers through his pubes and said, "So I guess you're ready to cum big guy huh?"

Logan panted, "Oh God YEA!"

Dustin smiled as he patted Logan's cock, "And I guess it doesn't matter that there are no girls here does it?"

Logan almost shouted, "Hell NO! Shit man, come on just do it! I made the deal... so do what you promised!"

Dustin laughed, "Okay, don't have a hissy fit! We'll get you off. Actually one of us will get you off. And that will be young Colin here. I think he likes your cock a lot. So you just tell him what to do, and he'll do it for you!"

Dustin nodded at Scooter and Landon. All three stepped away from the table. Dustin switched the video camera on. He had lots of good stuff already, but this could be one of the best parts.

Dustin peeked in the camera's eyepiece. It was a great shot... Logan stretched out on the table, naked and sweating, with a monster boner, and Colin standing beside him.

Colin asked, "So like what do you want me to do?"

Logan stammered, "SHIT DUDE! Get me off, okay? Make me cum!"

Colin asked sheepishly, "So how should I do it... you just want me to jack you off?"

Logan snapped, "Come on. Just do it okay? Yea jack me off please!"

Colin grabbed Logan's cock and started slowly stroking it. Logan moaned and muttered... "Oh yea!"

Dustin smiled as he realized how smart Colin was. He hadn't planned this part and was amazed at how smart Colin was. Colin knew it was being video taped and was "acting" a part... and doing a great job... A really great job! It was all Dustin could do to keep from busting out laughing when he figured out what Colin was doing.

Little Colin continued stroking Logan's cock and asked nervously, "Is that okay? Am I doing it right?"

Logan panted as he started pumping his groin up and down, "Dude that feels awesome! Yea, you're doing fine! Just keep going."

Colin smiled as he asked, "So if I make you cum... umm... shoot... you gonna let me tie you up again?"

Logan had no clue what Colin was up to! He stammered, "Yea, if you want!"

Colin beamed, "So, should I lick your balls again, and suck your cock? Like before?"

Logan started shaking all over, "Oh God dude, yea! Go for it! Shit, Suck me!"

Colin leaned over, took Logan's engorged cock in his mouth and started sucking. It didn't take long! Logan's body started to convulse. He rammed his cock up into Colin's mouth. Colin pulled off just in time to enable the camera to pick up Logan's cum shooting all over Colin's face.

Anyone looking at this part of the tape would see a nasty scene depicting a 16 year boy, who had apparently convinced an innocent 11 year old boy to tie him up and perform sexual acts on him.

Dustin thought, "DAMN Colin, you are one clever and sneaky little dude!"

Landon whispered in Dustin's ear, "Shit, can we make him cum again?"

Dustin giggled, "Yea, that's sort of what I had in mind. Since you guys are sleeping over, I was thinking Scooter and I could get some sleep and let you guys mess with him for awhile. You guys can do some cock and ball torture, but NOT a lot. I'm gonna do that later. Main thing is to see how many times you can make him cum. If he starts bitching, just gag him."

"Oh, and make sure he does get at least a few hours sleep... you guys too! Cause you're not gonna want to miss what we got planned for him later! When you're done, untie him, let him go to the bathroom and then let him sleep on the couch in the family room!"

Landon seemed really pleased.

Dustin and Scooter left the room as Landon walked over and started talking to Logan. The last thing they heard before they closed the door and went to bed was Logan muttering pleadingly... "OH GOD... Please NO!"


More Story Notes:

  • Once again thanks so much for all the comments! They are most appreciated!

  • The next few Chapters may be a little "out of kilter" time wise, and not be in a strict chronological order! This is necessary due to the fact that with all the "slave time" arrangements and all the characters involved, it would be safe to assume that there would be some things happening at the same time. While Scooter and Dustin were doing their "thing" with Logan, others were doing their "thing"! The next few Chapters will begin a series of "Break-a- ways"... Like... "Meanwhile, across town... Or meanwhile down the street... etc."

  • I will continue to provide periodic "reviews" of the characters and "who owes what to whom." The latest review follows at the end of these notes.

  • As a reminder, a summary of most of the major regular characters was included at the end of Chapter 13.

  • Okay here's the review. I have included the latest changes FIRST, followed, at the end, by the one I missed:

  • Logan NOW has to do whatever Dustin and Scooter say! Whenever! Also Dustin is printing some little cards up, and if ever ANYONE gives one of those cards to Logan, he has to do whatever that person says!

  • Logan owes TWO days to Colin and Landon (The two twisted little Dudes)!

  • Pete and Andy owe Chip 4 hours being tortured by Chip, plus one full week of slavery..

  • Dennis owes Chip a day of slavery.

  • Aaron and Matt are now Mark's slaves! Matt for a year... Aaron, for an indeterminate period (which is like "forever").

And this is how the bet's break down from the pit. Each involves a DAY of slavery. I've included the ages of each as a quick review:

  • Matt (17) is Chip's (15) - Andy (14) is Dustin's (13) - Pete (14) is Aaron's (21) - Dennis (14) is Stevie's (11) - Zack (14) is Mark's (13) - Skyler (14) is Scooter's (14) - Logan (16) is Scooter's (14) - Justin (11) is Jimmy's (11)

And finally... the one I forgot about... Justyn (Aaron's 17 year old ass-hole cousin) made a deal with Zack! He must Suck Zack whenever Zack says... and must let Zack Fuck him whenever he wants... PLUS... Zack can tell him to suck, or be fucked by whoever he wants. This is for the remainder of the time that Justyn is staying with Aaron.

Hope you enjoy!

The FIRST "Meanwhile" Chapter involves Aaron, Zack, Justyn (Yea THAT Justyn), and Mark! Unless I hear otherwise!!!!


Next: Chapter 15

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