Boys Love Torture

By Scott Westwood

Published on May 15, 2009


This story contains sexual acts between boys and occasionally between men and boys. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Also be advised some of the scenarios will, at times, can be fairly cruel and barbaric. Again if this is not to your tastes, read with caution. Don't even bother flaming me about it! Just stop reading! It is as simple as that! If you continue to read and feel compelled to flame me... talk to your own therapist before you do... because you can't talk to mine!

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is fictional.

Boys Love Torture - Chapter 12

(BB, b/B, bb, b/M discipline, spanking, oral, anal, cbt, bd, sm)

This is the continuing saga of a group of teenage boys who explore the "realm" of BDSM. For some, it is merely a period of simple experimentation. But for many it is a time of intense excitement. Straight or gay, as a teenager, the hormones tend to run wild, seeking whatever outlet they can find for satisfaction. Couple that with the dark "facts" about boys and you have the potential for some really crazy times!


This Chapter "FINALLY" includes the Deal between Chip, Pete and Andy!

Once again, as a reminder, here's the deal they made in Chapter 2:


"Okay Dude, if you want a deal, I got one for you... and here it is... you two horny toads can do whatever you want with me for two hours... but JUST two hours... anything goes, except for stuff like blood, permanent marks, eating shit, and uh... NO picture taking. In return, I get to have both of you as my slaves for FOUR hours with the same conditions... that is the PRICE for getting me to go even that far! A side bet would have to be part of it too."

Pete thought for a moment, swallowed hard and much to Andy's chagrin stammered, "Ahh okay, ummm, so if we did do a side bet, what would it be?"

Chip laughed inwardly as he thought, "These guys are like putty in my hands, this is gonna be fun. If they are dumb enough to take the deal, I can handle two hours, and then they will be mine!"

[Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

Chip laughed and said, "Okay, here is the 'FUN' part I will give you... IF you can make me beg to stop during those two hours, I will be your total slave for a full week! But if you can't, then you two will be my slaves for a full week! And in either case, anything goes!"

Pete and Andy- Dennis's "best friends". Both are 14 years old. Both are jocks. And both are constantly horny. And Since it has been such a long time, here's the description of the two which was included in Chapter 1:

Though both were clearly in great shape, Pete was the more muscular of the two, a trait he liked to flaunt, as evidenced by the sleeveless shirts he constantly wore. Andy, on the other hand, was a little less of a show off. As a swimmer, he was, of course accustomed to people seeing his nearly naked body all the time. However, when away from the pool, he wore overly large t-shirts which hung down low. And as Chip reflected, served to cover up one of the smallest and tightest little butts he had ever seen.

** We will reach a point during this chapter when a LARGE number of boys are involved! I am not gonna take the time to review all of them. Hopefully if you have been following along, you remember most! For now if you don't recall them, know simply that all are at least cute, and most are jocks!!!

**************************************** THE DEAL

It took Aaron and Chip a couple of days to fully recover from the birthday ordeal. Both were sore and a little tired. Dennis had decided to meet with Pete and Andy at the torture house. He figured it would be a lot easier to plan things there instead of just on the phone.

He really wanted to make sure Chip lost. Doing stuff to Chip on Stevie's birthday had been so much fun, but had just wet his appetite! He really wanted to get Chip good. Especially since Pete and Andy had told him, if Chip lost, they would give Chip to him as a slave for one day.

Dennis walked his fellow co-conspirators through the house. He showed them where all the toys were and explained how all the things like the torture boards, punishment horse and ant torture table were used. He even showed them the enema hook-ups in the bathroom, the stash of pills that made you super hard, and of course, the ant pit.

Pete and Andy were totally fascinated by the Tunnel of Terror. Dennis had watched closely when Mark used the tunnels on Aaron and Chip. He knew how to hook it up and assured them both that if they wanted to use it on Chip, he would run it for them.

He figured Chip would be pissed that he was involved, but he didn't care. It wouldn't be the first time Chip was pissed with him, and would definitely not be the last.

All three of them got pretty worked up as they planned Chip's upcoming torture session. All three were confident Chip would give up before the two hours.

Everything seemed to be going fine until Andy suddenly said, "Uh, Dudes, I just thought of something. The deal was, that we get to torture and humiliate Chip for two hours, and if we can get him to beg for us to stop, then we get him as our slave for a week, if we can't then we're his slaves for a week, right?"

Pete laughed, "Yea, so what's your point?"

Andy continued, "Well, the thing is, no matter what happens, he still gets to torture both of us for four hours, and that could be pretty freaking rough. Especially if he's pissed, which he will be."

Pete said, "Well I guess we had better make sure we win, then, so at least we'll get him for a week. That way he'll maybe think twice about being too rough on us."

It made a little sense, still Andy was a little worried.

Meanwhile, across town, Aaron was having worries of his own. Mark had come over to his house and was going over the rules of Aaron's slavery. The deal that Aaron had made at Stevie's birthday thing was a welcome relief for Matt, since Mark seemed more concerned about Aaron now than him.

Mark and Aaron were sitting in the rec room drinking sodas. Aaron was clearly nervous, but also very horned. For him, there was something really exciting about being controlled by a younger boy. Especially Mark.

Mark smiled as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pill. He handed it to Aaron and said, "Here take this. You probably don't really need it, cause I can see you are already boned. But this will help make you super hard for the rest of the day. Which will make things more fun for me."

Aaron trembled slightly as he swallowed the pill. He got harder thinking about what Mark had in store for him.

"Okay, I'm gonna lay down some rules for you. First of all, whenever I come over here, you will get naked. And you'll stay naked until I tell you otherwise. Understood?"

Aaron nodded and said, "Yes sir!"

Mark sat in silence. He looked at Aaron. After a few moments Aaron understood. He stood up, removed all his clothes and tossed them aside. Mark smiled as Aaron's hard cock slapped up against his pubes. Aaron had a really nice thick patch of pubic hair, which Mark loved.

He told Aaron to stand beside him with his hands behind his head and his legs spread, Aaron did as he was told.

Mark reached out and began running his fingers through Aaron's pubes. He thought there would probably come a time when Aaron would lose his pubes, and the rest of his body hair from the neck down, which would be extremely humiliating for Aaron. Especially in view of all the time he spent in the gym.

But for now, Mark was going to enjoy seeing Aaron this way. He had a well proportioned athletic body which Mark really liked. The thought that he now had this 21 old college jock totally under his control was a major turn-on for young Mark and he intended to take full advantage of it.

He did like doing the torture stuff, but lately he found that he really loved humiliating other guys. Especially older guys. He ran his fingers through Aaron's pubic patch and started thinking about making Aaron do things in front of a bunch of other guys. He would love to make him do things out in public, but realized that would not be practical, as exciting as it might be. Still he figured he could come pretty close, and that would really be fun.

Aaron began breathing harder as Mark continued to run his fingers through his pubes. Like it or not, the more he thought about being Mark's slave, the more excited he got! The really interesting thing though was the fact that he was also into humiliation. Though he would never admit it, he just loved being humiliated in front of other guys. His cock grew harder as he imagined Mark leading him through the park, totally naked, with his hands cuffed behind his back and letting other boys feel him up whenever they ran in to them.

Mark took hold of Aaron's balls and began fondling them, "Okay, now for the other rules. From now on, you must get my permission before you cum. I mean it. Doesn't matter whether it is by masturbating or having sex, you got to have my permission. Understood Slave Boy?"

Aaron took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Yes Sir!"

Mark laughed, "Oh and speaking of sex. If you want to have sex with someone else, who I assume will be another guy. I have to meet him. And you will have to ask me for permission to have sex with him. And you will do it in front of him! Understood?"

Now that was humiliating! Aaron breather harder still, more blood rushed into his cock. He nodded and said, "Yes Sir!"

Mark was really enjoying himself. He took hold of Aaron's cock and pulled it down. Aaron winced.

"Okay big guy. Before we continue we got to take care of something. I know you got more toys here, so go ahead and get a good cock ring and something to tie off your balls with. Oh, and yea, get those leather wrist and ankle restraints that have the shackle things attached.

Aaron ran out of the room. With each minute he was getting more and more excited. He went to the garage, unlocked the storage chest and pulled out the items Mark had asked for. He took a chance and grabbed a couple extra items. He thought it might impress Mark.

He was right! Mark was impressed.

"Well, Dude, that was nice of you to bring this extra stuff. And I'll use them."

He slid the cock ring down to the base of Aaron's throbbing cock. Then added a constriction band around Aaron's nice ball sack. The wrist and ankle restraints went on next, followed by the two extra items. He put the leather collar around Aaron's neck, then had him bend over so he could insert the butt plug. Aaron had chosen one of the vibrating ones, which Mark thought was really cool!

He had Aaron kneel, with his hands behind his head.

"Okay, Slave Boy now for some more rules. I assume you know something about ancient history... like in Biblical times?"

Aaron nodded and said, "Yes sir."

Mark smiled and said, "Okay, cool! Now one of the traditions back then was when you had visitors, you washed their feet as a sign of welcome and humility. So you're gonna do that too from now on. Anytime you have visitors, you will wash their feet and toes. But you will do it with your tongue. Understood?"

Aaron swallowed hard and said, "Yes Sir!"

"Oh, and of course, if I am with them you will strip naked first!"

Aaron breathed harder and said, "Yes sir! I understand! Um sir, can I ask a question?"

Aaron could not believe what he was going to ask. It was crazy. But he couldn't help himself. He was just too turned on by the entire thing. And was super horny now!

Mark chuckled, "Sure, ask away!"

Aaron stammered, "I was just wondering, if umm... when I do the foot thing with visitors... if umm... you wanted me to get naked first... even if you aren't here?"

Aaron still could not believe he said it.

Mark laughed and said, "Dude! That's a great idea! In fact how about we do this. From now on, whenever you have visitors, you will get naked right away. Put on the cock ring, ball constrictor, leather restraints and the collar. And then wash their toes and feet with your tongue. Got it?"

Aaron got it. He felt more blood force it's way into his bound cock and said, "Yes Sir!"

Mark kicked off his sneakers, pulled off his socks and said, "Okay, you can start with me!"

Aaron lowered his head to Mark's feet and started to lick. Mark looked down at Aaron. The sight of this naked hot college jock on his knees, licking his toes and feet was almost too much. He imagined Aaron doing this every time he had a visitor and started getting even harder. The more Mark thought about it the harder he got! He decided that Aaron would be getting a lot of visitors soon! ------

Meanwhile, down the street, someone else was having horny thoughts! Chip was at his computer reading some dirty stories on the internet. Stevie and Dennis were both out, so he was home alone. He had stripped down to just a pair of flimsy gym shorts and was enjoying feeling his bone through the light fabric.

He was about to the point to start jacking when the phone rang. It was Pete.

Chip swallowed hard. He figured the moment had finally arrived. And he was right.

Pete confirmed that Chip would be ready to do the deal, the next day, beginning at noon. Chip said he'd be ready. He threw in a little trash talk, to get himself worked up.

"I hope you two enjoy being my slave for a full week, cause I'm gonna win!"

Pete laughed, "Well, we'll just see about that! We've decided to do it at the torture house, and we've got a secret weapon who's been helping us get ready! SO you are going down Dude!"

Chip thought, `Damn it! Dennis!' Of course, he had a feeling Dennis would find out. They were best friends after all. And also had thought about the fact that Dennis would be more than happy to help them get back at Chip. But now it was pretty much confirmed.

Still he was a little bit miffed. The original deal was supposed to be just between the three of them. And now Dennis was involved, and would probably be there. He wondered if there might be others there as well, to watch him suffer. He trembled at the possibility, but found himself getting harder. As much as he wanted to ask, he decided not too!

They talked trash for a little while longer, then hung up.

Chip sat lost in thought for a moment. He started thinking about the torture house, and everything he had already experienced there. He still had a tough time understanding what it was that turned him on so much. He loved torturing other guys! Loved humiliating them. And hell if the truth were to be known, there were a bunch of guys on his soccer team who he'd love to do this stuff with! Big time. But they were too straight!

The thing that he still had trouble dealing with was that fact that he really liked it the other way around. He got so worked up just thinking about being in the slave role! Like Aaron though, it was something he never wanted to admit to others!

He went back to reading the stories.

After awhile he decided to lay down for a bit, and maybe take a little nap.

He was at the point where he was just starting to drift off, when Dennis bounded into the room.

He saw Chip lying on his bed, in just his flimsy shorts and noticed how boned he was.

He stripped down to just his shorts too and climbed into his bed. He looked at Chip, laughed and said, "Looks like you and I had the same idea... it's siesta time."

Chip laughed, "Yea, I figured it was time for a little nooner!"

Dennis chuckled as he gestured towards Chip's tented shorts, "Yea, and looks like you've been thinking it was time for something else!"

Chip laughed back, "Man, you are such a perv, Dude. And I'm guessing you are too!"

Dennis gave him a wicked smile and said, "Okay, you got me there! I was planning on taking a snooze and having a little fun while I thought about tomorrow afternoon!"

The two brothers looked each other in the eyes. Chip said, "Well, I figured you'd get involved, sooner or later! Which means, I guess you are their `secret weapon'!"

Dennis laughed, "You bet! And hey, big bro, you are gonna go down hard! You are gonna beg... which means you will be their slave for a week!"

Both were getting pretty worked up. Chip could see that Dennis's shorts were totally tented, and he had also gotten even harder. He loved when he and Dennis got into this type of stuff!

Chip asked, "So tell me bro, what's in this for you, other than the chance to make me suffer?"

Dennis laughed, "Well, I'll admit, I would, love to see that! But there's more to it than that. You see, if you lose, they promised to give you to me for a full day, as my slave! And I got a lot of stuff in mind for that day big bro... a lot!"

Both teens were getting more and more worked up! Dressed only in shorts, it didn't take long for the aroma of teenage boy arousal to start filling the room!

Chip laughed, "Well, I guess that's cool. Hmmm, I was just wondering little brother, since you got that going with them, maybe we should have a side bet ourselves!"

[Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.] [Boy Fact #16- Brothers can be Extremely Competitive and Antagonistic! The closer the ages, the more Antagonistic they can become!]

Dennis smiled, "What you got in mind Dude?"

Chip smiled, "Well, okay, I think it is only fair. If I win, then that means I get YOU as a slave for a full day. And to be fair, since you already have a deal with Pete and Andy, if I lose, then you'll get me as a slave for another day! How does that sound?"

If there was one thing Chip and Dennis had in common, it was arrogance. Chip was clearly the more honorable of the two, but both had a cockiness about them that sometiems caused problems.

At the moment, both of them were totally horned! And both were absolutely sure about the outcome. Chip was sure he would win the deal with Pete and Andy. Dennis was sure Chip would lose.

Dennis chuckled, "Okay, Dude. You're on! I am gonna really love having you as my slave boy for two days!"

Chip laughed back, "We'll see! Cause I am gonna win! And when I do, trust me, you are gonna do a big time pay back!"

The two brothers lay on their beds for awhile. Both lost in thought. Both getting hornier by the minute. Both wanted to jack off. But neither one wanted to be the first to start.

One of the scariest things about Dennis was the fact that he actually did have a side that was sort of human. As nasty and twisted as he could be, and as dishonorable as he could be. He did have his own weaknesses.

And one of those weaknesses was his relationship with his older brother Chip. It actually was driving him crazy. One minute he hated Chip! The next minute he loved him! (Though he would NEVER say that!). Most of the time he hated Chip! He knew Chip really loved Stevie, which is probably why he was always nasty towards Stevie. It was a way of getting back at Chip, for some strange reason.

So, anyway, here the two brothers were. Alone in their room... both boned to the max... and both lost in their own perverse thoughts.

Oddly enough, it was Dennis, who made the first move.

He climbed out of bed, walked over and sat on the edge of Chip's bed.

"Dude, I gotta ask you something... Do you really think you're gonna win tomorrow? Cause I gave them some really nasty ideas to make sure you lose!"

Chip laughed, "Hey Dude, is okay, I think I can handle it! As long as they don't actually cut off my cock and balls, I know I will win. I'm pretty tough you know! And you know how much I like to win! So it really doesn't matter what they do to me during those two hours! I will win! And they will be my slaves for a week. And now, you will be mine for a day! It's a done deal bro!"

They sat in silence for several moments. Lost in thought. Both were breathing hard thinking about the next day.

Chip kept his eyes on Dennis. He smiled when he finally saw what he was waiting for... the great revelation!

All of a sudden, Dennis started panting! The realization finally struck! He had been SO caught up in the thrill of seeing Chip lose the deal and the bet. He had missed the bottom line! He felt SO STUPID! He was Chip's brother and should have known!!! DAMN! There was no way in hell Chip was gonna lose! NO DAMN WAY!

Chip seemed to sense what was happening in Dennis's mind. He patted Dennis's thigh and chuckled, "Yea, bro... I think you know I am gonna win! And I will hold YOU and those two to the bet! Oh and if you want some proof I'll give it to you!"

It is amazing what teenage boys can do when they are SUPER HORNED!

Dennis was totally disoriented now! Just a little while ago, he felt SO in the driver's seat! SO in control! SO sure Chip would lose! And now he felt SO stupid!

SHIT! Chip was still Chip!

Dennis stammered, "Ummm, okay... ummm... what proof?"

Chip laughed as he pulled off his shorts and laid back on the bed with his arms and legs spread wide, "Okay Dude, go ahead and tie me up and torture me all you want, you got two hours. To do whatever you want. Just like them. You make me beg before then, and I'll let you out of the deal. You fail, and I get YET another day with you as my slave when I win tomorrow! Basic rules apply! You know, no permanent damage and stuff!"

The "worm" had turned! Both boys were TOTALLY worked up!

Dennis was in a state of shock!

Of course he agreed! He was too horned not to!

He tied Chip, spread eagled on the bed, and proceeded to torture him! He whipped his cock! Smacked his balls. Pinched his nipples. Lashed his chest, stomach and thighs! And so on!

He talked really dirty to Chip. Threatened him with all kinds of nasty stuff. He mentioned the ant pit... The torture board... and much more.

The two hours went by FAST! Chip was suffering a lot! His eyes were watering. He was covered with sweat! Dennis tried everything imaginable! He dripped hot wax all over Chip's cock and balls... he whipped his hard cock, squeezed his balls really hard. He tortured his nipples. He whipped the hell out of Chip's chest, stomach and thighs!

He got frustrated! And mad at himself for not recognizing just how strong his older brother was. As the end of the two hours approached Chip showed no signs of giving in! NONE! He whimpered every now and then! Moaned! And screamed at times. But did not give in!

When the two hours were up, Dennis untied Chip. He had made Chip cum three times and made him eat his own cum. And now he was totally frustrated now.

Chip smiled at him as he rubbed his wrists, "Dude, I thought you knew me! I told you, I'm not gonna lose this thing! So you better be prepared to pay up!" ...

More than one boy in the neighborhood had a sleepless night! Pete and Andy were both nervous! Both had trouble getting to sleep! Both were excited, but also worried about the next day. Dennis hardly slept at all. He just couldn't stop thinking about how wrong he had been about so many things. Mark and Matt both had trouble sleeping that night too. As did Aaron. There were others as well, who had the same problem.

The word had gotten out! Contrary to the original deal, there was gonna be a large audience watching when Chip was "tested" during the initial part of the deal... A really large audience. And all would be at the torture house to see if Chip could be broken!

All had trouble getting to sleep that night! All except one! Chip fell asleep fast, and slept well the entire night!


It was just before Noon on the "Deal Day" when Dennis and Chip arrived at the "torture house."

Chip was carrying a backpack that contained four large wooden stakes, some pieces of rope, and a tube of Ben Gay. Chip knew that was for the ant pit, Dennis had made sure of that. And Dennis was loving the fact that Chip had to carry the instruments of his own torture to the house.

When they arrived at the house, Chip got a little miffed. He remembered that the deal was supposed to be just between him, Andy and Pete. He accepted the fact that Dennis would get involved, cause he was best friends with them. But now it appeared there were a lot more involved. SHIT! He lost count of the number of bicycles parked beside the house. Aaron's truck was there too!

As upset as he was about this, there was also something really exciting about it! REALLY EXCITING! All these guys were gonna watch him being tortured! All these guys were gonna help humiliate him!

The more he thought about it... the more excited he became! And with that excitement... came strength!

The sad thing for Dennis was... had he left things alone... and just kept things as they were... with just Andy... Pete... and then him. Things might have been tougher for Chip.

He had assumed that Chip was the same way as he was... and got embarrassed being naked in front of other guys, and being forced to do stuff! It was a fatal assumption for Dennis... and his "allies. And he should have known better!"

When they reached the house, Dennis took the backpack from Chip and went inside the house. He told Chip to wait.

Chip waited. He heard a lot of voices inside the house. The more he heard, the more excited he got!

Finally the door opened and the boys filed out onto the porch. There were a lot! Chip recognized most of them, but not all! Included among them were: Aaron, Mark, Matt, Dennis, Andy, Pete, Stevie, Scooter, Dustin, Zack, Skyler, Justin, Logan, and even Jimmy (Stevie's little friend from Chapter 2!).

Yes it was a big audience.

Dennis had set it all up! Thinking it would blow Chip's mind having all these guys watch. He was so wrong!

Pete got things going!

"Okay, Dude, your two hours begins RIGHT NOW! And remember, if you beg for us to stop before then, you lose! Remember?"

Chip laughed, "Yea I do! So let's just do it!"

He started stripping off all his clothes before being told.

Pete seemed confused.

Andy jumped in. He tossed a bag to Chip and said, "Put these on, Slave Boy!"

Chip finished stripping naked. When he was done, he opened the bag, pulled out the items and put them on... they included leather wrist and ankle restraints, a leather collar, two cock rings, a constriction band for his ball sack, and a butt plug!

When he was done he stood up and glared definitely at the crowd on the porch, "Okay Dudes, the clock is running!"

And that is when the ""Nightmare" started!

The next two hours were not Chip's nightmare. They were Pete's, Andy's and Dennis's.

They did everything as planned! Chip was secured on the torture board and hooked up to the Tunnel. Dennis ran it for awhile. He did everything! He masturbated Chip electrically! He fucked him electrically! He used the SPIKES on him! Made him scream! But could not get him to beg!!!

Each time he asked Chip if he wanted it to stop, Chip said the same thing... "FUCK YOU DENNIS!"

Pete and Andy realized their mistake, too late! As much as they appreciated Dennis's help... the Brother vs. Brother thing was just too strong!

Next, Chip was bent over the punishment horse! They started with the paddles, then shifted to the leather belt. Chip's ass turned red fast.

Aaron figured they beat his butt at least 100 times! Each blow being harder than the one before. Chip cried, but refused to beg for it to stop!

Dennis rammed the large dildo in his ass. Chip screamed louder.

Then all were given a chance to fuck him!

All did! (Well, except for little Jimmy! He was too shy!) They lined up. And one after another each one "mounted" Chip. None of them showed any mercy. Every one of them did it pretty much the same way. They worked their cock inside Chip's ass, and as soon as they felt an opening, they rammed it in all the way!

Chip screamed and moaned every time he was penetrated!

But still Chip would not give up!

They secured Chip in the bathroom! Gave him some painful enemas. And STILL he would not give in.

The final act of desperation was to stake Chip out in the ant pit! Dennis was sure this would do it. He told Pete and Andy to mess with Chip's mind and tell him about what was coming up! Those ants were wicked!!! So,they told Chip what was about to happen... in detail! And that was when things got really CRAZY!

All of a sudden, the "boys" started making bets with each other about whether Chip would give up and beg.

It got so confusing that Aaron jumped in. He "stopped the clock" to get things sorted out. It wasn't easy. They were all so "worked up!" All wanted to try and get some perverse bet in! Boys will be boys!

It took awhile, but, finally Aaron got it all sorted out, so that everyone could get in a bet. He made up a chart. And it was fairly simple...

It would revolve around the Ant Pit!

He made it as simple as possible!

You bet on whether or not Chip will get through an HOUR of ANT torture before he starts to beg!

If you lose, then you will be a slave to the winners for a FULL day! You win, it is the other way around!

Zack chirped in, "And if you do lose, and become a slave for a day, you gotta do whatever you are told, no matter what, right?"

Aaron laughed, "Yea that's about the size of it. Nothing that will do real damage or leave permanent marks, oh and nothing that will definitely get you arrested, or kicked out of school."

Aaron smiled inwardly as he watched the boys. They were like a pack of crazed horn dogs. They were all boned, and were eyeing each other up. A couple looked a little scared. Skyler asked, "And he's gonna be in the ant pit, tied up naked for the whole hour right? Unless he begs out?"

Aaron nodded, "Yep, that's it! He begs he loses. And if you bet that he loses and he does than you win."

Skyler thought for a moment then said, "Okay, those kind of ants are wicked. I'm in! That Dude's gonna lose for sure!"

The others all jumped in! Aaron wrote it all down on a chart.

When all bets were in, he looked at his chart. He was a little surprised the way things were going. It was pretty much 50/50. When all were done, he added his own "bet." After all he knew Chip! SO he went with Chip.

Then, they did it just the way Pete and Andy had planned it! Which was different than they the way things had gone with Stevie and much more devious. Most of it had been Andy's idea.

When they arrived at the Ant Pit, Chip noticed there were only two stakes in the pit. They were on the far side, away from the house. Laying on the ground, near them was board about three feet long. It looked like a 2 x 4. It had three eyebolts screwed into it. One on either end, and one in the middle. There were two long ropes tied to the center bolt. They ran from the board, across the Ant Pit, and then through two large pulleys that had been attached to the side of the house. One was above the window, and the other just below.

Chip did not like the look of this.

They started by tying a short piece of rope to Chip's balls. They left in hanging. It was long enough to reach the ground.

Next they lifted the board up in front of Chip and secured his wrists to the bolts on either end. Andy put a pair of clear ski goggles over Chip's eyes and giggled.

"These will protect your eyes, but will also make it possible for you to see all of our little friends!"

Chip trembled slightly. He had pretty much figured out what the plan was, and was just a little scared.

Andy looked at Dennis and said, "Okay, it's your turn!"

Dennis stepped closer, pulled out the tube of Ben Gay and started applying it to Chip's body. "Hey Bro, you know how excited the ants get over this stuff. So I'm gonna make it as exciting as possible for them and you."

He started by rubbing some on Chip's toes and feet. He ran some up the inside of Chip's legs... smeared some on his ass and in his crack. He rubbed some on and around Chip's nipples, in his navel and armpits and finished by giving Chip's cock and balls a full coating.

He nodded at Pete and Andy, who moved Chip to the edge of the pit, spread his legs and secured his ankles to the two stakes. They ran around to the other side of the pit and took hold of the ropes that ran through the pulleys.

Andy said, "Okay everyone, now watch this, I think you're all gonna enjoy this."

They started pulling on the ropes. The board that Chip's wrists were secured to rose up to Chip's chest level, then a little higher. They kept pulling on the ropes. Eventually Chip was forced to lean over the ant pit. He looked down at the ants. There were a lot of them. He fought to keep his balance.

Pete and Andy kept pulling on the ropes. Eventually Chip did lose his balance. He fell forward. Pain shot though his arms as he found himself stretched out at a 45 degree angle over the pit. He could se the ants closer now and started to shake.

They stopped pulling for a few minutes and left Chip hang there, stretched over the pit. Meanwhile some of the ants had found Chip's toes and started to attack. Soon they were crawling over his feet and some began crawling up his legs.

Chip began to moan as he felt them crawling on him. He started to twitch as the biting and stinging began.. As scared as he was becoming, he couldn't stop himself from looking down his body.

The other end of the rope that was attached to his balls was touching the ground in the pit. And to his horror, there were a number of ants climbing up it, so it would be just a matter of time before they reached his balls and his painfully engorged cock. Both of which were already burning from the large amount of Ben Gay Dennis had put on them.

He closed his eyes, too afraid to watch.

The boys started cheering for the ants. Andy waited for the ants to reach Chip's balls, then raised his hand for quiet. "Okay guys, now we have another twist coming up. We decided to let Scooter and his buddy Dustin help us with."

Scooter and Dustin looked excited. They walked over to Andy. Scooter asked, "So what do you want us to do."

Andy smiled. He handed them each a flogger which consisted of bunches of leather straps. The two of you stand on opposite sides of the pit. When I nod, you take turns flogging Chip's back, ass, and legs. Each time you lash him we lower him closer to the pit. We'll keep going until he is suspended a few inches off the ground, so the ants can still get at the front of his body."

Aaron's eyes widened as he examined the setup. Now it was clear why they had two ropes and two pulleys. The higher pulley was used to control how high Chip was over the pit. And the lower one to keep Chip stretched out over the pit! And it worked. Pete would slowly let up on the high pulley while Andy tightened the lower one. The end result would be just as Andy said. Chip would be stretched out tight, spread eagled, face down, just a few inches from the ground.

Not only would he have the pain from the ants to deal with, but also considerable pain to his limbs, which would be stretched very tight.

And so it began. Andy nodded at Scooter, who delivered a nasty lash across Chip's back.



Chip cried out. Pete let out some rope, and Chip's body inched closer to the ground.

Dustin's turn was next. He wanted everyone to see he was just as strong as Scooter, so he gave Chip's poor ass a really hard lash.



And so it went. It took about 25 lashes for Chip to be in the final position. As predicted, he was stretched out just a few inches from the ground. The tip of his hard cock touched down and was quickly covered with angry ants, who began biting and stinging.

His balls were getting a lot of attention too, as was the rest of his body. They seemed to be everywhere... on his legs... in his crack...on his nipples... you name it they were there and they were attacking.

Chip screamed and pulled at his bonds. His body was covered with sweat.

It was maddening! The pain was terrible! But what was actually worse was the fact that Chip could feel the ants crawling all over him and was unable to brush them away!

Dennis watched and laughed as he watched his older brother suffer! The ants literally covered Chip's cock and balls! They bit his throbbing cock flesh. Stung his balls. They climbed into his ass crack and bit him there!

His nipples were getting lots of attention too, thanks to the Ben Gay that Dennis had smeared there as well. Chip was in agony! He pulled at his bonds and thrashed around in a futile attempt to dislodge the ants.

There were a couple of times Chip started to panic. He wanted the terrible pain to stop. He glanced at the boys standing around watching. Even through his agony, he was able to focus enough to see that all were totally boned. Some were rubbing their crotches.

He thought about giving up. The first time he was about to speak, to ask them to stop, Andy popped into view. He thought about how exciting it would be to have Andy as his slave for a full week, not just a few hours, and that helped. The pain shifted a little and he hung on.

He came close to giving up one more time. It was when the ants seemed to increase their assault on his throbbing cock head. But he held on.

In the end... if there was anything that helped Chip get through it all... it was the simple fact that Dennis kept taunting him! As he watched the ants attack.

Each taunt seemed to make Chip grow stronger!

The other boys were involved too! They watched the ants attacking Chip's naked body in the pit... and cheered every time Chip screamed.

Little Stevie stood by Chip... the same way Chip had stood by him!

Chip's eyes was covered with the ski goggles, and Stevie kept brushing the ants off of Chip's face, so they wouldn't bite him there.

Meanwhile Dennis looked at the clock. He had been sure an hour in the pit would push Chip over the edge! Especially the way Andy had planned it, with the ropes and stuff. He watched as the ants continued to attack Chip's engorged cock. He kicked his foot into the pit to stir the ants up more.

Chip was screaming. Chip was sweating.

Pete asked, "DUDE, you ready to give up?"

Chip snapped, "FUCK YOU GUYS! Both of you are gonna be MINE!!!"

Mark watched in total fascination as Chip struggled. He liked Chip a lot, but there was something really exciting about seeing him stretched out naked like this and suffering so much! And even more exciting was that, in spite of all the pain Chip was suffering, he remained totally boned!

The clock ticked over!

Aaron announced the deal was done!

A bunch of the boys cheered as they helped release Chip from the pit.

Someone started chanting "CHIP...CHIP... CHIP... CHIP!"

More joined in as they carried him back into the house.

The ants had done their job on him for sure! He was hurting a lot! Stevie and Mark knew that! They directed the boys to put Chip in the bathtub. They ran the hot water, tossed in the soothing salts and patted Chip on the head.

Back outside, Dennis and his "allies" were in a state of total disarray! He had been SO sure Chip would lose! Pete and Andy had indeed realized their mistake too late. Having Dennis involved had backfired completely. The other boys who had made a last minute bet and lost were also a little pissed. They included: Matt, Zack, Skyler, Logan and Justin. All of them would have to "pay up" with a day of slavery soon, and none of them were looking forward to it.

Aaron and Mark left Stevie inside to keep an eye on Chip.

They joined the other "winners" who were standing under the tree. Dustin asked, "So how's this gonna work? I mean the slave thing. They lost so they gotta be our slaves for a day. Do they do it all together, or like do we get to pick one?"

Aaron smiled as he thought. He hadn't figured that part out yet. He looked at the little group of winners and then over at the losers.

He laughed and said, "Well, I guess we could do it that way. Yea, that sounds like a good idea. Now let's see, counting Chip, there's 7 winners, and 8 losers, so that means each of us will get one of them to use for a full day. And someone will get an extra."

They chatted for a bit. All of them wanted to be able to "pick." They decided to draw numbers to see who got to pick first. Aaron wrote some numbers on a piece of paper, tore them apart and dropped them into his ball cap.

They were just about to start drawing numbers when a voice called out from the back door, "Hang on a second Dudes, I think I want in on this!"

All turned their heads and stared.

Chip was standing in the doorway. He was wearing a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. There were red marks visible on his arms and legs. They all watched as he hobbled over to Aaron followed by Stevie. He was clearly in pain.

Mark whispered to Chip, "Dude, you should be in there soaking!"

Chip muttered, "I can soak later, and then you can put that cream stuff on me too that helps, I just don't want to miss any of the fun!"

Aaron added a couple more slips of paper to the hat, as he explained what was going on.

Mark said, "Maybe we should let Chip pick first."

Chip said, "No that's okay. See I got Andy and Pete for a full week, and Dennis for a day, so I'll just pick with you guys. But I'll ask this, can we do this down in the basement. It's big enough and is like a dungeon. Will be sort of cool."

They all liked the idea and headed into the basement.

Mark sort of took over at that point. He had all the losers line up on one side of the room, against the stone wall. They were: Matt, Andy, Pete, Dennis, Zack, Skyler, Logan and Justin.

Aaron eyed the line up and got boned even more. All eight were good looking. Justin was the youngest at 11, and not that well developed yet. But was cute. The middle part of the group were about the same age, 14. They included: Andy, Pete, Dennis, Skyler and Zack. All of them were jocks, and all had nice tight bodies. The final two were 16 year old Logan and 17 year old Matt!

The winners drew numbers. As luck would have it, Scooter got to choose first. He eyed them all up. And tried to decide who to choose.

"Man this is tough! Whoever I choose has to do whatever I say for a full day though, right? No matter what?"

Aaron laughed, "Yea! They made the bet! So it's no matter what."

Scooter was about to say something when Chip spoke up, "Hey, hang on just a second. I think he needs a chance to really see the merchandise. So I think these slave boys should all have to strip. So we can see what we're getting!"

A couple of them started to protest, but were silenced when Mark snapped, "Hey shut the fuck up. You guys lost the bet. So deal with it! Do what Chip said... STRIP... NOW!"

There was a pause, then to all the winner's delight, the line stripped.

By the time they were done, and standing there naked, all were boned. Including little Justin.

Scooter looked up and down the line of naked boys. All had nice bodies. He loved seeing them boned. He walked down the line looking at each one. He stopped in front of Logan, his 16 year old lacrosse team mate.

He had seen Logan naked before in the locker room. He loved looking at his muscular body. And loved his bright blond hair and piercing green eyes. He had jacked off on more than one occasion, thinking about doing "stuff" with Logan, but had never chanced it. But here was his chance!

Logan trembled as saw the look on Scooter's face and heard him announce, "I choose him!"

Aaron never ceased to be amazed at how twisted Mark was.

As soon as Scooter announced his decision, he tossed Scooter a piece of rope. Told him to tie Logan's hands behind his back, lead him into the jail cell, and then have him sit on the floor.

Scooter did as Mark said. He put Logan in the cell and returned to his place. He glanced at Logan, sitting on the cold stone floor naked, with his hands tied behind him and got even harder.

Jimmy picked next. He chose Justin. Which was not that big of a surprise. Both were young, and both nervous.

And so Justin joined Logan in the cell, sitting on the floor, naked and tied.

The next pick belonged to Stevie. He walked up and down the line. Stopped in front of Dennis and said, "You're mine, slave boy!"

Dennis trembled as Stevie grabbed his balls and squeezed hard.

Chip smiled and thought, "Now this is gonna be really good!" He couldn't wait to see what Stevie would do to his brother.

Chip's turn was next. He passed on Pete and Andy, because they would be his anyway. Instead he chose Matt, Mark's 17 year old brother.

Dustin was next.

He was so excited. He looked at the possibilities...The four choices he had left were all like 14. All were pretty well developed. All had great jock bodies. It was tough to decide. Finally he stopped in front of Andy. He liked his swimmer's build, and really loved his tight little ass. Dustin really got into ass stuff, and he figured Andy was really tight back there, which would make it fun to torture him that way.

So Andy joined the others in the cell!

Aaron got to chose next. He decided to go with Pete! Mostly because he was pretty sure Mark wanted Zack or Skyler.

Mark did, indeed want one of them. It was a close call. Both were total hotties! In the end he went with Zack. Maybe just because Zack's bone was just a little longer than Skyler's.

Well, for Scooter, it was a lucky day! He had drawn first. There was one guy left, which meant Scooter got him too. So Scooter was gonna get Skyler as a slave boy for a day.

It had been a wild afternoon!

The "winners" looked at their slave boys, sitting naked in the cell. All had their hands tied behind their backs, and all looked a little scared. Even Dennis.

Mark walked over to the cell door, closed it and locked it as he announced, "Okay I think you slave boys are gonna need to wait right here while we go upstairs and make plans. You guys all lost, and now you gotta pay!"

Mark motioned for the others to gather round outside the cell. They lined up outside the bars.

Aaron rolled his eyes as he watched Mark, pull down the front of his shorts and aim his cock through the bars.

"Okay guys, I know it may be tough, but let's give the slave boys something to think about while we are upstairs planning!"

It took a few moments for Mark to deliver, but deliver he did. In spite of his hard-on, somehow he was able to start pissing. His first shot of pee hit Logan in the face, he started spreading it around, hitting as many of the slave boys as possible. They tried to avoid it, but there wasn't much room in there.

The other "winners" got the picture. All were boned, but all managed to start delivering! And with a couple of minutes, were sending golden streams into the cell. By the time they were done, every one of the "slave boys" was covered with piss. A couple were sobbing.

Mark told everyone to go upstairs for a meeting in the living room.

He waited until all were upstairs, then turned to the cell and snarled, "Okay dickwads! You guys got yourselves into this. You made bets and lost and now you gotta pay. We'll count this time as part of your slavery! But each of you owes a FULL fucking day! So when we're done with our meeting, all of you will probably owe at least 22 hours, so deal with it!"

"Oh, and here's the thing. When we are done with our meeting and come back downstairs, every one of you better STILL have your hands tied behind you backs... and EVERY ONE of you better be totally boned! Because if we find one of you untied... or one of you NOT BONED... all will suffer!!!"

And with that he headed upstairs. When he reached the top of the stairs, he turned out the basement lights.

He turned to head to the living room and ran into Aaron who was standing there with a big smile on his face.

"Man, you are one twisted little fucking dude! I mean shit!"

Mark laughed, "Yea I guess I am. Oh and by the way, guess you figured it out. We will only do the other stuff at your place... not here. Just is too crazy."

Aaron laughed, "Yea, I figured that out Dude... oh I mean sir!"

Both laughed.

Aaron added, "Oh, listen, we got Chip back in the tub to soak. He was hurting a lot. So we pretty much forced him back in."

Mark said, "Yea, he should soak for awhile. That stuff we put in the water will help a lot with the bites and stings, and then we'll put the cream on him! He is really tough!"

Aaron laughed again as he gestured towards the basement, "Yea, I guess they didn't realize just how tough he is. I'm glad I didn't bet their way, otherwise I'd be down there now, going crazy."

They laughed more as they headed to the living room and the "meeting."

And downstairs in the dark, the boys were going crazy. Naked, hands tied behind their backs, and covered in piss. They bitched at each other. Blamed each other. But in the end, did what Mark had ordered. For the next hour they twisted and turned. They resisted the temptation to untie each other.

But, they did what Mark had ordered them to do. They kept each other totally boned. It was not that easy though. In the dark, huddled together like that. Logan eventually took charge and got them organized.

It worked like this, as soon as a guy realized he was getting soft, he said "SOFT". He would then maneuver around so the guy closest to him could stroke his cock in his bound hands.

They were all scared about what would happen if they were not ALL boned when Mark returned. And so they kept working at it!

It was a bizarre scene!

Eight naked teenage boys, in a small cell, hands bound behind their backs, working to keep each other hard! In total darkness. The smell of piss was strong. But so was the other smell... the one that comes from the naked bodies of aroused teenage boys! It helped to keep them all hard, but was almost too strong.

They had three accidents! Which made things even tougher!

It started with Andy. Dennis was stroking him and went a little too far. Andy shot a load into Dennis's hands, and up his back. Which caused Dennis to shoot too!

It took a little while, but both managed to get hard again.

Then there was Zack. Out of nowhere, he started to shoot.

He announced "SOFT" right after and maneuvered around so that Skyler could start stroking him. Skyler had just started when they heard footsteps upstairs.

Zack half-shouted, "SHIT dudes, I'm still soft! FUCK!"

Skyler stroked faster.

Zack said, "SHIT, it's not working!"

All were in a state of panic as they heard more footsteps upstairs.

Logan reacted quickly.

He found his way to Zack, forced Skyler away, bent over, found Zack's cock and started sucking like crazy!

The basement lights came on.

Logan sucked harder.

They heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Logan sucked faster and harder.

He heard a voice from just outside the cell. It was Mark.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

Mark looked over at Scooter and said, "Hey Dude, looks like you made a good choice, got a real horn doggie here as your first slave boy!"

Those last few seconds were all it took! Logan breathed a sigh of relief as he felt Zack's cock harden in his mouth.

Mark unlocked the cell and told them all to go upstairs. He did a "boner check" each one passed by. Meanwhile Scooter and Dustin gathered up all their clothes and put them in a duffle bag. When they got back upstairs, they gave the bag to Aaron, who went outside to his truck and drove off.

He returned about 10 minutes later to find the "slave boys" lined up in two lines in the living room. Matt was facing Logan. Justin was facing Dennis. Pete and Andy were facing each other. And Skyler and Zack faced each other. Their hands were still tied behind their backs, and all were boned to the max.

Chip was out of the tub and dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. Mark was right the bath and the ointment helped a lot!

Mark smiled as Aaron entered the room. He turned to the boys and said, "Okay, Aaron's back, so we can get started. Logan, Dennis, Pete and Zack kneel now."

They knelt in front of their partner. They knew what was expected of course.

"Okay boys, you've got five minutes to make your partner cum. If you can't get him to cum in your mouth in five minutes, then you will spend some time bent over the punishment horse. So get to it now!"

They started licking and sucking fast and hard. It didn't take long for them to start shooting. And shoot they did! Matt came first. He shot a big load into Logan's hot mouth. He was followed by Andy, who filled Pete's mouth with a nice batch cum. Skyler went off next and judging by the way Zack was gagging, Mark figured it must have been a lot too. Dennis was the lucky one. He was sucking Justin. When Justin came he shot just a tiny bit into Dennis's mouth.

They changed places. Logan returned the favor to Matt, by delivering shot after shot of his rich teen boy seed into Matt. Pete did the same to Andy. As did Zack to Skyler. And Dennis being Dennis, pulled out just enough to ensure that his seed coated young Justin's tongue real good.

When they were all done, Mark had them line up by the front door. He said, "Okay slave boys, we're done with you for the day. Now you guys can get dressed and go home."

Logan asked, "Okay, so just where are our clothes?"

Mark laughed, "Oh yea, I almost forgot to tell you guys. There out by that old stone bridge down by the creek. You can go get them, and get dressed there. But you can't untie your hands until you get there."

Skyler chirped, "Damn Dude that's like at least a hundred yards."

Aaron laughed, "Actually it's more like 200 yards, I checked, so you guys will have fun!"

They knew there was no sense protesting. So when Mark opened the door and said "GO" they took off running.

They watched has the eight naked teenage jocks ran across the field. Dustin loved watching them run like that, with their hands tied behind them and their cock and balls bouncing. He chuckled, "I'll bet they'll all be boned by the time they get to their clothes."

He was right of course! They were.

Their humiliation wasn't over just yet though. When they got to their clothes, they noticed three young boys playing on the other side of the creek. The boys laughed and pointed when they saw the naked jocks approach. "Hey look they all got boners!" One of them laughed. They laughed more as they watched them struggle to untie each other and then sort through their clothes.

When they were dressed, they headed back to the torture house and their bikes. They walked in silence thinking about their upcoming day of torture. A couple of them lost their boners thinking about it. But most stayed totally hard.

All of them would have a long private masturbation session when they went to bed that night.


STORY NOTES: A quick review of who owes what to whom.

  • Pete and Andy owe Chip 4 hours being tortured by Chip, plus one full week of slavery. When anything goes.

  • Dennis owes Chip two days of slavery.

  • Aaron and Matt are now Mark's slaves!

  • Aaron owes Chip, Dennis & Stevie each one day as their slave

And this is how the bet's break down from the pit. Each involves a DAY of slavery. I've included the ages of each as a quick review:

  • Matt (17) is Chip's (15) - Andy (14) is Dustin's (13) - Pete (14) is Aaron's (21) - Dennis (14) is Stevie's (11) - Zack (14) is Mark's (13) - Skyler (14) is Scooter's (14) - Logan (16) is Scooter's (14) - Justin (11) is Jimmy's (11)

If you have any ideas for what you would like to see happen between any particular boys, during their slave time, let me know as soon as you can. Can't promise I'll work them all in, but will try. And just like in the story, with the slave stuff, just about "ANYTHING GOES" except permanent damage/marks, blood, use of shit, or stuff that would definitely get them arrested. Other than that feel free to exercise perverse creativity.

And I have not forgotten about the afternoon Chip was tortured in the chair by two "mystery" guys. Both were in this chapter. Which isn't helping much, LOL!

And in response to several Emails, expect to see more of Scooter and Dustin soon!

Thanks once again for all the kind support and encouragement. It really helps keep me going.

Scotty (

Next: Chapter 13

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