Boys Love Torture

By Scott Westwood

Published on May 8, 2009



This story contains sexual acts between boys and occasionally between men and boys. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Also be advised some of the scenarios will, at times, can be fairly cruel and barbaric. Again if this is not to your tastes, read with caution. Don't even bother flaming me about it! Just stop reading! It is as simple as that! If you continue to read and feel compelled to flame me... talk to your own therapist before you do... because you can't talk to mine!

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is fictional.

Boys Love Torture - Chapter 11

(BB, b/B, bb, b/M discipline, spanking, oral, anal, cbt, bd, sm)

This is the continuing saga of a group of teenage boys who explore the "realm" of BDSM. For some, it is merely a period of simple experimentation. But for many it is a time of intense excitement. Straight or gay, as a teenager, the hormones tend to run wild, seeking whatever outlet they can find for satisfaction. Couple that with the dark "facts" about boys and you have the potential for some really crazy times!

Boy Fact #1- Boys are 'pack animals' by nature. They tend to run in packs! Boy Fact #2- Boys are natural conspirators. Boy Fact #3- Boys have an almost insatiable need to face challenges. Boy Fact #4- Boys accept the fact that some sort of 'initiation' is part of the 'group joining' process. Boy Fact #5- Boys can be very cruel and sadistic. Boy Fact #6- Initiations, punishments, or penalties almost always involve nudity at some point! Boy Fact #7- A horny teenage boy lacks common sense. Boy Fact #8- Teenage boys are pretty much horny 24 hours a day! Boy Fact #9- Most teenage boys go through a period of time when they are very self-conscious about their bodies. Boy Fact #10- Many boys are fascinated by the concept of torture. Boy Fact #11- Most boys have a weird fascination with bondage. As such, they love playing 'tie up' games of all sorts. Boy Fact #12- Boys are really afraid of something serious happening to their genitals. But they can get hard thinking about other boys living through their worst nightmares like getting balls crushed or penises cut off. Boy Fact #13- Younger boys are fascinated by older boys' "tools". They love the thought of torturing older boys genitals. Boy Fact #14- Most teenage boys have an incredibly rapid recovery time. Especially when it comes to anything even remotely sexually challenging. Boy Fact #15- Some boys actually get turned on by being humiliated and tortured. Boy Fact #16- Brothers can be Extremely Competitive and Antagonistic! The closer the ages, the more Antagonistic they can become!

************************ STORY NOTES: Boy Fact #16 Was Just Added! It plays a major role in this Chapter! This Chapter focuses on Mark and Stevie's Birthday! But watch out! Stevie has two brothers... Chip and Dennis who are close in ageto each other! NUFF said! ************************

The Birthday Present

The day had finally arrived when the boys would be "celebrating" Mark and Stevie's birthdays. Mark was turning 13 and Stevie 11.

Thanks to a bet they had made, Aaron, the 21 year old college dude, owed Chip a full day of slavery during which "anything goes." Chip had confirmed that "anything" did indeed mean anything. Aaron had agreed there would be no such thing as a safe-word, and had also agreed to allow Chip to "give" his slavery day to Mark and little Stevie as a birthday present.

As much as Aaron had been looking forward to Chip using him as a slave, there was something really exciting about the two younger boys using him. He knew what boys were like at that age, and figured they would really be excited about being able to do stuff to a college age guy.

He pretty much figured things would be tough. Especially since Mark was involved. He had used the Tunnel of Terror on Mark, and was certain Mark would want to use it on him, along with all the other toys he had made available to the boys.

Yes, he knew he was in for a tough time, but was still excited.

Chip was excited about it too! He had not told the boys what their present was. He had just told them to be at the torture house at 8:00 in the morning! And that he would bring the present to them.

By the time Chip got out of bed, Dennis and Stevie were gone. They had grabbed a bowl of cereal and headed out to the torture house. Mark was on his way too. For Matt, it was a welcome relief. Mark was essentially giving him a day off... which he really needed.

Chip took a long shower and thought about what would be happening. He thought about the second part of the present, which would be the big surprise. Although he was a little scared about it, he was also really excited. He still could not believe he was gonna go through with it.

He got really boned as he thought about how excited Stevie would be when he found out, and Mark too! He stroked himself for awhile, but stopped short of cumming. He decided he needed to be really horned for the rest of the day.

Aaron picked him up at 7:45 and they headed out to the torture house. Both were nervous and both were boned. They road in silence for a few minutes, then Aaron asked, "So I guess they're pretty excited about this huh?"

Chip chuckled, "Dude, you have no idea. It's gonna blow both of their minds. Especially when I spring the big surprise on them!"

Aaron laughed, "Well I said anything goes and I'm guessing those two little horny toads are gonna want to get me really good. I suspect neither one of them has ever had the opportunity to `do' a college guy before. I just hope I can walk afterwards!"

Chip laughed, "Yea, I'm sure they're gonna be pretty rough. Especially Mark!"

Aaron chuckled, "Yea, of that I am sure."

Chip looked at Aaron's groin. He was just as boned as Chip was. Maybe even more.

They road in silence the rest of the way.

When they arrived at the torture house, the other boys were waiting on the porch. Chip was a little concerned that Dennis was there. But, they were brothers, and it was too late to change his plans.

Aaron and Chip approached the house. They stopped at the bottom of the steps.

Stevie and Mark looked really excited.

Stevie chirped, "So did you bring our presents?"

Chip smiled and said, "Yep they are right here. All you got to do is open them!"

Stevie looked around. He couldn't see any presents.

"I don't see them, where are they?"

Chip spread his arms wide and said, "We're the presents! Both of us! We're gonna be your torture slaves for the whole day, and anything goes! No matter what! And there aren't any safe words!"

Aaron was as surprised as the rest of the boys. Chip was giving himself to Mark and Stevie as well. That was the really big surprise.

It took a little while for it to sink in. When it did, Mark and Stevie got really excited. Chip was happy that they seemed so excited, and although he was a little scared, it made him feel really good to see them so happy. The only thing that really worried him was the look on Dennis's face.

It didn't take long for things to start happening.

Stevie and Mark ordered Chip and Aaron to strip naked out in front of the house. They were a little nervous doing it outside. When they were naked, Stevie collected their clothes and put them in Aaron's truck.

Mark and Dennis went in to the house to pull out the toy chest.

They returned with two sets of leather ankle and wrists restraints and smiled when they saw that Stevie had Aaron and Chip doing exercises. Mark liked that a lot. He loved making Matt do exercises, while he was naked, especially outside.

Stevie had them stop long enough for Mark and Dennis to put the restraints on. Dennis put the ones on Chip. While he was putting them on, he whispered in Chip's ear, "Wow, big brother, I can't believe you did this. You gonna do it for my birthday too? Guess I'll have to make sure to have fun with you today, just in case!"

Chip trembled. He had thought this was a good idea, but was having second thoughts.

They made Aaron and Chip exercise until they had worked up a good sweat. By the time they were done, both of their bodies glistened with sweat, and both were extremely boned!

They marched them into the house, slapping their butts as they walked.

Once inside, both were ordered to kneel. Their hands were shackled behind their backs and then they were told the first order of business was to suck Mark, Dennis and Stevie off. That was Stevie's idea.

Chip sucked Stevie, while Aaron sucked Mark.

Dennis watched as Chip and Aaron got going. Seeing Aaron, the hot college jock, naked and on his knees, sucking on Mark's cock was a major turn on. But an even bigger one was seeing Chip do it.

He looked at his older brother's tight body. He loved seeing him naked, and loved seeing him on his knees, with his hands shackled behind him. Dennis thought about what was ahead for the rest of the day. He thought about the tortures that Chip would be experiencing. He wanted to make Chip suffer a lot! Wanted to see him sweat... hear him scream... and to just torment him sexually!

Dennis almost came right then just thinking about the stuff he was gonna make sure Stevie and Mark did to Chip! Aaron would be fun to torment too! But it was Chip that Dennis wanted to make suffer the most! [Boy Fact #16- Brothers can be Extremely Competitive and Antagonistic! The closer the ages, the more Antagonistic they can become!]

It didn't take long for Stevie and Mark to cum. Both were really excited. Mark shot his decent sized load into Aaron's mouth and Stevie shot his little one into Chip's. Chip looked up at Stevie, smiled and said, "Dang little brother, you're getting there! Won't be long before you start cranking out some big loads!"

That made Stevie feel really good. Which was what Chip wanted. He wanted to make Stevie happy.

Then there was Dennis, who didn't care about Stevie being happy. He just wanted to get at Chip. He pushed Stevie aside, shoved his cock in Chip's mouth and snarled, "Okay, it's my turn! Go ahead big brother do me good... and I'll feed you a big load!"

The others watched as Chip sucked Dennis's nice sized cock. Dennis held back as long as he could. He wanted Chip to suck him for awhile, and loved the fact that the others were watching Chip on his knees, sucking away.

When it was finally time to cum, he did something he loved to do. His first shot went into Chip's mouth, he positioned it just right, so it coated Chip's tongue. Then he pulled out quickly and shot the remaining part of his load all over Chip's face.

He looked down at Chip and loved what he was seeing... Chip the cocky jock, naked, on his knees, hands shackled behind him, and with cum all over his face. He couldn't resist. He pulled out his cell phone and snapped off a picture.

Chip got a little upset, but knew there was no point in arguing.

Mark jumped in and got things moving along. He started by having Chip lay down on the floor on his back with his hand still shackled beneath him. Then he ordered Aaron to give Chip a "tongue" bath.

The three boys sat on the old couch and watched as Aaron started licking Chip's toes. Stevie was really loving it. Heck who wouldn't! There was Aaron, the 21 year old college jock, naked, hands shackled behind him licking this hot teen jock's body.

Mark insisted that Aaron lick every one of Chip's toes before he moved on. He also made sure that Aaron licked the bottom of Chip's feet.

They all watched in perverted fascination as Aaron licked and licked. By the time Aaron started working his way up Chip's legs, all were totally boned! Aaron and Chip were both sweating and breathing hard. Both were also boned to the max, and leaking pre-cum, like crazy.

Chip started to pant as Aaron began working his inner thighs. He couldn't wait for him to reach his cock, which was about to explode. He started to think about how great it was going to feel to cum while Aaron worked on his cock.

Dennis must have figured out what Chip was thinking. He jumped up ran to the toy box and pulled out some cock rings.

"Dudes, we gotta take care of something quick. It's way too early for these dudes to get off. Plus we gotta make sure they stay hard for a long time."

The others agreed and helped put the rings on Aaron and Chip's engorged cocks. They tied some cords around both of their ball sacks as well. Dennis was pleased. He looked at Chip's bound cock and balls, and knew it was gonna be really tough for him to cum.

This gave Mark an idea too. He ran out to the kitchen, got a glass of water, and two pills from their stash. He chose the ones that made you super hard for a long time.

He made Chip and Aaron take the pills. As things turned out, he had chosen the right ones. Chip and Aaron were hard the entire day, and remained hard even after they came.

Mark told Aaron to continue. He directed him to work on Chip's upper body next. They loved watching as he licked Chip's pits, nipples, navel and chest. All were totally worked up by the time he began working on Chip's pubic area.

He ran his tongue through Chip's pubes. Chip moaned loudly.

He started panting again, as Aaron ran his tongue over Chip's bound balls.

Things got really exciting when Aaron started working on Chip's cock. He ran his tongue up and down the shaft, then around the head. Finally he started sucking.

Chip was going crazy. He was breathing hard. He started pumping his groin as Aaron moved up and down on his throbbing cock. Chip tried to cum. He was desperate to cum. But the boys had done a perfect job on his cock and balls, with the ring and the cord. Try as he might, he couldn't cum. His balls started to ache.

Dennis sensed it and laughed, "Hey big brother. I think you're gonna be getting a really bad case of the "blue balls" before this day is over! Cause it's gonna be a long while before we let you cum Dude!"

They let Aaron work on Chip's cock and balls for awhile. Aaron was also worked up. He was dying to make Chip cum. The smell of Chip's pubes was making him light headed. That and the smell of sweat and teenage arousal was almost too much. He wanted to make Chip cum in his mouth so he could taste his rich jock cum. And he wanted to cum too... desperately. He thought about the younger boys watching him do this, and more blood forced it's way into his bound cock!

He knew it was a perverted thing, but didn't care. There was just something so exciting about being forced to do this stuff in front of these younger boys! He continued sucking Chip's cock and thought about the stuff the boys would be doing to him the rest of the day, and just got even more excited!

They let him work on Chip for a few more minutes, then Dennis butted in again. He rolled Chip over on his stomach, forced his legs apart, looked at Aaron and said, "Okay Dude, time to get to work on his hole. And we better hear him moan real good."

Aaron looked at Chip's ass. He had to admit, it was really nice. He leaned closer and began running his tongue up and down Chip's crack. Chip moaned, and the boys cheered.

Mark shouted, "Oh yea! Go for it! Tongue his tight ass good!"

Aaron leaned closer. He ran his tongue around Chip's hole for awhile. Chip's moans grew louder. Then, as before, his moans turned to loud pants when Aaron started working his tongue inside Chip's hole.

It didn't take long for the two jocks to get totally lost in the feeling. Aaron tongue-fucked Chip. He worked his tongue deeper and deeper into Chip. Each pant and moan seemed to encourage him to try and go deeper.

Both of their bodies were covered with sweat. Both were leaking pre-cum like crazy. All three of the younger boys were ready to cum!

Dennis was really getting worked up watching Chip suffer like this. It wasn't pain, but it was almost worse. Chip was going crazy. He needed to cum so bad, and Dennis knew it. He let Aaron lick away, then jumped in again.

"Time for some nice humiliation," he thought.

He looked at Mark and Stevie and said, "Dudes, I know this is your birthday present thing... is it okay if I keep going with them?"

Both could only manage nods. They were that worked up.

Dennis made Aaron and Chip change places. It was now Chip's turn to give Aaron a tongue bath. Aaron lay on his back, with his hands still shackled beneath him. Chip started licking Aaron's toes. Aaron moaned.

The boys sat back and watched.

Dennis made sure Chip licked every single toe, and in between.

One of the things that surprised Chip the most was the fact he was really getting off on this. Aaron's feet had a peculiar odor. A little nasty, but there was something about it that excited Chip. He got even more excited when he heard Aaron moan as he sucked on his big toe. Aaron moaned again when Chip sucked on his next toe. And so it continued, the more Aaron moaned, the harder Chip sucked, and the more excited he got.

Dennis laughed, "Wow, looks like these Dudes have a real foot fetish thing. Especially big brother. I gotta remember this!"

It took awhile for Chip to pull himself away from Aaron's feet. He loved licking his toes, loved licking his feet, and loved making Aaron moan. Chip had read a lot of stories on the Internet about fetishes. He thought about Aaron's feet, and thought, "Dang, I seem to get more perverted everyday. I can't believe this is turning me on so much!"

Dennis was of course really excited now. Any chink in Chip's armor was something he could use at some point. He watched as Chip started working his way up Aaron's legs. He loved making Chip do this stuff in front of others. And that's when a crazy idea popped into his head.

He ran outside, pulled out his cell phone and started dialing.

He couldn't believe he was actually doing this. It took him a few calls to get the number he needed. A friend had it. He called it and was happy he got an answer.

"Yo Dude... guess who... yea that's right! Caller ID... well hey if you're not doing anything, I got something you might like... yea... that kind of something... but this is even better. It's crazy..."

Stevie and Mark didn't seem to miss Dennis. They were too wrapped up watching Chip licking Aaron's hot body. Mark was also thinking about what they would do next. He looked at the two torture boards across the room and made a decision.

When Chip was done they would secure both of them on the boards facing each other. Then he'd hook up the Tunnels of Terror on both of them and do the challenge thing. He thought about making both of them scream. And forcing them to push each other.

He looked at Aaron and smiled as he thought, "Well Aaron, guess it's about time I showed you just how well you taught me!" Yes he remembered when Aaron had used the tunnel on him and he was determined to make him suffer A LOT! Dang, torturing Matt was really fun! But torturing a college guy was gonna be really awesome!

Chip was working on Aaron's cock, when Dennis finally returned. No one seemed to notice the wicked smile on Dennis's face.

Dennis looked down at Chip. He really loved seeing Chip on his knees like this, naked and shackled, and forced to do stuff. He thought about what he had just done and got even more excited.

Chip was gonna be suffering a lot today. What made it even more exciting was the fact that he'd soon have a bigger audience and Dennis was really going to like that! Making Chip suffer in front of others was his own big turn on!

Mark called an end to the licking session.

Chip and Aaron were both incredibly worked up now. Their cocks were throbbing, and looked like they would explode.

It was Aaron who trembled first as Mark marched them towards the torture boards. The irony of the situation did not escape him. He had helped Mark set up the second board. He had taught him how to use the Tunnel on two guys at the same time. And what was worse, had taught him about the special add-on's.. like the Penis Probe.

The boards were basically upright... leaning back at a slight angle. It didn't take long for the two to be secured on them... spread eagled and facing each other. Both were sweating, and both looked a little scared.

They started breathing harder as they watched Mark setting up the Tunnel control box. Their breathing grew harder when Mark pulled out the Tunnel equipment.

Mark smiled, looked at Dennis and said, "Hey Dude, I think I'm gonna need your help getting set up. Otherwise it will take me too long. So how about this. There are two identical sets of tunnel stuff here. I'll hook Aaron up... and you hook Chip up. You just follow along and do what I do, okay?"

Dennis was really loving this. And Stevie was really excited. He didn't mind at all that Dennis was hooking Chip up. He just loved watching it all.

Aaron wasn't surprised that things went as smoothly as they did. He knew Mark was really smart, and really quick on the uptake. It didn't take long at all for both of them to be hooked up. Dennis mirrored Mark's every move.

They attached the little metal plates to their balls... slipped the mesh bag over them and secured them.

They slid the Tunnels over their cocks, made the adjustments... tightened the lower ring and secured the testicular bag to the bottom of the tunnel.

The Anal Probes were inserted next and secured to the tunnel. Mark watched Dennis and made sure everything was connected properly.

Aaron and Chip both moaned as they inserted the Penis Probes into their piss slits and slowly worked them inside. Dennis chuckled as he slid the probe inside Chip's hard cock which was encased in the tunnel, "Dude, this is wicked! This is gonna make you go crazy I think."

Mark laughed, "Yea it will! Especially once I start sending electrical charges to it! It's gonna hurt a lot... and then it will make him feel like he is being masturbated from inside his cock. It is really nasty!"

They attached the last add-ons... the nipple stimulators.

Mark checked he connections, then plugged everything into the control box.

He stepped closer to Aaron and ran his hand up and down Aaron's defined chest.

"Well teacher, I guess it's time for you to find out just how good of a teacher you are! I've been thinking about this a lot, and how you used it on me and have some great ideas. Some of them you're not gonna like at all!"

Mark looked at Aaron who was trembling now. He loved the feeling of having the college jock totally in his power. He was looking forward to making Chip suffer too, but wanted to make Aaron suffer the most. He had a real "thing" for older guys!

Speaking of guys with "things for older guys"! Dennis had no idea what he had done when he had made his calls. He had no idea that the guy he had called had a BIG THING for older guys either. All he was trying to do was get a bigger audience to watch Chip suffer. To humiliate him even more.

Mark was about ready to start when they heard footsteps on the front porch. They were about to panic when Dennis said, "Don't worry, I invited a couple of other guys. This is probably them."

Chip and Aaron both trembled as they realized there were going to be others watching the proceedings.

They listened to the muffled voices from the porch... "Dude... are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yea it must be. Check it out. There's some bikes around the side. They must all be inside."

Dennis ran across the room, pulled the door open and said, "Hey come on in guys, we're just getting to the good stuff!"

Everyone one looked towards the door. All were curious about who Dennis had invited. Two guys entered and Mark recognized them both. He smiled. It was two of the lacrosse dudes... Scooter and Dustin!

They exchanged greetings and then Mark explained what was going on. Both were fascinated by the Tunnel of Terror thing. Scooter couldn't take his eyes off of Aaron. He loved older guys too. And seeing Aaron this hot college jock, naked, and secured the way he was with this Tunnel thing hooked up was almost too much. He got hard instantly.

Dustin was excited too. He liked looking at Aaron, but his eyes were focused on Chip. Chip had that type of teenage jock body that Dustin really liked... lean... defined... and with just the right amount of muscle tone. He was also fascinated by the Tunnel that was hooked up to Chip.

Mark gave them a quick rundown of how the tunnel worked. And of all the nasty things it could do.

Before they got started, the boys grabbed sodas from the fridge, pulled up chairs, sat down and waited for the torture show to begin. Once it did, Aaron realized just how well Mark had mastered the system.

He started by turning on the Testicle Stimulators. He and Chip felt the same tingling in their balls. Despite the fact that both had the cock ring on, and the constriction band tightened at the base of the tunnel, more blood managed to force it's way into their super hard cocks.

Mark explained what was going on as he manipulated the controls.

All were excited as they watched. All were boned to the max.

Mark used the controls to press the electrodes against their cocks. He glanced over at the audience and said, "Okay, just so you guys know. There are six rings in the tunnel. Each one has six electrodes and six spikes. All can be electrified by the way. I just used the controls to have the electrodes press against their hard cocks. You saw them flinch when contact was made. So far there's no current flowing."

"Now this is where it get's fun! Remember there are six rings, arranged up and down their cocks. Using this control, I can send electric shock to all six rings and therefore all 36 six electrodes at once, and I can control how strong the shocks are so watch this!"

They all watched as Mark turned a dial on the control box. They heard a buzzing sound. Aaron and Chip started to squirm... then started to moan... they pulled at their bonds as Mark turned the dial higher... and started to yelp!

Mark turned the dial higher. Both were shaking and bucking. The yelps turned to borderline screams.

Scooter could not take his eyes off of Aaron's bucking naked body. He wanted to jump up, grab the control and turn it all the way up to make the college jock really scream.

Mark could tell they were all getting into it. He let them both suffer for a bit, then turn the dial down. The audience seemed disappointed, until Mark continued his explanation, "Okay, now this is where it gets really fun! I have these slider bars. And if I use them with the electric shocks, and slide them up and down, the shocks will move up and down their cocks, and it will be like they were being jacked off with electricity. Want to see?"

Of course they did!

Once again Mark demonstrated his mastery of the Tunnel equipment. He switched the electrodes back on... activated the slider control and began slowly moving the bat up and down.

The feeling for Aaron and Chip was intense. Both felt the shocks moving up and down their cocks. Mark was totally right. It did feel like you were being masturbated with electricity. Mark turned the charge up a little and increased the pace.

It didn't take long for Aaron and Chip to get really distressed. Both were thrashing. Both were breathing hard. Both needed to cum REALLY bad. But neither could! The damn rings and stuff kept that from happening!

Mark turned the testicle stimulator up a little. Aaron and Chip felt it at the same time. The tingling on their balls started to get a little painful. It was like hundreds of tiny hammers were tapping on their balls.

Mark continued to explain what he was doing.

He activated the Anal Probes and linked them to the slider bar. He explained that now it was like they were being fucked with electricity. Aaron and Chip's reaction said it all. Both started panting and whimpering.

The boys watching were really getting into it. Dustin was about to cum. Scooter was close behind. And Aaron and Chip were really suffering. Both had experienced sexual torment before, but this was getting really intense. Both were hoping it would end soon. Unfortunately for them Mark was just getting started.

He decided to save the spikes for the end. And moved to the add-ons. He turned the nipple stimulators on and was rewarded by shudders and moans from both of his subjects.

Aaron could not believe how turned on he was. He glanced at the boys watching, which was not a good idea, cause it made him even more excited. Chip had pretty much the same reaction. Like it or not, there was something really wild about being put through this while others watched.

Things got really wild when Mark activated the penis probes!

Both screamed when he did! They pulled at their bonds and started gyrating in a futile attempt to dislodge the penis probes. The pain and tingling inside their hard cocks was maddening.

Mark turned the voltage up a little and then linked the penis probes to the slider bar he was still moving up and down. Both victims screamed. The feeling was intense. It was just like they were being masturbated electrically from inside their cocks.

Everyone was sweating and breathing hard and the room was filled with that musk like smell that emanated from teenage boys who were highly aroused.

Mark stepped up the pace with the slider bar and explained more about the penis probes. He switched on the vibrators at the tip of the anal probes and explained what was happening.

Aaron and Chip yanked at their bounds and started screaming... "OH MY GODDD... DAMM... OH GOD... PLEAASEEE... SHIT!!!!!!! AGGGHHHHH!"

And that was enough to send some of the boys over the edge!

Dustin couldn't help it. Seeing Chip sweating and straining was too much... he shot a load into his pants.

Scooter followed about 30 seconds later. His eyes were still on Aaron, the hot college jock! Seeing Aaron bucking like that... unable to cum... sweating and panting was too much for him! To say he "creamed his jeans" would be an understatement! Scooter shot a huge load into his undies as he watched.

If there was any doubt about how good Mark was at doing this stuff, it all vanished with what Mark did next.

He realized what had happened with Scooter and Dustin. He knew how worked up Aaron and Chip were.

He selected one of the special buttons that launched a sort of auto program, one that kept "masturbating" and "fucking" the two electrically... but at a low level... and slowly.

He called Dennis and Stevie over and explained what he wanted them to do next. Both got into it fast, cause both wanted to relieve themselves too.

They positioned themselves so that Aaron could see Mark clearly... and Chip could see Stevie and Dennis clearly.

Then all three stripped and proceeded to start jacking themselves off.

The perverse little show that Mark had come up seemed to have it's desired effect. Aaron's eyes widened as he watched Mark slowly jacking off. He breathed harder and harder.

Chip was panting as he watched his two younger brothers jacking off in front of him.

All three came about the same time. And by the time they did, Aaron and Chip were whimpering. Both would give anything to be able to cum now... ANYTHING!

Mark looked at the two suffering jocks and decided it was time to go for the biggie. He explained about the spikes, and how this was going to be a challenge. The guy who lost would be punished severely, and would owe each guy in the room a full day of slavery!

Chip and Aaron were too far gone at this point to object. Both nodded their agreement to the terms. They were that desperate to cum!

Dustin stammered, "Woah, wait a minute... does that mean us too? You mean we'll get the loser as a slave for a day?"

Mark laughed, "Yea, your in the room aren't you?"

Dustin's eyes widened... "WOW! Awesome!"

Mark smiled and continued, "Okay here is how this is going to work. I haven't used the spikes on you guys yet. Just like the electrodes, there are six spikes in each ring in the tunnel for a total of 36. All can be electrified too."

"When we start, I will turn the spike dial up one notch, which will cause the spikes to protrude into the tunnel and start touching your cock. They are sharp and will hurt. Then we start the challenge. We'll start with Chip. I'll say More or No More'. If you say More', I'll turn the notch up one level which will send the spikes deeper and also increase the electrical charges going to the spikes on both of your cocks. We will go back and forth between you guys... More' or No More' ... the guy who caves first and says `No More' loses and gets the penalty, plus a slave day for everyone here."

Chip was in a sort of a daze. He couldn't believe how this had worked out. He was so worked up though that he wasn't thinking straight. At this point all he wanted to do was be able to cum and win!

And so it began!

Aaron and Chip both flinched when the spikes touched their hard cocks inside the tunnel.

Mark asked the question, "More or No More?"

Chip responded, "More!"

Mark turned the dial. The spikes inched further into the tunnel. Aaron and Chip both moaned as pain shot through their cocks.

Mark looked at Aaron, "More or No More?"

Aaron said, "More!" as he glared at Chip.

Mark turned the dial, both victims moaned louder as the pain from the spikes increased.

And so it went... Back and forth... "More or No More?"

The moans turned to groans... the actual screams.

"More or No More?"

Aaron and Chip continued glaring at each other as the kept repeating... "MORE!"

They were covered with sweat, and both screamed each time Mark turned the dial. Their cocks were hurting a lot now. And both were wondering if blood had been drawn. Mark was getting worried that he would run out of notches on the dial... and what to do once he got to that point... and would the spikes penetrate the skin.

The boys who were watching were totally caught up in the torture scene. Scooter was boned again watching Aaron suffer like this. Dustin was the same way, watching Chip, and was almost ready to shoot again. And Dennis was beside himself. He was so in to watching Chip suffer!

Aaron and Chip were both in agony! Both were hurting big time!

Mark was ready to call it a draw. He turned to Aaron and asked the question, "More or No More?"

He reached for the dial and got ready to turn it up.

Aaron trembled... took a deep breath and said, "OH GOD... SHIT...No MORE!"

There was a big moment of silence. It seemed like everyone had pretty much assumed that Chip would cave first. Everyone except Chip! Dennis was a little disappointed. He really wanted to see Chip cave in. He had totally forgotten about just how strong Chip could be!

It took a few moments for Mark to recover from the shock too.

Aaron had lost! And that was something he had not expected. He thought fast and came up with a plan about how to end things.

He switched off the machine and moved quickly.

He started by pulling the Penis Probes out of both guys. Then he removed the cock rings. They were hinged so that was no problem. He loosened the Tunnel constriction rings and untied their balls.

He knew he had to be quick.

As soon as he was done, he returned to the control box and announced, "Okay, it's time for the "cum" part of the show. I'm gonna make both of these dudes cum now... and since Aaron lost there's gonna be something extra, so keep watching!"

Mark activated the electrodes on the tunnel and on the anal probe. And started moving the slider bar up and down. For Aaron and Chip, it was like they were being masturbated and fucked electrically. Mark turned the vibrators on that were pressed up against their prostrates. He picked up the pace.

Both started breathing hard. He watched for the signs and increased the pace. Moving the slider bar faster and faster.

Finally he saw it... they were panting... their muscles tightened... toes curled... both were ready to shoot!

Mark pressed the RED BUTTON and held it down. Charge after electrical charge shot out of the tip of the anal probe directly into their prostrates! BOTH SCREAMED loud as they started to shoot. And both SHOT a LOT of rich jock CUM! It went everywhere.

Both were relieved! Neither one had ever cum this hard before.

Mark watched as the "shooting" diminished. He pulled the plugs out of the side of the control box that was connected to Chip. But left the other side plugged in and held the RED BUTTON down... as he laughed, "Okay Aaron, time for you penalty!"

Aaron had been really relieved, but now got confused. He had shot a lot. More than ever before. And it felt really good. But now something was wrong. He was still shooting. He couldn't stop shooting! The electrical shocks were still hitting his prostrate... and each time one hit it made him cum. He started shooting dry! Each one hurt more than the one before! He saw the look on Mark's face, saw his finger on the RED BUTTON and screamed... "Oh GOD DUDE, please stop... SHIT MAN!"

Mark was really enjoying himself! He realized just how much he loved the feeling of power over an older guy! It was cool with Matt, but this was better. He looked at Aaron, panting and sweating and said, "Dude, I'll keep my finger on this button for as long as I want, unless we make a deal!"

Aaron was going crazy! He couldn't believe what was happening. He had another dry cum... more painful than the one before. He couldn't believe Mark was doing this too him! But there was something else... deep inside... really deep inside... the fact that young Mark was doing this too him was absolutely intoxicating...he looked at Mark and stammered..."DUDE, I'll do whatever you want... I promise... just take your finger off the button!"

Mark smiled. He knew he had one. The question now was just how far to push things.

He released the button and Aaron breathed a sigh of relief.

Scooter was totally fascinated by what had just happened.

Mark walked over to Aaron. He rubbed Aaron's stomach and chest and said, "Okay Dude, this is how things are going to be from here on out! First off, you remember that thing you did about me being your slave?"

Aaron nodded.

Mark laughed, `Well that's history! From now on it's the other way around! You are my slave. And you WILL do whatever I want, UNDERSTOOD?"

Aaron nodded, and muttered, "I understand!"

Mark seemed really pleased. "And also, cause you just lost that challenge we just did you owe each of these guys that are here one day of slavery each! That goes for Chip too! Understood?"

Aaron nodded again.

Mark could not believe how things worked out. This was turning out to be the best birthday yet!

It took a little while for the boys to sort things out. But they did.

They released Aaron from the torture board first and dragged him down to the basement. They made him lay down on the floor on his back. They tied his arms to one side of the cell, and his ankles to another.

Then Mark asked all to piss on Aaron. Which they did.

They left Aaron tied up like that, coated with piss and went back upstairs to deal with Chip.

Aaron lay there on the cold floor for awhile. He thought about everything that had happened. He thought about being Mark's slave now. He couldn't believe he had gotten himself into this. Hell he was 21... a college student... and these were just teenage boys! And now he was totally at their mercy! He thought about that... and the more he thought about it... the harder he got!

Chip was having similar thoughts. Like it or not, he was getting excited about what was happening. He had wanted to make Stevie's birthday really special, and was hoping he was really liking this. He was a little mad at Dennis though, and was hoping that he would have a chance to get back at him in some way.

Chip was released from the torture board. Mark looked at Stevie and said, "Okay, you're the other birthday boy, so why don't you decide what we do with Chip. We got Aaron in the cell downstairs. We'll get to him later, so how about it Stevie, this is your birthday too, so what do you want to do to Chip next?"

Stevie looked at Chip, standing there naked... waiting. He loved Chip so much and was a little nervous. Chip seemed to sense it. He winked at Stevie and said, "Hey, that's okay, Squirt, it's your birthday... and I'm part of your present. So you do whatever! I mean it! Anything goes!"

Dennis jumped in. "Yo Wimp, how about we feed him to the ants! That would be fun!"

Dennis would love to see Chip staked out in the ant pit. Naked and being bitten and stung all over. In fact, he was getting boned just thinking about how long it would take Chip to start screaming.

Stevie thought for a few moments, looked at Chip and said, "You mean it Chip... like anything... even if it's gonna be rough for you?"

Chip smiled and said, "Squirt, it's you birthday! You do whatever you want. I promise I won't get mad! You are a perv like me and Dennis, so just go with it!"

Stevie thought for a few more minutes. He blushed and then whispered something into Mark's ear. Chip thought it was funny that Stevie couldn't quite bring himself to say whatever it was.

Next thing you know though, the boys were bending him over the "punishment horse." His arms were tied on one side, his legs spread wide on the other side and tied off... and his cock and balls were hanging freely... with his ass totally spread and exposed.

He knew what was coming!

It took a little while for Stevie to re-appear. When he did, he spread a bunch of things out on the floor in front of Chip. Chip's eyes widened as he looked at the items.

There were three dildo's (one of them was really big), a vibrating butt plug, a leather paddle, a wooden paddle, a whip, a string of 5 large beads, a milking rod, a bottle of lubricant, and a leather belt.

Chip trembled a little as he looked at the items.

Mark told everyone to get quiet and then announced, "Okay it's time for Stevie's part of the birthday party. He's decided he wants to play a new version of Pin the Tale on The Donkey. In this case we have out `donkey' bent over the horse, and each of us can take turns. You can use one of the items on the floor, or you fingers, or your cock.. it's up to you. Since we are the birthday boys, we get to go first. So Stevie, you start!"

Chip was actually sort of proud of Stevie. He knew what was about to happen was gonna be nasty, but if it made Stevie happy on his birthday... what the hell.

That was easy to think. But he started to sweat when Stevie picked up the BIG dildo and started greasing it up!

The next hour was hell for Chip! It started with Stevie. He used the big dildo on Chip. And showed now mercy at all! As soon as Chip's ass started to open, he rammed the evil thing all the way in! Chip screamed and Dennis cheered! Stevie worked the dildo in and out of Chip's tortured ass for ten minutes.

When he finally pulled it out, Chip's eyes were filled with tears.

Mark was up next. He passed on using any of the toys. Instead, he lubed his cock and mounted Chip. He loved the feeling of having his cock inside Chip's ass. He fucked him really hard, and came as he thought about how many times he was going to be doing this to Aaron.

Scooter was up next. As much as he wanted to us a toy, he could not resist the opportunity of fucking Chip! He "mounted" Chip too and was inside him in no time. He commented about how tight Chip's ass was and fucked him harder and harder. Sadly for Chip, Scooter was not a `fast cummer' which meant it took awhile for him to cum in Chip's ass.

Dennis was up next. As much as he wanted to fuck Chip, he decided to wait for the next round. He looked at Chip's beautiful tight white ass... picked up the leather belt and started lashing away.

Each lash was harder than the one before! Dennis loved making Chip scream. HE gave him ten really hard lashes and smiled when he looked at Chip's ass which was bright red.

Dustin looked at Chip's red butt, and felt a little sorry. He had planned on paddling him, but decided to use the beads instead. He forced the beads into Chip's hole, one at a time. Waited a couple of minutes, then pulled them out slowly. He loved the way Chip moaned as each bead popped out!

And so it went!

Chip suffered a lot on that punishment horse.

Aaron could hear Chip scream from time to time. He was still tied up in the basement. Naked, on his back, all stretched out. He could smell the piss that coated his body.

He thought about the boys upstairs. He had coached so many boys their age in soccer and other sports and had always been the one in charge. He called all the shots. And in spite of the fact that he had gotten the urges... he had managed to keep his urges under control... until Chip came along... and then Mark.

And now here he was. No longer in control of anything! He thought about what would happen next. He pretty much knew Mark now and respected Mark. He was smart... self-confident... creative... probably gay... and into twisted stuff. And he was now under Mark's control.

He thought about the things that Mark would make him do! The more he thought, the more scared he got! And the more excited! He tilted his head and glanced down at his cock. It was once again TOTALLY HARD.

He tried to think about other things! To get around all that had just happened! But failed! Every sound coming from upstairs reminded him of what was coming!

There were six boys upstairs. All teenagers, except for Stevie. He owed each one of them a full day of slavery. Which meant, of course sexual slavery! And beyond that, he was now young Mark's slave.

He thought about that some more... being under the control of those boys... being used by those boys... he heard Chip scream... and then he started shooting!

Chip was in his own hell! The kept him bound over the punishment horse and despite Dennis's urging to do the ant torture on him, they continued taking turns torturing Chip's ass. They used the toys... and they fucked him... over and over for two full hours.

By the time they all finally collapsed, Chip thought his ass would never recover.

Dennis looked at his older brother bent over the punishment horse, with cum dripping from his tortured ass. He saw how boned Chip was and smiled. As much as he wanted to see Chip staked out in the ant pit, he decided to wait. He had a bunch of ideas foe Pete and Andy... about how to win their bet.

He looked around the room at the other boys. All of them looked like they were ready to take a nap. Stevie was actually snoring and Dustin looked exhausted.

Dennis looked at Mark and asked, "Heh Birthday boy, you mind if I use your present a little more?"

Mark laughed, "Go for it Dude, I'm kinda wiped now!"

That was all Dennis needed.

He untied Chip and helped him off the horse. Chip was still in a sort of a daze, so it was pretty easy.

Dennis pulled Chip's hands behind his back and shackled his cuffs together.

He looked at Chip's cock, which was standing straight up and chuckled, "Hey BRO, looks like all that ass action has gotten you really worked up! And since I am your loving younger brother, I think I can take care of that! You want me to?"

Chip was still in a daze and could only manage a nod.

Dennis smiled as he led Chip into the basement.

The smell of piss and cum was pretty strong.

He guided Chip into the holding cell. Aaron was still "strung out" on the floor.

He managed to get Chip to kneel and straddle Aaron around his shoulders. He bent Chip over, so that his cock was in front of Aaron's face and then snarled, "Okay Aaron... Mr. Perv... you take care of my loving brother's needs REAL good, and I just might convince the other guys to go a little easier on you, when they have you for their day!"

Aaron opened his mouth and took Chip's cock inside. It didn't take long for Chip to start shooting.

Dennis made Aaron suck Chip off two more times! Chip's hands were still cuffed behind his back.

Thankfully for Aaron and Chip, Dennis finally seemed to have his fill! He pushed Chip onto the floor with his foot, pulled out his cock and pissed on both of them as he laughed, "Okay I am gonna go back upstairs and wish the two birthday boys well!"

Chip squirmed close to Aaron. He and muttered, "Dude, this is not working out the way I had planned! Sorry!"

Aaron managed a nervous laugh, "Tell me about it! SHIT man you got one fucking evil brother there! I had no idea!"

Chip said, "Yea, he is like Satan. Shit, I still love him and all... though I think he hates me... I just don't want him ruining Stevie's birthday!"

Chip was right about Dennis... he could be like Satan. And he and Dennis had more then one nasty go around over the years. Dennis was not very honorable either, despite all of Chip's teachings. Still as evil as Dennis could be, he did have his moments. And this was one of them.

As Chip and Aaron lay bound and drenched in pee in the basement, Dennis was upstairs joking around with Mark and Stevie. They laughed about all the things they had made Chip and Aaron do. Dennis wished both a really happy birthday... he poured them both soda's.

Someone plugged in a boom box and they all started goofing around. All of them were boasting about the wicked things they would do with Aaron when they had him for a day. Dennis boasted too.

He got excited about it, but the thing that excited him the most was the phone call he would be making soon. The call to Pete and Andy! The call that would help them win their bet with CHIP!

Someone turned up the boom box... Dennis took another sip of his Pepsi as he thought of Chip... staked out in the ant pit... with a major boner... Screaming... the ants attacking his cock and balls... AND that did it... he SHOT another load into his pants!

[Boy Fact #16- Brothers can be Extremely Competitive and Antagonistic! The closer the ages, the more Antagonistic they can become!]


NOTES: * For all... I am trying to keep the story going faster now! We are coming up on the great Chip vs. Pete/Andy Bet! Based on the Emails, I am still unsure what is gonna happen! The emails I have received are STILL running 50/50 about who should win/lose!

Also I am unsure how far I am gonna go with what just happened with Aaron!

Ideas, suggestions are welcomed. Flames not. So if you got ideas, hit me up! And as always, I love hearing stories about initiation stuff! You know the type of things! So many "boy groups" have initiation rituals. So if you had an experience... email me about it. Who knows... might get incorporated in a future chapter.

Anyway, thanks for all the comments. I am trying once again to get caught up. And respond. Is not always easy.


Next: Chapter 12

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