Boys in the Limelight

By moc.loa@oeL518kciN

Published on Sep 12, 1999


***This story is totally fictional. It's not meant to imply anything about the sexuality or beliefs of anyone in the story. Some characters are merely based on real life people from 98 Degrees, the BSB and N'Sync. Reality and this story are separate. Feel free to respond to the story and let me know what you think! My email address in That said, enjoy.

Boys In The Limelight ( Part 2 )

The limo ride over was relatively short and consisted mostly of Nick and Brian talking about their boyfriends who would both be arriving on the plane. Dane looked over to Kevin grinning.

"Are they always like this? I know Nick could never shut up on the phone with me about Justin: Oh my god Dane, you have to meet him - he's such an angel.' Oh Dane did you see their new video? Isn't he beautiful? When are you going to visit us?' It was nauseating." Dane said in perfect mimicry. Kevin busted out into a fit of laughter. It was then that the limo stopped outside the airport.

"Oh yes, very funny." Nick giggled.

Inside the airport terminal Kevin led the three towards the gate at which N'Sync was soon going to be arriving. Upon looking at the computer charts in the terminal, Kevin noted to Nick, Brian and Dane that the flight was due to arrive on time.

"You guys just wanna sit here and wait?" Brian asked his lips turning into a cute smile at the thought of JC coming off the plane.

"I don't think I can wait any longer. I know it's only been three days, but that's the longest I've really gone so far without at least hearing Justin's voice." Nick remarked anxiously.

"Really?" Kevin and Dane both said simultaneously.

"Yeah..." Nick nodded slowly pouting his lower lip. Dane looked out the large windows to see the plane coming in to land and thought, 'I'd like it to have only been three days for us.' Brian and Dane began to have a conversation about things they wanted to do in the near future. Brian of course had already fulfilled one of his dreams, he had become relatively famous and well-known for his singing talent, not just his good looks. Dane on the other hand was striving to create a portfolio of work and get enough experience to one day do major productions such as the Back Street Boys on a higher level, like his boss, Ken.

"I love working for you guys and thanks to Nick I'm getting some of the best experience anyone could ask to get as a favor." Dane said matter of fact-ly. Nick turned his head and joined in.

"It's not just a favor bud, I like having you around. I want Justin around more, but..." he trailed off on his joke as Dane and Brian giggled.

Dane looked to both of them, "I know what you mean, trust me." Nick put his hand on Dane's shoulder. It wasn't long before the plane had landed and began to unboard. Chris and Joey were the first to get off and walk out into the gate followed by Lance and then Justin and JC. Chris had a bag slung over his shoulder as he walked over to Kevin who had stood up. They shook hands and began to discuss the tour, along with N'Sync's latest publicity event in San Francisco. Swiftly heading towards Brian, JC had a huge smile on his face as they hugged and gave each other a quick kiss. Justin however, ran up to Nick threw his arms around him and kissed him deeply with a firey passion evident to those nearby. They hadn't said a word to each other in three days and now it seemed like it might be at least a few more minutes.

Dane watched them as Justin slowly drew his lips down and away to suck on Nick's bottom lip a little. Nick's smile grew at the corners as he whispered into Justin's ear, "God I missed you so much Curly."

"I missed you more," Justin whispered back hugging Nick as tightly as he could. They held hands as the walked back towards the group that had begun to get their bags and head for the limos. Kevin began to introduce Dane to the guys from N'Sync while the two couples played catch-up.

"So have you had much experience doing concert lighting? I mean, it must be different from theater." Joey asked Dane.

"Well actually I did a bit of lights for a different group that I assistant stage managed. I was never in charge of anything like I am now, but that plus my work with plays and stuff helps me out a lot. I've really got Nick to thank for my job though," Dane confessed, "But I do love it."

"Which group did you work for before? Anyone we'd have heard of?" Chris asked him as Kevin lead them towards the limos, letting Nick and Justin get in one with Brian, JC and Lance as he, Joey, Chris and Dane got into the other.

"Yeah maybe, 98 Degrees. I started up with them in NYC when they appeared on General Hospital and I'd been working with them on tour since." Dane replied.

"Awesome! That's cool! Hey wait, aren't they our.." Joey was interrupted by a glare from Kevin. He shutup instantly remembering what he'd been told on the plane. "We're almost there so I'm gonna give the guys a call on my cell-phone to make sure they meet us in the lobby so we can go right to dinner. You think Justin, JC and Lance are hungry?" he inquired.

"Probably...but maybe not for food." Chris winked. Dane and Kevin both groaned. Inside the other limo Justin and Nick were passionately kissing and JC and Brian were close to it. Lance sat uncomfortably, staring out the window. Nick's tongue entered Justin's mouth and slowly curled around his tongue. He lowered his lips to Justin's neck whispering "I love you" repeatedly as he sucked on it. He began to create a noticeable hickey.

Justin lowered his hand and began caressing Nick's inner thigh gently. He put his palm down onto the hardening bulge. Nick gasped just as the limo pulled to a stop to let them out at the hotel.

Kevin rapped on the door of the limo and called for them to get out. Lance barreled out of the door with a sigh of relief. Dane and Kevin laughed and so did the two couples as they got out of the limo.

"You're not into the constant gooey love stuff are you Lance?" Dane asked giggling. Lance only rolled his eyes. As they stepped into the large lobby of the hotel there were only a few faces that recognized them. It seemed one hotel had finally devised a way to keep the hordes of teenage girls away. Howie and AJ met them in the lobby by the elevators that they took straight to the top floor, a new restaurant that overlooked the entire city.

Upon arriving at the restaurant Kevin looked to Nick who glanced to Howie and nodded. Their surprise for Dane was in the works and he still hadn't any idea what it was. They were ushered by the host to a large table in the back and seated. They began to look over their menus and chatting about general things like their upcoming tour.

"I think this is going to be great, we don't all get to tour like this often." Brian mentioned.

"Yeah and starting off in LA seems cool, definitely different from Florida." Lance added. As Nick and Justin began contemplating sharing a meal the waiter came over. Just as Dane expected him to take drink orders he announced that an addition to their party had arrived. Dane didn't look up right away as he was reading something on the menu, until a hand dropped on his shoulder.

"Too busy thinking about food to notice me eh? I see what's more important" a familiar voice asked. Dane's head shot up to look directly as his boyfriend.

"Nick!" he cried jumping up to hug him.

"Hey sweetie how are ya?" he said to Dane while kissing him. Behind Nick Lachey of 98 Degrees was Nick's brother Drew, and Jeff Timmons.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Dane exclaimed.

"Our managers thought we could use a new opening act and we thought these guys would be just the thing." Nick Carter said hugging "Curly".

"Where's Justin?" Dane asked sitting down. The waiter brought more chairs over and introductions went around the table.

"He's not going to be touring with us this time around. He went back to school for a bit and is studying voice, but he'll be with us if and when we cut a new CD and go on tour again." Drew answered Dane. After hugging his boyfriend one more time Dane punched him in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" he pouted.

"Not telling me. And I'll punch Nick when can reach him," Dane said happily.

"Hey! I did you a favor!" Nick whined. The Lacheys sat down on either side of Dane and Jeff sat next to Drew. The conversations began flying with the fourteen guys sitting and eagerly awaiting the waiter to come and take their order. Nick and Justin ended up sharing a large pasta dish which they ate side by side making some of the other guys simply rolls eyes or make jokes. Nick L. leaned down and whispered into Dane's ear as he was chewing a mouthful.

"I want to make love to you tonight," he said slyly, "is that ok with you?" Dane merely giggled and then nodded as he put his hand on Nick's thigh under the table.

After dinner Nick and Justin's intentions were as they headed to Nick's room to "catch up". Kevin went to sleep and Howie went to Chris and Joey's room to watch the movie Stepmom. AJ had a date with Britney Spears whom he had been seeing for a while so he went off to his room to shower and dress up in some of the new clothes he had bought that afternoon. Brian and JC moved into Brian's room to talk and Jeff and Drew shared a room in which they instantly began to play video games. Dane was slowly leading Nick to his room.

Nick wrapped his arms around Dane's chest as he walked in step with him to the room all the while lightly kissing his neck. Dane stopped in front of his door and fumbled in his pocket for the key as Nick massaged his chest slipping a hand up his shirt. He let out a whispered moan as he fit the key in the door and stepped inside. Nick began to toy with one of Dane's nipples while slowly lifting his shirt off. Dane turned around and kissed him square on the lips before he pushed him a step away.

"Lemme look at you. I've missed seeing you." he said caressing his tight chest muscles running one hand down his abs.

"Get that off," Dane said tugging at his shirt.

"How `bout we take a bath and then I lay you down on the bed we make love and fall to sleep together?" he suggested.

"We gotta plan sex out now?" Dane said incredulously.

"No baby, I just want it to be perfect, what's it been, nearly a month?" Nick said softly.

"Three weeks and two days." Dane corrected. They moved into the bathroom and Dane began to draw the hot bath as Nick kissed the back of his neck and rubbed his chest. Dane reached around and unbuttoned Nick's jeans and pushed them down a bit. Nick turned around to get out of them and Dane eyed his new tattoo that stretched across both his shoulder blades.

"When did you get this?" he asked lightly running his hand over it, helping him out of his jeans. He turned around in his tight boxer briefs.

"Jeff, Drew and I got new ones while we were in San Francisco. Do you like it?"

"Of course I do, it's beautiful," Dane said. It was a red and black tribal design that looked like a pair of wings. "Will you take me to get one sometime?" he asked in a small voice. Nick knelt down and kissed his abs. He pulled Dane's fly down with his teeth and as he stood up he pushed the pants down.

"That's better. Sure I'll take you. You want another one?" Nick said hugging him.

"Yeah. One like yours." Dane said as they both slipped out of their underwear. Nick picked him up and got into the bath setting him down between his legs. He reached around and began to slowly pull on Dane's erection. He leaned in and whispered seriously into Dane's ear.

"Baby, I've got something I need to tell you."

"What's that love?" Dane said leaning his head back into the cradle of Nick Lachey's neck. He only wondered what it could be. "Is it serious?"

"Well yeah kind of. I told my mom I'm gay." Nick said in hopes of support. Dane kissed his neck softly.

"And how'd she react?" Dane asked attentively ready to soothe him if she'd taken it badly.

"Well she asked a lot of questions." Nick said slowly.

"Like?" Dane began to rub Nick's inner thighs. Nick's erection was poking at Dane and soon he was positioning himself over it it.

"Well first she asked if Drew knew. I said yes. Then she asked if I had a boyfriend and I said yes. Then..."

"What baby?" Dane said as he let Nick slip deep inside him with only minimal pain. They were making love at the same time as they were conversing. Their love for each other was evident in every move they made.

"Then she asked if I had a picture, and I did, of you and me from the last night of our last tour. So I showed it to her."

"And? Did she think I'm as cute as you?"

"Well, I'll always be her baby. But she's very happy for me, and she's coming to see the kick off in two days. She wants to take you and I out to dinner." Nick said happily.

"That's great Nick.. and god that feels good." Nick was slowly making love to Dane in the bath tub.

Next: Chapter 3

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