Boys in the Burgh


Published on Feb 14, 2023



The following story is pure fiction. Any similarities to people in real life are purely coincidental. It also contains graphic descriptions of sex between younger and older men. If this offends you, please look elsewhere. This is the second of a three part series. Go back and read Boys In the Burg 1 to begin. Thanks!

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I sailed through a day of meetings with various team members at prospective employer's headquarters, located just a few blocks from the hotel where Hayden and I had our fuckfest. I felt so confident, relaxed and comfortable having blasted the cute little lad with three of my massive loads, two in the mouth and one in his sweet little ass.

That night, with him cuddled in my arms until the early morning hours, I got some of the best sleep of my life! So, in addition to being satisfied, I was well rested, too.

The guy who would be my closest co-worker was supposed to take me to dinner the next night, but we moved it up to drinks after work because he needed to get home to a sick wife and kids. He wasn't much to look at, but about half way through the second beer, I decided that maybe this dude and I could be friends. Pittsburgh was already starting to feel a little more like home.

When I got back to the hotel, little Hayden texted to say that he definitely could make it over the next night, but he had some project or other to do for grad school and tonight was out. That sent me back to Grindr in search of some more fun.

Brett hit me up right away, and with two beers and hardly anything else in me, I had a nice buzz on, so I guess that's why I invited him right over without going through my usual screening questions. After all, he was just what I go for at about 5'6 with a tight, swimmer's build, a little body hair here and there, a cute face, tight ass and a nice, hard little dick.

But there was one big problem. Just as he was texting that he was coming up in the elevator I realized a pretty big mistake I had made. Brett was a top. It said so right there in his profile. I don't know how I missed it except for the aforementioned alcohol haze and well, being super horny...again.

As I let him in, I noticed just how handsome Brett was. He was shorter and more muscular than Hayden, and something about him was more, well, top-like, if there is such a thing. He just exuded confidence looked more aggressive.

"Look man, you can go if you want, but I missed something in your profile. We're both tops," I said sheepishly.

"Oh, I know. I saw that you were top in your profile," Brett said, setting a backpack down on a padded stool at the foot of the colossal bed. "I don't give a shit if you don't. We can still have fun."

I liked that attitude and from our previous exchange knew that Brett liked to suck cock so I figured a BJ was better than nothing. With that we stripped off our clothes and, because he was coming straight from the gym, hit the shower together.

Brett's dick was about the same size as Hayden's, about five inches, and just as thick. It was surrounded by a nice furry bush and some sizable balls, almost as big as mine. He had a dense happy trail leading up past his belly button and some dark hair around each nipple and his arm pits.

As we held each other and kissed under the shower, I picked up the unmistakable aroma of a young man from the gym. Call me a weirdo, but pit smell and sweat always get me hard. Brett was also a great kisser. I loved how his muscled back felt in my hands and although he was all top, he didn't mind me caressing his firm slightly hairy little ass.

"Fuck, Daddy. I love this," he whispered to me.

We kissed and made out in the shower stream. I turned to grab some shower gel and Brett pressed his hard-little dick right up against my ass. It strangely felt so fucking good, I didn't let him stop. The horny little shit humped and humped like a beagle with a hard on. It was so sexy to watch in the bathroom mirror, I suddenly became enthralled with the idea of getting fucked by this little dude.

Now let me push the pause button and tell you why that's a big deal for me.

I have bottomed a few times in my life, especially when I was about Brett's age. I had a neighbor, a dad in my neighborhood, who introduced me to man-on-man sex, and we did everything. Most Saturdays while my mom was at work, Mr. Jakes had his fat cock in my mouth or up my boy ass. We started well before I hit puberty, so that had to be around age 10. We stopped when I got some hair "down there" and he lost interest in me. Some bullshit psychologists may say that may be why to this day I have "daddy issues" to this day.

But that was years ago. Somewhere in route to learning to fuck girls and then trying "not to be gay anymore," I had given up bottoming. Old man Jake's cock hurt more than it pleasured me anyhow, and except for that time I got drunk with Dennis, a kid from school when we were both 15 and I let him fuck me, I had never really had any fun from taking it in the rear. Besides, it just didn't seem manly to me.

But here I was letting Brett hump me in the shower. His stubby little dick was just outside my asshole, but firmly lodged between my two hairy cheeks. It felt so good there, like it belonged. And like I said, the visual of him doing it was getting me off.

I know it's not a good idea to get soap up your bum, so as good as it felt, I eventually turned around and started kissing him again. Then I let my soapy hands wonder all over his taught little body and jacked his hard, fat dick. By the time we rinsed off and grabbed our towels, I had decided I would try bottoming for the little stud or at least I was open to it.

We landed in the big bed and Brett fell on top of me, smothering me in hot kisses. He kissed and licked his way down to my cock, which was standing like a tall radio tower, perfectly vertical from my body and leaking pre-cum like a fountain. The boy's hungry little mouth engulfed the head. He sucked and nursed on me like a pro, and I could have easily started down the road to blasting him with hot cum like I had Hayden the night before. But instead, I pulled him back over next to me and laid on top of him.

As we kissed and caressed each other, I sort of frotted his hot little package with mine. The pre-cum made some natural lube and rubbing my cockhead against his furry cock and balls felt so damn good as I held and kissed his sexy, firm body.

Then the boy managed to flip me over and lay on top. He started his humping motion again. I glanced over and caught the silhouette of his sweet, tight butt rhythmically up and down in the mirror near the bed. So damn sexy! The feeling that I wanted his cock inside me rose up again from nowhere. Fuck, maybe I am even more of a faggot man whore than I thought!

After several minutes of enjoying the sensation of his hard little prick jabbing my taint while he kissed me and I played with his amazing ass or caressed the well defined muscles of his young back, I eased my knees up toward my chest to give him access for his little pole to make contact with my furry opening.

Much to my surprise, Brett grabbed both my knees and pushed them even more up toward my chest. Then he slid down into cock sucking position again, licked and slurped all around my shaft and balls and worked his mouth into my hole.

Fuck! I don't care who you or bottom...who doesn't like a tongue in their asshole? And knowing this cute little stud was the one licking me made it even hotter. I started moaning and groaning and calling out his name.

"Fuck, Brett! Damn, son...Oh...." was about all I could say.

His hot, pointed little tongue was ravaging me. After all these years of eating boy butt, it was a welcomed change to have one servicing me. I relaxed and just let him clean my hole. Several minutes later, he had me opened up to where most of his tongue was easily sliding in and out of my furry opening.

Then, he reached to the night stand and lubed up his fingers. In keeping with his demure stature, Brett had small little hands. His index and middle finger slid easily into me. And the boy knew where my buried treasure was. He smiled at me as he curved one of his fingers up and massaged my prostate.

That sent me into orbit, man. I fucking lost it. No one had ever done that to me, although I had done it to myself plenty of times when spanking my meat. It's one of the greatest feelings ever to give yourself a prostate-based orgasm, and it feels somehow richer and deeper than the regular kind. Combined with poppers, it's the most pleasure I had ever learned to give myself.

Brett must have known all about it because he knew just how to poke and probe my p-gland to get me going. I had lost the power to form coherent sentences, but he could tell from my grunts and moans he was giving me a good time, and it pleased him immensely. He actually laughed sort of under his breath as he saw me getting worked up.

"Fuck, daddy. You like this shit, don't you?" Brett said lustfully, knowing full well he was getting me off.

"Yeah, son, I fucking love it. And I want you to fuck your daddy now!" I shot back.

The words seemed foreign to my years. I had never told a younger boy fuck me.

Brett wasted no time, and he was just as experienced as I was as a top. He lubed my hole generously and poured more lube right in, working it deeply into my ass canal. Then he greased up his stubby pole, and with a fucker's grin, positioned me again with my knees on my chest as he made entry.

The sexy little top slide right in, and his meat began its assault on my daddy hole. His little hips pumped wildly, and once again, I saw that cute ass in the mirror that reminded me of a doggy humping a bitch in the front yard. Like the shower scene, something about that just drove me nuts.

I grabbed his muscled shoulders, tried to relax and just enjoy being taken for once. It was actually fun not to be the one in charge, to let a younger dude get his rocks off at my expense. I didn't have to do anything but lay there and take cock, and in that moment, I fucking loved it.

Brett loved it too. He kissed me passionately and started love talk in my ear.

"You're so sexy, Daddy!" he said. "I love your sweet ass. Fuck you feel good, Daddy!"

As I got more and more wet for him and my hole opened up more and more, the tip of his thick cock started banging my throbbing prostate just like his fingers had done before. It felt so fucking good!

"Fuck me you little stud! Fuck me!" I managed.

The boy stud just kept his doggy fuck rhythm going. He was totally into it. He loved going deeper inside Daddy's ass.

"You like me, Daddy? You like getting fucked?"

"Oh yes, son! Yes!"

Brett laughed again. This time it was a deep, guttural laugh. I reached down and felt his hot, now sweaty buns. I squeezed them and kneaded them with my hands. It was so sexy feeling his butt muscles contract as he pumped his rod into me.

As his pecker pounded my man gland deep inside my hole, I felt myself getting ready to cum. Brett must have sensed it.

"Cum for me, Daddy! I wanna make you cum!"

He raised off of me and focused on his hard cock sliding in and out of my hole. With some space now between us, I had access to my throbbing, leaking cock. All it took was a few tugs and strokes and I was blasting thick, white daddy cum all over both of us.

Brett paused his fucking rhythm just long enough to lap some of my cum off my hairy chest.

"Mmm...Daddy your cum tastes so fucking good!" he said with a sexy smile. This kid was incredible. As good as Hayden was, and much fun as I had just had, I was loving being under Brett just as much, maybe more.

My ass felt so full with his cock in there. My hole was a greasy, sloppy mess. Lube and probably prostaglandin and Brett's pre-cum were oozing out as he fucked me, making a gooey wet sound as his dick pistoned in and out.

Although I had just cum, and I was covered in my own load, I still loved surrendering myself to the boy stud. I loved having the tables turned, of him being in control. He was a boy, but somehow, he was so manly at the same time.

I held his sinewy ass in my hands and closed my eyes as Brett kissed me passionately. Then he started almost chewing on my neck and nibbling my hear. When he started talking dirty to me, I almost got hard again.

"Fuck, Daddy. Your hairy hole is so sweet. I am taking it. I am making you mine right now. I am gonna fill you up with my boy cum," he said.

"Is that what you want, Daddy? You want my fucking load up your ass?"

"Yes, son! Do it, shoot your load into Daddy! Use my hole!"

"Fuck right I am using it. You are just letting this boy fuck you and you're fucking taking it like a whore!" He said in that same, low tone. My dick jolted and started filling back up at those words.

"Take my cock, Daddy! Take it!"

Then, amazingly, Brett's rapid humping got even faster. It was like he went into hyper drive. He started moaning, low at first, then higher and higher.


"Fuuucckkk....I am breeding you, baby! I'm cuuummming!"

With that the little boy stud started shooting off. I felt his thick cock pulse five, maybe six times. The gooey feeling in my ass and the slick, wet sounds got even more intense and warm. The boy was indeed breeding me, and I loved it.

Finally, he stopped humping and just kept his fat dick in me. I caressed his sweaty, muscled back. We kissed tenderly and moved to a side by side position as he finally pulled out. I held his face in my hands and kissed his sweet mouth. He smiled at me.

"Fuck," I said. "That was amazing!"

"Right?" he shot back. "You are amazing, Daddy. Thank you for letting me breed your hole."

"I loved it, son. And that's saying something, I haven't bottomed in a long, long time."

I told him the story about Mr. Jakes, how I tried to be straight, got married, had kids, got divorced. Hell, I told him everything, even why I was in Pittsburgh. Truth was, if I took this job and moved here, I wanted Brett, the boy-stud in my bed as often as possible.

"No chance you'd bottom for me, huh?" I asked after several minutes of silence.

"Well, it's not usually how I roll, but you get good and horned up and just about anything is possible," he said. Just the thought of getting my cock in his hard little ass was starting to bone me up again.

We kissed some more and decided another shower was in order. This time, it was mutual washing and light banter instead of making out. Well, at first. Once we were both clean, we started kissing intensely again. This time, Brett had my cock in his hand and I was rock hard as I looked into his eyes and saw his smiling little face looking back at me. I cranked off the water and we held each other there naked and wet for a while.

Then Brett knelt and took my cock full in his mouth. After several long, loving sucks on the head and shaft, the boy looked up at me and smiled.

"Even though you let me fuck you," he said. "You are still the daddy!"

I let Brett blow me for several long minutes, caressing his wet hair and watching intently. Now and then he would make eye contact. His sweet, young face and cute mouth were perfect. Unlike Hayden's blue eyes, Brett's were deep brown. In the light of the bathroom I noticed he had a little peach fuzz on his upper lip that made watching him suck my daddy cock even sexier.

"Fuck! You're a good little cock sucker, son!"

"Thank you, Daddy."

He licked and caressed my balls, then worked my cock down his throat. Amazingly, it didn't take me long to get right on the edge of blowing another load.

"Damn, boy, you're gonna get a mouthful of daddy juice if you keep that up," I said.

"Mmmm," was his only reply.

I held his little wet head close and felt myself sliding downward into a powerful, ball clinching orgasm. I watched as my cock pulsed and pumped his willing mouth full of hot cum. Brett just swallowed repeatedly until the pulsing stopped and he had eaten all of my cum.

"Ahhhh..." he said, rising up, his stubby cock poking straight out again.

"Nothing like a nice load of Daddy's spunk!"

We laughed, dried off and fell into bed.

I turned cocksucker on him and plied his tool with my mouth for several minutes before he shot his own load down my throat. The boy's cum tasted so good. I savored it as I lovingly lapped at his sweet balls.

Then, as with Hayden, we cuddled up and slipped off into a deep, sweet sleep. Another night, another boy. And I was just getting started.

Next: Chapter 3

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