Boys in Control

By Mark Wild

Published on Aug 19, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys and is for adult eyes only. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely fiction, and all descriptions and names are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

I would love to hear from you, so negative as well as positive feedback is always welcome! Please write:

This is for my dad, Conner. I love you, man! Mark.

Boys in Control, pt. 8

The Boy from Danville

Matt was sprawled out on the couch watching "Animal Planet" when Tyler and his brother came down the stairs. He'd pulled on a pair of sweats against the autumn evening and noticed that Parker was still shirtless. Parker glanced at him as they passed through to the front door, but that was all: he didn't say anything. Tyler's face was a little red and his eyes a little puffy. Matt grinned, waiting for the story. Parker closed the door behind them while Tyler unlocked his bike. "I'm not coming back," he said sullenly.

"What," Parker said, checking out his elbow. "My cum taste that bad? My dick not big enough? What?" Tyler's head shot up. "One of these days, man----" "One of these DAYS, man," Parker interrupted, "you're gonna start calling my house and I'm not gonna be home. ONE of these days you're gonna stop by just like you did today, bro, and not even Matt won't know where I am. So don't bullshit yourself, Tyler." Parker walked over to the bike. "And don't bullshit me," he said. "I punched you around because that's what you deserved, buddy. You know me, man," he slapped Tyler's arm, "I got my pick of bitches. You think I care if you wuss out and don't come back?" Parker stretched, and his eyes caught the sun of the late afternoon. "You think you're the only straight boy, sucks my cock?" He held his old friend's gaze until Tyler averted his eyes and got on his bike. The hedge on the other side of the driveway must have been really interesting, the way he was looking at it. "So who else is blowing you then, huh?" Parker laughed. "Damn, bro, why the fuck would you care?"

Tyler flinched, then slid his eyes from the foliage. "You're such a fake, man," he said. Parker looked at his friend. "Stop talking like a girl, man," he snorted. "You been a cocksucker for like half an hour now and you're already jealous of my dick." Tyler shifted his pack on his shoulders and popped the kickstand of his bike. Parker walked over to him and threw a chummy arm around his neck. "And the next time, bro? When you don't come back?" He tightened his arm, making Tyler hunch over some. "You even THINK about spitting it out again and you'll be explaining to your mom and dad how you got that black eye. I took it easy on you today... since it was your first time and all, and there was so much of it"---he grinned---"but we can't have that, man." He rapped the top of Tyler's head with his knuckle and Tyler twisted away. He was still flushed, but his eyes were more normal, though he wouldn't look at Parker. "Anything else, man?" "Yeah," Parker said, running his hand over his chest so Tyler could see out of the corner of his eye. "You got another boner, straight boy."

Tyler pushed along the sidewalk and shot off down the driveway till he disappeared around the corner. Matt was still on the couch when his brother went back inside. "Hey! Parker!" he called. "Come look at the ostriches, bro!" Parker kept going, and Matthew shrugged. A couple seconds later though, when they started waving their necks around, the boy lost it and yelled, "Park! Come here, man! This is funny as SHIT!" A few seconds later he huffed, and threw the remote down on the couch and trudged into the kitchen. Parker was standing at the counter making a sandwich. "Hey!" Matt said. "You deaf?" "Jeezus, Matt," his brother said, turning around. "Get a life, okay? I'm busy." He snorted. "Ostriches. Jeezus." Deflated, Matthew looked at his bro. "Jeez, man, what got into you?" "Nothing, DICK," the blond jock said, heading toward the kitchen table. "Nothing at all."

It took a second, but then Matt said, "Come on, Parker, I was just JOKING..." Parker bit into a dill pickle and said, "Whatever, bro." Matt stared for a second, then went and got a coke from the fridge. He walked over and slid into the chair next to his brother, who was looking down examining his chest for blemishes. "So..." he said, slyly, "what's up with Tyler?" Parker looked up from the curve of his pec and said, "We had a very nice visit, Matt, thank you for asking. Now he's gone home to study." Matt blinked and Parker snorted out laughing. Then Matt started laughing and Parker reached over and cuffed him on the side of the head. "Hey!" Matt squealed, grabbing for Parker's arm and missing. Parker leaned back and looked at his brother. Matt leaned back and imitated him, but then he lurched forward again, on the edge of his seat. "I got him, Park. I got my first fag!" "No shit, man?" "Yeah!" "You shot a big load?"

Matt stopped, pulled up. "Well, no..." Parker raised his eyebrow and said, "Then...what?" "I mean..." "Matt," Parker said, gesturing with the pickle and laughing. "You did or you didn't, man. I mean, you're old enough, right?" Matt fumed in his chair and Parker said, "Come here." Matt looked at him and Parker said "Pull up your chair," and bit into his sandwich. Matt did and Parker swallowed. "You're an amazing asshole sometimes, Matt---" he held up his hand--- "Shut up, but you know I love you. Now tell me what happened."

"Well," Matt said, "things were fine when he first got here. But then we started talking and he said it was mom's fault I was smaller-built than you, cause I take more after her." Parker nibbled off a protruding piece of lettuce. "Damn, Matt, you're a wrestler, man! You GOTTA be more compact, for your center of gravity." Matt twisted in his chair and said, "YEAH Parker, that's what I TOLD him! But the way he was talking about mom really pissed me off." "Fuckin eh," Parker said. Matt looked at his jaw as he chewed. "So whadja do?"

"I lit into him, man, whaddya think?" "Good, man." Parker swallowed. "Bet he liked THAT, huh?" reaching forward and pushing Matt's shoulder. "HELL no," Matt said, rubbing it. "He put up a pretty good fight though, for awhile. Of COURSE," he said, "he wasn't wrestling fair..." He puffed up a little. "But it didn't do him any good." He reached forward and picked up a stray piece of chicken from Parker's plate. "Good for you, man," Parker said again. Matt scooted forward to the edge of his seat. "But I'll tell ya, Park. By the time I had him pinned? Man, I was all fuckin sweaty again!"

"Damn, Matt," Parker grinned, leaning back in his chair again, and putting his arms up behind him. "After you had just cleaned up and shit?" "Yeah," Matt said. "Ain't that some shit?" "Damn," Parker said. "So what'd ya do?" "Parker. Bro," Matt said, leaning forward, "I made the bitch clean em out!" Parker leaned in and said, "No way," and cuffed Matt's head again. Matt twisted away and said, "Fuck if I didn't!" and grinned. "You wanna smell em?" He was out of his seat when Parker said, "You want a bloody lip?" Matt stopped, and Parker smiled and said, "Besides, I'm eating my sandwich."

"Dammit, bro," Matt stomped, slumping back down in his chair, "you're never any fun." Parker pushed his plate away and leaned against the table. "Depends on what you mean by fun, huh, Matt?" and Matt, despite himself, giggled. "Now lift those arms up, punk." Matt brightened. "Really?" "Hop to it, soldier!" Parker grinned, and Matt slid to the edge of his chair again and lifted both arms up high. Parker made a detective face, and a magnifying glass with his hand. He stroked his chin, pointedly, after awhile, and whistled. "Looks like that bitch licks better than Tyler, bro." Matt shrieked and took some giant steps around the table. Parker scratched his crotch, which was still damp from Tyler's head. Matt came back to the table. "So I did good, Parker?" "Matt," he lied, grinning at his bro. "I couldn't'a done better myself."

Matt plopped in his chair, pleased as punch. "Parker," he grinned, "you better watch out, bro! I'm gonna have more fags than YOU!" Parker tipped his chair back and grabbed his crotch. "Damn, Matt," he grinned, "what you gonna do with all those fags, huh?" Matt leaned back himself and squeezed his package back at his bro. "Hell, Parker, whaddya think?" Parker leaned forward and dabbed at some breadcrumbs on his plate with his finger. He licked them off and said, "I think you're jumping the gun, Matt."

"What?" Matt bristled. "You saying Bart's not a fag?" Parker laughed. "Peter down, bro. I'm not saying that. Bart is definitely a fag, bro. All I'm saying is..." He looked at his brother and said, "Come here" again. Matt hesitated, then moved his chair over a couple inches. Parker put his hand on the back of Matt's neck and squeezed. "What good is having a fag, Matt, if you don't get your nut?" "Yeah, but Parker..." "Tyler got mine." Matt stopped trying to twist away. He looked at his older brother and said, "Fuuuuuck..." "Yeah, Matt," Parker said, widening his grip. "First I knocked the shit out of him, then he was down on the big boy." His running shorts bulged around his damp and ample package.

"Parker, fuck... No kidding, bro? You really beat him up? I thought his face looked kind of red when---" Parker leaned forward, resting his weight on his younger brother's shoulder. "I punched him till his dick got hard, and that's the fuckin truth." Matt felt the weight of his brother's torso, saw him flexing his other hand. "The more I punched him the more it twitched, man." A confused jumble of fuzzy images bubbled up in Matthew's brain, jerky scenes of punches connecting, like those were the sounds they'd heard. His eyes moved along his brother's arm to his shoulder taut beind it. His breath got so funny it was hard for him to squeak, "Twitched? Aw fuck, that's wack...."

Parker was smiling at Matthew now, his neck cupped in his hand. "It's cause he's a fag, Matt. And cause I'm a real guy." Parker tugged the legs of his running shorts down, looked down, and then looked at his bro. "Then when he couldn't stand up anymore I let him chow down on the dick." He stood and took a single step---enough to straddle Matt's lap. Startled, Matt quickly tried to pull back, but his hands missed the edge of his chair. He fell back a little, but Parker tightened the grip he still had on his neck. He jerked the boy forward till Matthew's face was inches from his crotch. He smelled the Parker he was used to, and the smell of another guy's spit. He saw Parker's dick pulse under the nylon and felt his breath derail. Parker leaned over and pulled him up like he weighed just a couple of pounds.

"Hey!" Matt yelled, grabbing at his neck. "Then when he couldn't stand up anymore I fucked his faggot mouth." Parker let his brother go and Matt stumbled back, knocking against his chair. He was flushed and panting, and Parker was, too, some, watching him rub his neck. Yeah, you fucking punk, he thought. "And that's what I wanna see happen to Bart." He paused. "That is, if he ain't too tough for ya." Matt stopped rubbing his neck long enough to try to glare at his older brother, abashed at how Parker had just... pushed his crotch in his face, and unadmittably envious of the way he had just fuckin' pulled him around. "Parker, no way," he said, "you should've seen me pin 'im, bro," but his voice was low on spunk. "Well, I hope so, man," his brother said, picking up his plate and walking to the sink. "Maybe next time I can, ya know? If you let me in the room?" said lightly. Matt pushed his chair in and shook his head. "I dunno, Parker, You'd just try to butt in and all like you always do," with a serious shake of his head. Parker leaned against the sink and grinned, "Who? Me?" and Matt laughed a second, too, before catching himself. "Yeah," he said. "You. You're always sticking your nose in my business... where you don't belong." Parker crossed his arms over his chest. "That's because you're a punk," he said. "And because I promised mom." Matt raised his eyes, but didn't quite roll them. Parker was always saying that shit, like that was supposed to be HIS fault?

"And because it's fucking embarrassing that my own brother can't get no head." "Hey!" Matt straightened up, indignant. "Is Cindy Moreland giving you head?" Matt stopped. "Yeah? And Kelli Simmons. She giving you head when Cindy's busy?" Matt stood there uncharacteristic- ally silent, and that made Parker laugh a little. "I thought so. Guess Kelli ain't so much like her sister then, huh?" "Fuck, Parker," Matt said, kicking the chair leg and blurting out his defense. "She just got fucking braces, man..."

A split second later and Parker just died. He grabbed his stomach and the counter, bent himself over and howled. He laughed "You're such a fucking punk" and stumbled over to where Matt stood, hugging him fraternally. "Hey!" Matt yelled, smothered and squirming, as Parker planted a big wet kiss on his wrestler's forehead. He felt the smack of his brother's lips and his smell all-pervasive again. "I oughta blow you myself for that one," flicking away a tear from his cheek and letting Matthew loose. Matt wiped his forehead and Parker punched his stomach. "But don't get any fucking ideas." "Fuck, bro," Matt grinned, punching him back. "I bet you'd fucking love it, man." "You think so, punk?" Parker countered, swatting at Matt's shoulder. "Yeah, Park," Matt said, bouncing a little, punching his brother back. "I'd show you why they call me the boss, man!" "No shit? Of the whole ninth grade?"

"For now, bro," Matt said, "but just you wait till we go to the same school next year. They're gonna be saying, 'Fuck, that's your BROTHER? Damn, Parker, he's tougher than you!' " "You think so, Matt?" the older jock said, lightly jabbing Matt's stomach again. "So you better get used to it now." He fell back slightly and Parker pretended to think. "Yeah, that's sweet, huh, Matt? I'll probably have to be watching your back all the time, with all the trouble you'll be getting into." Matt grinned yup. "BUT," Parker continued, "with you being so TOUGH AND ALL, if I ever get into trouble with all those other jocks I can just have you beat 'em up and they'll leave me alone, right?" He feinted, slick, and got Matt beneath the ear. "That's right, bro!" Matt said, pivoting a little and landing a cross on Parker's shoulder. "And you're right about me watching out for you, bro, but you can relax about my back." "What? You think you ain't gonna need it, tough boy?" "Parker!" Matt said. "I'm gonna have my FAGS, man, THEY'RE gonna be watching my back!" Matthew grinned and Parker grinned and they fucking high-fived in the kitchen.

"Come on, bro. Let's go then," "Huh?" Matt said. "To see the fucking ostriches?" "Oh. YEAH!" Matt said, already following. "Park, you gotta see 'em, man!" "I'd like to see an ostrich stick its head up your ass, Matt." "That's funny, bro, that's really f---" "I'd buy you a ticket to Africa, for that!" Matt pushed his brother's back and they tumbled on the couch and grabbed for pillows. They banged each other with them a few times till Parker stopped and went, "Look." Like cavalry a flock of ostriches was running across the plain, inhuman and arresting, and Matt watched his brother while Parker watched the screen. He watched his mouth fall open slightly and his fingers tap his knee. It was dark outside now, and the livingroom was dim. He watched his brother scratch his chest. "Did Tyler really blow you?" Parker looked over like, What, you don't believe me? "I told you he did, didn't I?" "Yeah, but..." "There was so much cum, bro, that he couldn't keep up, and gagged most of it back up." "Fuuuck.." Matt said, like the image had slapped him. He tried to swallow but his throat wouldn't work. "He won't be doing that again," Parker said, turning back to the screen.

Matt squirmed around, drifting off, the flightless birds forgotten. "I gotta make Bart blow me, man. I want some head real bad." "Yeah, Matt, but... it ain't just the head, man... Real guys want more than that." Parker had been looking at the brooding pit, but now he turned to his bro. "You get the head, Matt, but it's more fun to tease 'em, and make em want the bone." He grabbed at his bulge and grinned at his brother. "They'll do anything, bro, for the bone."

"Carry my books for me, around at school?" "They don't need all their lunch money, hey?" "Make em steal hall passes, bro, at school? so they can come to the john and blow me?" "All them other jocks on the squad, Matt, fighting---pushing to practice with ya." "HELL yeah, bro," the wrestler said. "Play with em first, then crush em!" Parker went stiff, like he was being crushed. " 'Fuck! Who is this kid?---fuck! He's tough!' " "Yeah, you loser," Matthew said. "I won, dude. Now pay up!" "Yeah," the jock said, leaning back. "Yeah," Matt said, too, doing the same. "I can fucking hardly wait."

Parker pulled his leg up and twisted toward his bro. "It's fucking awesome, Matt---watching 'em take your meat. They get all worked up, bro, they don't think straight, when they see a real guy's dick. That's why they'll lick your pits and your balls, bro, and your feet and arms and butt." Matt was limp against the couch. "Damn, you got a hardon, bro?" "Fuck," Matt grinned, squeezing his big boy. "Them fags can't hardly wait." Parker smiled yeah, real slow, and squeezed his big boy back.

Another segment came on the screen and Parker turned back to watch. His hand still absently played with his dick, scratching his nuts and the bone. "Parker. Hey, let's pull one off." "Huh?" "Let's pull one off." Parker threw his arms up over his head and eased down into the couch. He laughed and the cushions pushed his shorts up and his dick was half hard again. He looked at Matt, knowing he was showing. "Fuck, dude," he said, "my rod's worn out!" "Aw PARK---" "The bitches and fags got all of it, bro, and that's the fucking truth." He held his index finger up, and it trembled and sagged and went limp. Matt kind of giggled and Parker leaned over and cuffed his head again. "I can tell you one fucking thing, though, Matt. If I had a fag who was making me wait? He'd be feeling these fists soon enough. My fucking knuckles would be so far down his throat that my cock'd be looking real sweet. And I don't like it, bro," grabbing Matthew's shoulder, "that your fag didn't finish the job. In fact," he said, digging in with his thumb, "if I was you I'd be pretty pissed about now. And I'd be probably seriously thinking about letting him know I was, too."

Matt closed his mouth and an ostrich squawked and the room snapped back into place around them. The closing credits rolled on the screen and Parker stood up and stretched. "I'll tell you what. For your birthday, Matt? I'll buy you an ostrich egg..." "Hoo..." the young jock said, standing up. "I better get more than THAT!" "Oh yeah?" Parker said, pretending to lunge. "Yeah, or YOU'LL see who's the boss!"

Parker laughed and then yawned and said, "Damn. Think it's time for a nap. Got a big load to deliver tomorrow." He grinned. "I need time to recoup!" "That's cause you're OLD, bro!" Matt said, laughing, dancing away from Parker's slap. He watched him go as he walked up the stairs, sat down and tugged at his dick. He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. He sat there slapping his palm with the unit and tapping the floor with his heel. Yeah, you loser, he started thinking, you shouldn't'a made me wait.

When Parker woke up he looked at the ceiling, then sat up quickly and yawned. He had a piss boner. He scratched his nuts and yawned again, then bounced up off the bed, stretching as he pulled on his sweatshirt and sneakers. He heard the TV when he went to piss, waiting for his dick to go down enough, then walked down the stairs two at a time, his arms full out in a cross. His dad was watching American Biography.

He lowered the volume when Parker ambled in. "Hey," he said, "you're alive." "I think all that practice caught up with me. Damn. Oh, sorry..." he grinned at his dad. "I came home and you were out like a light. Matt said that Tyler came over." "Yeah," Parker scratched his left pit, "he did. He came over after the library and we hung out awhile and studied.... Well, more hung out than studied, haha." "That sounds like a quiet afternoon for you." "Hey," Parker said, stretching again, "I can be more wild if you WANT..." "Naw," his dad laughed, "I think that's okay. What were Bart and Matt up to?" "Not much, I don't think. I only checked in on them once, you know how Matt gets. They were playing some video game and talking wrestling shit." "Parker..." "SORRY. Wrestling stuff." He waited. "And some stuff about mom."

"Oh.---Well, there's nothing we can---" "I don't think it was morbid, though. I mean, they were just talking." They sat there a second looking at the screen, then his dad asked, "Did you eat?" "Yeah. I had a sandwich earlier. I'll have another one later. We're almost out of mustard." "Okay." "I still have some studying and stuff to do, so I guess I better go get on it. Not gonna get that football scholarship by being a dumb jock, huh?" "No," John Nicholls said. "No, I guess not." "Damn straight," Parker said, and his dad and he laughed.

He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked upstairs. He poked his head around Matt's door and saw him sleeping, his mouth hanging open. He threw himself on his bed and spent half an hour with his geography book, memorizing "Mato grosso," memorizing "Andes." Then he threw the book aside and stretched and cupped his nuts. He changed into his sweats while the computer booted up, and closed his window against the air outside. He checked his email, deleted the spam, then headed to Teen Jock Chat. He was still scrolling down the list of names when the private box popped up.

Dude! I was thinking you was too scared to show! (pause) Dude? Do I know u?

(pause) Dude! It's Derek, man! We just talked last night bro.... PSYCH!!----Damn, bro, you sure are one stupid dumb jock, huh? All them Danville

tools sharp as u, man? Damn, buddy... LOL, that's cold, man... Yeah, buddy. Damn. :)) I'm a cold sum'bitch. But I think you need new pussy,

bro. That Danville snatch's got your mind all weak! You need some SF pussy, bro. Damn, bro. I can always use new pussy, man... ;)) Yeah man. We got some girls with glasses here---can't see too good but they really

put out, man... ----Buddy... U don't mind if they squint a little, huh? I think they do lezzie stuff too, if you want

'em... LOL. Buddy! Back up. Damn. Back up! Lol Derk. I'll let you warm up, man! It's Derek, bro. Derk's just my nick. I told ya that, didn't I? Yeah, bro, I remember. I was just saving strokes, man! Damn bro, you're in a good mood tonight, hey? U get some hot tittie at the mall this

afternoon? Naw, bro. No tittie. I spent the whole day at home, man. Slept in late, then helped

my bro wash the car. Damn. You don't get out much huh? Hey, u know me, bro. Clean living all the way! ;)) LOL I hear that man... So u been here long, bro? About half an hour I guess, off and on. The rents had some friends of theirs over for

dinner and they just left awhile ago. They're pretty drunk right now, and arguing, so if I cut out quick u know why. Damn. What they arguing about? Damn bro what DON'T they argue about. Every fuckin' thing they can think of,

besides just raggin on me. Damn bro, that's cold... Naw I'm used to it, man. They been doing it forever. You know... thats just how

they are... Yeah... Your parents do that bro? Argue all the time I mean?

(pause) Naw, not much. I mean they used to. But not so much the last couple years. Your a lucky man, bro. I got no complaints. And even if I did who the fuck'd care, right?

Haha. Yeah bro I hear ya. Wait'll you grow up young man! THEN you'll see what

problems are! They can bite my fucking ass. They can bite mine too, bro, LOL. Bite both our sweaty football butts. And I'd like to blow this SPECIAL fart out to my stepdad while he's kissing my ass Your stepdad, bro? Aw rip him a greasy one!..... LOL! ---Buddy, now yer talkin! I like the way u think! So what u been doing bro? Anyone cool here? Not much P ---Hey, its Parker, right? Right. Yeah. Not much. Talked to this dude from Denver who was going on about the

Broncos. The Broncos suck, bro. He wouldn't believe me man! (pause) Plus some fag wanted to know all about me. LOL Derk, you're like a fag magnet! Listen to u bro! Look whos talking I know, bud. It's like I got this aura, man. They all wanna get like up close and

personal! Man this fag wanted to know how big my feet were bro! Your feet, bro? Yeah, P. LOL, u think he was a fag, man? Fuck, Derk, u know it.... Or at least he's got fag tendencies! ;)) He wanted me to instant message him bro. I told him like my feet really stunk and

I swear man, the fag got a boner! I bet he did, bro, I bet he did too. He wanted your fuckin' toe jam, bro! I think your right man, I think he did too. So'd you work the fag over in private, Derk? U give him some smelly football

dogs? :))

(pause) Naw bro, I ain't really into that stuff man. I mean, not with fags bro. Only w/ chicks. Cool, bro. That's cool, man. I was startin' to worry about ya! LOL buddy! But here's the thing. Faggots are crafty, bro. Its like all they can think

about. They'll lie to a bro just to get their nut. And I dont give fags no nut for free,

bro.... No? Hell no! I like dumping my load in a real mouth bro---I aint into these cyberfags,

man... Damn... It aint like some chick bro, going down and takin it. I know I'm a jock, bro. I don't

need some fag to tell me. Dude! No shit man! That's awesome, bro... LOL glad u approve, helmet head Yah Cause there aint nothing, man, like nuttin' man, in a real mouth, bro... This fag

I got

(pause) Yah bro? don't talk shit, man. He just takes the dick. When I work MY fag he knows whose

the jock. Damn, Derk, maybe you ain't such a lame tool after all! Yah Parker I tell ya dude, don't UNDERestimate the man!! LOL I guess I sure won't NOW

Parker stretched and felt the muscle move beneath his skin. His body hummed, and he tensed his thick legs, swivelling his chair with the balls of his feet.

Guess I can learn some tricks from YOU, huh? Hey Parker its cool dude. I'm kind of used to it, actually... Lots of hot jocks

try to learn from THE MAN!! Damn, buddy... PSYCH!!!----LOL dude! I think I had ya bro!

(pause) So this is a pissing contest, then? ;-))

Naw, not till we get u ladies out on the field, P!

(pause) U keep that up you're gonna be eatin' jock, bro.... Not me bro! Besides, I thought u had a fag, for that!.... Dude! I'm all about my new freind Derek, man! I wouldn't deprive you the pleasure! Back at ya bro! And may the best team win!


But I was thinkin bro, that after the game? Man, we oughta hook up dude and

kick some shit around.... Damn bro. That's easy for you to say. ...But I gotta think about ME, man.... ? I mean, bro.... how would it look man? Me hanging out with a jock from the

LOSING TEAM? Buddy.... HA!!!!-----got u again bro! Damn, you're warming up slow tonight, D. Yer pushin it bro.... Yah yah. Plus there ain't shit to do in SF, man. You'd probably have to bring your

own fag! haha

(pause) I could do that bro... I could give u a crack at him

(pause) Damn, Derek, you'd do that bro? Sure man. He's just a fag, ya know? And besides--- ? Yer gonna need something to cheer u up man AFTER YOU LOSE!!! LOL okay okay D! Give it a rest, man. Let's call a truce till Friday, huh? ;-)) Hmmm... Spit in your hand and gimme five, bud? Comin' at ya, bro---palm to palm Well ok then bud. But JUST because we're buds...

(pause) I suppose you'd want one of my fags, huh? Well, yeah bro ;-)) Have some fun, huh? U share your fags, dont ya? U know what dude? I never have. Damn. Really bro?... U attached to your fags bro? Damn, dude. It just ain't never happened yet. Parker, I bet I could learn your fag some new tricks bro... Yeah bro? Yeah bro. I got an awesome wanger dude. The fags go nuts for it man That so? Yeah. So you're probably right to be scared some bro. I'd probably steal your fag! U think? I could probably learn that buddy of yours to finally suck some cock ? Your bud that won't admit he's a fag? That used to be your best bud? Oh. Him. Well put that wanger back in your pants, D. He's learning just fine

without ya.

(pause) Fuck. u serious? u got him sucking your dick now already? Yah bro. It happened man. Just this afternoon :-)) Fuck! That's awesome bro! Fuck. U pullin my leg? Don't have to, bro. It's the truth. Came hard in his mouth and everything. That's awesome bro. Fuck. He swallow your load? He swallowed as much as he could, haha, but it kind of surprised him, bro. There

was really a lot, man. Damn bro. You move quick I'll give u that. And here I was offering to help u out! Just worry about your own fags, man. I do okay with mine. Fuck bro, I guess I'm seeing that, huh? U talk dirty to him, bro? Get the faggot all

worked up? HELL yeah I talked to him. Whaddya think? Yah bro but I mean really talk to him bad. It's weird, but I'll tall ya, with MY fag, bro?

It's like the worse I talk the harder he gets... No shit? Really bro? Yah man. Its kind of funny actually. I mean, he's a fag, bro. He ALWAYS gets

hard. But u should see his dick jump when I call him a cocksuckin bitch No shit? No shit bro. and not just that. I got other little comments, make his dick jerk, too... That's crazy man. What is it with fags, huh? Dunno Parker, I really don't. All I know is if it was ME, and somone was callin ME

bitch the only thing hard would be my fist bro...

(pause) I hear ya, man.

...So he really bones up when u talk to him dirty, huh? Like a mothafucker, man. Makes me laugh every time! No shit, D? U do that? U laugh at your fag? :-)) Well... sometimes bro :-)) but just a little!!

(pause) So who is this fag, bro?... Who? the one I was talking about? Yeah. The one whose dick thinks you're a poet. He a buddy of yours or what's

the deal? Man I'd tell ya man, but bro? I know you won't believe me. I knew it Derk! It IS your brother!

(pause) Its one of the assistant coaches at school

(pause) No shit? No shit. Well I'll be damned. For real? He teaches social studies and helps coach track and gimnastics That's wild, bro. IF it's true. I swear to ya, P. On my left nut bro You got your asst coach sucking dick? Pretty fuckin SWEET, huh bro? That's crazy, bro. They all suck dick, huh? ...huh? sorry bro... I was thinkin aloud haha Yeah. Well this one does. And he's the fag u lend out? We've had some wild parties, bro.... No shit His wife goes out of town.... ;-)) That's sweet. I had him buy me a bench and free weights bro. So sometimes me and a buddy'll

go work out in h is basement Damn, bro. Do I see where this is headed? :-)) Hey bro. its what the fag is for. I mean, right? Am I arguing with ya buddy? I mean---unless u plan for him to be your date at the

Fall Formal... No way dude! And piss all my REAL bitches off? Not even good head from a fag

is worth that bro! Yeah well trust me, D. You won't be needing a tux over here haha! Maybe just

spring for a cheap motel room over on Crescent Highway! Yeah bro! And my fag'll pay for that! Hey Derek... u might just have a plan there, bud. Ha!! U think? Dude. I'm thinking Direct TV, a porno channel, some beers and your fag givin'

head.... Awesome, bro. You read my mind man... I'll watch while u talk real sweet to your fag and learn from the Iron Man, haha You'll thank yourself later, bro, if I do say so myself. When this jock parties bro

this jock parties right! ;-)) Ain't nothing like getting head from a fag, D. Or pissing in his mouth

(pause) no freakin' way. You do that, D?

(pause) I freaked u out, didn't I bro? No way man. It's just ? it's fuckin sick bro, isn't it? knowin' a faggot'll even take piss? Buddy... This summer bro. I was at the shore on vacation...

...He'd seen the guy on the beach earlier, and a couple days around the motel. He had a tattoo and a girlfriend who was as white as a goth chick, and who only left the room to get cigarettes or more ice. He was leaning against a pizza shack when Parker walked by, wearing a tank top and boardies. He'd just left the arcade where Matt and that kid were yelling and video-racing, and the guy had followed to the end of the pier and said, "I've seen you at the motel." Parker tapped his bottle of water slowly against his thigh. "I'm bored, dude. I got some weed. You wanna hang out, get high?"

Later, further down the beach Parker leaned against a lifeguard tower, pulled his tank top off and stretched and asked, "So you a fag?" Later, looking up, the guy saw the stars over Parker's head. "Thanks man. Let go now. I gotta piss, bro." They looked up and down and the guy shook his head and closed his eyes. Parker laughed. "You sure man, huh?" and eased his cock from the guy's faggot mouth. The first spurt hit his chin and neck, then his chest and his crotch and his face. The piss dripped over him into the sand and got sucked into little hollows.

"I gotta go check on my brother now, man. And you need a dip in the ocean! You got some more weed, bro? Maybe I'll see ya back at the motel. Maybe your girl can watch some TV when my brother and dad go fishin' ..."

Fuck bro that's awesome man... Yeah bro, and his weed was EXCELLENT! LOL... Damn, bro, u a stoner man? Naw, not really a stoner, bro. But I like a hit now and then, haha. I don't really

party much during season anyway, ya know? I take my training pretty serious. I HEar that bro Just so long as you don't spend all yer off weekends studying

LOL. Damn, bro, no way! I'm always down for fun, man. I just keep em separate. Hell bro not me! I'm always mixin' shit up Something else for the folks to yell


Hold on--- Yah bro but you just gotta


(long pause) fuck bro, I'm getting shut down.

The rents again, man.... Damn bro, already? It's cool though. If my dad wasn't already asleep he'd be

on my ass too... Their usually passed out by now, but sometimes they get a bug up their ass Yeah bro, I hear ya.... Hey Parker, u got an email you can give me? so we can keep in touch if we miss

each other here I mean if you're cool with that. No problem, D. Here ya go. ****** Just keep it clean haha! ;-)) LOL, u share your account with the rents, bro? LOL no way bro. But my little brother probably hacks it haha!! Haha u got it. Heres mine for ya too. ***** I'll send u some pix of some

chicks with big titties! SWEEEEEEEET!!!!!! And in some thongs heh heh? Yo dawg I'll see what I can find bro--- got some cool Pats pix too if u wanna see

em... Hell yeah I do! Send em on, if it ain't no trouble... NP, bro, NP.

Shit, gotta go. K. Stay cool, D. Till the next time, man. K bro, I'll email ya. Back at ya soon. Okay, man. Later. Cool bro. Later. DD18 has left private chat.

A car horn honked outside and Parker looked at the time. He watched the screen while he finished his water. Two dudes were talking about Army wrestling, and JoeBoxer was flirting with Soccerjock99. He yawned and absently played with his dick, grinning down when he got half-hard. Tomorrow was clean living up to the game, just water and iced tea and Gatorade. Yeah, he laughed, seeing himself on the bench, his legs wide and Coach Pierson eating dick. He logged off and yawned and you like that, Coach? You like bein' my little bitch?

He walked downstairs to double-check that everything was locked. He yawned again and went back to his room and tumbled into bed. Even his mom was unusually quiet, maybe because it was Sunday.

At nine in the morning he thought that Derek would maybe call him by ten. At ten-fifteen he poured more coffee and tried not to dwell on his dick. He paid some bills then took a shower. "I'll call you this weekend, maybe..." John from up the street came over and they went for some paint to Home Depot. They drove a block from Derek's street and his stomach tingled hungrily. Then he was licking Derek's chest and lost what John was saying. When he got home he checked the message from his wife in the voice-mail box. Her sister was doing VERY WELL, and call me when you get in. He did. But that was the only message.

Then Mitch Holloway locked the doors and prowled around a chatroom. He tried to find a jock who wanted to go some rounds with his Coach, but his dick was itching and he couldn't come cause Derek could call anytime. He logged off and tried to take a nap but he wasn't even sleepy. He got up and saw that the news was on and the afternoon almost over. He wondered if Derek was at the mall, or downtown at the movies. He paced the room, a married man... a highschool senior's pussy!...

He looked at his briefcase and knew that he still had two classes of tests to grade, and the kitchen was quiet while he worked awhile and it got all dark outside. He doodled a picture of Derek's cock then pushed it in the shredder. He took another shower and logged into the chatroom again. An hour later he lay on the couch, playing with his dick. His eyes were unfocused, he had the smell of Derek in his nose, his hand gripped his cock, his mouth hung open--- The sound of the phone made him jump.

"Hey there, Coach. How's it goin', big guy?" His cock gave a lurch. It was Him. He looked at the curtains. "Derek---hello... what's uh going on?" "What ya doin'?" "I was grading some papers and---" "I'm horny, Mr H." His throat got dry. "Where are you, Derek? It's late..." "Not that late. I'm at home. And getting ready to sneak out..." "Derek..." "You know how it is Mr H, when a kid my age gets horny? Not much to do on a Sunday night, 'cept go to the park, ya know?..." His hand cupped his cock. "Fuck, Derek, you want me to---" "Usually some older dudes... prowling around, ya know? Shit! You think they'd have jobs!" He laughed. Mitch sat up. "Derek, listen. I can be there in fifteen minutes, huh?"

"Damn, Mr H," the starter said, "you don't have to do that..." He teased. "You hot for my dick tonight, Mr H? You miss this fucker this weekend?" Mitch stood up on wobbly knees. "Yeah... I waited for you to call..." "Yeah well you know, I'm a busy jock... I'll give you fifteen minutes. You know where I'll be, don't you Mr H?" "Right near----?" The line went dead.

He stood there paralyzed just for a second, then grabbed his wallet and car-keys. All he wore was some baggy sweats and pulled on a pair of old sneakers. The street was cool and deserted outside; all his neighbors had school in the morning. His heart was racing a mile a minute, his brain couldn't even keep up. He's gonna let me suck his cock he thought as he raced up Polk Street. He cut across Truman Boulevard, his mouth already down on his nuts. He pulled off Eisenhower Drive where some bleachers backed up to the tennis courts. He sat on a table outside of the bathrooms. Mitch cut the lights and pulled in.

Derek waited till he opened the door, then stood up and walked to the car. He hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans, and squeezed himself into a bulge. His teacher leaned forward and Derek moved back; Mitch slid from the car to his knees. He blushed and waited for Derek to nod, then licked the denim bulge. His heart raced like it always did, and the gravel cut into his knees. Derek backed him against the door, and pushed his zipper down. "I wore some boxers for ya, Mitch. Make it easy for your tongue!" Mitch pushed the pole of Derek's cock around in his jeans and briefs. He pulled his fly open and licked at the flesh of the football player's shaft. The musky jock's odor made him dizzy and groan... for this he went to college? Small tufts of sweaty pubic hair began to poke out the flap. Small moans of satisfied weekend longing began to leak from his mouth.

Mitch couldn't see Derek watching him lick, or see how his mouth hung open, but he felt when the jock pushed himself further forward, pinning his head to the door. He heard, "Use more tongue, bitch..." and moved very quickly to open his mouth even more, licking inside of the teen boy's boxers till the soft and worn cotton was wet. "How's that cock tonight, Mr H?" he heard from a distance above him. He dared to look up and saw Derek smirking, and he blinked and licked at the shaft. "Why don't you sniff my cock some more?" the dark-haired jock suggested. Mitch sniffed, and blushed, and looked up. Derek pushed his face away, then fished into his briefs. He pulled his awesome wanger out and waved it in Mitch's face. "I DON'T have a lot of time tonight, so don't be fallin in love, okay? Just enough time to fuck that mouth and blast some jizz down your throat." He grabbed Mitch's hair. "You got that, bitch?" Mitch nodded, and swallowed, and nodded.

"Open your mouth, then," Derek said, and pushed his cock half in. Mitch made an "O" with his lips and moaned when the boy's cock stretched them open. Derek's overpowering smell was smeared all over his face, he felt the head of the boy's hard dick pushing firmly into his throat. He gagged a second, and that made Derek grab his hair again. He pushed and the older man turned red as the cockhead jammed his windpipe, and Derek held his head and told his bitch to open UP. Spittle dripped out of Mitch's mouth, his hands held Derek's jeans. The sound of his muffled gagging made the jock's dick even harder. He threw his broad shoulders up and back and thrust again hard with his hips, and laughed as his teacher's face turned blue, then pushed Mitch off his cock.

He knelt there panting, wet with sweat and unfulfilled desire. He watched his starting quarterback and rubbed at the bulge in his sweats. Derek smirked as he lowered his briefs and tucked the waistband under his nuts. He looked at how fuckin' plump they looked, like juicy nectarines. His cock stood straight and hard and Mitch could see the bluish vein... that snaked along the underside and fed the throbbing pole. From his position it looked like a club, or a bat or a thick piece of sausage. He moaned as Derek stroked his dick and made some juice leak out. It glistened at the tip then broke and trickled down the shaft and Derek gathered it on his finger and fed it to his coach.

A spasm went through Mitch's cock and he thought he'd blow right there; Derek held his coach's neck and finger-fucked his mouth. He pushed his fingers firmly in and made Mitch work his throat. "Come on, bitch. Let me hear a little fuckin' slurpin'." His teacher slurped like a thirsty dog, with little sucking smacks. He squeezed the muscles in his throat and licked with his eager tongue. His eyes never left the pulsing sight of Derek's leaking cockhead. The jock pulled his fingers out and said, "Yeah, keep your eyes on my cock." He smiled and moved his hips a little, making his wanger sway. Mitch was like fucking hypnotized, and licked his pussy lips...

"You wanna suck this cock right here? right in the fucking park?" Mitch blinked his eyes and looked around, remembering where he was. "Please... let me suck your beautiful cock..." he whispered, and tugged at his sweats, and Derek must have remembered the time, cause he swayed a little forward. "Kiss the head of my dick, Mr H, then lick up under my balls." Mitch bent forward and lapped at the head of his jockboy's beautiful cock. He lapped at the juice that the topboy was leaking, he cupped his full nuts in his hand. He made sure Derek heard him sniff when he kissed down as directed, rubbing his nose all over the ballsac while his tongue worked and got it all wet.

Derek was panting. He pushed himself forward and fucked Mitch's face up and down, letting the shaft ride his nose and his cheekbones, leaving wet trails on his bitch. "Fuck... you should see your face, you whore. You got jockjuice all over your lips, man!" He humped some more. "Is that what's got... those sweats of yours all wet?" Mitch licked the jockjuice off his lips and looked down at his crotch. His dick had leaked so much his sweats were heavy and sagging down. He knew if he touched himself even once his cock would go off explosively. He looked back up and licked again and begged with his eyes for permission. Derek laughed, "You fucking bitch," and thrust up into his mouth. There was nothing gentle about the face-fuck this time, either. Derek made the older man service his tool completely.

He grunted and clenched his muscled glutes, and that made his cock thrust forward. The last inch battered his bitch's slut throat and Mitch gagged spittle around it. Then with a guttural moan in his throat Derek's knees almost lost their support... and he muttered "Awwww fuuuck...." and then yelled "Here it cuummms!!" and he shot his fuuuckin' loooaad..... Mitch felt the warm and sticky goo sliding down his throat. He pulled off for air and Derek unleashed two last spurts of thick cum on his tongue. He knelt there panting, holding the shaft of his quarterback's cock in his mouth, moving his lips and tongue and nose till the last of the sperm all leaked out.

Derek pulled out. "Look up at me, bitch. Look up and show me you swallow." And Mitch let Derek see the last of his cum... that he still held wet in his mouth... leaning forward and licking his cockhead one more hungry time, before he swallowed and took the last of the jock's cream down his throat...

"Fuckin' eh, huh?" Derek said, pulling his cock half out. Mitch kept licking the undershaft, till all he had left was the tip. A last strand of cum stretched viscous and milky between Derek's cock and his lips... and he moved quickly forward and lapped it up like in a porno movie.

Derek moved away and tucked his cock back into his briefs. He slid his jeans up his muscular thighs and zipped his crotch back up. "Thanks, Mr H, I needed that, man. I'll catch you at practice tomorrow." He started to turn and Mitch stood up and asked if he wanted a ride. "Are you fuckin' kidding, man? How would it look... if someone like saw us together.... It's only a couple blocks, you know. I'll be snuck back in in no time!" He shook his head at the older man. "I'll wear some real rank socks tomorrow." He stretched. "Yeah, they're gonna stink real good." He laughed. "Well... later, man."

Mitch sat down weakly again on the car seat and watched Derek's ass move away. He sat till he heard a truck go by, then shut his own door and drove home. Derek kept looking around to be sure there was nobody seeing him walking. His cock still felt plump and full of sperm---fuck! he could've gone two more rounds! He flexed his thighs and shoulders and fingers, keepin' that body in SHAPE... "Dude? Do I know you?" He snickered and flexed. Not yet, Parker... he mumbled. Not yet.

Finally it was late enough, even in Seneca Falls. Only Parker was lost in his dreams, sleeping the sleep of the blessed. Tyler lay in bed and chewed a knuckle in his mouth. His stomach was sore and twice he had burped up the taste of Parker's cum. Matt was awake, too, cupping his boner, an old sock ready beside him. And thinking of tittie... or thinking of making some faggot suck his cock... he only grunted and blew his load when he dreamed of mashing something. Jim half woke up with Parker's jock still rumpled on his chest. His dick got raging hard again as he fumbled and slipped it back on. He saw himself on his knees from the back, sucking the boy's fat cock. His dick leaked hard... when the jock leaned over... and fingered his coach's ass...

to be continued...

Next: Chapter 9

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