Boys Get Busted

By Hmm Hmm

Published on Nov 2, 2003


This is the final story in the saga of James, Jamie and the other boys from Busted. Hope you enjoy it! DISCLAIMER: Sadly, this isn't real. So don't go suing. And practice safe sex. More information on Busted can be found at the bottom of this page.

James knew where to go. He strode purposefully into the hotel lobby and booked a room; he didn't even bother with a pseudonym as he wanted Jamie to know he was coming. So to speak. Up in the room he calmed his nerves with a couple of mini-bottles from the minibar, and waited for ten o'clock -- the beginning of the night shift. He also formulated his plan while he waited. He would go down to the hotel bar again, like the time he and Jamie had first met, and wait for him then. The blonde singer took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He realised he still stank of sweat and sex after his session with Matt and Charlie earlier that day, so seeing he had plenty of time until changeover he leapt in the shower. James had a particular routine in the shower. He started with the shower relatively cool while he lathered up. This was a throwback to his teenage years when, growing up, just the act of being naked would give him a boner. He found that the cool water helped dampen his ardour, especially when showering after PE or swimming with other boys. Gasping a little as the too-cold water took the breath out of his lungs, JB began lathering up. Again, he had his own peculiar technique when it came to soaping himself down. He spread the shower gel through his thin fingers and lathered it slightly in his hands before applying it to his defined pecs and stomach. From there it would run down to his treasure trail of pubes (light brown, not completely blonde) until it gathered at the base of his cock. Limp, it was not much of a sight, no more than two or three inches. This didn't bother James; he knew well (and had now been able to compare three other guys) that the world was divided into "growers" and "showers". He was a grower, plain and simple, as was Jamie and, to a lesser extent, Matt. Charlie was a monster in the showers and probably commanded a lot of respect at Uppingham due to the size of his monster when limp, but when he got hard, it did simply that: get hard, not grow particularly noticeably. Not to say that Charlie wasn't the biggest of the four lads, because he was and Chazwick's cock had a beauty that the other lads' lacked, but James, Jamie and Matt all had nothing to be ashamed of either, when aroused. These thoughts were having an effect on James, one that he didn't particularly want at this moment in time in that his cock was getting chubbier and filling out. It was already hanging nearly perpendicular from his body, something normally that James would happily take advantage of, but not today. He was already sore from his action that day with Charlie and Matt, and he wanted something left in case things went his way with Jamie. He adjusted the shower temperature downwards again, to calm his growing bone, and got back to washing. Continuing his routine, he gathered suds that had gathered in his pubes and around his cock, and used them to wash his foreskin and his helmet. Again, as he skinned and replaced his foreskin he felt ripples of arousal race through him, but focussed on the job "in hand" and cleaned up. The cold, not to mention what he was doing with his schlong, was making his nipples hard but he ignored it and kept washing. Next, he turned to face the shower and wash all the suds off his front. At the same time he dunked his face in the stream of water, to wet his hair and to allow the water to cascade down his back. He lathered up his hair -- with Head and Shoulders -- before focussing on sudsing his back and shoulders, once again letting the bubbles follow gravity down to his ass where they congregated in his crack. He had nothing more than peach fuzz on his buttocks, and only a little fine hair in his crack, but it was enough to trap the bubbles, and something that James had relied on while showering for years. He was a man now, of course, since his 20th birthday the previous month, but save that hair on his ass and a little under his arms and a small ring around his nipples, he was relatively smooth. Being fair helped of course, even his legs, which were quite hairy, didn't look that way because of his complexion. James lightly fingered around his ring and even popped one finger inside (to make sure it was clean, he justified to himself, despite receiving quite a thrill from it) before finally rinsing the shampoo from his hair. Now came the fantastic second part of his showering routine; he cranked the heat up and up until he could barely stand it any more, and then once he got used to the temperature, he cranked the heat up some more. Steam appeared as if from nowhere and fogged the mirror, condensed on the metallic doorknob and turned the entire hotel bathroom into a murky haze. Finally happy he was clean, James stepped from the shower onto the bathmat and slowly evaporated dry under the warmth of the bathroom's heat-bulb. His cock, previously shrivelled under the cold downpour, had filled out despite its flaccid condition into a thicker, fuller piece of meat as James towelled himself and his hair dry. He smirked as he did his hair in the mirror (a corner of it wiped dry for condensation) and sprayed it with his favourite Aussie Miracle Hair Conditioner (Jamie loved the smell of it in his hair). With nothing but a squirt of CK1 he realised he had nothing new to wear other than his old clothes, so he decided to improvise. He threw his dirty CKs away (one of the benefits of stardom, he reflected, was getting cheap and free stuff) and went commando in his baggy skate pants -- always a thrill and something he hadn't done for a good eighteen months. The record company and stylist had warned the band about girl grabbing them and their nether-regions, and as a result James had always gone with boxers or briefs to keep him covered. Tonight was different though, and James revelled in being allowed to be himself when he was with Jamie, not having to worry about public perception, media image or screaming girlies. Looking at his skeleton t-shirt, James remembered that he'd only just picked it up before leaving the room with the other guys, so he felt happy wearing that to see Jamie for the first time in almost a week. He checked his watch, pushing his pink shagband up his wrist to read the time. Half ten. Almost time to go downstairs. He would grab one drink as the bar closed, and then wait for Jamie to show up and sweep. He brushed his teeth, and styled his hair as best as possible. Today was a good day -- sometimes his hair would be an uncontrollable Afro, sometimes lank and flat, but today it was choppy and spikey without being too tall or fluffy. Pleased, he checked himself once over in the mirror. Not too sloppy. From his blonde hair, down past his boyish features whose freckles from summer had all but faded, to his small but red lips, facially he never found himself that attractive and certainly non-fans of the group nearly always flocked to Charlie. Interestingly though, James found that true fans favoured him or Matt over their younger bandmate, something that was at once both flattering and annoying. The worst thing was that now he had had Jamie, he could never dream of going back to fancying or wanting women, and no other guy had held his attention with the same tenacity as Jamie had. Tonight would set everything right though, of that he was sure. Past his lips down his neck, the mole near his left collarbone just slightly visible and overtaken by a brown bead necklace which Jamie had given him, the collar of his shirt hung, fitted, but loose. Down past his arms (slim, but with some light-coloured hair) the shirt hung over the waistband of his shorts (a good thing since without pants his treasure-trail trailed a little low, revealing the top of his pubes). The shorts reached down to mid-shin level where his relatively hairy legs were visible until they reached his neon green socks (free from a Virgin Atlantic flight) and his trademark Pink-lines Vans (he had three pairs in various levels of scuff). He was happy with the way he looked. In fact, it was almost identical to the outfit he had been wearing when he first met Jamie and they shared that first incredible night together. It was not an entirely unconscious decision. In the lift, despite the muzak, James could hear and feel his heart beating as if it was coming out of his chest. When the lift doors opened and he walked across the lobby (at this time there was little chance of being recognised by a fan, thank god. In fact, the lobby was all but deserted) he could feel his knees give out as he reached the bar. He hurriedly sat at a stool to save face and all but slumped at the bar, feeling the wet surface seep slowly through his long sleeves. "Classy joint," James thought to himself. The barman did a double take as he came over to serve James, making it look like a laborious process despite James being one of only two patrons in the whole bar. Hopefully, James thought, the double take would be the limit of the barman's reaction. That hope died in his head as the beginning of Year 3000's chorus leapt from the whistling barman's lips. Inwardly James rolled his eyes -- it was ALWAYS fucking Year 3000, never a song they could have been prouder of. Charlie had been known to make a grab at people who whistled or sung that song at them in public; so ashamed was he of their number two hit. James was less confrontational by nature, and also liked the song for what it was -- a fun piece of pop -- but he still got sick of hearing it from every supercilious bastard's mouth from time to time. He ordered a vodka and coke -- in a pint glass -- for himself, savouring the way the oily spirit felt in his mouth mixed with the acrid coke, and enjoying the way it swirled unctuously in the soft drink. He also ordered a pint of Strongbow -- Jamie's favourite. He had always moaned that so many pubs were now serving Blackthorn, James remembered with a happy smile, so he all-but-requested that the hotel where he worked still stocked Strongbow instead. James's drinks were beginning to have a calming effect on him, and the impending panic he felt about meeting his ex was dulled by the general warm glow of alcohol. So there James sat, half an hour passed and the bar closed around him. The shutter came down all but in his drink -- whose dregs were now floating chillily around the bottom of the pint glass with three diminished ice cubes -- and threatened to knock over the Strongbow until James reached out quickly to rescue it. Whistling the final chords of Year 3000, interspersed with a chuckle or two, the barman shuffled off. The lights shut off with an audible clang until all that was left was the green shimmer of the emergency exit sign. The emergency exit sign that was above the Staff Only door, the same door in which James had seen Jamie stood silhouetted less than one month previously. The Staff Only door to his right which now opened, revealing a silhouette just as James had dreamed. He spun around to face the door properly, he'd wanted this meeting to happen for over a week and now finally, the silhouette stepped forward into what little light remained and revealed, finally...a 40 year-old, balding man. "You're not Jamie!" James all but yelled at the man, who in fairness had committed no crime but to hold a broom. "I know. Erm, he's cleaning the toilets but he told me to tell you he knows you're here. He saw you on CCTV and figured you wanted to talk. He told me to say he'll be here soon." "Right. Sorry. Really." James felt ashamed of his behaviour; it was probably diva-ish behaviour like this that made Jamie break-up with him in the first place. He smiled weakly at the man. "Stress, you know?" The man smiled back. "I can imagine. You're part of that Blazing Squad aren't you? You're much more polite than I'd imagined. My daughter loves you, could I get an autograph?" Embarrassed, James started to sign his own name on the hotel-headed paper the janitor produced, and then realised that his daughter would be expecting a Blazing signature! He quickly changed it `All mah luv, Krazeey' and handed it back. "Thanks. I hope things work themselves out tonight." And with that he shuffled out of the door. James turned back to the bar, resting his head on the grated shutter. It was then he realised that while his back had been turned, the Strongbow had been moved from the bar. As he looked up to his left he saw Jamie sipping his pint, sitting on the barstool next to his. He was smiling. James thought he could attempt a joke. "Poof's drink you know," James said. "Cider. The only way for you to have a pint without having to drink something as manly as beer." "I know," said Jamie as he put down his drink back on the bar. "I told you that, remember? That's the problem with you poofs, no memory." He grinned, and then leant over to kiss James on the lips. It was a soft kiss, not sexual in the slightest but also not particularly full of love. It was a warm greeting between friends and James could sense that Jamie was holding back, but still it filled him with feelings of longing and happiness, just to be this close with him. Jamie obviously felt the same, "That was nice. I missed it." He said. "You didn't have to." James was hurt -- Jamie was the one that finished things between them and here he was acting all hurt that he had missed their relationship too. "So what do we do?" Jamie wanted more than anything to be with James properly, but didn't want a repeat performance of their last attempt. He wanted to feel special in the relationship, as a student with a part time job he could afford to hold James on a pedestal and devote time to their pairing, but as an international pop star, James just couldn't do the same. James was prepared to admit fault if it would patch things up between them. "Well. I know why we broke up. I didn't ...couldn't put enough into our relationship then. Things were mental then, we had to remind the world we were still here after our summer spent recording and in LA, and then there was all this promotion for Crashed the Wedding..." Jamie rolled his eyes and finished his pint, preparing to leave "...WHICH IS NEARLY OVER NOW, and then we can hang out. We're not releasing another single till after Christmas, we have a video prepared in the can from LA and we are all gonna have some downtime. WE could have some downtime. Together." Jamie looked up into James's eyes as he took his hand. "I just need three more weeks, maybe a month, and then I'm all yours until after New Year. I promise." Jamie didn't know what to say. He'd tried to move on in the last week away from James but it'd been hard. He'd lived the dream for a few short weeks, dating a pop idol in the old-fashioned sense of the word, and to give up all of that and try to get back to was tricky. Regardless of the turmoil inside as to whether to accept James's offer of redemption, he found himself nodding. "Is that a yes?" James's eyes lit up and his hand squeezed Jamie's. "I think so, yes. But I want us to properly hang out. I want you to meet my family. I want to meet yours. I want us to go places, together, as a couple." Jamie saw the look of apprehension on James's face. "I don't mean snogging in public or shagging you at some movie launch, but I want us to go to the movies, go to dinner, not be afraid to be US. It's that or nothing, and I understand that in a few weeks you'll have to get back to work and I'll have to take a back seat for a while. I get that, I'm not some monster who wants all your time and attention, but for the next couple of weeks once the album promotion's over I want us to be like any other couple of boyfriends. OK?" "OK." James wanted this so bad, and Jamie's demands were totally reasonable. He just wanted to love and to feel as loved as he felt in their couple of weeks together. "Good." Jamie smiled and James returned it. There was an awkward pause. And another, James's embarrassed eyes went back to his pint glass, Jamie's to his, fiddling with the base and making little cider rings on the filthy bar below it. "So maybe we should hug this out or something." "Yeah" James was pleased that someone had broken the emotional stalemate. Looking at Jamie he realised that this was what had been missing from every single failed relationship before him -- love. So, they hugged, but not an awkward hug between two male friends who need more than a handshake, nor the hug between family members, but a hug between lovers. It started strong, almost crushing as if the two wanted to push their torsos into one another, and then as arms wrapped around backs, the rubbing began. At first it was a warming, vigorous rub that was not intimate or passionate enough for the moment, and so the grip relaxed and the two were released slightly from each other's strong clutch. Heads that were previously over shoulders came cheek to cheek. Jamie kissed James's ear, hair from his choppy sideburns brushing against his lips. James responded by taking his hands and placing them either side of Jamie's head, pushing it backwards so that they were almost face-to-face. He leant forwards at first so that their foreheads touched and then rolled his neck back so that their lips collided. Jamie felt a tongue on his lips, begging for entry and gladly let it in, meeting it with his own and rubbing up against it. Meanwhile James's hands had fallen back down and were hooked inside the waistband at the back of Jamie's jeans, rubbing his ass and grinding Jamie's crotch into his own. Jamie, for his part, was still holding JB's cheeks in his hands, stroking away Jimmy's hair and roaming his fingers up and down James's neck, his right index finger finding the familiar nub of James's mole that he always used to stroke while they pashed before the break-up. James felt a familiar feeling, too, that he had missed for the past week, a lump forming in his pants that was matched only by the one currently pushing into his thigh. Reaching down with his left hand he dipped into Jamie's boxers and grasped at the throbbing hardness within, jacking it slightly (as well as he could given the angle). Jamie moaned into James's open mouth and tried to thrust up into his palm. The end result was the lusty couple overbalancing and collapsing a horny heap on the floor of the hotel bar. "Maybe we should continue this upstairs?" Jamie laughed. "Yah." James giggled and rushed in to give Jamie a quick peck on the nose before leading him out to the lobby by the hand. They barely got in the lift before they were kissing again, breaking only to get out and sprint to the room, James's keycard getting stuck twice in the lock before they burst in and onto the bed in a fit of giggles. Jamie leant in to kiss James; James closed his eyes to prepare for his lips meeting his and...nothing came. James re-opened his eyes to see a bemused look on Jamie's face. "What's wrong?" "You smell so nice," said Jamie, burying his nose James's neck. "And I ming of Toilet Duck. I'm gonna leap in the shower, I want this to be special." Ten minutes later, Jamie stepped out of the bathroom completely naked. His cock at half-mast, he pointed it towards James, lying on the bed. "This needs a home," he said. James was also naked, laying on his back on the bed. He slowly jacked his almost-seven incher as he took in the sight of Jamie before him. A smooth, defined chest, but not too muscly, and slim build made Jamie his perfect sex partner, being of similar weight and height they made perfect lovers. Also, since James was so fair, he liked that Jamie was dark, with a visible "treasure trail" down to his cock from his belly button. Not wasting any time, he flipped up onto his back and raised his legs into the air. Jamie positioned himself at James's waiting hole, he was so happy that they were back together and with effort reached James's lips with his own before pushing in slowly. There was no resistance any more, James's hole was ready and waiting for him, almost expecting him. In one fluid motion Jamie found himself buried up to the hilt, his bush rubbing against James's ass. James for his part was relaxed and as comfortable as ever. The two -- his ass and Jamie's cock -- felt natural when they were together. Now, with Jamie's increasing thrusts brushing his prostate with every pump, he could feel himself in heaven, getting closer and closer to climax without having to do anything. The first time he had been fucked he had been amazed when his cock started spurting without any stimulations from himself or anyone else, that the pumping into his bowels was enough to cause such a reaction in him. Now, it was matter of course, but he loved it all the same. Jamie could feel a warm, hugging glove surround his cock and squeeze in time with his thrusts, and each time he delved up into James's insides he, too, found himself closer to orgasm. He knew that he could time and judge well his thrusts and the reaction of James's insides, to match their orgasms together. He had gotten very good at cumming in time with his lover over the last month or two, and this, their reunion fuck, was to be no different. Faster and deeper he pumped, a sheen of sweat over both their bodies as James began to whimper slightly with the pounding he was receiving. This was another way Jamie could judge his lover's approaching orgasm; when James's whimpers and whines got higher and closer together, he was getting close. James's fists were now balled in the sheets, Jamie's were holding his lover's legs up above his head, slowly leaning more and more weight onto them until eventually James's ankles were behind his knees. The two had not broken their kiss (save for a few of James's whimpers) and each could feel the others hot, sweet breath on their own faces and lips as Jamie pumped and James was actively fucked. Soon, the speed and the temperature got too high, and James gave one last high-pitched squeal before erupting his warm, sticky cum all over his chest and face. Jamie lapped some of it off his lover's lips before the contractions around his cock got too much and he burst off inside James's fuckhole. Both collapsed, overcome by the energy they had just expended, but also by the release of pressure and stress from the previous day, a day in which both realised each other's true love, and the fantastic future they had together.

THE END (and this time it really is)

If I've inspired you then please, write your own Busted stories and share them here! Don't forget, Crashed The Wedding is released in 2xCD and Cassette through Universal Island on November 10th. The album, A Present For Everyone, is released the next week. You can catch the guys this Saturday (8th) on CDUK and on Monday the 10th on TRL, on MTV. Any feedback would be appreciated at

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