Boys Dare Not Dance

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Oct 10, 2000


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If the subject of homosexual relationships is offensive to you, please read no further. This is not the story for you!

This story is true, however some names and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. Additionally, some individuals identities have been obscured beyond recognition. Therefore, if you think you recognize yourself in this story, you don't!

The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. Archival rights are granted to Nifty. The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Now here is the explanation for this series. Some of you have written to me asking about some of the exploits Andy and I have been through over the years, especially some of the more odd ones! So, I have begun this as a way of telling those tales, without having to backtrack in my other series, "Anything to turn you On..." Here's part two of 'Boys dare not Dance!".....

Terry Julian

Boys Dare not Dance!

Part Two

"Why does it hurt when I sit?"

by Terrence 'TJ" Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved


"But then they danced down the street like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"--Jack Kerouac, On The Road ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

During our second spring in Hampstead, I was reading 'On the Road' by Jack Kerouac. His descriptions of hitch hiking and 'riding the rails' across America gave me fits of wanderlust.

"Wouldn't it be cool to just go hitch hiking across the country?" I asked Andy.

"Oh, I've done my share of that." He answered.

"When?" I asked. I had known Andy for five years and he'd never done anything but hitch hike home from school on rare occasions .

"Oh, during summer vacations when I was in Junior High" He replied.

"Wasn't that dangerous?" I asked him, becoming wide eyed at this revelation.

"It was different then. Besides, I knew almost everyone in Skyforest." He stated.

"Oh, that's not what I meant! I mean crossing the country, coast to coast, border to border!" I exclaimed.

"Oh..." He muttered. "Well, if you really want to, why don't we?" He asked. His words shocked me. ` "You mean it?" I replied.

"Sure." He stated, almost sounding uninterested.

The following Monday found us outside of Los Angeles International Airport, wearing backpacks and with only $200 dollars between us.

"Anita is going to skin us alive when she finds out!" I said.

"Well, then I guess we wont tell her, will we?" Andy answered.

The first ride we got took us over the 'Grapevine' and up Route 99. Andy had a friend who had moved to Delhi, a tiny town between Merced and Turlock, two other places I'd never heard of. By the time our ride dropped us off, it was starting to get dark. He'd just pulled to the side of the Hiway and pointed to the exit road.

"That there's the turn off for Delhi. Good luck!" and drove off.

We figured we'd find a pay phone and call his friend, who only lived three miles straight down the road. There wasn't a gas station, farmhouse or even a light anywhere once we got away from the hiway. Nothing but the darkened asphalt between us and 'never land' it seemed. Andy said it was only three miles, so we started walking. And walking, and walking.

After what seemed to be hours, I noticed a light in the distance. Picking up the pace we soon found ourselves at the farmhouse where Andy's friend lived. Bobby and Andy hadn't seen each other in two years so, there was a lot of talk over dinner about all that had happened. Well, Andy left out the part about me and him being married aboard a yacht. In fact, Andy left out everything about our relationship, other than he and I had moved to England.

Bobby was 'engaged' to a farm girl he had met after moving to Delhi. Since he and his intended now lived together, Bobby asked if we would mind spending the night in the hayloft of their barn. Andy said he didn't mind and asked if I had any disagreement with this. I said no, 'cause this was exactly the type of adventure I wanted. We talked until late, then Bobby's girlfriend started making it obvious she wanted to go to bed. He showed us to the barn and the loft.

"It's best to lay out on top of your sleeping bags, since the heat stays up in the loft." He told us. He said he'd come wake us in the morning for breakfast and give us a ride to where the hiway was. Andy thanked him and he left to return to his waiting girlfriend. Andy and I climbed into the loft with our sleeping bags and flashlights. We laid them side by side, towards the back of the loft. This way we were out of view if anyone entered the barn from the front.

"Let's get naked!" I whispered and giggled. Andy needed no more encouragement. He shed his clothes and in the moonlight showing through the cracks between the boards, I saw his cock was already hard.

"I want you so bad, TJ." He said as he knelt to watch me strip off my clothes. I had barely stepped out of my jeans when he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down on top of him. Our lips met and I was instantly in heaven!

"Oh, Andy! This is so much fun!" I whispered excitedly.

"You want fun? I'll give you fun!" He whispered back.

He suddenly rolled us over to where he was on top. Reaching down, he grabbed my stiff cock and began to firmly stroke it.

"I'm going to suck you until you until you pass out!" He said with a slightly mean tone in his voice. He meant every word of this and two hours later I had to insist he stop! My boyfriend had drained my youthful body, in the most delightful ways! I had nothing left in me, otherwise he'd have kept me up all night. I fell asleep, tangled in his arms with my head resting against his chest. I always have to have my head resting against his chest at night, but you knew that, right?

I woke to him kissing my neck. It was still dark and didn't appear to be even close to morning yet.

"Ummmm.... Andy! What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I horny and you're in trouble!" He said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"I let you sleep about an hour. Now I'm really going to let you have it!" He snickered. Let me have it is a polite way of saying it! He rolled me right off my sleeping bag and into the loose hay as he began kissing me. Andy was true to his word and about an hour later he finally let go of me.

"I hope we don't have to walk much tomorrow." I stated. "I'm sore already."

I reached down to pull the sleeping bag back beneath me and felt something sticky. Not the kind of sticky I was expecting. Reaching for my flashlight, I spoke up.

"Hold on, there's something sticky here." I said just as the light switched on.

Blood. There was blood all over the straw in about a three foot circle. I gasped and Andy rolled over to see what I was doing.

"Oh, shit! Where's that coming from?" He whispered.

I already knew. As soon as I saw the darkening red straw I understood why my butt cheeks felt sore. The straw had acted like sandpaper on my soft skin. I pointed the flashlight and twisted around to see my injured bubble butt. It looked like someone had taken a razor blade and sliced me repeatedly. Andy gasped out loud.

"Oh, my god, TJ! I've hurt you! Oh, I've really hurt you, I'm so sorry!" He kept repeating as I tried to quiet him.

"Shhh, Andy! You'll wake them up!" I said, pointing towards the house. His eyes went wide as he slapped both hands over his mouth. He stared as I inspected my abused buttocks. I decided the wounding was simply a case of being rubbed raw. The fine cuts were all superficial and Iwould be OK. I just needed to wash the drying blood away and put some boxers on.

Andy, on the other hand, saw blood and assumed he had nearly killed me! As I moved away to look down from the loft, I heard him begin to sniffle, then cry.

"Andy, it's OK. I just got scratched by the straw, I'm fine." I whispered.

"But I hurt you!" He whimpered.

"If you don't keep quiet, I'm gonna hurt YOU! Now stop crying and help me!" I snapped. I had spotted an old bathtub that Bobby was using as a watering trough for the animals. A metal pipe with a faucet stuck up out of the ground in front of it. I pointed towards the tub and spoke to him.

"I'll forget you sliced my ass to ribbons if you'll go wet this towel for me." I said as he stifled his tears.

"OK" he said, taking the small hand towel I'd pulled from my pack.

He climbed down the ladder stark naked, walked to the tub, opened the faucet and wet the towel. Returning with it, he found me lying face down on my sleeping bag.

"You did it, so you get to clean the blood off!" I said softly.

"OK, I guess I should." He remarked sheepishly.

I laid there as he gently cleaned the blood off. He was trying to be as gentle as he possibly could, still thinking he had done me great bodily harm.

"OK, I think I got it all." He said. "Here's your boxers"

I slid them on and laid over on my side. I could tell he was still upset, so I snuggled over against him. As I laid my head to where it touched his chest, I said

"I Love You, Andy."

He sniffled a little and replied "I love you too, Terrence and I'm sorry."

Not as sorry as I was the next morning! Bobby woke us early and all through breakfast I had to simply grin and bear it! My poor butt was subjected to sitting on a wooden hoopback chair with no padding. At every slight move I felt pain. Andy noticed I was squirming in my seat. I glanced at him and his expression was that of a school child caught stealing candy. Bobby was happily chatting away and didn't notice us, but his girlfriend caught me giving uncomfortable looks at Andy.

"Is there something wrong, TJ" she asked.

"Yeah, uh... I gotta use the bathroom." I said, unable to think of any other excuse.

"Oh, I'm sorry, It's just down the hall to your left." She instructed.

When I returned, I'd stuffed almost the entire roll of toilet paper into the back pockets of my jeans, thereby allowing some relief. After we finished breakfast, Bobby drove us to the Highway where we would catch our next ride. As we stood with our thumbs out, Andy told me Bobby's girlfriend had entered the bathroom after breakfast and noticed the toilet paper roll. As I was collecting my backpack, she had taken Andy aside and given him a new roll of toilet paper.

"Andy, take this with you. I think my dinner didn't agree with TJ. The poor boy used half a roll this morning. Tell him I'm sorry, too."

I remarked "Oh, just wait 'till they find the bloodstained straw in the loft! She's never going to cook dinner for guests again!"

The two of us laughed about this on and off for the rest of the morning while we waited for a ride. Finally, a 1956 Buick Roadmaster towing a small U-haul trailer pulled over. We ran to it's door and were surprised to find a girl, maybe twenty years old at most, driving alone.

"I'm going to San Francisco. Wanna ride?" She asked.

"Sure!" Andy smiled and opened the rear passenger door. He hoisted his pack into the back seat, then stepped up to get in the front. I preffered Andy sitting next to the drivers who picked us up. I was and still am wary of strangers in cars. I got in the back seat and we closed the doors. She pulled away from the shoulder, heading off towards the bay area.

"What's your names?" The driver asked.

"This is TJ and mine's Andy" He said. As he spoke, Andrew's lisp slightly came forth, something that happened from time to time, but not often. The 's' sound splattered just enough that it was noticed.

"Mine's April" She stated as she glanced to Andrew, the highway, then to me in the rear view mirror. Looking again at Andrew, she seemed to study him for a moment. April stunned the two of us with her next question.

"Are you two gay?" She asked.

I went poker faced and bit the inside of my lip. I noticed her glance at me in the mirror again and I knew she could tell the answer. Then Andy, with his unbelievable sense of timing spoke up.

"I'm as queer as they come, honey." He droned.

The girl's head snapped around as her eyes set upon him. Then she burst out in howls of laughter.

"OK, Andy! Then I guess the two of you won't mind me being a guy!" She declared. Andy suddenly sat straight up in the seat and furrowed his brow.

"You're a boy?" He quizzed as he studied her.

"Yep." April replied. I did noticed her voice was a little lower in pitch than most girls, but not by much. April seemed like the average American girl, although she was actually much prettier than just average.

Andy studied her up and down.

"Are you sure?" He asked, sending April into fits of laughter.

"I was when I got out of the shower this morning." She replied.

"Well, that was this morning." Andy huffed. "But I'll take your word for it. That doesn't seem something one would lie about." He droned in his best 'Princely' voice. He turned to look at me over the seat and stared for a moment. I was too shocked by the whole conversation to say anything!

"TJ, does April look like a boy to you?" He questioned. I saw her eyes looking at me through the mirror again.

"No, I thought she was a girl. I mean he, uh.... I guess. Or her. Oh, whatever!" I said turning bright red.

April and Andy laughed as he turned back to face the front.

"Well April, I believe you fooled both of us!" He stated.

"Great! And you guys didn't freak out, either. I like that!" She replied.

"Why would we freak out?" Andy remarked. "To us, you're like a cousin. After all, we're gay. I have no problem with people being who they are."

April glanced at Andy and smiled. "You need a place to stay?"

"Yeah, we're hitchhiking across the country. Do you have any ideas?" He replied.

"You two can stay with me. If you don't mind musicians, that is." She said cheerfully.

"Oh, we're both musicians!" Andy said. "I play drums, piano and guitar. TJ plays the violin and very well, I might add."

"I knew it!" She cried. "I knew it when I saw you hitchhiking. I said to myself 'those guys are musicians'!"

"So why did you ask if we were gay?" Andy quizzed.

"Look at the shoes your wearing." April said. Andy looked at his feet.

"How many straight guys wear Pink dress shirts and Robin's Egg Blue leather shoes to hitch hike in?" She asked.

"Oh...." He droned. "I guess it is unusual."

"Honey, you're like a walkin' billboard for homosexuals." April flatly intoned.

Now it was my turn to laugh hysterically! Andy mearly stared at his shoes while I roared from the back seat.

"What're you laughing about?" Andy snipped from the front seat.

"About how wonderful life is!" I replied. Hearing this caused April to grin from ear to ear.

"I like you guys!" She said. "You're my guests in the bay area for as long as you'd like to stay!"

The rest of the trip to San Francisco we talked and chattered away. April had grown up in Southern California, not too far from Andy's' hometown. When Andy informed her of this, she remarked

"From the way you talk, I thought you were English!"

"We do live in London. TJ and I met here in California, but moved to England last year." Andy explained.

"Why'd you come all the way here just to hitchhike around? Couldn't you have done that in Europe?" She asked.

"TJ read Kerouac's 'On the Road' and he got inspired from it." Andy answered.

"Hey, I know all the places in North Beach where the Beats used to hang out! I'll take you to some of the cafes and bookstores there!" April said excitedly. Then she pointed into the distance.

"There's San Francisco now!" She said.

I sat forward in the seat and looked. There in the distance, across the Bay Bridge, was what looked to me to be the mythical 'Land of Oz'. With it's towering skyscrapers and rolling hills all framed in by the Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate off in the distance, it was an impressive sight. I sat there with wonderment filling my eyes and mind. Until Andy spoke up, that is!

"Are they fuckin' CRAZY?!" He shouted. "They have huge earthquakes here and they built skyscrapers?! They've got to be insane!"

I realized he was right. The height of the buildings was not unlike those found in Manhattan, where I still owned an apartment. New York City had never suffered a major earthquake, but San Francisco had been devastated by one in 1906, less than seventy years earlier. His comment would remain in the foreground of my thoughts the rest of the time we spent there.

"Hey, bad things can happen anywhere at anytime" April remarked.

"Yeah, well I just hope they don't happen while I'm here!" Andy replied. "So what's San Francisco like, anyway?"

"Oh, it's really cool. You two will feel right at home." She said.

"It doesn't look like London to me." Andy said, studying the city across the bridge.

"I didn't mean it that way, I meant you'll fit in with all the gays." April said clarifying the remark. She went on to explain how gays were becoming a major segment of the cities population.

Odd as it may seem now, Andrew and I had no idea San Francisco had a gay community. It was something we both were unaware of and it had not figured into our reasons for wanting to visit there. My fixation with Kerouac and Andy's' with William S. Burroughs were the reasons we'd come here. San Francisco was the West Coast home to the Beat Generation and the place where the Burroughs' described 'new young hyps' had evolved into the Hippys. Aprils' revelation about the city containing a large and growing gay population was unexpected.

"I take it you moved here because of the gay population." Andy remarked to our new friend.

"No" She said. "I moved here to join a band. I've got a Hammond organ in the trailer."

"Oh.." Andy commented, sounding a bit embarrassed.

"Hey, After I discovered I could be the way I feel inside, I was overjoyed with the decision I'd made to move here." April announced. "Besides, I'm not gay"

Andy stared at her. I could practically see wheels turning in his head as he thought this over. After letting his mind race around the track a few times, he couldn't contain his questions any longer.

"So, you're a boy who looks like a girl and you're not gay, which makes you............?" He said leaving the last word hanging.

"A Transsexual." She replied.

Andy thought a moment longer as we slowed to pay the bridge toll. Accelerating away from the booth, he once again gave in to his cat like personality.

"Trans-sexual.....Hmmmm" He wondered out loud. Turning to April he said. "I think the word combinations imply that you want to be a girl, not just mentally, but physically as well."

She glanced over the seat at me and asked "Is he pulling my leg?"

"No, he just doesn't get out of the house much." I said teasingly.

"OK." She said. "I feel that I am a woman, but I somehow got a man's body. You're right. I want to be a woman. They can do surgery to physically correct my body, but it's expensive and I'm not sure I want to go through the pain involved. However, since I feel that I am a woman, my sexual attraction to men doesn't mean I'm gay. I've just ended up with the wrong equipment."

There was a long pause as Andrew rolled this around in his head. We had nearly reached the end of the bridge when he suddenly spoke.

"I guess you can't sue the manufacturer, either. Well don't worry, April. You're one of the most attractive girls I've ever met. Regardless of the equipment, you're doing an excellent job from what I can tell."

She began giggling at him and I couldn't help laughing along. Andy had once again made a friend with his odd observations and off-centered way of blurting them out loud.

We entered the city and wound down into it's gut, twisting through 'till we straightened out and headed towards the part April said was called 'the Avenues'. Her big Buick made me feel much safer than a newer car would have. I hadn't seen such terrible driving since the last time I'd been to Italy. I slid over into the center of the seat, eyes darting nervously from side to side. After braving the midday traffic, April finally turned off the main street. Two blocks down she turned to the right and slowed the car.

"Look for an open space." She instructed. Half way down the second block Andrew pointed.

"There's one!" He cried. "They're just leaving."

April cried out "OK, go stand in it 'till I can get the car angled in."

Andy complied, not realizing that he was now a target in this city of limited parking spaces. By the time April had got the big Buick to where she could back it and the trailer in, Andy had been screamed at twice and threatened once. As the Roadmaster squeaked to a halt Andy leaned in through the Drivers window.

"Now I see why you picked us up!" He grinned. "If you didn't have someone to help you park, you'd have to circle the block for hours!"

April laughed and said "Maybe days! C'mon, let's go upstairs!"

I opened my door an stood up. This action immediately gave me reason to remember my injured butt. I groaned as the pain registered behind my eyes. I unconsciously reached to touch the source of it.

"TJ?" Andy questioned. "Are you all right?" Then the reason behind my moan registered. Andy recalled what happened the night before and put one hand to his mouth. His eyes widened and he froze in place.

"I'm just a bit sore." I said, trying to seem like it was nothing. April's' eyes darted between us and she giggled.

"What a couple of fags!" She laughed. "C'mon. Up the stairs we go!"

I started after her, handing Andy his backpack as I passed.

"Fags?!.........." He exclaimed to no one. "Humph! Who's she calling fags?!"

Andy tried slinging his backpack onto one shoulder of his skinny six foot, four inch frame, but he swung too hard and threw himself off balance. Spinning around, his entire 145 pounds landed squarely on the sidewalk, butt first.

"Oommph!" He uttered as he landed.

"Andy, stop clowning around and c'mon!" I called from the door leading into the stairwell. Turning to follow April, I heard him shout loudly behind me.

"TJ! My butt hurts!"

"Fag!" I shouted back at him and disappeared up the stairs.

Continued soon!....

Next: Chapter 3

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