Boys at Queens

By Alan BelfastNifty

Published on Sep 15, 2012


v It was the first night in the apartment. I had met Matt and the other two guys who I would be spending the next year with, at least. They seemed like nice guys, they definitely looked hot so it looked like my dreams were starting to come through. I was finding it difficult to drift off into a sleep, I wasn't sure if my mind was working hard trying to remember the image of Matt blowing me that kiss. Was that even real or had I imagined it. I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot so early having just moved in. Clearly the other three guys had already bonded, I had to work my way in and I didn't want to ruin my chances by making silly accusations.

I lay in bed, wearing only my pajama bottoms. I had noticed that it had been strangely warm in the apartment, which of course was a good thing, especially coming into the colder nights of winter. No wonder the guys hadn't been wearing so much. At least the apartment had great insulation wouldn't have to worry too much about heating it. I kicked myself virtually for starting to think like a grown up. I was here to be a student and I was here to have a good time. Most importantly I was here to live my life my way and get some cock. I lay there a moment and closed my eyes trying to force my mind to shut down so I could get some sleep. There was a noise in the hallway outside my room, it sounded like a creaking floor board, a footstep. The adrenaline rushed through my body as I suddenly felt like a terrified child. Overacting much, I thought as silence came. Again, I heard another creak, closer this time, closer to my bedroom door. Other guys live here, of course they are going to be walking about the apartment, I thought to myself. I looked over at my alarm clock. The red glow displayed 2:37. It was a bit late for walking around the apartment though.

I heard the noise again, almost outside my door. Someone was definitely walking out in the hallway. In instinctually pulled my blanket up around my neck closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. I head the handle of my door being pushed down. The door slowly opened. I closed my eyes tighter as the door opened further and I could hear someone place a gentle foot down on the floor of my room.

I opened one eye slightly so that I could try and identify the intruder. I could see bare legs, hairy, so it was a guy. I strain my open eye to look further up the legs to see if I could see more of this person. Whoever it was, was wearing the same boxers as Matt. Perhaps it was Matt. If my mind wasn't so over active I would have thought it to be Matt and no one else at this point.

I heard the door close softly; the person was still in my room.

"Dude, are you awake" I heard a newly familiar voice. "Joe?" I heard him call. I knew it was Matt now, but I didn't want to respond as if I had been awake the whole time he had been sneaking into my room. Beside this could be an initiation ceremony that I had heard about, new guy moving in has to be hazed. I pretended to grunt and squirmed in the bed as if I had just been woken up from sleep.

"Dude? It's Matt, are you ok?"

"Yea" I responded, faking a yawn. "Is everything ok? Why are you in here?"

"Don't worry man, just wanted to see how you were getting on. It is your first night after all."

I moved about on the bit pulling myself up so that I was sitting with my back propped against the wall. There was enough light coming in my window to see Matt in a moonlit glow. He was only wearing his boxers. Gorgeous, was the only word that came to mind.

Matt walked closer to my bed and sat down at the edge, he was so close I could have touched his smooth skin had I been brave enough.

"Glad you decided to move in Joe, I think you'll fit in well with us. I mean that. Hope I didn't scare ya earlier with the..."

From somewhere I picked up the courage to finish his sentence "kiss?"

He laughed softly "yea that, hope it didn't bother ya, we are all close here, real close. I hope you will be like that with us too. With me too" he correct

"Yea, man. It's all good." I was playing it safe. This could have been him trying to trick me, hoping to out me. If something was ever going to happen it would be on my terms, and in my own time.

He put his hand on the bed one either side of his body to prop himself up. His left had slid up the bed a bit and went under the cover. I could feel his baby finger slide past my leg as he did. I'm not too sure if he noticed how close his hand was to my leg. His baby finger was now touching the top of my leg. A small part of his body was having such a huge impact on me, and I felt my cock twitch.

We both sat in silence for a moment. As we did my eyes started to survey every visible area of his skin. I eyed up his eyes, his smooth toned body, his arms. Then I looked at every part again. The room was still silent. I followed a path up his legs to his boxers to his chest to his arms and then back around again. On the third tour of his body my eyes caught something. A noticeable tent was visible in his boxers. He was hard. He was probably silent because he was trying to control that reaction. This was my time.

I slowly moved one of my hands that was resting under the covers, gradually getting closer to where Matt had his left hand resting. As I edge closer to him, my heart raced and my head pounded. My baby finger touched his skin, and I hear him gasp a little. I had gone this far and couldn't give up. I moved the rest of my hand over to his and placed it firmly on his. The silence remained, but he didn't remove his hand, he kept it there slightly under my bed covers with my hand resting on his.

He eventually broke the silence "I knew you liked me too" He said as he turned round to look at me. The tent in his boxers was evident and even more noticeable. "Don't you?" he whispered.

"I do, how could I not, your fit" I struggled to whisper back, as the words caught in my throat.

"Good" he said. He moved the hand which I had placed my own on, and used it to help pull his body further up the bed. He was sitting closer to me, his face centimeters from mine. I could feel his warming breath on my cheeks. I looked into his eyes and he into mine. It was one of those romantic feeling moments. The calm before the storm. He was either going to erupt now and tell me to keep away from him, or he was going to use all his energy on me, and have me.

He moved closer, his lips slightly parted, his breath gently forming moisture on me. He moved in. a Kiss, followed, a long passionate kiss, he moved his arms around me. The heat increased with the intensity. His hands holding my arms as he kissed firmer, with great ferocity. I kissed back as if competing with him to consume as much as him as possible. It seemed like it would never stop, but it didn't and became a memory. We looked at each other, both topless, hard and with raging emotions.

He pulled the bed covers off me, seeing my erection he grabbed it through my blue cotton pajama bottoms, the feeling caused immense please and a shiver to travel from toe to head. His firm grip was increasing my passion for him, my desire to have more of him. I reached down to his erection and grabbed his cock. It felt good, a bit ticker than my own but it felt the same length around 7 inches. I slipped my hand into his boxers and cupped his balls. Feeling another guys body was far better than io imagined. I moved my hand to his cock again and held I t firmly, rubbing following the same rhythm that he was using on my own cock. We sat with our lower legs and knees on the mattress supporting each other as we kissed and wanked each other off. The heat was rising. He started to wank me faster as he groaned a little, he was getting close to climaxing. I was too. We continued to kiss, and hold each other. the sweat from our love session attempted to cool our burning heat but failed.

He groaned as a jet of cum erupted from his cock over my stomach, feeling this hit my flesh caused a similar eruption in my own manhood. Our kisses continued to be passionate, as we lay on my bed regaining our breath.

I remember holding him, lying in my bed, breathing heavy. Then I feel asleep.

End of part 2

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