
By very tas

Published on Aug 12, 2014


I give to you the third installment of my little story. This is a long one and, to be perfectly honest, doesn't have a whole lot of actual sex in it. If you remember from the first chapter, this story' is written as a letter, from Tom' to his new lover, as an explanation as to why he, Tom, was the way he was, and there was so much more than just submitting to his step-brother's sexual demands at play. I'm submitting the next chapter as well, so if you simply can't wait to get to the `good-stuff', move on to chapter 4. Otherwise, enjoy the tale...

As always, if you like what you read, I'd love to know. An email to would be eternally appreciated.

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Now, on with the show...

Back downstairs Sam put some music on the stereo in the living-room and told me to dance for him. He sat on the couch with his legs spread and his hands in his crotch as I stumbled around, trying to dance. It wasn't easy in the spike-heels, on carpeting and several times I almost lost my balance and fell. Each time I about tripped, my step-brother's grin would turn-up just a bit. Every so often he'd tell me to do something like, "Rub your titties and show me what a whore you are," or, "Turn around and bend over, so I can get a look at that ass."

The word Embarrassing didn't quite do how I felt justice. Mortified, or humiliated would maybe fit better. Although I must admit that I was more turned-on than I think I ever had been. I couldn't believe what was happening, or how it was making me feel. I think the most surprising thing was that every time Sam called me a girl, or a slut, or whore, well, I felt a throb between my legs at each horrible name he called me, making my dick seem to get even harder than hard. I danced clumsily, feeling my step-brother's eyes moving all over me as he sat there rubbing the front of his jeans. He kept calling me names and was telling me what it was about me he found sexy.

"Shit, look at that, your legs look all hairless and shit, just like a girls."

"You thinking about me sucking on those tits, while you're rubbing them, slut?"

"Bend over a bit, so I can get a nice look at your tight, little ass. Yeah, that's it you little whore."

I have no idea how long that went on, though I know I pushed myself as much as I could, trying not to show Sam how excited I was getting. Only when I absolutely couldn't stand it any longer, I slowly moved one hand down my body and slid it under the black mini-skirt I had on, and started touch myself between my legs.

"Oh, fuck yeah," Sam said. His voice was soft, but his tone hissed and was quite rough. "You making yourself so hot, dancing for your boyfriend, that you got to start playing with your pussy?"

I almost stopped doing what I was doing and explained the obvious to Sam, that I had a dick, not a pussy, but then it hit me. I might have been a boy, but as Sam sat there and ogled my awkward dance, rubbing the bulge his cock made in his pants, he saw a girl, wearing stockings and a bra, a mini-skirt and tall high-heels, as well as a long brown wig and a face all done up with make-up. It was like I was playing a role. And by the size of the lump in my new boyfriend's pants, I assumed I was doing a fairly good job, too. I started acting as I'd been doing earlier that afternoon, before Sam had caught me in girl's clothing, as I wandered around the house, acting like a girl with a limp wrist and making sure my butt wiggled and my boobs were thrust out. And when it hit me, everything changed.

I can't explain it, but somehow at that moment I no longer felt clumsy or awkward. I found my center of balance and suddenly the spike-heels I wore seemed like part of my feet and I had no more fears of falling. And instead of grabbing hold of my hard dick, I pushed it against my belly and rubbed over it, as if I were actually rubbing a pussy. I lifted my other hand from my sock-stuffed chest to my mouth and stuck one of my fingers between my painted lips. I took a deep breath and tried to squeeze my whole body tight, just like that blond bimbo who sang to the President would. I batted my mascara-ed eyelashes at Sam and pressed my knees together.

"Fuck Me!" he exclaimed and before I knew it, my handsome, manly step-brother was on his feet and I was wrapped in his big, strong arms.

I fought my first instinct, which was to pull-away from Sam, and instead I pulled my hands out of my crotch and mouth, and pressed myself tight against him, my arms wrapping around his back. He started moving, and for a few seconds I lost my balance again, then I realized that there was a rhythm to Sam's movements, and if I just moved with him...

We danced. Slowly, our bodies moved together, round and round the living-room. Sam's arms were around my waist and every so often, one of his hands would wander down and I'd feel it on my butt-cheek. My arms traveled all over his back, his shoulders and sometimes I'd pull one arm between us to feel his chest, my face nuzzled right in there too. I even reached back and felt-up his muscular ass a couple times. I'd never really slow-danced before, so with my body so tight against Sam's, I just moved myself along with him. I only tripped a couple times, those spikes on my feet and the thick carpeting and all, though I had no fear of falling with my boyfriend's arms around me.

After a while, quite a while maybe, I felt Sam's body tense against mine. I thought maybe he was about to shoot a load, which I'd somehow managed to keep myself from doing, keeping in mind the promise my boyfriend made. If I was good and did everything he said, he promised to let me get-off. But when I felt his body go tense, and I thought he was about to spurt, I really had to fight to keep from doing the same.

But then, well, he wasn't coming. I had my face nuzzled into his chest, right where his skin arm started wrapping around me, and I was sort of breathing in the scent from right there, my nose almost buried in his pit. He hadn't showered after what we'd done earlier that afternoon, and considering he'd gotten-off twice, well, Sam was smelling pretty rank. And I almost hate to admit it, but I loved the way he smelled. Every breath I took from under his arm made my blood flow hotter and hotter. And after all that time dancing with our bodies pressed tight together, Sam was all I could smell. He was all I could feel. And I just about spurted. But Sam moved his head a bit, and gave his shoulder a twitch, which moved my head so that we were face to face, maybe an inch between us, well...

I couldn't tell what the look in his eye meant. He almost looked scared. His voice was barely a whisper and I could feel the soft puffs of his words on my lips. "I'm so glad I met you, Tammy," he said and his arms tightened around me a bit. "And I'm glad that you want to be my girlfriend."

I couldn't say anything. That he'd changed my name to `Tammy' didn't even phase me. He took a deep breath, then, looking like he was really scared that I'd deny him, he asked, "Can I kiss you?" Instead of responding verbally, I simply moved my face in, closing the inch between us, feeling our lips touch. He'd kissed me before, and I didn't quite understand it, but some how this kiss seemed better, because he'd asked me for it. And when he started trying to shove his tongue down my throat, well, I opened as wide as I could so that he could get it as deeply as possible.

It was getting hot and heavy, and as we danced and kissed at the same time, I began to stumble more frequently. With lust taking-over my body, my coordination suffered and on those spiky-heels, I just couldn't keep my swooning legs under me. Then I lost it and thought I was going to hit the floor. I had one of my hands on Sam's chest and the other at his crotch, so I really didn't have anything to grab. I was falling, then I was floating. Suddenly, I was in my boyfriend's arms and he carried me across the room.

Sam set me down at the bottom of the steps and he told me that he wanted to watch my butt as I walked up the stairs. I put on a good show for him, wiggling my hips as much as I could in the heels, and I even lifted my mini-skirt a couple times, giving him a full view of my panty-covered cheeks. He was still standing at the bottom of the steps when I got to the top.

"Now walk back down," he said, that grin on his face. As he watched me, surely able to see right up the mini-skirt to where my hard dick and balls were protruding through the crotch-less panties I had on. "Fuck yeah, you're a pretty girl," I heard him croon, as he rubbed the big bulge in his jeans. And as I reached the bottom of the stairs, Sam's hand extended and I took it. My boyfriend helped me down the last few steps.

He gave me a tender kiss on the lips, then he backed away, looking me up and down, then he said, "I'll be right back, don't move." And with that, he was off. I watched Sam run up the stairs, heard him run down the hall, and a few seconds later, he was back, running back down, taking the steps two at a time. He was carrying something in his arms, which I realized was his school-jacket. He put it over my shoulders and started leading me back toward the kitchen.

But when we got to the door to the garage, and Sam reached for the knob, I pulled back a bit and said, "No, please."

The older boy's grip tightened around my shoulders as he opened the door. "I wanna go out and smoke a cigarette, I can't do it in here, or my dad'll smell it and kick my ass." I still didn't budge. "Don't worry, Tammy, no one will see us. It's dark outside. And if anyone does see you, well, you sure as shit look like a girl to me, and I highly doubt anyone would ever recognize who you really are."

I was a bit reluctant, but knowing it was what Sam wanted, I followed. And I really wasn't liking this, `Tammy'-thing, but I had enough sense not to say anything about it. Now remember, there were only half-a-dozen houses in the neighborhood at that time, so I knew that the chances were that no one would see me. And I also knew that two of the six houses did have a view of our back-yard. Though for that time of year it was already at eight o'clock, but with what I was wearing....

Only Sam didn't lead me to the back yard. Instead he took me through the garage to the front of the house. "Let's go for a walk." It wasn't a question.

"No, Sam, Please," I begged anyway. But with his arms around me and wearing the heels I had on, I had no choice but to go with him.

"Please," I said softly, but so he could hear as we started walking down the driveway, arm-in-arm, and I could hear each click of my heels on the pavement. "If we go back inside, I'll do whatever you want me to. I'll suck your dick again," I paused for a moment, trying to think of what else I could offer. "I'll lick your balls and jack you off. Whatever you want. Please Sam, lets go back inside."

"You're gonna do all that anyway," he hissed. "But there's something we're gonna do first." We left the driveway and luckily, I felt at first, Sam guided me to the left, away from most of the other houses. Then I realized that we were headed to the undeveloped part of the neighborhood. Back to where the road ended and all there was, was a big field surrounded by woods. But we didn't get that far. Riley turned up the dirt driveway of one of the houses still under construction. It had four outer walls and a roof, but there were a couple big holes in the floors and, while most of the stud-work was up, there were no walls inside. It had been a bitch getting up the dirt driveway and then the make-shift steps to the front door (which didn't even have a knob on it yet).

"See," he said and gave me a sweet, quick peck on my lips, "no one will see us in here." He reached to my chest ,and started to touch me, but, it didn't feel right. Then I realized that he was getting into the chest pocket of his jacket, which I was wearing over my girly outfit.

Sam pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, then he stepped away from me, breaking all contact between us. I suddenly felt horribly strange. I was standing there, trying not to fall off the inches-high pair of heels on my aching feet, wearing fishnet stockings and a pair of panties with a big hole in them, a mini-skirt and tube-top, with Sam's jacket over me. It was a chilly fall night, and I had a lot of skin exposed to the air. I hunched my shoulders and pulled his jacket tight around me. And I watched as Sam dug a pack of matches from between the pack and the cellophane wrapper, then he pulled a cigarette out and put it between his lips.

The pungent odor of the match being lit hit my nose, replacing the comforting scent of Sam and the smell of freshly-cut wood. Then, as he lifted the match to the cigarette between his lips, I noticed that it wasn't a normal cigarette. It was pointed at the ends and wrinkly, not smooth the average cigarette. And when he lit it, and a different scent hit my nose, it clicked. My step-brother took a couple hits off the joint, then seemingly nonchalantly, he held the wrinkled, smoking tube to me. I just stood there, shivering and looked at him. I'd never smoked pot before. I'd taken puffs from regular cigarettes before and didn't much like it.

Then our eyes met and I saw the expression change in Sam's face. He moved right against me and put an arm around my waist. He gave me a kiss, which tasted strange, then he pulled back and raised his other hand to my face. The joint was between his long, skinny fingers.

"I'll hold it," he said softly, giving me a little squeeze where his other hand had come to rest just below my hip. "Just breathe in slowly."

Sam moved the joint to my lips and I did as he said. At first it wasn't that bad. I felt the smoke in my mouth, and it had a very weird taste to it, but when the smoke hit the back of my throat and it was just about to reach my lungs, I lost it. Same as I always had when I tried puffing on a cigarette. Sam quickly pulled his hand from my face and before I could actually cough, his mouth was covering mine. As I violently exhaled, he breathed my breaths in. Then I saw him exhale a bit of smoke.

"Let's try it this way," he said when I'd gotten my breath back. I watched as he took a deep hit off the joint, then when he pulled it away, his lips found mine and pushed them open. He breathed out, so I breathed in. I wanted to cough, but it wasn't so bad that I couldn't keep my reflex under control. He told me to hold it in as long as I could. I did cough just a little, when I finally did let out my breath. But all in all, it wasn't that bad.

"I like it better that way," I said softly, looking into Sam's eyes.

"Yeah, I thought you would," his voice sounded accusing and his eyes changed, but only for a flash, then he took another big lung-full of pot smoke, then laid another big open-mouthed kiss on me. I inhaled deeply, taking as much of the smoke as he offered. And when he stopped breathing out, I felt his hand on my bare belly, moving slowly upward, and he started to lick the inside of my mouth with his tongue. When I couldn't hold my breath any longer, I started exhaling, and surprising me, Sam sucked my breath back into his lungs, where it had started in the first place. At the same time, his hand finally got to my chest and, digging under both the tube-top and the bra, he began playing with my nipple.

We shared a couple more hits of pot, and a lot more kissing and groping. There was no stopping my dick from getting hard, as for quite a bit of the time we were in the half-built house getting high and making-out, Sam had his hands between my legs, whispering in my ear about what a hot pussy I had. I couldn't resist groping his hard lump a few times and I loved what it felt like when he pushed it tight against my own dick, or against my belly. In fact, I loved just about every touch Sam gave me. I never would have imagined that my dark and brooding step-brother could possible make me feel as incredible as he was doing. It was like everything felt extra-incredible for some reason.

When we finally broke for air and Sam looked at his watch, he started laughing. "It's only eight-forty-five. Shit, I figured it was at least nine-thirty or so." That meant it had only been, like, fifteen minutes since we'd left the house. I'd would have also figured that at least three-quarters of an hour had passed.

Sam gave me a quick kiss and then said, "Let's go home, Tammy. I want to fuck you." My mind was somewhere else. Nothing phased me. I made it out of the unfinished house and down the dirt and stone driveway only being mostly supported by Sam. And even when we got to the fairly-smooth road, I leaned on him. I sort-of felt wobbly, like my coordination was a bit off. But for whatever reason, I simply didn't give a shit and kept a tight hold on my boyfriend.

"Not quite so easy to walk in those when you're stoned, is it?" he said softly and chuckled a bit. "When we get home, I'll take them off for you. Your feet have got to be killing you."

They did, and not just my feet, but my ankles felt as though they were about to give out. But I didn't really care. And when Sam reminded me that I was stoned, well, it all made sense. And to be completely honest, I loved it. I was a hot young girl with my high-school boyfriend, and we were about to go inside and...

What had Sam said? He wanted to do what to me? I about said something, because I didn't quite understand what he'd meant. I might have been dressed like a girl, but I was a boy. And one boy couldn't fuck another, or could he?

But as I was getting my question ready in my mind, I felt Sam's grip on me tighten. I looked around and caught movement. Someone was there. It was one of the neighbors, taking his trash to the curb.

"Hi, Sam," the man said congenially, "How's your dad and step-mom doing?"

"They're great, Mr. McAllister," Sam said back, just as nicely. We could both see the man eyeing me. "This is my girlfriend, by the way, Tammy."

It all hit. I knew this man. He knew me. And here I was, dressed-up like a two-bit whore, less than ten feet between us as he greeted me. I raised my head only as much as I needed, so as not to be rude and I waved a little wave at the man. Sam gave me a quick, hard pinch on my butt and my mouth opened to say, "Ouch!" but instead, I heard myself saying, in a falsely high tone of voice, "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. McAllister." I was praying that the man didn't notice the bulge in the front of my skirt, though it was slowly subsiding as a result of my fear.

"Tammy and her cousin drove-up to see me, and, well, her cousin kind of has a crush on Tom, so we decided to take a walk so they could have a little time alone." The whole time he talked, we kept right on walking. I could feel the man's eyes moving up and down my inappropriately attired body (if not simply inappropriate, at least not for the weather) the whole time we walked in front of his house. And I even thought I could feel his eyes on my backside as we walked further away from him, then I realized that it was Sam's hand on my butt.

The second we were back in the garage and the door was shut, Sam took me in his arms and planted a big, wet kiss on me. "He wanted you," he said when the kiss finally broke. "Mr. McAllister, I mean. I could tell by how he was looking at you. I'll bet he's going to go right in and fuck that fat wife of his, thinking about you." Then he kissed me again. Right there in the garage. And after a while, we made it back into the house.

We went right up to my bedroom and Sam had me sit on my bed. My dick had gotten hard again the moment we started kissing in the garage, and as I sat there with the mini-skirt perpendicular to the floor, being pushed-up by my turgid hard-on, I could feel pre-cum dripping down my hot shaft. Normally, I didn't start dripping until after I'd played with my dick and balls for a while.

Good to his word and without saying anything, Sam got on the floor at my feet and started taking the high-heeled shoes off me. As he did, he rubbed and caressed my feet, and before long, his hands were wandering up my fishnet-covered legs. His hands wandered only so far though, and before he reached the apex between my legs, he stopped and stood. He reached behind me and unfastened the skirt, and made me lift my hips so he could pull it off me. Then he had me lift my arms and he removed the tube-top. Then he stepped back and looked at me, and started rubbing his cock through his pants again.

I must have looked ridiculous, in a stuffed-bra, garter-belt and fishnets, a pair of crotch-less panties completing my ensemble, through which my rock-hard dick and balls were completely exposed. On my head, I still wore the long, dark wig, and surely my make-up was so smeared I looked like a circus-clown.

"Come here and undress me," Sam's tone indicated that he wasn't asking, but telling. Slowly I stood and it felt strange to have my whole foot on the ground, after having worn those heels. He pointed down to his feet, and extended one of them a little, and I got the point. I got down on the floor and started untying his shoe and pulling it from his foot. As I got that first shoe off him, I got a big, stinking whiff of dirty-feet. Yet, for some reason, I lifted the shoe to my face and took a big sniff.

"Yeah, that's a slutty girl," he hissed. "Sniff-in my foot stink." So I took another breath from inside his shoe. I took his other shoe off, and gave it a few good sniffs too. My cock was so hard that I knew it would pop if I just gave it a stroke or two. But then, I felt one of Sam's sock-covered feet in my face. Again, I breathed deeply through my nose and inhaled the bitter-but-intoxicating scent directly from its source. I pulled his sock off, and before I knew it, I was sucking on one of Sam's big toes.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" He said, "That's a kinky girl, suck my foot." I have no idea how long I spent licking and sucking on Sam's first foot. And I spent just as much time on his other foot. They tasted really salty, and a bit bitter, but I couldn't stop myself. Finally Sam pulled the second of his feet from me, and said, "Now take my pants off."

I stood and with shaking hands, unfastened his jeans.

"Yeah, that's it," he said under his breath, "You want my cock, don't you?"

I nodded my head and moved a bit quicker, then I remembered and quickly said, "I want your cock so bad," as I pulled his pants open. He wasn't wearing underwear. I now understood why his bulge seemed so much bigger than it had that afternoon. I almost cried-out when the huge thing popped-out. I guess I really hadn't taken such a good look as I'd though at Sam's cock. It looked huge between his narrow hips. Tall and proud, with that big sac of nuts hanging below. And for a second, it seemed scary. Then I remembered how it felt and how it had tasted when I sucked it earlier, and felt my own dick surge.

I moved to grab his cock, with my mouth opened and ready to take it between my lips only a second after my hand reached it. However, I felt Sam grab me and he pulled me up so that we were face to face. I thought he was going to kiss me, but when I saw his expression, I knew I was wrong.

"I didn't tell you to suck my cock yet," he hissed with anger in his words, "did I, bitch? All I did was ask if you wanted it."

I wanted so badly to look away from his eyes. I was scared. I'd done something wrong, and yet, I knew he wanted me to do what I wanted to do. I didn't understand. His hands were on my shoulders and I felt them tightening their grip as the seconds passed. When it was starting to hurt, he shook me and shouted, "I asked you a question, cunt! And I don't like repeating myself. Did I tell you to suck my cock yet?"

"No," I managed to eke out, "you didn't tell me to do it yet."

"I didn't think so," he said and pushed me away from him. "I told you to undress me and I'm not naked yet."

I hurried and pulled his jeans down his legs, then from around his feet. He raised his arms and I started to push his shirt up his torso. And as I did that, I started to get excited again. His long cock reached up a bit past his belly button. His stomach was rippled, and I could see each of his muscles bulging through the pale skin of his chest. `I'm undressing my gorgeous boyfriend,' I thought. But I couldn't reach all the way up, with his hands in the air, and I found myself jumping a bit, trying in vain to get his t-shirt all the way off his body. With the hem of the shirt still in my fingers, I put my hands around his arms and tried to pull them down. Sam didn't budge. But he did start to chuckle.

I was getting a bit mad. I knew that he was just playing with me. So, I let the shirt go and it fell back down his well-built torso, right where it had been when I started. Then I put my hands around his waist and looked-up into his face. He was looking down with that grin on his face.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked, using the girly-voice I'd used when I was talked to Mr. McAllister.

Sam grinned and nodded. I pressed my body against his, and stood on my tip-toes. He had to lean down a bit, but soon our mouths were together. As we kissed, I held him tightly and slowly moved backward. I don't think Sam realized what I was doing. After a while, I broke our kiss and said in the high-voice, "I'm sorry Sam. I'm not being a very good girlfriend." I took hold of his shirt and said, "You're still not naked."

I started lifting it again and instantly he raised his arms over his head, reaching for the ceiling. I pushed it up again, as far as I could as before, then I took a step backward and, with one hand on his shirt and the other on his bared shoulder, I stepped-up on my bed, which was now right behind me, and quickly pulled the shirt up and over his hands.

Sam started laughing and, before I knew what had hit me, he grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder. I was looking down at his bare back and ass, feeling his hands move around the backs of my thighs and my butt.

"Put me down!" I used the most demanding voice I could find and a second later, I felt one of his hands move quickly off my butt cheek, then slap back down. It was loud and it stung quite a bit.

"That sounded like a boy talking," he said harshly and he slapped my butt again. A bit harder this time. "If you got something to say to me, you better fucking say it like the slutty, little whore, of a girl you are!" Another harder slap on my butt.

"I'm sorry," I said in the girly-voice. I was almost crying. "Please put me down. Please, please, please."

"What'll you do if I do put you down?"

"I'll do whatever you want. Please Sam. I'll suck it. I'll do real good, you'll see. I'll take it right down, I'll swallow the whole thing, and when you shoot, I'll swallow all that too." The whole time I pleaded with him, his hand was smacking my butt, though the spanks weren't as hard as the first few.

"That's what you want to do, isn't it, slut?"

"Yes." I said immediately. "Please put me down so I can suck your big dick."

I could feel him chuckle and he stopped striking my butt cheeks, but his hands were all over them. They were still covered by the panties I wore, and before long I could feel his fingers digging under the silky material to feel more of my butt skin-to-skin.

"That's what you want?" he asked again. And again, I told him how badly I wanted to suck his cock.

"Well, that's too fucking bad!" As he said this, one of his hands pushed right under my panties and directly to the bottom of my butt-crack. "I don't give a fucking shit what you want!" I could feel his finger digging around in my butt until it found my hole. "This is what I want," and as if I didn't realize what he was talking about, he started trying to shove his finger inside me. "I'm gonna fuck your tight little pussy so hard you won't be able to walk for a week."

Well, my hole was too dry for Sam to get his finger inside, but as he tried, it all hit me. Sam was going to fuck me. He was going to butt-fuck me. I'd heard about it, I'd even fantasized about doing it. But the thought that one person would stick his dick in another's butthole, well, I just never actually thought people would do anything like that. I must admit that, being slung over Sam's bony shoulder suspended several feet from the floor, and realizing that he could, indeed, fuck me like a girl, which was exactly what he had planned, well...

...Well, there wasn't a damn think I could do about it and I knew it. Sam knew it as well. When he put me down I could plainly tell that he was ready for what he had planned. There was a sheen of sweat all over his big, nicely-muscled body and his long, thick cock was hard, red and throbbing.

"Now go get that jar of vaseline I saw in the bathroom and bring it back here," he said, swatting my butt and pushing me toward the door. "And get those panties off before you come back. I can't get at that tight pussy with those things covering it."

I looked at the clock in the bathroom. It was just after nine. Our parents wouldn't be home for at least three hours, probably more. I'd been wishing it was at least eleven, or so. I could maybe have put Sam off for an hour, but we had at least three. As I grabbed the stick jar of jelly, I wondered how badly it would hurt. I reasoned that when I took a great-big shit, sometimes it felt like I was being ripped in half. And I didn't think I'd ever had anything as big as Sam's cock come out of my butt, so the thought of that long thing pushing its way inside...

I got all the way back to my door and was about to go into my room when I remembered the second thing my boyfriend had told me to do. I pulled the panties off and wadded them in my hand, and I threw them into my closet as I went in. When I got there, Sam was laying back on my bed, still naked and still hard. His long cock hovered over his tight belly, looking somewhat angry. I took a deep breath and walked over to his side, handing the jar of lube out to him. He nodded at the table beside my bed, so that's where I put the jar. Then he patted the bed beside him.

I sat on the edge of the bed, keeping my feet on the floor. Sam slid close to me, pressing his chest against my arm and side. His hands started to move over my face and body, and he started to kiss me. When he tried to run his fingers through my hair and his hand got stuck in the wig, he pulled it from my head and threw it across the room. Then he put his hands on either side of my face and looked me right in the eyes and said, "You're going to start growing your hair long."

I looked right back at him and said, "Ok." And then he kissed me again.

It didn't take long before I felt Sam's hands groping around my butt. He kissed me hard and with a bit more roughness as he played with my cheeks. And when he started digging his fingers into my crack, his kisses came even harder and rougher. And when he found my hole with his fingertips he shoved his tongue into my mouth and I sucked on it, like I so badly wanted to do to his cock. However, I didn't even dare ask him if I could and there was no way I was just going to lean over and start doing it. Not after the last time I'd tried to suck Sam's cock without him telling me to.

Before long he grabbed me and pulled around so that my legs were up on the bed too. Then he propped his head on my pillows and turned me around, so that my legs were spread on either side of him and my butt was resting on his chest. I looked down and saw his long, throbbing cock. Like mine, it was drooling pre-cum. I longed to touch it. To taste the soft, yet hard flesh. To taste the clear sauce dripping from it. To feel his pubic hair tickling my cheek, or the fuzz on his balls tickling my nose. But I didn't dare. I hadn't been given permission.

And when I felt Sam's hands on my butt-cheeks, spreading them, then the cool rush of his breath against the sensitive skin of my most private part, I couldn't help myself and, while pushing my butt back a bit, allowed my torso and head fall down against my boyfriend's body. I could feel his hot cock on my face, his balls against my forehead. He blew at my hole again, then I felt one of his fingertips moving around it. And even though my face was planted right over his cock and balls, I didn't do anything to it. Other than sniff deeply, my nose in the cleft where his shaft ended and the sac started.

"Fuck yeah," I heard Sam saying. "That's such a hot, tight, little pussy-hole," he caressed it with a finger as he spoke. Then his voice changed and he asked, "You ever put anything up it before?" and he gave my hole a bit of a slap, which wasn't hard but it startled me none the less.

"No," I said feeling my face move against his hot, hard flesh, "Not really."

"Not even a finger in the bathtub?" he said and slapped it a bit harder.

"Well, I tried a couple times, a finger, I mean, but it always hurt too much."

His finger moved softly again, running around and around, over my young butthole. "So that mean's I got myself a totally cherry pussy here." And his finger poked a bit at the center of my butthole, but I could tell that he really wasn't trying to get it in. Then he slapped my ass hard and said, "You waiting for fucking next Thursday, you god-damned slut. I can feel your face on my cock. How come you haven't started sucking it yet?" He slapped my ass again and in an instant, I moved my head and took Sam's cock in my mouth and started sucking.

I'd love to hear what you think so far,

Next: Chapter 4

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