
By Art Penman

Published on Jun 30, 2019



This story involves teenagers (of legal age) dominating an older man; small penis humiliation; and elements of `magical realism' to heighten the dick size disparity. I hope you enjoy.

Thank you to everyone who wrote in after chapter three, with ideas or just to say they'd enjoyed the story Ð it's a great motivator to write more. Thank you also to the many Nifty authors I've enjoyed for over half my lifetime (and many of whose tropes I have shamelessly pilfered!). Thanks also to Nifty itself, to which you should consider donating.


My face was still resting in Xavier's crotch for the rest of the journey from the field to his boarding school. His musky teen pheromones filled my nostrils and I rubbed my cheek across his trousers, where the enormous rod snaked down his leg. Xav spoke about his massive cock as though it were his pride and joy; and at that moment, not for the first time, I felt why. If you had such a big member, it's easy to see why you'd consider it such a big part of yourself Ð not that that was something I'd ever know myself. I let out small gasps of excitement as every now and then he'd flex his huge cock through the fabric against my face.

The Rolls-Royce slowed down.

"We're here," announced Max, pulling into the student carpark. He used to have to hide the car down a country lane, but final year pupils were allowed to have a car.

Xavier patted my head. "Come on, boy. I've got a treat for you."

Xav, Max and Teddy bounded out of the car, and I sheepishly followed. We headed towards a medieval-looking building complex Ð a small castle almost Ð stooping slightly to fit through a granite archway into a courtyard. One of the doors leading from the courtyard into the building had a sign: HUXLEY HOUSE. I found the whole thing quite intimidating: first Xav's confidence, our sheer difference in endowment, his sexual use and sharing of me Ð and now the surroundings of his dauntingly posh school.

We climbed a narrow staircase for two or three storeys until we reached a door leading off saying 'Vth Form Common Room'.

"Wait here," Xav instructed me, turning the handle and pushing the weighty oak door.

"Xav!" I heard some younger guys exclaim from inside the room. "Teddy! Max!"

"Hello gentleman," Xav said, "I have returned early and I've brought some entertainment."

He now beckoned me to follow. The room was both grand and rather ramshackle Ð half a dozen up-market but frayed and ageing sofas and armchairs were dotted around the wood-panelled room.

"Chaps, this is Art Ð Art, this is Kit, Harrison and Ravi, and this is Slipper," Xavier said, indicating each of the boys in turn.

Harrison was tall, with a manly jaw and handsome face Ð and very very muscular. He was wearing a tight cycling outfit and had the sheen of someone just back from a long sweaty bike ride in the sun-dappled countryside. The first thing I noticed about him (beside his sizeable bulge!) was his legs, which were huge.

Ravi was a very pretty boy of Indian heritage wearing cricket whites. He had remarkably perfect skin, slightly spiked up black hair and very long eye-lashes.

Kit was a tall blond boy. He had the bookish air of a soon-to be doctor and a 'Librarian' pin in his blazer's buttonhole. He and Teddy, I was later told, were on the Vth form rowing team together.

The final boy Xav indicated, Slipper, was smaller than the others Ð and carried himself with a little less confidence. I suddenly remembered I'd heard Xavier talk about him once before Ð saying he was his fag at school. I felt a pang of possessiveness over Xav, seeing a fellow conquest of his in the flesh.

A crate of bottled beers were procured from a corner of the Common Room Ð and Xav, Max, Teddy, Kit, Harrison and Ravi all animatedly caught up, regaling each other with their tales from summer. Slipper sat awkwardly, watching each boy as he spoke, and occasionally glancing over at me.

After the boys had each started their third beers, Xavier did what he did best and started taking charge of the situation.

"Is that .. your dry cum on his face?" asked Kit.

"Actually, it's Max and Teddy's. In fact," Xav said, "I promised you some entertainment, boys. Who's horny?"

"Fuck yeah!" "Always." "I've not got off for three days," came the general assent.

"Me too," Xav said, standing up, undoing his trousers and dropping them and his boxers to the floor. His almost nine-and-a-half inches, free after hours of straining hard against his trousers, bobbing up and down in the air.

"Woah Ð fucking hell, Xav!" exclaimed Ravi.

"Your cock's even bigger than last year," Harrison chimed in.

"Yup. The Fuckclub is a big boy and he's still growing. Slipper, come here and lick my balls for me. Do not touch the Fuckclub Ð I just want my balls licked clean after that long sweaty car ride while I watch this. Art, take off your tape measure. You know what's coming next. We're going to have a little contest."

I removed the yellow linen tape measure from around my neck, and fiddled with it nervously.

"Who here wants to bang my new little plaything?" Xavier asked.

Harrison, Ravi and Kit were all very keen.

"Well I've needed to cum for a few hours now. I don't think I can hold out for all three of you to fuck him before I get off up his tight little boypuss. So, he's gonna suck off two of you while one of you warms up his ass for me. I seem to remember you three boys aren't doing too badly down there yourselves Ð but let's see who's packing the most, eh? The little bitchboy's going to measure for you. You guys hard?"

All three nodded and started dealing with their flies. One by one, three new cocks appeared before me. Ravi's was long and thin, Harrison's large and perfectly proportionate, and Kit's was plain intimidatingly large Ð possibly the longest I'd seen beside Xav's.

I felt my own much smaller cock stiffening up in my underwear.

"Okay, slutboy, start measuring them up."

Harrison stepped forward first. I brought the tape measure to his cock and read out the measurements as I'd been taught to do. Exactly seven inches long by five- point-four inches thick.

Next up was Ravi. The skin on his cock was as flawlessly smooth as that on his face. A little longer than Harrison but not quite so girthy, he measured seven- point-two inches long and five thick.

Confident of victory, Kit strode forward. I brought the tape measure up to his cock and looked up at him before announcing "Eight-point-four inches long and five-point-four inches wide".

So Kit would be fucking me while I sucked off Harrison and Kit. I had hoped we might move straight to this without the now ritual humiliation of me and my size, but it wasn't to be. Ever the director, Xavier intervened, "Before we officially announce the winner ... watch this. Fuckslut, why don't you show these boys whether you measure up."

I looked over at Xav, sitting king-like on the sofa, Slipper still kneeling and licking his balls. Max and Teddy sat either side of him and were slowly stroking they're huge (but not as huge) cocks. I saw Xav's enormous powerful Fuckclub towering over Slipper's face Ð oozing its precum onto his cheek Ð and I knew right away I would have to obey the might and power of such an incredibly hung young alpha.

I sighed inaudibly and stood up, to unbutton my trousers. I closed my eyes and pulled them down Ð the laughter was instantaneous.

"Pahahahaha Ð where do you find them Xav?"

"No wonder you called him a plaything Ð that little nub is barely even toy-sized."

"Ha! Looks like you're not the Baby of the House any more, Slipper."

I opened my eyes and looked towards the floor. Barely visible from where it protruded from under my t-shirt, my cocklet stood to attention Ð both impossibly hard and impossibly small.

"Okay, measure up, boy," Xav said.

Impossibly small and impossibly smaller, I read my measurements out loud for the room: "Three inches exactly by three inches exactly."

"Why don't you tell my pals here what that means?"

"Harrison, sir: your cock is fifteen times bigger than mine, you are almost twelve times the man I am. Ravi, sir: you are ten times the man I am. Kit, sir: you are sixteen times more hung than I am. You are sixteen times more man than I. Your eight-and-a-half-inch dick is about to pound my little boypussy and my three-inch dick is leaking just thinking about it."

All three of them had huge smiles on their faces.

"Well then," Xav said, "why don't you boys start."

"With pleasure," Kit said, before drooling a little on his palm and smearing it onto his massive cock head. He disappeared behind me and gently pushed me forward onto all fours, my ankles still constrained by my trousers and pants. I heard him hawk up some more spit onto my hole Ð barely recovered from Teddy's ravaging of it earlier today. Having been taken dry by Xavier before, at Max's behest, I was grateful Kit was generous enough to use any lube at all.

Ravi and Harrison sat on the nearest sofa and I felt Kit nudge me towards them. I crawled on my hands and knees towards them, as they waved their cocks at me -- knowing I was about to blow them whether I wanted to or not. Being handsome teen guys with cocks much larger than mine, I knew now it was my duty to blow them and help them get off. My face reached Ravi's crotch first Ð Kit fondling my hole the whole time. Ravi's ballsack was smooth and his black pubes neatly trimmed. He brought his long cock to my mouth and rubbed it against my lips a couple of times before telling me, "Open up."

Very quickly his cock hit my gag reflex but then slipped right past into my throat. "Ahh, that's it. Swallow my cock like a good boy," Ravi said.

"Okay boys Ð I'm going in," announced Kit from behind me. I felt the head of his fat cock against my tingling boypussy and gagged around Ravi's cock as Kit thrust forward, halfway in.

He waited a few seconds for my hole to adjust around his cock.

"Flex your hole," Kit instructed, "I wanna feel your pussy massaging my cock."

I squeezed my butt muscles around Kit's cock, and he moaned appreciatively.

"Okay, now relax," he said, before pushing his cock all the way in.

I struggled not to bite down on Ravi's cock at the sudden entry, but managed it. I did however, gag at being thrust further forward by Kit's cock.

The boys all laughed at the sound of my choking.

"He needs a bit more practice," Max said in his familiar sadistic sneer.

"Not as good a little-dick Slipper yet," agreed his little brother Teddy.

"Ahhh," Kit exhaled, "that feels nice."

He stopped thrusting for a moment and just flexed his cock. I gasped Ð he was already filling my pussy, and the flexing of his incredibly long cock was overwhelming.

"Squeeze your pussy back to the rhythm I tell you."

He flexed his big cock, still wedged all eight-and-a-half inches inside me, and I felt it expand.



He continued this exercise a second and a third time, a call and response between Kit's big dick and my hole. Although he dictated the rhythms, it was the most in control I'd been allowed to be while getting fuckedÑ

Suddenly I felt Ravi cuff me lightly around the head. "Hey, don't forget you're meant to be blowing me too."

"Ha. Sorry guys," Kit said, kindly taking the blame. He broke back into the thrusting I was more used to. I felt him rearranging my guys with his substantial girth and enormous length.

I meanwhile redoubled my efforts on Ravi, who said nothing, but guided my head up and down every so often.

"My turn," said Harrison jealously. I switched over to blowing him, tasting the sweat on his hard meat from his cycling practice earlier. He wrapped his enormous python-like thighs over my shoulders and around my neck, crushing me a little and pinning his dick down my throat.

"Yeah, you gag on my sweaty cock, you little whore," Harrison jibed.

Kit picked up the pace a little. As he got more lost in his fuck, he started being just a little less considerate. He lent forward on top of me, holding the back of my head for balance and pushing it down on Harrison's cock.

"Mph, yes. Fuck yeah," hissed Kit, his thrusting getting more urgent now. "Yeeeaah, I'm gonna blow. You want my load in your little pussy?"

"Mmm-hmm," I mumbled around Harrison's cock.

"Here it cums," promised Kit, and true to his word he shoved his cock all the way in one final time, and I felt the familiar flex-flex-flex of his dick inside me as he deposited his load.

I sighed gratefully Ð at the added lubrication and the respite from the overwhelming spitroast.

"Next time," said Kit, patting my right butt cheek, "I'm gonna have you do the hard work and I'll stand leaning against the wall while you back that hot little arse up and down my cock. If Xavier's okay with there being a next time?"

"Sure," replied Xav, who had been watching intently from one of the sofas. Slipper was still on his knees dutifully licking Xavier's smooth low-hanging balls, while Xav gave very occasional tugs to his cock Ð his mighty Fuckclub which had been almost constantly hard for about six hours now. (I noticed how Xav was the one deciding whether Kit could fuck me again in the future!) "But right now," Xav continued, "I wanna try something else out."

Slipper was given a break from his ball-licking duties, as Xavier stood up. He brushed a couple of empty tea mugs off the coffee table in front of him, which landed (without smashing) with a thud on the rug below.

"Crawl over here, pussyboy, and lie on your back on this table."

I removed my mouth from Harrison's cock and felt Kit's now spent cock slide out of my hole.

I crawled forward on all fours, my ankles still constrained by my boxers and shorts, and clambered up onto the table.

Ever the director in life, Xavier slid his hand into his inside blazer pocket and removed his phone, switching it to camera mode.

"Slipper, come and pull off pussyboy's underwear, then lick Kit's load out of his hole."

With minimal reluctance, Slipper got up from his knees and did as Xavier had instructed him. I gasped at the pleasant Ð almost healing Ð feeling of his tongue against my hole. Before him, I had only ever been rimmed (oops, I mean had my pussy eaten out) by Teddy, earlier that afternoon. I moaned gratefully at the feeling. But it also struck me that Kit's cum would have made a welcome lubricant, but Xavier seemed to have other plans.

"Yes, this is going to be hot," Xavier said: "Harrison, you're going to pound pussyboy's hole; Ravi you're going to throatfuck him with his head hanging off the back of the table; Teddy and Max, you want your cocks stroked?"

"Hell yeah!" they both whooped, having been stroking their dicks while they watched me get impaled by Kit's big dick.

"Pussyboy, which hand do you use to write?"

"My right, sir," I replied, noting I'd barely spoke since I arrived Ð but agency and whims being dictated by Xavier.

"Teddy, you can get the fuckslut's good hand, seen as you won the size-off with your brother earlier."

I caught Max glower out of the corner of my eye, as if this were somehow my fault and he were tallying up how sadistic he would get with me when he got me on my own.

"Kit, Slipper here can blow you when you're ready for round two. For now: Slipper, get back over here and carry on worshipping my balls. Tell me if you can taste and feel just how huge a load they're building."

With Xavier's phone camera to the ready and the four boys in position, I cannot tell you how much of a struggle it was Ð and how much of a humiliation it was for it all to be caught on camera.

The pain of Harrison's cock lunging into my (once again near-lubeless) hole, and the easy access Ravi had right down my throat causing me to wretch uncontrollably, were combined with the sheer concentration I needed not to let Harrison's single-mindedly brutal assault of my boypussy pull me away from Ravi throat fucking, and the need to wank the arrogant, beautiful Thompson brothers at the same time. All four teen cock were incredibly hard, harder than mine had ever been in its twenty-nine years Ð not to mention huge: each many, many times larger than my own even when it was hard Ð although at this moment it had shrivelled down to its flaccid one-point-six inches, in recognition of the fact there was no point in it getting hard at all.

I felt every one of Harrison's thick seven inches as he held on to my thighs, pushing his cock slowly and firmly at a steady rhythm, his eyes occasionally rolling into the back of his head as he thought only about the pressure around his big rod, unconcerned with either how much pain or pleasure I got from it.

Ravi on the other hand, while not as mean as Max, did chuckle occasionally as he heard me wretch. But on and on his throatfucking went, determined to make me get used to his over seven inches and their brutal assault on my tonsils.

After I had wanked off Teddy and Max for a couple of minutes, I felt Teddy grab my right wrist and gob some phlegmy saliva into it. "Just polish the head for a bit," he said, and I used my spit-covered palm to do as I was told, concentrating on the head for five seconds at a time, before moving my hand down his seven- point-six-inch shaft. He was so hard his foreskin was retracted and gave me easy access to all the ridges of his cock's thick head.

A few minutes later I felt Max do the same, and without being told I put more effort into pleasing the head of his cock as I continued left-handedly to service his seven-point-two inches.

On and on this went. It could have been twenty minutes, but it felt like hours. Xavier was sending me on a journey to loving cock, but for much of this gang bang it felt like there could be such a thing as too much cock Ð my world seemed to revolve solely around dick, and helping these young guys get their nutÑ

Harrison was first.

"I'm gonna fucking blow soon," he said, pulling his cock from my battered hole and aiming it deliberately towards my crotch. He shot quite the load too Ð several heavy ropes of cum at high velocity, it almost totally obscured my dicklette by the time he was done.

This was enough to send the boys over the edge. First Teddy, then Max, manoeuvred the cocks closer to my face Ð then took over the jerking of their meat. Ravi pulled his cock from my mouth too.

"Yeeaaah-heheeaah," Xav approved, his hard cock dripping precum onto Slipper, who was still on his knees, jaw sore, lapping at Xav's sack, "go on boys! Paint that bitch's face!"

They didn't need telling twice. At exactly the same time all three boys exploded. The dry cum on my face from the spitroast in the fields earlier was joined by and insane amount of cum. It covered my face, it drenched my hair, it dripped down my neck. I couldn't have counted how many cumshots were fired, so heavy and steady did they cum. I could have asked Xav later, of course, as he had switched the camera to slow-mo mode in time for this mother of all moneyshots.

There was much panting as the four young alphas, and I, caught our breath. Xavier put his phone back in his pocket, and stripped out of his remaining clothes. Such was his command of a room that everyone, even his fellow tops, watched him in anticipation. Once he was totally naked, enormous cock sticking hard out in front of him, he barked out his next instructionÑ

"Slipper! Eat out the little cumslut again. I want you to suck every drop of Harrison's load out of him Ð I want him to really feeeeel this fuck.

Max whistled his approval.

"When you are totally done, I want you to offer blowjobs to others, starting with Kit."

Kit stroked his nowÐhard-again cock appreciatively.

The room was silent other than the sound of Slipper slurping noisily at my hole, seemingly scared of not doing exactly as instructed.

Meanwhile, Xavier leant down and picked up the yellow linen tape measure that so haunted me. When Slipper was done and slinked off, Xav walked authoritatively to where Harrison had been standing, and handed it to me.

"Now, why don't you measure your little cock again?" he asked rhetorically.

My cock, while it had been soft from its sheer unneededness and the gangbang's overwhelmingness, had somehow managed to get hard despite my heart pumping blood to less pointless parts of my body to recover from all the exertion. My eyes filled slightly with tears as I read out the new and impossible verdict of the tape measure which told no lies. "It's two-point-nine inches long and two- point-twoinches around, sir."

Xavier's eyes lit up.

"Not really a cock at all, is it?" he asked

"No, sir," I replied.

A broad smirk spread across Xavier's flush-cheeked face. He had seen how tiny the pitiful, shrivelled worm had looked during the gangbanged he had facilitated, of course. But hearing those numbers read aloud filled Xavier was the most intense feeling of power. He felt it coursing through his chest. He felt it surging through his throbbing hours-long erection, pumping it up even harder. Those numbers were half of a perfect and natural yin and yang, which the universe had provided for him at Ophelia's party earlier in the summer. A faggot so faggoty, that even if he ever had the inclination to penetrate someone, he couldn't.

But now, Xavier wanted to hear the numbers that made up the other half Ð the yang to this yin.

"Now do me," he said quietly and firmly.

I heaved myself up so I was sat cross-legged on the table, and moved to see what the tape measure made of Xavier's cock.

"Woah," I heard all six of the other boys exhale.

"It's nine-point-six inches long, sir; and over seven inches round," I said.

"And tell everyone what that means," Xavier replied.

"It means you are almost thirty-nine times more the man than I'll ever be."

Xavier's smirked with pride Ð and his pride and joy flex and oozed another big string of precum. He ran his index finger up his shaft, collecting it and bringing it to my mouth, and I dutifully licked it off.

Xav thought about how, when he first arranged this little size-offs, he had compared the hard Fuckclub to Art's cocklette when it was hard. Perhaps he continued to do this as it seemed fairer Ð even if (given the extraordinary difference in endowment) it wasn't exactly `fair'. But no, Xavier concluded: unlike Art's, Xav's cock was meant to be hard Ð hard and ready to fuck. That was its natural state. Given that Art had never fucked anyone and, as was likelier than ever before, he never would Ð its natural state was clearly soft. Soft and small, as nature intended. That was fine Ð he was about to fuck Art so had it would soon be soft again. "Mmmm," Xav sighed, as all was right with the world. He felt another surge of pride as he considered the fact that, even though he didn't know the numbers off the top of his head, the Fuckclub even outsized his fellow tops Ð it was bigger by half than even his nearest competitor in the room.

"Now," Xavier said, walked around the opposite side of the table. I rotated still cross-legged, my eyes following him. He continued, "you know my views on cum, and specifically you not wasting it."

He pointed to the table. While my now cum-splatted face had caught much of the loads of the three boys who had given me such an epic facial, at least half had dripped onto the coffee table.

"You are going to get on all fours, arch your back nicely for me now, and you are going to spent the next few minutes licking up every drop of my friends' cum. And while you do it," he said, collapsing onto an armchair where I could see him, "I am going to slowly stroke the Fuckclub and you are going to watch. I am going to stroke these inches Ð over nine-and-a-half inches Ð which taught you what a little pussyboy you are and you are going to think about my nine-and-a-half inches inches; you're going to think about how they compare to the pitiful little boyclit you have between your legs; and you're going to think about how they're going to feel in a few minutes, when you've licked up all that cum, and I come over there and give you the fuck of your life."

Xavier had given his instructions with such confidence that I found myself, on all fours on the table, back arched, and dutifully licking Ravi, Teddy and Art's cum off it as he had told without even thinking about it.

"Oooft, yesss," Kit said, his cock now halfway down Slipper's throat, clearly enjoying the scene.

"Yeah, lick up that cum, boy," Teddy chimed in, before warmly adding, "might even make you lil dick a bit bigger."

Max, Ravi and Harrison all made noises of encouragement too.

Xavier smiled at just how good life was right now. He slid forward in the chair, so that Ð as I watched him in awe as he slowly stroked the Fuckclub Ð we occasionally made eye contact. It was a deep and intense eye contact, like we could see into one another's souls and knew exactly what the other was about. It was incredible. He used the precum to slick his hand right the way up and down the shaft, and what a journey it was too, an incredible nine-point-six inches. Occasionally Xavier would hold it by the base with one hand, and grip his shaft just above with the other, and there were still be more inches sticking out from above his hands than I ever had.

Xavier recalled everything that had happened that day. Getting his balls licked in Max's Royce while people from the London bus could see, churning up a big load. Getting Max and Teddy to size off, before having them spitroast Art in a stranger's field, churning up an extra big load. And then bringing his latest and most special conquest to his boarding school dayroom, where he had spent all five of his horny teenage years, to share him with his buddies while ickle Slipper had licked his balls, churning up a truly big load.

And now, as Art was dutifully finishing off licking up their cum as he had been instructed, Xavier was about to shoot that load. He'd seen how Teddy and Art had spitroasted Art so savagely; how Kit and then Harrison had pounded Art's pussy, the pussy Xav had created with the Fuckclub; how Ravi had chuckled as he made Art writhe and wretch was a strong throatfucking. Xavier had been almost constantly hard for seven hours now, and building up an incredible load, and was determined to shoot it with an adoring audience. An incredible load which he was about to unleash on Art's insides with a fuck more ferocious than the other five boys could dole out combined.

I watched as Xavier, content with the job I had done licking up the cum, stood up from the armchair. His enormous cock looking more menacing than ever.

"Stay right there," he said.

He walked behind me. I felt him blow cool air only my hole, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to raise, I shuddered with anticipating.

I felt the heat of the head of his hard and incredible cock find its way to the opening of my hole. I felt his hands take a firm grip of each of my hips. And thenÑ

"AAAAAARRGHGHGHHH!" I screamed, in incredible pain, I could nothing but stars.

Xavier shoved every one of his seven-inch thick and of his nearing ten-inch cock in me with such force I want from on all knees to laying flat on my front on the table.

Xavier did not even wait for a beat before pulling his cock out and slamming it back in, the friction of my helpless arse lips being pulled back and forth by the biggest intrusion Xavier had given me yet. He slammed backwards and forwards with speed and ferocity throughout the entire fuck, stopping only to switch positions and bring his foot up to the side of my face, grinding it down onto the coffee table. This added humiliation achieved, he stayed confidently in that position and continued to pound that mighty weapon into my passive painful hole.

"Show that little cunt who's boss!" Max said.

And on this went: Xavier's rhythmic, savage brutalising of my hole. Each time he slammed his enormous cock into me, my own tiny dicklet and balls slammed painfully into the tape.

On went the boys' commentary tooÑ

"Fuck, you're not just more hung than last year, you're more brutal too," said Harrison.

"Not gentle, is he?" agreed Teddy (an enormous understatement which may have been a cheeky contrast with his own more gentle approach).

"Hear him gasping as you ram it in?" asked Kit.

"You see him crying too!" observed Ravi.

The comments kept coming Ð some said they were taking notes, some that they were keen to use a fag this rough next time they got the chance, others that they had to give it to Xav: his cock was truly enormous.

The fuck felt eternal, although in reality it was only five minutes. (Like many teenage boys, Xavier was usualyy about cumming quickly but often; and he had spent the whole day working himself up to get hornier and hornier.)

But in the end, the vice-like grip of my until recently virginal boypussy and the encouragement of his adoring crowd sent Xavier over the edge. The incredible load he'd been churning up all day fired its way deep, deep inside me. I counted his cock tense up over twenty times, as Xavier Lynch and his legendary Fuckclub bred me with rope after rope of his Alpha cum.

My quiet weeping died down a little, as Xavier removed his foot from my head, his nine-and-a-half inches still almost all inside me.

"Fuck me, that was hot," Kit said, and starting applaudingly earnestly.

The other boys joined in. Xavier ate up the rapturous applause, the whooping and the whistling, and gave a double-armed pose of his well exercised teen polo player biceps.

"Do what Kit taught you," Xavier said, "squeeze those sweet pussy lips around my cock."

So I squeezed them, doing my best to make Xav happy.

"Vwahaahaa," Xav said, shuddering with pleasure. He seemed reluctant to pull his cock from my hole. He stayed inside me post-orgasm for longer than the actual fuck, as the room returned to normal teenage boy conversations, but with the sweet scent of pheromones and sex even more heavily in the air than before.

When Xavier finally pulled out of me, he explained to the group that he was beat. He said he was going to show me his dorm. So, we dressed, and then went back to the narrow spiral staircase, me clenching my hole desperate not to let his copious load leak out into my underwear.


I hope you enjoyed this story, which I intend on making a series. Any feedback and suggestions would be much appreciated at

Next: Chapter 6

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