Boybands - You Can Make The Story Right

By JT Poole

Published on Sep 25, 2003



Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.
  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.
  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good

Author's Note: Hey guys and girls, I hope you like this little story, something I was thinking about on the side of `My Kinda Guy'. This is just a one shot story, there isn't going to be a continuance of this story, just something I was thinking about. (Hope this isn't the future of Nick and Justin in MKG)

You Can Make The Story Right By JT Poole

// The Carter-Timberlake Household //

"It's five a.m. Nick, where have you fuckin' been?" Justin asked as Nick walked through the door, with an intoxicated look on his face.

"What's it matter to you?" Nick asked, walking past Justin and throwing his jacket on the sofa.

"I'm your husband and I was worried about you!" Justin screamed. "What has gotten into you lately, are you cheating on me?"

"What!" Nick screamed at Justin.

"I said are you fucking cheating on me!" Justin screamed back. "You have been coming in like this every night now!"

"That doesn't mean that I am cheating on you!" Nick screamed back.

"You are doing something or someone!" Justin stated. "Why are you coming in like this every night drunk and wreaking of sex?"

"I am not drunk and I don't wreak of sex." Nick stated as he walked up the stairs to the bedroom with Justin following behind him. "Get off my fucking back. If I want to go out with the fellas and drink, I deserve that


"You deserve to have your ass kicked Nick!" Justin screamed. "I am tired of the shit Nick, what the fuck is going on?"

"Nothing's going on Justin." Nick stated as he sat down on the bed and started untying his shoes.

"Just tell me baby, what's going on? Why don't we ever spend any time together, why don't we have sex anymore?" Justin asked.

"Because of this, this is why we don't spend time together." Nick stated. "I get tired of your petty whimpering and carrying on."

"My petty whimpering and carrying on!" Justin screamed.

"You want to leave me don't you." Justin stated. "Are you and Brian still having sex?"

"No! Me and Brian are not having sex!" Nick screamed. "Where the fuck did that come from?"

"From these!" Justin screamed, walking over to the dresser, opening a drawer, pulling out an envelope and throwing it on the bed besides Nick. "Open it."

"What the fuck is this?" Nick asked, opening the envelope.

"That's you and that's Brian having sex." Justin stated, pointing at the images in the pictures.

"Ahhh...ahhhh..." Nick stuttered, "Baby I'm sorry."

"No you're not sorry Nick, you're a fucking dog!" Justin stated. "Why did you do that huh? Why did you cheat on me? Why did you do it with Brian?"

"I don't know why I did it baby." Nick stated. "It just happened."

"Yeah it happened twelve times that night, and I don't know how many times on the other nights." Justin stated, as Nick started blushing. "Yes I know about the other times Nick."

"But..." Nick stuttered.

"Those pictures tell the whole story Nick." Justin stated. "There's not an excuse for any of this. All I want to know is, was his ass better than mine?"

"Baby please..." Nick stated.

"Don't baby please me." Justin stated. "Was his ass better than mine? It better had, because you are loosing a whole lot if it wasn't."

"I love you baby, I don't love him." Nick stated. "It was all a big mistake."

"Yes it was and you made it Nick." Justin stated. "Get your stuff, I want you out of here now."

"Please Justin, I don't want to leave, give me another chance baby." Nick stated, dropping to his knees in front of Justin. "Just let me make it up to you."

"There's nothing you can do now Nick." Justin stated. "I want you out of here."

"Baby no." Nick stated.

"The cologne, the alcohol, the way your clothes look right now tells me where you been." Justin stated. "Just go back to where you came from, you aren't getting anything else here again."

"Justin..." Nick stated, as Justin cut him off.

"No Nick, no." Justin stated. "Get you shit and get to steppin'."

"I am not going to go Justin, I love you." Nick stated.

"If you loved me so much, your dick wouldn't have been looking for a new place to fit in." Justin stated. "I am not going to say this again Nick, get out, I don't want to see you anymore. You betrayed me and you hurt me very badly. Get out and don't come back."

"Justin I will do anything..." Nick stated.

"Hit the road Ho and don't show ya face no mo!" Justin stated, walking out of the bedroom and down the hall. "I expect you to be gone when I get


"Justin please, we can get through this." Nick stated. "We can't just throw away five years."

"You threw that away Nick, you threw that away when you slipped your dick into Brian's ass." Justin stated from the hallway. "I will always love you Nick, but I can't stand you anymore, I can never ever trust you again."

"I don't want us to end baby." Nick stated.

"Too late for that Nick." Justin stated. "You Can Make The Story Right."

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