Boybands Family

By n.j.scott

Published on Jan 31, 2002


Disclaimer I don't know Nsync or any of the celebrities mentioned this is no way based on the actual Sexuality of any person. This story is a complete work off Fiction This part of the story takes place two week after we initially meet

I step back into the living room with several cans of coke handed on to each of the guys and retook my place on the floor.

It was two weeks since me and Justin had finally met.

We had spent the first week getting to know every thing about each other and I had told him I was gay and to my surprise so was he, we both said we had boyfriends but said we'd wait till they where there to introduce them.

The second week the guys had arrived and I spent time getting to know each of them, they had all been really great it was such a close knit group that I was happy to be so readily excepted josh even said to me "at last some one to take my role as justin's big brother."

We where watching some home video's dad had done the last time I was over when dad came in holding the phone and said " it's for you son," I took the phone from him and said "hallo"

"neil thank god everything is such a mess here,"

" slow down Kevin now what's the matter?"

" haven't you seen the news today?"

" no why?"

"watch some news it can explain better then I can"

I picked up the remote and put on one of the news channels.

" And the main story again pop idol nick carter was this morning arrested by police in connection with an alleged rape of a fan, bail has been posted and mr carter has been given permission to travel to a close friend until a trial date is set, we will have more on this story as it becomes available."

I switched the TV off and went back to the phone call

"ok Kevin where is he going?"

"we believe he's coming to you"

"ok what's the situation?"

" well it's a pack of lies of course the date she gives is in mid august he was with you then" he passed the slowly he spoke "he needs to come out he's a mess because he's not sure you want him to or if you'll stay if he does,"

"ok Kevin I'll talk to him when he gets here and then we'll call you ok?"


"and Kevin please don't let the media tear him apart to much about this"

"I'll try, speak to you soon bye "


I hung up the phone and just sat there

Justin nudge me and said "why is Kevin calling you about this I doesn't involve you does it?"

"you know I said because of certain things I couldn't tell you who my boyfriend was"


"well you going to meet him sooner than I thought he's on his way here"

"so who is it"

" I can't say but you'll see when he gets here but for now I need to do some thinking excuse me gentlemen."

Justin turned to dad and said, "How long has neil been dating one of the backstreet boys?"

"about 2 years"

"which one?"

"I can't say either the clause in the contract says that only he can revel him self I 'm sorry Justin"

" oh god his whole life is fill with contract stopping him from doing something or other how does he cope"

"I asked him that once he said it's because I love them that I sign each and everyone to keep them safe".

Justin sat back and was in deep thought when he got up and followed me.

When Justin found me I was in stevens room just looking at him then I spoke

"ok baby bro what do I do now, I just found Justin and I stand to lose him again but I can't, I couldn't take being away again." I broke down and began to cry Justin came up behind me and held me and said " you won't lose me again I won't let that happen we'll get through this I promise" a I turn and raped my arms around him and just cried.

I had just finished composing my self when joey shouted down " hay Justin nick carter is at your door." Justin turned and ran out the door, gathering myself together I ran after him.

When I got to the hall way I herd Justin say " hay nick nice of you to visit but you should be back with boys trying to sort this out you didn't need to come here"

Nick replied "hi just thanks but I didn't come to see you "

"the how did you come here to see?"

then I spoke up from the doorway "he came to see me"


tell me what you think and who should Justin be with lance or joey

Next: Chapter 4

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