Boybands Family

By n.j.scott

Published on Jan 23, 2002


Disclaimer I don't know Nsync or any of the celebrities mentioned this is no way based on the actual Sexuality of any person. This story is a complete work off Fiction.

Thanks to all those who emailed I'll try and make this instalment longer than the first

Yours Neil

I came off the plane into the airport terminal

Expecting to see my farther that I hadn't seen for at least three months, but what greeted me was a shock to me because there he was my brother.

He was holding up a sign that from the look of it Jonathan had written for him. So I went over he was looking around very nervously which didn't surprise me considering the sign he was holding.

"Hi," I said he turned and looked at me and said "yes"

"if your looking for an English Pratt I'm the only one you likely to find here," he stared at me again the looked at the sign and laughed he said "I never looked to see what the sign said," he looked me up and down and said "your not what I expected,"

"why?" I asked

"sorry but dad said I had to meet someone here who could tell me about my brother"

"ah, and you where expecting some lawyer type with a suit and brief case yeah?"

he looked at the floor sheepishly and said "well yeah"

"well I'm sorry to disappoint but I can tell you all you want to know about you brother, shall we go somewhere quiet so we can talk?"

we made our way out towards his car

"Who made the sign, no let me guess lisa had to be"

"Yeah she said hold that up he'll come to you don't worry and there's no chance any one else will come near, boy was she right everyone just kept looking and walking the other way or laughing, I couldn't understand why guess I should have looked at the sign."

" you think."

We got to his car and he asked where do I want to go I said some place quiet with tables.

We arrived at a small park about 10 minuets drive from the airport we got out and made our way to one of the tables near by and sat down.

I looked at Justin and said " so what would you like to know?"


"ok then what do you know?"

"just that I have a brother and you'll explain, but what I really want to know is why he doesn't want to see me but is happy to meet my to brother's does he hate me that much."

I could see the tears in his eye's and all I wanted to do was hold him and tell him I loved him and I never stayed away because I wanted to

"well where to begin, his name is neil timberlake but for reason which we'll get to he has had to go by neil scott, he's 25 soon to be 26. can you reach over behind you and grab the rucksack for me"

he did so and handed it to me I opened it and got out the large file of document that I carried and handed them to him. Taking them of me he said, " What are these?"

"if you read them you will understand everything, you hold in your hand every reason your brother hasn't met you before now, you don't have to read them but if at anytime you want proof of what I say it's all there for you to read,"

" now 26 years ago next month your mother and father had a baby a son being fancially hard up they realised the could not support the child, so he was placed up for foster care until such time as they could support them selves and the baby. Now no one is quite sure why but you mother requested that it should be a British couple that foster their son and two weeks latter neil timberlake was fostered to mr and mrs scott.

Almost 5 years later they had another son that was you. Life went along fine until one day the two decided to divorce you went with your mother and you father meet lisa.

Then your farther began to actively search for you brother, it took him about 6 months but he found him the got reacquainted.

About a year later neil asked your mother for permission to see you he was told no. three weeks later a court order arrived for you brother and your father restricting them in your brothers case from seeing you and in you father's ever mentioning neil to you until your 18th birthday .

I paused the to see justin's reaction he just frowned he seemed neither shock or angry, so I went on

" then you formed nsync and your brother got another court order restricting him form telling anyone but family members that he was you brother, two weeks later one restricting him from using the name timberlake at all until such time as his brother new about him.

Then you turn 18 and he was all geared up to tell you and finally meet you when this document came," I paused here got out the document and handed it to him,

" this one broke my heart you know. It said and I quote " this document here by restricts neil timberlake to never be able to tell Justin timberlake that he is his brother and till such time as Justin knows of his existence any attempt by him to do so will result in a jail sentence of up to three years."

And then I felt for the first time like this was it I'd never get to see you never know who my brother is never speak to you it was like we where on to separate cliffs with only a rope bridge between us and the bridge was burning and I watched it fall away, because no one could tell you who I was and there for you would never ask about me." I realised that through that little piece my voice had gone quiet and I was crying silent tears and that I had stop using he and started using me.

I turned to my brother saw the tears cascading down his face he caught his breath and asked "who did this? Who sent all the document?"

I looked him straight in the eye and said "mom"

I could see on his face the anger rise I thought he was going to shout at me.

"bitch not content with trying to run my life she wants to ruin it to doesn't she?"

at that point he broke down and sobbed

I slide of the bench on to my knees next to him and pulled him into my arms and sobbed with him telling him that it was ok we where together and nothing could separate us now nothing.

I don't know how long we stayed like that but suddenly Justin got up and said "lets go back to dads so we can get to know each other in private." We made our way back to justin's car and he took us home to dads, where we spent the next few days getting to know each other and making plans to spend the next few months together.


Well there you have it part 2 tell me what you think next chapter will probably involve the rest of the guy's

Next: Chapter 3

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