Boy Trouble

By Ethan Summers

Published on May 20, 2020


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Boy Trouble - Part 3

I woke up early, the sun was filtering through my bedroom window where the curtain had been left open. The window was still ajar. I glanced around as memories came filtering back, the bed was a tangle of sheets and my body was sticky with cum, but I was alone. I glanced at the clock, it was just 6 am, a Saturday. I picked up my phone and saw a missed text from Kole. He had switched to an early flight and he would be landing at JFK in a few hours. "No need to meet me, I'll drop off my stuff and drop by later."

"Can't wait!" I replied, trying to sound cheery. I had some work to do. I had spent the previous week trying to get the apartment pulled together. We weren't living together, but we'd probably be spending a lot of time here and I wanted him to be comfortable. The idea that we might move in together soon was one I was trying to slowly nurture. Finding me drenched in someone else's cum wasn't really the domestic image I was trying to portray.

I stripped the bed, threw my sheets into the laundry bin and jumped in the shower. I felt better the moment the hot water hit my body, but as sometimes happens the steamy water released something. The scent of what had happened the night before. I caught a whiff of the boy who'd so thoroughly used me the night before. Immediately my dick stood at attention. I tried to ignore it. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle the situation but after a week apart from my boyfriend I wanted to at least save a little bit of that enthusiasm for him.

Still, as the steam rose around me I couldn't help but think about the boy. His intense dark eyes, the smell of his pits, the way he had forcibly fingered me. My hand drifted to my cock. It only took a few strokes before I shot a load of cum clear across the shower. Drops of jizz splattered against the shower door.

I jumped out of the shower, my brain felt a little less fuzzy now that I'd cum. I quickly wiped down the shower and dressed for work. On top of everything we had a presentation to a major potential client today and I was supposed to take the lead on strategy. Normally our agency kept things casual, wanting to project the same laid-back cool as the startup founders we worked with, but today we were meeting with a major corporate client so everyone was expected to smarten up a bit.

I pulled on a pair of dark slacks, a clean pressed grey button down and a blazer, the effect was monochromatic professional. I reached for my wallet and at the last minute decided to grab a couple extra business cards from the box I kept on my dresser. You never know who you might meet. The lid of the box was slightly askew but I took no notice of it. I was running late, my morning showe activity had cost me a precious few minute so I dashed down the the stairs onto the street and moments later down into the subway.

By the time I arrived at work I'd regained my focus. Last night's activities were the last thing on my mind. I was determined to get rid of the boy once and for all and focus on my relationship, but I could deal with that later. The meeting came and went, and I was optimistic. We didn't get a greenlight but everyone agreed we'd knocked the pitch out of the park. We'd hear from them in a few days to see if we landed the account.

I dropped down into my chair intent on finishing a bit of work now that the tension of the big presentation dissipated.. Suddenly my phone buzzed. I glanced down to see a message from an unfamiliar number. Sliding the lock open I was greeted by an image that I immediately recognized. A long, heavy, perfectly curved semi-hard cock. The very one that had flooded my mouth throat with cum the night before. There was a message too.

"Miss this?" the boy had written accompanying the lewd image of his half-hard member. I covered my phone before typing my reply.

"How did you get my number?" I replied, remember the business card box lid even as I tapped send.

"Nevermind. Go to the bathroom, I wanna see you." Came the reply almost instantly.

I didn't have time for this now. I needed to focus on work. I needed to stop fooling around with this kid. Everything about this was a huge mistake. But seeing that photo immediately sent my mind reeling. There was just something about this kid, his cock, his attitude, his smell, everything about him made me want to drop everything and obey. I closed my phone and slipped away to the office bathroom. Securely situated in the most remote stall I texted him.

"What do you want to see?"

The reply came instantly, "show me your pussy now that I own it."

He would ask for the most difficult position. Still, I couldn't resist. Dropping my pants I took a seat, lifting my legs as high as I could while shakily holding my camera attempting to capture a decent angle of my tight pussy. Why did I say pussy? My hole. That was more normal. A moment later I had sent the picture, my cock was already rock hard as I waited for him to reply.

"Finger it." he typed tersely.

"Yes sir" came my reply, my middle finger already searching for my hole as I began to work myself. While I was as vers as the next guy, most of my experience was as a top, and I had never played with myself this way before. Still I felt compelled to do as he asked. It wasn't as good as the way he had forcibly invaded my hole the previous night, but it somehow felt more right than ever before. I glanced at my phone and saw another message.

"FaceTime" he said succinctly.

I didn't hesitate. I tapped the Facetime button and leaned my phone on the stall railing. The call connected and I saw his big dark eyes staring at me through the screen. He didn't even have to say a word as he furiously stroked my cock while my middle finger pushed deeper into my tight ass. I was already close. I had almost forgotten where I was as I felt the orgasm building. I stroked my cock furiously while he silently watched, I heard myself moan quietly as a blast of cum, my second that day, exploded from cock and splattered against the bathroom door.

I was sweating as I picked up my phone and quickly whipped myself with a torn piece of toilet paper. The boy had already hung up. I hurried out of the stall and quickly straightened myself up in the bathroom mirror. It wasn't until I had swiped my hair back into place that I noticed I wasn't alone. A man, mid-thirties, wearing a suit, was just finishing up at the urinal. As he turned I recognized the face, he was one of the reps from the client we had pitch that morning. I didn't know his name. Could he have heard me? We briefly made eye contact and he smirked before walking out. Hopefully he hadn't noticed. Should I say something? My stress spiral was interrupted by my vibrating phones. Two text messages.

The first was from the boy, it featured another picture of his now massively engorged cock "it's waiting for you at home." read the text. It was then I noticed the scenery. The photo was a closeup, but I could clearly make out the pattern of my own duvet cover. He naked on my bed.

The second text was even more alarming. It was from Cole. "Hope your presentation went well. Should I drop by your new place later?

I locked my phone and rushed back to my desk, quickly making an excuse to my team director. Normally it would be heresy to leave the office early, but everyone was riding high from the pitch meeting and he ignored my flimsy excuse about needing to sign for a package. I rushed home hoping to avert a disastrous collision between Cole and the boy. Today had to be the last straw, no matter what happened I had to get the boy out of my life.

At least that's what I thought, thirty minute later after a nerve wracking train ride I had arrived at my apartment door. I turned the key as quietly as possible, not wishing to disturb the intruder I was expecting to find there. Sure enough the window was open again. I quietly pushed open the door to the bedroom but what I saw was definitely not what I expected.

The boy was naked on the bed, just as I expected. He was on all fours, facing away from me. I could see in my full length mirror that his eyes were closed. What I hadn't expected to see was my handsome blonde boyfriend, shirtless, his pants around his ankles, furiously jerking his cock while his face was buried deep in the boy's perfect hairy ass.

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