Boy Trouble

By Ethan Summers

Published on Apr 28, 2020


It had been about a week since my encounter with my new young neighbor and I had tried my best to put the incident out of my mind. My boyfriend, Kole, was still in Chicago on business so I'd kept myself busy getting my new apartment in order. Pulling the place together, assembling furniture, and making things livable had kept me so busy that I hadn't even bothered to look at the app again. I hadn't said anything to Kole about the incident with the neighbor boy but I'd been extra attentive to his texts and calls. Monogamy was a luxury in most gay relationships and and it was one that we both aspired to, but since my slip up wasn't likely to repeat itself I didn't think it was worth rocking the boat over. The only thing I hadn't done, was lock the window...

Normally I would have spent a Friday evening out to drinks with friends, or at dinner with Kole, but he was still out of town for work and setting up my apartment had been exhausting. That's how I found myself in bed with a book on a Friday night when a tap came at the window. I barely noticed it at first, but then it became more insistent. I looked up in time to see the window sliding up. I was immediately gripped with worry, and anticipation.

The boy slid through the window as casually as if he were dropping into the bodega on the corner to pick up a snack. I was about to say something, to object, when his eye met mine. I fell silent as he held my gaze. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a tight t-shirt that outlined his lithe form. He looked around for a moment, as if taking in the now fully organized apartment for the first time. His hand drifted to his crotch and casually massaged teh bulge the was already forming in his tight jeans.

"Did you miss me?" he said with a flick of a smile, his eyes returning to mine. I was thinking more clearly since he broke eye contact but I still wanted to act casual. No need to make a scene.

"Hey man, i'm glad you stopped by. I wanted to clarify some stuff" I said trying to keep my tone even. It wasn't that I was afraid of him, I'm not a musclehead but I had twenty pounds and a foot of height on him. It was more like I was his total confidence that threw me off. There was something so appealing but also intimidating about it.

"Oh?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. By name he was standing next to my bed "Go ahead and clarify" he said with that same hint of a smile. His hand was already on his zipper slowly pulling it down.

"Well look," i said trying not to focus on his fingers as they fumbled with his open fly. "Last time was fun, but I do have a boyfriend. He's not here at the moment but he will be so you can't just" My voice trailed off as he pulled his cock free. He wasn't wearing underwear but he also hadn't bothered to pull down his pants. He just left a half-hard seven inches flop through his fly in front of me.

"You're boyfriend don't like dick?" he said, seeming more annoyed than confused.

"We're exclusive" i said trying to fake a laugh "i can't just have you coming in here whenever you want."

"Oh really" he said, his slowly hardening cock still bobbing a foot from my face. "So how about..." he paused for a second, sliding his hand up my leg and under the loose basketball shorts that I had been wearing to bed. "I cum..." he hand sped up my thigh, brushing my balls before I could react, "in here." he said with a smile as his finger dove between my cheeks, pushing against my hole.

It happened so fast I barely had time to react. I had been distracted by his cock and the next thing I knew his finger was insistently working my hole. I had always been a top, so i was unprepared for the way he expertly forced his way inside me. He leaned in, and without thinking I dove on his now hard cock. The taste of salt and the smell of sweat overwhelmed me immediately. I swallowed as much as I could, moaning as he penetrated me.

It felt like hours of his cock thrusting into my mouth while his finger expertly worked my hole but it was probably just a few minutes. I was lost in the feeling of it when i felt my own cock rising, i hadn't even touched myself and moments later i was shooting a load onto my sheets while the boy deposited another in my mouth. I"ve never been partial to the taste of cum but I swallowed it all as he slid his finger out of my ass. It took me a second to pull myself together before I could look up at him. He smiled down at me as cum dribbled from the corner of my mouth. How had this happened? I was determined to end it and instead here i was completely demolished.

It took me another moment to realize he was looking for something to wipe himself down. Before I could grab a towel he picked up a shirt from my hamper and wiped the cum from his dick. I expected him to exit as he had before but instead he flopped down onto the bed next to me, pants still unbuttoned, his softening cock still flopping out of his fly. He raised his arms above his head, making himself comfortable as he grabbed the TV remote.

For my part I had only just managed to wipy my face. I was about to object to his making himself at home, afterall Kole would be back tomorrow and his was bound to stop by in the morning. Before I could even form the words I felt his hand on the back of my head, With one firm motion he pushed me face first into his waiting pit, the smell of sweat overwhelmed me and I was once again lost in the moment. It had been about a week since my encounter with my new young neighbor and I had tried my best to put the incident out of my mind. My boyfriend, Kole, was still in Chicago on business so I'd kept myself busy getting my new apartment in order. Pulling the place together, assembling furniture, and making things livable had kept me so busy that I hadn't even bothered to look at the app again. I hadn't said anything to Kole about the incident with the neighbor boy but I'd been extra attentive to his texts and calls. Monogamy was a luxury in most gay relationships and and it was one that we both aspired to, but since my slip up wasn't likely to repeat itself I didn't think it was worth rocking the boat over. The only thing I hadn't done, was lock the window...

Normally I would have spent a Friday evening out to drinks with friends, or at dinner with Kole, but he was still out of town for work and setting up my apartment had been exhausting. That's how I found myself in bed with a book on a Friday night when a tap came at the window. I barely noticed it at first, but then it became more insistent. I looked up in time to see the window sliding up. I was immediately gripped with worry, and anticipation.

The boy slid through the window as casually as if he were dropping into the bodega on the corner to pick up a snack. I was about to say something, to object, when his eye met mine. I fell silent as he held my gaze. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a tight t-shirt that outlined his lithe form. He looked around for a moment, as if taking in the now fully organized apartment for the first time. His hand drifted to his crotch and casually massaged teh bulge the was already forming in his tight jeans.

"Did you miss me?" he said with a flick of a smile, his eyes returning to mine. I was thinking more clearly since he broke eye contact but I still wanted to act casual. No need to make a scene.

"Hey man, i'm glad you stopped by. I wanted to clarify some stuff" I said trying to keep my tone even. It wasn't that I was afraid of him, I'm not a musclehead but I had twenty pounds and a foot of height on him. It was more like I was his total confidence that threw me off. There was something so appealing but also intimidating about it.

"Oh?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. By name he was standing next to my bed "Go ahead and clarify" he said with that same hint of a smile. His hand was already on his zipper slowly pulling it down.

"Well look," i said trying not to focus on his fingers as they fumbled with his open fly. "Last time was fun, but I do have a boyfriend. He's not here at the moment but he will be so you can't just" My voice trailed off as he pulled his cock free. He wasn't wearing underwear but he also hadn't bothered to pull down his pants. He just left a half-hard seven inches flop through his fly in front of me.

"You're boyfriend don't like dick?" he said, seeming more annoyed than confused.

"We're exclusive" i said trying to fake a laugh "i can't just have you coming in here whenever you want."

"Oh really" he said, his slowly hardening cock still bobbing a foot from my face. "So how about..." he paused for a second, sliding his hand up my leg and under the loose basketball shorts that I had been wearing to bed. "I cum..." he hand sped up my thigh, brushing my balls before I could react, "in here." he said with a smile as his finger dove between my cheeks, pushing against my hole.

It happened so fast I barely had time to react. I had been distracted by his cock and the next thing I knew his finger was insistently working my hole. I had always been a top, so i was unprepared for the way he expertly forced his way inside me. He leaned in, and without thinking I dove on his now hard cock. The taste of salt and the smell of sweat overwhelmed me immediately. I swallowed as much as I could, moaning as he penetrated me.

It felt like hours of his cock thrusting into my mouth while his finger expertly worked my hole but it was probably just a few minutes. I was lost in the feeling of it when i felt my own cock rising, i hadn't even touched myself and moments later i was shooting a load onto my sheets while the boy deposited another in my mouth. I"ve never been partial to the taste of cum but I swallowed it all as he slid his finger out of my ass. It took me a second to pull myself together before I could look up at him. He smiled down at me as cum dribbled from the corner of my mouth. How had this happened? I was determined to end it and instead here i was completely demolished.

It took me another moment to realize he was looking for something to wipe himself down. Before I could grab a towel he picked up a shirt from my hamper and wiped the cum from his dick. I expected him to exit as he had before but instead he flopped down onto the bed next to me, pants still unbuttoned, his softening cock still flopping out of his fly. He raised his arms above his head, making himself comfortable as he grabbed the TV remote.

For my part I had only just managed to wipy my face. I was about to object to his making himself at home, afterall Kole would be back tomorrow and his was bound to stop by in the morning. Before I could even form the words I felt his hand on the back of my head, With one firm motion he pushed me face first into his waiting pit, the smell of sweat overwhelmed me and I was once again lost in the moment.

Next: Chapter 3

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