Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Feb 3, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already. The next time my e-mail address has a cold and needs cough syrup, hand it some in the little cup that comes with the bottle, but make sure it's replaced with Ipecac instead.

Thanks once again to K. for another really well-done editing job which makes this story what it is. Your edits are truly appreciated; thank you!

Boy Traumatized

Chapter Eight

"I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and doesn't try to sleep with someone even if they could have. I need to know these people exist." Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


I helped Deon sit back down on the rock that was located a couple of feet away from the entrance of the lake. He had his swim shorts on now, and I was still feeling slightly hard between my legs from seeing his cock hanging over his balls as he removed his boxers to change into his shorts. His cock looked like it was about seven inches, and it was uncut which totally turned me on! His balls were big, and covered with a light dusting of hair, and I loved the patch of hair that was above his cock! I had that image running through my mind as I changed into my own swim shorts. Having Deon looking at me the whole time made me slightly nervous, but my getting aroused made that slight bit of nervousness go away as quick is at had come up.

I hoped that Deon liked my smooth skin with my flat abdomen (that hadn't quite formed any muscle), as well as my cock. It was cut unlike his. My balls were smooth save for a couple of hairs that had sprouted at the beginning of this year. The patch of hair above my cock was short and soft to the touch. My legs had some hair on them, but it was a light dusting, and my arms were smooth. Basically, I was naturally smooth all over, and I hoped that Deon liked it as well. I hoped that he was turned on by my body!

Once changed into my swim shorts, I asked Deon if he needed help applying the suntan lotion we had with us. He told me I could put it on him, and I could feel my cock hardening as I put some of the fluid in the palm of my hand, and began working it up and down his arms, chest and stomach.

"That feels really good," he said looking at me with his eyes gazing deeply into mine.

"I'm glad it does," I answered as I felt my cock jumping in my shorts, and so hard that it was almost painful!

I then rubbed the lotion into his back and shoulders, and I could see the outline of his erection in his shorts, and he could see me staring at it as I rubbed over his smooth skin on his lower back after getting his upper back and shoulders.

After covering his legs and feet with the lotion, I allowed him to apply it all over my body, and his big soft hands felt so good! I was leaking heavily, and I could see Deon taking note of the wet spot forming on the front of my shorts. Our eyes met, and then he moved his thighs apart slightly so I could see the large wet spot that was on the front of his shorts. He was still hard, and I was still painfully hard as well!

After I put away the bottle of lotion, I pushed Deon's wheelchair close to the shore, and once he was balanced against me, we entered the water. It was nice and cool on our heated skin, and it felt especially good since the sun was beating down on us! Once in the water, we began swimming laps and seeing who could outswim one another. I beat Deon a couple of times, then we finished with him beating me. Once we agreed that he was declared the winner, we just rested in the middle of the water, balanced slightly on our knees with our arms loosely wrapped around each other.

"I've been having a lot of fun here with you," I said, looking up at Deon as I rested my upper body against his and wrapping my arms a little tighter around him.

He wrapped his arms tighter around me as well, and it felt incredibly good with our bodies pressed skin-to-skin together like that! It was like pure Heaven!

"It definitely is a lot of fun the time we've been spending together here like this," Deon replied. "Also, I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to undress and get naked in front of me like you did. I could tell you were a little nervous at first, but I'm glad you were able to over-come that."

"I'm glad of that as well," I said. "I'm glad you felt comfortable enough as well when you got naked in front of me also. You look really good naked like that."

"Thanks," he answered smiling and hugging me tighter against him. "I'm glad you like the visuals."

"Me too," I said. "I'm really glad you like how I look as well!"

"You really do have a nice body Omri," he said looking into my eyes. "I really like your character and your personality, as well as your physical body. I like all of you, and I'd love to spend some time, possibly this weekend, exploring our bodies with one another."

I shivered, and I felt a tingle in my balls!

"You mean like do things together like sexual things?" I asked.

His lips pressed gently against my cheek, then on the corner of my mouth like a couple of days ago when we sat out in the back yard as the sun went down. I wanted more though. I turned so that his lips were directly on mine, and I kissed back hungrily!

His mouth was hot, wet and so amazingly wonderful as I moved my tongue against his lips. His tongue made contact with mine, and we began French kissing wildly as we pressed our bulges tightly together as we gripped each other tightly and continued passionately kissing!

"Oh god Deon!" I moaned loudly into his mouth! "I need you so much! You're so fucking hot! I want you so bad! I want you to make love to me all night tonight! I want you to love me until the sun comes up in the morning!"

"I want that as well!" he moaned back just as loudly as we continued making out!

Finally, we stopped kissing, and settled for a couple of tender kisses, then I looked into his eyes.

"You're an amazing kisser Deon!" I said.

"So are you," he replied.

"When I talked about you making love to me, I need to let you know that I'm not ready for you to have your cock inside my ass or anything like that," I said. "Honestly, I don't know if I'll ever be ready for that with you or any guy. I'm sure you know why."

"I figured that that might be the case," he said looking deeply into my eyes with kindness and understanding. "If I was to ever do that, I'd want it to be the most special thing a guy and I ever do. I'd want it to be the most special thing you and I would ever do if you ever were to want that. If you and I never do that though, I'm fine with doing whatever else you feel comfortable with."

"I'm glad to hear you say that," I said. "That truly means a lot."

"I'm glad," he answered. "I wouldn't ever want to hurt you, especially when it comes to anything sexually. I always want any sexual stuff you and I do to be that which puts a smile on your face every time you remember it!"

"I want that for you too," I responded. "When you kissed me for the first time a couple of nights ago, that really made me happy! I haven't been able to stop thinking about that!"

"I'm really glad to hear that," he replied.

We shared another kiss, and then I just rested my head against his chest for a long while. It felt really good, my head against his chest as he held me in his arms with mine wrapped around him. I felt safe, protected and deeply loved at that moment. I never felt that way about anyone before, and I never wanted that moment to end!

After another moment, I decided to do a few more laps, and after Deon said he was down for it, we began swimming again. Deon beat me again once we finished the laps, and once we got out of the water and settled onto the towel that we had spread out on the ground, I lay down as Deon took me in his arms which was helping me with the shivering that had over-taken me once I got out of the water. I lay in his arms and felt relaxed after my shivering subsided. As I lay there, I was enjoying how good it felt in his arms, as well as with him gently stroking my hair slowly. It was making me feel relaxed enough so that I felt like I'd fall asleep soon.

"That feels really nice you stroking my hair like that," I said as I rested my head on his chest. "Thanks for that."

"You're welcome," he answered. "I'm glad it feels good, and is relaxing you. I always want you to feel safe and relaxed around me."

"I really do," I answered. "I want you to feel the same around me too."

"Thanks," he replied. "I feel that same way as well when I'm around you."

"Good," I said.

We continued to lay like that, and as we lay there with me drifting off slightly, I noticed that the sun had gone behind a cloud for a few minutes. After I came out of my half-asleep state, I looked up at Deon.

"This is like Heaven being here with you like this Deon," I said.

"I feel the same way," he answered.

"I wish we never had to leave," I went on. "Do you think this would be a nice place to come and make love sometime?"

"I definitely think that," he answered. "Also, I wish we never had to leave this place either."

"I think we found our first special place to share," I said.

"I agree," he replied.

I then motioned that I needed to separate from Deon's embrace, and after he let me go, I got one of the bottles of water we took with us. I offered it to Deon, and after we both took a few drinks from it. I placed it back in the cooler then I lay back down beside my best friend.

He moved so that he was slightly against me, and he turned to face me. I was laying on my back again, and he had his arm draped across my chest.

"Since I won our swim race both times, you know what that means don't you?" he asked.

"No, what does that mean?" I asked smiling and turning to face him.

"That means that I get to control your life for a whole evening when we get together during the week. I would pick an evening since the weekends are for rest and relaxation."

I laughed, then put an arm around him.

"So, what all does this entail with you controlling my life for an evening?"

"I'll tell you a couple of things that will happen," he said laughing as he pulled me closer to him. "It'll involve me having you eat and drink odd things, as well as maybe even listening to certain songs you absolutely hate."

"Sounds riveting," I replied smiling. "You mentioned me eating and drinking strange things. That sounds ominous."

"I guess it depends on how you look at it," he said smirking at me. "You're totally going to love it."

"Yeah, sure," I said laughing as I leaned in for a kiss.

After I broke the kiss, I continued.

"What strange things will you be having me eat and drink?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said smiling at me.

"I see," I said smiling back. "How long have you been thinking about this?"

"For a while since we've known each other," he answered. "I just thought about if you and I were doing something, And if one of us did it better than the other, then one got to control the other's life for either a day or for an evening, and it's me who'll be doing it to you."

"Lucky me," I said laughing. "So, I can tell that you're probably going to really give it to me hard when doing this little experiment. So I have to ask, what did I ever do to you in the several days we've known each other that has you wanting to take control of my life like this."

"It's nothing you did," he said laughing now as well. "It's just laid out in the stars. My role is to control your life, and your role is to submit to my control."

"If you were talking about that in the context of sex, then I'd definitely be even more interested," I said smirking.

"Hmm, nice idea," he said smiling back.

We laughed, then shared several deep kisses, then just lay there snuggling for a long while, just enjoying each other's warmth and the calm of the day. It was Heaven, absolute and pure tranquility being together like that with my best friend, who I was quickly discovering was my soul mate!

Eventually, we returned to the house. We showered then Chase made dinner. It was hamburgers and hotdogs out on the grill along with potato salad. I really loved it, and Deon told Chase how good of a job he did with everything.

"I'm really glad you guys have enjoyed it," Chase said as we helped with washing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen.

Later that night once Chase said goodnight to us, Deon and I got into bed as we checked to see what was on TV, but finding nothing really good on we both decided to just turn it off for the night. It was almost 11:00 P.M., and I was feeling a bit tired, but I was hoping that something would happen between Deon and I.

After I put the TV remote on the bedside table, Deon turned off the lamp leaving the room in darkness. The door was closed, and so I was glad we didn't have to worry about that. After a couple of minutes of Deon and I just laying on our backs, I turned to face him. He was on the outside of the bed, and I was on the inside next to the wall. Deon put an arm around me pulling me close, and I could feel his warm stomach and chest lightly pressing against mine. It felt really amazing!

"You feel really good against me," I said as I pressed my lips against his.

"You feel really nice against me as well Omri," he said as we kissed again. "Can I see you naked? I'd really love to see your cock again!"

I had my boxers off within seconds, and I lay there as he gazed upon me. I had my legs spread and my arms down at my sides. I was feeling even more aroused with the cool air in the room as it made my balls shrink up against my body. My balls tingled and throbbed which got even more intense as Deon reached out his hand. The anticipation made me shiver!

"Is it alright if I touch it?" he asked.

"It's all for you," I said.

An electric shock shot through me, more intense than anything I ever known before! I hadn't ever had anyone touch my penis before who wasn't my doctor doing the usual checkup stuff. This felt so good! I could feel Deon's fingers caressing all sides of my shaft, then his fingers lightly brushed the head of it. I sucked in my breath through my teeth and told him how good it felt!

"I'm really glad you like it," he answered.

After a few more minutes of Deon caressing my cock, he stopped and I turned so that I was facing him. We held each other tightly as we passionately kissed for several moments. I then broke the kiss and stared deeply into Deon's eyes.

"You're really good at being so loving and caring with me like this!" I said. "I love how patient you're being with me also! A lot of guys are so focused on sex, and who will just put out for them, and you're not like that. I love how you're the kind of guy who will make sure that another guy is completely accepting of whatever you're wanting to do before you just go and do it! I'm truly glad that you're not a guy who just gets sex from any guy offering it simply because it's available. You truly care about the sexual stuff you're doing with a guy, and you truly care about making it special. I really love that about you!"

"I love how you want anything sexual or romantic we do together to be special as well," he replied. "I've never understood guys who just want to go after any and every guy who flops their balls and cock in their face. I want to be deeply connected to a guy I'm being romantic and/or sexual with. That connection means everything to me, and I never have understood these people who are happy with getting sex from anyone just because it's being offered. Sure, anyone can have sex as long as both are consenting. But I think it's far more special when the two people are really good and deeply connected friends."

"I'm glad to hear you say all of that!" I answered as we shared a kiss. "That means everything to me as well!"

We made out for a long time after that, and once he broke the kiss, Deon looked deeply into my eyes.

"It's your move next," he said. "What do you want to do now?"

"I'd love to see you naked now as well," I replied. "Would you be comfortable with that?"

"Totally!" he answered.

He removed his own boxers, and I leaned in close to examine his incredibly beautiful naked body! I couldn't wait to do more with him that night!

Author's Notes

I'll continue on with Deon and Omri's night in the next chapter. You'll get to read about that, as well as what happens for them during the rest of their weekend together. I hope you all like it.

All that being said, I hope everyone is having a good evening. I'll see everyone in Chapter Nine.

Next: Chapter 9

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