Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Jan 15, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already, then invite my e-mail address over to your house to listen to what you tell them is going to be the complete box-set of the discography of the Metal group Tarot. When they get there though, put on a playlist of Lil Pump, Lil Flip and Young Thug instead.

Thanks to K. my editor. Your help as always, is helpful and I really appreciate it.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter Five

"I don't know if you've ever felt like that. That you wanted to sleep for a thousand years. Or just not exist. Or just not be aware that you do exist. Or something like that. I think wanting that is very morbid, but I want it when I get like this. That's why I'm trying not to think. I just want it all to stop spinning." Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Rising up out of the blackness was a slow process. Of all of the experiences in my life which felt like it was going at a slow speed, this was the most slow and the most frightening. As I was rising towards the surface, I felt dizzy. Much more so than I ever had before. I had my appendix out back when I was 11, and even when the anesthesia was loosening its grip on me when they brought me out of it, I hadn't felt this bad. I had also been given a shot in my IV which kept any nausea away. This was horrible though! I felt nausea, as well as pain in my wrists. It was a cross between a throbbing pain, and a burning pain. My throat also felt dry as hell and I tried to speak.

At this point, I was awake, but felt more exhausted than I ever had before. My eyes were opening by this time, and I looked around and made sure to turn my head slowly so as not to increase the nausea that was still present, but fortunately not getting any worse. I saw the room in which I lay, and it was a hospital room.

I then looked at myself, and I saw that my wrists were heavily bandaged, and that an IV was in my right arm. I looked around a little more, and saw that my mom and dad were sitting in the room at the foot of my bed, but all the way across the room as if they wanted to be as far away from me as possible.

"You're awake," my dad said with no warmth in his voice.

"Do you remember what happened?" my mom asked with all the warmth of a cold winter's day.

I now had my voice, and I cleared my throat.

"Yeah, I remember," I said.

I did remember, and I was struggling to let the memories come without them overwhelming me.

"Your friend Brad called the house once we got back on Monday night from being here at the hospital," my dad said. "We got you to the hospital when I came home early because I forgot one of the notebooks I needed for my job. I saw blood flowing down the hallway, and I saw that it was coming from the direction of your room. I followed it, and found you lying in the middle of your room with your god damn wrists slashed. The fucking doctor said that you opened up the arteries, and that from what he could tell, this wasn't some cut that's a cry for help. Meaning that it wasn't that sidewise cutting shit that pussies who want attention try."

"You were just barely alive, and had I not gotten home when I did, you'd be in the ground. Anyway, we got you to the hospital, and after we got back home later that night around 7:00 P.M., Brad had left a message on our home phone answering machine. I called back, and he said he had something to tell us. I told him where you were, and he told us about you."

"I always knew it might be true," my mom said looking at me with hate, disgust and rage. "I always knew you'd turn out like that pervert Fag brother of yours. We tried keeping his filthy Queer ass away from you, and that's why we kicked him out around the time you were born, but I guess you still turned out to be the freak you are now."

"God damn it! What is it? Did some teacher blow you or something when you were 12? Why would you want to be like this!"

"Stop," my dad said. "I'm not going to go round and round with this piece of shit, and neither should you."

"Your father's right," she added. "We'll get you back home so you can finish recovering, and once you're stitches are out and you're strong again you're leaving our house.

"Damn right," my dad said.

"You said that all this happened on Monday," I said completely numb at this point. "What day is it now?"

"It's Sunday," my dad said. "You've been here for the past six days."

"God, I've been out this whole time!" I exclaimed. I truly couldn't believe it!

"They fixed you up Monday, and kept you sedated over the next couple of days," my mom said. "They tried waking you a couple of times."

"You woke up for a little over a minute on Friday," my dad said. "They looked in your eyes, and you told them your name when they asked you then you fell right back to sleep. They figured that your brain needed the rest. Personally, I think your mind couldn't deal with the understanding of who and what you are."

"Probably too afraid of what I'd do to you if it was just you and I here with your mom. In a way, I don't blame you. You got a lot to be afraid about. Once home, you'll go to school like usual, and I'd say that you won't be seeing any friends, but from what Brad has been telling us over the past few days everyone has distanced themselves from you. So nothing to really ground you from. All the same though, You'll come straight home, and that's it. I don't have a fucking thing to say to you."

"I don't have anything to say to you either," my mom added. "

"Okay," I said feeling myself fading rapidly. "If that's what you guys want."

"Oh, trust me," my dad answered. "It is. Your mom and I will talk over the coming days about where you'll be living, but be assured, you're not living with us any longer. There'll be no disgusting Faggots in our house if we have anything to say about it!"

I came home on Wednesday of the following week, and my parents had little to say to me. They would let me know when dinner was, and once in the kitchen, they handed me my plate of food and told me that I could either eat in the living room, or in my bed room, but that I wasn't to eat in the kitchen with them.

They also said that I could forget about seconds on anything, and that they were giving me enough food to keep me going, but they weren't running a fucking five-star restaurant for the likes of me.

I was thin at that time, and since I didn't do much aside from a few exercise in Gym Class, I didn't have much muscle build-up on me. I was only around 5-1, and was about 110 LBS so was definitely on the small side,. This small bit of food they'd give me would have me even thinner than I already was I guessed. I didn't really care though. I just tried to stay out of the way as best as I could. I ate what they gave me, and then would sit the dishes outside my door which they would collect once they were ready.

So that was how life was for me at that point. I would go to school, and had to deal with kids either not speaking to me, and if they did speak to me, it was only quick enough for them to call me various Anti-LGBT names. A couple of times I was beaten up outside after school about a week after I had been out of the hospital, and after that, once the fun of calling me names had faded. It was basically silence unless a teacher had an assignment for me to do, or unless a kid was pared up with me to work on a project for class, which wasn't something that had happened at all. Things finally came to a climax on that Monday, on the last week in November, which led up to me being put on a bus down to where my brother Chase lived in Sangger. I didn't know it yet though, but things were about to get a whole lot worse for me.

The middle of November was quiet, and when I would think back on it, it seemed too quiet. I didn't notice until that Monday on which everything would change once again.

I was leaving to go to my locker to gather up my bag and my books to leave school for the day. It was about two minutes until time for the bell to ring letting everyone out for end of the day. Class had finished up early, so I got headed to my locker, and once I gathered everything up, I headed out of the school.

I turned the corner, and then I saw Mike walking towards me. A small glimmer of hope flashed within me! Maybe he wanted to fix our friendship! He came up to me, and looked at me for a moment.

"Hey Omri," he began. "I wanted to apologize for how I treated you a couple of weeks ago. I heard about what happened, and I'm really sorry for how I acted."

"I couldn't believe how you treated me," I said feeling hurt all over again. "All I did was like you, and even then, I had only tried to be your friend."

"I know, and I really am sorry," he said holding out his hand. "Come on, let's go off somewhere where we can talk."

"Thanks," I began. "My mom and dad said that I can't go anywhere after school because of what happened though."

"It won't take long," he said.

For some reason I believed him, and we walked for a few minutes until we got to an area of road where it was more isolated. It was a ten-minute walk, and by this time all I saw around us was a small area of trees, and then a small restroom that looked rather dirty.

"I have to use the restroom," Mike said as he headed towards it.

As he walked towards it, I realized that I needed to use it as well. I walked with him, and once in there, he stood at the area where the sink was, and I looked at him as he just stood there motionless.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all," he said sneering at me.

"What," I began, then the door to one of the two stalls opened, and to my surprise, then horror Brad walked out towards me, and his knife was out.

Terry walked out behind him, and out of the other stall appeared Shane.

"Good," Brad said high-fiving Mike. "I knew you could get him here!"

"What!" I said now enraged.

"Yeah, it was a set-up," Mike said turning to me. Brad and his friends here were pissed when they learned about the disgusting pervert you are, and they only got more and more enraged as the days went by.

So, they talked about what they wanted to do, to teach you a lesson about who you are. They told me their plan, and I was to get you here, so I did. Now my job is to watch the door to this little shit hole to make sure that no one comes near it, and if they do then to keep them away."

"No wait!" I said as I turned and ran towards the door.

It was too late though. Brad who was bigger and stronger than I was, grabbed me and yanked me back before I could realize what had happened. Mike was exiting the room, and then Terry went over and closed the door locking it as well. Shane moved to stand next to me, and Terry took his place on the other side of me. Once in position, they took hold of me.

"Let go of me!" I said now feeling my rage increase! "You Mother Fuckers! You were never my friends were you!"

"Shut up," Brad said with little emotion in his voice.

He had his knife close to my throat, and then he leaned forward.

"We have something for you," he said smiling hatefully at me.

"I think you're going to like what Brad has for you," Shane added.

They turned me around so that I was being pushed into the stall that Brad had just exited a moment ago, and Brad came up behind me as they held me pinned up against the wall.

He then held his knife to my throat.

"You scream, and I'll slit your throat right here," he said in the darkest voice I had ever heard.

Then I felt him opening my pants, then he yanked them and my boxers down.

"Look on the bright side," Terry said. "Brad's going to give you your first taste of cock. That's what all you Fags want. So he's going to give it to you."

I felt fresh adrenaline flood my system as I realized fully what was about to happen!

"No!" I yelled as I struggled to break free of Terry and Shane. "No! You're not going to do this to me! You're not going to fucking do this to me!"

"Oh shut the fuck up, Fag," Brad said as I heard him undoing his own pants. "You're not telling me what the fuck I can or can't do to you."

"Help!" I screamed, then an arm wrapping tightly around my throat choaked off my scream.

"I told you to shut the fuck up!" Brad growled in my ear.

I jerked my head free, and tried again to break free as I felt Brad wrap his arms around my torso.

"No!" I screamed. "Bastards! Bastards!"

"Listen to this fucking little Fudge Packer," Shane said laughing hard.

"You think he really wants you to not do this to him?" Terry asked.

"Who fucking cares bro," Brad said as I felt him press against me.

It felt like I was being ripped opened as he pushed inside me.

"Oh fuck!" I sobbed as tears immediately came to my eyes spilling down like rain. "Oh fuck! This hurts! Stop! This fucking hurts so bad! Please Brad! Stop! Please! Take it out! I'll do anything, just stop!"

"Come on Omri," Terry said laughing like a fucking mad man. "No one begs for a guy to take it out! You really are a fucking Pussy Faggot aren't you!"

"He's screaming and sobbing as much as he is because he secretly likes it," Shane said tightening his grip on me. "What a fucking queen!"

"I'd say I like this, but what would that say about me," Brad said as he got faster and faster inside me. "You're tight, I'll give you that. Tighter than some chick's pussies I've fucked before."

I was out of rage now, and I just wanted it to be over!

"Come on Omri," Terry said sneering at me. "Where's that rage at? Come on, let's here you scream some more."

"He's in a trance," Shane said laughing. "He's lost in how good it feels to be Brad's little Bitch."

"I'll say," Brad said as he got closer to the edge. "Don't worry Fag, at least you'll know how a cock feels up your ass. Maybe my juice will make you straight and play for our team like you should have been doing all along. Who knows."

I was still crying, and trying to be as quiet as possible. It burned really bad, and I only hoped that nothing was being ripped back there. I was terrified at how I'd explain that to my parents if they saw blood on the back of my pants or boxers.

Now I felt Brad thrusting harder, and he was holding on to me tight enough that it was getting hard to breathe. Finally, more burning sensations flooded me as he came. It burned more than anything, and I felt like I would throw up at any moment!

After he emptied himself inside me, he pulled out which also hurt.

"Fuck!" I gasped.

"How would you like to lick me clean," he said.

I could hear the contemptuous smirk that I was sure would be plastered on his face as he said that. My face was pressed against the cold brick wall so I couldn't see anything else, and I was glad at least about that.

"Oh my god!" Terry said laughing again. "Dude, you gotta make him do it! I totally have to fucking see this!"

"No, I'm actually good," Brad said after a pause. "That might actually make me like cock."

"Oh well, can't have everything," Terry said smiling.

They let go of me, and I pressed the palms of my hands against the wall so I wouldn't fall. The feeling of needing to throw up was increasing, and I tried to get my nausea under control.

As I stood there, I tried to process what had happened, and I could feel the burning in my rectum. It was a steady burn and I never had felt anything like it before.

"Fuck," I moaned trying to stay conscious. "What the fuck did you do to me Brad!"

"Like I said," he said smiling. "I gave you what all you freaks want."

"Anything else we need to do to him?" Shane asked.

"One more thing," Brad said.

He moved me so that my back was to the toilet. He pushed me down, and I sat on the toilet seat which was just the rems of the commode itself.

He then leaned over me with his knife again. He had since pulled up his pants and boxers so I didn't have to see what his cock looked like, something for which I was truly grateful.

"You say anything to anyone, whether that be your mom and dad, the police or anyone, we'll find you," he began leaning in so that he was just inches from me, and his knife was resting against my throat. "We'll find you, and we'll take turns fucking you. We'll fuck you until you're ripped open down there and bleeding like a fucking water fall. Do you fucking understand me. We'll tear you up, and after we're done, I'll skin you alive. I did what I did just now while we've had this nice little meeting, What makes you think I can't or won't take it further if I have to?"

"I won't say anything!" I said sobbing again. "Please, just leave me alone! I won't say anything to anyone at all!"

"Good," he said. "We're going to leave you now. Have fun Fag."

Brad then looked at me for a long moment, then he turned around slowly. He walked out of the stall, and Shane and Terry walked along-side him. They opened the door, and Mike was asking them what happened. The door closing cut off any further conversation I could have heard, and I sat there trying to understand what had just happened!

I then relieved myself from both sides, then after cleaning myself up I turned, leaned over the toilet and began throwing up. It felt like it would never stop, and even after the last of my stomach contents came up, I stood there bent over the toilet for a long time waiting to see if it would finally pass.

It did pass, and I slowly straightened up, and then after making sure everything was cleaned up, I left for home. Once home, I was in luck. My parents were running late, and didn't arrive home until an hour after I had already been there, nor did they bother to ask how long I had been home. Finally, that weekend coming up, my dad and mom called me out to the kitchen, and my dad handed me an envelope. He told me that it was a Grey Hound Ticket to the city of Sangger and the money had already been paid to the company.

Your brother Chase's home address is on a piece of paper in that envelope.

"What about his phone number?" I asked.

"We're letting him be surprised," my dad said with a cold sneer on his face. "He dropped the nasty surprise of being gay on us, so it's only fair that we drop your Faggot ass on his doorstep."

"What if I need to get in contact with him?" I asked beginning to feel panic creeping into my voice.

"When we say you're not our responsibility any longer," he answered. "We mean exactly that."

"You made your bed, now you get to lay in it," my mom said and the look of hate she had on her face infuriated me more than scared me.

"You'll leave at 7:00 P.M. this Sunday night," my dad said.

"Okay," I said completely disgusted with the whole situation. "I'll get my stuff packed."

"No you won't," he said. "Chase can buy you all new things."

"What about my computer and other stuff like that?" I said.

"Fine, take the damn computer," my dad said turning away from me.

It was now Monday as the bus neared the terminal in Sangger. I got off and after taking a cab to the address provided, I looked around the large front yard, as well as the parts of the side yard I could see. I then went over to a bench that sat next to the sidewalk one had to use to get to the front door of the house. Once seated, I thought over everything that had happened leading up to me boarding the bus the night before, and riding here to Sangger.

I got my computer in its case which was just a small laptop, and after putting a few books in the case with it I slept until my alarm went off around 5:30 P.M. that evening. I had a little bit of dinner, then left without even saying goodbye to my parents. I rode for the whole night, and slept for most of it. I then bought breakfast from one of the restaurants that the bus stopped at early that Monday morning. I did my best to talk to no one, and then the bus finally reached its destination that afternoon around 4:00 P.M.

As I sat down on the bench and thought over all of that, I realized just how tired I really was. I don't just mean tired, but truly exhausted. I hardly had any time to process what I had been through, and most of it still didn't even feel real. As I sat there though, I felt my eyelids grow heavy and I was asleep. I then jerked myself awake, and tried to focus so I wouldn't fall back asleep.

I was given a thin coat, and that was just barely keeping me warm. The cold was getting to me now, and I was also starting to worry about how hygienic I was. I had showered the morning before, and was still in the clothes I had been wearing yesterday, and I felt really in need of a hot shower. Still, I continued to sit there and tried to stay calm while waiting for the brother I had never met to come home.


Chase Carter drove home that Monday afternoon totally exhausted and trying to calm down from a difficult day at work. He had to deal with a couple of workers who couldn't seem to figure out even the simplest details of the jobs they needed to do. Chase was called away what seemed like every five minutes to help them with whatever it was they needed. Now as Chase drove home with an album by Tarot blasting on the sound system, he was feeling better. All he needed was a hot shower, and to sit in the living room with a hot cup of coffee, especially on this day which was getting colder as the hours went by. They were calling for snow, and the sky was now dark and grey.

As Chase pulled slowly into his driveway, he looked up at the sky that was threatening snow at that very moment. Once he shut off the car, Chase sat there for a moment answering a work text, then he put the phone in his pocket, and as he looked through the windshield for a moment, he paused then looked again. There was someone sitting on his bench. Who was it, he wondered.

He had a couple of people who would drop by from time to time, but they usually called, texted or e-mailed to see if it was alright before just dropping by. And they sure wouldn't just sit on the bench waiting. As Chase looked again, he saw that the person was small and hardly dressed for the weather. He checked to make sure his knife was ready, and he exited the car. Once out of the car, he closed the door and headed in the direction of the bench and the boy on it.

"Okay, who are you," he called out.

The boy was sitting there bent forward arms tightly around himself shivering hard.

"Are you Chase?" he asked through chattering teeth?"

"Who are you," Chase asked again this time more firmly, then he looked again.

Chase had seen that face before in a couple of photographs just before he had been kicked out of the house shortly before they brought the baby home from the hospital.

"Omri?" Chase said stepping closer to him. "My god, is that you?"

"You're Chase?" Omri asked as he stood up and walked slowly towards this man who he had never seen, for their parents had removed all of Chase's pictures from the house when they threw him out just before bringing Omri home from the hospital.



I stood there watching as this man walked towards me.

"I'm Chase," he said. "I'm your older brother."

"I figured that it was you," I said trying to keep my teeth from chattering.

"I only saw you a couple of short times before our parents kicked me out, and they were photographs."

"I see," I said not sure what else to say at that moment.

"I didn't know you were coming," he said stepping closer to me.

"No, our parents figured that you'd like an early Christmas gift," I said. "That was our dad's response."

"That sounds like him," Chase said as he took my hand. "One thing though, that man isn't and never will be someone I call Dad ever again. Honestly, I never want to see that cold-hearted Bastard again for as long as I live."

I was taken aback by the intense hate I heard in his voice, but given what I had been dealing with where the man was concerned, I figured that Chase had a lot to be angry about concerning him.

"I understand," I said. "Look, some shit happened at home, and they kicked me out. I'll just stay for a few days, then I'll find somewhere else to live."

"Come on, let's get into the house," Chase said.

Once inside, he had me get out of my clothes while he stood outside the bedroom he brought me to. He then showed me the bathroom that was in the bedroom once I had a towel around my waist. After he went through a bunch of clothes that no longer fit him, he handed me enough clothes for an outfit, and I went in and got my shower.

Finally, after I was out of the shower, Chase brought me some coffee, and he sat beside me on the bed while I took a few sips of it.

"Thanks for the coffee," I said as he put an arm gently around my shoulders.

"You're welcome," he replied. "Look, I don't want to push and I definitely don't want to do anything to make you feel more scared than you probably already are, but I am going to need some idea of what happened. I know you said that you would find another place to live after staying here for a few days. You could go in to Foster Care, but I don't want that to happen. I would like to get to know you more, and I'd like you to stay here with me."

"I don't think you'll feel that way after I tell you what happened," I said as I finished the coffee and sat it on the bedside table.

"Just tell me a little of what happened, then we'll decide what to do after that."

So I did tell him, and I told him everything. But I couldn't bring myself to tell him about what had happened only the week before concerning the rape. I told him that my parents simply just got sick of the constant conflict so they reached a decision after much thought and conversation with one another, and they decided I could come and live with Chase.

"Like I said," he began. "I want you to stay here with me. You didn't deserve what happened to you, and you being gay doesn't change anything, and I still love and accept you anyway."

"Thanks," I said as I started crying as he held me tightly in his arms.

Once my tears were over, Chase helped me into bed, and after he pulled the covers up to my neck, I was asleep in seconds. I hadn't felt that tired before in my life!

Author's Notes

I realize that what happened to Omri in this chapter will be hard for people to read. I do hope though that you all enjoyed how Omri and Chase came to meet towards the end of the chapter, and though I had plans to include more of Deon's back story in this chapter, I'll be including that in Chapter Six. That's just how it all worked out this time around.

Having said all that, I hope all of you are having a good evening, and I'll see all of you in Chapter Six.

Next: Chapter 6

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