Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Jan 4, 2024


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already. Ask my e-mail address if they would like to come to Christmas at your house this year, and when they arrive be sure to have for them every item there for them that they would always say they never wanted for Christmas.

Thanks to K. for Editing on this story. I really appreciate the help you've given me, as well as the suggestions. Those have been really useful as well.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter Three

"And in that moment, I swear we were infinite." Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


That Saturday morning was a dark and rainy morning starting out, and it looked like it would go on for most of that day. I saw the state of the weather when I walked out to the car while Chase started it up. When I saw the dark clouds, then felt the rain as it started up after a few minutes of being stopped, I wondered how long it would go on. Once I got in the car I looked at the weather app on my phone. It said that it would be like that for the whole day.

After I put my phone away, I sat there as Chase pulled out of the driveway. I thought for a moment about what Deon and I would be doing since we were in for rain all day. I didn't think he'd be too disappointed, and I was sure that we would find something to do to keep ourselves entertained.

"What will you be doing while I'm at Deon's today?" I asked turning to look at Chase.

"I'll just be getting work done around the house," he replied. "I hope you guys have a nice time together today. I was also thinking that if you guys weren't busy next weekend that maybe Deon could come over to our house. Maybe he could stay the night, or for the weekend if you both would like that. Also if it's alright with his parents."

"I would really enjoy that!" I said completely excited about the idea of Deon and I spending a whole weekend together!

"Good," Chase answered. "Just let me know. I'll also talk with Deon's mom and dad as well. Just to see if they'd be cool with it."

"That sounds really good!" I said.

We pulled up to Deon's house within about 10 minutes, and as I got out I felt a deep and intense happiness at getting to see my best friend again! I couldn't wait to see his beautiful blue eyes and his bright red hair! I got my bag, and after nearing the door, I knocked as Chase stood beside me waiting for someone to answer the door. The door opened within a moment, and Deon sat there smiling widely at us!

"Hey, it's really good to see you!" he said, then he greeted Chase.

We stepped into the house, and then Ron and Barb greeted us once entering the kitchen in which we were standing.

"It's really good to see you again!" I said looking at Deon, then facing his parents. "It's really nice to see you guys again as well!"

"We're really glad that you could come over today!" Barb said.

"Absolutely!" Ron agreed.

After Chase let us know that he would be available if we needed anything, he shook hands with Ron, Barb and Deon then after he and I hugged he left.

"We do have some things to do in town," Ron said as we all went in the living room and sat down.

"It'll take us a couple of hours," Barb added. "Plus we figured that you guys could use some time just one-on-one."

"Thanks," Deon replied.

"That's really nice of you," I added. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome," Barb responded. "Once we're back then we can decide on what to do for lunch."

"I'd really like that as well," Deon agreed.

"Sounds good," Ron spoke up. "We'll be back soon."

We said goodbye to them, and once they closed the door and drove off, it was just Deon and I. I turned to face him as he sat beside me on the huge expansive couch that occupied the back part of the living room.

As I took in his profile, I saw the dark-blue short-sleeved shirt he had on, as well as the Basket Ball shorts. His hair was shiny which suggested that he had showered before I arrived, and his face was clean-shaven. His legs were straightened out in front of him and his feet were bare and as I gazed upon him he looked like the picture of total comfort.

He turned to me, and I focused on his face, and I hoped that he didn't notice how intently I had been staring at him. Then he spoke.

"We can go to my room if you'd like," he said as he leaned forward.

"Okay," I said. "I mean, if you want to that is. You just looked really comfortable sitting there like you were."

"Thanks, I'm totally good with going with you into my room for a bit though," he replied as he transferred into his wheelchair.

"Cool," I answered.

I followed him through the kitchen that was huge with a large kitchen table that appeared as if it could seat almost ten or more people. We then went into a hallway, and after passing one door on the right, we walked to where the second door on the right was, but making a left we stopped at a door that Deon opened. He motioned for me to follow him in.

I did so, and looked around the room. It was a really nice room. It had the bed pushed up against the wall in the corner of the room with the edge of it facing the door, and beside it was a bedside table. To the left of the table was a window, and against the opposite wall sat a dresser.

On the other side of the room sat a computer desk facing the foot of the bed, and to the right of that was a closet, then next to that on the right was a bathroom. On the computer desk sat a laptop, and a set of speakers to which was connected a music player. In short, it looked like Deon had everything he needed to keep himself entertained, and I was truly impressed by the room.

He also had a few pictures on the wall above the desk. One was of him and his parents, and it looked like it was a recent one. It hung directly above the desk, and in the picture I could see sand behind them and part of the ocean which meant that they had been at the beach at some point. Another picture beside that one was of Deon outside, and it too looked recent. He was sitting underneath a tree on which two birds sat, and he looked like he was really relaxed.

The third picture was on the left of the picture of them at the beach, and it had been taken what seemed at an earlier time. In this one, Deon looked like he was much younger, and he looked so much different in this one. He was in his wheelchair, and sitting in what looked like the living room of the house, and he looked good, but still like he had been ill. By ill, I mean he looked like he had only just begun recovering from some sort of illness, and I found myself gazing longer at this last picture.

"That was one taken when I came to visit my adoptive parents for the first time," Deon said from right next to me. I jumped, and turned to face Deon. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's alright," I replied smiling at him.

"That was taken when I was almost 12 years old," he went on. "I came to stay with the Christianson Family for the first time for that weekend, and they took that picture Sunday of that weekend. I went back to the hospital the next day to finish recovering."

"You look like you had been through something," I said as I went over and after Deon motioned for me to do so I sat down on the edge of his bed.

He joined me after transferring out of his wheelchair, and he scooted close to me.

"It was a long year of getting better at that point," he answered. "It was a stroke that had happened towards the end of the year before. I'm sure you're probably surprised."

"I guess kids could have strokes, but that's something you usually hear about in older people," I replied.

"I had a really bad one because of a medical mistake, and calling it a mistake is like calling the killings that Hitler ordered for the Jews a small cluster of accidental deaths," Deon went on and his tone had hardened by this point. "It wiped out my ability to speak, feed myself, walk and use the restroom on my own. That last part was the worst next to suddenly not being able to talk. As for walking, it's been almost five years, and I probably won't get that function back."

"I'm sorry to hear that you went through all that!" I said. "That's horrible how they fucked up with whatever they did!

"Thanks," he answered. "I've made a recovery for the most part. I'm just glad I survived."

"I'm glad you did as well," I said.

"I mean, it could have been worse," he went on. "I could have lost all function from my legs up to my waist including the loss of ability to control my dick, especially for when it became more useful for more than urinating out of."

He smirked as he looked at me, and I laughed while blushing hard.

"Wow," I exclaimed as we both laughed.

"I mean, I'm just saying," he said nudging my elbow with his.

"Yeah, I know what you're saying," I said as I looked back at him smiling.

"Anyway, I'm just glad that I'm able to be mobile again," he said looking serious once more. "All that time was really horrible for me as I said, and so if you hear me make lots of dark jokes about doctors, as well as what may seem like caustic statements towards doctors or even against the medical system you'll know why that is."

"I can understand what you mean," I answered.

I then turned to face the wall against which the head of his bed rested. He had two posters on the wall above it. The first one was of the Symphonic Metal group Nightwish. The one on the left was of the Metal group Bloody Hammers.

"Nice posters," I said looking at them for a moment before moving my gaze back to Deon's face.

"Thanks," he answered. "I'm glad you like them."

"Me too," I replied.

"So what did you want to do for now?" he asked. "I'm sure you've noticed the rain forest we have going on outside currently, and it looks like it's going to be like that all day."

"That's what the weather said," I answered. "I'm good with hanging out in here with you for now, or for however long you wanted to."

"I'd really enjoy that as well," he answered. "Would you like to listen to some music?"

"I'd love that!" I replied.

I let Deon know that he could put on a play list of whatever he wanted, and soon we were listening to a play list made up of stuff from Night Wish, Heilung, Wardruna and others. I loved it, and told him so.

"I'm really glad you're enjoying it," he responded as he joined me back on the edge of the bed.

We sat there listening for a few minutes, then Deon moved as if to put an arm around me, and I scooted closer, and he had his arm around me. I felt safe and protected as I felt his arm wrapped around my shoulders, and though feeling like that the couple of times he had done it already over the past few days, I felt that feeling of safety and protection even more so now! After another moment of sitting there, I snuggled in to Deon's side, and looking up at him, I hoped that he would understand what I wanted, then I motioned at his other arm. He did get it, and now he was holding me in his arms, and I lay my head on his chest then closed my eyes.

People sometimes speak of instantly connecting with a person with whom they're falling in love. I never had really believed in love at first sight, and didn't necessarily believe in it when first meeting Deon. I first needed to know that I could trust him as a friend. I needed to know that he wouldn't do anything to give me friendship, only to hurt me down the road like my other friends had the year before.

All this to say that on that dark and rainy Saturday morning, I sat there in Deon's arms with my head on his chest. I had felt close to him when he held me the couple of times before that he had, especially the night before. Now at this point though, I felt truly safe, protected and even loved by him. In that moment I felt like nothing bad would ever happen to me, and that with Deon there I could get through anything.

"I really enjoy holding you like this," Deon said as he rested his chin on top of my head.

He then gently pressed his nose to my hair and slowly breathed in deeply.

"Your hair smells really good," he went on.

"Thanks," I answered. "I'm glad you like it, and I also really enjoy when you hold me like this as well."

"I could tell that you do, especially when I was holding you last night," he responded. "I know you need to feel protected and safe. It was just something I could sense about you, and I'm glad I can be one person who can give that feeling to you. I always want you to feel safe, protected and comfortable with me."

"Thanks," I said. "You're doing a really good job of making me feel good and relaxed right now, and you've been doing an amazing job of it the other times as well!"

"I'm glad to hear that," he answered. "You're turning out to be a really good friend Omri. You've treated me with respect, kindness and dignity, and that truly means a lot to me! I really love how you've gotten to know me and haven't held my disabilities against me. I love how you've given me a chance."

"I'm glad I could give you what you needed as well," I answered. "I know you have the disabilities you have, but I could also sense that you're a really good person, and I wanted to get to know the person you are, and I really like everything I'm seeing as I get to know you."

"I feel the same way about you as well," Deon replied as we continued sitting there with me now wrapping my arms around him as we held each other.


It was now around 12:00 P.M. that Saturday afternoon, and Chase retrieved the mail from the mailbox. After throwing away the junk mail, he got to the last item on the bottom of the stack, and he held it up to the light, then frowned. Chase then took the envelope into his study and closed the door. Once seated at his desk, he turned on his desk lamp then opened the envelope.

Once he read the contents of the letter, he unlocked his phone, and after texting the lawyer he had helping him with Omri's case, he waited to hear back. While waiting, he read the letter once again, and now rage took over as he read.


Dear Chase Carter, This letter is to inform you of a judicial matter regarding the case of your ward and brother Omri Carter. This hearing concerns the events of Monday, November 20, 2021 in which the accuser Mr. Carter states an incident in which he was personally harmed by three boys with whom he attended his local high school.

We are aware of your intent to bring legal proceedings against the three individuals that Mr. Carter alleges harmed him on the above-documented date. That being said, given the violent nature of the crimes Mr. Carter reports were committed against him by the above-documented individuals, your presents as well as the presents of Omri Carter will be required at a hearing in which a deposition will be taken.

Also present at the hearing will be Scott Miller ESQ. who is representing the alleged accused parties. During the course of this hearing, please be advised that you as Omri Carter's legal guardian, as well as Omri Carter himself will both be under oath. Mr. Carter will be asked questions regarding the alleged events on the day in question both by the prosecuting attorney, as well as by the defense in order to determine how best to proceed as to whether or not to take the case to court for a criminal trial.

These above-stated actions are justified given the violent nature of the crime that Mr. Carter alleges occurred against him by the three individuals on the above-documented day in question. Pleas further be advised that your presence as well as the presence of your ward and brother Omri Carter is mandatory, and a written statement though helpful will not be accepted as the official deposition with Mr. Carter withholding his attendance at the hearing. The hearing is scheduled for Monday, October 10, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. in Court Room 1B at Sangger Court House.

This court thanks you for your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely, Judge Harper Dixon

Chase read the letter again, then a third time. He began reading it again, then slammed it down on the desk. He then stood up, and shoved his desk chair hard. It slammed into the desk, but just stopped short of going into the space in which it usually rested.

Chase paced back and forth for a few minutes all the while thinking about Omri. How was he going to tell him about this! He knew this would terrify him! Omri had been through enough, and he didn't deserve what had been done to him, nor did he deserve any of this! He also didn't deserve how he was treated by the police when he and Chase walked into the police station to file the initial reports to get the ball rolling.

Suddenly Chase was jerked out of his thoughts by his phone beeping, alerting him to an in-coming text. He read it, then his rage ratcheted up several more points. He then replied back, and read the reply text. Finally, Chase slammed the phone down on the desk.

He had been texting with the attorney that was representing Omri and him, and the attorney had said that what was said in the letter was correct, and that there was no way for Omri to provide a written statement, and have that serve as his testimony. He would be required to be physically at the hearing. Chase grabbed his desk chair, and fell heavily onto it. He then put his head in his hands and closed his eyes. This was going to really hurt his brother, and he felt helpless as well as deeply sad for him!

As he sat there, he wondered if he should pick up the phone and call Omri to either come over there to Deon's so he could tell him, or if he could have Omri come home. He immediately dismissed both ideas. No, Omri needed his time with Deon. He wasn't going to ruin it for him. There would be time to let Omri know what was going on later.

With that decision made, Chase went into the living room to read in an effort to relax, and to get his mind back in focus.

Author's Notes

I hope you all have been enjoying reading about Omri and Deon getting closer in this chapter. Their day together will continue in the next chapter as well, so you guys have that to look forward to as well. Regarding the closing events of this chapter, I had mentioned that the events that lead to Omri living with Chase would be mentioned in a little more detail which they were here. I'll also be going into further detail in the next chapter, so I hope you guys are ready for that.

All that being said, I hope everyone has a really nice Christmas. I'll see everyone in Chapter Four.

Next: Chapter 4

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