Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Jun 16, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

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Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already. Offer to make an authentic Italian meal for my E-mail address Once it's ready and you let them come over, only then let them know that it's made from foods created by Chef Boyardee.

Thanks once again to K. for another well-done editing job. As always, I really appreciate your edits and input. Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 28


That Saturday of Deon's and my weekend together was dark as well as snowy. Deon and I had spent that morning making love a few times, as well as cuddling under the covers. That early January was filled with snow just how I liked it, and I was glad to see that Deon enjoyed it as well. We had just gotten to the part of the day where we were deciding what to do for lunch. Deon asked if it would be alright if we invited our friends over. I agreed and called them.

They came over, and it was really nice to see all of them. As we ate the soup and sandwiches Deon and I made, Trisha and Megan were telling us about what they had been doing over the last couple of days.

They were both talking about career goals they wanted to work on. Trisha was looking at going into the field of medicine. She was considering becoming a doctor. As she went on talking, she told us that she really wanted to help those who are on the low end of the income spectrum. She saw how the health insurance system had destroyed people in her family, as well as some of the other families around her. That clearly left an impression on her, and she wanted to do something to change things. I was really proud of her, and told her so.

Megan was looking at going into nursing once she finished high school. She talked about how she saw a couple of family members deal with chronic illnesses, and the difficulties they had to face. I could see how deep of an impression this left on her as well, and I was glad to see how loving and compassionate these two were. I also told her that I was proud of her, as well as telling her that I'd always be there to support her.

Florian talked about wanting to help other blind people. He had known a few older blind kids who were dealing with people within the Vocational Rehabilitation Industry. This is the system that technically is supposed to help with paying for college for blind kids, as well as providing various assistive technology they might need. They also are supposed to help with paying for job development which helps the person find a job out in the community. Florian went on to explain that these kids were constantly pushed to find jobs that either dealt with being a receptionist, answering phones all day at an office, or inputting data into a computer. The system rarely listened to what career the individual was interested in, and the system paid for almost none of their college expenses.

I told Florian that I couldn't believe these people could get away with any of this. He agreed, and said that he wanted to help with doing something about it. He was influenced heavily by seeing what these older blind kids went through. Like with Trisha and Megan, I told Florian that I would always support him.

Tanner had been playing music with a few new friends he made earlier back in December. I figured that he would go in this direction, as he had talked a lot about music he liked to play. He had a bass and electric guitar, and he showed off his skills to Deon and I a couple of times several months ago when we had been at his house in early November. He really was good, and I figured that he would really go places with music if he continued to keep at it!

Tanner went on to talk about how he also wanted to do something regarding counseling. He knew a lot of kids around the school who were LGBT, and who didn't have the best home lives. He said that this, as well as knowing what had happened to me, had really gotten him interested in the field. I was glad to see him going in this direction with his life as well, and I knew he would be really good at it. Tanner was deeply compassionate, and definitely a good listener. I saw his compassion when I would talk with him, both about what had been done to me back in 2021, and when I would sometimes have a hard time dealing with the aftermath of it.

Deon said that he wanted to help people in the Disabilities Community which was no surprise to me. He talked to me a couple of times about this, and I was glad to hear that he wanted to do something like that. He said that going through all he went through, especially when he discovered that he couldn't do anything when the stroke first happened, truly marked him. He wanted to help others who had been through similar events. I was glad to see that he wanted to help other people dealing with becoming disabled, and all that came with it.

That left me, I told them that I wanted to counsel people who had been through sexual assault. No one was surprised when I told them. They all said they were supportive of me. I thanked them all, and after we finished eating, everyone left, leaving Deon and I alone once again.


Chase Carter ended the call, and drove alone. He thought he might feel some sadness, but at the moment he felt nothing. This surprised him. He thought that when it came, he would at least feel something, even if it was a sadness, about what could have been. He guessed that he was emotionally numb at the time, and continued driving.

Chase had been out that day getting groceries for that evening's dinner. Kyle and Jason talked about getting the food, and Chase let them know that he would take care of it. He had been out for about an hour while Deon, Omri and their friends had been having lunch that dark and snowy Saturday. Kyle and Jason were still out working, and would be home soon. Chase had just loaded the last bag of groceries into the trunk when his phone rang. Answering it, he had been surprised to hear that it was the police from the town both he and Omri eventually left after getting kicked out by their parents.

The officer informed him of a car that had been found burning on the side of the road. Within the car contained two bodies that were severely burned, but who were still alive. Once the fire was put out and the IDs were retrieved, the bodies identified. It was Chase and Omri's biological parents. Chase confirmed that it was them based on the IDs. Also found in the car were three discarded whisky bottles in the back seat. It was obvious that they had been driving while totally drunk. There had also been a fourth bottle that was still sealed closed found on its side in the front seat. The bottle had been broken in the impact, and the smell of alcohol had been heavy when the officers had opened the doors after the fire had been put out. They would have to confirm everything, but it was clear that the two people inside had been drunk-driving as they had said.

As Chase neared the house, his phone rang again. He answered it, and listened for a couple of minutes. After hanging up, he put the phone on the seat beside him. Once he pulled into the driveway, he sat there for a few minutes.

The second phone call was confirming what was originally suspected, and he was further informed that both his and Omri's parents died as they were being loaded into the ambulance. They both flat-lined. And while everything had been done to save them, they both passed away.

After composing his thoughts, Chase came to understand that he was actually feeling something. He was feeling relief. He certainly didn't love either of his bio parents. He had long since worked through his rage and anger towards them. He also had worked through any hate he had for them soon after. His only concern, especially within the last year of Omri living with him, was that they didn't make any trouble for him. Chase would have fought both of them to the death if they dared to hurt Omri anymore than they already had.

After exiting the car, Chase gathered up the bags of groceries from the trunk and went inside. He called out, and Omri let him know that they were in his and Deon's room. Chase waited for them to come in and help put stuff away. They both did, and after he sat down in the living room, they both followed him in, sitting down as well.



Sitting down across from Chase, I saw that his face had a serious look that he rarely got. When he did get it though, I knew that something was up. He paused for a moment, then gave me the news that I hadn't been expecting. He told me everything they knew about our bio parents dying.

As I sat there listening, I discovered that I felt nothing for them. As I thought about it for a moment, I knew that it wasn't that I felt nothing. It was that I didn't feel love, hate or sadness for them. I was just relieved. I had sometimes worried that they would continue trying to make trouble for Chase and I. I had those fears less and less as I came to live with Kyle and Jason. Now as it turned out, mine and Chase's bio parents would no longer be causing trouble for anyone. I was relieved!

I told all this to Chase, and as I sat there talking, Deon held my hand. That helped me with focusing on what I was saying.

"I'm relieved as well," Chase said. "They were two horrible people, and all they brought to my life was pain, suffering and abuse. They did the same to you, and I despised them even more for that. I'm just glad that they won't hurt either one of us ever again."

"I feel the same way," I replied.

Once back in mine and Deon's room, I cuddled under th covers with my lover. We were still clothed, but it was still nice to be covered up with Deon holding me. My head rested on his chest and he was stroking my back up and down. He moved his hands over my backn slow and gentle. This always calmed me.

"That feels really good," I said looking into Deon's eyes. "I'm glad you're here with me right now, and having you there when Chase told me about our bio parents helped me to stay strong. I guess a small part of me will always wonder what could have been. By that I mean that I'll always wonder what could have been, had they been real parents to us. I mean in the way most people understand what parents are."

"I do understand," Deon said. "I would sometimes go through the same thought processes where my own bio parents were concerned. It made me sad in the beginning before I was adopted by the parents I have now, but that feeling has long since gone away. My adoptive parents might as well be my bio parents. They've truly shown me what it means to be parents, and I'm really glad about that."

"I feel the same way about Kyle and Jason," I responded. "They're deeply loving and really caring towards me, as well as to Chase. I'm just glad that mine and Chase's bio parents are gone. They both were really horrible people, and extremely shitty parents. I definitely won't miss them."

"I definitely won't miss my own bio parents when they die," Deon answered. "I already don't miss them."

"I'm glad we both can relate," I said.

"Me too," Deon replied.

Later that evening, I sat on the edge of the bed while Deon got the laptop ready. He had joked about being able to control my life for a certain amount of time. I mentioned that a couple of times, and after we flipped a quarter, it came up heads. Had it come up tails, then I would be the one controlling Deon. He won though, and now I waited to see what was going to happen.

"Kyle and Jason will be going to bed in about an hour, so we have that amount of time for me to really make you suffer," Deon said laughing while looking at me.

"I can't wait," I said.

Deon came up to where I sat and mimed pressing buttons on a control panel on the back of my neck.

"What are you doing?" I asked laughing.

"I have to adjust your controls," he said. "This will make you more compliant."

"Interesting," I said smiling.

Deon then moved his hand as if sliding a door open, then tapping on the back of my neck.

"Compliance mode set to Full Compliance," he said in a fairly good imitation of the Text-to-Speech voices heard on certain Science Fiction shows.

"Funny," I responded.

Deon had me move to the desk chair, and he parked his wheelchair beside me. He then reached for the laptop, and held his thumb above the space bar.

"For the first thing," he began. "I have a song you'll be listening to, and under normal conditions you'd hate it. Now you have to listen to it."

"I can't wait," I said. "What is it?"

"It's called Spinal Meningitis Got Me Down," he replied. "The group who performs the song is called Ween."

I had never even heard of the group, nor the song. It was one of the weirdest songs I've heard in a while. With the heavy use of the triangle as well as the little kid voice sounding in pain, I was at a loss for words.

"It's a really unique experience, isn't it?" Deon asked smiling.

"I've never heard anything like it before," I replied laughing as well as the song faded out.

"The next thing I have for you is one of your favorite snack foods," Deon said wheeling himself to the doorway of our bedroom. "I'll be right back."

"I can't wait," I said attempting to sound greatly enthusiastic.

He returned, and when he held up the plate, I groaned. Deon then moved his other hand as if aiming a remote.

"If you protest, I'll give you a shock," he said.

"Oh, I meant to say that I can't wait to enjoy what you brought me," I said.

On the plate was a circus peanut which Deon knew I hated. I had tried them once when I first came to live with Chase and he had bought them to see what they were like. He didn't like them, and when he gave one to me to try, I told him that it was an insult to snack foods everywhere. I had let Deon know that I hated the snack early on when we were discussing food we liked and which ones we hated.

"Enjoy," Deon said holding out the plate to me.

I took the circus peanut and ate it as quickly as I could.

"There," he said smirking at me. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?"

His torment of me was soon complete with three music videos two of which were by Nicki Minaj. The first one was her song Stupid Ho, with the second one being the song titled Ass, which was the remix by her and Big Sean. The third song was Money Machine by the group 100 Gecs. We were both laughing our asses off at that last one, because of how over the top it sounded.

After it was over, Deon moved behind me, and mimed the same control functions as before.

"Normal Mode is restored," he said using that same Text-to-Speech voice.

"I'm glad you were able to have your fun for the evening," I said as I moved next to him on the bed once he transferred out of his wheelchair. "Now I'll have to come up with ideas to control your life for either an hour, or for a whole day."

"Oh, that's not going to happen," he said laughing.

"I figured you'd say that," I replied as we got ready to get into the shower. We got a quick shower, then after saying goodnight to everyone, we got into bed.

Once the lights were out, I snuggled into Deon's embrace. I looked into his eyes, and he leaned in kissing me softly on the lips.

"I'm really happy that we're together," he said. "I love you so much, and my love grows for you more and more every day."

"My love grows for you even deeper as well," I said. "It seems like with each day I love you even more than I could put into words. I'll always love you, and I don't ever want to share my life with anyone but you."

"I never want anyone else but you either," Deon replied. "You've made me the happiest guy ever, and you've accepted me for who I am. I love you even more for that too."

"I love you for accepting me as well," I answered. "I especially love you for accepting me in spite of what I had been through. It means a lot that you didn't believe the myths society spreads about people who've been through rape and sexual assault. You've seen past all that, and through to who I really am. I'll never forget that."

"I could see the amazing and sweet person you are," he said. "I know who you are, and my life has been enriched really deeply with you in it."

We kissed, then after a few minutes we were asleep.


15 Years Later

It really is amazing how things can change over the years. Deon and I have been through a lot of really amazing things over the last several years. We got through high school, and we both got accepted to Sangger University soon thereafter. He and I were both fortunate to have found a really nice apartment close to the college. We were both taking counseling programs at the college with Deon majoring in counseling for disability-related issues. I was majoring in counseling for those who were victims of sexual assault. Our two years at the college went really well. We both got our degrees, and soon moved from our apartment into a really large house in the country fairly close to Sangger.

By the time we got out of college, we decided to get our careers started, and after talking it over for a few months our first year of working, Deon and I decided to wait for a couple of years to have kids. We had talked early on, and decided a couple of years into our relationship that we wanted kids down the road. I figured that Deon would make a really good father, and he told me in no uncertain terms that I would be a really amazing father as well. I was glad to hear that.

Our friends Megan and Trisha were working in the fields they talked about all those years ago. They were doing really well. Trisha was a doctor at Sangger University. She had spent most of the years working with helping people to fight the insurance companies. She also worked at giving them the best care to help them.

Megan was working as a nurse at a small clinic that helped the LGBT Community. It was close to Sangger University Hospital. She managed over the years to help a lot of people who were within the LGBT Community. She would help them by administering HIV and other STI tests to them. She also gave out various pieces of information to people within the community, especially LGBT Youths who needed information about places they could go for support and acceptance. She was really good at her job, and I was truly happy that she was helping as many as she did.

Tanner was performing with a Metal group called Acidic Hell. They did a lot of Death Metal, Black Metal and other sub genres within the Metal Community. When not doing that, he was assisting Florian with his counseling practice. They both were really good at helping the Blindness Community. Between the two of them, they managed to help many blind kids avoid being tossed into the various State Schools for the Blind. With additional help from Florian and Tanner, most of these kids as they came into adulthood were given other options regarding college and careers. They were also given resources based on career options they wanted to pursue. Because of this, they were able to stay out of the meat grinder as Florian called the network of Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies that did little more than toss blind young adults into meaningless jobs that had little to do with anything the people wanted to do for their lives.

As for my family, Kyle and Jason, as well as Chase, have all been there for Deon and I. They helped me, and also helped Deon through the hard times along with the good times. Having their as well as Deon's parents support has meant a lot, and I'm glad to see that we still continue to have them there for us all these years later.

Deon and I really have come a long way, and I remember sitting in the living room of our house looking out the window at the sunset thinking about how far we have come. It was on a Friday evening when the sun was setting in the sky as I sat there thinking back on everything. Deon was finishing up with the dishes, and soon he was beside me snuggling me, and I leaned into his hug.

I told my lover what I had been thinking about, and he smiled. We shared a couple of long and tender kisses, then looked just as deeply into one another's eyes.

"We've really had a truly amazing life together so far, haven't we?" Deon said stroking my hair.

"We really have," I answered. "I'm really happy with the job I'm doing, and with all the people I've helped over the years."

"I'm really happy about how my job has been going as well," Deon said.

"I'm also really happy that you've been by my side for me to share it with," I went on. "You really do make my life complete."

"You make my life complete as well," Deon replied. "It's been really amazing having you by my side all these years, and I look forward to us being together for many more years to come."

"I feel the same way," I answered.

We shared another kiss, and continued sitting there talking about our plans to start raising a family. We were in the process at that point of looking for a child to adopt. We were hopeful that we would have a son or daughter soon. However it turned out, I knew that life was truly good at that moment. I knew that with Deon by my side, I could get through anything in life.

The End

Author's Notes

We're at the end now. I really had a lot of fun writing this story. Like with my other stories, I have a general idea of what a couple of key details will be for the plot of the story. That's true for this story as well. Also like with my previous stories, I knew who the main group of characters would be. Other plot points took shape as I wrote. Sometimes the ideas came over time, then other times they'd come as I'd be sitting and writing the chapter. That's just how it works sometimes.

I hope all of you have enjoyed this story, as well as this final chapter. Thanks to all who've written me throughout the posting of each chapter. You guys' E-mails have meant a lot to me, and I've truly enjoyed receiving and reading them! All that being said, I hope you're all having a good evening, and I'll see you in the next story!

Now I invite you to read ahead for the summery of my new story which will be out next week. It's titled The Wounds Within My Heart.

The Wounds Within My Heart


Nohea Wilson has had a care-free life. He has a rich family into which he was born, a house that could hold over 50-or-more people and endless amounts of money with which he could buy anything his heart desired. It seems that way on the outside looking in, but for Nohea as he begins to realize how emotionally and even morally toxic the life he lives can be, he ends up finding the one treasure he values over all when he makes a new friend.

When his new friend moves away after only a month of them knowing each other, Nohea has known what it's like to be in love for the first time ever. He also has learned what losing love feels like for the first time as well. All this happens when he's 13, and in his second year at his state's school for the blind due to the eye condition with which he was diagnosed when only a couple of weeks old.

Will Nohea be able to get through his loss and be able to find happiness? Will he be able to find someone with whom he can find love once again? Finally, will he be able to get to the point of living the true and authentic life he's always wanted? Find out in The Wounds Within My Heart.

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