Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Jun 10, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already, ask my E-mail address to put on some music on your music player. When you do this, neglect to tell them that the song that's coming on once they hit play is the song Barbie Girl by the Techno group Aqua.

I wanted to thank K. for another really well-done editing job. Your editing truly helps with making this story be what it is. Thank you!

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 27


It was now January of 2023, and the raid was set to take place on that first Monday of the month. The group of agents were organized in the shadows. Across from them was the house which Brad Jones and his family occupied. The team had been watching Jones for about as long as they had tracked Harper Dixon and the others. They were making pay over the last few weeks.

The team, under Robin Lee and Damion Allen's orders, had already dispatched the counselor who abused Deon Christianson. They would have also gone after his bio parents had they not both been sent to prison both on five-year sentences for check fraud. Bottom line, they weren't a threat, immediate or otherwise. The team would keep track of them though, and should they start acting in ways that suggested that they'd be a problem, then the team would decide what to do going forward. Meanwhile though, they were focused heavily on Brad Jones.

The team was glad to have the time to focus fully on Jones at this point. Sam Tomson had been a distraction, given that they were tracking him. He had been followed both online, and in real life. While in real life, he would go to different dangerous areas of the city. Once there, he was spotted several times buying drugs. Online though, the software they installed on his phone and laptop tracked him to several sites on the Dark Web. On these sites, Tomson spent from the afternoon when arriving home from work to early in the morning downloading and viewing various video files. There were also picture files. Once they went deeper with their tracking, they saw that the videos and images were those of children being raped.

In short, Sam Tomson was a heavy viewer of Child Sex Abuse Material. If none of the stuff with Omri Carter had been an issue, then this newly-revealed fact alone would still have been enough for the group to take out Tomson.

What Tomson helped do to Omri though gave the team further incentive to eliminate him. This was done one night in late December. Robin Lee quietly broke into Tomson's house while he was asleep. On a cold Wednesday morning. Robin had seen the lights go out in Tomson's house around 4:00 A.M. Once in the house, Robin snuck into Tomson's bedroom.

Tomson sat up in bed, and Robin was on him quicker than seemed possible. Tomson put up quite the struggle as Robin held all his weight down on the corrupt attorney while pulling and holding tight to the extension cord. He was strangling the life out of him.

"Say hi to Harper Dixon once you get down to Hell, you sick Fuck!" Robin said, straining as Tomson struggled violently to break free!

This went on for about another minute-and-a-half. Finally, after a few more seconds, Tomson's struggles began to weaken. His legs twitched several times. He then convulsed twice, then he went limp.

"Rot in Hell you Cunt!" Robin said then after cleaning up the scene. He was gone.

As the team continued tracking Brad Jones, they had no qualms about what they were going to do to him. They didn't care that he was still himself a child. Given everything that he had done thus far, as far as the team was concerned, he knew exactly what he was doing. To them, he was just as sick and morally depraved as any adult who does the same or similar crimes. It was now time for Jones to pay! They got to his house right after dispatching Sam Tomson.

The capture took less than 10 minutes. The team sedated Brad Jones's parents, and had them taken off to another place where they would be held. The team knew that his parents enabled him in his crimes by the very fact that they stood by doing nothing to stop him. As for Brad Jones, Robin Lee and Damion Allen entered his room quietly. This was right after his parents were removed from the house. Once in his room, Damion injected Jones with a sedative which would knock him out for about eight to twelve hours. Once sedated, Jones was put in the van in the compartment designed for transporting prisoners.

Once everything was set, Robin got in the driver's side. Slamming the door shut, he retrieved his phone. Dialing a number that was international, he waited.

"It's me," Robin announced once the phone on the other end was picked up. "Tell Ilia Ivanov that it's all set. Yes, we're ready to deliver. Let him know that if he wants to get the medical team ready then he can. I think they're going to like what we're bringing them."

Over in a small white building in the deepest most isolated forests of a town in Russia, a medical team of doctors and nurses stood in an operating room. It was the quintessential white-walled set-up. In the center was an operating table fitted with straps both for arms and legs. There was also a chest strap, and at the head of the table was an anesthesia cart set up and ready for immediate use.

After checking everything a third time, the doctors were satisfied that all preparations were in place and ready to go. Ilia Ivanov, the one Robin Lee had mentioned, arrived in the room shortly after he received the report from Lee.

Ilia Ivanov was a leader of one of the most feared gangs in that part of Russia. He was 40, and had been involved in gang activity since he was eight. He had been born into a family where his parents were both violent drunks. His older brother ran away from home when he was 12 and was killed when he had gotten involved in another street gang, leaving left Ilia alone with their parents. Ilia ran away and was taken in immediately by a family closely affiliated with the gang. He soon became involved. Learning fast, by the time he was 10, he was working alongside other operatives. People in the gang didn't usually get promoted to head boss until they were either 25 or 30. Ilia however, had been appointed acting boss at only 18. He had been carrying out murders by the time he was 12, and by 14, he was the one tasked with torturing information out of different people.

The people he tortured and/or killed could be anyone from rivals from other gangs to business people who screwed the gang out of money they borrowed and failed to pay back. He also took out various corrupt politicians, mostly in Russia, but when called upon by more shadowy areas of the U.S. Government, he did favors for them as well. He was good at it. Whether it was chopping off a couple of fingers, pulling out a few teeth, or breaking a limb, Ilia Ivanov got results.

Depending on what he did to them, some victims could hold out for a few hours. There were a few victims who's fingers he chopped off, and it took him holding heated metal rods against various areas of their bodies to get them to finally talk. One man went almost eight hours while Ilia stood whipping him with a whip fitted with metal spikes. They were set into the length of the strap, and their points were slanted backwards. Once dug into the flesh, they would rip away skin when the strap was pulled away from the victim's body.

It was after the above mentioned length of time that the man finally gave Ilia the information he wanted. Though Ilia enjoyed the torture, he still hated non-compliance. With that in mind, he ended the victim's pain after getting the information. To end his pain however, Ilia took the man out to an area of the forest where the torture camp was set up. After tying him to a tree, he was burned alive. Ilia stood there watching as the man screamed long and loud while the flames melted his flesh and consumed him!

Bottom line, Ilia lived to do what he did in life. He had no wife, nor kids. He knew that if he ever had a wife or kids who were disobedient, he would just kill them. He had no love for anyone. He didn't believe he ever could, and that was totally alright with him.

Coming back to his surroundings quicker than could be imagined, Ilia heard foot steps nearing the doors of the operating room where everyone was waiting. He looked up, and saw Robin Lee wheeling Brad Jones into the room. Jones lay strapped down to a gurney, and he was beginning to wake up.

"Let the sedation wear off," Ilia ordered. "I want this piece of shit awake."

"I was hoping you'd say that," Robin said smiling back at him."

Soon enough, Jones was fully awake, and screaming to be freed from the restraints. Ilia walked over to him, and with a speed that seemed almost unnatural, he back-handed Jones across the face.

"Shut your fucking mouth," Ilia said with a voice that was like ice. "You're going to listen to what I have to say. If you don't, I'll kill you. If you interrupt me, then I'll take you out back of this place and skin you alive. Do you understand me? Oh, and if you ask what any of this is like, then I'll start chopping off body parts from you right here and right now. Do you understand me?"

"I understand," Jones said attempting to keep his voice from shaking.

"I've been informed by Robin Lee, the guy behind you, about what you did to that boy, Omri Carter, back in America," Ilia went on. "I'll tell you here and now that like most people here in my country, I don't like Fags. Then again, I don't like most people. That being said, I never pass up a chance to use the skills I've perfected over the years on little shits like you."

"Omri deserved," Jones started to say.

Ilia, as if walking to get a drink from the fridge, stepped up to Jones, and taking one of his index fingers, he snapped it as easily as a man breaking a candy bar in half.

Jones screamed, and began sobbing.

"You Son of a Bitch!" he screamed at the top of his voice. "What the fuck did you do that for!"

"Stop your fucking crying right now," Ilia said, leaning his face just inches from Jones's. "You want something to cry about? I can give that to you if you'd like. Let me be very clear, you little sack of shit. I've held pictures of men's wives and children up to them while the men were restrained in front of me. I would threaten to do all manner of fucked up things to them if the men didn't give me the information I wanted. I wouldn't threaten to rape their loved ones. I mean, I have to draw the line somewhere. I've also tied people up in basements, and let rats rip into them. This was more as a punishment rather than a torture method.

Don't get me wrong, rats have been used as a way to torture people back in the middle ages. It's actually very simple. The victim would be tied down to a table, and a cage without a floor would be tied to their stomach. A bowl would be set on the top of the cage, and once the fire was started in it. The rat, or a few rats, placed in the cage would try to get out. They were terrified of the heat, and they couldn't get out of the cage through normal means. I wonder where they had to go to escape. Oh yeah, they would claw and bite into the victim's stomach. And once deep in the cavity they would rip open their side and exit that way. Now what do you think of that?"

Ilia was smiling cruelly after finishing this little monologue.

"I think you're fucking sick!" Jones said still trying to break free of the straps.

"Wrong answer," Ilia said breaking another finger.

"Mommy!" Jones screamed. "I want my mommy!"

Robin leaned over Jones and spoke.

"Here's a news flash for you Bitch," he said. "Ilia and I aren't your mommy. I'm sure as hell not her, and if I were, then I'd lift my dress then piss and shit right in your mouth. Now shut the fuck up you fucking piece of shit."

"Enough wasting time," Ilia said. "I'll be turning you over to Dr. Petrov now."

Dr. Alexey Petrov was a medical professional of questionable ethics. To call him questionable though was an under-statement. Much of what people knew about him was based mainly on rumors, but he was known for trading in human organs. He made frequent trips to China to remove organs from prisoners who had been shot just hours before. It was here in the building where they all stood that Petrov did his most medically unethical work.

When called upon by people within the Russian government, Alexey Petrov would take people who were of different viewpoints than the ruling party. He would take them here, and through several brain implants and various drugs he would force them to comply. He would also keep other prisoners here, and rather than have them in regular prison, he would receive them. Once here, he would drug them and give them endless hours of Virtual Reality Therapy. This was nothing more than him creating scenes that the prisoners were forced to watch that centered around things they told Petrov. The things they would tell him would be things such as traumatic experiences they endured in their pasts. They would also tell him about the most deepest fears they had.

From these assessments, Petrov would create the short films they would watch. Most of them were animations, but with the various mind-altering drugs he forced upon them, they were horrified enough so that they believed that the experiences were really happening to them.

"There might be a way out of this for you Jones," Petrov said stepping up to the gurney. "You might be able to go back home, but you have to agree to my conditions."

"Please!" Jones sobbed. "I'll do anything!"

"Good," Petrov said. "I'm glad to hear that. You just have to answer some questions for me. If you do that, I'll review them, and then I'll return you to the United States and back to your family. Robin Lee has agreed to it as well."

"That's right," Robin said arranging his face into something resembling compassion. "We really don't want you to suffer. Sorry about Ilia, he can be rather thick-headed sometimes."

"You really mean it?" Jones said calming down visibly.

"Absolutely," Robin replied.

Alexey Petrov looked up from the paper he had on his desk. He had written down all of Brad Jones's answers to questions regarding his fears. Petrov found it interesting that several of his fears centered around water, tunnels, rats and being strangled slowly. This was perfect! Petrov placed the paper in his coat pocket, then went over to a laptop. He programmed the app which took about 10 minutes. Once it was completed, he opened a drawer in the desk on which the laptop sat.

From the drawer, Petrov removed a headset, VR goggles and a helmet. The helmet had several electrodes which conducted currents into the subject's brain, making them feel certain sensations. Depending on the scenario, the tactile sensations would be adjusted to the scene. For example, if the victim was watching a scene in which the character was being burned up in a fire, then a couple of electrodes would be activated that would send sensations to the individual. That made them truly believe they were being burned alive.

Petrov smiled as he gathered up all his equipment. He returned to the OR, and after checking to make sure that everything was set he stepped up to Brad Jones.

"I'll need you to move from the bed you're on, and on to the table to your right," Petrov said.

"I don't understand," Jones answered. "I thought I was going to be getting out of here now."

"There's just one more thing I have to do," Petrov said. "It won't take long. I just have to sedate you for the trip back. We can't have you thrashing around as the men take you out of here now can we?"

"I guess not," Jones said moving to the table. His straps had been removed once Petrov returned to the operating room.

Once Jones was on the table, two nurses strapped his wrists and ankles down, and Ilia Ivanov secured the chest strap.

"I'll start the IV now," the anesthesiologist who worked for Petrov said.

The IV was quickly inserted into Jones's arm, and there was a moment in which nothing happened, then Alexey Petrov leaned over Brad Jones. He leaned his face barely an inch from his.

"You're not going anywhere," Petrov said just above a whisper. "Did you really think I'd let you leave here. You were brought here for a reason."

"You tricked me," Jones said, but there was hardly any fight in his voice at this point.

"That's one way to look at it," Petrov said. "You'll be here with me while I run certain treatments on you. Given what you did back in America, you'll be here indefinitely. By that, I really mean that you'll never leave this place.

I have a procedure I give to people who live outside the guidelines of society. It's very simple."

Petrov continued talking as he fit the helmet and headset on Jones's head.

"You might think you can fight the drugs, but you can't," Petrov went on. "You also might think that you can dismiss what I'm showing you as just Bullshit. I guess we'll see about that won't we?"

The drugs were now running through Jones's IV, and he was gasping for breath.

"By now, the drugs should be working," Petrov said.

He made sure the goggles were secured to Jones's eyes, and he then turned to the laptop while Jones continued to scream and attempt to fight the drug as well as the straps.

"The first scene you'll experience will be one of your favorite hang-outs," Petrov announced as he tapped the Enter key on the computer.

In front of Brad Jones stretched a long tunnel. It was narrow, as well as slender. On the ceiling as far as the eye could see were smokey-blue dim lights. The smell was of mold, dead things, and the musty smell of rats. He now saw several rats lined up in front of him. A couple of them squeaked while displaying their sharp fangs.

"No!" Brad Jones screamed! "No! Get me out of here! Help! Please! Someone help!"

As he ran through the tunnel, Brad Jones saw that the daylight at the end of the shaft was getting further and further away. He would close in on it, and it would race further away. As he ran, several more rats appeared. They chased him, and he had never felt terror like this before!

"Help!" he screamed. "I can't take this!"

The scene switched, and he was in a small room that was dark. The darkness was more oppressive than anything he had ever known before! As Jones stood in the room, he could feel how cold it was in there. He also heard whisperings all around him!

The whisperings were happening all at once, and though he couldn't make out any of the words being said, he could sense evil in them. The evil was soul-crushing, and between that and the darkness oppressing him, Brad Jones felt like he could go insane at any moment.

Brad Jones screamed long and loud as he lay strapped down to the operating table connected to Alexey Petrov's Virtual Reality torture device. As Petrov stood there watching him, he smiled. The little Bastard had no way of knowing that with each scene being shown to him and with every electrical impulse that gave tactile sensations, there was also a signal being transformed as well. This signal was slowly destroying vital parts of Brad Jones's brain. There was also another signal that was set to activate at a time of Petrov's choosing.

When Petrov set up the device for Brad Jones's session, he had set up the second signal for two months from now. One might think that Brad would build up a tolerance for the sessions, but Petrov knew when to change things so that there would be no neuro adaptations in Brad Jones's brain. Thanks to this, every moment spent connected to the device would be a fresh experience of terror for him. At the end of the two months when the second signal would activate, a deadly current would be slowly run through Brad Jones which would disrupt the electrical conduction system of his heart, causing a dangerous arrhythmia which would kill him.

Petrov smiled to himself as Brad Jones jerked and twisted on the table as scene after scene of fear and terror gripped him! He hoped that the little scumbag was enjoying the show.

"I'm so sorry that we're fresh out of popcorn and drinks," Petrov said laughing as he sat down at the side of Jones's table to continue watching. Though it would not happen right at that moment in time, it was never-the-less all over for Brad Jones!



It was now a couple of days into January. Deon and I had spent that Friday evening cuddled in bed. We had arrived at my house after school, and we enjoyed a really nice dinner with Kyle, Jason and Chase. It was especially nice to be there with everyone since the weather outside was intensely cold. Snow fell relentlessly, and it felt nice being warm and snuggled in Deon's arms.

We had said good night to everyone about a couple of hours after finishing dinner,. They all knew that my soul mate and I wanted to be alone, and I was glad once we were in my room getting our shower.

We didn't play around in the shower, but just washed each other off, then drying off one another once exiting the shower. We then wasted no time climbing into bed. I was cold, and shivering as I sometimes did after a shower.

"I'll definitely need you to warm me up," I said as Deon got on top of me.

"I'd love that," he answered.

We began making love passionately! It felt amazing, and when Deon and I finished coming all over each other while kissing, I was ready for my lover to fuck me deep and hard like he always did!

Deon didn't disappoint, and the feel of his body slapping against mine as well as the wonderful feel of his hot cum flooding my hole made me come hard as always! It was amazing, and I loved how it got better and better every time we made love! It also didn't take long for us to fall asleep in one each other's arms after proclaiming our deep love, like all those times before!

Author's Notes

Well, I think that takes care of all the bad guys for my story. I had thought for a while about how I wanted to handle Brad Jones. I figured that I would have something really dark and fucked up in mind for him, and I had thought of the idea several days ago. I can't exactly say where I got the idea for the torture device, but the book titled the Fifth Vial by Michael Palmer did serve as some inspiration.

Within that book, there's a scene in which the main character is subjected to a Virtual reality device that basically implanted false memories of an attempted kidnapping to cover up why she was originally at the place she returned to. As for the rest of the part of this chapter dealing with Brad Jones, I came up with it all on my own. I hope you all like how I handled him with ending him once and for all.

As for the next chapter, it'll be the end. You'll all get to see things change for Omri, Deon, Tanner and Florian as well as for their other friends. You'll get to see them finishing up high school, graduating and going on with their lives. I wasn't sure when I'd finish up the story. I thought it might run for about two to three more chapters. As I continued working on the last chapter as well as this one, I came to realize that the story has basically been told.

Chapter 28 will go out next week either on Thursday night, or Friday. Once that's been posted, I'll be finishing up the final edits for Chapter One of the new story I have coming up in a couple of weeks. I'll talk more about it at the end of the last chapter of this story like I've done with all my other stories.

All that being said, I hope you're all having a good evening, and I'll see you all in Chapter 28, the final chapter.

Next: Chapter 28

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