Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on May 29, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already, offer to help my E-mail address with putting together a new bookshelf for its audio books. Once you get the piece of furniture into their living room strip all the screws then leave without saying anything.

Thanks to K. for your edits both on the last chapter as well as for the whole story itself. They truly do help. Thank you.

Chapter 26

prepare to go under the knife in the operation room doctor gives me sedatives so?I will go to?sleep sensing myself fall to unconscious?but I am still awake Lust of Decay When Anesthesia Fails


Judge Harper Dixon sat in the empty exam room of the doctor's office. It was now a week after the party when he last saw Michael Edwards and Joe Stanton. During the last few weeks, Dixon had been dealing with a pain in his abdomen. It was in the lower area, but not on the right. He didn't think it was his appendix. Continuing to wait, he noticed that the pain wasn't getting any better. So, it was on that dark and snowy Monday he went to his doctor.

Just then there was a knock on the door, then it opened. The doctor examined Dixon, and after setting up an ultrasound, a nurse came to take Dixon downstairs. Once the test was completed, Dixon was allowed to return to Dr. Larson's office. Once Dr. Larson entered the room, he sat down behind his desk. Removing a couple of scans from an envelope, Larson hung the images on a light box behind him.

"Your test results show that you have a mass in your colon," Larson said. "We'll have to remove it, but that's what's been causing your pain."

"When will you know if it's Cancer?" Dixon asked.

"We'll do the surgery, at which point we'll send the mass to Pathology," Larson explained. "Once they tell us if it's Cancer then we'll discuss our options. If it's not Cancer, then you'll have nothing to worry about, and that issue will be out the window. Are you available for surgery this up-coming Monday?"

"I'll have to clear my schedule, but I can be here," Dixon replied.

"Good," Larson answered.

Dixon's surgery was set for that up-coming Monday at 7:00 A.M. Walking to his car, Dixon got in and headed home. He hoped that everything would turn out alright.


Robin Lee waited, and after the line picked up, he spoke.

"It's me," he said. "Dixon is scheduled for surgery for this up-coming Monday. You know what to do right?"

The person on the other end said they did.

"Good," Robin said. "I'll come by your house and go over it with you just to be sure. Nothing can go wrong."

The morning of Dixon's surgery came, and once he was admitted into the hospital, he waited in his room. It was after 5:30 A.M., and he hoped that they might be able to get him in for surgery a little earlier. Dixon smiled. He had no wife, but had several teen boys he would make give him sex. They were ones who came before his court for small-time offenses such as possession of drugs like marijuana. Most of them were rich, or borderline wealthy. Dixon would give them suspended sentences, and once he would get them alone in his chambers claiming to want to make sure they understood what was going on, he would force them to agree to sex. He would tell them that if they refused, he would change his mind and sentence them to adult prison for several decades. He liked the power he had over them, and he especially loved the fear that would sink deep into their eyes when they learned of what he wanted them to do.

It was that of which he was thinking when the nurse came in to wheel him to OR Prep. He wanted to be recovered in time so he could get back with what he called "His Boys". So he hoped even more now that things would be alright.

Once in the operating room, Dixon was instructed to move from the bed to the operating table. After he was situated, he lay there waiting for the anesthesiologist.

The door to the OR opened, and a nurse named Lisa came in. She was nervous seeing Dr. Larson standing by the operating table. Larson had a hot temper, especially when things didn't go his way in the OR. She had heard stories about him screaming at scrub nurses while the patient was on the table and under anesthesia. He was also known to throw whole trays of surgical instruments to the floor.

Larson turned when Lisa entered, and she had a tray on which several surgical instruments rested.

"Dr., here are the instruments," she said in a voice she struggled to keep steady.

Larson looked down at the tray.

"God damn it Lisa!" he screamed, grabbing the tray away from her. Throwing it to the floor, it crashed loudly. "That's all scalpels! I needed the other tray that had one scalpel and all of the other instruments I asked for! What the fuck is wrong with you! Did you get a degree in Nursing or in just being a stupid Bitch!"

"I'm sorry Dr. Larson!" she said close to tears.

"Fuck your sorrys!" Larson screamed at the top of his lungs. "If you can't follow even one God-damned direction as to what sort of instruments I need, then what fucking good are you! You're a disgrace! That's what! Now go and get me the right fucking tools I need to do my job! Jesus Christ! I'm asking for the right surgical tools, not for help hanging the fucking moon!"

"Yes Dr. Larson," she said sounding even closer to tears than before.

Exiting the room, Lisa now had no look of fear, sadness or any other destressed look on her face. No one would have guessed that her look of fear and her tear-filled eyes were an act. She smiled though it was hidden by her mask. She played her part, and played it well.

While the confrontation had been going on between Dr. Larson and Lisa, the person posing as the anesthesiologist's assistant was busy with her back turned to the two arguing staff members. Unbeknownst to either of them, the woman was switching out two of the medications used for sedation and for shutting down pain receptors which were both key components in providing anesthesia for patients. She replaced the medications with saline, and kept only one medication as it actually was. By the time Lisa left the room, the woman had left and was headed out a back entrance of the OR. She stored away the real medications, and once completed, she smiled. Judge Harper Dixon's surgery was now ready for sabotage.

Harper Dixon was beginning to drift off when the anesthesiologist informed him that he injected the first drug which would make Dixon go to sleep. The anesthesiologist then injected the second drug which was the one for keeping the patient from feeling pain during surgery. Next was a drug called Succinylcholine.

This third drug would paralyze Dixon so that he couldn't move. Such a drug is necessary in some surgeries to make it easier to insert a breathing tube to keep the patient ventilated while sedated. It also made for easier cutting with the muscles relaxed. The downside to this medication is that it has no anesthetic properties so should someone be injected with it outside a medical setting, then they would be unable to move, speak or breathe. Unless a ventilator is close by, then the person could suffocate and die.

Dixon awoke, and he remembered where he was. He figured that the surgery was over. He struggled to speak, and he tried to ask if the surgery was complete. He figured that it would take a little longer to be completely free of the anesthesia. As he lay there, he realized that he felt no pain at all. He also realized that he didn't actually feel tired like he had when enduring other surgeries in the past.

"What's going on!" he thought in his head. "Why can't I move my lips to speak!"

"Is he out?" Dr. Larson asked.

"Yeah," the anesthesiologist named Dr. Sems replied. "He's out now."

"Good," Larson answered.

"No, I'm awake!" Dixon yelled in his head and tried to say. "I'm awake. Oh god, the surgery isn't over!"

He tried to move his fingers, but nothing. Next Dixon struggled to open his eyes, but that was no good either. Attempting to move his legs gave no results either. He felt himself growing very afraid now! To Dixon's surprise, then horror, he felt his lower abdomen being swabbed with a strong-smelling solution. It felt cold as it was painted over his skin.

"Scalpel," Larson called

"No!" Dixon screamed in his head! "Oh god! No! I'm awake! Can't any of you hear me! Please, don't do this! Help! I can't move! I'm awake! I'm not asleep! Can't any of you hear me! Somebody! Anybody!"

The scalpel burned hotly as it slid across Dixon's abdomen. He screamed loudly within his head! The blade cut deeper, then stopped. Burning hot fire that felt worse than anything he had ever felt in his life filled his lower abdomen now!

"Please! Stop!" Dixon screamed at the top of his voice, but it was once again in his mind! "I can't take this!"

"Hang on," Dr. Sems called out.

"Oh thank God!" Dixon cried out in pure relief! "He must see something on the monitor! He'll do whatever he needs to do, and I can go to sleep!"

"What is it!" Larson snapped.

"I thought I saw an abnormal read-out on the monitor," Sems replied completely unruffled by Larson's rudeness.

"You thought you saw it?" Larson said with a sneering tone in his voice.

Sems checked the read-out again.

"I thought I saw an abnormal reading," he repeated. "It's normal now."

"You're sure?" Larson asked contemptuously. Anything else not to your liking? Perhaps you'd like a pair of fuzzy bunny slippers and a glass of wine while you sit there doing what you call your job?"

"Everything is fine," Sems answered.

"Good," Larson replied. "I'll be continuing the procedure now."

"No!" Dixon screamed in his head once again! "Please don't do this to me! I'm awake, and can feel everything!"

"Retractor," Larson called.

Suddenly Dixon felt the edges of his wound being pulled back. Fresh pain burned, and now he could feel deep intense pain inside his abdomen now!

"I'm moving the intestines now," Larson announced. "Okay, there it is. There's the growth."

With every movement of Larson's hands, deep throbbing pain sank into Dixon's guts! He screamed and screamed in his head. Unfortunately, his screams and cries were known only to him!

It went on this way for another half-an-hour. It felt like ages! Through it all, Dixon felt every pain, pull tug and various other manipulation of his insides! Soon though Larson was calling for sutures. Dixon felt it all as his skin was being sown back up! Everything hurt, and he hoped that he could make it through the final moments of the procedure!

Soon Dixon was being eased from the anesthesia, and once he could move a little, he was wheeled to the Post Anesthesia Care room. After he was awake enough, Dr. Sems came up to where he lay moaning in pain.

"Mr. Dixon, your surgery is over," Sems said. "How do you feel?"

"Oh god!" Dixon said struggling not to lose consciousness. "What did you do to me! What the hell did you people do to me!"

"I don't understand," Sems answered. "You had your surgery, and you're in the recovery room now."

"Surgery!" Dixon said loudly. "That was a fucking waking nightmare! I felt every god-damn thing Dr. Larson did to me! I heard him call for the scalpel, then for the retractor! I heard him say he was moving my intestines now, and that there's the growth!"

Dr. Sems felt his heart speeding up in his chest! What the hell had happened! He stepped away from Dixon's bed, and looked away.

"You must have dreamed all that," he said attempting to maintain some control over his emotions.

"The hell I did!" Dixon yelled.

Just then a nurse came over, and gave Dixon an injection.

"That should help you sleep," she said. "You need to remain calm. You just had surgery, that's all."

Dixon struggled to remain conscious, but the drug was too powerful! He fell deeply into blackness, and hoped that everything would be alright when he woke up later!


Dr. Sems checked all of the components of his anesthesia machine. He first checked the IV medications, and finding nothing wrong, he checked the tanks through which gas anesthetics had been pumped. These would have gone into Dixon's breathing tube, and into his lungs along with oxygen. Sems read the numbers on the gages, then again! To his horror they were reading 0%! At the end of most of his surgeries they were low, but not to 0%. He knew this could mean only one thing! He then remembered what Dixon said when he quoted Larson talking about the growth!

"Oh my god! He was awake for the entire fucking surgery!" Sems thought in his head. "Only the God-damn Succinylcholine was going into his veins!"

Dr. Sems rushed down the hall, and as he neared his office, he opened the door and suddenly the lights turned on. A large figure walked over to Sems's desk then sat behind it.

"Come in Dr.," the hooded figure said.

It was Robin Lee behind the hood, but Sems would never know that.

"Who the hell are you!" Sems asked as he closed the door.

"The one who will either let you live, or die," the man said. "Sit down."

Sems did so, and he then saw that the hooded man had a gun in his hand pointing it at him.

"I'm sure the sight of my gun is disturbing to you," Robin said. "Perhaps I should replace it with a syringe of Succinylcholine instead?"

Sems suddenly realized what had happened.

"You Bastard!" he said breathlessly. "You fucked with Harper Dixon's anesthesia! I'm getting Dr. Larson!"

"No Sems!" Robin growled then ran from behind the desk faster than lightning. He seized Sems by the shoulders and shoved him back in his chair. He held the gun pressed painfully into the doctor's throat.

"You move or scream, and I'll kill you!" Robin went on. "You probably are wondering what's going to happen to you. You're probably thinking that you're just an innocent victim in all this. You did what you thought was correct, and it wasn't your fault. You'll just tell Dr. Larson what happened. It can be explained away."

"It's not my fault," Sems said close to tears.

"I don't quite think we understand each other," Robin said reaching into the left pocket of his coat. Sems tensed up.

"Relax you fucking idiot," Robin said as Sems saw what he had in his left hand. It was an iPhone.

Unlocking the phone, Robin swiped and tapped on the display a few times. After finding what he was looking for, he turned the phone so that Sems could read what was on it.

On the screen was a name. It read Kaden Alexander.

"I'm sure you remember who he is," Robin said. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I meant to say who he was."

"I'll have to think," Sems said, but he knew who it was.

"I'll save you the trouble," Robin responded. "Kaden Alexander was a 14-year-old boy you crossed paths with about six years ago. You had provided him anesthesia for a brain operation. Well, I should say that you attempted to provide said care."

"I don't remember," Sems said, but Robin knew he did.

"You had been at a party the night before, and the surgery was scheduled for 8:00 A.M. on the morning in question. Not only did you have too much to drink at the party, but you had a love of shoving $800.00 worth of Bolivian snow drifts up your pump throughout the day as well. You also had a craving for Opioids, and would lift a few from the med cart. You did this on the morning of Alexander's surgery. You mixed up one of the meds, and what he received in place of the drug used for shutting down his pain receptors was Potassium Chloride instead. He suffered a heart attack.

Anxious not to bring negative attention to the hospital, you were asked to resign. It was resign or be fired. Do I have all that right? Thanks to you agreeing to resign, everything was kept quiet. It would be a shame if the public found out that you Dr. Elliott Sems, who is the kind and compassionate physician tasked with helping them not to feel pain during surgery, is in all reality a piece of shit druggy and a degenerate drunk. Oh, I'm sorry. Was that too harsh? You're probably going to tell me that what you have is a disease. Yeah, that's what all you fucking drunks and drug heads say. Another thing though, I know that you have been known to actively refuse to work with patients who have HIV/AIDS diagnoses. There are also documented pieces of information of which I've been recently made aware that you remarked among your colleagues that you don't want to work with Faggots who have AIDS. I really don't like that. I don't like that at all!"

"Why are you telling me all this?" Sems asked, completely dejected now.

"In short," Robin went on. "I and a couple of friends of mine have made it our mission to go after hateful Mother Fuckers who do any harm to our community. You're on the list for reasons that I think you're coming to understand now. So, we decided that you would give what you believed was the usual anesthetic formula to Harper Dixon."

"Instead, you bastards sabotaged it!" Sems said attempting to reclaim his toughness.

"We did what we had to do," Robin said. "Oh, and here's something else you might be interested in."

Sems looked at the phone's screen, and then read it again.

On the screen was an entry such as what any doctor would find in a patient's medical chart. In this particular entry, it listed Harper Dixon's name, as well as all of the details of his surgery. Unlike what Sems saw in the OR when he checked his equipment, all of the information pertaining to anesthesia for Dixon was normal.

"You switched," Sems began, but was unable to continue.

"When you left after checking your tanks, one of my associates switched them out with those from another surgery," Robin said. "What you just read on my phone was also entered into the medical record by a system we have set up that's patched directly into this hospital. Oh, and that oddity you saw on your anesthesia machine at the beginning of Dixon's surgery, well that was removed. By removed, I mean that no one will find it. Even those terrorists within that organization called the FBI couldn't even find it with their Bullshit so-called forensic computers."

"Why though," Sems asked struggling to understand. "Why are you doing all this! Why go to all this trouble!"

"I'd stop asking questions right now," Robin said. "Do you really want to press your luck?"

"Just one question though," Sems said.

"Let's hear it," Robin ordered.

"What about Dixon?" Sems asked. "He already has said that he was awake during the surgery."

"He'll go on with these memories," Robin said. "As far as the medical staff here at the hospital is concerned though, a normal surgical procedure was performed here this morning, and as long as you keep quiet then everything will work out the way it's supposed to."

Sems thought for a moment. He knew that life for him would be horrible if he didn't go by this hooded guy's orders. He was clean and sobor now, aside from the occasional drink or several every couple of weekends from Friday to Saturday. He would stop on Sundays. He had his high-powered friends, lots of money, and a house that could be considered a mansion. He also had many women he brought back to his small but adequately supplied mansion. He thought about all the nights he spent fucking them in every room in the house, and some who were under-age. That last group were the ones who he loved taking down to his basement to engage with in lots of dark and violent BDSM. They hated it, but that made it all the better for him.

"Oh, and one more thing," Robin said. "How's it going with the girls down in your little basement love nest?"

The blood drained instantly from Sems's face, and he began shaking.

"That's what you're truly afraid of getting out isn't it?" Robin asked. "Don't worry. We'll let that one slide."

After Sems agreed one last time to Robin's terms, he left work, telling them that he was sick. He got in his car that was parked in its usual spot, and once pulling up to his house, he shut off the car. Suddenly Sems heard a noise from the back seat.

"Hello Dr. Sems," a hooded figure said.

The figure wasn't as big as the one in his office, but it looked like it could do some damage all the same.

"Who," Sems began, then was grabbed.

Damion Allen removed a syringe from his pocket, and once the cap was removed, he pressed it deep into Sems's arm.

"What are you doing!" Sems screamed.

"Making sure you stay quiet," the hooded figure said.

Sems sat back in the driver's seat of his car attempting to calm his racing heart. He moved to grab his phone, and he felt a slight heaviness in his right arm as he moved it. Lifting the phone out of his pocket, Sems felt the heaviness increasing.

"Why does my phone feel so heavy in my hand!" Sems said, and found he had to struggle to get the words out. "What's happening to me?"

It came out sounding like: "Waz haffen o e!"

Breathing was difficult now, and Sems struggled to draw in a deep breath. His legs grew heavy, and now his eyes were closing. His breaths were coming in even more shallow at this point.

With pure horror, he was starting to understand what was happening to him!

"No doubt you can feel the effects of the Succinylcholine now," Damion said. "Part of that is for the boy you killed because of being a dirty drunk and druggy piece of shit. It's also for the girls you've been raping, especially the under-age ones. I hope you're enjoying your little slumber., you Bastard"

Sems heard the smirk in Damion's voice, and his body was completely paralyzed at this point. The Succinylcholine was in full-effect now. Sems heart was beating, but he could neither speak, blink his eyes, move his arms nor any other part of his body.

"It must be terrifying," Damion went on. "You're trapped within your own body. You can't move, speak, run or call for help. Robin, who's head of our little group told you all that stuff back in your office about letting you go. Yeah, that was all Bullshit. Bullshit which you bought hook, line and sinker. You'll be dead in probably three to five minutes. Oh, and you're probably wondering what we have planned for Harper Dixon. It's actually very simple. He's being taken care of as I'm speaking to you right now.

How are you doing now Sems? The air hunger must be maddening at this point. I can't even imagine what you're going through. The desire to breathe, but unable to. The pressure in your chest, that's only increasing, and the understanding that there's nothing you can do. Oh, and while Succinylcholine lasts for about 10 minutes as you know. I gave you a dose that's the typical lethal dose used in executions. I'm sure as you also know, an over-dose of the drug can cause kidney damage and/or Kidney Failure. So even if someone was to drop a ventilator here in the car right now, it wouldn't do you any good. If suffocation didn't kill you, then Kidney Failure would.

Oh right, I was telling you about Harper Dixon. Like you, he'll receive Succinylcholine in his IV, but he'll also be getting something extra. I'll give you a hint. Kaden Alexander."

Sems heard all of what Damion was saying, and he was terrified beyond all reason. He felt the increasing pressure in his chest, the air hunger and a maddening desperation to move! He screamed out in his head, and now a steady ringing was in his ears as he felt himself losing consciousness for the last time!

After Damion exited the car, he moved Sems's body to the passenger side. Once he had the car parked in the garage, he grabbed the garden hose. He rigged up the staged scene which didn't take that long. After everything was set, Damion exited the garage quickly making sure it was locked up. He knew it was no longer safe to be in there. He listened for a moment as he stood in front of the locked garage. The car was running, and he figured that Sems would be found soon.

Once back in his own car, Damion pulled up the camera view on his phone that was hacked into Sems's cameras in his house. He found all of the files of the doctor and all his victims. Once he gathered them up, he erased all traces of the information within the files that showed they were on his phone. Now with that done, he sent the files to a reporter, and as far as the reporter was concerned it was an anonymous tip about the corrupt doctor.


Harper Dixon lay in his hospital bed when the hooded figure crept silently into the room. Dixon lifted his head, and had to work to remind himself that he wasn't having a nightmare!

"Who are you!" he called out in a sharp whisper!

"The one who's going to make sure that you get what you deserve," Robin Lee said.

He stepped up to Dixon's IV pole, and removed a syringe from his pocket. Injecting it into the port at the top of the line, he waited.

Dixon could feel an all-too familiar heaviness come over him. He looked at the figure, and felt deep terror.

"The Succinylcholine is taking effect now," Robin said. "That's why you couldn't move when your surgery was going on. I'll bet it was terrifying. I can imagine it fucking hurt like Hell too. Well, you fucking deserve it. My group and I know everything you've been getting away with. That's over now. I have another surprise for you."

"What are you doing to me!" Dixon said, and found that he had to struggle to get the words out!

"You'll see," Robin replied. "This is for the boys you've destroyed, as well as for those who you've fucked over. We know all about the kids and young people to whom you'd hand down harsh sentences for even something as small as not listening to a teacher. Most of all, this is for what you did to Omri Carter. For him, you're especially going to fucking die. You fucking piece of shit!"

Dixon was unable to move now, and he heard the figure move closer to his IV again.

"Surprise," Robin said as the last injection was sent into his IV.

A deep and intense burning raced up Dixon's arm. It burned like nothing he had ever felt before! The burning extended into the left side of his chest, and now his chest was on fire!

"No doubt you can feel the potassium chloride working now," Robin said. "It's giving you a heart attack. I mean that literally. It's shutting down your heart now, and I'll bet with the Succinylcholine keeping you paralyzed, it's pure Hell for you. I hope it is.

In case you haven't figured it out, your ass just got a lethal injection minus the anesthetic. We just wanted you to have a terrifying surgery before my group and I sent your child-hating and LGBT-hating ass straight to Hell, you fucking Cunt!"

Dixon gave one long throat-shredding scream of pain, despair and terror! It unfortunately was only in his mind. With that last scream, he felt his body jerk two times as he imagined the fires of Hell waiting for him. He could see children's faces looking up at him, and they reached for him with bloody hands, the finger nails of which were caked with gore! Their blood-soaked mouths opened, exposing razor-sharp teeth, and they spoke in a wining inhuman voice! It wormed its way into Harper Dixon's brain, increasing his terror! It made his brain feel like it was on fire! With every word, he felt deeper and deeper waves of pain both physical and mental wash over him!

"Join us down here," the wining inhuman voices all said in unison. "Join us down here in Hell. Come live down here in the pits and the skin-melting fires of Hell! Live here with us, where there's no trials to worry about. Where there's no desires for young boys to violate down here. There's only the feel and sound of burning, torment and death for all eternity and for all time."

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dixon screamed in his head as the figures closed in and fell upon him!

Dixon's body jerked one last time before his heart exploded in his chest, and his brain shut down its last few cells. Finally, Harper Dixon was dead!

After Robin left Dixon's room, he went down an empty hallway as he heard the sounds of running feet going in the direction of Dixon's room. He got back in his car once out of the hospital, and after driving a good distance away from the hospital, he did with Harper Dixon's information what Damion had done with Dr. Sems's information a few minutes before.


Two Days Later

"A strangeness takes hold of the city as the public learns of the deaths of two prominent figures here in the city of Sangger," a news broadcaster announced. "On Monday, December 18, of this week, Judge Harper Dixon was found dead in his hospital room while lying in his bed. Sources from the Medical Examiner's Office state that upon examination of the body, it was found that Dixon, 53, had undergone abdominal surgery earlier that morning. The death was ruled as natural causes due to a massive heart attack.

The other case is of Elliott Sems, 40, who worked for Sangger University Hospital. He was a prominent Anesthesiologist at the hospital for the last two years.

On Monday, December 18 just an hour after Harper Dixon was found, a girlfriend who's thus far been unnamed, stopped by Sems's house. Receiving no answer, she called the police. Once they arrived, they found Sems dead in his car. The death is being ruled as an apparent suicide.

However, in a most strange turn of events, we've received several reports of corruption within the lives of Sems and Dixon. Harper Dixon has since been revealed, thanks to anonymous sources, to have been involved in molesting several teenaged boys and adults who were in their early 20s. The reports have documented he would force these individuals to give him inappropriate sexual favors in exchange for light or no sentences of time in prison.

Further information from the same sources have sent in documentation exposing Dr. Sems as having caused the death six years ago of a 14-year-old boy named Kaden Alexander. The sources go on to state that Sems had a severe drug and alcohol addiction at that time, and he agreed to resign rather than face termination. Our sources go on to state that Alexander died of an injection of Potassium Chloride when Sems mistook it for one of the drugs used to prevent pain while a patient is under General Anesthesia during surgery.

Even more disturbing, we've also received documentation revealing that Sems was molesting under-age girls he would meet on various online websites frequented by teens and young adults. We will continue to bring you any further developments as they become available."



I shut off the TV after seeing everyone else in the room looking as disgusted as I felt. While we would have all been in school that Wednesday morning, several inches of snow came down the night before. It was enough so that they closed school for the day. Around 10:00 A.M. though, the roads were clear enough for people to drive.

After Kyle let me know that school had been closed for that day, I went back to bed. I had been brushing my teeth when he let me know, and so it was nice to get in a couple more hours of sleep. Once I awoke around 9:00 A.M., I checked to see if anyone else in my friend group was awake.

Megan, Trisha, Tanner, Florian and Deon were all awake. After asking for and receiving permission, they all came over to my house. We had been sitting down to check out the TV when, after turning it on, the news had come on with what I had already been told two days before.

After Dixon had been found, one of the nurses who knew Kyle was aware about what the judge had done to me concerning Brad Jones. She came to visit us later that day. After letting us know that he was found dead, I tried to process it. After a while, I realized that I wasn't sorry that he was gone. The Bastard hadn't raped me himself, but what he did felt like little more than a second rape though. In that sense, the Son of a Bitch was as guilty as Brad Jones as far as I was concerned.

She also told us about Sems, and she, as well as the hospital, were the first to receive the leaked documents regarding Dixon and Sems. I couldn't believe it.

Returning to the present time, I looked at the blank TV screen.

"What a fucking freak show all this has been," I said, disgusted now! "A lot of kids raped and abused, and for what! For the disgusting pleasures of two pieces of shit men who thought it as their right to do it!"

It's truly evil!" Florian added.

"I hope those two burns in Hell depending on one's religious beliefs," Deon said.

"I'm just glad they can't hurt anyone anymore," I said.

Adding to the weirdness was the fact that several days before two politicians by the names of Michael Edwards and Joe Stanton, both Republicans, had been discovered. They were found in a wooded area in a bad part of Sangger. Their IDs were in their pants pockets, but their bodies had been literally torn apart. No one knew how or why it had happened, but they believed that the two must have mistakenly entered gang territory. This hasn't been proven yet, and there are still no answers. That someone did this to the two men, given the cut marks, wasn't in doubt. Figuring out who it was seemed to be the challenge though.

I put it out of my mind though, and my friends and I went on to enjoy the day since we could relax without school to worry about!

Author's Notes

I really didn't expect to write all of what I did here. I knew that I would have Dixon go through something horrible, and only over the last couple of days did I get the idea that I have in this chapter now.

As for Sems, his part in the story came to me literally as I sat here writing this evening. It's interesting how that happens. That being said, I'm sure you'll see that there's not much of Omri and his friend group in this chapter, but I wanted to include them somewhere in it. I obviously got a chance to do that towards the end of the chapter.

In the next chapter, Brad Jones will be paying for what he did. I'll also be dealing with Chase and Omri's bio parents. I hope you all like how that turns out.

All that being said, I hope everyone is having a good evening. I'll see you all in Chapter 27.

Next: Chapter 27

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