Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on May 23, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already, offer my E-mail address a nice cup of Sweet Tea, and when you serve it to them make sure that you've guided them to a location where there are several active bee hives.

Thanks to K. for another really well-done editing job. This story wouldn't be what it is without you. Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 25

"Hello there, bitch. Are you comfortable right now? I doubt it. Wrists and ankles chained. Gagged. Probably blind folded. You are disoriented and scared, too, I would imagine. Perfectly normal, under the circumstances. For a little while, at least, you need to get your shit together and listen to this tape. It is very relevant to your situation. I'm going to tell you, in detail, why you have been kidnapped, what's going to happen to you and how long you'll be here. I don't know the details of your capture, because this tape is being created July 23rd,1993 as a general advisory tape for future female captives. The information I'm going to give you is based on my experience dealing with captives over a period of several years. If, at a future date, there are any major changes in our procedures, the tape will be upgraded. Now, you are obviously here against your will, totally helpless, don't know where you're at, don't know what's gonna happen to you. You're very scared or very pissed off. I'm sure that you've already tried to get your wrists and ankles loose, and know you can't. Now you're just waiting to see what's gonna happen next. You probably think you're gonna be raped and you're fuckin' sure right about that. From the David Parker Ray Torture Tape


The room inside the banquet hall was really large, and could fit well-over 100 people. It was a cold and sunny day that Tuesday starting out, but once the banquet was underway, it was dark out. The festivities began around 5:00 P.M. that evening, and it was now 5:30 P.M. Everyone was there, that is to say, every rich socialite and mover and shaker among Sangger's Wealthy Class was in attendance. There were people there from doctors, to lawyers and judges. Several politicians, both Republican and Democrat were there talking, drinking and laughing. Though tearing each other apart in public earlier that day, those politicians were now the best of friends. This was no surprise, as regardless of label, behind closed doors they were all greedy, ruthless, and corrupt to the core.

Judge Harper Dixon was among the crowd of politicians listening to one of them talk about legislation he was hoping to get passed that would restrict the rights of the LGBT Community with respect to the rights of Transgender people. The politician was also talking about how his proposed legislation would make it possible for necessary medical care to be withheld from gays and lesbians, especially care for those who might be HIV Positive.

"I'm impressed," Dixon said. "It's about time we get this city back under the control of those who know how to have good and God-fearing values. If not God-fearing though, at least we can have people running this city who have values that respect the way things are."

"I agree," the politician named Michael Edwards said. "Oh, I had been meaning to congratulate you on your helping that kid Brad Jones get off a few weeks ago. I had been hearing things about how that Faggot Omri Carter had slandered his good name. My son goes to school with Brad, and I'm good friends with Omri's father. They're all good people, and I'm also glad to know Brad's father. He's also a good moral man."

"Yeah, the Carter boy is going to have a hard road ahead of him," Dixon said. "Unfortunately, I don't think that this experience will straighten him out. I think he'll continue to be a slutty Faggot who will just chase after any guy who waves their goods in his face. It's God-damn disgusting if you ask me, but a little shit like the Carter boy comes along making it even more stomach-turning."

"I completely agree," another politician named Joe Stanton said. "I ever find out my son is a Faggot, he'll be lucky if all I do is kick his ass out of the house. As you know, he'll be 18 in a couple of weeks. He's not given me reason to think he's a dirty Fudge Packer, but he's clear on where I stand on all that shit. The same would go if I had a daughter. Funny though, with boys you don't have much to worry about. All you have to worry about with them are if they get a girl pregnant too early, and if they pick a girl of the wrong religion. Even then you don't have to worry too much about that second point.

With girls on the other hand, you not only have to worry about if they'll get pregnant too early, or if they'll choose the wrong guy. You also have to worry about, at least in this day and age, if they'll become a rug-munching Dyke. If not that, then you have to be terrified about them becoming a drug-addicted slut."

"Yeah, odd times we're living in," Dixon replied.

Excusing himself, Dixon went over to the food table. He took a plate, and after loading it up with Caviar, crackers and toast points, he went over to the drink table. He selected a glass of one of the far rarer champagnes that was $1000.00 a bottle. It was his favorite, and after seating himself, he drank deeply of it. Dixon sighed deeply and contently. Life for a corrupt Anti-LGBT judge was good.


The figure stood in a less illuminated area of the back of the room. He checked the items hidden under his coat, and smiled. As he stood there watching, he kept his eye on the politicians who had been conversing with Harper Dixon. Those two had only until the end of the party to live. Neither of them knew it yet, which made the concealed figure smile once again. He then turned his gaze on Harper Dixon once more. He had to work hard to conceal a laugh. He would get Harper Dixon, but at another time, and when he did Dixon would suffer the most painful tortures anyone had ever known.

The hidden figure was Robin Lee. He had been working as a shadow fighter against corrupt forces who were bent on any and all acts meant to cause harm to the LGBT Community. He and his fellow fighters also came to the aid of the Disabilities Community, and when asked for, various people in various Racial Communities would receive his help. Now after Robin had been tracking the goings-on concerning Omri Carter, Brad Jones and the corrupt people bent on harming Omri, he had his plan in place. He would have to endure this gathering of the rich and hateful for about another hour, then he could make his move.

Finally the party was over, and once it began breaking up, Robin checked his equipment one final time. He was ready now, and he hurried out to where Michael Edwards was headed to his car. Robin's assistant Damion Allen was tracking Jo Stanton. Once Edwards came into view, Robin stepped up to where he was unlocking his car.

"Stop," Robin said in a low threatening tone.

"What? What is this?" Edwards asked turning around.

Robin grabbed him before he could have a chance to react. Edwards attempted to struggle, but Robin's grip was too great and now Edwards felt a stinging in his upper arm. Soon Edwards was falling into unconsciousness.

Now in the dark-blue van Robin checked Joe Stanton and Michael Edwards. They were both strapped down to stretchers that had been secured to frames which were bolted to the floor. They were both sedated, and Robin smiled.

"Better enjoy nap time while you two little fuckers can. You're going to have a night of terror you won't soon forget," Robin said this after he made sure their restraints were secured. "It'll be both of your last night on Earth."

Once they pulled into the wooded area, Damion stopped the van, and shut it off. He got out and walking over to a small concrete building painted white on the outside, he unlocked it with a code pressed into a number pad beside the door. Once the locked clicked, the door slid to the side. Damion entered, then pressed the button which closed then locked the door.

Within the room, there were two chairs that looked exactly like dental chairs side-by-side in the middle of the room. The two chairs faced the door, and Damion went over to turn them so they faced the back wall. On the wall in front of each chair was a TV screen, along with a sound system which had a couple of SD memory cards installed with various files they sometimes played for their captives. Walking over to each system, Damion started the one next to the second chair. After setting the volume for 100 which was the loudest setting, he pulled up the file he wanted.

Michael Edwards awoke, and after a moment, he could turn his head. He saw he was in a room, and when he went to move, he found he couldn't. He looked down and saw that his wrists were restrained, and turning his head to the left he saw that Joe Stanton was beside him in a chair that looked identical to his. He could see that Stanton was strapped down as well.

"Where the fuck are we?" he said, and he saw that Stanton was looking around as well.

"What is this place?" Stanton asked.

"I don't know," Edwards said.

"I don't see anyone around here," Stanton said.

"Neither do I," Edwards agreed.

Just then a click sounded, and a motor began humming. There was a draft of cold air. Edwards and Stanton both turned their heads as far as they could, and saw two men walking into the room. The two men had hoods over their heads, and one of them was carrying something in his hand.

"Good evening," the man with the object in his hand said.

Silence from both men.

"I said good evening!" the man said again. "Around here, when we speak you respond. That's Rule No. 1."

"Who are you?" Edwards asked. "What do you want with us?"

"I'm Robin Lee, and this beside me is Damion Allen."

"You won't be here long," the one named Damion said.

"Let's get started," Robin said.

The motor sound began again, and after another click the draft was gone.

"We're all four locked in here," Robin said as he stepped in front of Michael Edwards. "I'll let you know right up front, we're not going to fuck around with you, nor with you."

Robin said this last part turning to Stanton.

"First though, let's listen to a recording," Damion said walking over to the sound system in front of the two chairs. "I love listening to audio files, don't you?"

Pressing a button on the front panel of the device, a tape started up.

"Hello Bitch, are you comfortable? I doubt it, wrists and ankles chained."

The voice on the tape was going at full-volume, and it was only at that point that Edwards and Stanton saw that their two captors had in ear plugs. The horrifying recording played for about another minute, and now Edwards and Stanton were desperate for it to stop! Hearing about rape terrified both of them!

Shutting off the file, Robin stepped directly in front of Edwards.

"You asked what we want with you," Robin said holding out the object in his hand.

To Edwards horror, he saw that it was a cattle prod.

"We would just like you to answer some questions," Robin went on. "After that it'll all be over."

"What kinds of questions," Edwards asked.

"You didn't see me," Robin said. "I was hidden in the shadows at your little party you were at with your little rich Bitch friends. Damion and I have looked into the background of both you and Joe Stanton here. Wow, but you two definitely seem to really hate my community and I don't you? Yes, Damion and I are of the LGBT Community, and I heard everything you said at the party. Damion heard it as well. You're both seeking to do damage to our community, especially the children of our community. Damion and I aren't about to let that happen."

"You're both a couple of dirty degenerate Faggots!" Joe Stanton said with pure rage in his voice.

"Sorry, but I believe one of our guests spoke out of turn," Robin said to Damion as if they were both at the most relaxed party and had not a care in the world. "Damion, could you kindly give Mr. Stanton a correction?"

"I'd be happy to," Damion said stepping directly in front of Stanton.

He took his hand out of the pocket of his coat. Stanton saw that in his hand was a large knife that many personnel in the military used. It consisted of a thick rubber-grip handle and an eight-inch blade sharper than anything Stanton had ever seen.

"You'll have to suffer for that," Damion said with absolute calm in his voice.

Picking up Stanton's left hand, he moved Stanton's index finger away from his other fingers. He lowered the knife and with one effortless slash down, he severed the finger.

Stanton screamed, and once he looked down at his missing finger, he began sobbing.

"You're fucking tears don't mean a fucking thing to me, so sit there and cry like a little Bitch," Damion said.

"Did you two like that little recording we played for you two pieces of Shit Fucks?" Robin said. "Don't worry, no one's going to rape either one of you. We just wanted the two of you to be unnerved. It definitely worked, didn't it?"

"We've heard about your association with Judge Harper Dixon," Damion said. "We've also learned about how the two of you are close with the police who took Brad Jones into custody. We also know about how you paid them on behalf of Brad's parents to treat him with kid gloves. Oh, and there's also the fact that you paid Brad's defense attorney along with Judge Dixon so that they would be more likely to rule how you wanted in the trial. Oh, and it also benefited Brad's parents as well, didn't it?"

"Thanks to the two of you and your meddling, Omri Carter and God knows who else might be in danger either by Brad Jones or others like him," Robin said. "That is if other rapists like Brad come before Dixon."

"We're putting a stop to the two of you and your corruption here and now," Damion said. "I don't know how long you two Cunts have been getting away with shit like this, but the game ends tonight."

"All we said just now is true, isn't it?" Robin asked looking down at the two men.

"It's all true," Edwards said close to tears. "Please, just let us go."

"Yeah, sure," Damion said smiling and with a good-natured tone in his voice. "Okay Edwards."

"Here we go," Robin said.

Walking over to the sound system, he turned it on again, but this time selected another file. It was the song Funky Town, and once playing Robin turned it up to full-volume. Walking over to another area of the room, Robin came back with a cart on wheels. He wheeled it in front of Edwards, and after making sure both men got a good look at what was on the top shelf of the cart, Robin stepped over to it.

On the cart were a row of knives, and on the second shelf was a role of IV tubing, a bag, and the catheter that went into the person's arm or hand. Robin took this second item, and after he inserted it in Edwards arm, he made sure the bag was filled with the appropriate drugs. Damion got another IV, and after Stanton was hooked up as well, the two men took a couple of knives from the cart.

Robin unstrapped Edwards right hand, and he could see that all the fight had gone out of the man, but his terror was still there.

"This is going to hurt like Hell," Robin shouted over the blasting music.

Damion took a hack saw from another shelf on the wall on the left side of the room, and stepped over to Edwards. He handed it to Robin. He took it, and after sitting it down on the table, he pulled it up beside where he stood. He took the knife he still held and got to work.

"You two are hooked up to IVs that are giving you drugs that will ensure that your hearts don't stop while we're doing what we will be doing," Robin shouted.



On that Tuesday evening while two corrupt politicians were being ripped apart in a building no one had seen before, I sat in Kyle and Jason's living room. During the middle of last week, it came time for Chase and I to move our stuff into their house. This last week was really busy! Saturday, Deon and I had spent the day with Kyle and Jason, then ended it with me topping my lover. Then came moving. Moving in hadn't taken long, as there was already furniture in the living room we were welcome to use. Each of the other unoccupied bedrooms had a bed in them. We left the couch, chairs and beds back at the old house. It was nice to be moved in now.

We had just eaten dinner that Tuesday evening, and once it was finished, Kyle said that he and Jason had a surprise for me. They said that it was something they got while I had been at school earlier in the day. I was excited to see what it was! Chase was just as excited, and he sat beside me while we waited for Kyle and Jason to join us.

Once they entered the room, Kyle sat down beside me on my left. Chase was on my right, and Jason sat on the chair across from us. Kyle had a manilla envelope in his right hand which he handed to me. It was rather thick, and I saw that it had Kyle's full name, as well as Jason's. My name was on the tag under theirs. I was starting to figure out what it might be.

Opening up the envelope, I removed the sheath of papers. I looked at the top one, and was over-joyed to see that it was my adoption papers! They had come through!

"Oh my god!" I yelled and reached out to hug Kyle. "I can't believe it!"

"We got those today," Kyle said as we hugged tightly.

Jason walked over, and I stood. We all four shared a group hug when I motioned for Chase. I couldn't believe how good I felt! I finally felt like part of a family for the first time in my whole life!

"Welcome home son!" Kyle said hugging me again as I cried tears of joy.

"We're truly glad to have you as a part of the family!" Jason added.

He and I shared a long hug, then my crying subsided.

"This really means everything to me!" I said as we all sat back down. "I feel like I'm part of a family for the first time ever!"

"I'm really glad you're happy," Kyle said.

"You definitely deserve it," Jason said hugging me.

I hugged back, then sat back on the couch feeling deeply safe, content and happy! After we sat talking for a few minutes about how good it was that the adoption was finalized, I excused myself. I told them that I wanted to call Deon, and give him the good news! They said alright, and I went to my room and made the call!

"I'm so happy for you!" Deon said smiling widely as we talked on video chat.

"Thanks, so am I!" I replied. "I know that Christmas is a couple of weeks away, but this is the best early Christmas gift anyone has ever gotten me as far as I'm concerned!"

"I'm sure it is!" Deon responded.

We talked for a little while longer, then after saying goodnight, I finished the call. I let our other friends know about the good news, and they were just as happy for me! After that was done, I showered then got into bed. Kyle and Jason came in and we shared hugs. Chase was in the room seconds after our two fathers came in. He hugged me for a long moment, and they went back into the living room to give us a moment.

"Congratulations Omri!" Chase said holding me. "I'm so happy that you're a part of our family now!"

"Thanks Chase!" I said as he held me. "So am I!"

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I replied.

After he made sure I was covered up, he kissed my cheek then exited the room, turning off the light and closing my bedroom door. I was asleep shortly after.

Author's Notes

I know this chapter started off dark. I haven't forgotten about the other bad guys, but the two guys that were being dealt with in this chapter definitely needed to be handled. It might seem like the characters of Michael Edwards and Joe Stanton came out of nowhere, but I'm sure you saw how they fit in when Robin and Damion were confronting them with what they did.

This is how these corrupt power systems work, the big people at the top rarely carry out things on their own, and it's the people below them and in the shadows who help get things done. As for what was being done to Edwards and Stanton, you'll have to look up either the episode from the True Crime podcast Obscura about the Funky Town crime video, or look up the Funky Town video itself to know where I got the idea for how to deal with the two bad guys in this chapter.

In the next chapter, you'll get to see Judge Dixon get what's coming to him, and either in the next chapter or the one after that will be when Brad Jones endures his punishment. I hope you guys like how I handle all that.

All that being said, I hope you guys are having a good evening, and I'll see you all in Chapter 26.

Next: Chapter 26

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