Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on May 19, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already, invite my E-mail address to what you claim is going to be a Cannibal Corpse concert. When you guys get there, only then once seated let them know that it's going to be a cover band performing Smooth Jazz covers of Cannibal Corpse's songs.

Thanks once again to K. for your amazing editing skills. They really help improve the story every time. Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 23


After Deon and I got ready that Saturday, Ron and Barb took us over to Chase's house. We would be driving from there to Kyle and Jason's to visit for most of the day. We figured on staying until probably 4:00 P.M., then either eating there, or getting something to eat at one of the restaurants near-by. That is of course unless Ron and Barb had dinner plans for us. Deon and I agreed to ask them on the way to Chase's house. They said that they might be going to dinner with a couple of friends and would let us know soon as possible.

Once at Chase's house, Ron and Barb left. About ten minutes later, they called letting us know that they would be going out with their two friends for dinner that night. I texted Kyle and Jason to see if they'd like us to stay for dinner. After sending a text to Chase, everything was set for our dinner plans for that night.

Deon and I sat on the edge of my bed while Chase finished getting ready. He had gotten dressed as we entered the house and called out hi to us from the bathroom. I felt a strange feeling as I sat there. The more we talked about Chase and I moving in with Kyle and Jason in the coming weeks, the more I felt like the house we were currently in felt less and less like ours. Thinking more about it, I came to the realization that I always felt like I wouldn't be staying long in Chase's house. With everything that was going on, I just didn't think much about what I was feeling at the time

"What are you thinking about?" Deon asked.

I had been sitting there after we finished the conversation with Ron and Barb, holding the phone in my hand as my boyfriend had his arm draped across my shoulders. I told him what I had been thinking about at that moment.

"I think I can understand what you mean," he replied. "I hope that you are happy once you move in with Kyle and Jason."

"Thanks," I answered. "So do I."

"I'm just glad that where you're moving to isn't too out of the way," Deon said then kissed me on the lips softly.

I kissed back, then rested my head on his shoulder.

"I feel the same way about that too my love," I replied. "If they lived outside of the city, much less out of state then that would have been really hard not being able to see you as much."

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly," he said.

"You and I have such a strong bond, and a really deep love. I don't want anything to come between that," I went on.

"Neither would I," he answered.

Chase called out from the kitchen that he was ready if we were. Deon transferred into his wheelchair, and after I got my backpack strapped on, we left.

Once at Kyle and Jason's house, we sat with them in the living room talking for a while. The living room was a large one with a huge couch, two recliners and a TV across from where the couch sat. They also had a couple of book shelves across from the entrance way into the room. The living room was also warmly lit with a couple of floor lamps to the right of the couch where I was sitting. It gave the room a cozy feeling, especially since it was cold, wet and raining outside that day.

As I sat there thinking about the house, as well as the woods in back, I thought about how it would look in winter. The woods were vast as well, being made up of thick forests throughout. I could only imagine how breath-taking it would look when we had heavy snow storms.

After we all finished visiting for a while, I showed Deon to my room, and everyone seemed to be on the same page that he would be sleeping there with me. The room had a big bed that could easily fit two people, and it was really comfortable! Like with Chase's house, the bedroom had its own bathroom complete with toilet, sink and bath tub/shower. The shower head detached, unlike the one at the one in my room back at Chase's house. Knowing that this shower head could be removed from it's fitting gave me several ideas, especially for when Deon and I showered together.

Once Deon transferred from his wheelchair and on to the bed, I joined him. We hugged, then shared several kisses. I then looked into his eyes, and then pressed my lips to his, giving him a long and lingering kiss.

"I'm really wishing that we were alone right now," I said. "Since I showed you around the restroom and how the shower is accessible for you, there's also the shower head that you saw can be removed."

"Yeah, I saw that," he replied smiling widely.

"In short, I'd love to get you in that shower now and try some things with that shower head," I went on. "I'll tell you what they are later. No, actually I'll just surprise you."

"That sounds really good," he answered as we held each other for a while with me resting my head on his shoulder.

After sitting like that for a moment longer, I let Deon know that I wanted to lay down. He situated so that we were both laying full-length on the bed. I snuggled into his arms, and he held me close. It felt good snuggled up to him like that.

"I love being with you like this Deon," I said looking up at him. "I feel so safe and loved when I'm with you. Not to mention really happy!"

"I feel the same when I'm with you as well my love," he answered then kissed my forehead. "I always feel so loved and protected when I'm with you. I can't ever picture my life without you in it either."

"I know what you mean," I said stroking his hair away from his forehead. "My life feels so full and complete when we're together."

"I'm glad you feel that way also," he responded.

"Me too," I said. "Do you ever think about our future together? I mean further down the road past us being in high school together."

"I've thought a lot about that," he said.

I was glad that he said that! I had been wondering if he would. I had thought a lot about our future, and I hoped that we could be together long past the end of high school.

"I've definitely given our future a lot of thought as well," I replied. "I want to be with you for always. I don't want anyone else. You've shown me what true friendship is, as well as showing me what true love can be like. I truly love you for all of that!"

"You've done the same thing for me as well Omri," he said. "I love you for that too, and I want to be with you for the rest of our lives as well!"

"What about marriage?" I asked. "Have you thought about that, or even kids at some point. I'm sorry if I'm jumping the gun."

"It's alright," he said smiling. "As I've thought more about it within the last few months, I think I would like to have kids. Now though, I'd obviously want them with you. That is if you would want children as well?"

"I do want kids at some point, once we're grown up," I replied. "I definitely want kids with you as their father. I really believe you'd make an amazing father. You're so caring, loving and compassionate. I think those qualities could really help to nurture any kids we might have at some point."

"That's really sweet of you to say Omri," he said. "I think you have those same qualities, as well as qualities that could help protect our future children. I think you'd make a really great father someday."

"I'm glad we're in agreement about that," I said.

"Me too," he answered. "As for marriage, I absolutely want you as my husband once we're old enough to get married!"

"I want you as my husband as well!" I said, more happy in that moment than I could put into words!

We shared several deep kisses, and then I looked into his eyes.

"You'd make a really great husband for all of the same reasons," Deon said. "Oh, and you'd also make an amazing husband since you're so incredibly sexy!"

"Yeah, and you're really sexy as well!" I said kissing him deeply and shoving my tongue into his mouth.

Our tongues danced around for a long time, and it was really wonderful, feeling our hot wet mouths moving against one another! We eventually broke the kiss, and stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

"You're a really good kisser as well," Deon said. "That's another thing to add to the list!"

"You are too!" I replied. "I love you so much Deon, more than anything!"

"I love you too Omri!" he responded. "I love you more than I can say in words!"

Soon it was time for lunch, and Kyle and Jason were making Tomato Soup along with grilled cheese sandwiches. I was excited! That was one of my favorite lunches! I especially loved it on days like today! I thanked Kyle and Jason, then sat down at the table. Deon wheeled up beside me, and we waited for the food to be served.

"You're welcome," Kyle said as he sat the food down in front of us. "I remember you saying a while back that you really like this for lunch, so Jason and I decided to surprise you."

"Thanks," I said. "I really appreciate that!"

"You're welcome," they both said as they, along with Chase, sat down across from us with their own food.

As I started eating, I watched as Deon spooned up some of the soup.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen," I said in a golf announcer type of voice. "He's got it in his sight. Can he lift it without any spilling even one drop."

"Very funny Omri," Deon said laughing.

"Very good," I went on doing a golf-clap. "He scored a hole in one. He's on his way to the national championship!"

"Yeah, that's what I like when I'm trying to eat," he said smiling.

I began eating, and Deon leaned closer to me as if studying me carefully.

"Now on this edition of Unique Organisms in Nature, we have the Omri," Deon said in a soft-spoken British accent. "Researchers have yet to fully study this creature, but of the preliminary findings they have so far, they found that the Omri requires eight hours of sleep a night. It could be even higher amounts of sleep if he's put in late hours with his fellow organisms. The Omri has a constant appetite, and has an endless craving for chicken wings. Researchers have also found that this organism has an intense attraction to anything with chocolate in it."

"What the hell Deon," I said laughing. "I'm guessing you've been watching too many shows on Animal Planet."

"I guess," he said laughing himself now. "Although it would be more correct to rename the channel Treehouse Planet with that program they have on there about treehouses."

"Good point," he said laughing.

"I guess you guys will have to stick to the Discovery Channel," Kyle said. "That is if they even show nature shows on there these days with all the endless repeats of that show Naked and Afraid. They love to run it all the time."

"I haven't seen that show," I said.

"I've caught bits and pieces of it," Deon said. "You're not missing much. Though I'm still hoping that they'll come up with a spin-off I call Naked and Horny."

"Oh god, why did I know you were going to say that," I said laughing.

"What?" Deon said laughing harder now. "You know you'd totally watch that."

"Yeah, if the guys were big and bulky," I said smiling.

Everyone including myself laughed at that one, and we continued talking. Kyle and Jason knew about Deon and I almost right from the first time they met both of us. I didn't see any reason to not tell them about us, and Deon agreed.

Once lunch was finished, Deon and I helped with cleaning up everything. It was easy since we had paper plates, plastic spoons and we all drank our sodas from the can. Once the soup pot was washed, I went into my room with Deon. Chase went with Kyle and Jason to the living room to hang out for a while. It was really nice to be among all of them during lunch that day!

After we watched a couple of concerts on YouTube, it was time for dinner. It was amazing how fast time went. We decided to have subs with wings, and we got them from a place close to the house called Subs Are Us. Kyle and Jason got Italian Subs, and Chase got a Steak Sub. I got a Chicken Bacon Ranch Sub while Deon got a Pizza Sub. As for the wings, Kyle ordered one huge order of Hot Wings since we all agreed on that! It was a really good meal, and as I sat there finishing my food, I felt like I was truly home for the first time ever in my life!

Finally, it was coming time for Deon and I to head back. I was in the room that Deon and I had been in earlier that day, and while I got things gathered up, Deon was in with Chase and Jason talking in the living room.

Just then I heard knocking at the open door. I turned to see Kyle standing there.

"Is it alright if I come in for a moment?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that," I replied.

He came in sitting down on the bed, and he motioned for me to sit next to him.

"It was really nice having you here with us today," he said. "I really enjoyed having Deon here as well. I hope the two of you had a nice time with us."

"We did," I answered. "I had a truly amazing time with you guys today! I really feel like this is my home. I've not really felt like that anywhere else. I mean, it started feeling that way at Chase's house, but here I feel it even stronger and I know this is where I belong!"

"I'm glad to hear you say that," Kyle said putting an arm around my shoulders. "I know we're getting the adoption underway for you, but as far as I'm concerned, you are mine and Jason's son as if you had been from the moment you were born."

I started crying at that moment, and Kyle immediately took me in his arms. I was sobbing uncontrollably at that point, and he held me as I cried.

"It's okay Omri," he said. "You've been through a lot of really fucked up things. Horrible things that you, nor no other kid should ever have had to go through. You didn't deserve any of what was done to you, especially not by those scumbags who you and Chase were originally with. You sure as hell didn't deserve it from those shit kids who treated you like they did, and also not from Brad Jones. Jason, Chase and I will always be here for you now. We'll all look out for you and protect you. I promise you that."

"Thank you for saying all that," I said as my crying eased up. "It was really good to hear."

"I mean all of it as well," Kyle responded.

"I'm glad," I said. "I hope you don't mind me calling you dad now."

"I don't mind that at all Omri," he replied.

"I love you Dad," I said as we hugged tightly for a long moment.

"I love you too my son," he responded. "I always will!"

Eventually separating from our embrace, we went to find Deon and the others. Once Deon and I said goodbye to Kyle and Jason, Chase took us back to Ron and Barb's. It had really been a good day!

Author's Notes

I hope all of you enjoyed how things went in this chapter. I hope you guys like how things are progressing with Kyle, Jason and Omri. You can clearly see how close Omri is getting with the two of them, and I also hope you like the scene where Omri and Deon talked more about what they want for their future.

In the next chapter, you'll get to see more sex scenes between Omri and Deon. I hope you like what I do with that. You'll also get to see things progress where Brad Jones is concerned. I hope you guys like how all that goes. Having said all that though, I hope everyone is having a good day. I'll see you all in Chapter 24.

Next: Chapter 24

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