Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on May 14, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

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Thanks once again to K for editing this story. Your edits really make this story what it is. Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 22


It was now the end of November. We had a good Thanks Giving with everyone over at our house. This included Deon, Tanner, Florian, Trisha and Megan. All of their parents were there as well, and given the crowd, we ended up going to Kyle and Jason's house. It fit all of us, and I was glad to see that. Important most of all, I was glad to be among friends and family, and especially with the love of my life. I felt better than I had in a while, and the horrible memories of the trial were fading the more I was among my loved ones.

Now on the last day of November, Deon and I were in the living room of his house. Tanner and Florian had called us to see how we were doing. After asking if it was alright, we invited them over. Trisha and Megan were invited as well, so we all gathered in the living room once they were there. It was a dark and rainy Friday afternoon that was moving into evening.

Barb and Ron were in the kitchen preparing dinner and I sat on the couch beside Deon. I was flipping through channels on the TV, and Deon was wheeling himself back into the living room. He had gone into the kitchen to get drinks for us all and to check and see if Barb and Ron needed help with dinner preparations. Ron said they were fine, and that he would take the drinks back into the living room and we could all just either watch TV or watch the paint fade on the walls.

Getting himself situated on the couch beside me, Deon looked at me.

"Find anything good on TV yet?" he asked.

"Not really," I said as I stopped on a channel which was showing an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. "Oh, this might be good."

"Oh hell no," Deon said half-joking. "You'll never sleep in bed with me ever again if you don't turn that shit right now."

"What?" I asked smirking at him. "Don't you want to watch them fighting and arguing with each other?"

Tanner and Florian were laughing and Trisha was watching what was going on as two of the sisters argued with someone while most of the dialogue being beeped out. Megan was glaring at the TV, and gave a disgusted wave with her hand.

"I guess I'm out-voted," I said laughing. "I'm really proud to say that I've never watched a single episode of this shit."

"Neither have I," Deon said. "I'd be good with never seeing even a second of it."

The rest agreed and laughed.

I kept going through channels, and then landed on a station which was showing one of those test patterns. It had the usual vertical-colored bars across the screen with a white square in the bottom left-hand corner. Included was a black strip beside it taking up the rest of the bottom of the picture. There was also the usual continuous high-pitch tone.

"Hey, this looks cool," Deon said smiling.

"What?" I said looking at him. "It's a Test Pattern. How does that look interesting?"

"I agree with him," Tanner said laughing.

"Me too," Florian added.

"Yeah," Deon went on. "It's helping me beam into the next dimension."

"Oh god," Trisha said. "You're starting to sound like that Chris Chan weirdo."

"Who?" I asked.

She explained who Chris Chan was, and that his or her original name was Christopher Weston Chandler, but the internet knew him as Chris Chan. Claiming to be transgender a few years ago, he started going by Christine Weston Chandler.

Megan added details about all of the trolling this person had been going through, as well as the so-called Dimensional merge that would make Chris Chan's cartoon characters merge with the real world.

"Oh, and don't forget about the closeness between Chris Chan and her mother," Tanner said. "And I do mean closeness."

Tanner went on to explain about how Chris Chan was currently facing incest charges after forcing sex upon her elderly mother who was suffering from dementia.

"That whole thing is fucked up," Deon responded.

"The whole story sounds like what happens when someone totally unsupervised goes on the internet for almost all of their lives," I said.

"Yeah," Deon said. "Anyway, I'm totally loving this Test Pattern. It's really expanding my view of reality."

He was now speaking in the tones of someone who's totally over-taken by a truly amazing experience.

"I love that yellow color to the left of the screen," Tanner said.

He described all of the colors on the screen to Florian, and Florian had what actually passed for a deeply awed look on his face.

"The green one is totally opening my mind to the other beings on the other worlds," Florian said. "It's totally blowing my mind!"

We laughed as Trisha and Megan each claimed the colors that were deepening their minds.

"Yeah, I totally love the blue color," I said attempting to sound like one of those stoner surfer guys. "Like it's totally opening my mind to new dimensions of the universe. Like I just can't believe it bro!"

"Yeah, and that tone," Deon exclaimed. "It's totally changing my perspective on a multi-dimensional level!"

We laughed hard at that, and I saw Barb look in at us.

"Um, what are you guys watching?" she asked smiling, not sure what to think.

"We're just expanding our minds with this amazing Test Pattern," I said in that same exaggerated stoner voice.

"Yeah, uh. Okay," she said laughing. "Well, dinner is almost ready if you guys want to get seated."

We all said we'd be there in a moment, and we all started laughing hard as she went back into the kitchen presumably to tell Ron about what we were doing.


"Are they almost ready," Ron said looking at Barb who was smiling.

"They seem to be," she said. "They're in there acting completely enthralled with a Test Pattern on one of the stations on TV."

"Interesting," Ron said laughing. "Apparently when I told Deon he could go back in with his friends and watch the paint fade on the walls he found a better idea."

"I guess so," she said as they started carrying food to the table.



After thanking Ron and Barb for the food, we all got seated and began eating. We had cheese burgers, fries and onion rings. There was also salad. It was all really good, and most of us had seconds. I was totally relaxed and had a really good time that evening. I was glad to be there among my friends, my boyfriend, and his parents!

After dinner was over, we helped clean up the kitchen. It went quickly with everyone pitching in. Soon everyone left, leaving Deon and I alone with his parents for the rest of the night. I was going to be spending the weekend with Deon, Ron and Barb, which was really nice!

We would be stopping by Kyle and Jason's house the next day to hang out, then back here to Deon's house to be alone, since Ron and Barbe would be going out on one of their dates. That would leave us alone for a couple of hours.

I mentioned before that Deon and I would be going to Kyle and Jason's house since we were staying there for that week with Chase. Between Chase, Kyle, and Jason, we were planning to move in with the two of them. I was looking forward to the move, and I was glad to see that Chase was as well!

Getting back to that Friday night though, Deon and I showered, then after saying good night to his parents he and I stripped down to our boxers and climbed into bed.

I snuggled into Deon's arms, and he held me for a moment before I spoke.

"It's been a really nice evening here with you tonight," I said looking deeply into his eyes. "I also loved spending time with our friends earlier."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Deon said as he leaned forward and tenderly kissed my lips. "I enjoyed it as well. It was really wonderful!"

"I'm glad we're here with each other, snuggled up like this now though," I went on. "It's nice and really cold out, and I can hear the sleet coming down. It's ticking on the glass, and it's really coming down hard."

"I can hear it too," Deon replied. "Also, I agree. It's really nice holding you in my arms on such a cold snowy night like tonight!"

"It's really amazing!" I said.

We shared a couple of tender kisses, and after I moved on my stomach, Deon began massaging my shoulders and down my back.

"That feels so good Deon!" I said as I felt myself relaxing even further now!

"I'm glad you like it my love," he responded. "Anything for you, anything at all."

He moved down and began massaging my thighs, then down to massage my legs and feet. After moving back where he began lightly stroking my back up and down with his hand, I felt myself growing even more sleepy.

"I'm sure you're going to sleep really good tonight," he said softly then kissed the back of my shoulder.

"I'm sure I will too," I answered. "You did a really good job of helping me relax, and I don't think I'll be able to stay awake much longer."

"I'll hold you all night," he said. "You just sleep now my love. I love you so much Omri."

"I love you too Deon," I said as I felt my eyelids close fully now. "I love you more than anything in this world."

He kissed the back of my neck, then after shutting off the bedside lamp, he took me in his arms and held me as I fell asleep completely. I felt so safe and loved as I slept in his arms that night!

Author's Notes

This is a short chapter, a little shorter than usual. It just came out that way, and as you'll see it's not too heavy like the others have been. I figured that everyone could use something more light-hearted this time around. I hope you like how Omri, Deon and their friend group were able to relax and have fun for the first time in a while.

In the next chapter you'll all get to read about Omri and Deon visiting Chase, Kyle and Jason at Kyle and Jason's house. You'll also get to see how the rest of their weekend goes, and I hope you like what I have in mind for the two boyfriends as the chapter progresses.

All that being said, I hope everyone is having a good evening. I'll see all of you in Chapter 23.

Next: Chapter 23

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