Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on May 5, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

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Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already, sneak into the house of my E-mail address Once in, put seven boxes of frozen pizza in the oven, and cook them until they're burning to a crisp.

Thanks again to K. for another really good job of editing. I really appreciate the job you've been and are doing for my story. Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 21

Chase watched as Omri lay in his bed. They got home about 20 minutes before, and after Omri undressed with the help of Deon and Chase, he got into bed and they covered him up.

As Chase sat there in Omri's desk chair, turned to face the foot of the bed, he saw him lying there with the only part of him exposed being his head. Omri lay on his stomach, then as Chase watched, he shifted on to his side curling up into a ball. He remained in that position, and Chase continued to sit there until Kyle came into the room.

Chase looked up as Kyle motioned, and Chase stood, went over to Omri's bed and kissed him gently on the cheek. He then walked out of the room and joined Kyle in the living room. Deon was picking up his bag to take it into Omri's room, and Jason was sitting on the couch. Chase and Kyle sat down beside Jason, with Chase between the two of them. They all just sat there for a long moment before Kyle spoke.

"Chase, I'm not one to come into another person's house and tell them what to do," Kyle began. "Obviously Jason and I have checked in on the two of you with phone calls sometimes, then with actual visits. I believe you've done right by Omri, and I think you'll still do right by him."

Kyle stopped and brushed his brown hair out of his eyes. He paused, then Jason turned to look at Chase as he ran his hands through his short black hair.

"I agree with Kyle," Jason added. "We're really happy with how you've been taking care of Omri, and I believe that you'll be a really good father someday when you have children of your own. That is if you decide to adopt kids."

"Thank you," Chase said.

"There's a point to this," Kyle said. "Given what happened to Omri over the past few days, and especially with what happened today, I talked with Jason about this earlier this morning as a sort of just-in-case thing. Since Brad Jones was let off, we were worried about what could happen if he was. Now that he been found not guilty, we would like you to consider us sticking around for a while. Of course, it can work the other way, and you can move in with us. We're only about 20 minutes away from this house, so it's not like you'd be moving out of the way or anything like that."

"Put simply," Jason said. "Kyle and I are worried about whether or not Brad Jones might try to come after Omri out of revenge. You and him being around us would give us a chance to help with protecting you guys."

"It would be nice having you guys closer," Chase responded. "I'll have to talk to Omri about it when he's in a better headspace. We will let you know. For now though, would you guys like to stay for a few days? I would like to have you guys here. It's been nice taking care of Omri, but it's always nice when you guys are here, not only to help, but just when you guys are here with us. I know that Omri feels the same way."

"That would be nice," Kyle said. "Thanks for the invite."

"Thank you Chase," Jason added.

"Just take some time to think about it, as well as to talk with Omri," Kyle went on.

"There's no rush," Jason said.

"I really appreciate that," Chase said hugging both of them.

"We'd love to stay for a few days," Kyle answered as they settled back on the couch.

"That would be really nice," Jason added.

"I'm glad to hear that," Chase replied.



After leaving the three adults in the living room to talk, I went in Omri's room, and after undressing down to my boxers I climbed into bed with my love. I gently took him in my arms and held him so he could feel my warmth. I hoped that it would comfort him as he slept.

As I lay there, I thought over the events of today as well as the last few days. What happened to Omri was a complete travesty of justice, and even calling it that felt like a total under statement! Thinking back over what that fucked up judge said to Omri before he cleared the court room was truly disgusting! As I thought more about it though, I hated how the judge was throughout the whole trial. It was as if the mother fucker had been in favor of Brad Jones and that piece of shit attorney the whole time! As I lay there thinking, I was coming to believe that something was wrong with all that. It wasn't making sense, and though I would discuss it with Omri once he was of a stronger mind to do so. I was still going to start looking at everything.

Omri was clearly fucked over by the system, and I wasn't completely convinced that it wasn't planned. Those who wronged him would pay if I had anything to say about it. I worked to calm myself as I held Omri. Although I thought about revenge, I knew that it really was Omri's decision as to what was or wasn't done about all of the fucked up parties involved. I wouldn't really blame him if he just wanted to let the whole thing go.

Eventually I fell asleep continuing to hold Omri in my arms.



I awoke a couple of hours later just long enough to have some soup. That was all I felt I could handle, and I had a dim memory of Kyle and Jason being there. I felt like I was outside myself, and everything felt unreal. I didn't understand it, and I especially didn't like it! I went back to bed after finishing my soup, and Deon held me as I drifted off to sleep.

When I awoke again, it was the next morning. When I looked over at the bedside clock, I saw that it was almost noon. I couldn't believe that I had slept that long! I looked around, and I saw that Deon was gone. I listened for a moment, and I heard him in the kitchen talking with my brother. I also heard Kyle and Jason interjecting comments from time to time. Listening a moment longer, I pushed back the covers and went to the restroom. Once I finished showering, I dressed in basketball shorts and a T-shirt. Walking into the kitchen, everyone greeted me.

"I didn't plan on sleeping that long," I said as I sat down with some coffee.

"You definitely deserved the rest," Chase said.

"It was good that you got caught up on your sleep," Deon said from beside me as he sat on my right.

"I'm glad you guys let me sleep," I replied. "Thanks. I definitely needed it."

"We were glad to do it," Chase answered.

"What are you guys making?" I asked. Whatever it was they had on the stove, It smelled really good!

"Brunch," Kyle replied. "Mine and Jason's treat."

"Thanks, that's really nice of you," I responded.

"You're welcome," Kyle said.

"We figured that you, Deon and Chase could use it," Jason said.

"We definitely could," I agreed.

After checking one of the pots on the burner, Kyle came over and sat down across from me.

"I wanted to let you know that Chase, Jason and I talked last night while you were sleeping," Kyle said. "It was shortly after we got home, and got you into bed."

"We hope you will like what we suggested to Chase," Jason added.

"We know that you were put through some really horrible shit this week," Kyle went on. "I don't want to worry you further, and neither does anyone else. That being said though, we're worried about how things went Yesterday."

"I'm definitely worried about it," I answered.

"We don't know what could happen," Kyle answered. "Given everything that has happened, Jason and I, with Chase's permission, would like to stay here with you guys for a while. If you want, the two of you could even come and stay with us for a few days."

"As you know we don't live too far away," Jason said.

"That's right," Kyle replied. "It's just to keep you safe for a bit until we see how things play out."

"What do you think Omri?" Chase asked. "I wanted us to discuss it with you first."

"That would be nice to have the two of you here with us," I replied. "I would like that a lot. I really enjoy spending time with the two of you."

"We love spending time with you as well Omri," Jason said.

"You're a really nice person to be around," Kyle said reaching across the table and holding my hand for a long moment.

"You guys are truly family to me," I answered.

"We feel the same way about you too," Kyle said.

"We absolutely think of you as family," Jason added.

Brunch was finally ready, and I was shocked to realize just how hungry I was that day! I watched as the food was loaded on the platters. We had sausage, bacon, eggs and toast! It all looked really good, and I definitely filled up, so did everyone else! It was nice having everyone there with me as we ate and talked! That feeling of everything being unreal was finally gone. I was relieved, and I no longer felt like I was outside my body, and I was starting to feel better once again!

For the rest of that day, I snuggled with Deon as we watched a couple of shows, and Kyle and Jason cleaned up the house while Chase got work done in his home office for a couple of hours. It was a really nice relaxing day to be sure, and I was truly glad of that!

Days passed, and I was working through everything that had happened. Megan, Trisha, Tanner and Florian came over a couple of times that next week, and we all hung out. They made sure I was alright, and it was really nice to have their support and friendship!



Florian and I had gotten closer over the last month. We spent the weekend at each other's house unless we were both needed at our respective houses. We would lay in each other's arms kissing and caressing, which was really nice! We would also give each other long and gentle massages, and it felt truly amazing to feel Florian's smooth and silky skin beneath my hands! I also really loved feeling his warm soft hands all over my body as well!

We had since become boyfriends, and the week before Brad Jones's trial, we talked to both mine and Florian's parents. They were all glad that we were with each other. I had come out to my mom and dad shortly after Florian and I shared our first kisses after meeting. I figured they would be supportive, and they absolutely were.

My parents both said that they wondered a couple of times when I was 12, if I might be gay, and then as I got a little older they wondered. They said that something about me seemed unhappy even when I was with the girlfriends I had at the time. I was truly glad to have their support, and I was glad that Florian's parents were there to support us as well!

I thought about all that as I walked through the door of Florian's house. He was alone that day, as his parents were at work, and they said they'd be working until 6:00 P.M. that evening! We decided we would take advantage of that time alone. I knew what Florian was thinking, and once we were in his room, he was helping me off with my shirt, and I did the same for him.

"I'd like to get naked with you now," Florian said.

We had been taking things slow. That is to say that we would kiss, cuddle and hug. We also would rub each other's cloth-covered bulges from time to time, but we hadn't done anything sexual yet. I was really enjoying the kissing and cuddling we had been doing, and Florian wanted our first time of doing anything sexual to be one in which we would have a lot of time to enjoy sex together! I felt the same way, and now as we stood there totally naked facing each other, I figured that we were going to really have a good time that afternoon!

I took Florian in my arms once our boxers were off, and I could feel his hard cock lightly pressing against mine! It felt so good, and I loved how his stomach and chest felt pressed against my own! He was nice and warm against me, and I loved running my hands up and down his smooth silky back!

"You feel so warm against me!" Florian said. "I love your smooth skin!"

"I love how smooth you are as well!" I replied. "You have a really hot and sexy body!"

"So do you," he replied.

We got on the bed at that point, and after hugging and kissing for several minutes, I moved down to between Florian's legs, and for the first time ever, I lowered my mouth down on a boy's cock! It felt amazing, not just because of it being a boy's cock that was in my mouth, but also because it was the boy's cock who I was discovering that I loved with everything in me!

I sucked up and down his hard length, and I loved how warm and hard it was! His salty precum was really good as it flowed slowly into my mouth, then faster as I increased my speed!

"Oh fuck Tanner!" Florian yelled as he thrust his hips up and down struggling not to thrust deep into my throat. "That feels so good! It feels so amazing with my cock in your hot wet mouth like that!"

I continued sucking up and down on him as I caressed and brushed my finger tips all over his balls which increased the pleasure he was feeling!

"Fuck!" he screamed as I got him deep into my mouth so that now I was deep-throating him!

"Oh yeah!" he yelled! "I love how good the back of your throat feels wrapped around the head of my cock like that!"

It didn't take long before he was exploding in my mouth! He had just a couple of seconds to warn me, and he barely got out the words before the first shot filled my mouth! It was hot and creamy, as well as salty! I loved how it tasted, and I loved the other spurts he exploded into my mouth as well! I swallowed all of them, then licked the head of his penis, cleaning it off.

After slipping the head of his cock gently out of my mouth, I moved up and I expected he'd cuddle with me, but after a long deep kiss on the lips, he moved between my legs. I soon felt his amazing hot wet mouth on my own cock now, and it felt more incredible than anything I could have ever imagined!

No blow job from a girl ever felt that incredibly good, and I felt like I was in pure heaven! Florian repeated the same motions on my balls with his hands and finger tips as I had done to him, and I yelled how amazing it felt! He then deep-throated me after a couple of slow swallows, and I could have exploded right there with how fucking great it felt!

"Oh God that's so good!" I yelled! "You're really good at that Florian!"

He kept it up, and soon I was exploding in his mouth, and like with him earlier, I just barely got out the words before I filled his mouth with first one, then several more hot spurts of my cum!

After he licked me clean, we lay there kissing and caressing for a long while. Soon though we heard his parent's car door slam, and we got dressed then washed our mouths out with the mouthwash he had in his bathroom.

After making sure we were both cleaned up, we went out and greeted his parents, and spent a little time with them before I had to return home for the evening. It had been a really nice evening with Florian!



During that week after the trial, Kyle sat down with Chase, Jason and I. It was on Wednesday evening. Deon was at his house doing homework, but would be there a little later that evening to hang out for a bit.

As I sat there waiting for everyone else to come into the living room where we would be talking, I wondered what Kyle wanted to talk to us about. He came in at that point, and sat beside me. Jason was on my other side, and Chase was sitting across from us.

"Jason, Chase and I had been talking over the past couple of days," Kyle began. "I talked to Jason about it first, then we approached Chase about it. Jason and I really have come to think of you as a second son Omri."

I hadn't expected him to say that, and I felt deeply moved when he told me that!

"You're a really wonderful, kind and loving person Omri," Jason added. "I've really been enjoying getting to know you. I really love having you in my life, and I couldn't ever picture my life without you being in it."

"I feel the same way," Kyle said.

"I can see how much they truly do love you," Chase spoke up.

"That's really sweet of you guys to say," I said close to tears now. "I've started thinking of the two of you as my fathers, and I can't ever see my life without the two of you in it, same as with Chase."

"I'm really glad to hear you say that," Kyle replied.

"I feel the same way," Jason interjected.

"So, with that in mind," Kyle went on. "Jason and I along with Chase want to know if you'd like if Jason and I became your parents? It's completely up to you, and we wanted to see what you thought about that."

"If you need to take some time to think about it, we understand," Jason responded.

I began crying and reached for Kyle. He had his arms around me immediately, and I held him just as tightly.

"I'd love that so much!" I said through my tears! "I want you and Jason to be my parents! I love you guys so much, and that would be amazing to be with you guys as your son!"

"I'm so glad to hear you say that Omri!" Kyle said, crying himself now.

"I'm so glad you feel that way!" Jason said as we all three shared a hug. Chase hugged us as well, and we worked to get our emotions under control

"I don't think it'll take a long time to go through the process," Kyle said after we all sat back down again.

"We'll get started on it right away," Jason added.

"The only other thing would be to decide where you would live once the adoption goes through," Kyle said.

"This house is rather small Chase said.

"It's definitely a little smaller now that the two of us are staying here," Jason said smiling.

"Where ever you do live, Chase would still be allowed to be with you, and live with us," Kyle added. "That is if you wanted to Chase."

"I'd love that," Chase replied.

"What would you think of the two of you moving in with us?" Kyle asked.

"That's a good point," Jason said. "Our house is certainly big enough."

"That's true," Kyle answered.

"I think that could work," Chase said. "What would you think of that Omri?"

"I'd really love that!" I said smiling widely!

They had a really nice house, and I had been there a few times. It was really big with a large living room, and an equally large kitchen. It also had six bedrooms in addition to Kyle and Jason's primary suite in which they slept. Best of all, it was in the country with vast woods behind the house! It was truly peaceful there! I was glad that things were starting to move in what was looking to be a really wonderful direction for myself, as well as for the rest of my new family!

Author's Notes

I hope you guys really enjoyed this chapter. I figured that Omri could use some calm time, as well as the surprise that Kyle and Jason had for him. I had been thinking about whether or not Omri would actually get adopted by anyone, or if he would just have Chase as his guardian along with whoever Chase got as a boyfriend. In the end though, I wanted to see things change for him, and for both him and Chase to become part of a loving family. I hope you guys like how I arranged that in this chapter.

I also hope all of you liked seeing Tanner and Florian getting closer. They'll continue getting even closer as the story progresses, so keep an eye out for that as well. Having said all that, I hope you've all been having a good day. Everyone have a good evening, and I'll see you all in Chapter 22.

Next: Chapter 22

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